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Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 1


ROCKHOUNDS — November 2018 —

From the Top of the Rock Pile by

Lee Adams — President

November is here. Time for field trips and getting ready for the show.

I've got a few field trip notices from other clubs I will share here in

the newsletter and at our next meeting November 5th.

The main focus of the November meeting will be on our show on Jan-

uary 18,19 & 20, 2019. For this show we are also hosting the South Central Federation annual meeting,

so there will be additional requirements (challenges) for us to meet.

The lazy man's rock hunt at Lynn Post's and our place went very well. Both Lynn and myself were very

happy with the results. We were extremely pleased with the attendance of folks from outside our club.

Several people attended who had almost no experience with the rock world and came away having really

enjoyed seeing how jewelry making and rock polishing was done. Lynn and I were both very pleased

with the amount of participation from our own club.

Thank you and keep finding rocks.



Before marriage a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage the “y” becomes silent.

When sign makers go on strike is there anything on their signs?

If a parsley farmer is sued can they garnish his wages?

If a turtle doesn't have a shell is he homeless or naked?

Fredericksburg Rockhounds 50th Anniversary The hobby of rock hounding is so multi-faceted it has the interest of a wide span of people. As part of the

Fredericksburg Rockhounds Club’s 50th Anniversary, we are writing a series of biographies for some long

time (not old) members. It is our hope you will see the diversity of people that are interested in rock


This month we feature John & Carolyn Roup and Tom & Judy Carswell .

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 2

John & Carolyn Roup

John was born in 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Although John's family was not well off, he was

blessed with a loving family and a living environment that provided all the fun and opportunity a child

could ask for. Although he was stricken with Polio at age seven he recovered after five years of treat-

ment and was very active in all sorts of sports. He was considered the Half Ball champion in his neigh-

borhood. If you don't know what Half Ball is, you will have to ask John.

He graduated in an all-boys class of 800 from Northeast Catholic high school in Philadelphia. He studied

physics at LaSalle University in Philadelphia and graduated with a degree in Geology from Villanova

University in 1964.

Upon graduation he entered the US Army and was assigned to the Cold Regions Research and Engi-

neering Laboratory in Hanover, New Hampshire and the Naval Research Laboratory in Point Barrow,


Once his military assignment was completed he moved to Houston, Texas and started work as a field

Geologist for Amoco. After four years in the oil and gas business John entered a career in professional

recruiting; a career that lasted 38 years until his retirement in 2008 as President of the recruiting divi-

sion of Aker Solutions, the second largest engineering firm in Europe. During that period of time John

had many interesting assignments with companies that included Saudi Aramco, Bayway Refining Com-

pany, TransTexas Gas Corporation and Fluor Daniel. At Fluor Daniel John was responsible for over

1,300 employees.

During a slow period in the oil and gas industry John accepted a position as Architectural Representa-

tive for the state of Texas from the Koppers Company in Pittsburgh, Pa. John was considered an expert

in fire retardant materials and helped build commercial projects all over Texas including the nuclear

facility in Bay city, Texas.

John was always interested in rocks and minerals. He joined the Fredericksburg Rockhounds in 2008

soon after moving from Houston to Kerrville, Texas. His main interest is mineralogy and how minerals

are formed.

John met his wife Carolyn in Houston, Texas and they were married in 1969. He always felt it was a

match made in heaven. John and Carolyn have two daughters. Cynthia is single, lives in Kerrville and

teaches special education students at Tivy high school in Kerrville. Alisa lives in Dublin, Ireland with

her husband who is the International Manager for Liferay, a California high tech company.

John has served as the Fredericksburg Rockhounds treasurer for the past six years. John has enjoyed

the friendship of all the Rockhound members and attending various mineral shows.

Carolyn is a Louisiana girl. Her family is from New Orleans. She has fond memories of living along a

shell covered street, in a house her grandpa built; crabbing off rickety piers; fishing for speckled trout;

and spending the night with family in a camp on pilings in Lake Pontchartrain. Mardi Gras found her

dressed in costumes sewn by her mother. Monday was wash day and always meant red beans & rice for

supper. Her favorite New Orleans po-boy was roast beef, dripping with brown gravy, on real New Orle-

ans French bread. She remembers church picnics in Audubon Park, rides on the streetcars and visiting

relatives in Plaquemines parish where the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf.

