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Established: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established in


Membership: Eight states―Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan,

and Sri Lanka. Six observers—China, Japan, European Union, Republic of Korea, United States,


The idea of regional cooperation in South Asia was first raised in November 1980. After

consultations, the foreign secretaries of the seven founding countries—Bangladesh, Bhutan,

India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka—met for the first time in Colombo in April

1981. This was followed a few months later by a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, which

identified five broad areas for regional cooperation. The foreign ministers, at their first meeting

in New Delhi in August 1983, adopted the Declaration on South Asian Association for Regional

Cooperation (SAARC) and formally launched the Integrated Program of Action (IPA) in the five

agreed areas of cooperation: agriculture; rural development; telecommunications; meteorology;

and health and population activities. Later, transport; postal services; scientific and technological

cooperation; and sports, arts, and culture were added to the IPA. Afghanistan became the newest

member of SAARC at the 13th annual summit in 2005. China and Japan were granted observer

status at the same.

Purposes: The SAARC seeks to promote the welfare of the peoples of South Asia, strengthen

collective self-reliance, promote active collaboration and mutual assistance in various fields, and

cooperate with international and regional organizations.


Meetings of Heads of State or Government:

Meetings are held at the Summit level, usually on an annual basis. To date, 14 Summits have

convened: Dhaka (1985), Bangalore (1986), Kathmandu (1987), Islamabad (1988), Malé (1990),

Colombo (1991), Dhaka (1993), New Delhi (1995), Malé (1997), Colombo (1998), Kathmandu

(2002), Islamabad (2004), Dhaka (2005), and New Delhi (2007)

The Heads of State or Government during the Ninth SAARC Summit agreed that a process of

informal political consultations would prove useful in promoting peace, stability, amity, and

accelerated socio-economic cooperation in the region.

Council of Ministers:

The Council, comprising the Foreign Ministers of Member States, generally meets twice a year.

The Council may also meet in extraordinary circumstances by agreement of Member States.

Standing Committee of Foreign Secretaries:

The Committee provides overall monitoring and coordination, determines priorities, mobilizes

resources, and approves projects and financing. It may meet as often as deemed necessary but in

practice normally meets twice a year and submits its reports to the Council of Ministers. The

Standing Committee may also set up Action Committees comprising Member States concerned

with implementation of projects per Article VII of the Charter. The Standing Committee is

assisted by a Programming Committee, an ad hoc body, comprising senior officials, to scrutinize

the Secretariat Budget, finalize the Calendar of Activities, and take up any other matter assigned

to it by the Standing Committee. The Programming Committee also has been entrusted to

consider the reports of the Technical Committees and the SAARC Regional Centers and submit

its comments to the Standing Committee.


The SAARC Secretariat was established in Kathmandu on 16 January 1987. Its role is to

coordinate and monitor the implementation of SAARC activities, service the meetings of the

association and serve as the channel of communication between SAARC and other international


The Secretariat comprises the secretary-general, seven directors, and the general services staff.

The secretary-general is appointed by the Council of Ministers on the principle of rotation, for a

non-renewable tenure of three years.



The Fourteenth Summit, held on 3 — 4 April, welcomed the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as

a full fledged member of SAARC. China, Japan, European Union, Republic of Korea United

States of America, and Iran were welcomed as observers.

At the summit, the members also discussed implementation strategies of the SAARC

development fund, a SAARC food bank and the South Asia University.

The Heads of State or Government again underscored the importance of controlling terrorism in

the region, calling on deepened cooperation and improvements on implementing the SAARC

Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism and the Additional Protocol to the SAARC

Regional Convention. Member states continued to stress the importance of achieving a

Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.

The 15th Summit will be held in the Maldives in 2008.


In April, both the United States and the Democratic Republic of Korea made formal requests to

SAARC to be granted observer status. The European Union also expressed interest in receiving

observer status and is expected to make a formal request to the SAARC Council of Ministers at

its forthcoming meeting in July.

The first SAARC Conference of Home Ministers convened in Dhaka on 11 May. The agenda

was dominated by issues of terrorism and the trafficking of humans and drugs. Ministers adopted

a nine point resolution to fight terrorism and drug trafficking in the region by expediting the

existing SAARC mechanism and sharing information and experiences among member states.

They committed to strengthen cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and

the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Ministers discussed steps taken by member

countries to implement two SAARC conventions related to terrorism and drug abuse, as well as

methods to execute the Additional Protocol on the Financing of Terrorism. A proposal to

establish a regional law enforcement agency—SAARCPOL—was referred to ministers for

further study. The proposal will be discussed at the 2nd Home Ministers' meeting scheduled to

convene in India in 2007, after a meeting of SAARC police chiefs in Pakistan in December 2006.


On 22 February, Iran's foreign minister Kamal Kharrazi indicated Iran's interest in joining

SAARC, stating that the country's borders with South Asia could provide the region with "East-

West connectivity."

SAARC foreign ministers attended the 26th meeting of the Council of Ministers in Dhaka from

10-11 November. Ministers adopted the 22 SAARC Development Goals (SDGs) and reiterated

their earlier decision to put the South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) into effect on 1

January 2006. They discussed the question of according Afghanistan SAARC membership and

considered at length China's request to establish ties with SAARC. They also approved three

major trade-related agreements along with a draft of the Dhaka declaration, to be signed by

leaders at the upcoming summit.

The 13th Annual SAARC Summit was held in Dhaka from 12-13 November. The summit dealt

specifically with areas such as poverty alleviation, economic cooperation, counter-terrorism,

disaster management, and the implementation of SAFTA. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

was welcomed as the eighth member of SAARC. China and Japan were accorded observer

status. Member countries adopted the 53-point Dhaka declaration aimed at focusing regional

cooperation in South Asia to accelerate growth and progress. They expressed their determination

to unite in their efforts to prevent and combat terrorism, noting United Nations Security Council

Resolution 1373 in this regard. They also emphasized the need for an early conclusion of a

Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. Member states agreed to strengthen their

cooperation in important areas such as exchange of information, coordination, and cooperation

among their relevant agencies. Leaders expressed satisfaction at the ratification of the Additional

Protocol to the SAARC Convention on Suppression of Terrorism by all member states and called

for establishing effective mechanisms for its implementation. Recognizing the specific

vulnerability of the sovereignty and independence of small states, they resolutely committed to

protect the interest and security of these states through the pursuit of appropriate policies and

actions. Other key events included endorsement of the SDGs and establishment of the SAARC

Poverty Alleviation Fund. Member states also participated in bilateral talks on the sidelines of

the summit.

