ghana and beyond” - gp africa points: for the ministry of - wesleyan church, ghana 42 preaching...

Post on 21-Apr-2018






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The 4th Biennial District Conference of the Wesleyan Church Ghana, December 13-15, 2013, was an historical one as delegates responded with a standing, unanimous, enthusiastic “YES!”, to divide into three districts, Ghana South, Ghana North, and Burkina Faso Mission, then to form one National Wesleyan Church, Ghana.

Rev. Joe Ocran was elected the National Superintendent , with an overwhelming majority.

Rev. Kwame Frempong, new District

Superintendent Ghana South,

Rev. John Opoku, DS for the developing District, Ghana North.

Issah Osman is the missionary for Burkina Faso Mission District.

On the Saturday afternoon the Ghana National Conference celebrated the ordina-

tion of Rev. Isaac Quayson.

Rev. Issac’s ordination was significant as a high priority emphasized throughout is the encouragement of leadership development leading to more pastors being ordained. Your prayers for this are greatly welcomed.

“Ghana and Beyond” National Wesleyan Church, GHANA January, 2014

Rev. Joe & Jemima Ocran National Superintendent


For the ministry of - Wesleyan Church, Ghana

42 preaching points

Developing leaders

Discipling people

Burkina Faso Mission

Church plant in Ouagadougou,

Pastor Theopholis & family

satellite in Tinge

Church plant in, Bobo Djilaso

Missionary Issah Osmon

Jesus Film Partnership

Number one tool for evangelism in the world

Teams in South, North Ghana, Burkina Faso

PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Partner by giving for -

2013-2014 Wesleyan Church, Ghana ministry budget requires

total of $109,474.00

Scholarships for Pastoral training and education - $5000.00

Motorcycles for pastor’s travel

Micro-finance projects for church support

Supplying material for Spiritual Formation p.1

- give through your local church

- send donations to Canadian Wesleyan Missions P.O. Box 488

Brockville ON K6V 5V7

Greetings From Ghana:

I take this opportunity to thank our God for all his benefits and help to us during 2013. Again our sincere thanks and appreciation go to our partners, supporters who through prayers, finances and diverse ways have supported the Ghana Mission.

On behalf of the Wesleyan Church, Ghana, and my family, I pray you had a Merry Christmas and wish you all a Happy New Year filled with rich blessings

from God.

As we welcome 2014, I want you to pray along with us that our God will provide all our needs far beyond our wildest expectation.

We want to encourage you to continue with your prayers and financial giving, especially now as the Ghana ministry has expanded into three districts and our work load has increased.

As you sacrifice for God’s work in Ghana, may he open for you and your family new channels of blessing.

Some of you may know that while I was in Canada God moved in such a wonderful way to enable me to have surgery to remove nasal polyps. This is to tell you that I am breathing unhindered through my nose – Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! I am grateful to sister Hazel and her friends at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto and all who helped to make this possible.

BLESSINGS in 2014!

Your fellow workers

Joe and Jemima National Superintendent Wesleyan Church, Ghana

While Canada was in a deep-freeze…

The average temperature in Ghana, December 13-23, was +30C. My primary purpose for being there was to represent Central Canada at the 4th Biennial District Conference of the Wesleyan Church Ghana. Of course I also wanted first-hand experience of God’s great work through the church in that country. Believe me when I tell you I was not disappointed.

From the exciting worship atmosphere of conference we travelled North to visit villages where the Wesleyan Church is working, crossed the border into Burkina Faso and ended up Christmas Sunday worshipping and ministering with the people in Ouagadougou. But the highlight of my trip, and really what this work is all about, was the joy of seeing the power of Christ transform the life of a young man.

We entered the town of Yendi, riding in the white mission van, and waiting at the side of the road was Philip, the church leader in Kantiguli. It seemed a mystery to me how they knew when the van would be arriving. Maybe it has something to do with everyone in Ghana being connected by cell phone. Philip directed us around the corner and up the road where Isaac, pastor in Yendi, was waiting for us. The obligatory VIP plastic chairs were arranged in a circle with a wooden bench and we sat to visit, encourage and pray. While we talked a young man came down the road on a motorcycle. We watched as he passed by the van, came around the other side and turned to look at us with a startled, astonished look coming over his face. He quickly braked, did a u-turn and parked his bike near us. Pastor Isaac got up to talk with him. In a couple of minutes he brought him to us and said, “This man wants to give his life to Jesus.” We quickly made a place for him to sit in our circle, shared the gospel with him and lead him in praying to receive Jesus as his Saviour. He told us he was involved in animal sacrifice to the gods and constantly lived in fear that if he didn’t sacrifice he would be killed. In the early morning, he related, he had a dream. An evil man was chasing him, wanting to kill him. As he was running away he saw, in his dream, a white van. He described the Wesleyan Church logo that he saw on the van in the dream. He saw a group of people sitting in a circle, and in that circle was a “white man”, and we were calling him to come to Jesus. “Then”, he said, “I woke up!” This “white man”, the only one there, had the joy of embracing that young man, and I welcomed him into the Family of God.

I used the phrase, “the power of Christ,” earlier. That is exactly what we witnessed at work, Jesus triumphant over evil, first in a young man’s dream, then before our eyes, transforming this man’s life. The old way of darkness and fear was changed to Light and Life in Christ Jesus.

Planting churches, yes, developing leaders, yes, the Wesleyan Church growing in Ghana and Burkina Faso, yes, but what really makes heaven rejoice is when one sinner repents. That’s why we are in Ghana.

Serving our Saviour

Larry Mack Ghana Representative for CCD, Wesleyan Church


churches, small groups,

are needed to commit to

financially support or increase your

support for the operations budget of the Ghana

Church. (see figures on page 1). Regular support has

dropped considerably over the past couple of years

making it difficult for the day to day needs of ministry

in the districts and churches.

We believe that our God will supply all of our needs

according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

However, Paul, in stating that was blessing the

Philippian church for receiving from them, “full

payment and even more.” (Phil. 4:18)

As you work on your budgets for the new year consider

the Philippian model as you include support for Ghana.

for Information

Contact: Larry Mack 613-839-3282 p.2

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