A move to Monroe, in Northeast Louisiana, was like moving to a different country. While crawfishing in

ditches along country roads, her daddy explained to people in north Louisiana what people in south Lou-

isiana eat! There was even an article with photos in the Monroe newspaper telling how her daddy intro-

duced crawfish to north Louisiana. Carolyn learned how to drive a car on a dirt road through a cotton

— A Biography —

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 3

field and watched crop dusters pull up quickly to avoid coming through the kitchen window. Her school

years were full of fun times & her best friend is still someone from her second-grade class. She graduat-

ed in a class of 27 from St. Matthew High School.

In 1960 Carolyn came to Houston for college and obtained a BA in Medical Technology. She worked in

hospital Microbiology labs until her first daughter was born. She was then fortunate to be able to be a

stay at home mom to her two daughters.

On their gold panning honeymoon to New Hampshire & Vermont, Carolyn picked up John's 35 mm cam-

era and has never put it down. Photography has become a passion. At one time, five Houston shops sold

her Texas landscape photos. She progressed to become a Professional Photographer and opened her own

Wedding, Portrait & Commercial photography business. She has won various awards for her photog-

raphy thru the years.

Since moving to Kerrville, she enjoys many other interests, including gardening, traveling and partici-

pating in church & neighborhood activities. Her latest pursuit is loom weaving. She recently won 1st and

3rd place awards for her hand-woven wall art in a juried show at the Kerr Arts and Cultural Center. Life

in Kerrville is great. What better way to spend your time than photographing hummingbirds and butter-

flies that visit flowers which you have planted in your garden!

Tom & Judy Carswell — A Biography —

Tom was born in Houston, Texas in January 1941. His father went to war in 1944 and Tom's first

memory was of driving, on a cold night, to give away his dog. Tom and his mother lived with his grand-

parents in an oilfield pipe yard until the end of the war. When Tom's father returned after the end of

WWII the family bought a house and Tom started the first grade. Tom never had much contact with oth-

er kids until he started school and had no idea what he was doing in school when he could have been out


Tom attended San Jacinto High School in downtown Houston which required a very long bus ride every

day. A new high school, the Jesse H. Jones High School, was opened closer to Tom's home and he attend-

ed that school for his senior year and was one of 400 that graduated. Tom says he was lucky to have

been influenced by a high school teacher that recommended he attend the University of Texas in Austin

rather than a Houston college. Tom graduated from the University of Texas with a Bachelor of Science

Degree in Physics.

Tom interviewed and accepted a job with Philco which later became Ford Aerospace. Ford Aerospace

supported the Manned Space Flight Programs at the Johnson Spaceflight Center in Clearlake, Texas.

Tom's assignment started with the NASA remote sites around the world. Tom thought “what an oppor-

tunity for a country boy.” Tom then moved into engineering support to the implementation of the sys-

tems in the Mission Control Room. Tom worked at that job for 30 years and he says, “It was always very


During his working years, Tom spent his spare time fishing and building things. Tom and Judy had a

small ranch in Edna, Texas for about 10 years and a fishing place in Sargent, Texas on Caney Creek

which runs into East Matagorda Bay. That did not leave any spare time to join other activities until Tom

retired in 1998. He then took up golf which dominated his life for about 10 years.

Tom and Judy lived in the Houston area (Pearland) for 38 years before retiring and moving to Kerrville.

Tom and Judy have been married for 54 years. Tom thought that he had been married for a long time

when he was married for as long as he wasn't married. Little did he know. Now Tom can't remember not

being married.

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 4

Tom and Judy moved to Kerrville in 2006 and that is when they joined the Fredericksburg Rockhounds.

Tom had always been interested in geology since taking courses at the University of Texas. Tom and Ju-

dy also started RVing and have camped in all 49 contiguous states. They never miss an opportunity to

collect rocks and minerals. Their favorite areas to collect are New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Montana.

