aztttt - western australian legislation

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aztttt OF

WESTERN AUSTR~~LIA. [Published by Authority. 1

No. 55.] PERTH: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6. [1896.

No. 6915.-C.8.0.

Uoundaries of' the lUurchison alld Gasco,rue ~Iagisterial mstricts amcmle{l.

PROCLAMATION Qill'iitcrn :1).n,tralia, 1 On behalf of His Excellency Lieut.-

to wit. J Colonel Sir Gm~ARD SUITl!, Knight Commander of the Most Distin­guished Order of Saint lYIichael and

ALEX. O. O><SLOW, Saint Geol'ge, Governor and Corn-Governor's Deputy. mander-in-Chief in and over the

(L.S.) Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &c., &c., &c.

W HEREAS uncler and by virtue of the provisions of "The ~1:agjsterial Districts Act, 1886,"

the Governor is empowered to alter the BOllnchLries of Magisterial Districts, either by separating pa,rt of a MagisterilLl District from and declaring tlmt it slm11 no longer form pm-t of a 1Tagisteria.l District, or by adding to lL Ma,gisteria1 District other Imld, whether theretofore included or not within the lilllits of a ~1:agisterial District: Now 'fHEREFORE I, Sir ALEX­ANDER CAlIIPBELL ON SLOW, Knight, Chief Justice of the sa,id Colony, Governor's Deputy, with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby [Llter the existing Boundaries of the lYlurchison Magisterial District, and declare them to be for the future as follows :-

THE JYIURCHISON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. Bounded by lines starting fro111 the summit of Mount

lVIurchison and extending due North to a point situMe due vVest from the summit of Peak Jhll, near the H,obinson Ranges; thence due East, passing through the summit of said Peak Hill, to a point clue North from the summit of Mount R.ussell; thence South to the said summit of ]}lollnt Russell: thence South-South-vVestwnrcl to the North-vVest corner 'of North Coolgardie Goldfield, said c')rner being situate 1 miles South tend about 3~ miles East from vVye­mancloo Hill; thence vVest-North-vVestward to the sllmmit of Wyemandoo Hill, and onwards to Trigonometrical Station K 6 on Goonahmondey Peak; thence North-IVestward to the summit of Mount Farmer, and onwards to the summit of 1Ylount Luke, and onwards to the summit of Mount Mur­chison aforesaid.

AND I do also, with the like advice, declare that the Boundaries of the Gascoyne Magisterial District

shall be and are hereby altered in so far as they are lLffectec1 by the Boundaries of the Murcllisoll Magis­teria.l District now deda,red.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Colony, at Perth, this Brd day of November, 1896.

By His Excellency's Command,



No. 6lnG.-C.S.0.

Ualll{ Holiday at Roebollrne.

PROCLAMATION Q(11cr;tcm :An.?tmlin, ( On behalf of His Excellency Lieut.-

to bl'it. ) Colonel Sir GERARD SDIITH, Knight Commander of the Most Distin­guished Order of Saint lVIichael and

ALEX. C. OXSl.OW, S:tint Georg'e, Governor and COlll-Governor's Deputy. m:tnder-in-Chief in and over the

(L.S.) Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &0., &c., &c.

I N pursuan~e of the provisions ?ontained in the fifth sectIOn of "The Bank HolIdays Act, 1884,"

1. Sir Ar,ExANDER CAlIIPBELL ONSLOW, Knig'ht, Chief Justir;e of vVestel'll Australia, Governor's Deputy, do by this my Proelamation appoint

T1lcscZay, the 10th November, instant,

a specitLl cltLy to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the town of Roebourne.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Colony, at Perth, this 4th day of November, 1896.

By His Excellency's Command,




No. 6911.-C.S.0.

Establishment of

PROCLAMATION ;t(Jl(flttrn ;1nfltndil1,

to lUit. "( By His Bxcellency Lieut.-Colonel Sir ) GJDHAlm S)IITH, Knight Commander

of the jyIost Distinguished Order of Saint lIIichael and Sa,int George, Governor rmd Commander-in-Chief in and over the Colony of Western Austmlin rmd its Dependencies, &c., &c., &c.

GEH,Al\,D 8r.II'l'H.


.LU-'Hl,JCjJ3_U hy the provisions of "The Golclficlcls Ad, 18D:3" (5D Vic., No. 4,0), it is enacted

tlmt it shall he lawful [or the Goyernor to divide allY goldfield, or p[trt thereof, into districts, a,]](1 to define the uf ,melt a name or designation thereto, a,nc1 time to time to alter, amend, ,wd vary such limits, hounchtries, ,tllCl desigmLtions : 'l'HEREFOll.E I, Sir GElU.RD Sil'IITH, GOyenlOl' as in exereise of the powers so vested in 1l1e, 1l,nc1 of all other powers cnabling me ill Hmt belmlr, with the ac1viee of the Executive do declare that that portion of the cbrics desel'il)(;c1 hCl'eullllcl' :3imll ,1lld be known as the


I~OlU1dod Oil thl.) li/Gsl by tL lino extencling in a NOl'th­Basterly direction from the Sllllllnit of .Mount lYIarsh on the Southorn BonucLwy of the Pillmrm Goldfield to T1'ig. St,l,tiou G G, [me! thence to 'r1'ig'. Station G 2,]" ncm' the right bauk of the Upper Coongan Itiver on the North by a line extpuding due Bast from Trig. G 2'1 aforesaid to the Eastc'rn boundary of tho Pilbarl"ft Goldfield; <l,ud on the Ectst and Sonth hy portions of the Eastern rmc1 Southern bounchries of the l'ilban'>l Goldfield.

Given under my hand ,mll the PubJie SelLl of the said Colony, at Perth, this 21st c1a.y of October, 1896.

By His Exeellency's COlllll11Lnc1,




7 ::1[1 Order in OounciL

At the E,rx'cntivi! C'onncil Chamber, at Perth, the 8th day of October, 1896.


His Exeellency the Governor. 'rho Hononrables-

'1'he Colonial '1'1'oasn1'o1', The COlll1nissioner of Crown L,tncls, '.I'ho Minister of Mines.

S by the proyisions of "rI'he LlLllds 1i,esumption 18\J4." it is made hwful

for the Goyernor in Council to take [tnv lands that lluty be requircd for the ereetioll of St~tte Schools: AND WHlmEAS it is deemed necessa,ry to ta,ke the vVestern portion of Perth Town Lot Y 162, con­iftining lr. 39p., for the purpose of extending the bounc1'Lries or it State SdlOOl lLt vV cst Perth: Now THEREFORE His I~xc('llenev the Goyernor, by and with the ctdvice and consent.' of the Executive Council, cloth hereby declare his iutention to take the s,tic1 hnd for the purpose hereiubefore mentioned.

F. D. NORTH, Clerk of the Exeeutive Council.

GAZETTE , [Nov. 6, 1896.

No. 6921-C.S.O. Colonictl Secret",']/s OIfice,

Pej'th, 5th Novemua, 1896.

IS Goverllor, by his Dcputy, in has heen IJlectsec1 to appoint

FmcDBIHcK CHAltLES of to l)l' ,L Justice of the Pp<L(;e for thc Perth lYI,tg·ist.crinJ Dis-

and JOHN .JOSEI'll HIGl!A;\I, uf FrcllULlltlu, to be a Justiee of the Pe;v.:e for tlw J4'rcnmntle J\J:ctgis­tel'i;tl Distriet.

ocrI'. BUJ:~'r, Under Secretary.

No. li917.-C.S.0. Oolonial

3t_~_U & a;~_~_7 !)el'ih,

IS Exc:dlellcv thu Governor, Executive CouIH,il, ]ms bpC:ll ple;.tscd

the following ;tppoilltmcnts :--­PA!l'HICK rrTtOY to be

Coolg'Hdie GolcUidd, v;ec l{" D;),vi~, 011 leavl'.

"\Ya1'ckn of the I-To1'th­dn1'1ng the ahsence of

vy. IIU(1lf ,lONgS to be ]E~Lst Coolg'al'di~} P"trick '['roy.

Ko. 6918.--C.S.0.

OCT. BUWr, U nclP!' Sc~('rda,r)'.

Colonial Secretary's O.oice, j'm'lh, 4lh Novembe)', l89a.

Excellency the Governor, by his Deputy, in Executive Council, bts heen ple,Lsecl to ~tppoint

E. A. GRA'l'WICK. of 1{,1bulling', to hc Electoral Registrar for the Eleetoral Distri~:t of VVillimns, vice A. VV. Piesse, resigned.

OCT. BURT, Uilller Seeretary.

No. 6919.-C.S.0. Coloninl Sccrctctrll's Office,

\Jli Perth, 4th November, 1896.

Excellency tbe Governor, by hi,; Deputy, ill Executive Council, h,t>; 1we11 plc<tlSell to Rppoillt

G. F. HYl\lUS to he all Assislttnt Dish'iet Registrar or Births, DeRths, and 1Ylltl'riu.ges for the Jarrahdalc li,egistry Dish'iet; to reside at Roekinglmm.

No. 6012.-C.S.0. 3~L1.0


OCT. BURT, U ncler Seeretltl'Y.

Coloni"l SecrelcwlI's o'ffice, Pel·th, 2nd November, 1896.

Exeellellcy the Governor in I-i]xecutiYe COUlwil has been' pleased to llmke the following

't}lpoilltmellts :-Sergeant EDWAHD A. LElIlON to be Suh-I1l8pector, with

effect from 1-6-D6. Sergeant 'fHOilIAS C. Hor.)[ES to he Suh-Inspector, with

elYcct from 1-11-85. Suh-Inspector JOSgPH Ji'Altl,BY to hl' J:nspcctor in clmrgc

of the Crimimtl Illvestig:ttioll Hmnch, with enact fro111 1-7-96.

Sub-Inspector CHAS. C. Kl':WLAND to be J:l1spector, with eifect from 1-7-96.

S~rgeant JA:m,;s CONNOlc to be Sub-Inspoctor, ,vith effect frolll 1-1O-D6.

C"pbtiu .B"l{,ANK L. CASSI<:r,L, provisiOlmlly <1nd tempo]'­,wily to be Sub-Inspector, with effect from l-lO-fJLi.

OCT. BURT, IT ncler Secretary.

No. 6923.-C.S.0. Oolonial SeC)'dctl'Y'S o'ffice,

Perth, 6th November, 1896.

ONDAY, the 9th November instant, will be ob­served RS a Publie Holiday in the Govern­

mcnt Offiees throughout the Colony.

OCT. BURT, Under Seeretary.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \iV.A. 1961

No. 0922.-0.S.0.

THE following Report is publishec1 for general information,

Oolonial Secrcia1'y's Office, Perth, 5th November, 1896.

OCT, BURT, Unc1er Secretary,

Report of the Registrar General on the Vital Statistics of Western Australia for

the Quarter ending 30th September, 1896.


There were registerec1 c1uring the Quarter, 761 Births,-385 males anc1 376 females.


There have been 353 Deaths registerec1 during the Quarter,-256 males anc1 97 females.


IJal'ticnlars. )Iales. Totals.

- ---------~-------------~~---- -- - --- -- ,-----

Estimlttec1 population on 30th June, 1896 Increltsc by births during Septcmbcr Qua,rter Increase by arrivals by sea for Septcmber Quarter


ecrease by c1eaths c1uring September Quarter


2,')6 D D ecreasc by departures by sea ... ... i 2,850

i I

rotal population on 30th September, 1896 i

... I


I l?cll1al0s. '1'ota1s.

97 353 536 3,386

... .. ,


96,810 38,979

3,106 633

193,704 38,346

122,420 761





Tables showing estimated Pop7.lation; Births (WLcl Deaths of males anel females; total Deaths 7mdel' 1 year and 1mclel' 5 yea1's; JJ1'opo1'tion of Deaths 1WLcle1' 1 yea?' to the tote.l m.mbe1' of Bi1,ths; the lJ1'oportion of Deaths 1mder 1 year and 'lincle1' 5 yea1's to total Deaths.

~~ Births. Deaths, 03 ~~ i~ ~~

'C:1ci ~~ ~ ~o

-g B~ ,,~ 0 ';:::;: ~ "'2 '02 ~ "'0 w ;;'5 ~-= 'o~ ~~ 2."§.:;; ~,n

~~.~ Jp 0,,-

i~! :;3:; ~" c;::::.

-g~;$ ~~ tJ)- tr;o ~g

~'2 -;:;..-<.0 .;:£ .,5"'" 0"",

-'~ ~~ :::rr. ~

~§ ~ 8;.... 8'£3 85 w

-0 ~o ~o " ~§ 8.::: ~~

::...":::' " E-< o~ ~§ ~ ;::;J: ~::: ~,c "'

132,050 87 9'20 24'64 0'58 0'27 19'83 I 408 i


'rhe following Meteorological information is furnished from observations recorc1ed 1tt the Perth Observatory;-

The highest temperature duriug the Quarter, in the shade, was 83°, on the 25th, 29th, ~tnc1 30th September; anc1 the lowest 35°, on the 13th July.

The greatest range of temperature took place on the-

24th September 25th September

Range. 33() 33°

The following shows mean of barometer, mean shac1e temperature, m~1,X1l11Um and m1l1lmUm in shade, mean humic1ity, rainfall, anc1 prevailing winds;-

31eall of ).lonths. Barometer.

July 30'106 53 66 August 30'172 57 74 September 30'184 60 83

JYIean 30'154 57'S Sum Extreme 83

35 38 40


73 71 69



Pl'evailing 'Yinds. Inches. Days.

8'52 14 Calm and S.W. 3'71 14 Calm anc1 S.W. 1-08 10 Oalm and Oalm

13'31 38

. The average readings of the Barometer, the Temperature, and Rainfall fQr the same Quarter for the 20 years (enc1ing 1895) are­

Barometer Temperature Rainfall

SO'H6 56'6° 14'60 inches.

The total raiufall up to the end of September for the current year was 29'70 inches, on 85 days; the ,wemge for the same period for the past 20 years being 29'75 inches.

1962 GOVERN"MENT GAZETTE, W.A. eN QV. 6, 1896.

The following Table shows the Clt'/tses of Death of pm'sons of both sexes cZuTiny the Qua1·te1· ending 30th 8eptembel', 1896, c~lso the lJ1'opoTtion pe1' cent, of the Deaths;-










Canses of Dc,tth.

Specific, Febrile, or Zymotic diseases 7 3

Dietetic diseases Constitutional diseases 2 1 Developmental diseases 18 Lomtl diseases ... 22 12 Violence Ill-defined and not specified

canses 21 1

Totals 70 17

Sub-Class. Disease.



