facebook updates and changes

Post on 11-May-2015






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All of the Updates and Changes announced by Facebook in the last few months.


Facebook Updates & Changes

Laura M. DonovanVice President Social Media Services

www.The Word Pro.comLaura@TheWordPro.com

Cover Photo Changes

Possibly the most exciting change for Business Page Admins is the change in Cover Photo Guidelines.Cover Photos may now include contact information, calls-to-action and special offers, once prohibitedBusinesses may now use this area to communicate all of this information. The only rule that applies Is Cover Photos may not contain more than 20% Text.

In order to verify your Cover Photo meets the new 20% rule website www. Cover Photo.Paavo.ch provides a tool to upload your current Cover Photo to determine the percentage of text. Test your Cover Photo HERE.

Threaded Comments

Facebook is currently rolling out threaded comments on Business Pages. This feature allows Businesses to reply directly to a specific comment left on an update. This feature makes it easier for Businesses to respond directly to Friends.

In addition, Facebook will be measuring the positive and negative responses/signals and will then personalize how comments will appear.

Sponsored Stories & Promoted Posts

Sponsored Stories are based on User/Friend activity. Advertisers pay to highlight an action on Facebook or in an App. That action is then shown to that User’s Friend Network – it reaches others who may not be connected to your Page but are connected to one of your Friends.

Promoted Posts are ads that started as a Status Update on the Business Page, Admins can pay to have those posts be promoted outside of their Network. Anyone could see the Post.

Enlarged News Feed

Facebook Updates that contain links will now appear nearly three times larger in the Users’ News Feeds.

This change aims to help page owners and advertisers who want to increase engagement, leading users to click more of the links that their friends share. (Inside Facebook)

Mobile Changes

iPhone Messenger App

Those who have the Facebook App on their iPhones can now call Facebook Friends for free. This new feature allows Facebook Messenger App users to call their friends using their data connection or Wi-Fi.

Mobile App –ALL

Facebook Users with the mobile app on their phones can now change their Cover Photos on their devices.

Currently this is an option for Personal Profiles only (hopefully will extend to Business Pages soon!)

Facebook & Bing

Microsoft revealed an update to its Search Engine that adds five times more content from Facebook Friends. To see how it works, go to Bing.com, click Connect to Facebook in the upper right corner, sign in to the social network, and start searching.

This takes Social Networking to a new level outside of the “walls” of Facebook.

Based on your search term, input from Friends who are connected to Business Pages or have made comments about the search term will appear on the right side of the page.

Personal Profile Timeline

Facebook is changing the Personal Profile again – launching a new “better organized” timeline.

For a full description of the changes see http://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-revamps-timeline-2013-3

Thanks to Mashable for the image - http://mashable.com/2013/02/28/facebook-nz-timeline/

Graph Search

One of the most changes to Facebook will be Graph Search. This is a new way to search within Facebook where people can search for and find anything ever posted by friends on Facebook, including Page likes, check-ins and photos.

This is a game-changer in the world of Social Media Marketing. While many of Facebook’s 1 Billion Users will search for social and fun activities, there will be a piece of the market that will boost Businesses on Facebook.

Facebook Users can find referrals for service businesses, products, restaurants, etc. and base their purchasing decisions on their Friends’ opinions.

Laura M. DonovanVice President of Social Media Services


www.Facebook.com/TheWordPro(630) 362-4538

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