In the Fredericksburg Rockhounds, Tom has served as 1st and 2nd Vice President and has overseen the

silent auction with Judy at the Club's annual sale.

Tom's favorite rock hunting story comes from Judy and is repeated over and over. “Can you help me

with this rock? It is too big and heavy for me to pick up”. We then head home with a much-overloaded


Judy Carswell was born in Houston, Texas. Her family moved to Rosenburg, Texas when she was five.

Judy graduated from Lamar Consolidated High School in 1960. While in high school she played in the

band and was on the swim team. Judy went to the University of Texas where she played trombone in

the Longhorn Band. Judy graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics. Judy took geolo-

gy classes at the university and that was when she became interested in rocks. She also met Tom at the

University of Texas and they were married in 1964.

Tom and Judy's two children were born in 1969 and 1970. Judy stayed home with them until they start-

ed school. Their now grown daughter received a PHD from Northwestern University and works in the

biochemical area where she is trying to grow steaks in a bioreactor instead of on a cow. Their son gradu-

ated from Texas A & M and after a stint with Luby’s, started his own window cleaning company which

has turned out to be very successful. Tom and Judy also have two grandchildren.

Judy took two computer science classes at the University of Texas. That was the only computer classes

they offered in the early 60's. Judy taught math for two years and then went to work for Univac at the

Johnson Space Center in Houston. Judy worked there as a computer programmer for three years until

they landed a man on the moon. Judy then went to work as a math/computer science teacher at Pear-

land High School where she worked until her retirement in 1998.

Judy served as secretary of the Fredericksburg Rockhounds for four years and she and Tom have

worked the annual show and various capacities since they joined in 2006. Their travels have been a com-

bination of sightseeing and rock collecting. Judy likes big rocks that she can put in her flower beds. She

says, “The deer don't eat rocks, and no one has to water them while we are traveling.” Judy also likes to

run the rocks through a tumbler to bring out their beauty.

2019 Membership Dues It’s that time again, fellow Rockhounds!

As we approach the new year, we will begin taking dues for 2019 at the next monthly

meeting on November 5th, 2018. Despite the ever increasing prices of the world today, the

cost of membership remains unchanged. Yearly dues are as follows: $3 for junior mem-

bers (under 19 years), $8 for adult members (19 and over), and $15 for families.

As you renew your club membership, please take a moment to ensure your information is

up-to-date. As always, let us know if you need to make a change to anything.

Thank so very much for the supporting this little club of ours! If you have any questions

or concerns about your membership, please contact us. Our contact information can be

found on the last page of the newsletter.

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 5

50th Gem and Mineral Show

Over the past six year, I have found that talking about the show at our

January meeting is way too late to be of much help in getting the show

properly advertised; therefore, Lee and I have decided that a November

meeting would be much more helpful.

This year, I would like to get individuals to be responsible for advertising

in the towns and cities that surround Fredericksburg. Of course, everyone

can help with flyers, but one person will be responsible for getting the job


I will give each “point person” an outline of what needs to be done and

when it needs to happen. I will provide plenty of show flyers. Jim Gedeon

Show Chairman

Once I discuss the show, in general, the Carswell's will talk about the silent auction, and Virginia Adian

will report on the Federation meeting that will be held during the show. Susan Olsen will discuss the

dealer dinner.

I will have sign-up sheets for stage tables, outside space, and display case availability. We will also have

the regular sign-up sheets for greeters, set-up, tear-down, silent auction helpers, club table, and raffle

ticket sales.

Please plan on attending and volunteer to help


1. Contact local papers right after Christmas. Give them the show flyer and/or write-up. Ask

to run it for two weeks before the show if it's a weekly paper. We won't pay for the ad: It

has to be put in as a “free local interest event.”

2. Contact local radio stations (if applicable) to announce the show (by January 10, 2019).

3. Put flyers in all motels/hotels at least a week before the show (January 10, +/-).

4. RV parks, city halls, Visitor's Center, churches, and any stores or restaurants that will allow

you to.


