good guide to great coffee

Post on 20-Oct-2015






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© 2002 Gilkatho Pty Ltd

Good Guide to Great Coffee!

Gilkatho Pty Ltd,

Unit 9, 43 Lang Pde

Gilkatho Pty Ltd

© 2002 Gilkatho Pty Ltd

An Introduction To Coffee ............................................................................ 3 The History of Coffee What is Coffee? What is Caffeine? A Brief History Of Espresso Machines How do espresso machines work? What is Espresso?

The Coffee Process – From Crop to Cup..................................................... 7 Harvesting Processing Grading and Sorting Exporting and Storage Roasting Final Step – Brewing Espresso!

Tips and Tricks for Good Coffee ................................................................ 12 Storing Your Coffee The Cup And The Brewing Temperature The Water The Grind Sugar Miscellaneous

Making Great Coffee With An Espresso Machine ...................................... 15 Maintaining quality Making the great coffee Frothing Milk Various Hints and Tips

What Coffee Was That?............................................................................. 17 Cappuccino Macchiato Caffe Latte Ristretto Short Black Espresso Con Panna Hammerhead Melya

Hints For Jura Coffee Machine Owners ..................................................... 19


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An Introduction To Coffee

The History of Coffee

There are many legends about the discovery of coffee. One of the oldest tells of a young goatherd in Ethiopia in around 850 AD. He had noticed that after eating a certain kind of berry, his goats would become particularly lively. Monks then tried the fruit but were so disappointed by the bitter flavour that they threw it into the fire. Soon, a delicious aroma was wafting around their nostrils. The monks were curious and they used the roasted nuts to create a brew which they saw as a gift from God because it helped them stay awake half the night.

Another legend relates how the Archangel Gabriel brought a dish of dark elixir to the prophet Mohammed, who lay dying. He promptly arose, killed 40 warriors and then made love to a similar amount of women. A potent brew indeed! Thanks to the divine power it gave him, he went on to

An introduction to coffee

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create the great Islamic empire. In Arabia, coffee was soon known far and wide as the ‘wine of Islam’, first mentioned in a celebrated Arabic manuscript of 1587. Next time you’re enjoying your coffee, enjoy the fact that you are drinking history.

So what is the truth about coffee? Historians say coffee did indeed originate in the Kaffa mountains of Ethiopia. The first written record of coffee originates from 9th century Persian medical documents. Then in the 11th century, Avicenna, the famed doctor and philosopher wrote of its effects on the human digestive system. It was the Arabs who in the early 16th century first roasted the coffee bean and created the delicious dark beverage that is now enjoyed the world over. By the end of the 16th century, news of coffee had reached the trading centres of Italy. Full scale importing of coffee from north Africa began in the 1600s and by the end of that century Europeans managed to obtain coffee plants to grow themselves and break the Arab monopoly on the coffee trade.

In the late 18th century, the era of revolutions, coffee had become a great institution. Men gathered in cafés across Europe to discuss philosophy and plan the overthrow of tyranny! Meanwhile the popularity of coffee led to one of the darkest chapters in world history, the slave trade. The powers of Europe enslaved hundreds of thousands of Africans to work the coffee plantations of the new world and feed the new obsession for this most miraculous of drinks. This heritage still influences the world of coffee today, South America and the Caribbean produce some of the worlds best known coffee varieties.

Today, coffee is the most valuable agricultural resource on earth. That’s right, not wheat, coffee! The coffee trade is worth US$15 billion per year. Coffee is grown in 75 countries on 4 continents. 1.4 billion cups of coffee are drunk every day, and 2 out of 3 people in the world enjoy coffee. In some northern European countries the consumption figure tops 94%.

What is Coffee?