1lIiasmatic Diseases. 8. Influenza, 9. "Whooping- Cough

1-•. Typhoid, Enteric ]'ever

II Dial'l'hcectl. Disc,,,"s. 2. Dia1'1'h03a 3. Dysentery

In ll[oJari,t/ Diseases. 2. Intermittent ]Cever (Ague) ...

v Venereal Diseases. 1. Syphilis

VI Systic Diseases.


4·. Puerpera] Fever

Dm'rE'1'TC DrsEAsEs.

1. Sbtrvation, 'Want of Breast :iHilk ...

I t ., {a. Chronic 3. n empelanc:e Alcoholism.


1. Rheunmtic Fever, Rheuma .. tism of Heart

5. C:mcer, lYLtligmmt Disease 6. Tabes Mesenteric:, 8. Phthisis n. Other ]'o1'lns of Tubercu­

losis, SCl'ofnla) &c.

.Dl';Vl~IIOl'i\lgN'1'AlJ Dlf)I'iAf){<;N.

1. Prelllature! Birth 8. Old Age

LOcA I, !) IH ";\81';B.

iJiseases of lhe NCI'L'OllS System. l. Inflalllllllit ion ()f Bmin 01' its

i\Icl1l hr:,lwH 2. Apoplexy 8. Softening' of Brain 5. Paralysis (undefined) 6. Exhaustion fl'()1U :1>Ial1ia 8. Epilepsy H. Convulsions

11. Idiopathic Tetanus 12. Paraplegi}l, Diseases of Spinal

Cord ... 13. Others.

Diseases ql the Cil'Clt{,tlory Sydem.

1. Endocarditis, Yahubr Dis-ease ...

2. Pericarditis 5. Syncope 6. A neurisl1l 0. Phlobitis

11. Heart Diseasc, Undefincd ...

Registral' Gcncra,l's Office, Perth, 5th November, 1896.



6 1

1 \J 1



1;) 21


2 1


7 10 1 ,t ;') 15

23 -to 10 12

4 11

50 92


2 1


Proportion pcr cent.

uno I'DS 8'22

llJ':m ·±l·0J,




VI LOCAl, DISBASIlS (continued).



IV Diseases q/lhc Bespir(dory System. 1. Laryngitis ·I. Asthlll:1, l~llIph,)'sema 5. Bronchitis ti. Pneulnouin

6a. Congestion of Lungs 7. Pleurisy

V Discases of the Digestive System. 2. Dentition





,t. Dyspepsin, 7. Diseltses of Stollu,ch ... 8. Enteritis

10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intes­tine ...

11. Stricture or Strangubtion of Intestine

13. Hernia ... 15. Peritonitis 17. Gall Stoncs Ill. Cirrhosis of Liver 19. Other Diseases of Liver

Diseases qt' the Urinnl'Y System. 1. Nephritis 2. Bright's Disease (Nephria) ... 3. UrcHlni:, ,1. Hertt Apoplexy 7. Diseases of Bladder, Prost.ate,

&c. 8. Others ..

Diseases of the U f!JtOLS of (3 enc)"at'iOJt. G. Perin('[tl Abscess

Diseases ot l)a.l'lnrition. ·L Placellt:l l)ra:im, Flooding ...


, Accident 01: Negli!!CltcG. 1. ~ l'actnl'{~S, ContUSIons 2. lhlllshot '\1' onnds ' •. 13111'11, Sca.Jd (0. D1'ownin o·

8. Otherwis~

Suicide. 1. Gunshot \Yollnds 3. Poison ... <to Drownillo' 0. Otherwis~



1. Dropsy 2. Dcbility, Atrophy, Inanition 6. Hremorrh:tge ... 8. Not spccified or ill-defined ...


2 1 5



2 1 2 1 2 6

5 2

1 2

:-; 1 2

ThtIALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registrar General.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT

No. 6913.-C.S.O. 3360 Colonial Sec"etm'Y's Q(fice, "if Perth, 2nd NovembCl'. 1896.

THE following Despa,tch receiveel by His Excel­lency the Governor from the Right Honoumble

the Secretary of State for the Oolonies, anel its enclosure. are publisheel for general information.

OOT. BUR'r, U neler Secretar,\!.


Downing' Street, SIR, 20th Angnst, 1896.

I have the honour to transmit to you. for information and for publication in the Colony lmder your Government, a copy of a notice issued by the Foreign Office concerning' the denunciation of the Treaty of :F'riendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and the Dominican Repu blic signed on the 6th JIIlarch, 1850.

I have, &c., The Officer Administering J. CHAMBERLAIN.

the Government of


Foreign Office, August 19, 1896.

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has received from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, a Note, dated the 14th ultimo, denollncing the Treaty of Friendship, Commeree, and Navigation, signed between Great Britain and Dominica on the fith of March, 1850. This notice of demmci'ltion, which is in conformity with the provisions of Article X. of that Treaty, as sup­plemented by the terms of the snbsequent Declaration of the 7th of September, 1860, has been accepted by Her Majesty's Government, and the stipulations of the Treaty -except those relating' to peace and friendship between the two countries a,nd their subjects and citizens-will cease and determine accordingly on the 14th of Jnly, 1897.

No. G920.--C.S.O. Colonial Secl'ctm'Y's Opice,

l'C1·th, 4th November, 18.96.

H IS Excellency the Governor, by his Deputy, in Executive Oouncil, has been pleaseel to con­

firm the following By-law made by the Oouncil of the JYIunieipality of Guildforel.

OOT. BURT, Under Secretary.

GUILDFORD MUNICIP.U~ITY. In accol'dmlCe with Section 99, Sub-section 28 Munieipal

Institutions Act, 1895 (59 Vict., No. 10), the Guildford lYIunieipa,l Council has pnssecl the following' By-law:-

H On and after the 1st January, 1897, Lt shall not he law­ful for any person to keep swine within any p>Lrt of the Municipality of Guildford East of the R,iver Swan."

Any person who shall offend against the provisions of this By-law shall be liable to a penalty of not less than Jl1 nor more than £5.

N:othing in this By-law shall apply to any swine brought into the, town for sale and removed therefrom within twenty-four hours.

IV. G. JOHN SON, Mayor.

Guildford, October 9th, 1896.


No. 6914.-C.S.O. 34 00 Colonial Secretary's Office, ·.if Pe1·th, 2ncl Novembe'l', 1896.

THE following Hyelrogl'aphic Notices are pub-_ lisheel for general information.

OOT. BURT, Under Secretary.


IIUd,'(J{lt'ct]l/tic Notice, No. 2i'.

H Orlundo," at Port Lincoln, 2nd October, 1890.


Infonuu.tion hns been received of the existence of twol'cefs, which are well known to fishermen at Port Lincoln, who constantly fish on them, and which are not marked on Admirulty charts.

GAZETTE. 'V.A. 1963

(I.) A shoal with about 12 feet on it lies about S.E. 2~ miles. from D!tngerons Reef.

Ch!trts llffectecl :-2389n. 2759B. Sailing' Directions :-AustraUft., Vol. 1., page 104. (IT.) 'A shoal with about 4 fathoms 011 it lies in Thorny Passage,

about S.S.E. 2 miles froIn Hopkills Island. Charts affected :-2389A, 2i59n. Sailing Directions :-Australin, Vol. 1., page 99.

(" Orlando," Note Xo. 8, 1 OctvUeI", 1896: q[licG No. S% 7.)


A l'eport has been received that the Orient Company's steamer H Oroya," drawing 26 feet, blunped when going out of Port PhHlip (the sea. beillg' very rough at the time), on a spot snpposed to be S. 46;) E. 1'14 miles from Point Lonsdale Lighthouse. As this spot is marked 55 feet in Afuniralty charts, ships of heavy ch-aught are cautioned.

Further information on this subject \vill be h:snecl 'when obtained. Charts affected :-27·j.7A, 1171A. Sailing Directions :-Anstl'alin, Vol. 1., Imge 310.

(Governor, VictoJ~ia, 28 Scpiclnhet, 1896: O.Uicc No. si- 7.)


In part 2 of Hydl'ographic Notice No. 26, relative to the extension of Heron Spit, l\'fauakau Harbonr, to the Eastward, the chart affected is 2i2G, and not 2614·,


Iro the respective Captains, Commanders, and Officers

Commanding Her 1Vlajcsty's Ships and Vessels ou the

Australian Sta,tion. --------


Real' Admiral.

(l Orlanclo," at Port Melbonrne, 19th October, 1896.

]Iyd/'ographic Notice, No. 28. BOWEX HARBOUR (PORT DE"'SOX).

Information has been rcceiV"ed from the ].ia,rine Department, Brisbane, that the channel to Bowen jetty, und also a space in the Yicinity of the jetty, have recently been deepened.

Vessels of less dmught than 21 feet can now be berthecl at the S.I'I'. side of the jetty.

Further information on this subject should be obtained from the local authorities.

A smuH coral patch has been discovered close inshore Westward of the jetty, and is marked by a black buoy.

Chart affecteel : -2803. Sailing Directions :-Allstralia., Vol. 11., phge 277.

(.:Jfol'r,w Depal'hncnt, BJ'isoUilC, 2.'3 SCptCHLOCl', 1896; o.Oice No. -5 ~ 7.)


To the respective C:.tpttlins, COlmnunclers, a.nd Otlicers

COllllnanding Her M~tjesty's Ships and Vessels on the

Australio.ll Station.

N 0'1'101'] 'ro MARIN EltI').

Rear Admiral.



rI"uE Government of vVestern Australia, gives notice that 011 and aJter the 10th December,

1896, " light. will be displayeel from the new I,ighthouse on the extreme point of Oape Leeuwin. The light is revolving, of the Feu x Eclairs, 01'

lightning flash lights type, lLnd will show a single flash of white light every five seconds; dumtion of flash one-fifth of a seconel, eclipse foul' and foul'­fifths seconds.

The tower is cylinelric,tl in for111 , 135 feet in height from base to vane, anel is of a natural stone colour.

The focal plane of the light is 185 feet above high water, anel the light will be visible all rounel the horizon from a distance of 19 it miles in clear weather.

The subsieliary light formerly ,tc1vertiseel will not be exhibiteel.

Approximate position: Latituele, 34° 22' South. Longitude, 115° 8' East.

O. R. RUSSEI,L. Ohief Harbuur J\Ia::lfel'.

Harbour Depnrtmellt., Fremantle, 27th October, 189G.

1964 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [N OY. 6, 1896.

()olu'nial :f1J'Basurer's Office, 5th NO~'embe1', 1896.

n~HE following Notice from the Collector of l Customs is published for general information.

JOHN FOl~RES'I', Colonial Treasurer.

RE'l'UltN of Gold, produce of the Colony, entered for Export during the month ending 31st October, 1896.

Port of

I Field where

Shipment. obtained. Quantity. DcstiillfLtion.

ozs. d \\'1 S, gr", Fl'o11lan tle ... N. Coolgal'dio 3W(i 2

Do. E. Coolg'arclio 005:3 5 Do. Coolg'ardio 5275 10

Champion Bay j\lIul'chioon IGil ,1. Do. Do. 13:30 3 Do. Do. 1 G

Allmny Coolgnl'(lie 71 11 Frmmtntlo Ashbul'ton (i7 0

Do. E. Coolglwclie 3015 5 Do. Yilgal'll 1:320 0

Esperance DUllclas 7 0 Fremantle N.E. Coolgal'clio 53G 13 Cossack Pilbltl'l'lt 330 0

Do. Do.

I 1121 0

Fremantle lYlnrchison IG 0

Total 127331 2


Field where obtained. Quantity.

OZ:;;, dwts. gl'S.

North Coolgardie East Coolgarclie Coolgal'die North-East Coolgardie Yilgarn Dunclas Murchison Pilbarl'lt Ashbul'tOll


3,50G 2 21 120G8 11 8 5:347 1 ID

(53G 13 0 1:329 0 0

700 3018 13 13 1451 0 0

G7 0 0

27331 2 13

21 Melbourne. 12 Do.

;'j Do. 'J. London. 1 Molbourne. 8 AdeliLide.

H J"onclon. 0 j\lIolbourno.

20 London. 0 Melbourne. 0 Adebide. 0 j\lIelbourne. 0 J,onclon. 0 Melbourne. 0 Do.



,C s. d. 13g23 G 11 4(58GO 11 1 20:318 18 10 2039 (5 5 5050 4 0

2G 12 0 11470 19 5

5,513 1G 0 25'. 12 0

103868 5 8


Collector of Customs.

Agents under "'l'he Homesteads Act, 18H3."

2 0 0 DepaJ'!1nent ~f Lands and SU1'veys, H Pe1'th, 19th Septemuer, 1896.

I T is hereby notified, for general information, that I have appointed the undermentioned persons to

be Agents fo1' receiving Applications uncleI' "The Homesteads Act, 1893," and before whom ltllJ St~1tutory Declaration required under the sa,icl Act may be nU1de :-

F. S. BROCKlIIAN, Inspecting Surveyor.

G. VV. LEEIYIING do. do.







C. E. lYIAY, Inspector of COllclitiOlml Purchnsos.

JOHN DE CAsTnI,A (10. do.

T. H. STANBURY, Clerk of the Court, Kcttmming-.


COl11missioner of Crown Lands.

"The Homesteads Act, 1893."

Land open for Selection under Conditional Purchase along Yilgarn Railway.

Depm·tmenl of Lanels o"nel Perth, 26th 11>96.

is hereby notified, for geneml information, tlmt His Excellency the Governor in Executive

Council has, uncleI' the provisions of Section 31 of the Homesteads Act, 1893, ordered tha,t a.11 the un­reserved Crown :Lanc1s within forty miles from eith"r side of the Yilgal'1l Railwa,y line, b~tween the Easterll boundary of the Meckering Agricultural Area amI the Western bouncli1ry of the Yilga,rn Gol,jfiel(l (excluding, however, the 'rammin, Bainding, awl Doocllakin Agricultuml Areas) sh,,11 he open for selection uncleI' conclitiOlml purchase, as pl'ovidecl in the Land }~egula,tions anil IIomesteads in respect of Lands withill the South-vVest Divisioll (>1' the Colony.

Plans showing the lands referrcd to Ci],n be obtained at this Ofliee, mHl a.t the Offices of the Government Land Agents, Northam and York.

A. R. }l,ICHARDSON, Commisf;ioller of Crown Lands.

Agent under" fJ'he lIomesteluls Act, Isn;j."

Depa1'iment q/ Lands and StL"veys, Perth, 80th September, 18,9(;.

is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor in Ex('(;uiin'

Council has been pleased to lLppolnt .TAMES FORWA I:D

to be an Agent for receiving Applieations ull<lur "'I'lw Homesteads Act, 1898," and before whom lUl,v Statutory Declaration required under the Hctid A et lllay be made.

A. R. IUCHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Roads Boards

40 0 9 Depct,'tment of Lands Lt1ul 81",'veys, "" Path, 2ncl Novemlil:J', 18.%.