The 14th SAARC Summit was scheduled to convene in New Delhi in January 2007.


The 24th meeting of the SAARC Council of Ministers convened in Islamabad, Pakistan from 2-3

January. The Ministers reached a consensus regarding the text of an Additional Protocol to the

1987 SAARC Regional Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism which addresses issues

involving the funding of terrorism. The Protocol was designed to strengthen the Convention "by

criminalizing the provision, collection or acquisition of funds for the purpose of committing

terrorist acts" and by increasing efforts to prevent the financing of terrorism. Specifically, it

encourages States to hold individuals or groups that have committed terrorist-related offenses

liable domestically, and to implement practical measures and adapt domestic legislation to

prevent and suppress terrorist financing. The Ministers also adopted several other documents,

including the final draft of a document establishing a South Asian Free Trade Area and a Social


The Council of Ministers meeting was directly followed by the Twelfth SAARC Summit of the

Heads of State and Government, which convened, also in Islamabad, from 4-6 January. At the

Summit, leaders addressed means of increasing regional cooperation in the areas of economics;

poverty alleviation; science and technology development; social, cultural and environmental

issues; and terrorism prevention. They signed the Additional Protocol to the SAARC Regional

Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism approved days earlier by the Council of Ministers.

It will enter into force 30 days after the final instrument of ratification is deposited. Furthermore,

counter- terrorism was a major topic addressed in the Summit Declaration. Heads of State and

Government condemned terrorist violence in all forms and stated that terrorism continues to be a

major threat in South Asia, as well as a challenge to all States worldwide. They also stressed that

terrorism violates the United Nations and SAARC charters and reaffirmed their commitment to

the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression on Terrorism in addition to other relevant

international conventions to which they are party.

Foreign ministers of the SAARC States met in Islamabad for the 25th session of the Council of

Ministers meeting from 20-21 July. With Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri serving as

chairman, the Ministers reviewed progress made in implementing decisions reached at the

January Summit, including counter-terrorism efforts, and continued preliminary preparations for

the 13th annual summit in 2005. They also engaged in discussion regarding poverty alleviation;

financial cooperation; and energy, environmental; and social issues. They approved plans of

action in some of these areas. Ministers also approved the nomination of Lyonpo Chenkyab Dorj

of Bhutan as the next SAARC Secretary-General.


The 22nd session of the Council of Ministers was held from 2-3 January in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Among other topics, the ministers discussed implementation of the SAARC Regional

Convention on Terrorism, stressing its significance in light of recent developments. They

additionally issued recommendations on a range of other topics to the 11th Summit.

The 11th SAARC Summit was convened in Kathmandu on 4-6 January. In the Summit

declaration, the Heads of State or Government were of the view that stability, peace, and security

in South Asia should be promoted together with efforts to improve the global security

environment. They underscored their commitment to general and complete disarmament

including nuclear disarmament on a universal basis, under effective international control. They

agreed that global nonproliferation goals could not be achieved in the absence of progress

towards nuclear disarmament and in this context called upon all nuclear weapon States (NWS),

whether party or non-party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), to engage constructively

through a transparent and credible process of negotiations at the Conference on Disarmament

(CD). The leaders also recognized the linkage between disarmament and development.

The Heads of State or Government recognized that due to their particular vulnerability, small

States require special measures for support from the international community for the

safeguarding of their sovereign independence and territorial integrity. They reiterated that the

real protection of small States should be firmly rooted in the scrupulous adherence to the UN

Charter, and the rule of law and the strict adherence to universally accepted principles and norms

related to sovereign rights and territorial integrity of all States, irrespective of size.

The Heads of State or Government were convinced that terrorism, in all its forms and

manifestations, is a challenge to all States and to all of humanity, and cannot be justified on

ideological, political, religious, or on any other ground. The leaders agreed that terrorism violates

the fundamental values of the United Nations and the SAARC Charter and constitutes one of the

most serious threats to international peace and security in the 21st century. In this regard, they

emphasized the need for the urgent conclusion of a Comprehensive Convention on Combating

International Terrorism. They also emphasized that international cooperation to combat terrorism

should be conducted in conformity with the UN Charter, international law, and relevant

international conventions.

They also reiterated their support of UNSC Resolution 1373 of 28 September 2001 and affirmed

their determination to redouble efforts, collectively as well as individually, to prevent and

suppress terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Such efforts would include increased

cooperation and full implementation of the relevant international conventions relating to

terrorism to which they are parties. In this context, they called on all States to prevent and

suppress the financing of terrorist acts by criminalizing the collection of funds for such acts and

refraining from organizing, instigating, assisting, or participating in terrorist acts in States or

acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such

acts. The leaders reaffirmed that the fight against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations

had to be comprehensive and sustained.

The Heads of State or Government were unanimous in recognizing the distinct ominous link

between terrorism, drug-trafficking, money laundering, and other trans-national crimes and

emphasized the need to coordinate efforts at the national and regional levels to strengthen the

global response to this serious challenge and threat to international security. They called upon

the international community to assist Member States of SAARC to deal effectively with the

adverse economic effects of terrorism in general and to meet the rising insurance and security-

related costs in particular.

The Heads of State or Government reaffirmed their commitment to the SAARC Regional

Convention on Suppression of Terrorism, which, among other things, recognizes the seriousness

of the problem of terrorism as it affects the security, stability, and development of the region.

They also reiterated their firm resolve to accelerate the enactment of enabling legislation within a

definite time-frame for the full implementation of the Convention, together with strengthening

the SAARC Terrorist Offences Monitoring Desk and the SAARC Drug Offences Monitoring


Also in January, Qama Rahim of Bangladesh became SAARC Secretary-General. He succeeded

Sri Lanka's Nihal Rodrigo, who completed a three-year term.

On 21-22 August, the twenty-third session of the SAARC Council of Ministers was held in

Kathmandu, Nepal. In recognition of the need to update the SAARC Convention on Suppression

of Terrorism on account of the obligations devolving on Member States under UNSC Resolution

1373 and the International Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism, the

Council decided to hold a meeting of senior officials assisted by legal experts. The meeting of

the senior officials, which is to be held in Sri Lanka, will also prepare the ground for a

Ministerial-level meeting.