Coffee comes from the fruit of a bush that originated in Africa. While there are many species of coffee plant only two are grown for consumption, Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is the superior species. It provides a coffee of a finer taste and lower caffeine level and is therefore the most valuable. However it is also more difficult to cultivate, needing an altitude of at least 800 metres, an average temperature of 20 to 25 degrees C and fertile acid rich soils to truly flourish. The problematic nature of growing Arabica led to the cultivation of Robusta. This variety is much more resilient, being able


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to grow at sea level, in higher temperatures and poorer soils. The trade-off is that robusta has a coarser taste, higher caffeine levels and is worth much less than Arabica. Robusta is mainly used in instant coffees and blended with Arabica to form cheaper varieties of ground coffee. The best coffee is still Arabica, but Robusta has ensured coffee has become much more affordable and available than it would have been otherwise.

What is Caffeine?

This may seem like a ridiculous question but most people only know that caffeine is a chemical in coffee that gives you a lift. Caffeine is not as simple as it seems. Chemically it is an alkaloid stimulant naturally occurring in the coffee beans, which contain a rough average of about 4% caffeine in proportion to their weight. Strangely while caffeine stimulates your heart and lungs it actually relaxes your digestive system.

A Brief History Of Espresso Machines

The espresso machine produces the best coffee out of any other method, if you want to know about coffee’s history and origins then you should also know about the development on this important part of modern life. Like many great inventions in use today the story of espresso machines began early last century. They’ve certainly come a long way since the strange looking devices of yesteryear.

1901 Luigi Bezzera files a patent for a machine that contained a boiler and four "groups". Each group could take varying sized filters that contained the coffee. Boiling water and steam were forced through the coffee and into the cup. Ambrogio Fumagelli claims that this was the birth of espresso coffee.

1905 The Pavoni company begins manufacturing machines based on the Bezzera patent.

1927 First espresso machine installed in the USA. A "La Pavoni" machine at Regio's in New York. (It’s still there on display)

1938 Earlier espresso machines forced steam through the coffee, causing a burnt flavour. Cremonesi developed a piston pump that forced hot (but not boiling) water through the coffee. It is first installed at Achille Gaggia's coffee bar but World War II prevented further development at that time.

1946 Gaggia begins manufacturing a commercial piston machine. The


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resulting coffee has a layer of foam or crema.

1961 Faema launches a pump based machine. Instead of a hand operated piston the water is forced through the coffee by an electric pump. Water is taken from the fresh water supply and travels through a tube that is passed through the boiler and then through the coffee. This allows the water to be at the optimal temperature (~200F), filtered and not have to stay in the boiler for a long period. Almost all modern machines are essentially this design.

2001 Today, the major difference in espresso machines is that modern devices like the Jura range can do almost everything automatically and tell the user exactly what needs to be done manually.


How do espresso machines work?

Now you know the history of espresso machines, here’s a rundown on how they work. Water is heated under pressures of up to 220kpa (the same pressure as in a car tyre!) to a temperature of 90 degrees C. As the water travels through the machine to the filter unit, which contains the ground coffee, it cools by 5-8 degrees, reaching the optimum level for good coffee. Experts agree this machine makes excellent coffee if used correctly. (See Chapter 3 Tips and Tricks For Good Coffee)

What is Espresso?

So what exactly is espresso coffee? The following definition should give you some idea.

“… espresso is a colloidal dispersion produced by emulsifying the insoluble oils in ground coffee. These oils don't normally mix with water. Under intense pressure (9-10 bars) generated by commercial espresso machines, oils are extracted from ground coffee, formed into microscopic droplets, and suspended in liquid coffee concentrate. It is this emulsification of oils that distinguishes the espresso from strong coffee. It markedly alters the properties of the beverage in terms of its mouthfeel, density, viscosity, wetting power, and foam-forming ability. Volatile vapours produced during espresso extraction hold coffee's aroma and are captured in tiny bubbles of the crema. These aroma molecules, later released in the mouth as espresso is consumed, find their way to the nose through the pharynx. These oil droplets also attach themselves to the taste buds and slowly release volatile compounds until after the espresso is long gone.”