I T is hereby notified, for general infornmtioll, that Returns have been received of the l~leeti()ll of

the following gentlemen to serve on the ull(kl'­mentioned Roads Boards during' the currellt .I'm!':


MEMBERs-l'L. E. Edwal'ds, vVillimn GeOl'ge,

vtCe .T. A tkillSOll, '( S t 1 I 1 o. t J. V. J OllGS, ) ea s c ec [l,]'('( V1lC.111.


vVillimn f::lcott. ASHBUR1'ON ROADS BOA RD.

lYIElIBER-GeOl'ge vVoolhouse, ,vice

John Stewal't (decease,l). ROEBOURNE IWADS BOARD.

MEllIBER-D. K. McRae, vice

E. j\lIartill (resigned).


vice Rogor Lisle (resigned).

A. R. RICHAR])SON, Commissioner of Crowl] Lands.

N ov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT

l\nwmlmcllt 01' BoulHlal'ies of Augusta 'l'ownsite.

De])o"lment of Lands and. S""'vcys, l'crth, 27th OctobeY, 1896.

IS Bxeellellev the Governor in Bxeeutive Coun-eil has heell pleasecl to approye of the follow­

ing Loulldaries of Augusta Townsite, in lieu of those a,rlopted in Exeeutive Couneil 011 the 19th April, 1836, ",hieh are hereby ealleellec1.

A. R. RICHARDSON, COlllmissioner of Crowll Lands.

Bounded by lines starting from the North-East corner of Suss ox Location h on the "'IVestern shore of Flinders Bay, and extenclinO' 270" 2;)' gO chains 30 links, and 3,';0° 21' 49 dmins 21 links along part of the N ortllern bouncheries of sa,id Location h to an angle in said boundnl'ies; thence North to the Southern shore of ,Vest Bay; thence Enst­ward along said shore nnd "cross H1l,l'doy's Inlet to a point on the latter's Eastern shore. situate North from n point 1 chain East £1'0111 the NOl'th-liiast cornGr of Augnsb1 Snhur­brm Lot HI; thenco Sonth to a point sihmte 1 clu,in East and 1 cluein from said North-East corner of .Lot 1'16; thence Eadt to a point sihmto North from the Korth-East 00rn01' of .Augmhl, Sulml'lmn Lot l:H; thence South throllg'h the NOl'th-E"st fmd South-East corners of said Lot 184 to the Northern shol'o of FEnders B"y; thenco South--Westerly along said shore, crossing the entr"nce to Iln.rdey's Inlet, and Southorly nlong the ,Vestorn shore of FEnders Bay to the stnrting point; containing "bout 2290 aores.

Hesene for Rtate 'Forest, IJuwlel"s.

OJ",<> DC]J(tr[)ncnt of Lands and S'ul'Veys, "tI Pe-tih, 80th September, 1896.

I T is, .hereby notifi('(l, for'lm~ioll, t~at ,. HIS Exeellenev the Goverllor III jjJxeeutIve CouDcil has been pleased to order tlmt frolll this date the Crowll Lands within a, u1,dius of two llliles frolll the Post Office at IJawler's shall be a Sh1,tc Forest l1ncler Clanse 99 of the Land Regulations. a,nc1 to prohibit the cntting of a,U timber within sneh ftrea.

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown La,nc1s.

itcsenes for State Forests.

DepoTtment of Lands am'! S1wveys, Perth, 27th Octouer, 1896.

is herl'b.1' notified, for generaJ illforllmtion, tlmt His ];Jxcellell(;l' the Governor in Exeeutive

Couneil has been pleas~d to order tluet, from this <late tllt' Crown LlWcls withill a ra(lins of two miles from the respective Post Offiees of the uncler­Llentionecl Towns shall be State Forests, under 0::lu8e 99 of ihe 1--,,,u<1 I~egubtiolls, ,tncl to prohibit the eutting of <1,H timher within sUell area:,;:~

Austin G(lougarrie Thlarblo Bar Bmllboo Gren.t Bouldor Meuzies Black Flag Hall's Croek iYlount JYlagnet Bro"cl Arrow Knutsforcl Nmmine Cucldingw>llTa K um1lUl11illg JIi oongal Cue Knrn:tlpi Norseman Dav Dawn Londonderry Southern Cross Du'11<1:1s JYIal1ina Yalgoo.

·IS!):! rnT

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown IJands.

Department of Lands am cl S1wveys, Pe;·t7" 27th OdobC1', 1896.

T is hereby llotified, for geneml information, tlmt His Excelleney the Governor in Executive

Couneil ba.s been plmsed to order that, from this date, the Crown Lands within a radius of two miles from the South eo mer of B",la,gundi rrown Lot 61 sha,ll be " Sta,te Forest, under Clause 99 of the L~md Regulations, ,mcl to prohibit the eutting of all timber within sueh al·elL.

A. It. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown L~Lllcls.


New Town Lots open for Sale.

TOWllsite of Port Hedland.

3 +"., Depa'1'lment of Lands and Sw'Veys, ]j~f Perth, 22ncl Octobel', 1<'196.

I :::TIS Bxeellene,Y the GOYel'llor in Exeeutiye _.1 Council, by virtue of the powers given him

by the Land Regulations, hlLS been pleased to order tha,t the Crown La,ncl ineluclecl within tIle arelL hereinafter partieularised be chtssecl as Town ancl Suburba,n, to form a townsite within the vVest Pilbarm Goldfield, here"ftel' to be known and dis­tinguished a,s "Port Hec1bnd."

Bounclaries.-A meridian line passing through a poin two milos due East from the Eastern eorner of Town Lot GO; termilla,ted by high ,,,ater llmrk on the Northerll shore of Port HecUand, ami by high water mark on tho open coast, together with the harbour and coast line botween the two extremo points of this moridian lino.

The upset pri~e ttt whieh ttllotmellts within this Townsite will be offered for sltle hy publie tmctiol1, lLS provided by the Lltlld llegulatiolls, will for the present be £15 per lot.

The allotments fLlreac1v surveyed are numbered from 1 to 71 inelusiye.· v

Town Lots 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 68 and 69 have been reserved.

Plans of the same, showing the arl'2tngement of the lots refelTec1 to, will shortly be obbtiImhle ttt tllis Offiee, ancl at the Offiee of the Wm'clen, West PillxtrnL Goldfield.

A. R. RICHAI~DSON, COllllILlssioner of Crown IJLLnds.

New Sulmrbau I .. ots open for Sale.

Clackline Suburban Area.

Depaj·tment Qf Lancls wul S~wve1Js, 2iH-" Perth, 15th OctobeY, 1896.

Exeelleney the Governor ill Exeeutive COUll-eil, by virtue of the powers given him h." the

Land Regulations, ha,,, been pleased to order that the Crown hwd inelnclec1 within the m'etL hereinafter p,trtieuhuisec1 be elassecl as sulml'ban bnd, hereafter to be known a,nd distinguished ,18 "Claekline."

Bouncled by lines starting from the 'IV est eorner of of Avon IJoca,tion 355, and extending vVest-South­West to a point clue North from the vVest eorner of IJoefttion 717, thenee South to sai.d corner, thence ttlong the N orth-"Vest houndary of tIu1,t Loeatioll, thenee along parts of the South--West and N orth­vVest hounchries of Loeation 716, thenee along the vYestwarc1 boundaries of I.1oeatioll 1565, thenee erossing the N ortham to Clackline Road and along the South-v Vest and part of the North-West boundaries of Loea,tion 1289, thence along the South -vVest bounc1a,ry of Lo~ation 370 and its prodl1etion to the Soutb-East hounc1m'y of afore­said Loeation 355, thenee along l)lLl't of its South­East anc1 the whole of its South-V Vest bOl1nc1aries to to the stlLrting' point.

The upset priee at whieh these a,llotments will be offered for sale by publie aetiol1, as provided by the Lftllc1 Reguhttions, will for the present be 30s. per aere.

The allotments lLlrea,cly surveyed are numbered 1 to 21 inelusive.

Plans of the same are now ohta,ina,ble a,t this Office.

A. R. RICHARD SON, C0111missioner of Crown TJ[Ll1ds.

1966 GOVERNME:NT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 6, 1896.

Roads Board .Election.

Depaj·tment of Lands and S1t?'veys, "Ho Perth, 23j'cl Septembe,', 1896.

Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hfls been pleased to appoint the

following dates at which the undermentioned acts, required or permitted to be done in connection with the Electoral Lists of the Esperance Roads Board District, shall take place :-


Preparation of Electoral Lists

Additions or Objections to Lists may be posted by registeeed letter to Returning Officer

Moncby, 5th October, lSD6.

1'uesday, ord Novem­ber,lS96.

Open Court for Revision of Lists ... Wednesday, 18th No­vember, 1896.

1'hursday, 31st De­cember, lSD6.

Election of Members

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown I,ands.

"'l'he Stoell. Diseases Act, 1895."

Depa,·tment of Lands ancl Sm'veys, c ~(10 ~% Pc?'th, 15th Scpientber, 1896.

THE attention of Stock Owners is drawn to Section XI. of "The Stock Diseases Act,

1895," which requires "Every owner of infected stock, or of stock suspected to be infected, shall, within twenty-four hours of the time when he shall have discovered or suspected such stock to be infected, give written notice thereof to the nearest Inspector, a,nd shall thenceforth keep such infected or suspected stock from coming into conhwt with other stock until otherwise ordered by an Inspector;" anu also to Clause 9 of the Stock Regulations, which provides that ;-

" Any stock found at any time to be suffering from any infectious or conhtgious disease, or suspected by the inspector to be suffering from any infections or contagions disease, or affected with tick, or lice, or any :parasite, may be seized by an Inspector and phcecl in quarantine, and there treated as the Inspector may direct, at the owner's expense, until clean; or if the disease should be of such a nature t1ll1t, in the opinion of the Inspector, such stock should be destroyed, the Inspector shall report the case to the Minister, who may order the destruction of such stock at the owner's expense."

Persons having Stock so affected lue required to notify the nearest Inspector. The Inspectors' names and addresses are as follows

The Chief Inspector of Stock. .. Perth F W. Beere ... Eucla A. Kennett W. G. Knight R. E. Wrtrburton J. H. R. Keene .. . M. J. Rowland .. . R. Eliot ... L. :iYIacPherson ... C. F. Gale T. C. Williams ... J. Brockman Alf. Smith

... Esperance

... Albany

... Williams River P.O.

. .. Coolgarclie

. .. Irwin P.O.

. .. Geraldton . .. iYI ount Magnet ... Yalgoo . .. Thundelara ... Shark's Bay ... Roebourne

Jno. F. Duff ... Hall's Creek, Kimberley S. Stephens ... vVyndhmn.

The above notice is given so that Owners of Infected Stock may provide themselves witb material for dipping after shearing.

A. R RIUHAHDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

.} 910 913

'l'he IStoc]( Diseases Act, 1895.

DepaTtinent of Lwtds and Stwveys, Pel'th, 8th Oetobe1', 1896.

l.1 .. "Hk"'.LiO by Section 6 of "'I'he Stock Diseases Aet, 1895;;' the Governor is empowered from

time to time to make, vary, alter, or revoke such Hegulations ltS may be deemed expedient for regu­letting the conditions upon which ltHy stock may be introduced or imported into the Colony: Now there­fore I, Lieut.-Colonel Sir GERARD SMITH, K.C.lYLG., by a.nc1 with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby make the following Regulations :-

l. No hides- or skins of stock shall be imported or introduced into this Colony unless they 811a.11 have been thoroughly salted ill a proper pit, in which they sl1<111 have remained for at least one week.

2. Any person committing ~t brelwh of this regu­lation shall be litLble, on conviction, to a penalty not exceeding Fifty pounds, and the hides or skins with respect to which the'ence shall have been committed shall be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the Minister sh:111 direct.

A. R. HICHAHDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Regulations umler "'l'he :Fishery Aet, 1889."

.Depa,·imcJlt of Land ancl S1wveys, "-~t' Perth, 15th Odobe)', 1896.

W HEREAS by Section 6 of" The Fishery Act, 1889," it is enacted th:1t it shall be lawful

for the Governor in Council, fro111 time to time, by Regulations to be published in the Gove1·1wl.ent Gazette, a.mongst other things" to regulate the size of the meshes of nets to be used for the capture of any speeies of fish, and to impose such reasonable pemtlties not exceeding £20 amI forfeitures, as the Governor in Council may think fit, for any breach of such regulations: "

His Exeellency the Governor in Council does, by this 11oegulation, declare it to be unlawful for any person to fish by means of any net of less than It inch mesh or gauge in the waters of Princess Royal Harbour, Oyster Harbour, and King George's Souncl.

Every person committing :1 breaeh of this Regula­tion shall be liable, on cOllviction, to It penalty of not more than £:20, and sh:111 forfeit the net used ane1

ttll fish which he shall have htken.

A. R. rHCHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lands

Amendment of Boundaries of Agricultural Areas.

771 Depa1·tment qf Lands and SU7't'eys, in Perth, 27th Octobe7', 1896.

I rf is .hereby notified, for general info.rmation, tl:at HIS Excelleney the Governor 111 ExecutIve

Council has been pleased to amend the Boundaries of the unclermentioned Agricultural Areas, by ex­cluding those portions of the Areas not surveyed into Lots, as delineated on the Plans of the Department of Lands and Surveys; the boundaries previously published in the Gove1'nment Gazette being hereby callcelled:-

::'i~-&Z, 5~%5, 2~%7, JYleckering. i f/-:/, Dalal'oo. :} tFt 3

, ICoojan. A. 110. RICHARDSON,

Commissioner of Crown Lands.

,,"' - (" 18<','6.J 1.\ 0'1.), 7 GOVERNMENT

'J'owllsite of Ueverley,

Additional Town and Suburban Lots open for Sale.

_C 5l_"_ Depnl'tment of Lands and HnrceY$, I' 0 Perth, 27th October, 18fJ6.

I T i~ hen'by notified. fvr gelleml infonmttioll, that 44 aclditiomtl Town and 52 Suburban Lots

ha,ve heen laid out within the rrowllsite of Beyel'lel', and are now open for saIl'. .

The new allotments no,y sm'vevetl are llUlllberec1 as follows :-Town 52 to 95 inclusive, <mcl Suburban 125 to 176 inclusive.

The upset price for c'cwh ,tllntment for thC' present will be as follows :-

Town Lots £20. Suburbcm Lots £2 per acre (with the exception

of lots 41 to 122 inclusive, whi<:h ,H'e £30 each), p'LYftble in foUl' quarterl,v insbtlmellts.

'1'own Lots 13, H, 15, 59, 60, 80, 81. 82, 83, and 95, and Suburban riots 16, 132, 134, 13!:!, H2. 14G, 152, 1.55, CLud 161 have oet'n re~el'Yed.

