#dominate2015 with allyson byrd, profit accelerator

Post on 20-Mar-2022






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#Dominate2015 with Allyson Byrd,

Profit Accelerator™ It’s Time to Stop

Whispering and Start Declaring Your Presence to a World That’s Waiting

for You


The Live Web Training Experience

Join #MoneyMovement Founder, Allyson Byrd as she reveals her

unique profit acceleration methods for dominating your market,

creating a money movement and making it rain…


The Live Web Training Experience  

You’ll learn how she used these exact approaches to turn a negative -$40 bank account into a $500,000 brand and revolutionary personal

income transformation in under 18 months + leverage her skills and influence as a sales superstar to

work with top industry leaders and co-create exponential growth to the

tune of 1000% increase in profits and millions of dollars in sales.


The Live Web Training Experience  

If you’re looking to:

•  Find Your Now Money Now, GROW Your Income with Consistent Cash Flow and Laser-focus on the Ideal Client for YOU

•  Design Step-By-Step Rinse-And-Repeat Revenue Model That Allows You To (Nearly) Set Your Profits On Autopilot

•  Build Your Direct Sales and/or Network Marketing Team and Dominate in Your Industry

•  Master Your Core Message and Monetize It

•  Build Your Selling Scripts and a Sponsorship or Robust Corporate Selling Plan

•  Develop and Price a Product, Program or Service the Market is Hungry For

…then this is the perfect training for YOU.


Your Official Online Event Guidebook  

6 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Live Session: 1.  Print out these Digital Note Cards before the event

starts so you can write down your notes as you listen.

2.  Review the topic outline so you know what to listen out for.

3.  Make sure you set aside 90 minutes of private time for this session so you’ll be able to focus and fully receive the benefits of this engaging session.

4.  During the event, write down ALL the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening – that way you won’t lose the most relevant information for you.

5.  Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this session to transform your personal, business and financial reality.

6.  Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part in the session and write down all the important insights for you.


Notes There’s power when you use your voice to create what you deserve.

NEGOTIATE. Solve a Problem. Create mutual benefit.

Practice negotiating daily. Improve your chances of getting what YOU want.




Throughout the training, you’ll have key moments that inspire you to choose something different for you, your life and your business.

Document those here.

1.  ________________________________________________________  

2.  ________________________________________________________  

3.  ________________________________________________________  



You cannot tell me you’re a world-changer, a global leader or a history maker and you won’t ask for the business to gain the client, to make the money to

impact society and be the change you wish to see in the world. I call Bull$*^#!




Training isn’t always about learning something NEW, often it’s about being reminded of something we know and haven’t practiced in our lives and businesses to cultivate success. What were you reminded of today? As a result of this 3-part training, what will you continue doing that you received confirmation works and is right for your style of doing business? What will you start doing that you know will make a difference in how you create success? What will you stop doing that you now own is sabotaging you and keeping you from your greatest accomplishments realized?


Thank you for joining

#Dominate2015 LIVE with Allyson Byrd

I want to work with you and Im meeting you where you are. Join me

and hundreds of soul-inspired entrepreneuers for the first (5)

Saturdays in 2015 for virtual sales training. Visit


Can’t make a session? Everything is recorded and sent your way within 24-hours. Don’t dare allow anything to stop you from making this happen. Got Questions? Our team is happy to support you.

Email Jennifer Shealey, Program Concierge at moneyrevolution@allysonbyrd.com

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