future generali hris assignment

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)


Human Resource

Information system

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

Raja Chaitanya Vikram. G


S.No Name Page no.

1 Description 3

2 HRIS practices in the organisation 4 to12

3 Group Analysis 13

4 The positives and negatives of the



5 Positive practices 13

6 Negative practices 13

7. Match & Mismatch between

theory and practice


8. Our recommendation 14

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

Organisation: Future Generali Insurance



Future Generali is a joint venture between the India-based Future Group and the Italy-

based Generali Group.

Future Generali is present in India in both the Life and Non-Life businesses as Future

Generali India Life Insurance Co. Ltd. and Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd.


Future Group, led by its founder and Group CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of

India’s leading business houses with multiple businesses spanning across the

consumption space. While retail forms the core business activity of Future Group,

group subsidiaries are present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, leisure and

entertainment, brand development, retail real estate development, retail media and



The Generali Group is a leading player in the global insurance and financial markets.

Established in Trieste in 1831, today the Group is one of Europe’s largest insurance

providers and the European biggest Life insurer. It is also one of the world’s top asset

managers with assets totalling more than € 400 billion. With an employed sales force

of more than 100,000 people serving 70 million clients in 68 countries, the Group

occupies a leadership position in Western Europe and an increasingly important place

in Eastern Europe and Asia.

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

HRIS practices in the organisation: From 2009 onwards Future Generali is using HRIS services

Details of Service provider:

The Service provider, for HRIS application used by the Future Generali, is


Adrenalin is a web-based Human Capital Alignment Software available on Microsoft

.Net and IBM Lotus platforms. It automates business-to-employees administrative and

strategic processes. It is workflow based and is accessible to every employee with self

service features.

HRIS – Adrenalin is continuously maintained by 3 dedicated persons in

Future Generali.

They are trying to improvise the existing and pipeline applications.

Key Modules of Adrenalin:

Performance Management

Training Management


Employee and Manager self-service

Absence/ Leave Management

HR Management

Shift Management

HR & Workgroup Reports/Analytics


Following processes are being performed by these Services:

1. Attendance management:

Maintaining information on whether an employee is Present / absent, the

number of Hours worked, OT done, etc is a hygiene requirement for an


Attendance Processing enables collection of - Swipes, Shift Assignments,

Leave, Holidays and Manual Update data - and prepares this information for

every employee accurately and in a hassle-free manner.

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

The processing can be scheduled at a specified time every day totally

eliminating you from doing any manual work in preparing the Muster.

The Attendance Information will contain data on the in time, Out Time, Hours

Worked, Late In and Early Out times, OT Hours and the Attendance Status of

the employee.

Attendance enables a number of processes to be automated. Some of these

are listed below:

Attendance Regularization request from employee with approval by his


Shift change request from employee with approval by Manager.

OT Approval request from employee with approval by his Manager.

Pre-OT and Post-OT Request by Manager on behalf of his Team Members.

OT Cancellation Request by employee with approval by his Manager.

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)


A common feature of most of these reports is the provision to filter the data based on

Employee Categories and Date Range. Apart from the filter, the reports have

provision to export the output into an Excel file.

Representative lists of these reports are given below.

Absenteeism Report

Annual Census Report

Attendance Muster Report

Days Worked Day wise / During Month / Year Report

Manual Swipe Entry Report

Day wise OT Hours Report

On Duty Report

Manager Self Service:

The Manager Self Service module enables a manager to

View the Attendance information of his team members

View the list of all team members who have swiped, thus eliminating a manual

count at the beginning of the Shift

Mark Attendance on behalf of team members

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

2. Leave Management:

FG group performing leave management by HRIS-Adrenalin in following ways.

Holiday Planning: Enables the employee to view leave balance under various eligible

heads, plan holiday

Leave Administration: The system enables the employees to regularise leave for

exceptions such as sickness or emergencies

Role-based Workflows: Allows different users, such as employees, managers, payroll

managers and HR administrators to be part of the application flow as per rules of the


Reporting: Offers useful reports such as the Punctuality Index for capturing and

analysing trends in leave and attendance of the employees, allowing managers to pro-

actively take steps to tackle any irregularities

Using Employees Leave Management employees can:

View time earned, time taken and remaining balance for each policy assigned.

Model balance as of a specific date to get a real time snap shot of balance


Enter and request time off.

Carryover accrued time.

View time off transaction history.

Using Employees Leave Management managers can:

Approve or reject employee requests for time off

View time earned, time taken and time remaining for each employee

Model an employee's balance as of a specific date

Enter and request time off on behalf of employees

Carryover accrued time on behalf of employees

Make adjustments to an employee's balance

View transaction history of employee leave requests

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

Using Employees Leave Management HR can:

Perform all of the functions that employees and managers can perform

Edit leave records

Delete leave records

Manage leave policy assignments

Edit the employee's service date

Assign leave policies during the hire process

Report on aggregate data for leave policies

3. Training Management:

FG Group using Adrenalin's Training Management module is a powerful solution

to maximise the benefits and effectiveness of training programs extended to

employees by creating customised training schedules that are directly aligned with

their requirements.

Training Management – Features:

Create training courses across locations and specific groups to build an annual

training calendar

Communicate schedule and full course details to employees and invite

nominations from employees, managers or HR

Assign trainers and venues and generate related correspondence

Conduct training courses, track attendance and record faculty and participant


Track under-subscribed courses and view course details for corrective action

Generate reports to track training costs

Post training feedback allows you to track the effectiveness of training

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

Adrenalin Training Management Features in FG Group:

Track Class Data – With a training management system, you should be able

to not only track information by employee by also information by classes

offered and a history of those classes. The data may include location,

instructor, an enrolled list, costs, grades, CEU’s, and/or credits received from

the class.

