emarketing 2010 brochure

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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The brochure to eMarketing 2010 conference, researched and developed by Eye For Pharma


Pharma eMarketing summit

"Best Pharma Internet event in Europe, great location, perfect organisation"

Martin Hensen, UCB Germany

Use Social Media channels to enhance physician engagement and build patient trust

Re-focus your marketing mix to integrate best practice with innovation Mobile Marketing: The future in your hands

The regulatory horizon…expert insights to get ahead of the pack

Gold Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors

Engage Physicians and Consumers with Innovative eMarketing and Social Media Strategies

Engage Physicians and Consumers with Innovative eMarketing and Social Media Strategies

Benchmark your strategies against our

EXPERT SPEAKERS:Len StarnesHead of Digital Marketing & Sales, General Medicine Bayer Schering

Pete WestMarketing Director


Aaron UydessSenior Global Project Manager

Novo Nordisk

Tom Pryzgoda Director, International Marketing OperationsAbbot

Christoph FerseGlobal E-Marketing, Head of Innovation & Community ManagementBayer Schering

Garett DaltonGlobal Head, eMarketing

Ho�man-La Roche

5th Annual

Developed by:

Two Day Conference 3rd - 4th March, Hilton, Berlin

Save €600Register beforeDecember 11th

The Activation of Evidence

Silver Sponsors

1 / The Speakers 5 VP insights in addition to a host of expert speakers including 9 of top

10 big pharma. You will profit from their vision and take away powerful new strategies and solutions to give fresh impetus to the way you tackle the challenges you face.

2 / The Networking During the 12+ hours of dedicated networking, you’ll rub shoulders

with the sharpest minds in marketing. No other event can provide you with 2 days of business focused networking with some of the most influential people in your field.

3 / The Topics We have thoroughly researched this area in a bid to uncover the

hottest topics specific to people in your position. Senior marketing and brand executives from all top 20 pharma including AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Proctor & Gamble were consulted to ensure you get exactly what you’ve asked for. If you have any additional suggestions for the agenda we can hold a round table on the subject.

4 / The Case Studies Learn through a proven formulary of marketing examples, with

take away best practice techniques. No other event can deliver such knowledgeable insights and answers to key challenges you face.

Dear Colleague...

Very informative - and de�nitely an event I would participate in again

Mark Petersen, Boehringer Ingelheim

There was great buzz that was caused by great content. A lot of learning took place! Lawrence Sherman, Physicians Academy

The only meeting you need

Join our dedicated Linkedin Group at www.linkedin.comGroup Search: Pharma eMarketing

Since June 09 I’ve spoken to literally hundreds of your peers aboutthis. In every conversation the same issues, challenges and concernshave arisen.

This is your invitation to join pharma’s leading minds in eMarketing and online communication on March 3rd & 4th in Berlin. A meeting which will draw key decision makers from pharma to discuss the key challenges you face.

At the centre of this year’s meeting is the need to transform your business culture from being product-focused to customer-facing.

The summit has one goal - to o�er you a road map for e-channel success.

By learning from our expert speakers, case studies, and key opinionleader panel. In particular, Pete West’s keynote will o�er a step by step guide to implementing a regional platform that is being used across Europe. Turn to page 4 & 5 for more on this, and other presentations.

We will deliver an independent, unbiased platform where pharma, solution providers and stakeholders can meet, network and learn how as an industry we can drive e-marketing forward.

Best Regards,

Jon GwillimVP Europeeyeforpharma

P.S.Save €600, register before December 11th


Recent exhibition alongside an eyeforpharma conference

Visit the website www.eyeforpharma.com/emarketing for more information

Have you got something to say? Email Jonathan Gwillim at jgwillim@eyeforpharma.com to learn more about speaking opportunities

12+ Hours of Networking

Over 250 leaders and innovators in marketing will be in the same room as you and eager to exchange ideas and share experiences. The design of the event maximises networking time with over 12 hours applied over the 2 days. The highlight being the networking party after the close of business on Day One of the Summit, March the 3rd .