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The Coffee Process – From Crop to Cup

Be ready for a great journey. In this chapter you’ll learn how coffee is prepared, from when it is plucked from the bush to when its packed and ready for you to buy.


Harvesting coffee can be done manually or by machine. The most crude method is called stripping. Used in Brazil and Africa, everything is stripped from the branches by hand, which means that not only are the ripe coffee berries removed but also immature berries, leaves and twigs. This method guarantees a high yield and is fast and easy to do. But the coffee produced is very poor with under-ripe and over-ripe fruits often tainting the final product.

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Intermediate methods are better than stripping. The coffee bushes are either combed with a special tool that only removes ripe fruit or shaken with a special machine to make the fruit fall off the bush. However, when some leaves and twigs are removed the quality of the beans is by no means guaranteed.

The best method by far is picking, but this is also time consuming and delicate. Workers pluck ripe berries by hand, repeating the process up to 7 times a year as more fruit gradually ripens. This method is used in Central America and gives the best results by far.


After the coffee is harvested the bean must be extracted from its fleshy berry coating. There are two methods of obtaining the green bean, dry processing and wet processing. Each gives different final results.

In the wet processing method the berries are put to soak in water, only hours after harvesting. When the berries are softened the pulp around the beans is removed by a machine with special rotating disks. With most of the pulp gone the beans are again placed in water, healthy beans sink but diseased ones float and are skimmed off. The last remnants of pulp are removed by 12 to 48 hours of constant stirring after fermenting. Then the beans are washed again and dried, either mechanically or in the sun. The final result is smooth and mild, an excellent coffee. However this is offset by the cost and water consumption associated with the method. For this reason its use is mainly restricted to high grade arabicas and asian robustas.

Dry processing is the original and cheaper method and is used for most robustas and some low grade Arabicas. The harvested berries are spread out in the sun to dry. They are turned regularly to prevent the formation of mould and ensure even drying. After 15 days the pulp has dried leaving just a shell around the green bean which is easily removed. The resulting coffee is full bodied but lacks true flavour.

After the beans have been processed there is another optional step called polishing. The beans will still have a thin silvery skin if they were dry processed. This can be removed to reveal the smooth green bean. However this step is largely cosmetic and makes little difference to the final product.

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Grading and Sorting

After being processed, either wet or dry, and polished, green coffee beans must be carefully sorted and graded to ensure a clean high quality product. Today most of the sorting process is fully mechanized and comprises seven stages. First, the beans are vacuumed with a machine called a catador that removes any dirt and debris left after drying and hulling. Secondly, a magnet removes stray pieces of metal such as nails and wire. The beans are then placed on a series of wire screens to separate coffee beans of different sizes. The largest size being 18 and the smallest 8. This is important as the larger beans produce better quality coffee. Next air is blown over the beans to remove any last bits of dirt and dust. Then a colour sensing machine called a colorimeter detects any under-ripe beans. It does this by sorting out the paler ones. A similar device that uses UV light detects any rotten beans that are known as ‘stinkers’. Any beans that don’t pass the light tests are shot away by a quick burst of compressed air. And lastly the beans are sometimes examined by hand to remove any stray defective beans. The beans are now ready for packing and exporting, the next instalment in our series on coffee processing. With a process as complex as this its no wonder the coffee we drink today is of such high quality.

Exporting and Storage

The sorted green beans are stored for 2 months up to five years. They’re packed either in standard 60kg hessian sacks or otherwise in giant containers. Storage in sacks is more expensive, but if some beans begin to ferment only one sack is contaminated rather than an entire container. Even storage poses risks to good coffee. Excessive heat and humidity over long periods spoil the flavour.

Sea air at harbours can give coffee a salty taste, when this happens it is described as Rioed because Brazilian coffee is often affected in this way. Coffee beans can even have a banana flavour! If transported in banana boats the strong odour infuses its way into the beans. The coffee is then transported all over the world. All coffee producing nations, with the exception of Brazil, export the vast majority of the annual crop.