Employee Training Data – A training management system will offer far

more detail than simply when an employee took a class and when they are next

due. These systems will also include in the employee data all of the information

covered in the class data.

Job Requirements – A common ability of training management systems is

the ability to track training requirements by job title. For example, within

health care, nurses are required to maintain licenses and take certain training,

such as CPR, on a predetermined time table. When a nurse is hired and added

to the system, the training management system would display exactly what the

training requirements are for their job and the status of each requirement.

Training Management Reporting – As with all HRIS options and features,

they will have the ability to also report on the data contained within your

training database that may include the ability to run reports on the following:

Employee Training History

Employee Required Training and Status

Certifications due

Training cost per department, job title, or class

Employee Enrollment

Employee Training Program (CEU and Credit totals)

Employee class enrollment and class completion letters

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

4. eRecruitment:

FG Group introducing eRecruitment by using Adrenalin. It turns recruitment into a

faster, simpler, more effective process. It reduces costs drastically, as well as the

impact of employee turnover. Not only is recruitment across locations aligned with

organizational benchmarks, but right talent and positions requirement, their goals and

performances too can be standardized.

Applications of Adrenalin in FG Group:

Position Management allows you to structure your organisation.

Identify vacancies and map requirements by skill sets, experience etc.

Screen applicants by user friendly search criteria, identifying most capable

resources for key initiatives, evaluate and shortlist with online testing.

Track and record unique resumes across sources.

Interview process automation either through position based structured

interviews or ad hoc interviews.

Make offers to candidates after doing salary structuring.

Issue offers to candidates from the system.

5. HR Management:

FG Group HRIS-Adrenalin HR Management system makes routine HR administration

easy as a breeze. Day-to-day HR administration activities and events now get a

technology edge that makes information available on the go. Areas like HR Data

Maintenance can be automated with individual needs customised. With Adrenalin, HR

administrators can effectively manage tasks around the Employment Life Cycle.

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

HR Management - Features

Simplified employee joining & induction.

Employee confirmation with or without appraisal process.

Plan projects consistently across organisation.

Manage Clusters and Role Players within the organization from a central


Track Pay and Compensation details over time.

Protect organizational assets given to employees.

Employee Separation

6. HR & Workgroup Reports/Analytics:

Insights are key to taking business decisions, even in HR. Armed with information

and reports, planning and productivity go hand in hand when constant monitoring is

done. Alignment helps in being prepared and deliver exact business results, saving in

futile cost overruns in a big way.

HR & Workgroup Reports/Analytics - Features

Comprehensive set of built-in reports for line managers & HR skill manager


Report writing through our independent reporting tool - iReporter.

Export reports to Microsoft Excel

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

7. Payroll:

Adrenalin's payroll system helps to FG Group managers deliver error-free payroll

services month after month. With over 75 analytical reports and statements built in, a

Report Writer® that allows managers to draw up critical info, and a powerful Formula

Builder; payroll services can now consistently surpass expectations in the most

demanding business environments without the administrative hassle.

HR & Workgroup Reports/Analytics - Features

Flexible to create multi-company payrolls with unlimited number of


Have over 75 statements and reports for the company or the individual at your

fingertips, including group reports for branches, departments, and job


Calculate tax, gratuity, medical and tax credits.

Comprehensive set of IT, ESI, PF, Leave and miscellaneous statements.

Fully compliant with statutory and legal requirements.

Define formulas with Formula Builder for custom calculations, specifying

special conditions.

Some of the applications like Performance management, Employee & Manager

self service are in pipeline.

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

Group Analysis: The positives and negatives of the practice:

Positives of the practice:

Accessible to every employee with self service features

Automates routine HR and employee processes, allows managers and

employees to directly access key functional business processes, information

and business intelligence / reports

Maintains / manages HR data

Adrenalin helps organizations and business leaders maximize organizational

human performance and thereby deliver business growth.

Providing a platform for better business-to-employee communication thereby

paving the way for a transparent, positive organizational culture and higher

productivity levels amongst employees.

Acting in alignment of individual goals to organizational goals, providing for a

platform to agree on views and actions

Supporting informed decision making through analytics and reporting tools

that allow the Business Leaders and Managers to review performance and other

metrics related to their human capital.

Giving all employees single window web based to all their HR processes,

reducing time spent on administrative activities, significantly enhancing

individual and corporate productivity.

Relegating administrative efficiencies to the machines while creating a more

strategy focused HR Department.

Consolidating all employee information in one central repository precluding

the need for multiple employee data files maintained by individuals across the

HR department

Automating time-and error prone manual processes, achieving considerable

reduction in administrative time and cost and business process time.

Negatives of the practice:

This is the technical software application and hence employees need to be trained for

using these applications

Other than this there are no major disadvantages.

Human Resource Information System HRM-Assignment-2


XIMB-PGPBFS (2010-11)

Match between theory and practice:

1. HRIS systems are used for improving work place productivity.

2. HRIS systems used for recruitment and selection process by reducing the turn

around time.

3. HRIS learning portals are the sources of cost effective and flexible training


Mismatch between theory and practice:

HRIS is not used in succession planning in Future Generali. Whenever there is a need

for succession planning the HR will identify the resources without the aid of HRIS.

Our recommendation for making practice more effective: All the employees should be adequately trained all the HRIS tools & applications so

that the maximum work place productivity can be achieved through HRIS practices.


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