Enjoy a drink with the people who are pushing the boundaries to discovernew ways of improving marketing.

Maximise your time at the summit with pre-event networking

We know that only 2 days to meet the people you want in a conference will be pretty tough. That’s why every delegate will be able to network online, both pre and post event on the eNetworker – think of it as your very own LinkedIn! So what are you waiting for? Sign-up now and start meeting those people that can open your eyes to a new way of thinking!

Summit at a glance

// Regulatory overview, challenges and opportunities


Mobile Media & eCme


Physician Marketing

Day One


Speaker Training


Social media performance measurement


Interactive round table sessions

Day Two

World Class Speakers at a glanceAaron UydessSenior Global Project Manager Novo Nordisk

Jens KrauseeMarketing Manager, Novartis

Tom Pryzgoda Director of International Marketing Operations , Abbot

Heather SimmondsExecutive Director, ABPI

Christoph FerseGlobal E-Marketing, Head of Innovation & Community Management, Bayer Schering

Rupert WattsSenior Manager, eMarketing,Wyeth

Jens MonseesIndustry Head, Google

Meredith Abreu RessiVP Research, Manhattan Research

Wayne PageMD, Big Pink

Jody MyersDeputy Director, Global e-Marketing, Bayer

Pete WestMarketing Director, Wyeth

Len Starnes Head of Digital Marketing and Sales, Bayer Schering

Irina Osoyska e-marketing managerJanssen-Cilag

Duncan Arbour Senior Consultant, Blue Latitude

Lawrence Sherman CEO, Physicians Academy

Fonny Schenk MD, Across Health

Silja Chopuet CEO, Whydot.com

Kay WesleyDirector of Digital Media, Complete Medical Group

Carwyn JonesHead of Pharmaceutical sales and Marketing, Doctors.net.uk

Dr Mariann HardeySocial Media Expert

// Marketing mix and Analytics

Garett DaltonGlobal Head, eMarketing, Ho�man-La Roche

Bernie Ruszala General Manager of Ferring UK

Day One / Conference AgendaVisit the website www.eyeforpharma.com/emarketing for more information


SESSION ONE: Regulatory Review

Future for pharma and the changing landscape of legislation

Heather Simmonds, Executive Director, ABPI

See How Easily You Can Leverage Your Online Potential. A 7-Step Guide for E�cient Pharmaceutical Marketing

How to connect at the relevant moment of truth

The importance of e�cient and targeted communication for future growthWhat new technologies are in place to allow personal, one-on-one conversation with your target consumer and physician

Jens Monssees, Industry Head, Consumer Goods & Healthcare, Google



Closing the loop.Establish best practice methods with closed loop marketing. Essential tools all marketers must useDiscover where the true ROI lies.

Christoph Ferse, eMarketing Head, Bayer

Developing a regional e-marketing platform


Understand the importance for a regional e-marketing platform?


Lean the practical considerations when implementing this campaignDiscover where the ROI lies


Pete West, Marketing Director, Wyeth

It’s all in the mix: beyond gut feelUnderstand how YOUR customers (and customer segments) value key and emerging channels in marketing, sales, service & medical mix Discover how your COMPETITORS are leveraging the tried-and-tested as well as new channels? Do you know the opportunities they leave untapped? What is the relative spend you can & should allocate to NEW channels? Which channels should be toned down/weeded out?

Fonny Schenk, MD, Across Health

The True Web 2.0:  ”Service” as a brandIncreased competition makes it harder to distinguish actual products The true di�erentiators are those who add ”service” to the brand Customers demand easy access to information and support services but pharma has yet to develop a consistent approach

Aaron Uydess, eMarketing Manager, Novartis

The Analytical ChallengeIdentify what to measure and learn to apply the most appropriate methodology Learn to interpret your analytical output to enhance the accuracy of your message

Irina Osoyska, eMarketing Manager, Janssen-Cilag

E-Detailing, current trends and future developments

Best practice approach: On demand? What holds their attention? Do you o�er snippets of info or do you pitch in one hit through skype/video?