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The most important step in coffee production. Without roasting coffee would be a weak, excessively bitter infusion instead of the rich full flavoured brew we all know and love. Like most of the other steps of coffee production there is a traditional superior method that’s expensive and a modern method that’s cheaper but produces a lower quality product.

The traditional method guarantees quality and takes 15 to 23 minutes depending on how dark a roast is desired. The green beans are fed into a rotating drum and heated by a hot air generator. In the first ten minutes from when the beans reach 160 degrees C. The proteins and sugars react to form aromatic and coloured substances, this change is known as Maillard reactions. Some of these products break down as the beans become hotter and darker which is known as Strecker degradation and produces the roasted flavours. After a further ten minutes the water content and sugars disappear. The beans lose 20% of their weight but gain in volume by 60%. Gas released by the heat creates a crackling noise and master roasters can detect the degree of roast by this sound. The roasted beans are dropped onto a grille and quickly cooled by unheated air because otherwise they may actually ignite.

Industrial methods are quicker but produce a lower quality bean. In fluidised bed roasting the beans are blown around a cone shaped chamber by air currents heated to 800 degrees C for 4 to 10 minutes. This method doesn’t allow full flavour development but is sufficient for standard grade coffee. The second method is known as flash roasting and only requires 90 seconds at a constant temperature of 800 degrees C.

After roasting the beans are placed in silos for 1 or 2 days to allow excess gases to bleed off. Then all that is left is for the beans to be either packaged whole, or pre-ground and ready to make your favourite type of coffee.

Final Step – Brewing Espresso!

There are many ways to prepare a cup of hot delicious coffee. (See Chapter 1- ‘The History of Espresso Machines) The earliest kind of coffee maker was the Turkish coffee pot which was simply a tall thin saucepan with a spout for pouring. Finely ground coffee was boiled several times becoming strong with good body and flavour. However before drinking, the grounds had to be allowed to settle and would form a layer at the bottom of the cup.

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The drip pot was invented in France in 1800. It consists of a double chambered china pot, with the chambers separated by a perforated section. Water was poured in top, trickled over the coffee grounds in top leaving the bottom full of coffee which was poured out through a spout. The filter let some grounds through and was very difficult to clean properly.

The Moka Express was invented in the 1950’s by the Italian company Bialetti. Water is boiled in the bottom chamber creating steam that forces water up over the grounds in the centre and into the chamber on top. The coffee it produces is said to be overextracted due to the very high temperature it is brewed at. And if the Moka is made of aluminium this tends to taint the coffee’s taste. Whatever the experts say, many people do like the Moka Express and it still sells strongly today.

The cafetierie or bodum is the plunger coffee maker that can be found in the home of almost all coffee lovers. Coarsely ground coffee is left to infuse for 3 minutes, the plunger then pushes the filter down, compressing the grounds at the bottom. When used properly this cheap, easy to use device produces excellent coffee.

The electric coffee filter is another common home and office option for coffee making. Water drips into the centre of the coffee and fails to contact all of the grounds. As a result it makes mild, bland coffee with a slightly acidic flavour. Its weaknesses are magnified by the fact that the coffee is then often allowed to rest for hours on a heating plate producing an unpleasant acrid flavour.

But the best method of all in terms of finished product is the modern espresso machine.

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Tips and Tricks for Good Coffee

The perfect cup of coffee is an elusive beast but with some of these tips and tricks you’ll be closer to producing the ultimate brew. Also take a look at the next chapter of this book for how to brew the perfect cup using an espresso machine.

Storing Your Coffee

A paper bag full of coffee looks great sitting next to a coffee machine but it’s a not a good way to store your coffee. Badly stored coffee will go off quickly, spoiling your enjoyment and wasting your money. The best way to store whole or ground beans is in an airtight glass jar. Air and moisture are the biggest causes of coffee spoilage and a glass jar protects from both. Glass is also handy because it won’t absorb the aroma of stored beans, ensuring that your coffee won’t be tainted by the aroma of a


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different variety of bean. Keep the jar in a cool dark place, sunlight affects coffee too. Also, don’t freeze your coffee. This will destroy important flavours and if the container sweats when taken out of the freezer this will expose the coffee to moisture.