Plans of the smne, showing' tht' ftl'l'<tngelllent of the lots referred to, m'e now obtainahle at this Office and the Offit:e of the GOYE~rll1nent Lfmd Agent. York.

A. R RICHARDSON. COlllmissioner of Crowll Lantl".

GA~ETTE, W.A. 1961

Townsite of Lawlers.

\! I n Depoi'tmeni c!l 1.J(t,nds (UILZ Snrveys, ,.if Pel'lh, 8th October, 1896.

I rT iB hereby nutiiied, for general information. that 258 new 'Town Lots Imye heen laid out within

the 'l'ownsite of I,ltwlers, and, with the ex<:eptioll of th()~e which have lwell l't'~l'rvea, an' nOIY open for sale.

The upset priee of tw:h allotment will, for the p)'esent, be £30.

'The new ,Lllotments now sUl'yeYl'd are lll.unoel'ed from 1 to 258 illclusiw.

Town Lots 17 ~tlld 18 lULv/? been tempontl'ily l'("served, mId Town Lots 83, 129 to 134 inelusive, 187 to 192 inclusive, 145 to 150 inclusive, 171 to 176 illdllSiYe, ] 93 tu 198 inclusiyc, 251 to 258 indusiye, ha,y/? bet'll l'C'Herved fo), y,ll'iou~ pUl'poses.

Phtlls of thl' S<Lltlc'. showing the ,tl'ntngement of the lots referred to. arC' now obtctinn,ble "t this Offiee, <tnd ctt the O/Ii(,e of the ,V,tnlen, E,LS! iYIlll'C·hisOll Golc1fidd. .


COUllllissioner of Crown Lands,


Depwrl'il1ent ({/ L()"nds and 8u/)'uIJlIs) Perth, 1st Octouel', 18!J6.

IllS Excellency t.he Governor in Exeeutive Couneil has been ple<Lsed to appoiut KgNNE'l'H SNODGltASS to lx~ the Officer to do the acts and things required to be done ill mul ,.oout the set.tling of the Jijlectora.l

Lists of the Coolgardie Rmtds Bmud Distriet, to hold <],n Open Court for Revision of the smne, <tllCl to bc Returning Officer ,Lt the first Election; fLlso to ,tppoint the following chttes <tnd pbee in eOlllleetioll therewith, VIZ.:-

Preparation of Blectorn,l Lists

Latest chtte on whieh ctpplk,ctions 01' objeetions to Lists nmy be received by Hetnrning Officer hy registered letter

Open Court for Revision of Lists

.Election of Members

Plnce. Dates.

COlllwil Chmllhel', Coolgm'clie

Do. (10.

Do. ,10.

~/ .Do. do. .. .

1. ~ondonclerry., LinclSn,y'S. Hall .. . Bl111nlmlling, Palmer's Hotel .. . Knmmalling" lYlcCahe's Hotel



vVeclnes(hy,Uth Octoher, 1~9().

vVedneschy, 'Ith Novelllher, 1~f)6. '

Satul'clity, Hth NOY()lllber, 1K\)(,.

Sctturday. 2t-:th Noypmbel', 18\1().

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown Lmlds.

Application Jor <et Poison Lease. Jli~\l Depw'tment of Londs and 1:!"""eY$, Pedh, 14th Oc/.oiJe,', 18!Jij.

I N accordance with the requiremeuts of Clause 7G of the L<tnd Heguhttions. it is horeh,v notified tlmt the undermentioned Application for <L Poison Lease. llllCleJ' Clause 78 of the Regubtiolls, has heen received

at this Office :--

Xo. XamL'.

Davies, 'l'holuas Avon ...


Abont 2:3S7


J3onncle(1 by lines stm-ting from the North-vVest corller of Ayon Loc;l,tion i, ;cnd extending Sonth,ncrcls along the hounchu'ies of ;11iel1n.ted lands to the Xortherl1 boundn,ryof C.P. -f+tCi: thence vVost-South-11' est abollt 150 clutins "long snid Northorn ]JOnnda,l'y and Piut of the Nortliel'll houuchtl'Y of Poison Lei1se T\'\,; thence N orth-Nol'th-IYest to one of the Sonth­SOl(th-J~astern bOHlularies of P.P.R. 8/178; thence East·North-J~ast and XOlth-Xorth-vVc,<t along houn­daries of 8ai(1 P.P.H. to the prolongation West-South­vVestwan1s of the Southorn houndary of An)l1 Location f: thence T~ast-Xorth-East Il() chains to the starting' point.

A, R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown L~mdFJ,




a38a :1;:;:18


338,t :l ~ ~Js

3:383 -',,:\5


g:i8{i :3:;:1 ~



g:)88 3 J}_:~_8


a38fJ 3JL\~:1


. '3a90 :1 5:> S


88fJl 3~j18


3435 251 n


GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'iV.A. [N ov. 6, 1896.


DepO/i·t1nent of Lands and SVA'veys, Pe,·th, 27th October, 1896.

Excellency the Goveruor, by his Deputy, in Executive Ooullcil, ht1,s been pleased to set apart, as Public Reserves, the hmd described in the Schedule below, for the purposes therein set forth :-



i •

i I

• I


500 0 0

200 0 0

500 0

1000 0 0

:WU () ()

Town or District, and Description of Bonndal'lCS.

North OooIgai'lUe Goldjlelcl (Kilkenny square block of land lnwing its boundaries ill the moriditLll mu! righ t mlgles thereto, with Kilkenny Soak in its centre; said soak being situate about 40° 0' about 26 luiles fl'Onl Nhtg"al'a.

NOi'lh Coolfla,.i:~ie Goldfielcl (Dinrlo Oi·eek).-A sqmlro block of land havillg it" houmbries in the meridian mlCl a,t right [lngles thereto, with Dingo Crook at intersection of track in its centre; s[lid intersection being sitWlto about HO 0' about Ilk miles from Niagara.

JY[c,/colm Oreek (North Ooolgctl'die).-A square block ofland having its bouncbries in the meridian and at right rmgles thereto, with lYlalcolm Crook at intersection of track in its centre; said intersection being situate about 18 miles North from Dingo Creek.

Se"",l Souks (Noi·th Ooolg,uclie).-A square block of land having its bouncltu'ies in tho meridittn and at right angles thereto, with Sand Soaks in its centre; said soaks being situate about a2(;0 0' about 16~ miles from lYIalcolm Creek.

BUlHlnp)"s Ch'cck (Nol'th Ooolgm·clie).-A square block of lfmd having its boundaries in the Inel'idian ml(l ,tt right angles thereto, with BnUllner's Crook at intorsectioll of track in its eelltl'H; said intersec-tion being situate [lbout 82° 0' about 8 miles from lYlt11colm Creek.

Goose's SOftk (North UoolU(tr({ie).-A SqucLl'B block of land having~ its boundaries in the meriditt n and nt right angles thereto, with Goose's Soak in its centre; said soak being situate about 10° 0' 10 miles from Kilkenny Soak.


500 0 0 Fl'ench's Souk (North Ooolgarclie).-A square block of land having its bOlmdaries in the meridian and at right angles thereto, with French's Soak in its centre; said soak being' situate about 10 miles S th f JCll S I ou, rom 1 mnny 011t.

.500 0 0 Bl'ickey's Souk (No1·th Ooolg(mlie).-A square block of land having its boundaries in the meridian and "t right angles thereto, with Bl'ickey's Soak (B82) in its cen he; said soak being situate about 40° about HJi miles from Prcnch's Soak.

500 (I U Yilr/cmgi (North Ooolgu i'clie ).-A square block of land having its bound-aries in the meridian and at right ',ngles thereto, with Yilgangi (B55) in its centre; sflid (B55) being sittmte about 26Go about 20l miles from Ejudina (a001) .

5UO 0 (J m((ck Gin Rocks (Nor/h Ooo/gct)'(lic ).--A s(lnare block of bnd having its b011ncl>11'ies in the meridian lcnd at right fl,ng'les thereto, with the Black Gin Hocks in its centre; said rocks being si tua te about 2800

about 27 miles from Yilgangi.

800 0 0 Pindinnis Soak (North Oool(fw·clie).-A sq1U1l'e hloek of land haviug its boundaries in the meridian and at right mlgles thereto, with Pinclinllis



21 miles from };'1'8nch'8 Soak. Soak (BGS) in its centre; s[lid soak heing situate about 83° 0' about i

If) 0 0 [{anowna.-... Bonnded by lines starting from a point sitUtlte 180° 0' ·il chains ,tf),'o links and 2700 0' 195 chains {ill-io links from the South­,Vest corner of Kanowna 'fown IJot aI, and extending 0° 0' 12 chains 25 links [,ne! 270° 12 chains 25 links, and by lines opposite parallel and equal.

Purposes for which made.

VVater (undor Aot 57 Vie., No. 20).

'Wtlter (under Aot 57 Vie., No. 20).

'Water (under Act 57 Vie., No. 20).

Water (under Act 57 Vie., No. 20).

Water (under Act 57 Vie., No. 20).

,Vater (under Act 5'7 Vie., No. 20).

Water (under A.ct 57 Vie., No. 20).

Water (under Act 57 Vie . No. 20).

Water (under Aet 57 Vic. ~o. 20).

Water (under Act 57 Vic . No. 20).

Water (under Act 57 Vic. No. 20).

--Rubbish Depot.

15 0 0 [{cmownc<.-Boundec! by lines stflrting from a point situate 180° 0' Nightsoil Depot. H chains ,W, 'iJ links nnd 270° 0' 195 clu,ins (Hio links from the South­vVest corner of Kanowna Town Lot 31, nncl extending 1800 0' 12 chains 25 links and 2700 12 elutins 25 links, and by linos opposite parallel and equal.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. L969

ltccol'(led Ko.

i 3514 .. 590 lnr

3540 I

4-'2.50 {f"f,"

Coutent. a, r. p.


RES E R V E S-continued.

Town or District, and Description of BOHlHlal'ies.

Broad Anow.-Town Lot 127 .

Purposes for ·which made.

Public buildings.

50 0 0 Kalgoorlie.·- Bounded by lines starting fro111 a point situate 1800 0' Explosives. 35ehains 321'''0- links, and 270° 0' 69 chains H,t;:; links from the 'Western corner of Reserve 2867, and extending 3130 30' 1;) chains 62} links and 2230 30' 32 chains, and by lines opposite parallel and equal.

3552 20 0 0 No)'seman.-- Bounded by lines starting from a point situate 1800 0' Cemetery. 4 **' 42 chains 29 links, and 2700 0' 24 chains It links from the South-

3565 7512 90

3566 751 '1.


3567 7lL!..l


3668 7512


3623 7'1.71 no


3632 4-4(iO


3640 7512 90

3641 7512


3642 7512 Wo

3648 7512


8644 7512


3645 i 5 I 2


3646 75 J 2


3648 5213




about 1 0 27


:3 0 10

't7 1 24

about 401

0 2 0

2 1 14

4 0 0

0 2 34

4 2 8

3 0 33

10 3 7

5 0 0



,Vest corner of Norseman Townsite, and extending 2700 0' 10 chains I and 1800 0' 20 chains, and by lines opposite parallel and equal.

BeV81·Zey.-Sub. Lot 16.

Beve"zey.-'l'own Lots 13, lIt, ltnd 15.

Beve/'ley.-Sub. Lots 139 and 146.

Beve?·ley.-Sub. Lot 1402.

Victol'ia.-Portion of Victorin, LOc[ltion 1815.

Scnth Fremantle.-Suburban Lot 86.

Sttbiaco.-Boundecl on the by 3 elmins 50 links of Bagot Road, on the N01'th- West by 4 clmins 58 links of Rn.ilway R,oad, on the East by l1 line extending South 2 chains 8n links to the starting point.

Reserve 3271 is reduced by this area.

Beve;·ley.-Town Lots 5f) and 60.

i BeverZey.-Town Lots 80, 81, 82, and 83.

Beverley.-Town Lot f)5.

Beverley.-Sub. Lot 132.

Beverley.-Sub. Lot 13,4.




Public utility.


Church of England.

Public utility.

: I

I Public utility.

IIO'bli<' ut:ity _



Public utility.

I ---------~~~

Public utility.

---~--------------~------ ------- ~.- ----

I BeverZey.-Sub. Lots 152 and 161. Public utility. I I I

Beverley.-Sub. Lot 155. Public utility.

I 1 2 1'1 Avon.-Bouncled by lInes startmg from the most Easterly corner of School slte.

C. P. ,?,,' and extending about :333 0 2t;' about 4 chains 92 links, thence 63° 30' 6 chains 46~ links along South boundary of Location 1146, t·hence 2050 50' about t; chains 14 links along North-'West side of Goomalling Road to the starting point.


Rec(ml~(l Ko.

3650 6~Hf4



3(;55 3.1!..!lJi




fin·ll "iFif


:1GG2 ;) JUi °


:>8S0 tf"if

:;,5.9..0 UH

~lGG5 930 05

366G 31fltj


Content. a, r. p.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [N 0'1'. 6, 1~96.

RES E R V E S-continuecl.

1'OW11 01' District, and DCHCl'iplion of l~onndal'ies. PIlI'PO~C!-i fOl' \\'hich lnafle.

Bnlong.-'l'own Lots (;5 >cnd 1)6. ,Vesleyml Church.

Getaldton (Part of Sub. Lot 24).-A block of hmd 100 links sqlUH"e, lYIunicipa,l. fronting Ch,"pman RO[l,c1, the boundn,ries being [l,t right angles ,md parallel to said road a.nd having the 2-111ile well midw[l,y between its North and South boundaries.

o 2 0 Kanownu.- Bounded by lines shll'ting' from ,1 point on the East 'l'ennis court.

"bout 5 0 37

7 U II

0 0

U 2 0

0 2 0

0 2 0

II 0

boundary of Reserve 387,3, sihmte 2700 3' 2 cha.ins and 0° 3' () clmins from the South-West corner of Kanowna 'rown Lot 31, and extending 0° 3' 2 chains and 270° 3' 2 chn,ins 50 links, ,1lld by lines opposite parallel and equal.

Reserve 337,-; is reduced by this arO(1,.

Moononbine.-Sub. Lot 22. Reserve 3242 is hereby mmcellecl.

lVlool'nmbine.-Boullded hy lines st:tl'ting from" post at the eorner of Smith Street and vVymmrling Ro:vl, :md extcnding along the Southern side of Smith Street ahout 2'12° ,32' ti ehains, thence about 1320 02' Cl chains, thence about 62° 52' f) chains 02 links to the Western side of Wynllarling Rm,d, thence nJong said Western side of road :noo 27' 1 chain \)4 links, ml(l 8220 Y (j "h"ins :n ~ links to the sbu-ting point: hereafter to be known IlS lYIOOl'Ul1l bine Sub. :Lot 21.

Reserve 75g is herehy c,meelled.

