evaluation question 3

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Question 3:

◦ Introduction

◦ Online/self-distribution

◦ Film festivals

◦ Distribution companies

◦ Conclusion


Kristine Gulden AS Media 2013

My media product will be produced by my own production company Golden

Productions as I will take on the financial responsibility and support the

production of this product.

However, my film may benefit of being linked with a larger film company

through distribution to gain acknowledge during the public and receive

positive responses. There are several possible manners to distribute a film;

self-distribution, online, at film festivals and through a distribution company.


Kristine Gulden AS Media 2013

With the new and modern technology, there has developed an offer of being able to distribute a

film online. YouTube is an example on where small independent film productions can distribute

their films as it is easy, and has a big audience. Another opportunity is to distribute films through

the consistently growing Apple Store(Apple and IOS) and Play Store (Google and Android) to

reach out to consumers with modern technology tools such as smartphones, tablets and laptops

that is compatible with that software.

The positive side with distributing online is that it is possible to self-distribute one’s own

production with nearly no investors and still be seen by the public. On the downside, it is hard to

compete online as there are no limitations to the amount of other films that is also distributed

online and I cannot expect to gain anything else than attention if one has no big distribution

company to support my production and encourage the public to see my production.

Online/self distributionKristine Gulden AS Media 2013

Another possibility for distribution is at film festivals such as the British Urban Film

Festival and The End of The Pier International Film Festival as these take special

interest and are devoted to screen independent films and is held within the UK.

The benefit of screening my production in a film festival is that it exposes my film to an

audience and creates attention around it for possible film distribution companies that

might further be interested in distributing my film. However, the success one can have

through a film festival is limited if I cannot receive any attention of other distribution

companies that wants to further distribute the production to the rest of the public.

Film festivals

Kristine Gulden AS Media 2013

Lions Gate Entertainment is a large US based production and distribution company with many

sub-divisions. One of their sub-divisions, Lionsgate Films is the most successfully film distributor

that engages in distributing foreign independent films in 2012, making the company very

professional in its work that ensures a successful distribution of my production. In 2005 Lions

Gate Entertainment bought Red Bus Film Distribution that became Lionsgate UK, thus also

making the company more attractive as a potential distributor as it has a local (UK-based) sub-

division and office.

This is positive for my UK product as it allows easier communication and Lionsgate UK will also be

more familiar with the British public, which is the population they will distribute to, in order to

ensure an appealing distribution to my British target audience.

Distribution companies

Kristine Gulden AS Media 2013

To secure the biggest audience possible, I might try both online distribution and

screening in film festivals, but I would mostly focus on catching the attention of a large

distribution company such as Lionsgate Films because they are well established in the

industry of distributing independent films and will be aware of how to appeal to the

target audience in best possible way.

Kristine Gulden AS Media 2013

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