When you purchase your coffee the type of packaging you buy it in goes a long way to ensuring freshness. The very best method is tinned coffee followed in descending order by soft vacuum packs, hard vacuum packs and lastly standard airtight pouches. But if you consume your coffee quickly, don’t worry about the more expensive options. Correct storage and packaging is a simple step to take towards attaining the perfect cup.

The Cup And The Brewing Temperature

Coffee is best ‘brewed’ between 86 – 94 degrees C. Any hotter and you will burn the coffee and produce a burnt taste in the final beverage. Any lower and most Australians will say it is too cold.

The maximum temperature is an adjustment of your coffee brewer. For Jura Impressa users, check that the ‘Temperature’ setting of each drink button is set to ‘high’.

Make sure you are using warmed cups. Use the cup warmer on top of your brewer or heat your cup with hot water before you make the coffee.

A cold porcelain cup will take 10-15 degrees C of temperature from the drink. Use thin cups to keep coffee hot. Thick cups absorb more heat, so delicate china is best to keep your cuppa piping hot. If using an auto-frothing attachment on your coffee maker, check that the milk flow is not too fast.

By adjusting the milk flow, you can adjust the temperature of the milk. The faster it flows, the lower the resulting temperature. Experiment with the flow rate. Remember that you do not want to boil the milk but it is sufficient to ‘heat’ the milk.

Above all, give yourself time to sit down and enjoy your finished drink.

The Water


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Good quality water is essential to the perfect coffee. Ideally you should use filtered water (see chapter on Jura Machines). Experts say you should go as far as using pure mineral water, but lets face it, that’s a very expensive option.

The Grind

The grind varies from coarse for a plunger to flour-like for Turkish coffee. Ensure the grind is even to ensure smooth water flow and pack it down well. Moisten the coffee with cold water first to bring out maximum flavour. At least 7g of coffee is needed for each 210ml of water. But note that too much coffee will make your drink more bitter and obviously too little gives a pale and tasteless result.


Connoisseurs say sugar masks the true taste of coffee, but most of us mere mortals enjoy a sweet drink. When using sugar avoid brown and coloured sugars. White sugar dissolves better and won’t destroy the ‘head’ on your espresso.


Serve coffee straight away, reheating gives coffee a nasty stale flavour. Keep your coffee machine clean, residues can taint an otherwise great drink (see chapter on Jura machines). Finally, choose a good brand of coffee, that is a freshly roasted, good quality Arabica. For example, anything in the Lazumba range.


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Making Great Coffee—The Traditional Way

A training guide for using an espresso machine to make the best coffee possible.

Maintaining quality

Clean the group handles of used coffee with hot water during the day. Back wash the machine with Espresso Cleaner at the end of every day. See your Cleaner Package for instructions. Soak the group handles once a week in warm water and Espresso Cleaner.

Making the great coffee

Great coffee is 80% passion, 20% science. Take pride in the enjoyment you will bring to yourself and others.

Remove the handle from machine and empty ‘puck’ into receptacle. Wash and then wipe the inside of the group handle to remove used coffee & water. Add the required dose of coffee (set at 7 grams per dose) Tamp the coffee powder to produce a cake, twist as you remove the handle. Too light and the water will flow too fast. Too hard and the coffee will be bitter. The level of tamping will determine the pour time, about 20-25 seconds for a single espresso. Wipe the rim of the handle of excess coffee. This gives a better pressure seal and preserves the group head seals.