In the declaration of the 10th SAARC Summit in July, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the Member

States were of the view that stability, peace, and security in South Asia could not be considered

in isolation from global security environment. They noted that the great power rivalry, which the

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) had consistently opposed, no longer posed a serious threat and

the danger of a global nuclear conflagration had abated. However, some States still sought to

maintain huge arsenals of nuclear weapons and the NPT and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test

Ban Treaty (CTBT), to which some SAARC Members were signatories, had not led to any

progress towards nuclear disarmament nor prevented proliferation. The Member States

underscored their commitment to the complete elimination of nuclear weapons and the need for

promoting nuclear disarmament on a universal basis, under effective international control. They

recognized that global nonproliferation goals could not be achieved in the absence of progress

towards nuclear disarmament and in this context called upon all NWS, whether party or non-

party to the NPT, to engage constructively through a transparent and credible process of

negotiations at the CD. The Member States urged the CD to commence negotiations on a

comprehensive, universal, and non-discriminatory international instrument prohibiting the use or

the threat of nuclear weapons as well as eliminating such weapons in existing arsenals.


In the declaration of the Ninth SAARC Summit in May, in Malé, Maldives, the Member States

recognized the need for the international community to pursue nuclear disarmament as a matter

of highest priority. In this regard, they recognized the need to start negotiations through the CD

and to establish a phased program for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons within a

specified framework of time, including a Nuclear Weapons Convention.

1995: In the declaration of the Eighth SAARC Summit in May 1995, in New Delhi, India, the

Member States noted that while the international community had successfully created a norm

against chemical and biological weapons, it had, unfortunately, been unable to do the same with

regard to nuclear weapons. They expressed the conviction that more needed to be done and at a

far greater pace. They reiterated that the utmost priority was to be given to nuclear disarmament,

given the danger posed by nuclear weapons. The Member States urged the CD to negotiate an

international convention prohibiting the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons under any

circumstances and to undertake negotiations for the complete elimination of all nuclear weapons

within a specified period of time.


In the declaration of the Seventh SAARC Summit in April, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Member

States noted a number of recent positive developments in the area of nuclear, chemical, and

conventional disarmament, including the agreements on bilateral arms reductions between the

United States and Russia. They expressed their hope that the implementation of the far-reaching

arms reduction agreed to in the Washington Agreement of June 1992 and START II signed in

Moscow in January 1993 would be successfully carried out. The Member States urged all NWS

to collectively endeavor to attain the ultimate goal of complete elimination of nuclear arsenals in

the shortest possible time.


In the declaration of the Sixth SAARC Summit in December, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the

Member States assessed current international developments in the political sphere particularly

those that affected the lives of the people of South Asia. They noted the changing power

structures in international relations and the reduction of confrontations and tensions, particularly

among the United States and USSR. These have contributed to the receding of the threat of

nuclear confrontation and to agreements on disarmament measures. The Member States hoped

that these developments would restrain the pursuit of military power in all areas of the world and

expressed hope that the peace dividend would be used for promoting the further development of

developing countries. They welcomed the trend towards popularly based democratic

governments in different parts of the world, including in South Asia.


In the declaration of the Fifth SAARC Summit in November, in Malé, Maldives, the Member

States expressed the hope that the talks between the United States and USSR on arms control

would culminate in the conclusion of an agreement for substantial reduction in their nuclear

arsenals leading to the total elimination of nuclear weapons. While welcoming the measures

being considered for arms reduction at the global level, they were convinced that the objective

could be best achieved through the promotion of mutual trust and confidence among the Member

States. They underlined the inherent relationship between disarmament and development and

called upon all countries, especially those possessing the largest nuclear and conventional

arsenals, to re-channel additional financial resources, human energy, and creativity into

development. Member States expressed their support for the banning of chemical weapons and

early conclusion of a CTBT. In this context, they welcomed the convening of the UN Conference

in January 1991 to consider amendments to the Partial Test Ban Treaty to convert it into a



In the declaration of the Fourth SAARC Summit in December, in Islamabad, Pakistan, the

Member States called for the early conclusion by the CD of a CTBT and a Convention to Ban

Chemical Weapons. They declared their intention to continue their efforts to contribute to the

realization of the objective of halting the nuclear arms race and eliminating nuclear weapons, as

well as declared their resolve to support every effort to conclude a treaty prohibiting vertical and

horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons.

1987: At the Third SAARC Summit in Kathmandu, Nepal, there was disagreement over a

proposal by Pakistan for a South Asian treaty banning nuclear weapons; the final declaration

simply noted SAARC's resolve to "contribute" to nuclear disarmament. The States also called for

the early conclusion in the Geneva CD of a CTBT and a Convention to Ban Chemical Weapons,

declared their intention to continue their efforts to contribute to the implementation of the

objective of halting the nuclear arms race and eliminating nuclear weapons, and declared their

resolve to support every effort to conclude a treaty prohibiting vertical and horizontal

proliferation of nuclear weapons.


In the declaration of the Second SAARC Summit in November, in Bangalore, India, the Member

States noted with deep disappointment that the promise held out by the US-Soviet Summit in

Reykjavik could not be realized. They, however, noted with satisfaction that the proposals made

at the Summit were still on the table and expressed the earnest hope that the negotiations would

be resumed without delay so that a decisive step could be taken towards realizing the ultimate

goal of eliminating nuclear weapons altogether. The Member States called for the early

conclusion of a CTBT.


The Heads of State or Government at their First SAARC Summit held in Dhaka on 7-8

December adopted the Charter formally establishing the South Asian Association for Regional

Cooperation (SAARC).

In the declaration of the First SAARC Summit the Member States expressed concern at the

deteriorating international political situation and the unprecedented escalation of the arms race,

particularly in its nuclear aspect. They recognized that mankind was confronted with the threat of

self-extinction arising from a massive accumulation of the most destructive weapons ever

produced and that the arms race intensified international tension and violated the principles of

the UN Charter. The Member States called upon the NWS to undertake negotiations on a CTBT

leading to the complete cessation of testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons. In

this connection, they welcomed the recent meeting between President Reagan and General

Secretary Gorbachev in Geneva and expressed the hope that the meeting would have a positive

effect on international peace and security


Agriculture and Rural

Technical Committee

Agriculture continues to key constituent in each South Asian economy – in respect of

employment as also contribution to national GDP. In some countries though Agriculture’s share

in GDP may be diminishing in terms of its share in GDP, in terms of employment and centrality

in rural economies, farm and non-farm sector, premised on basic farming as also engaging the

large majority of small and marginal farming households, agriculture’s role in the SAARC

Member States is projected to remain the key to driving overall national economic growth and

well-being of its people.