Klt?lanalli.ny.--'l'own Lot 1:1.

Bru'Hl Arrow.-ToWll Luts cI,·I, :mc145.

Bardoc.-Town Lots 4ti :met ,10.

B1'oael A1'1'Ow.-Town Lots 122 and 123.

Bi·oad. At'rollJ.-'l'own Lot 12().

Hom:m Clltholie Chul'eh.

AgTicultUl',~l I-In,ll, cricket and l'('el'Pa,t.ion.

Clnll'dl of Eng·bnd.

Chureh of l~llgl:Uld.

.Ruman Catholie Church.

Public huildings.

Publie utility.

() 0 .iiJoom!Jeki.iIe.-Bounderl by lines starting rrom the South-vVestern AgrieulturlLl Hall. corner or C.P. -{h" and extending (;:f ·I3~' about ,1 chains 55 links along p"rt of the Northci'u boundary of A nm Loctltion lW, thence 3830 4,5~' about J, clmins ,]'7 links to the Suuthern side of a public roacl, one chllin wide, from Newcastle to Goonmlling, thence 1990 W~' "bout I; chains 37-,'" links along said sido of road to j-he stnrting point.

:iO 0 0 NOl'th-E<1s1 Coolgat' Gohljiel<l (Banluc).-A bloek of bnd having'

2 1 23

2 2 18

2 1 28

() 2 0

its bonnclaries in the meridian ,tlld at right :tngles thereto, measnring on No)'th and Sonth side" 2;) elmins, ,md on E<1st and TVest sides 20 elmins, lmving Bore No. :i, Bm·doe, in its eelltre, said bore being situate :327° 10' G·t elmiuH HO links from tlH! North-West corner of Mining Lease IG02E.

BridyetoWH.-'1'oWll Lot s.

Briilgelo'lcn.-'l'own Lot -1.;. Resorve 4.,,)1A is hereby cmlcellecl.

y,tlgoo.-'I'own Lots DD mid Ill].

T(algool'lie.-'I'own Lot 11.1.

Water (under Ad 57 Vie., No. 20).



Public utility.

Watel' (under Act 57 Vie., No. 20).

A .. H. HICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crow11 La,nc1s.

Nov. 6, 1896.J (~OVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A.


Department of Lands and SWl'Veys, Perth, 5th NovembeT, 1896.

THE undermentlOned Allotments of Land will be offered for Sale, at Public Auction, on t,he dates and at the places specified in the Schedule below; at 11 o'clock, a.m.

Dates of Sale.

1896. Nov. 9

Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 12 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 13 Do. 16 Do. 16 Do. 16 Do. 16 Do 16 Do. 16 Do. 16 Do. 16 Do. 16 Do. 16 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 2l Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21 Do. 21

Places of Sale.

Kurnalpi Northam Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Norseman Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Kallowna Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Broome Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Day Dawn Do: Do. Do. Barcloc ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Description of Lots, "Xnmher of Lot~.

Kurnalpi Northam Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Norseman ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Kanowna Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Broome Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Day Dawn Do~ Do. Do. Bardoc Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

.,. Town 67 .,. Do. 183 .,. Do. 185 .,. Do. 186 ... Do. 190 ... Do. 205 .,. Do. 209 ... Do. 210 ... Do. 211 . .. Do. 212 ... Do. 213 ... Do. 216

Sub. 94 Town I 230

.,. Do. 215 '" Do. 233 ... Do. 217 ... Do. 238 ... Do. 214 ... Do. 221 ... Do. 209 .. , Do. 225 .., Do. 169 .. , Do. 136 ... Do. 137 .. , Do. 138

. Do. 139 ... Do. 141 .. , Do. 147 . .. Do. 146 .., Do. 145 .. , Do. 207 ... Do. 170 ... Do. 275 .. , Do. 279 ... Do. 282 .., Do. 335 .. , Do. 281 ... Do. 326 .., Do. 331 .. Do. 332 ... Do. 66 .. , Do. 69 .. , Do. 79 .., Do. 89 .., Do. 23 .., Do. 24 .., Do. 25 ... Do. 26 .. , Do. 27 ... Do. 28 .., Do. 29 '" Do. 30 ... Do. 31 ... Do. 32 ... Do. 33 ... Do. 34 . .. Do. 3.'5 . .. Do. 36 ... Do. 38 ... Do. 39 ... Do. 45 ... Do. 46

Upset Prices.


o 1 o

o ! proycment~, if any. hC'ing i {0£10, snbject to yalnc of im-

I udlle<l.

3 24 3 24

"I o o o o o o o o o o 7 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

3 24 , 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 9 o 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 Hi 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 1 0 o 37 1 0

I ~£30 each. .,

f I :J I £6 per a,ere.

I'i I 1 £20 each, subject to valuo f"" of improve1ncnts, if I ."" ~.,.",",


l I £.10 eaeh. ""bloe! to valne ~ ofimpl'o\'CmcHts. if :;l1IY. I 1)eillg added. '


j "I I

I I I ~£20 each.


1 0 .J 1 0 "I 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

I I £:30 each, subject to value L of im1?rovcmcnts, if r '''', "'m, "'''''

1 0 I

1 0 j

1912 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 6, 18~6.

LAND SALES-continuecl.

Da.tes of Sale. Plnces of Sale. Description of Lots. Number of Lots. Quantities.

Upset Prices. <to 1'. p.

1896. Nov. 21 Bm·doe ... Bardoe ... Town 47 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 50 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 51 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 52 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 53 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 54 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 55 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 56 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 57 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 58 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 59 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 61 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. , Do. 62 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 63 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 64 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 65 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 66 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 67 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 68 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 69 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 73 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 74 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 75 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 76 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. n 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 78 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 79 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 101 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ." Do. 102 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 103 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 104 0 1 0 t:~O each, suhject to valne

of impl'UVelllt'nts, if

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 105 0 1 0 allY. beiHg added.

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 106 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 107 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 108 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do ... Do. 109 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 112 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 113 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 114 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 115 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 116 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 117 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 118 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 122 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 123 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 124 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 125 0 1 ~)

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 126 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 127 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 128 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 129 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 130 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 131 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . Do. 132 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 137 0 1 0 Do. 2] Do. Do. . Do. 138 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 139 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 140 0 1 0 Do. 21 Broad Arrow ... Broad Arrow ... Do. 12 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 13 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 14 0 1 0 Do. 2l Do. Do. ... Do. 16 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 17 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 18 0 1 0 l,".1O each, sllhject to value

of imlH'OVellH'lltf.!, if

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 21 0 1 0 allY, beiug arlrjell.

Do. 2] Do. Do. ... Do. 25 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . Do. 26 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 27 () 1 Cl Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 29 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. '" Do. 31 0 1 0

Nov. 6 , 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 1973

LAND SALES-contimted.

Da tes of Sale. l'laces of Sale. Description of Lots. ~nll1hcl' of Lot~. 1 __ QUUUtitie-=--] Upset Price, a. 1'. p.

1896. Nov. 21 Broad Arrow ... Bl'OcLd Arrow ... Town 32 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 33 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 34 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 35 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 82 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 83 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ...Do. 84 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 85 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. I Do. ... Do. 8f) 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 87 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 88 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 91 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 92 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 93 0 1 0 Do. 21 I Do. Do. ... Do. 94 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 95 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 96 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 97 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 98 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 99 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 100 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 101 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 128 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. '" Do. 129 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 130 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 131 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 132 ... 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ...Do. 133 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 134 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 135 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 136 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ...Do. 137 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 131) 0 1 0 I Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 139 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 140 0 1 b I

~ J:·lO ea"h, !-mnjcct to va.lue

Do. 21 Do. Do. ...Do. 141 0 1 0 of imlll'uVemcllts, it any. ! heill? added

Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 142 0 1 0 I Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 143 0 1 0

Do. 21 Do. Do. · Do. 144· 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. · Do. 145 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 148 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 149 0 1 0 Do. Do. .. Do. 1.50

I 0 1 0 21 Do. I

Do. 21 Dil. Do. · Do. 151 ... I

0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. '" Do. 152 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 158 ... ! 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 154. I 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 155 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. '" Do. 156 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 157 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 158 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 15D 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. ' DI). ... Do. 160 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 161 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 162 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 168 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. I Do. . .. Do. 164 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. ! Do. . .. Do. 165 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 166 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do 167 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 168 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 169 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ." Do. 170 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 171 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 172 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 173 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 174 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 175 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 176 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 177 0 1 0 j

1~)74 GOVER~\IE~T GAJt:ETTE, VV.A. [Koy. 6, lti96. - ---~"------.- ---~--~-- -~----~---------~-.---~

LAND SALES---coufi'lllled.

Dat('R of ~nl(>. I'la('f'S of ~al('. nps('J'iplioll of Lots. :\nlll1Jf'I' j)f [,!)i:-. QnHlltilj('s.

t:llSP/ l'l'iC('foI,

I" p.

1896. Nov. 21 Broad Arrow Bn)<ltl A now " rrOWll 178 0 1 ()

Do. 21 D". Do. Do. 17D 0 1 ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 180 () 1 0 J':lue;:wh, Knhjecl to value of iml)J'ovemeuts, if

Do. 21 Do. Vo. .. Do. 181 0 1 0 all,\'. hpin~ ntld!'fi

Do. n Do. Do. ... Do. 182 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 188 0 1 ()

Do. 21 Bnlong' Bnlollo' '"'

l)(). 28 0 1 ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. Uo. ;32 0 1 ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 83 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 34, :) 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. .)~

')') 0 I 0 Do. n Do. Do. ... Do. 8G () I 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 88 0 I ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 8~1 0 I 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 45 0 1 0 Do. n Do. Do. .. Do. 4G 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 47 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 48 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 4D 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. :)1 () I ()

Do. 2] Do. Do. .. Do . 52 0 I 0 Do. 21 Do. D". Do. 58 n I ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 54· () 1 ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. S.5 0 1 0 C~{O i'Hell, "nhjet't to VttllW

Do. 2J Do. Do. ..Do. .')() () 1 0 of impl'oV(>Ulpnt .. , ir allY. JH~lH{! add!·!l.

Do. 21 Do. Do. .Do. S7 n I ()

Do. 2J Do. Do. ... Do. ;')8 () I 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. I'" )0') () I ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. ()4 . () J ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 7l 0 1 ()

Do. 2] Do. Do. . .. Do. JOS () I 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. ]04 () I ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 1 ();'j () I il Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. IO() 0 I 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. lO7 () I n Do. 2] Do. Do. .. Do. 108 Cl I ()

Do. n Do. Do. ... Do. IOD () I ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. I]Lt () ] ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 11,"; () 1 ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. Ilfi n 1 ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 117 () 1 ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. '" Do. 118 Cl 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .Do. IHl 0 1 ()

Do. 21 Coolg'ttrclic' KIlIl:l.ll:llling- .. Dn. .-. .) 0 J ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. ,1· () J ()

Do. n Do. Do. ... Do. !) () J 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. G () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 7 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 8 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 14 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. I!) 0 ] ()

Do. 2J Do. Do. .Do. W 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 17 () I ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 18 0 ] n Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. H) () J ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 20 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. Do. 21 0 1 0 tao eaeh. ~llbjee1 to \":llue

of' imrH'OYCments, if Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 22 0 1 0 flllY. h('illg 1trlt}{,tl.

Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. ,)'J ;;..;0 0 1 0

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 2L1 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 2(j () 1 ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. ;3] 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 82 () I \)

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. :38 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . Do. 8't 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 85 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 8(-i 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 87 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. S8 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. ;')9 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 40 0 1 0

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 197;5 -~-----~.----.-

LAND SALES-continued.

Dates of Sale. Places of Sale. Descriptiull of Lot,:;. Xumbcl' of Lots. Quantifies.

UjJ-set Pl'it:cs. 11. l·. p.

1896. Noy. 21 Coolgardie Londonderry '" Town 3 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 4 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 10 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 12 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 13 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 15 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 16 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 25 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 26 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 27 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 28 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 33 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 34 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 35 0 1 0 ,C~O each, subject to "ulne

of impl'O,"emcllts, if

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 36 0 1 0 nuy, hdll~ added.

Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 37 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. g8 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 41 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. ,.1,2 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 43 0 1 0

I Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 44 0 1 0 I

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 45 0 1 0 I1 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 52 0 1 0 'j Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 57 0 1 0

11 Do. 21 Do. , Do. ... Do. 58 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do.

r Do. ... Do. 59 ... 0 1 0

I I Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 62 0 1 0 Ij Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 63 0 1 0 Do. 21 Lawlel's Lawlers ... Do. 65 0 1 0 h Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 66 0 1 0

11 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 67 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 68 0 1 0

I' Do. 21 Do. Do. .. Do. 69 0 1 0 11 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 70 0 1 0

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 7l 0 1 0

I Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 72 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 73 0 1 0

I Do. 2] Do. Do. ... Do. 74 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 75 0 1 0 I

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 76 0 ] 0 I Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 77 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 78 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .., Do. 79 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 82 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 84 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 85 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 87 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 88 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 89 0 1 0 £30 each, snbject to value

of improvements, jf

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 90 0 1 0 any. being added.

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 91 ... I 0 1 0 Do. :21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 92 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 93 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 94 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 95 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ...Do. 96 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 98 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 101 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 158 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 159 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 161 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 162 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 163 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 164 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 165 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 166 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 167 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 168 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. I Do. ... Do. 169 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. I Do. ... Do. 179 0 1 0

un6 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [Nov. 6, 1896.

LAND SALES-contin7Wcl.

Dates of Sale, Plflccs of Sale, lJcserivtion of Lot", Xmnbcr of Lots. Qnantities.

UpS3t Prices. n. r. 1


1896. Nov. 21 Lawlers Lt1wlers ... Town 180 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 181 0 1 0 .L

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 182 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 183 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. T' _;'_..10. ... Do. 200 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 201 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. 1)0. ... Do. 202 0 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 203 0 1 0 Do. 2] Do. ... Do. I 204 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 205 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 206 0 1 0 Do. :21 Do. Do. ... Do. 207 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 208 0 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 209 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 210 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .,. Do. 211 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 212 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 213 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 214 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 215 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 21G 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Dn. ... Do. 217 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 218 0 I 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 219 0 ] 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 220 0 1 0 Do. 2] Do. Do. ... Do. 221 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. ])0. ... Do. 222 0 1 0 C:~()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 223 0 0 Do. 21 Do. ... Do. 224 0 0 Do. 21 Do. ... Do. 225 0 ] 0 Do. 21 Do. .,. Do. 226 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. ... Do. 227 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 228 0 0 Do. 2] Do. Do. ... Do. 229 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. I 230 0 J ()

Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 2:31 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Di). ... Do. 232 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 233 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 234 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. .,. Do. 235 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 236 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 237 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 238 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 289 0 l 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 240 0 ] 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 241 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 242 () 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 243 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 244 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 245 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 2L.I,6 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 247 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 248 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. ... Do. 249 0 1 0 Do. 21 Do. Do. . .. Do. 250 0 1 0 Dec. 4, Derby '" Derby '" Do. 376 0 2 0 £2,,).