The success of our show depends on your efforts to advertise it. Thanks so much for your help!


If you would like to help advertise for out 50th Anniversary Gem and Mineral Show, please use the Offi-

cial Advertising Helper below to get you started in the right direction.

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 6

Dear Fellow Rockhounds,

Waco Gem and Mineral would like to extend an invitation to you and your members to participate in our

annual show. Our 59th Annual Waco Gem and Mineral Show will be held on Saturday May 4, 2019 and

Sunday May 5, 2019. Our event this year was met with a huge response and we expect an even bigger

turnout in 2019!

Booth spaces are on a first come, first serve basis and we are expected to sell out quickly. Please take

this opportunity to secure your booth space now. We are offering a 10% discount for those that

sign up and pay in full until 12/30/18. Go to and select "Events" on the

menu. Select 59th Annual Show where all the information is available for downloading your application.

If you have any questions, please contact Alison Redding, WGM Show Chair at wacogemandmineral- As a vendor or a guest, we look forward to meeting you at our 59th Annual Waco Gem

and Mineral Show in May 2019!

—Alison Redding

WGM Show Chair

To be held at the

Extraco Events Center

Extraco Exhibits Building

4601 Bosque Blvd.

Waco, Texas

*If you would like to view the flyer for the Waco Gem and Mineral Show, please visit the Fredericks-

burg Rockhounds Website and find the listing for the Waco show under the News and Events page:

59th Annual Waco Gem and Mineral Show

SCFMS 2019 Advance Registration and Schedule

The annual SCFMS convention will take place in conjunction with the Fredericksburg Rockhounds 50th

Annual Gem & Mineral Show at the Pioneer Pavillion in the Ladybird Johnson Municipal Park in Fred-

ericksburg, Texas on the weekend of January 19-20, 2019. Those wishing to attend either the Breakfast

with Editors & Webmasters Event or the Awards Banquet Event may do so via the Advanced Registra-

tion Form on the SCFMS website located here:

Once there, click on the link titled — Advance Registration Form ( due December 15, 2018) and Schedule

— to download a Word.docx file that you may then fill out and submit following the instructions within

the file.

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 7

Upcoming Field Trips

These trips are near Dallas, TX, both on the same day:

Trip 1 — First sign up first to get on the list. Only a limited number of spots available for this trip.

The trip is to Midlothian, TX to collect fossils, pyrite, calcite, septarian nodules and more. December

1st 8am to 12 noon. Cost: Free. Contact to sign up.

Trip 2 — Post Oak Creek, Sherman, TX — 2pm to Dark. December 1st. Looking for marine fossils and

shark's teeth, bones, bottles, calcite and arrow heads. Contact the e-mail address above to sign up.

Cost: Free.

A different group of field trips: Contact Teri All hunts are near Alpine, TX.

The Good News is.... Here's the schedule through January 2019!

Here is the schedule for November, 2018 through January, 2019:

