fundamental of nursing quiz

Post on 17-Oct-2015






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Important MCQ for Nursing Fundamental


  • Fundamental of Nursing Quiz

    1. "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the

    absence of disease and infirmity. This was stated by

    A. United States Health Agency

    B. National Institute of Health

    C. National League for Nursing (NLN)

    D. World Health Organization

    2. The name of the nursing diagnosis is linked to the etiology with the phrase:

    A. as manifested by .

    B. related to

    C. "evidenced by"

    D. "due to"

    3. Priorities of Planning in Nursing Process is done by

    A. Information processing model

    B. Interpersonal theory

    C. Stages of illness model

    D. Maslows hierarchy of human needs

    4. When caring for a client with a femoral venous catheter, it is essential for the nurse to:

    A. irrigate the catheter with sterile saline solution to maintain patency.

    B. maintain sterile technique when working with the catheter.

    C. assess the pressure dressing frequently for bleeding.

    D. limit the mobility of the affected limb.

    5. Nursing Diagnosis Categories include all, except

    A. Actual

    B. Risk

  • C. Possible

    D. Syndrome

    E. Factual

    F. Wellness

    6. Which of the following nursing interventions would be most important for

    determining fluid balance in a client with end-stage renal failure?

    A. Monitor urine specific gravity

    B. Measure fluid intake and output

    C. Weigh daily

    D. Record frequency of bowel movements

    7. When recording blood pressure, the sounds which can be heard with a stethoscope

    placed over the artery is termed as:

    A. Wheeze

    B. Murmers

    C. Crackle sounds

    D. Korotkoff sounds

    8. A woman in labor is receiving an antibiotic. She suddenly complains of trouble

    breathing, weakness and nausea. The nurse should recognize that these signs are usually

    indicative of impending:

    A. Pulmonary egophony.

    B. Amniotic fluid embolism.

    C. Anaphylaxis.

    D. Bronchospasm.

    9. What is the term used for a high-pitched musical sound in clients during a respiratory


    A. Crowing

    B. Wheezing

  • C. Stridor

    D. Sigh

    10. "The goal of nursing is to put the patient in the best condition

    for nature to act upon him. This was stated by

    A. Henderson

    B. Jean Watson

    C. Marta Rogers

    D. Florence Nightingale

    11. "Nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to health and illness. This definition was given by

    A. American Nurses Association (ANA), 1995

    B. International Council of Nurses

    C. Florence Nightingale, 1858

    D. Indian Nursing Council, 1948

    12. According to Maslows hierarchy of human needs, the highest level is

    A. Physiologic needs

    B. Safety and security

    C. Belongingness and affection

    D. Esteem and self-respect

    E. Self-actualization

    13. What is the term used for normal respiratory rhythm and depth in a client?

    A. Eupnea

    B. Apnea

    C. Bradypnea

    D. Tachypnea

    14. Ccomprehensive, individualized care provided by the same nurse throughout the period

    of care refers to

  • A. Team nursing

    B. Primary nursing

    C. Home Health Nursing

    D. Critical Care Nursing

    15. Physical Signs indicative of poor nutrition are all, except

    A. Dental caries, mottled appearance (fluorosis), malpositioned

    B. Brittle, depigmented, easily plucked; thin and sparse hair

    C. Tongue - deep red in appearance; surface papillae present

    D. Spongy, bleed easily, marginal redness, recession gums

    E. Spoon-shaped, ridged, brittle nails

    16. A tendency to view ones own way of life as the most desirable, acceptable, or best and to

    act in a superior manner toward another culture is

    A. Ethnocentrism

    B. Cultural imposition

    C. Cultural taboos

    D. Acculturation

    17. Which of the following is NOT a concept related to transtheoretical model of behavior

    change developed by Prochaska and DiClemente?