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Crown TJanc1s.


TOIVllsite of Ba]agumU.

Dep",·tment of Lancls (mcl S,,,"veys, '&%' Perth, 26th .fi1tgust, 1896.

fI IS Excellencv the Governor in Executive Council, by'virtue of the powers given him by

the Land Regulations, has been pleased to order that the Crown lands included within the ,,,rea hereinafter particularised be classecl as Town and Suburban, to form it To,vnsite within the N ol'th-East CoolgaTClie Goldfield, hereafter to be known and distinguished LLS "Bah"gundi ;"

Bounded by lines starting from a point situate 112° 28' 1 chain 2 links from the East corner of Xorth-East Coolgal'clie Golchuining I.ease 71SE, and extending 114(' 28' 29 cluLins 11 links, thence 81,tO 28' 59 ch"i11s, thence 22,tO '1R' 83 chains 28 links, thence H2° Ho' ,t chains OG links, l't2° 0' 9 chains 95 links, 13'tO 8' 10 chains 95·[, links, 13 j,0 4,9' 10 chains 9C} links, 1 I3° 7' 11 clmins 2,t links, 38° 57' 3 clmins 20 links, 112° 28' 12 chains 4·0 links, passing respectively along p"rt of the North-East boumhtry of Goldmining Le"se 7:33E, the wbole of the North-J'inst, boundaries of Goldmining Leases 7H3E, 704E, 7OBE, 702g, part of the North-vVest and "long the North-East bouncbries of aforcs>1id LC>1se 71RE, "nd through its East corner to the starting point.

A. R. RICHARDSON, Commissioner ofCrowll Ln,ncls.

~ OJl DC}J(wl'lnent 0/ £an(1$ ((ncl Snn:clls) Perth, 29th Octobei', ISDR.

IJIS Exeellcll{;v the G(rn~rnor in Executive _~ Coullcil 1ms" hC)Oll ploa~l'(l to make tho lllH1el'­

melltioned iLp]lointlllcnts ill tIll' Dqmriment of L"n<l s Ltllcl Surv~ys ;--

JOSl'JPll HOPE to ho Chid Draftsnmn. CJfAH liES YOlJl,lJ DI,;AN to ])() Inspecting DntftsllHLl1.

A. E. IUCHATmSON, COlllmissioner of Crown Ijitnc1s.

]~xemptions on GoIMields'-Christmas lIolhlays. De)laTtmcnt of JJiines,

l'e,·th, 4th November, 189R.

I T is here by notified, for g'elleml information, tlmt Holidays wiiI be ,tllow"d on the seveml Gold­

fields "nd D'istricts as foUo\\';'; ;--KDIBERL Tn GOLDl>'IgLD ... From 1st December, 1R06,

to 31st .January, 1807.


do. do. do.

l From 9th December, lR96, to ) 16th Jammry, 1807. vV EST PILBARRA

DUNDAS do. ... From 1,tth Decomber, 1896, to 16th Jmllmry, 1897.


Ji'rom Hith Decemher, 1896, to IGth January, l807.

~ORTH ~OOLGARDIE·clo. l From 12th December, 1896, N oR'rn-EAsT COOLGARDIE \ t 16th J 189-

GOLDFIELD) o. anu>1ry, I.

EAST MURCHISOK do.... Prom 1st December, 1896, to 31st January, 1897.

DANDALUP do... From 20th December, 1886, to 9th Jammry, 1897.

LAND OUTSIDE, GOLD-} Prom 9th December, 1896, FIELDS AND NOR'rH OF t '6tl J 189-MURCIIISON RIVER o.l 1 "nnary, I.

S From 20th December, 1896, LAND OU'I'SlDE GOLD-} FIELDS AND OU'J:H OF t C>tl J 897 ~IuRcnlsoN RIVER ,0 u 1 anuary, 1 .

During which periods, respectively, the Labour conditions of the Goldfields Regulations win not be enforced.

E. H. WITTENOO}\tI, Minister of Mines.

GAZETTE, 'V.A. 1977

Bonus for Tin and )V orlrs.

Depa,·t1nent of JJIi.nes, 2%%0 Pe)'th, 7th Norcmber, 1895.

is hereby notified, for general information, that a Bonus of One 'rhousand Pounels, for the

erection of Tin Smelting 'IV orks on the Gl'eellbushes Tinfields, is offered by the Government; to he com­peted for uncleI' the following conditions ;-

1. The whole of the works, including the smelt­ing hereinp"fter mentioned, are to be begun and completed within the ye"r 1896.

2. Any person desirous of competing for the Bonus must notify to the Government the commencement' of the works, giving such information as to locality, pln,ns, and general details as 'will en[Lhle the Govern­ment to Imve the wor~cs il1spectec1 and reported upon 'whenever tbey think it right to do so.

3. Not less than £3,000 shall be expended, to the satishction of the Govermnent, upon the buildings, structures, plallt, and 111[Lehinery, and if [L lesser sum than ,£3,000 be expended the Bonus will be redueecl in proportion.

4. Before the Bonus will be paid the applicant will he required to prove, to j',he satisfiLe­tion of the Government, that not less tlmll 100 tons of 'l'in Imve been properly smelted at the works.

5. Upon the completion of the works, they will be inspeetec1 by ltll officer "ppointec1 by the Government for that purpose, ltllcl, jf ap­proved by the Government, tho Bonus will be pctic1.

@. Application for the Bonus must be made before the 31st chty of Jl1mml'Y, 1897, and will be eonsiclered by the Governmellt, in Executive Council, i~hose decision shall he Hnn,] .


Minister of Mines.


Depa1'iment Qf l'riines, ~1. H Pej'/h, 20th Jl/1ne, 1895.

is hereby notified, for general information, that the Assay of allY \Vest Australi[Ln Mineral,

Rock, 01' Ore, for 20ny Commereial Metal sueh as Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Tin, 11'011, Zinc, Mercury, 01' Antimony, will be prepared by the Govel'l1ment Assayer for a fee of Five shillings for each Metal sought.


1. Send from 30z. to 40z. of each sample. 2. Do not crush the sample unless you wish to send an

average from a large quantity. 3. vVrap each sample selJarately in strong paper, en­

closing a piece of white paper with the number of the s"mple and your own n"me.

4. Address the parcel to "The Government Assayel', Perth."

5. Send a letter at the same time to the sftme address, stating for what metals you desire the samples to be assayed, and enclosing the fees.

6. Always retain duplicate samples of whatever you send, marked with the same numbers, and dated.

N.B.-The rate of postage is one penny for every 2 ounces and uncler.

E. H. WITTENOOM, lYlinister of }\trines.

1978 GOVERNMEN'l' GAZETTE, 'iV.A. rNJ (' 1< U(,')6. LL OV. 1, 07

Gold JVLining Leases.

Department r:t' Mines, ii1'Cl Novembm', 18.46.

1S hereby notified thLtt, in accorc1anee with the provisions of Sel:tion 48 of "The Goldfields Act, 1895," His Excellt'ncy the Governor in Executive Council of 27th October, 189G, h2,s been pleased to

cleaJ with the following Gold Mining l1nc1 Applications therefor, as shown below.

E. H. WITTENOOM, Minister of Mines.














5;Slx 56Rx 5G9x G70x 571x G06x fl97x (lOOx 608x U05x 621x 62:!x 651x 652x 653x G82x 692x G9Gx 722x

889v '1H)v ·140v 4'llv 458v ·Wl5y 4(i7v ·WHv ·W9v ,170v ·t78y 470v '1,82y 4,88y ·t8'1y 4!JOv '191v '195v 49l5y 508y 513y 5H)y 520v 521v 522v 52Gy ;328v ;)2!Jy 580v 5:ny 5nlY

7:!7w 7H;'),,, 7elf)w 7D5'.~T R08w H12w tn:~\Y Hl;3\v 8W,v 817w b24;w 82,w B2f)\v 830w 83Jw S:j8w 839w 8'tlw

H2K 14,8l( 1;35K


:H2H :H2D 3~1:n :3439 :H'to :J<tej,5 3'146 34G5 34G6 3W7 3476 3~j,78 34·79 3482 3483 3'188 3497 8503 3504 3508 3515 3516 3517 3518 3521 3526 3531 3533

253 2;'55 808 aH

n9 ,>20 ,.21 422 424


572x G08x (i""j,x

4,GOv ·t7:3v ·185v 500v 523y 588y

BOGw H18w oaLl!\v

:HH 3'J.70 :Hb'l 350D 352:3


N OI{'J'H-EAS'l'

Coo 1.1(+A ItDIl~








1~lv (16571") 3GOy (:3039AE)

1l51y (1742]<;) 54A.y

179v (1920E)

fl2,jw (2795E) 5G2w (290SE) 283w (1662EV

:1208 3211 325G 8428 8502



Previously gazctted in error as 282w (166zE).


300 801





226 229




~ ---~---- - ~~-----.-.-~-----

fl98x 594x ()IOx ()13x 658x G78x

'Wlv "·l55v '174v ".75v ·1B8y ·t89v ;51Ov 611v 52'lv 525y ;,'t5v 54,Gv

BOBw 8lOw 820w b23w 8!3(hv 837w

:H'J.2 :H44 :H71 :H72 3'J.8G 3'187 :3510 3514 352Li 3525



Previous forfeiture of Leases 218 and 280, Dundas, for non-payment of rent, is cancelled. These leases are now forfeited on plaints for non-fulfilment of labour conditions.


Bonus for Deep Sinking, IHmbedey Goldfield.

Z 6 1 1 Department of llfines, li''- Pcrth, 6th Angnst, 1896.

1\ T OTICE is hereby given that the Government has 1 ~ c1ecided to extend the time for o:ff81·ing a Bonus to the 31st .March, 1897, during which period rmy person or COlllp<1l1Y who shall sink on the Kimherley Goldfield a Shaft <1S herei naftcr mentioned, and according to thc follo'wing conditions, from n, depth previously atbinec1 of not less than 100 feet:

For a slmft to be sunk from below the depth of 100 feet to a depth of 200 feet, @ £,t per foot.

For a shaft to be sunk from below the de])th of 200 feet to a de])th of 300 feet, @ £0 per foot.


Each slmft to be vertical throughout, with a superficil11 area of not less than 27 feet in the cle,w when completed, and a minimulll width of not less than 3 feet, to be sunk and timbered where necessarv, to the sa,tisfaetion of the VV-tuden or his Deputy. "

Provided, t1ll1t if any shn.ft has been already sunk of a less superficial l1rea tlmn 27 feet, the bonus shn.!l be paid in proportion; but in no case shall any bonus be llaid for a shaft having a less area than 20 feet, or less than 3 feet in ·width.

All measurements of depth to be taken from the SUr£I1.00 of the ground.

Payments will be made monthly as the work progressos. No payments will be made for less thml 10 feet, and all work shall be measured and passed by the vVarden or his Deputy before payment, and the deeision of the vVa.rden or his Deputy shall be final.

No paymont will be made in respect of the first 100 feet from the surface.

vVith roga,rd to existing slutfts, no pa,yment will be nmde in respect of work dOll" befOl'e the date hereof.

Any person intending to deopen any existing slmft of 01'

exceeding the depth of 100 feet shall give notice in writing to the vVarden or his Dt·pnty of the depth of tlll' saie1 shaH, and of his intention to deepen the same.

'rho vVarclen 01' his Deputy shall n.scel' and certify the depth of such shaft, and payment shall be made only in respect of the work done beyond the depth certified by the Warden or his Deputy.

Any person intending to sink a new slu1ft with tlw inten­tion of claiming a bonus shall give notice to the Wardon in writing of such intention before the C0111mencement of the work, or before the shaft is down 100 feet.

No eompany or person shall receive assista.nce for 1nore than one shaft on the same mining property.

E. H. WlTTENOOM, Minister of Mines.

n(~plu·tment of lUilWS.


ON application and payment of the under­mentioned fees a,nd charges, the following

can be obtained at the Head Oflice, Perth:-

£ s. d. Thriner's Rights (each) 010 0 lI'Iining Licenses (each) o 10 0 Goldfields Aet and Regulations ... 0 1 0 Mineral Lands Act, 1892, and

Regulations 0 0 Reports and other pamphlets

(each) 0 0 Plans of Mining Centres, Routes,

etc. (each) 0 0 Geological lYIap, '\Vestern Aus-

tralia 0 2 6

E. H. WlTTENOOlVl, Minister of Mines.


Collie Coalfield.

Depa1'hnent of Mines, P€1·th, 8th J1t1tc, 1896.

I T is hereb," notified tlmt Exemption from Labour Conditions for three months will be gnmtecl on

any Lease in the above Coalfield, the owner of which satisfies the JliIinister of his intention of orclm·jllg' Ma.chincry for suitably \yorking his L(mse; ;md it subsequent. extension of t.hree mOllths will hI! favour­ably considered, on proof th;tt such machinery has been ordered ;tllc1 prepa,rations ma,c1e for the proper working of the lease.

By order, E. H. WITTENOOlVI,

Minister of Mines.

Issue of ~lil!ers' IUg·hts.

Deparl"meni of l'crlh,9th 1896.

is hereby notilicc1, for pu hli(; infornmtioll, that the follmving g\011tlemen haye been appointed

by His Excellpllcy to ioslle IvTinem' Hights under the Goldfields Act.:-


lYIINING I~EGISTlUIW (in absence of 'iV,trdens), CLERKS '['0 ThrAGIS'1'ltA'l'ES, AlballY and Gern.ldton (in

abscnee of the Govel'l11l1ent Resident).

E. H. WI'l"fENOOlVI, lVIinister of JYIil18S.

AmenlluHwt of Clause 4H of tJw nnder "'I'he JUillemi LalHls Aet. 18H2."

Department of Iuines, Perth, 1st Qctobe)', 18'yd.

IllS ExcellellCY the Govol'nol' in Executive -. Council, lll~del' the powers confelTecl upon

him by Section 48 of ,. The Mineral La,nds Act, 1892" (55 Vic., No. 3), Ims becn plea.sed to a.mend Clause 43 of the Reg'ulatiolls tbereunder, a.s shown below, ,md to cancel ~aic1 Clause ,1S hithert,o existing'.

E. H. WlTTENOO.llr, Miuister of ,Mines.

CLAUSl~ 4:1. All ground held under a J'iIinor>tl Lease, except in the case

of a lease granted for coal mining, s11a.11 be worked in accordanco with Cbnse "i, of tbcse Regnlations by not less than ono 1uan for every five acres, 01' fraction of fi.vo [tcres, unless exemption from work Ims boon gTanted; but this ch1nse sha.ll not apply to leases issued under the Litud Regubtions of 1887 before the first day of Augnst, 18')2.