Date Time Trip Location Leader

Thursday, 11/8 9:00 a.m. Ritchie Ranch $10 entrance fee plus $1/lb

Friday, 11/9 8:00 a.m. East Needle Peak $40 per person

Saturday 11/10 8:00 a.m. South Larremore Ranch $50 per person

Sunday 11/11 8:00 a.m. Stillwell Ranch 50 cents per lb. of rock you take

Thursday 11/22 8:00 a.m. Stillwell Ranch 50 cents per lb. of rock you take

Friday 11/23 9:00 a.m. Ritchie Ranch $10 entrance fee plus $1/lb

Saturday, 11/24 8:00 a.m. East Needle Peak $40 per person

Sunday, 11/25 8:00 a.m. South Larremore Ranch $50 per person

Thursday, 12/13 8:00 a.m. South Larremore Ranch $50 per person

Friday, 12/14 8:00 a.m. East Needle Peak $40 per person

Saturday, 12/15 9:00 a.m. Ritchie Ranch $10 entrance fee plus $1/lb

Sunday, 12/16 8:00 a.m. East Needle Peak $40 per person

Thursday, 12/20 8:00 a.m. East Needle Peak $40 per person

Friday, 12/21 8:00 a.m. South Larremore Ranch $50 per person

Saturday, 12/22 8:00 a.m. Stillwell Ranch 50 cents per lb. of rock you take

Sunday, 12/23 9:00 a.m. Ritchie Ranch $10 entrance fee plus $1/lb

Thursday, 12/27 9:00 a.m. Ritchie Ranch $10 entrance fee plus $1/lb

Friday, 12/28 8:00 a.m. East Needle Peak $40 per person

Saturday, 12.29 8:00 a.m. South Larremore Ranch $50 per person

Sunday, 12/30 8:00 a.m. Stillwell Ranch 50 cents per lb. of rock you take

Thursday, 1/24/19 8:00 a.m. Stillwell Ranch 50 cents per lb. of rock you take

Friday, 1/25/19 9:00 a.m. Ritchie Ranch $10 entrance fee plus $1/lb

Saturday, 1/26/19 8:00 a.m. East Needle Peak $40 per person

Sunday, 1/27/19 8:00 a.m. South Larremore Ranch $50 per person

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 8

Fredericksburg Rockhounds Meeting Minutes — October 1st, 2018 —

Lee Adams opened the 7:00 PM meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Membership Committee:

Will be collecting dues at the next meeting November 5, 2018.

Program Chairman Patti Felts presented:

Mr. Ron Carman, who provided great examples of how the arrange a display case to be showed and

judged by the South Central Federation. Ron advised the rules for display cases are on the AFMS Web-


Historian Sara Verstuyft:

Sara brings the history book to every meeting, we hope you will stop by and look through it.

Field Trips:

This year, I have 4 ranches available for rockhunting. I'll be leading a set of 4-day weekends of rockhunt-

ing, with one of the four days on each ranch. I will change the order of the ranches for each weekend, so

that if you can only come on one day of the week, you can still get to each ranch.

As usual, all trips start in front of the Antelope Lodge, 2310 W. Highway 90, Alpine. To reserve your

place on a trip, email me at Payment for the trip is not due until the morn-

ing of the trip. All the ranches accept cash or check, and the Stillwell also accepts credit cards. At least

one person in your group needs to be a member of the Rollin' Rock Club to go on the trips. Cost is $10 per

year for a single membership and $16 for a dual membership, purchasable at the time of the trip.

If no one is signed up for a trip 48 hours before it starts it will be cancelled. Once cancelled, it can't be

“un-cancelled”. So be sure to sign up!

Since the Antelope Lodge has changed ownership, the prices have gone up somewhat, and the amenities

are different. But the reservation website name is the same,

As for the bad news, I'm sorry to report that another of the classic rockhunting locations, the Walker

Ranch, is permanently closed to rockhunters. It has been sold to the Wood family, who purchased the

Woodward Ranch several years ago. They had bad experiences with rockhunters after purchasing the

Woodward Ranch, and they do not care to open it up to us. Even the name “Walker Ranch” has disap-

peared: it's now part of the Wood ranch.

The winds of change are also blowing through my life since we sold the Antelope Lodge last December.

For a number of reasons, this will probably be the last year that I lead field trips for the full Fall-Winter-

Spring season. So if you've been waiting for a compelling reason to come out here, that's it. I don't know

what the schedule will look like for the 2019-2020, but my guess is that it will be compressed into a fair-

ly hectic month or two. I'll post the new developments in my life that have led to this decision on my

website or tell y'all when you're out here rockhunting.

I hope to see y'all this winter!



Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 9

Door Prizes:

Donor Door Prize

Lee Adams Onyx from Mexico and a fossil from Morocco

Ken DeVos Microcline from Inks lake, Burnet County, Tex-

Paula Mulford Two wire wrapped pendants

Alicia Martinez Fossils found at Medina River, Pipe Creek, Tex-as

Lynn Post Rock and Gem Magazine

Don Reinke Arizona Petrified Wood (green)

Frank Rowell Calcite Oatmeal Texas

Yvonne Starr Granite from Fredericksburg, Texas

A motion was made and approved to adjourn the meeting at 9pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Adams, Secretary

A field trip to Willow City Loop was discussed. A decision was reached to discontinue rock hunting at

that site through the deer hunting season which ends January 15, 2019.