    A. Precontemplation

    B. Contemplation

    C. Perceived benefit

    D. Perparation

    E. Maintenance

    18. Alarm, resistance, and exhaustion are concepts related to

    A. Health Belief Model

    B. Transtheoretical Model

  • C. Health Promotion Model

    D. General Adaptation Syndrome

    19. Which of the followiing ethical principles refers to the duty not to harm?

    A. Beneficience

    B. Nonmaleficence

    C. Fidelity

    D. Veracity

    20. The ethics theory that states moral standards or principles exist independently of the ends

    or consequences is the

    A. Transactional theory

    B. Deontological theory

    C. Utilitarian theory

    D. Adaptatin theory

    21. The concept of the greatest good for the greatest number is based on

    A. Utilitarianism theory

    B. Formalist theory

    C. Deontologic theory

    D. Transactional theory

    22. Skin breaks, abrasion, blister, or shallow crater, edema, and infection are

    characteristics of

    A. Stage I pressure ulcer

    B. Stage II pressure ulcer=

    C. Stage III pressure ulcer

    D. Stage IV pressure ulcer

    23. Lactated Ringers solution is contraindicated in

    A. Hypovolemia

  • B. Burns

    C. Lactic acidosis

    D. Fluid lost as bile or diarrhea

    24. A circumscribed raised lesion that contains pus which may be formed as a result of

    purulent changes in a vesicle is

    A. Maculae

    B. Papule

    C. Nodule

    D. Pustule

    E. Plaque

    25. Which of the following is considered as an indication for administering serum albumin?

    A. Clotting of blood

    b. Formation of WBCs

    C. Formation of RBCs

    D. Maintanance of oncotic pressuer

    26. Which of the following intervention is NOT recommended in watery diarrhea?

    A. Intravenous Albumin

    B. Psyllium

    C. Potassium supplements

    D. Normal saline

    27. Anaphylactic reaction after administering penicillin indicates

    A. An acquired atopic sensitization

    B. Passive immunity to penicillin allergen

    C. Antibodies to penicillin developed after earlier use of the drug

    D. Developed potent bivalent antibodies when the IV administration was started

    28. Which of the following is considered as a example of intentional tort?

  • A. Malpractice

    B. Negligence

    C. Breach of duty

    D. False imprisonment

    29. Which of the following assessment finding is typical of extracellular fluid loss?

    A. Distended jugular veins

    B. Elevated hematocrit level

    C. Rapid thready pulse

    D. Increased serum sodium level

    30. Which of the following is the appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a

    terminal illness who is passing through the acceptance stage?

    A. Allowing the patient to cry

    B. Encouraging unrestricted visiting

    C. Explaining the patient what is being done

    D. Being around though not speaking

    31. The interpretation of the data collected about the patient represents the

    A. Assessment of the patient

    B. Health problems of the patient

    C. Proposed plan of care for the patient

    D. Nursing interventions done for the patient

    32. Which of the following assessment data is expected in a patient admitted with

    extracellular fluid excess?

    A. Elevated hematocrit level

    B. Rapid, thready pulse

    C. Distended jugular pressure

    D. Increased serum sodiu level

    33. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing action when caring a patient who has

  • a radium implant for cancer of cervix?

    A. Restrict the visitors to a 10-minute stay

    B. Store urine in a lead-lined container

    C. Wear a lead apron when giving care

    D. Avoid giving IM injections to gluteal region

    34. Which of the following situation is considered as an intentional tort?

    A. Nurse miscounts the gauze pads during a surgery

    B. Nurse divulges private information about the patient to media

    C. Nurse causes a burn when applying a warm soak to legs

    D. Nurse fails to monitor blood pressure when administering an antihypertensive drug

    35. Which of the following is a preparation of choice for a patient who has bee admitted in

    ED with an open contaminated injury and no recent history of tetanus immunization?

    A. DTP vaccine

    B. Tetanus toxoid

    C. Tetanus antitoxin

    D. Tetanus immunoglobulin

    36. What is the primary purpose of administering potassium chloride infusion to patient

    with diabetic ketoacidosis?

    A. Treatment of hypepnea

    B. Prevention of fluccid paralysis

    C. Replacement of excessive losses

    D. Treatment of cardiac arrythmias

    37. Which of the following clinical finding indicates the patient is experiencing


    A. Edema

    B. Muscle spasms

  • C. Kussaumal breathing

    D. Abdominal distention

    38. Which of the following nursing intervention takes priority in a patient who has

    undergone corrective surgery for laceration of the bladder?

    A. Turning frequently

    B. Raising side rails of the bed

    C. Providing range-of-motion exercises

    D. Massaging the back three times a day

    39. A nurse inadvertently infuses an IV solution containing potassium chloride too rapidly.

    Which of the following is an appropriate intervention advised by the physician?

    A. Rapid infusion of IV Ringer's solution

    B. Rapid infusion of IV NS 0.9%

    C. Insulin added to 10% dextrose in water solution

    D. Administration of albumin

    40. Which of the following principle guides nurses' priorities at a disaster caused by a

    collapsed building in an earthquake?

    A. Hemorrhage necessitates immediate care to save most lives

    B. Those requiring minimal care are treated first so that they can help others

    C. Those with head injuries are treated first so that their care more complex

    D. Children should get highest priority because they have the greatest life expectancy

    41. What is the maximum duration of time the nurse allows an IV bag of solution to infuse

    in to a patient?

    A. 6 hours

    B. 12 hours

    C. 18 hours

    D. 24 hours

    42. What is the priority nursing intervention for a patient during the immediate post-

  • operative period?

    A. Observing for hemorrhage

    B. Maintaining a patent airway

    C. Recording the intake and output

    D. Checking the vital signs every 15 minutes

    43. Which of the following is an expected reaction from a client who has just been told by

    the physician that his tumor is malignant and has metastasis in to several organs?