Wayne Page, MD, Big Pink

Learn about the latest applications available to pharma and where the ROI liesEstablish the importance of mobile mediaHear a 5 year case study on mobile applications and future developments

Mobile media: The past, present and future of mobile applications

Jody Myers, Deputy Director of eMarketing, Bayer

Discover how the true power of eCME has only recently been unlockedLearn about the latest devices and technologies.Hear the best approached for measurement of needs and outcomes

Best practices in eCME and technology-based CME from the point of needs assessments through outcomes evaluation

Lawrence Sherman, CEO, Physicians Academy

SESSION TWO: Marketing Mix & Analytics






Interactive WorkshopsLearn from some of the most advanced and innovative thinkers on e-communications in a serious 90 minute workshop. Visit www.eyeforpharma.com/emarketing to see the latest line up.








casestudyUnderstand the regulatory challenges and how

they in�uence your e-campaignHear the latest code updates and what this means to you How to avoid code breaches










SESSION THREE: Mobile Media & eCME



SESSION FOUR: Physician Marketing

The only eCRM presentation you will need to attend for successful physician marketing

Best practice examples of e�ective eRCMOpportunities and pitfalls with the reliance of for CRM Listen to a case study insight into the realistic returns available

Senior Level Pharma speaker TBC




Networking Drinks Party

Panel DiscussionHow should we overcome the regulators?

Len Starnes, Head of Digital Marketing and Sales, Bayer Schering. Other senior level pharma speakers TBC


The Networking Drinks Party at the end of Day One is your chance to catch up with old friends and network with the sharpest minds in Pharma eMarketing.


Day Two / Conference Agenda


SESSION FIVE: Social Media

Getting Social – How Europeans Connect Online for Health

Enterprise 2.0How to develop social media channels within the companyCan e�ective internal communication drive forward R&D in new development through the development of clear transparent channels?

Senior Level speaker TBCInteractive Workshops



Join our Linkedin Group at www.linkedin.com / Group Search: Pharma eMarketing

How are patients and caregivers connecting with each other through Web 2.0 applications like online patient communities, social networks, blogs, and wikis, and how can pharma brands become part of the conversation?In what ways are physicians sharing clinical information and treatment advice, and are there opportunities for pharma to take advantage of this trend?

Facing the change of the information �ow

Understand the risks within social media news reportingLearn a step by step guide for social media control. Who should we monitor and when?

Jens Krause, eMarketing Manager, Novartis




Ready for Health 2.0? Pro-active patients & practitioners

Patient information, health records & privacyissues it’s all online, are you?Understand what the true model of Health 2.0Time to change: User-Generated information & consumer choice

Dr Mariann Hardy, Social Media Expert



Develop trust through an online network of professionals

Understand the importance of allowing doctors control how and what they engage with online: the end of push marketingEstablish how trust from doctors drives behaviourLearn the key elements in creating a website for healthcare professionals

Carwyn Jones, Head of Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing, Doctors.net.uk



Joining the dots of social media, what image will be left?

YouTube, twitter, facebook, webpage, Wikipedia… how you should manage these channelsUnderstand how & why the pharma target audience uses social media. (ex. patients, physicians, journalists)Learn how to e�ectively interact and engage with these peopleBest and worst case examples of social media interaction

Silja Chaouqet, Owner and CEO, Whydot.com






How pharma needs to adapt its marketing communications to �ourish in the digital world

From selling products to delighting customersFrom mass marketing (deliverables) to personal interaction (relationships)From command and control to transparency and trustFrom key messages to scienti�c engagementFrom short-term launches to long-term valueFrom local autonomy to global collaboration

Kay Wesley, Digital Director, Complete Medical Group





Interactive Round Table DiscussionsBrain storm and discuss your key challenges and ideas on series of round table focus groups. Each table will have its own topic and expert. Challenge the speakers head to head.