Old Business:

A motion was approved to accept September 2018 minutes as they appeared in the newsletter.

The nominating chairperson, 2nd Vice President Patti Felts, announced the nomination for 1st Vice Presi-

dent is Steve Perez. The nomination for Treasurer is Jim Gedeon. A vote will be taken at the November

meeting for these positions. The nominations are still open if anyone else would like to compete for these


New Business:

Mr. Malcom Johnston, a past President of the Fredericksburg Rockhounds, has donated a faceting ma-

chine and some display cases to the club. Lee Adams is excepting closed bids for the items, Lee will not

be a bidder, and the proceeds will go to the club. The winners will be announced in November.


The club offers discount lessons in wire wrapping and cutting/polishing rocks. A sign-up sheet will be

passed around at the meeting.

Thanks to everyone that brought food. We had quite a feast.

Please put your name on personal dishes and silverware.

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 10

Future Meeting Programs November 5, 2018 — There is no program scheduled. The usual January discussion of the annual show has been moved to November, the month when the show planning truly happens.


January 7, 2019 — Larry Tillick, President of the San Antonio Geological Society, will give a slide presentation and show and tell covering a field trip to New Mexico and Arizona. (This is a result of our program swap with other clubs)

February 4, 2019 — Don Reinke, a member of the Fredericksburg Rockhounds and former employee of NASA, will be our guest speaker. He will give a presentation about meteorites.

Club Membership Forms Membership application forms for the Fredericksburg Rockhounds are now available to download and print from our website. Please open your web browsers and navigate to the new Resources Page located at this address:

Once there, simply click the link for the 2018 Membership Form to download or print a PDF copy.

This Month’s Events — October 2018

October 26-28, 2018 — GLEN ROSE, TEXAS: Show and sale; Dallas Paleontological Society; Som-ervell County Expo Center, 202 Bo Biggs Blvd., Apt. 10208; Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 9-5; free admission. Contact Mark Randall, 2200 Uecker Drive, Apt. 10208, Lewisville, TX 75067, (469) 371-5309; Email:; Website:

— November 2018

November 3-4, 2018 — ODESSA, TEXAS: Annual show; Midland Gem and Mineral Society Show; Ec-tor County Coliseum, 4201 Andrews Highway, Building D; Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5; Adults: $5; Children (6-18) $2; Children 5 and under Free admission. Contact Linda, (432) 242-7057; Email:

November 5, 2018 — FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS: This meeting will take place at 7pm on Monday, November 5th, at the Golden Hub Senior Center located at 1009 N Lincoln, Fredericksburg, Texas. See map on last page.

November 9-11, 2018 — HUMBLE, TEXAS: Annual show; Houston Gem and Mineral Society; Hum-ble Civic Center, 8233 Will Clayton Parkway; Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5; Adults, Seniors, Children, Scouts. Contact Scott Singleton, Show Chairman, 10805 Brooklet, Houston, TX 77099, (281) 530-0942; Email:; Website:

November 17-18, 2018 — MESQUITE, TEXAS: Annual show; Dallas Gem & Mineral Society; Rodeo Center Exhibition Hall, 1800 Rodeo Dr.; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; adults, seniors and students $8, family of 4 $20, children $4, Scouts in uniform free; door prizes, grand prize drawing, silent auction, fluorescent dis-play, kids’ area, demonstrations of wire wrapping, cabbing, knapping, gold panning, jewelry, slabs, rough, beads. Contact Diana Case, PO Box 550395, Dallas, TX 75355, (469) 688-4057; Email:; Website:

*For more events at later dates, or outside Texas, visit

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 11

The club will no longer mail out hard copies of the newsletter to members. Those who have provided the club with an email address will continue to receive notifications via email when the newsletter is published for viewing online.