From the very inception of SAARC, regional cooperation within the Association on agriculture

and rural development has therefore been in focus. In the pre-formative stage of the Association,

as early as in September 1981, a meeting of the Study Group for Agriculture was convened in

Dhaka. That was followed by two meetings of the Working Group on Agriculture followed

(March and December, 1982) and the first Meeting of SAARC Technical Committee on

Agriculture (Dhaka, Nov. 1983). A number of meetings /interaction at the technical level e.g.

counterpart scientists (on multi-location trial), application of statistics in agriculture research,

exchange of scientific/technical information, potato programme followed till SAARC took off in

its formal manner by the end of 1985.

Within the inter-governmental structure of SAARC, thereafter, regional cooperation started

moving through, as early as in 1990, two separate Technical Committees: on Agriculture and

Rural Development, respectively. Through those, Member States evolved a number of

specialized programmes and projects under the SAARC Integrated Programme of Action (SIPA).

Later, as per the reconstituted SAARC Integrated Programme of Action (SIPA), the two

Technical Committees on Agriculture and Rural Development were merged into one as

‘Technical Committee on Agriculture & Rural Development’. The reconstituted Committee, with

Nepal as the chair, started functioning since July 2000.

In later years, following adoption of the Regional Integrated Programme of Action (RIPA) (in

Islamabad, January 2004), India assumed the chair of TC-ARD (for two consecutive terms); and

hosted Meetings of the TC-Agriculture & Rural Development (TC-ARD). The reconstituted TC-

ARD was mandated to consider matters related to Livestock and Fisheries as well. Since then, it

has been meting regularly: First Meeting (New Delhi, June 2004); Second Meeting (New Delhi,

June 2005); Third Meeting (New Delhi, September 2006); Fourth Meeting (New Delhi, January

2008); Special Session (New Delhi, November 2008); Fifth Meeting (Dhaka, August 2009)

Sixth Meeting is scheduled to be held during second half of 2010 in Dhaka (as Bangladesh

currently holds the TCARD Chair), which will be followed by the SAARC Ministerial Meeting

on Agriculture.

Functioning of TCARD has been helpful in bridging critical knowledge gaps and in identifying

numerous concrete areas for pursuing regional actions and projects. Its previous meetings have

identified many thematic areas for exchanging knowledge and best practices, harmonization of

regional approaches and priority actions to be pursued both at the national and regional levels. In

course of its work, TCARD has so far deliberated on a number of demand-driven areas/projects,

for instance on:

Water Resources Management for Agriculture in SAARC Countries;

establishment of a SAARC Quadrangle Milk Grid (establishing joint venture projects for

processing milk into high value added shelf-life milk products and marketing these products in

the proposed quadrangle covering Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal. Nepal proposed the

concept, in 2000)

Exchange of Rural Development Volunteers in the SAARC Countries;

establishment of Regional Food Bank (as decided by Twelfth SAARC Summit; original concept

paper prepared by India);

Water for Agriculture in SAARC Countries (concept prepared by India);

Regional/sub-regional Projects on: Zero Energy Cold Storage; Bee-keeping; Post-Harvest

Management and Value Addition of Fruits in Production Catchments; Sharing of Integrated Pest

Management (IPM) Technology among the SAARC Countries; Study on Migration and Stock

Assessment of Hilsa and Tuna Fish in the Bay of Bengal; Collection, Conservation and

Characterization of Under-utilised Fruits and Vegetables in the Region; Establishment of Digital

Livestock farm Database and Animal Identification and Traceability System.

Deliberating on regional policies, programmes and projects, during 2004/05, TCARD felt the

need to pursue regional cooperation in agriculture and rural development having a broader view

of the challenges – existing and the likely ones - and the opportunities. With that end in view,

TCARD decided to draw up a longer term perspective/vision document and thereafter pursue

cooperation in a focused manner based on that document. As a major output of TCARD, during

2006-2008, based on the perspectives and inputs from each Member State, the SAARC

Agricultural Perspective/Vision 2020 wasfinalised. The document articulated the long-term

regional challenges and priority measures inter alia in production augmentation, natural resource

management, bio-safety and bio-security, technology development and dissemination, seed and

other inputs, food safety/standard, climate change adaptation and risk mitigation, and livelihoods

of small and marginal farmers in farming and non-farm activities. It also brings forth the recent

challenges e.g. Avian Influenza that appears to threaten much of the gains achieved in rural

South Asia over the past years, especially for bottom poor and the marginal farmers. Within the

relevant inter-governmental bodies/mechanisms in SAARC, Member States are showing greater

engagement in spearheading collaboration in those areas. The SAARC Agriculture Ministers

launched the document during their Extra-ordinary Meeting (New Delhi, 5 November 2008).

With a view to creating and harnessing synergy between SAARC and the Centre on Integrated

Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP), Dhaka, in 2007, a MoU was signed

between SAARC and CIRDAP (Kathmandu, 20 April 2007).

Ministerial Meeting

Till inception of SAARC, the Ministers – dealing with Agriculture – from  SAARC Member

States have met a number of times: Islamabad, October 1996;  Islamabad, December 2006; New

Delhi, November 2008 [met as an Extra-Ordinary Ministerial Meeting, as directed by the

Fifteenth Summit: Colombo Statement on Food Security]. Next, the next Ministerial Meeting is

scheduled to convene during the second half of 2010 in Dhaka.

The Ministerial process continues to provide important directives. At the their last i.e. Extra-

ordinary Meeting (New Delhi, Nov. 2008), each Member State made presentation on topics inter

aliareflecting respective national experience as well as on possible regional approach to deal with

the challenges: increase in food production; Agriculture research and prevention of soil health

degradation – Bhutan; Sharing of Best Practices in Procurement and Distribution; Management

of the climatic and disease-related risks in agriculture; Investment in agriculture and agro-based

industries; and Development and sharing of agricultural technologies.