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Frothing Milk

Fill the jug to the required amount using the freshest milk possible. ‘Heat’ the milk, don’t boil it. Boiling produces a burnt taste. Keep your hand on the metal milk jug to judge the temperature, its ready at the moment it becomes too hot to touch. Use cold milk, which allows time for the milk to ‘froth’ before it is fully heated. Warmed milk will not froth enough before it boils. Pour milk into cappuccinos in one action. Allow room in the jug for cold milk to expand and froth.

Various Hints and Tips

Check the pour time of an espresso is 20-25 seconds. Use a watch with a second hand to time this. Develop your tamp pressure to achieve this time. Keep the handles in the group heads when not in use. This keeps the metal handles warm.

Clean handles of used coffee with hot water before each preparation. This process will also pump fresh water of the right temperature into the group head.

For consistent quality, keep only enough ground coffee in the doser for the next half hour.

Ensure ground coffee completely covers the doser compartments.


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What Coffee Was That? Wondering what the café menu is on about or maybe you just want to try something new. Check out this list of some of the more well-known and well-loved types of coffee.


Cappuccino is known in Australia as equal parts espresso, steamed milk and froth. Many coffee shops will add more milk than this to produce larger takeaway cappuccinos. For a drink in the right proportion, stick to one third of each.


Cafe Macchiato is a shot of espresso (served in a demitasse cup) topped off with velvety smooth steamed milk. The ratio is about 80% coffee to 20% milk. Many Italians add a teaspoon of sugar. Put another way, this is a serving of espresso coffee with a small dollop of milky foam on top


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Caffe Latte

A Caffe Latte is a single shot of espresso with steamed milk. The milk is steamed, not frothed to produce a smooth texture. There is no frothed milk in this drink. A Caffe Latte should have approximately 120 –150 ml of milk in it. (Note: ordering a Latte in an Italian restaurant may get you a glass of milk so be sure to order Caffe latte.)


This very short and sweet coffee is a normal amount of ground espresso coffee that has been stopped short. Water quantity will be around 20-25 ml compared to a normal shot of espresso being 30ml. The taste will consist of the ‘sweetest’ coffee given that these are the sensations that are first extracted from coffee.

Short Black

Strictly speaking a short black is 30 mls of espresso coffee served in a demitasse cup. Many Australian establishments serve short black between 30 – 60 mls and it can be ordered as either ‘short black’ or ‘espresso’.

And now for some more unusual varieties…

Espresso Con Panna

This exotic sounding brew is a traditional Italian specialty. It’s simply a single shot of espresso with a dollop of whipped cream on top. Remember, always insist on real whipped cream, the artificial tinned product won’t work when used in coffee.


This brew definitely lives up to its name. To make a Hammerhead, draw a shot of espresso into a regular coffee cup and then top it up with drip coffee. This is guaranteed to give a powerful mid-afternoon lift. It’s the ultimate coffee for those who like their cuppa to be strong and black.

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Hints For Jura Coffee Machine Owners So you’re lucky enough to own a Jura machine. Or maybe you’re thinking of joining the Jura club. The following information proves just how easy it is to have café style coffee in your home or office.

Keeping prying fingers at bay.

You can do away with all of those helpful people in the office or venue who want to make ongoing adjustments to the coffee, water, temperature and other great settings that are possible on the Jura range of Automatic machines. On S & X series Jura machines (S90, S95, X90, X95, X100) you can now effectively ‘Lock’ the keypad from unintentional adjustment. Here’s how:

1. Turn the machine 'off' with its Power button but leave it plugged into the wall socket.

2. Simultaneously press and hold the 'P' and the '-' keys on the programming keypad. They are one on top of the other. Release when the machine beeps and the display will temporarily show 'STOP'.

3. The keypad functions are now locked. Turn back on and check that

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it is so. No programming function and no cleaning function.

To enable the keypad and allow the cleaning cycle and programming, once again turn off the machine but this time press and hold 'N' and '+' keys. The display will flash ‘OK’. Power back on and the keypad will work as normal.

Maintaining Your Machine

You’ll be pleased to know maintaining your machine is almost as easy as making coffee with it. Maintenance is very important for the upkeep of your fully automatic coffee and espresso machine.