Every online newsletter will now feature a link to a PDF version of itself in the section titled "Print or Save This Newsletter" where you can save or print your own copy.

If you need a hard copy of the newsletter each month and cannot access the online newsletters — — to print your own, then please let the president, Lee Adams, know. He will provide printed copies for those who need them at each monthly meeting.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.

— Josh and Melissa Hazer,

Newsletter Hard Copies & Mail-Outs

Happy Birthday! • Loren Fothergill — November 4

• Kathleen Holloway — November 6

• Jennifer Burkhart — November 9

• Donna Reinke — November 17

• Ken DeVos — November 30

—Please note: If we missed your birthday or have listed it incorrectly, please let us know so we can correct it!

October Birthstone & Flower

Topaz is the mineral fluoro-hydroxy silicate and is the hardest of all known silicate minerals. Topaz it-

self is colorless but impurities within can turn it into almost any color. Yellow or amber is most often as-

sociated with topaz. Interestingly, even though blue topaz is rare to find naturally (most for sale have

been treated to get the color) it is Imperial topaz (reddish orange with pink undertones) that is the most


The lone flower for the month of November is the chrysanthemum. It is a perennial and comes in a vari-

ety of colors. After they finish blooming in autumn, they can be mulched with straw to protect them from

inclement weather.

Topaz Chrysanthemum

Majoros, Martie. "November Birthstone: Color and Meaning." Yankee Publishing, Inc. n.d. October 17, 2018. "November Birth Flower." Yankee Publishing, Inc. n.d. October 17, 2018.

The October birthstone is the topaz; the flower is the chrysanthemum.

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 12

Purpose of the Fredericksburg Rockhounds:

To share knowledge and appreciation of gems, minerals,

fossils, and other natural wonders, and the art of jewelry

making. We do this through educational monthly meetings,

field trips, an annual gem, mineral, & fossil show, and do-

nations to schools. We’re affiliated with the American Fed-

eration of Mineral Societies, and the South Central Federa-

tion of Mineral Societies.

Membership and Meetings:

We meet at 7:00 P.M. on the first Monday of each month at the Golden Hub Senior Center, 1009 N Lin-

coln, Fredericksburg, Texas (except in June, when we have our annual picnic). See map, below.

Annual dues are $3 for juniors (under 19 years), $8 for individuals, and $15 for families; due in January.

Newsletter correspondence and newsletter advertising:

All other correspondence: Fredericksburg Rockhounds, 412 S. Adams St, Fredericksburg TX 78624

Visit our website at for more club info, field trip news, club photos,

resources, and previous newsletters.

Club Info

Your ad here for $25/year

For more information, please contact the newsletter editors by emailing us at:

Fredericksburg Rockhounds — November 2018 — Page 13

Articles for each month’s newsletter must be received by the 15th of the month.

Send them to your newsletter editor via email:

You may also use the form on our Contact Page to submit your articles:

A copy of the Club MEMBERSHIP LIST is available TO MEMBERS ONLY, via email (or paper mail if necessary). Contact Virginia Adian at or 830-755-6105

The Club CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS are posted on our website:

Newsletter Articles and Club Info

Monthly Meeting Map

Club Officers and Committee Chairs

Club Officers for 2018:

• President: Lee Adams – (830) 796-8890

• 1st Vice President: Tom Carswell – (830) 792-2160

• 2nd Vice President: Patti Felts – (325) 248-6040

• Past President: Andy Anderson – (830) 370-2177

• Treasurer: John Roup – (830) 896-4955

• Secretary: Judy Adams – (830) 796-8890

Committee Chairs:

• Programs: Patti Felts – (325) 247-6040

• Field Trips: Patti Felts – (325) 247-6040 and Sam Rodgers – (210) 240-7721

• Hospitality: Susan Olson – (830) 997-8516

• Membership: Brenda Smith – (830) 895-9630

• Historian: Sara Verstuyft – (830) 998-7350

• Media Equipment: John Crone – (830) 990-9823

• Annual Show: Jim Gedeon – (830) 456-5419

• Newsletter: Josh and Melissa Hazer

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