facebook page management best practice

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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One of the biggest things you have to remember is that your content you post should be appreciated or of use to your readers. It doesn't matter if it’s a quote, a fact, an infographic, or whatever else - it needs to be useful to the people that are reading your posts on Facebook.


Facebook Page Management Best Practice

It used to be that when you had a business offline (before the age of the internet) everything you did; business cards, getting new clients, promoting your business was always really difficult and you had to work extra hard in order to get your business out there and get people's attention. These days though, you have somewhat of a cheat - you can do everything you used to do offline, online; its more streamlined, it’s easier, its quicker, and a lot of the times it’s also a much cheaper option. Facebook is one of those websites that was originally thought of as a novelty site - something that would fizzle out after a few years.

But, low and behold, Facebook has kept going and has continued to get stronger over the years. Now, the website has a lot of different features for businesses like you, including Fan Pages. Anyone can have a fan page, but chances are if you are a busy business person, you might not have a lot of time to be wasting doing ineffective strategies. Instead, you need to be doing strategies and managing your fan page so that you can get the most out of it. Below, you will find out the BEST practices for managing a Facebook fan page.

Post Engaging Content

One of the biggest things you have to remember is that your content you post should be appreciated or of use to your readers. It doesn't matter if it’s a quote, a fact, an infographic, or whatever else - it needs to be useful to the people that are reading your posts on Facebook. Also, make sure that you are relevant or you could get backlash for it. For instance, recently a lot of political stuff has been going on. Some people aren't too crazy about politics or they think it’s not something that should be shouted from the rooftops. Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods has started to post political opinions, news, and infographics. Reading through those comments you can clearly see that he is losing fans over this. It might seem crazy, but if you are falling too far off your niche and not posting posts about relevant topics to your business, you could end up turning off a lot of your fans. That's just one example too!

Use Images

Most people online these days are visualists. They like to read, but even more what catches their attention are images, infographics, and videos. In fact, over 76% of the people online today will click a link if it has an image attached to it, then if it does not. Make sure it’s still a relevant image though, but make sure it’s interesting, vivid colors, or that its relevant to your product or business i.e.; if you are a Chef and write cookbooks, post images that are of food either in your book or not. This will really get people's attention, especially when they are scrolling through their feed or your page and you have hundreds of different posts. The ones without images will get lost in the masses of posts, but the ones with big beautiful brightly colored pictures will stand out the most!

Best Time to Post

As an admin for your page, you have a whole slew of tools and data available to you and you can take a look at it whenever you want! One of the most important things is to see when your posts get

the most views or reads. It goes from day of the week, time of the day, and exactly which posts got the most views and/or engagement (likes, shares, comments, etc.). This is a vital part of your posts and when you should be posting so use it wisely. Every few months you should go back, look at your stats and see if the post times have changed or not. If they have changed, take a tally as to when the most popular day and time were to post and use that data for a while when it comes to posting.

Overall, managing a fan page is a pretty easy job, but if you want to spend time doing more important things or you are finding that managing the page has become overwhelming, it might be a good time to hire an SEO expert in NJ. These experts can essentially manage all of the different aspects when it comes to your fan page. From responding to comments and private messages to running Facebook ads, to even making posts on the page.

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