They expressed satisfaction at the operationalisation of the SAARC Food Bank, especially as the

countries designated godowns/storage facilities where their respective share of food grain would

be maintained.

They also directed on early finalization of the ‘Material Transfer Agreement’; Preparation of the

draft ‘SAARC Food Safety and Quality Standards for agricultural produce'; and activation pf the

Counterpart Scientists Meeting process to undertake field trials of select varieties of rice and

wheat in the Region. Noting the importance underlined by the Member States on deepening

agriculture research-extension extension linkages, a focused attention on the new dimensions in

Agriculture Extension Management in SAARC Countries was also emphasized.

Similarly,cooperation in the areas of: Farm Mechanisation, Development and Harmonization of a

SAARC Quarantine Network and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Agriculture were highlighted as

areas of significant potential.

Member States further agreed to forward respective success stories related to agriculture research

and extension – having potential for replication in other countries. For instance, India made

available twenty-five documentaries related to its different technologies; Bangladesh shared its

‘Deep Placement of Urea technology’ in rice for ensuring efficient nutrient management; Nepal

agreed to share their experience of ‘Group Approach in Agriculture Extension’; and Sri Lanka

informed of their interest in sharing three success stories for module building.

The Ministers noted the progress on (India’s initiative in) establishing seed testing laboratories in

five Member States, under which need-based training on seed technology would also be


The Ministers underscored the need for regional actionsto combat pests and diseases and to

develop collective strategies to address emerging diseases. In particular, the need to prepare

against the emerging disease of wheat rusts received immediate attention.The Meeting agreed on

collective measures in dealing with the challenges posed by UG-99 Disease; and adopted a

‘SAARC Declaration on UG-99’. They further adopted an Intent of Cooperation in the area of


The Ministers finally adopted a ‘New Delhi Declaration on Food Security’.

Chief Veterinary Officers (CVOs) Meeting

Given the endemic nature and rapidly increasing incidence of Trans-boundary Animal Diseases,

some of these being highly zoonotic, the CVOs from SAARC Member States have been meeting

regularly since 2008. [First Meeting: New Delhi, June 2008; Second Meeting: Dhaka, April

2009; Third Meeting: scheduled in Colombo, 2010].

The CVOs have embarked inter alia on a number of crucial areas: providing periodic update on

disease prevalence within respective territory – for further concrete measures; training experts

from other countries in leading Veterinary Training Institution /academic institution;

‘Continuous Veterinary Education’; exchange of respective Information, Education and

Communication (IEC) materials; sharing of respective epidemiological information on FMD and

PPR diseases; evolving a regional Bio-Security Model (particularly focused on backyard

poultry); early institution of a Regional Surveillance Plan for HPAI.

They have also been considering the possibility of establishing a Regional Vaccine Bank. As a

first step in that direction, it has been agreed to share respective genetic data on the Priority

Trans-boundary Animal Diseases (TADs).

The CVOs have finalized a ‘Road Map for Control of Trans-Boundary Animal Diseases’ – to

which Member States are conveying respective responses. They further finalized a ‘Proforma

Questionnaire’ to have fuller view of the prevailing situation in each Member State.

In an effort to tap the larger developmental dimensions in livestock sector, since the First

Meeting (2008), the CVOs have considered a number of areas of regional collaboration. For

instance, the Second Meeting agreed to undertake the project-oriented activities (on regional

basis) on: Training on Quality Control of Vaccines (proposed by Sri Lanka); Improvement of

quality of Buffalo breeds (proposed by Pakistan); Development of Dairy Cooperative Societies

(proposed by Pakistan); Training on Genetic Characterization (proposed by Sri Lanka); and

Progressive Control of PPR (proposed by Bangladesh).

Inter-governmental Core Group on Research-Extension–Farmer Linkages (IGCG –R-E-F)

SAARC Agriculture Ministers Meeting (Islamabad, Dec. 2006), based on the recommendations

of the Regional Workshop on Research-Extension Linkages for Effective Delivery of

Agricultural Technologies in SAARC Countries (Hyderabad, India, 20-22 November 2006),

underscored the importance of education, in particular to the agricultural universities, in

developing comprehensive linkage among research, extension and farmers. Likewise, the role of

private sector, input dealers, farmers’ organizations, civil societies and media were also

recognized. It was agreed that research systems should accord high priority to frontier

technologies in order to attain genetic improvements with desired traits.

Towards effective research-extension-farmer (R-E-F) linkages, the Ministers agreed on a set of

specific national priorities and actions: strong support of the Governments in terms of enabling

policy frameworks and provision of adequate resources; competence building in research and

extension personnel, with an emphasis on creating right type of mindset and attitude; knowledge-

based technology forecasting keeping in consideration emerging paradigm shifts due to WTO

and new IPR regime; ICT-based, low cost, personalized agro-advisory systems.

In terms of regional actions related to extension systems, it was agreed that: an Inter-

governmental Core Group to be established to guide collaboration in the areas of Research and

Extension (IGCG R-E-F), with two sub-groups i.e. one on research, the other on extension;

coordinating institutions to be identified for both research and extension, in addition to

designated national focal points; E-based discussion groups to be formed, in addition to these

institutionalised mechanism(s), with inclusion of private sector practitioners e.g. media, input

dealers, NGOs, farmers’ organizations in such groups [SAC to facilitate /coordinate the dialogue

process]; documentation and sharing of success stories, wherein strong R-E-F linkage

mechanisms have evolved in SAARC countries; examination of the successful modules for

adoption in other countries, wherever feasible with suitable modifications; and, exchange of

visits among volunteers/extension specialists, on a high priority.

In particular context of preparing against the emerging disease i.e. wheat-rusts, it was decided to:

conduct genetic and molecular studies to characterize resistant genes; develop high-yielding

varieties with diverse resistant sources against major epidemics; develop, and refine efficient and

appropriate production technologies; and, focus on sharing of knowledge, research facilities and

exchange of successful experiences among researchers.

First meeting of the IGCG agreed on its broad mandate to enhance farm productivity, to reduce

gaps between yields at the research and the farm levels and to promote innovative farm practices,

agricultural know-how and frontier technologies: Examine the existing policy approaches and

institutional arrangements, status of development, and the current level and extent of cooperation

on agricultural research and extension in SAARC countries; Identify, and seek to bridge,

knowledge and technology gaps among the research, extension and farm levels, and facilitate

transfer of technology and know-how on proven and potential technologies; Conduct

collaborative studies and technical dialogue with the view to providing inputs for developing

regional policies, strategies and programmes and to suggesting policy options;  Undertake other

collaborative studies; and, Explore possible areas for sub-regional and regional cooperation

among the South Asian agriculture, including identification of appropriate projects.