In the case of it letcse granted for em,l mining, the ground shall be worked after the expiration of six months from the dato of approval by not loss than one I1mn for every GO acres, or fraction thereof, comprised in the lense, and after the expiration of 12 months from elate of approval by not less than one man for every 30 acres, or fl'<1ctioH theroof. comprised in the leaso, and after the expiration of 18 months from date of approval hy not less than one llum for' every 20 acres, or fn1ction therovf, comprised in the lease, subject, ho,rcver, to any exemption which may have been granted at any time.

Depa1'tment qj'lYlines, Perth,1st November, 1896.

1'1' is hereby notified, for public information, that lVIr. A. H. SlllITH has been appointed to perform

Mining Surveys in vVestern Australia from this date until further notice.

E. H. WlTTENOOM, Minister of Mines.

Depa1'tment of Mines, Perth, 6th November, 1896.

I T is hereby notified, for public informatioll, that Mr. \'V. J. SING Ims been appointed as Bailiff

of the vVarden's Court at Kanowlla. E. H. WITTENOOM,

Minister of Mines.

1980 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, vY.A. LNov. 6, 189ft

Further Booji£lup Brook.

Depa1'lmcnt of Mines, Pcrth, 2.9th July, 18.96.

is hereby nqtifiecl tlmt Excmption will bc gl'emted on "n holdings under thc Golc1flelc1s

Aet, ill the viuinity of Boojiclup Brook, for Onc Month on cauh blouk respectively after the expiration of thc 21 days previously ,cllowecl 'cfter pegging. rrhis is on eonclition that the holder of any block who may iwrtil himself of this extemlec1 exemption slmll, when payrtble golc1 is c1iscovcrecl in the locality, immediately apply for n,ny land whieh he may hold to be gmlltec1 uncleI' a lease [cS provic1ed by the Goldfields Act and Hegula,tions.


E. H. Wrr'l'ENOOM, Minister of Mines.

Depcutmcnt of Mincs, PC1'th, .9ih Ju!y, 1896.

is herebv l10tifiell tlmt the 1Ylinister, in con­sic1emtioil of the c1ishtnce of this locality from

any township, will allow remission of la,bour concu­tions for 21 chys from the date of pegging on each applieation, until further notiee.


E. H. WITTENOOM, Minister of Mines.


Dcpal'tmwnt Q1' lvlines, Pel'ih, 2?th August, 1896.

is hereby notified, for public infol'llmtion, that the l~[LboUl' Conditiolls will not be enforeecl on the

Arc as t,tkeIl up under the Goldfields Act, at or ncar the Boojic1upBrook, until slwh time as the Honounhble the Miniilter of Mincs slutll herefdter notify, [1fter eonsic1erH,tion of It Heport from the Mining Surveyor, who will inspect the loeality.

By Direction, H. O. PHINSEP,

U ncler Secrettuy for Mines.


Mines Regulation Act, 1895.

attcntion of Minc 1Ylanagers and the Public is e,Lllcc1 to the f'1et that it is requirec1 that it

printed copy of the Genemll\.ulcs shall be posted at the Offiee, or in some eOllspieuous pb(;e in eonllection with every Mine.

rrhi,; is to notify t.lmt (;opies of the saic1 Genera.l H.ules, printecl in In,rge type on ealico, lllay be obtaincc1 [ht ltll vViHclen'::; or l\.cgistml"s Officcs on the Goldfields etfter the bt. of JlUmitry, 1896, on paymcnt of One shilling' each.


UncleI' Secretary for Mines.


Applications on Collie River Coal Mining District.

Departmcnt of lYlines, Pe)'th, 12th lYIa)'ch, 1896.

A PPLICATIONS for Leases for Ooal Mining OIl

the Oollie HiveI' COl11 Mining District will be receivcd on and after the 231'd inst., at the Head Of lice of the Department. of Milles, Perth. Each applica-

tion lllust be accompanied by deposit for rent anc1 survey, as prescribed by Section 23 of "The Mineml La,ncls Act of lSD2," copy of which is annexed.

Applications forwarded by post must be adc1ressed to the Under SCCl'etl1l'Y for Mines.

HENRY C. PlnNSEP, UncleI' Secretary for Mines.

.Rent by tl)(,y of Royalty. 23. Every n,ppliClttion for 11, lonse s1mll be made to the

Eogistral' in the pl'escribocl forlll, ,mcl shall be accompanied by the propel' survey fce ,md the l'oquirec1 rent. 'rho ycn,rly rent of land leasecl for the purpose of mining for eOltl shall be n,t the rate of sixpence por lccre, "nd thore shall also be reserved in the lease n, roynlty 'Lt tho r"te of threepence for ovory tOll of conI raised from the land during tho first ten years of the term of the lettso, and nt the rnto of sixpence for every ton raised during the :remainder of the term.

'rho times andmocle of <tsccl't,\ining the mnount of any royalty so payar)lo, and tho timc for paymont thereof, shall be presoribed by tho lease.

If land leased for the pnrJlo~e of mining for coal is used fol' the pm'pose of mining for <tny oth~r mineraJ, rent slmll become payttblo in respoct thereof [Lt the l'l1te of FiYe shillings per acro in a,cldition to the roynlty. if any, payable in respect of coal misec1 thcrofrOlll.

amI Abandouments of Gohl Leases.

Dcp(trimcnt of lYlines, I'm·th, 24th J1!ly, 1896.

is requested that all Notiecs of Surrcnder or Abftllclonment of Gold Milling Leases be sent

to the Ofliees of theWardell or Mining Hegistrar of the Goldfield or Dish'iet ill which the leitses llmy l'espeetively be sitmtte.

HENI'\,¥ C. PlnNSEP, Un(ler Secrch1ry for Mines.

DcpctJ'tment Q{ iYIines, Perth, 4th November, 1896.

undermentioned Gold Mining' Leases nre now ready for issue, ,md lllay be obhhinecl 011

ctpplieation by the Lessees or their order :-

[NO'l'];.-(l.) Orders must be signed by all shareholdcrs or by their attorncy or authorisecl agont. (2.) A 11 Tmnsfor Certificates previonsly issued must first be returned.]

COOLGARDIE GOLDFIELD, Nos. 18,22,23, 7\),118,12:), 18\), l't2, 14,6, 205, 210, 28S, :;:l(i, ·H], M)S, 530, 531,5401, 5m, GOl, G26, G32, G51, 65\), G75, 703, 70G, 720, 72G, 72\), 730, 7m,7\)7, 805, S06, 830, S,tS, S;,:3, DOO, \);2,t, \)50, \)GO, nu 1, USG, \)9/, 1025, 10'11, lOG:\, 107(i, 1111, 1112. 1117, 112j., IH0, llGt, UGG, Hi\), nss, llkkA, l1S\), 1201., 123i, 121:" 126G, 1328, 132\), 1:330, 1:3IiO, l:lI;:;, 18S0, 1385, H05, 1j.:)2, H,2:l, H28, H4,[" 1,150, HoJ, 14.(;2, Hi8, Hin, un2, 1,52:), 15:33, 1535, 1557, 1GG0, 15S0, [GS8, l60S, 1610, 161S, l01!J, IG22, 102:3, IG2S, 1G30, W:ll, ](jJ.l, 16,],5, IGW, UHi, Hi;5:" 1GD,I., HiG,t, 1l;G7, 1GGS, ll\70, lG7:3, I(j74, 107S, 16S2, WSi, lGStl, IGS\), lGn2, lGm, lGfH, 1702, 1704, 1705, 1707, I70!), 1711, 1713, 1718, 17H), 1727, 172tl, 1734, 1735, li:3i, 17,15, J7ct7, 1750, 1752, 175G, 17GO, 17G1, 1762, 1iH, 17S0, 17S3, 1700, lifll, 17\)3, 17\)7, 17ll\), IS00, 1800, lS0ll, Itl16, IS2:), lS23, lS28, 1831, 1835, lS:37, U,:3ll, IS51, lS54, lS55, lS6G, lS6\), IS60, lSG1, lS6G, 1SS2, lsn2, ISll4, 1tlll6, lll02, 1UOt, lll32, 1\)33, lll,t[), l\)G\), IntO, HlOi5, 2000, 201S, 2081, 2m2, 2030, 20'10, 2043, 2055, 205fl, 2164, 2155, 2156, 21S,t, 211l7, 2216, 22\)4, 22\)6, 23\)3, 23\H, 2,102, 241S, 242S, 2,1,38, 2t:3i5, 2-t3S, 24'W, 2'M7, 2,173, 2,tH, 2,177, 247S, 2";41, 25S8, 272,1" 276tl, 3128, 3160.

EAST' COOLGARDIE GOLDPIELD, Nos. 12E, l:3E, IGj~} 22E, 2·t<E, 3:3E, 84E, 3DI~, 521':, GOE, G4E, 73E, 74~E, DOl':,

2'>5:8, 2'WE, 26SE, 287JC, :352E, 3\)2E, 44'1E, ,148E, 'ltllE, 552E, 5G8E, 72GE, 7"~3E, 75.'5E, 773E, 809E, t),~<t:{<1, 85:3E,

SliOIC, 8Gb, 873E, S\)OE, 900l';, \)l2B, \)22E, \)88E, \)\)\)E, l(107E, 106\)", W75E, lO\)2E, 11l1E, ll:l,j,J" 1141E, 11\)'>:8, 1 HlflJ.:, 122\)E, 12'17E, 12'1S1" 1249E, 12521':, 12GOE, 1282E, 1288B, 1285:8, 128tJE, 1287E, 13'72Jo:, 13D7E, BlOE, 1472E, H03E, 163\)E, 1733E, 173'1E, 1763E, 1735E, 212IE, 2402E, 2826E, 3122E.

J'\ov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \V 1981

NORTH-EAST COOLGARDIE GOLDFIELD. Kanowna Distj'ict, Nos. 12x (IOSB), 13x (I06E), l'tx (I07E),

23x (I79E), 31x (IS2E), 54 (238E), 55x (243E), 68x (308E), 75x (345E), 92x (463E), 96x (485E), 120x (608E), 124,x (6I8E), 129x (630E), 142x (702E), 147x (7I9E), 154x (736E), 15Gx (736E), 159x (7SIE), IG5 (767E), 1G9x (775E), 175x (782E), 183x (807E), 18Gx (822E), 188x (826E), 189x (827E), 191x (837E), 192x (84SE), 194x (848E), 204x (906E), 233x (II46E), 213x (I28IE), 2GOx (14I8E), 314,x (I983E), 369x (2347E), 370x (2348E), 379x (24I8E), <W2x (230E), 493x (23IE), 704x (792E).

BaJ"doc Disti"ict, Nos. l5w (29SE), 2lw (3ISB), 22w (3I9E), 34w (4I9E), S5w (42IE), 36w (422E), 39w (450E), 40w (46oE), 4lw (46IE), 45w (492E), 47w (498E), 48w (499E), 49w (SOOE), 5lw (SIZE), 53w (S26E), 55w (S42E), 56w (S44E), 63w (564E), 64w (S6SE), 70w (S7SE), 7lw (576E), 75w (588E), 7Gw (S92E),77,y (S93E), 82w (609E), 86w (6I7E), 87w (6Z0E), 88w (633E), 89w (634E), 90w (63SE), 96w (660E), Illw (708), 117w (732:W), l20w (748), l27w (829AE), 129w (83IE), 130w (842E), l32w (8S0E), l34w (8S8E), l35,y (859E), 137w (866E), l38w (867E), 142w (876E), H6w (893E), 147w (909E), 148w (9IOE), 150w (928), Hilw (929E), 197w (III9E), 214w (I26IE), 216w (I299E), 218w (I302E), 219w (I303E), 225w (I352E), 226w (I3S3E), 258w (I528E), 260w \IS30E), 262w (I532E), 341w (I949B), 3,t2w (I95IE), 387w (2I59E) 't50w (24I7E), 610w (3045E), 669w (2046E).

B1tlong Distj'ict, Nos. 1h (330E), 20y (456E), 2,ty (466E), 25y (47IE), 26y (472E), 28y (47S10), 36y (504E), 42y (538E), 't8Y (636E), 70y (9IIE), 95y (1424E), 113y (I499E), 252y (2443B).

](U,1"nallJi DistJ"icl, 7K ( ), SlK (293E), S,tK (337E), 39I{ (400E), 41K (I2IIE), 421{ (I2I2E), ,t3l{ (1213]<'), 'MK (I214]c), 't5lC (12ISE), -16K (1216],), 47K (I2I7E), ,18K (I2ISE), 52K (1406E).


lYIenzies Dish'id, N os. 1332~, 8002z, 3006z, 3011z, 302,1z, 3031z, 30S'tz, 3036z, S040z, 8057z, 3058z, 3050z, 3060z, 306Gz, 3067z, 3070z, 3088z, 30Sf)z, BlOO~, 3106z, 3112z, 3113z, :n17z, 3110z, 3120z, 3121z, 3122z, 3123z, 312'i-z, :3127z, 3136z, 313Sz, 313flz, 3HOz, 314,2z, SH3z, 3H,tz, 3145z, 314Sz, 3162z, 3163z, 31G5z, 31G7z, 3lG8z, 31Gf)z, 3171z, 3172z, 3173z, 317Gz, 3177z, 3178z, 317f)z, 31S4~, 31S5z, 3187z, :nSf)~, 3195z, 31f)6z, 31[)7~, 31f)Sz, 3199z, 3200z, ;j20lz, 3202z, 320:lz, 320'tz, 32015;/" 3207z, 820tlz, 321Oz, 3211z, 3220z, 322Gz, 3227z, 323;)Z, 3237z, 32,19;/', 82;)57., 3269z, 3276z, 3277z, 3289z, 3293z, 3295z, 3313z, 33;!2z, 3325z, 3498z, 34f)9z, 3501z, 3502z.

Ullnl'ing Disttict, Nos. 3u (3 I47z), 9u (32 12Z), Hu (3307AZ), 12u (3308z), 13u (3312Z), 56u (3634z).

Yetill(~ District, Nos. 7Ie (274E), 231< (3651'), 2'Ll' (366E), 25u (367E), 2Gg (3681,), 27g (369E), 28n (370E), 2f)n (37IE), 30g (372E), 3lg (373E), 32g (374E), 3an, (375E), 3'tl, (376E), 8Gl' (379E), 381, (383E), 39g (384E), 43g (457E), 7111 (8ISE), 721t (816E), 74g (82IE), 76g (828E), 77n (836E),78lt (839E), 79n (840), 80n (8411,), 81n (842), 83g (854E), tl5n (8S6E), 8Gg (864E),87g (880E), 88H (894E), 80n (895E), 90g (896],), 01I~ (897E),105n (I009E), 180n (389Sz).