Online engagement v representative calls - who wins?

How multi-wave online campaigns to doctors can workPrimary care access and the bene�ts of face to face interactionPush marketing v pull marketingMeasuring sales for online campaigns - the ultimate R.O.I

Bernie Ruszala, GM, Ferring UK





Innovation: Is the lack of innovation holding pharma back?

What does the connected patient look like?Understand the importance of mobile, gaming and other paths to biometric and behavioural measurementA new role for social networks?What the ‘connected patient’ means for payers, pharma and device manufacturers and the impact on the core industry business model.




Meredith Abreu Ressi, VP Research, Manhattan Research

Digital Marketing in a regulated world

Discover how to e�ectively communicate your message through the mine�eld of regulations Understanding how to leverage the social tools to build your brand without breaking the DTC rules Learning where the ROI lies on your eMarketing programs

Tom Pryzgoda, Director, International Marketing Operations, Abbott












Duncan Arbour, Senior Consultant, Blue Latitude

Don’t miss a singlepresentation!We know it will be difficult to see every single presentation so we will be videoing almost every single presentation. You don’t have to miss a thing!Simply purchase the Platinum Pass when you register and you’ll be given access to the Online Video Recording after the conference.

Check out the registration form opposite!

Business Opportunities For Solution Providers > Do you have something to o�er marketing executives

to help implement successful marketing strategies?

> Are you confident that you have the best solution on the market?

> Do you want to meet and do business with decision makers from pharma and biotech?

Then come to this event to strengthen current business relationships and build new ones!Maximise your return on investment at this industry-leading event by increasing your profile with our exciting range of sponsorship opportunities.

Just take a look at the agenda and you will see that we are totallycommitted to ensure a great ratio of buyers for our confirmed partnersto ensure that the integrity of your campaign is guaranteed. Put yourcompany in pole position to make the connections and clinch the deals you’re coming along to make.

For more information on the opportunities available, email Natasha at: ngodbold@eyeforpharma.com

Group DiscountsTake advantage of eyeforpharma’s unique team discounts.The more people you bring the more money your company savesand the more it gains in knowledge building.

Contact the eyeforpharma team on +44 (0) 20 7375 7576 or email register@eyeforpharma.com to make big savings!

Reserve your place today at www.eyeforpharma.com/emarketing

CALL +44 (0) 20 7375 7575


+44 (0) 20 7375 7576


register@eyeforpharma.com ONLINE www.eyeforpharma.com



Join our dedicated Linkedin Group at www.linkedin.comGroup Search: Pharma eMarketing

Organising for the “FUSION” future …

I am very pleased to be part of eyeforpharama’s 2010 eMarketing summit. Digital and e-CRM strategies are no longer a “nice to have”, but are fast becoming a critical component of the new commercial model in pharmaceuticals.

Clearly, according to a recent eMarketing survey Across Health has done in EMEA, a platform for change exists in pharma to increase digital budgets, at the expense of less-performing channels. However, it is certainly not a “burning” platform, but rather a “lukewarm” one.

But is pharma particularly slow vs other industries? Not necessarily so. Most marketers take several years to adjust their budgets to where their customers are spending their time – regardless of the industry. A recent Forrester report (North American Technographics Benchmark Survey 2009) mentions that while customers are spending 30+% of their time online, only 12% of budgets go to this channel, a modest 4% increase vs 2007.The same gap exists in pharma: prescribers spend up to 10x more time online for professional reasons than they do with pharma reps, and for consumers, the internet is the primary destination for health-related questions. So, there is a big opportunity to move “beyond presence” and about “getting online”.

Pharma needs to stop piloting isolated digital initiatives not integrated with day-to-day business and move to full-blown “fusion marketing”. Indeed, pharma needs to blend in online channels with their o�ine o�erings, thereby creating a more cost-e�ective and customer-centric integrated mix.