The areas of work for the IGCG may include, but not limited to: Germplasm exchange and

varietal improvement; Quality seed production; Farm mechanization, machinery and

implements; On-farm water management; Bio-fertilizers; Integrated Crop/Pest Management;

Post-harvest and Value Chain Management; Land degradation and soil fertility management;

Documentation and sharing of good agricultural experiences; Quality feed for livestock, poultry

and fisheries; Livestock development, particularly breed development; Milk and dairy

processing; Trans-boundary livestock diseases; Fishing and Fish processing; IT-based

technology transfer; Public-private partnership; Agricultural vulnerability and risk management;

Food safety and quality standards; and, Market intelligence and trade.

At its last i.e. Second meeting, the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) was finalized. The

IGCG has so far met twice: Dhaka, November 2007; and, Dehradun (India), in May 2009. Its

third Meeting is scheduled in Kandy (Sri Lanka) in August 2010.


As an important endeavour of TCARD, the Food Security Initiatives generated in 2003. Under

the aegis of SAARC-FAO collaboration, through expert-level meetings (2003-2005), regional

projects on Food Security, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Trans-boundary Animal

Diseases (TADs) were drawn up. By February 2005, SAARC Member States finalized the

Global Framework for containment of the Priority Trans-boundary Animal Diseases (GFTADs)

for South Asia. The Framework, adopted during the Thirteenth SAARC Summit (Dhaka, Nov.

2005), also decided on location of the five entities to be established to contain the three priority

TADs i.e. Regional Reference Diagnostic Laboratories on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

(HPAI) in Islamabad; Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Bhopal, India; Peste Petit des

Ruminants (PPR) in Dhaka; Regional Epidemiological Centre (REC) in Kathmandu; and

Regional Support Unit (RSU) in Kathmandu. As of April 2010, work is in progress to establish

and operationalise the five entities in these locations, with technical assistance of and

coordination by FAO/OIE (and financial contribution/ technical inputs from EC).

During 2007-08, as a SAARC-FAO collaborative effort, a (first-ever) SAARC Regional Strategy

and Regional Programme for Food Security was drawn up. This was eventually adopted by the

Fifteenth Summit (Colombo, August 2008). Out of that, as many as ten regional projects were

finalized, under four broad clusters:

Clusters Priority Projects

Productivity, Sustainability

and Income Enhancement

Enhancing productivity of small farmers in marginal and

unfavorable areas /regions;

Enhancing and sustaining production and productivity in

favourable areas;

Technical and policy support towards conservation and 

efficient use of land, water  and bio-diversity resources;

Promoting rational/balanced use of agricultural inputs

(fertilizer, agro-chemicals);

Pre and Post-Harvest Loss

Reduction and Value Chain


Prevention of pre and post harvest losses, through appropriate

interventions, and value chain development;

Ensuring Bio-Security

Development/Updating of national SPS Standards in line with


Development/up-gradation of Accredited Laboratories in

SAARC Region; 

Institutionalization of a SAARC mechanism/network on

control of Trans-Boundary Plant and Fish  Diseases;

Support/assistance in capacity-building in the areas of food

safety, quality and standards;

Agricultural Trade and

Marketing for Food Security

Support/assistance for capacity-building in analysis and

formulation of agricultural trade policies for ensuring food



By mid-2009, with technical assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB), work has been

underway to fully develop five of the Projects: Enhancing productivity of small farmers in

marginal and unfavorable areas/regions; Prevention of pre- and post-harvest losses, through

appropriate interventions and value chain development; Promoting regional/ balanced use of

agricultural inputs (fertilizer, agro-chemicals); Development /upgrading of national food

standards in line with regional and international standards; and mutually recognized SAARC

accredited laboratory system; and Institutionalization of SAARC mechanism /network on control

of trans- boundary plants, animals and fish diseases. The SAARC-ADB Inception Workshop for

the Projects is scheduled (Dhaka, 19-20 May 2010); and the process is likely to be completed by

early 2011. 


One of the earliest regional mechanisms set up by SAARC was on Food Reserve. The

‘Agreement on Establishing the SAARC Food Security Reserve’ entered into force in 1988.

However, due to various procedural and other difficulties, no Member State far utilized the food

stock available under the Reserve. Given the growing over non-functioning of the Reserve, it

was felt necessary to evolve mechanisms to make the SAARC Food Security Reserve


In order to overcome the inadequacies of the Reserve and to improve its functioning, the Council

of Ministers (Islamabad, 2-3 January 2004) recommended establishment of a Regional Food

Bank, which was endorsed by the Twelfth SAARC Summit (Islamabad, 4-6 January 2004).

Thereafter, India prepared a Concept Paper for the Food Bank – which was discussed over

several rounds meetings of the Food Security Reserve Board and the Technical Committee on

Agriculture and Rural Development (TCARD). The Thirteenth Summit (Dhaka, 12-13

November 2005) reiterated the early establishment of the Bank.

                                        By March 2007, an Inter-governmental Expert Group (IGEG) finalized

the text of the Agreement for the establishment of the Food Bank. Some of the salient features of

the Agreement vis-à-vis the Agreement on the SAARC Food Security Reserve have been that:

(a) Scope of the Food Bank now stands expanded beyond emergencies. The Bank would act as a

regional food security reserve for the SAARC Member Countries during normal time food

shortages and emergencies;

(b) the Agreement contains broad principles for determination of price. Prices, terms and

conditions of payment in respect of the food grains would be directly negotiated between the

concerned Member Countries, based on the guidelines for price determination (to be approved by

the Food Bank Board periodically);

(c) procedures for withdrawal and release of food grains have been rationalised and simplified;

(d) roles of the Board to administer functioning of the Food Bank and its policymaking have

been delineated;

(e) implementation at the national level is entrusted with the designated Nodal Point(s) on-the-


When the Agreement was signed at the Fourteenth Summit (New Delhi, April 2007), total

quantum was finalized at 241,580 Metric Tons of food grains from the original signatory

Member States. At that time, contribution of Afghanistan was left to be added as they would join

SAARC. At the First Meeting of the Food Bank Board (Colombo, Oct. 2008), Afghanistan

agreed to set their contribution at 1,420 MT (of wheat). Thus, the total quantum now stands at

243,000 MT.

