flores hernandez jose nehemias

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Escuela de Agricultura de Nor-oriente EANOR

Class: InglesTeacher: Oscar García


Flores Hernández José Nehemías5th P.A

Gruop 2 Practice 1

Llanos de la Fragua, Zacapa, 19 de Enero del 2015

Pala/ShovelI use a shovel in the school

Azadón/HoeIn the school there are a lot of hoes

Maiz/CornWe use the corn to eat

Piocha/Pikache The pikache is a agricol instrument

Suelo/SoilIn the soil we plant

Cultivo/CultivationIn the school there is a melón cultivation

Botanica/Botanica I learn the botánica curse in the school

Vegetal/Vegetable I like the vegetables

Fruta/fruitYou like the fruit

Flor/FlowerThe plant have a lot of flowers

Planta/PlantThe plant es Green

Semillero/SeedbedI make a seedbed

Invernadero/GreenhouseUnder the greenhouse there is tomato

Riego/IrrigationIn the cultivate there is irrigation

Surco/Groove In the ground there are 100 grooves

Hectarea/HectareThe ground have 8 hectares

Zanahoria/CarrotThe carrot is color orange

Tomate/TomatoThe tomato is big

Plaga/PlagueThe plague is bad

Insecto/Insect The insect is little

Hidroponia/HidroponicsThe hidroponics is a cultivate tecnic

Fertilizante/Fertilizer The fertilizer is expensive

Sombrero/HatMy hat is colombian

Tractor/Tractor The tractor es Jhone Deere

Rastra/DredgeThe dredge is an agricultor implement

Arado/PlowThe plow is an agricultor implement

Semilla/SeedThe seed is little

Arbol/TreeThat is a mango’s tree

Manguera de riego/Irrigation hoseIn the ground there is irrigation hose

Melon/MelonThe melón is delicious

Sandia/WatermelonThe watermelon is big

Carreta/CartThe cart is old

Polen/PollenThe flower there are a lot of pollen

Area forestal/Forest áreaIn the school there is a forest área

Aspersor/SprinklerThe sprinkler is to irrigate

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