It is necessary so that your machine stays in tip-top condition and works perfectly. Every Jura machine needs maintenance that not only keeps the machine running smoothly but also ensures continued quality in your favourite brew. Jura recommend that you have your machine overhauled every 3,000 to 5,000 brewing cycles (approx. 4,000 - 7,000 cups of coffee) or every 2 to 3 years in the event of less intensive use.

There is a visible counter on machines with text displays that tells you how many brew cycles have been completed. On all other machines simply calculate the number of cycles by counting how many cleaning tablets you’ve used. E-series machines will request a new tablet every 220 brew cycles and other machines without text displays request new cleaning tablets every 250 brew cycles.

You can carry out minor maintenance consisting of descaling, changing the water filter and cleaning your machine according to the instructions given on the display. But a full overhaul requires professional attention.

By contacting us at Gilkatho you’ll have the advantages of your machine being seen to by qualified Jura technicians who use sophisticated software to diagnose what kind of maintenance is required. Remember to budget about 3.5 cents per cup brewed for the maintenance costs and its always a good idea to hold on to the original packaging for your machine.

This will ensure maximum safety during transport. Lastly, even if your model goes out of production, Jura ensures spare parts will be available for at least seven years afterwards. Keep your machine in optimum condition and you’ll be able to make the perfect cup of coffee for years to come.

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The road to good coffee – filtered water

Filtering coffee water prior to brewing gives a better tasting coffee and reduces calcium deposits inside the coffee machine. Additionally the filter will largely remove chlorine residue and eliminate to a great extent harmful substances e.g. lead and other heavy metals. The Claris filter used in the Jura Impressa coffee machines consist of ion [organic] exchangers and activated charcoal. They generate a chemical reaction but do not contain chemical additives. The activated charcoal is made of organic material, mostly of wood or nutshells. This charcoal removes any flavour and odour reducing chlorine residue. The Claris water filter is designed to remove 75% of the carbon hardness, 85% of chlorine, 90% of the lead, 67% of the aluminum and 70% of lindane where present. Minerals and fluorides which are so important for good health are not filtered out.

To achieve this, the filter uses the professional ‘upstream’ method. In contrast to the principle of gravitation the water flows through the filter at a constant speed. The granules are whirled up and uniformly utilised. The upstream principle is applied industrially (e.g. in waterworks). In Claris this upstream principle has been miniaturised and has a patent pending.

Healthwise, there is a low risk of germ or bacterial growth inside the machine as the filtering material remains “under water” during its working life providing perpetually freshly filtered water. The small investment in water quality designed into every Jura coffee machine leaves you with fresh, clean water ready to enjoy the taste of your favourite coffee beans. Supplies of Claris water filters are available through Gilkatho.

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Decalcifying Process

The build-up of lime scale inside the internal pipes of your coffee machine can cause your water flow to completely block. That’s definitely not a good thing. To avoid this happening the Jura range of coffee makers include a reminder program to ensure you keep your system in good order. The frequency with which you need to ‘descale’ your coffee machine is determined by the hardness of the water you use. The harder the water – the more often you have to descale. To check the water hardness use the Aquadur strip that is included with the Jura purchase. The Jura descaling process takes about ½ hour to run and uses two tablets. These tablets are larger and different from the Jura cleaning tablets which are used to clean the brew chamber. If you are using a Claris water filter you do not need to run the descaling program. The Jura Impressa models allow you to preset the required frequency of descaling so the system will remind you when descaling is needed. In the city, this is generally every 300 litres of water used through the system. Descaling procedures are outlined in the Frequently Asked Questions—‘FAQs’ section of our website.

Warranty Issues

The Jura Impressa machines are covered by a 12 month manufacturers warranty which covers defects in manufacture and component failure. Ensuring good quality water and avoiding scale build up is out of the manufacturer’s control and not covered in the warranty.

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