In context of addressing the Food Security challenges in the Region, SAARC Food Bank Board

has come into operation since October 2008. Till date, the Board has met three times [Colombo,

15-16 October 2008; Colombo, 12-13 February 2009; Kabul, 8-9 November 2009]. Over these

Meetings, the Board has finalized all the needed operational modalities/measures, in keeping

with the Agreement. Each Member State has designated the godowns/storage facilities – in close

proximity of respective border – where their earmarked quantum of food grain is stored - in

terms of rice or wheat. Each country has also confirmed respective Nodal Point in the

Ministry/Department of Food/Agriculture who would receive request(s) from counterparts in

other Member States to expeditiously process request for food grains. Modalities for

determination of prices of food grains have been finalized, including through deferred payment.

Certain guidelines to deal with emerging scenario have also been finalized. On the important

mandate of the Board to periodically analyse the overall regional food grain scenario

(requirement, production, shortfall/deficit) – existing as well as envisaged – the Board Members

decided to directly interface with respective Ministry(ies) dealing with Agriculture (for

production data), Food (for food grain requirement data) and Commerce/Trade (for

export/import data); and validate the data within respective Governments for eventual collation

at regional level.

The last i.e. third Meeting further recommended doubling its overall quantum i.e. to 486,000 MT

given the rising need in the Region. By early 2009, a first request was also received from one

Member State to avail the Food Bank. However, for the Food Bank to assume formal legal

status, the ratification is pending from one Member State.


The SAARC Agricultural Centre (SAC) originally started its journey in 1989 as SAARC

Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC). Located at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research

Council (BARC) complex in Dhaka, it’s the first Regional Centre established by SAARC. Since

then, it has been serving to network relevant agricultural research and information networks in

SAARC Member States, exchange regionally generated technical information to strengthen

agricultural research, development and innovationsSince then , SAIC remained engaged in

promoting cooperation in agriculture among the Member States, by establishing regional

information network on agricultural and allied discipline; identifying and documenting

agricultural and pertinent literatures (including forestry, fisheries, livestock and allied

disciplines); serving the agricultural information needs of the Member States; promoting new

and better techniques for handling and dissemination of agricultural information; and collecting

and disseminating information on proven agricultural technologies and effective farm practices

and development as well as introduction of emerging new and frontier technologies.

The Centre’s products and services are aimed to facilitate the performances of researchers,

extensionists, scientists, technologists, etc. by providing relevant and timely agricultural

information to reinforce their research and development activities thereby enabling them to better

serve the farmers.

In 2006, considering it’s nearly two decades of commendable work, Member States agreed to

expand the mandate of SAIC and upgrade the Centre as a Centre to deal with all sub-sectors

/allied disciplines of Agriculture e.g. Crops, Fisheries, Livestock, Horticulture. The First Meeting

of the Governing Board of SAC was held in November 2007.

At present, SAC regularly brings out a range of publications: SAC Newsletter; SAARC Journal

of Agriculture; Bulletins of Agricultural Statistical & Food grain Situation in SAARC Countries;

SAARC Agri. News, Views & Ideas. Depending on various context, it also brings out occasional

publications: technical publications; Directories; Bibliographies; Databases; Union Catalogue.

Indeed, following each Workshop it organizes on themes/areas of topical interest in the Region,

it brings out the (detail) Proceedings and Reports (with recommendations).

The Centre also produces audio-visual materials (in different formats) on various subjects. Over

the past two decades, it has collected a significant number of videos (VHS format) produced by

Member States, which are maintained in SAC Video Library. Both audio-visual and printed

materials collected by SAC, are being reproduced for distribution to institutions and a range of

stake-holders whenever the Centre receives requests for those.

Through the SAC Net programme, it aims to provide access to agricultural information through

a web-based information network. Such networking service enhances the existing agricultural

knowledge and information systems of SAARC Member States and provide platform to

exchange ideas, information and knowledge.

The Centre is maintaining CD-ROM databases for providing Agricultural Bibliographic

Information Service (ABIS) through CD-ROM search services. The internationally procured

CD-ROM databases are updated regularly, which include: CAB ABSTRACTS; Crop science

database; AGRICOLA; FSTA; PG & breeding database; BEAST CD; Veterinary science

database; Soil science database; Forest science database; Horticultural science database;

Parasitology database; AGRIS; Biological abstracts. In most cases, such database spreads form

three decades.

SAC also organizes regional seminar/workshops with participation from the Member States, on

topics that are of contemporary interest to the Region.  Following a workshop/seminar, the

Centre continues to follow-up the recommendations that generate during the deliberations to

fulfill demands for skill-based services in the Region. For instance, a Workshop on Research-

Extension Linkages was organised (in collaboration with National Academy of Agricultural

Research (NAARM), Hyderabad, India; 20–22 November 2006), which eventually led to various

steps to strengthen research-extension systems in the Region. Besides workshops, SAC has been

organizing national-level seminars, providing opportunities for researchers and scientists from

the National Agricultural Research System (NARS), to share ideas on issues of contemporary

interest in the area of agricultural research, extension and development.

Every year, around October/November, SAC Governing Board is convened, with a view to draw

up the activities of the Centre for the next calendar year [Second Meeting held: October 2008;

Third Meeting held: November 2009].

Funding Mechanism – SAARC Development Fund (SDF)

In 1996, a first funding mechanism was created in SAARC, ‘South Asian Development Fund

(SADF)‘, merging the SAARC Fund for Regional Projects (SFRP) and the SAARC Regional

Fund. SADF objectives were to support industrial development, poverty alleviation, protection of

environment, institutional/human resource development and promotion of social and

infrastructure development projects in the SAARC region. SADF started with a resource base of

US$5 million (contributed on pro-rata basis by SAARC Member States), and till its closure in

June 2008, had funds amounting to approx. US$ 7.0 million. Till its closure, SADF completed

techno-economic feasibility studies for sixteen project studies.