    A. Crying uncontrollably

    B. Criticizing medical care

    C. Refusing to visit visitors

    D. Asking for additional medical consultations

    44. Which of the following clinical findings is expected in a patient who has undergone

    gastric lavage and prolonged vomiting?

    A. Decreased serum pH

    B. Increased serum bicarbonate level

    C. Increased serum oxygen level

    D. Decreased serum osmotic level

    45. Which of the following is NOT considered as Metaparadigm of Nursing?

    A. Person

    B. Environment

    C. Health

    D. Diagnosis

    E. Nursing

    46. Which of the following is known to have a role in wound healing?

    A. Vitamin A

    B. Vitamin K

  • C. Vitamin C

    D. Vitamin B complex

    47. Due to release of adrenocortical steroids by stress in patients who have undergone

    extensive prolonged surgery are likely to develop depletion of

    A. Sodium

    B. Potassium

    C. Calcium

    D. Chloride

    48. A patient with albuminuria develops edema because of

    A. Fall in tissue hydrostatic pressure

    B. Rice in plasma hydrostatic pressure

    C. Fall in plasma colloid oncotic pressure

    D. Rise in tissue colloid osmotic pressure

    49. While a patient with ascites is recieveing albumin, the planned therpeutic effect will be

    greater if the nurse regulates the infusion to flow

    A. Slowly and restricts fluid intake

    B. Rapidly and withholds fluid intake

    C. Rapidly and encourages fluid intake

    D. Slowly and encourages liberal fluid intake

    50. Which of the following is considered as the most important aspect of hand washing?

    A. Soap

    B. Water

    C. Friction

    D. Time

    51. Which of the following nursing intervention is appropriate when an IV infusion


  • A. Elevate the site

    B. Discontinue the infusion

    C. Attempt to flush the tube

    D. Apply warm, mosit compress

    52. Which of the following condition has an increased risk of for developing hyperkalemia?

    A. Crohn's disease

    B. Cushing's disease

    C. Chronic heart failure

    D. End-stage renal disease

    53. Application of force to another person without lawful justification is

    A. Battery

    B. Negligence

    C. Tort

    D. Crime

    54. Which nursing intervention is appropriate to prevent pulmonary embolus in a patient

    who is prescribed bed rest?

    A. Limit the client's fluid intake

    B. Encourage deep breathing and coughing

    C. Use the knee gatch when the client is in bed

    D. Teach the patient to move legs in bed

    55. An ABG analysis report shows: pH - 7.20; PCO2 - 35mmHg; HCO3- -20mEq/L. These

    findings are suggestive of

    A. Metabolic acidosis

    B. Metabolic alkalosis

    C. Respiratory alkalosis

    D. Respiratory acidosis

  • 56. Clor coding for Nitrous oxide cylinder is:

    A. Black

    B. Blackwith white shoulders

    C. French blue

    D. Gray

    57. Match the following:

    a Body mass

    index 1.

    Height (cm)/Cube root of

    wt. (kg)

    b Ponderal index 2. Height (cm) minus 100

    c Broca index 3. Weight kg/height 2(m)

    d Corpulance

    index 4.

    Actual weight/Desirable


    a b c d

    A. 3 4 2 1

    B. 3 2 1 4

    C. 3 1 2 4

    D. 3 1 4 2

    58. Percentage of bilirubin production from old RBCs is:

    A. 20%

    B. 80%

    C. 100%

    D. 40%

  • 59. Traetment of hypothermia by active core warming is done by all except:

    A. Airway rewarming

    B. Extracorporeal rewarming

    C. Passive external rewarming

    D. Both A and B

    60. Which is not seen in hyperventilaton?

    A. Seizures

    B. Alkalosis

    C. Hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia

    D. Hypocalcemia and hyper phosphatemia

    61. In brain death all are seen except:

    A. Diabetes incipidus

    B. Apnea

    C. Constricted pupils

    D. Pulse rate unresponsive to atropine

    62. Most accurate, inexpensive, noninvasive test for helicobacter pylori is:

    A. Stool antigen test

    B. Urea breath test

    C. Serology

    D. Biosy test

    Answer Key

    1. D 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. E

    6. C 7. 8. C 9. B 10. D

    11. A 12. E 13. A 14. B 15. C

    16. A 17.C 18. D 19.B 20. B

    21. A 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. D

  • 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. D

    31. B 32.C 33. A 34. B 35. D

    36. C 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. B

    41. D 42. B 43. D 44. B 45. D

    46. C 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. C

    51. B 52. D 53. A 54. D 55. A

    56. C 57. C 58. B 59. C 60. D

    61. C 62. B

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