It is not about “digital OR traditional” but about “AND”, “TRUE INTEGRATION” ... in short, “FUSION” .... and tightly link these e�orts to the strategic imperative of the new business model in pharma.

Are you ready to welcome the coming wave of “digital native” patients and professionals to your digital world?

I look forward to seeing you on March the 3rd and 4th for what is always an inspiring thought provoking event.

Best Regards, Fonny Schenck, Managing Partner, Across Health

Staying in Berlin?You are encouraged to extend your stay in Berlin either before or after the summit, and you are more than welcome to bring a partner. We’ve negotiated special rates in the Hilton so why not treat yourselves.

For further information visitwww.eyeforpharma.com/emarketing/venue.shtml

TERMS & CONDITIONS Places are transferable without any charge. Cancellations before January 28th, 2010incur an administrative charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after January 28th, 2010 we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note – you must notify eyeforpharma in writing of a cancellation, or we will be obliged to charge

the full fee. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the programme without notice. All prices displayed are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated but, VAT will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. NB: FULL PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE EVENT

Three Simple Steps to Register Now!

FAX THIS FORM BACK TO +44 (0) 20 7375 7576

I enclose a cheque/draft for: (Payable to First Conferences Ltd)

Please invoice my company:

Purchase Order Number:

Please charge my credit card: Amex Visa Mastercard

Credit card number:

Expiry date: Security number:

Name on card:


Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr: First name: Last name:

Company: Position/Title:

Telephone: Fax: Email:

Address: Postcode: Country:

Platinum Pass>

Two day full access pass >

Access to all workshops >

Full event recording >

Exclusive eMarketing Report

Gold Pass> Two day full access pass > Access to all workshops > Full event recording

Silver Pass> Two day full access pass > Access to all workshops

Super Earlybird

PriceSave €600

Register by Dec 11th

Earlybird Price

Save €300Register by Jan 22nd












Platinum Pass>

Two day full access pass >

Full event recording >

Exclusive eMarketing Report

Gold Pass> Two day full access pass > Full event recording

Silver Pass> Two day full access pass

Super Earlybird

PriceSave €600

Register by Dec 11th

Earlybird Price

Save €300Register by Jan 22nd












Conference Recording €500Access to all the video footage and the presentations of the event online

Media Partners

A wide range of companies attended in 2009, here are just a few:

Schering PloughBoheringer IngelheimBoehringerNovo NordiskSano�-Aventis Bayer Healthcare Bayer- Schering Sano� Pasteur AstraZenecaAbbottBristol Myers Squibb NycomedP�zerAstellas Pharma MSDWyethRoche

CALL +44 (0) 20 7375 7575


+44 (0) 20 7375 7576


register@eyeforpharma.com ONLINE www.eyeforpharma.com



Meet 250 senior level marketing executivesBreakdown of last year’s attendees:

Head of eMarketing / eMarketing Director

Consultants / Press

eMarketing/Marketing Managers

Head of Marketing / Marketing Director

Brand / Product Managers & Directors


MerckUCB Pharma Google

Janssen-Cilag GlaxoSmithKline Across Health Big Pink New Media IMS Health Seven Four Pharma Antwerpes GrünenthalAgnitioRepublic M!Spirit LinkEPG Health Media

Antwerpes Ogilvy Healthworld Wacker Chemie Amgen Macter Pharmaceuticals OnMedica Doctors.net

Developed by:

Two Day Conference 3rd - 4th March, Hilton, Berlin

Pharma eMarketing summit

5th Annual

Use Social Media channels to enhance physician engagement and build patient trust

Re-focus your marketing mix to integrate best practice with innovation Mobile Marketing: The future in your hands

The regulatory horizon…expert insights to get ahead of the pack

Engage Physicians and Consumers with Innovative eMarketing and Social Media Strategies

Engage Physicians and Consumers with Innovative eMarketing and Social Media Strategies

Reasons to attend

Save €600Register beforeDecember 11th

Complete Medical Group

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