During 2002-2005, SAARC Member States considered instituting various sectoral funding

mechanisms e.g. Poverty Alleviation Fund, Infrastructure Fund, South Asian Development Bank,

Media Development Fund, Voluntary Fund for the Differently Able Persons. A primary reason

was that the existing South Asian Development Fund (SADF) was found to be inadequate i.e. in

terms of required quantum of funds and its limited scope of work. In order to avoid proliferation

of funds, the SAARC Financial Experts (September 2005) looked at the entire gamut of issues

relating to funding of SAARC projects and programmes; and, amongst others, agreed that in lieu

of proliferating sectoral financing mechanisms, the SADF be reconstituted into the SAARC

Development Fund (SDF). And, SDF would have a permanent Secretariat, with three Windows

(Social, Economic, Infrastructure). The Thirteenth SAARC Summit (Dhaka, 12-13 November

2005) finally decided to reconstitute the SADF into SDF to serve as the “umbrella financial

mechanism” for all SAARC projects and programmes.

The Social Window would primarily focus poverty alleviation and social development projects.

The Infrastructure Window would cover projects in the areas namely energy, power,

transportation, telecommunications, environment, tourism and other infrastructure areas. The

Economic Window would primarily be devoted to non-infrastructural funding.

Following that, by March 2008, an Inter-Governmental process on SDF, concluded the work on

the SDF legal architecture i.e. Charter, Bye laws. As it finalized the legal architecture, among

others, it mandated the SAARC Secretariat to function as the interim Secretariat for the SDF to

operationalise the Fund from available resources and to implement identified projects, till such

time a Permanent Secretariat is established.


The SDF Charter was signed at the Fifteenth SAARC Summit (Colombo, 2–3 August 2008). The

Summit also agreed that SDF Permanent Secretariat would be established in Thimphu. The

Fifteenth Summit further decided that Member States would early ratify the SDF Charter.

Once the SDF inter-governmental process completed its work, SDF Board became functional

and has been meeting periodically: Second Meeting (SAARC Secretariat, May 2008), Third

Meeting (SAARC Secretariat, 21 July 2008), Fourth Meeting (Thinphu, 29-30 April 2009), Fifth

Meeting (Kabul, 1-2 September 2009), Sixth Meeting (Thimphu, 25-26 November 2009),

Seventh Meeting (SAARC Secretariat, 3-5 February 2009).

Two regional Projects have so far been underway: The first Project i.e. on Women

Empowerment (since August 2008); and, the second Project on Maternal & Child Health (MCH)

(since September 2009). Efforts are underway to initiate steps related to the Project on Teachers

Training, as approved by the SAARC Finance Ministers (2007). At the last i.e. Seventh Meeting

of the SDF Board, three more regional/sub-regional Projects were also taken up: on Zero Energy

Cold Storage; on Post-harvest Management and Value addition of Fruits in Production

Catchments in SAARC Countries; and, on Facilitating Access to Energy Efficient and

Renewable Energy Technologies, with special focus on Women in selected SAARC Countries. 

A growing interest is evident among the SAARC inter-governmental bodies/mechanisms to draw

up focused Projects – regional or sub-regional – and to seek funding from SDF.

Over the past two years (2008-’09), the SDF Operational Modalities, initial personnel structure

of the Fund has been finalized to facilitate operationalisaiton of the SDF Permanent Secretariat in

Thimphu. The Seventh Meeting of the Board recommended to the SDF Governing Council on

appointment of the first CEO of the Fund. By early April 2010, the Members of the SDF

Governing Council i.e. the SAARC Finance Ministers approved the CEO. Once approved by the

Sixteenth SAARC Summit, the CEO would formally initiate the work of the SDF Secretariat.

During the Summit, in presence of the heads of State/Government, the SDF Secretariat would be

formally inaugurated.

By April 2010, all Member States have ratified the SDF Charter. On 15 April 2010, therefore,

SAARC Secretary General issued the ‘notification’ on the Charter’s entry into force. This

completed the entire legal process for the SDF.

Of the determined corpus i.e. Initial Paid-up Capital of SDR 200 million (approx. US$ 300

million), the Secretariat has so far received the full quantum of the assessed subscription from

India and Bhutan. India has additionally sent US$ 100 million, as its voluntary contribution for

Projects on Social Development. OtherMember States are expected to forward respective


Agriculture continues to key constituent in each South Asian economy – in respect of

employment as also contribution to national GDP. In some countries though Agriculture’s share

in GDP may be diminishing in terms of its share in GDP, in terms of employment and centrality

in rural economies, farm and non-farm sector, premised on basic farming as also engaging the

large majority of small and marginal farming households, agriculture’s role in the SAARC

Member States is projected to remain the key to driving overall national economic growth and

well-being of its people.

From the very inception of SAARC, regional cooperation within the Association on agriculture

and rural development has therefore been in focus. In the pre-formative stage of the Association



1 Introduction of SAARC

2 Principal organs

3 Developments

4 Area Of Cooperation

5 Food Security Initiatives

6 SAARC Food Bank

7 SAARC Agriculture Centre











ROLL NO 15012



I, hereby certify that MISS.PREETI FUNDE, of M.Com in Business Management Part-1, Roll

No.15012 has completed project on “A Study Of SAARC And Its Area Of Cooperation In

Agriculture & Rural Development” in the academic year 2013-2014. The information

submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Project Guide : ________________________

Course Coordinator : __________________________

Internal Examiner : __________________________

External Examiner : __________________________

Principal : __________________________

Place: Mumbai



I, MISS.PREETI FUNDE student of M.Com in Business Management Part-1 (2013-2014)

hereby declare that I have completed the project on “A Study Of SAARC And Its Area Of

Cooperation In Agriculture & Rural Development ” .I further declare that the information

imparted is true and fair to the best of my knowledge.



ROLL NO.15012


I hereby express my heartiest thanks to all sources who have contributed to the making of this

project. I oblige thanks to all those who have supported, provided their valuable guidance and

helped for the accomplishment of this project. I also extent my hearty thanks to my family,

friends, our coordinator ,college teachers and all the well wishers.

I also would like to thanks my project guide for her guidance and timely suggestion and the

information provided by her on this particular topic.

It is matter of outmost pleasure to express my indebt and deep sense of gratitude to various

person who extended their maximum help to supply the necessary information for the present

thesis, which became available on account of the most selfless cooperation.

Above all its sincere thanks to the UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI for which this project is given

consideration and was done with outmost seriousness.

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