JJ1011nt JJ1ai'gatet District, Nos. 3'1' (390E), 4'£ (39IE), 10'1' (482E), 12'1' (528E), 13'1' (529E), 59'1' (32I3Z), 106'1' (3S22Z).

lYIURCHISOl'l" GOLDFIELD. lYhwchison, Nos. 378, 567, G61, 666, 60,t, 7H,721, 751, 7G'1,

788, 836, 8't1, 84,t, 851, 853, 854, 855, 865, 867, 869, 870, 872, 873, tlH, 882, 887, 924, 928, 929, 932, 946, 947, 948, 9-W, 960, 964.

Day Datvn District, Nos. ID (69), 2D (70), 7D (136), 16D (2I8),19D (281), 20D (291), 2'tD (329),42D (S69), 59D (760), G8D (80S), 69D (806),70D (807), 79D (861), 80D (862), 83D (912), 86D (915), 87D (916), 100D (IOI8).

lYlount Magnet District, No. 48m.

NCLnnine Dist\'ict, Nos. 2N, '7N, ION, llN, 13N, 15N, 17N, ;!5N, 37N, 42N, ,t3N, '14N, 45N, 47N, 60N, GIN.

DUNDAS GOLDFIELD. Nos. 16,22, 2't, 25, 28, 2f), 30, 35, 39, 41, 44, 52, 53, 5't, 5f),

60, 61, 63, 71, 77, 78, 81, 83, 8't, 85,88,89,91,95, 98, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 114, 116, 118, 121, 123, 125, 135, 156, 205, 206,207.


Nos. 235, 2'tG, 247, 249, 252, 254,265, 26G,288.


PilbaiTa, Nos. 76, 05, 157, 160, 161, 177, 205, 208, 216, 223, 252, 261, 26,t, 269, 270, 278, 279, 282, 310, 330, 352, 365, 378, 381,383.

West Pilban(i, Nos. 2 (9P), 4 (99P), 7 (129P), 34 (20SP)' 45 (247P),49 (27P).

YALGOO GOLDFIELD. Nos. 17, 26, 33, 63, 5-1, 66, 188, 215, 216, 221, 222, 235,

(SI8 ]:Iurchiso-n), 248.

A. S. BARKER, Registrar.

P.V'l.4%%3, Ex. Co. 4,%%3, North Fremantle Uoad Bridge,

Additional Special Regulation far the Manage­ment and use of the North Fremantle Road Bridge, framed by the Governor's Deputy in Executive Council on the 27th of October, 1896, in accordance with the provisions of" The Jetties Regulation Act, 1878" (42 Vict., No. 18);-

fmcl after the 27th of Oetooer, 1896, and until further llotiee, no person or persons

shaJl be permitted to drive or lectd ~tlly moo or drove of cattle, eamcls, or horses, exceeding; four ill number, over, alollg, or across this bridge, or any lKtl't thereof; a,nc1 the Director of Publie -Works will not be responsibk for leny loss or chmlLge arising from the use of this Bridge in violation of this Bv-Ia,w or of the Heo'nbtions ,tlreac1v ill force relatino'

.' ,..., ., b

to the tmfIie on 0]' over the said Bridge.

NOTICE. Every person viohtting the above l\'eguhttion ;;lmll,

on eonvidion, forfeit and plty cmy sum llOt exceeding £20. (4,2 Vict., No. 18, Sec. 8.)

All persons u'oBsiug over or upon the BriClge during the tr,t11sit of allY "mob" or "drove" of c,ettle' ca,meb or horses' ,11'e hereby Wltrlled tha,t they ;nust do ~o at their ;W11 risk. •

'rhe foregoing adc1itiolUtl Speciltl Heguhttion IS

published for geneml illfol'llmtion.

27th October, 18~)G.

J:<'. H. pn£SSE, Director of Puolie VV orks.

West Australian Government ltailways.

Governor in Exeeutive Oouncil Ims ltpproved tha,t the elmrge on artieles left in the Railway

Cloak Rooms for more than three (heys being inereased to 8d. eaeh per day or ]JC! rt of cc deiy for boxes, etc., and 6d. eaeh on bicycles, etc.; this mte to come into foree on lend after 1st November, 1896. Thc Regulation in this e0I1lleetion Ims been ,emended ,weorclingly.

28rd October, 1896.

F. H. PIESSE, Commissioner of RltilwrLYs.

Duplication, Perth·}'remalltle ltailway.

Uncle)' Secretary of Railways' QUice, Pe)'th, lYestel'n Aush'alia,

5th Novembe1', 1896. is hereby llotified, for the illformation of the publie, that the level crossing at the 8 mile 33

chains, generally known as the" Hospital Crossillg," will be temporarily dosed from the 7th November llext, pending altemtiolls to the line.

(Siglled) F. H. PIE SS]], Commissioner of Railways.

1982 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 6, 1896.


Donnybrook-Bridgeto-vvn Rail-way.

Bridgetown Contract.

Construction complete, with Permanent Way and Stations (including the providing of all Materials except the Rails and Fasten­;ngs for the Permanent Way, the Material for the Telephone Line, the Ironwork for the Turntable, and the Ironwork for the 5.ton Cranes): Length about 42 miles.

rrENDERS will be reeeived at this Offiee up to noon on Tuesday, the 1st December, 1896, for

the nbove Contmd. Thev aro to he :}ildl'essed to "'rhe Hon. the

Direet;r of Public ~Works," a,nc1 ll1f1rked outside, " 'rellc1er for Briclgetowll Contra,et."

Conditions of Contnlet, Specifications, andDra,wings may 1w seen <l,t this Oflit:e, and ~tt the Court Houses,

. , and Bridgotown, after the 2nd N ovem bel' limitec1number of tho Conditions of Con­

tract, Spec,iiic[ttions, nnd Dn1.wings may also there­,tHol' be obhtillec1 by applit:cttion to this Office on payment of 'rIH'OO pounds per set.

The lowest 0]' mly tender will not neeess,uily be accepted.

order or the Hon. Dil'e(·tol' of Puhlic 'Works, }\'L E. JULL,

Under Seeretary for Pu hlic \Vorks. Public ¥,f orks OiIicc, }

Pert h, \Vest"ern A ush'"tliaJ

lath August" l8f1G,

Yilgarn Goldfields Water Supply.

Parker's Range-,-Tank Reservoir Contract.

rrENm:;jI~S win be received a.t this Ofiiee up to noon 011 Tuesc1a.y, the 10th November, 1896,

for the a.bove Contract. 'rbel' ,tl'() to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Direet~ll' of Puhlie "\Yul'ks," ,tnd marked outside, "Tender for P:Lrker's R<Lnge Tank 1~eservoir Con­tntct."

COlldition~ of Contmet, Speeific;1tions. and Draw­ing~ llhty be SI'ell at this Ofrice, a.nd at the Gold­fields "\Y,tiel' Snpply Brallrh Ofliee, Coolgal'clie.

The lowest 0]' anv t ender will not neeess;1l'ilv be a.cceptecl. v v

By order of the Hon. Direetor of PublieW o1'ks, M. K JULI~,

Under Seel'etal',Y for Puhlic Works. Public Works Office, }

Perth, 'Vesterll Australia, Hth Octol,er, 1896.


Hospital Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Offiee up to noon on Tuesc1n,y, the 8th December, 1896,

for the a.bove Contract. 'rho,Y ,1re to be a,dclressed to "The Hon. the

Direetol' of Public ,Vorks," and marked outside, " Tender for Onslow Hospital Contraet.."

Conditions of COlltnwt, Specifications, and Draw· ings may be seen at this Otliee, and at the Court House, Onslow, on and ,1£ter 23rcl November.

Telegraphic tenders, similarly addressed and nmrked, will be l'e<:eived up to thc same hour, pro­vided that writtcn tenders in due form have pre­viously been lodged with the Resident Magistmte at Onslow.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be aceepted.

By order of the Hon. Director of Public Works, M. E. JULL,

Under Seel'utary for Public vVorlG" Public Works Office, }

Perth, Western A ust.ralift, 5th N oVClnbel', lS9G.

Goldfields Water Supply .

Goongarrie-Tank Excavation Contract.

'1 ENDERS will be reeeived [tt this ~ Oflice up to noon 011 Tuescla,y. the lOt]} November, 189(5,

for the above Contnwt: . They are to be addressed to "The Ron. the

Direct~r of Public "\Vorks," and llutrked outside, "'l'elld~r for Goollg'arrie Tank Exc,watioll Contraet."

Conditions of Contra,et, Spe<:iii<:lttions, and Draw­ings may be seen n,t this OHiee, lwd n,t the Goldfields Water Supply Braneh Oftiee, Coolgn.rdie.

The lowest 01' ,1l1V tender will not llecessl1rily be aecepted." .

By order of the Hon. Dired.ol' of Public "Vorks, :!VI. E. JULT~,

Under Secretary for Pnblic '\IV ork8. Public Works Office, }

Perth, \Vestel'll Australia, Ht.h October, 1896.


Bonded Store Contract.

rrENDERS will be reeeivcd ltt this Oiliee up to noon on Tue~c1ay, tht, 24th N ovcmber, 189(;,

for the above Contract. 'rhey are to be addressed to "'The Hon. the

Direetor of Publie VV orks," and 1l1<1l'kecl outside, " Tender for Cossack Bonded Store COl1tmct."

Conditions of Contract, Specifi<:atiol1s, anc1 Draw­ings may be seen at this Offiee, and at the Court House, Cossack, Oll and after 4th N ovembel'.

Telegraphic Tellders, similarly marked ltnd lcd­dressed, will be received up to the same hour, pro­vided thnt written Tenders in due form hrwe pre­viously heen lodged with the Resident Magistrate at Cossack.

The lowest 01' any tender will not lleeessarily be accepted.

By order of the Hon. Director of Public Works, :!VI. E. JULL,

U ndE'r Seeretar.y for Public "V orks. Pu bUc Works Office, }

Perth, vVestern Australia, 28th October, 1896.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, "\rV.A. 1983

NorthaIYl-Yilgarn Railvvay.

Hines Hill Railway Station.

Refreshment Room Additions Contract No. 2.

TENDERS will be received ftL this Office up to .. noon on Tuesday, the 24th Noyember, 1896,

for the above Contrad. They are to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Director of Public Works," and marked outside. "'render for Northam-Yilgarn Railway Hines Hill Raihmv Station Refreshm.ent Room Additions Con­tract No. 2."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Dmw­ings may be seen at this Office, and at the Court Honses, N ortham ctnd Southern Cross.

'The lowest or allY tender will not necessarih be accepted.· •

By order of the Hon. Director of Public Wodes, M. E. JUT,I."

Under Secretary for Pnblic "Works. Public Works Office, '>

Perth, "\Vestern Australia, J' 28th October, 1896.

Perth Government House.

Additions to West Wing Contract.

flilENDERS will be received at this Office up to 1..- noon on Tuesda,y, the 10th November, 1896, for

the above Contract. They are to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Diredor of Public VY orks," a,nd marked outside, "Tender for Perth Government House~Additiol1s to 'IV est Wing Contra,d."

Conditions of Contrad, Specifications, and Draw­ings may be seen at this Office.

The lowest or a,ny tender will not necessarily be accepted.

By order of t he Hon. Director of Public VV orks, :LVI. E. JULL,

Under Secreta,ry for Public 'W orks. Public Works Office, }

Perth, Western Australia, 27th Octobel', 1896.

-----Sou thern Cross.

School Additions Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 17th N ovel1lber, 18H6,

for the above Contract. Thev are to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Direct~r of Public VV orks," and marked outside, " Tender for Southern Cross S01lo01 Additions Contract.' ,

Conditions of Contra,ct, Speeifications, mId Dra,w­ings may be seen at this Office, and at the Court House; Southern Cross, on and after 30th October.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be a,cceptec1.

By order of the Hon. Direetor of Public VV orks, M. E. JUI.,L,

Under Secretcuy for Public VV orks. Puhlic Works Olfice, }

Perth, vVestern Australia, 29th October, 180G.


Police Quarters Contract.

rIlENDERS will be reeeived a,t this Office up to noon on Tuesdav. the 22nd December, 1896, for

the above Contract. • .. They are to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Director of Public VV orks," and marked outside, " Tender for 'iYynclbam Police Quarters Contmct."

Conditions of Contract, Speeifiea.tioIls, and Dmw­ings may be seen at this Office, lmc1 at the Court Honses at ~ Roeboul'ne and VVYllcllmm, on ltlld a,fter 1st December. '

The lowest or a,ny t,ellcler will not necessarily be accepted.

By Order of the Hon. Director of Public VY orks, }VI. E. JULL,

Under Secretary for Public Works. Public Works Oiliee, )

Perth, "rVestern A nstl'alia, ( 5th Nove1uber, 1896. J


Industrial ~chool for Girls Contract.

fl-'ENDERS will be received at this Offiee up to L noon OIl 'I'uesday, the 17th November, 1896, for

the f1bove Contract. They are to be a,ddressed to "'The Hon. the

Director of Public 'IVorks," and marked outside, "Tender for Subiaco Industrial School for Girls Contnwt."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Dmw­ings may be seen at this Office on and ltHer 31st Oetober.

The lowest or an v tender will not nE'cessa,rilv be accepted.' •

By order of the Hon. Director of Public Works, lVI. E. JULL,

Under Secretary for Public 'iV orks. Public l,V orks Office, }

Perth, ,\Y cstern Australia, 28th October, 1896.


Wurarga-Gullewa Road.

Clearing and Grubbing Contract.

TENDEES will be reeeiverl at this Offiee up to noon on Tuesday, the 24th November, 1896, f6r

the ahove Contra<:t. They ftre to he 8"(lclressecl to "The Hon. the

Director of Public 'iVorks," and ll1ftrked outside, "Tender for VV urargtt-Gullewa RO<tc1 Cleltring and Grubbing Contract."

COllditiol1~ of Contmct, Specifications, and Draw­ings Bmy be seen a,t this Office, at the Post Office, Jl'lullewa. and at ]'1:1'. '1'. P. Bourke's Office, Gullewlt.

The lowest or ,Lny tender will not necessarily be acc,'pted.

By order of the Hon. Director of Public Works, IVI. E. JULL,

Under Secretary for Public Works. Puhlie Works Olliee, }

Pert,h, Western AURtralia, 29th Oc(01)er, 180G.

IZa.lgoorl ie.

Water Service Tank Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 10th November, 1896, for

the above Contract. They are to be addressed to "The Hon. the

Director of Public Works," ,tnd nmrked outside, "Tender for ILtlgoorlie 'Vater Service Tank Con­tr;J,d.."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, -and Draw­ings llIlty be seen at this Office, and at the Golclfielc1s vVfLter Supply Bmnch Office, Coolgardie.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ftcCepterl.

By order of the Hon. Director of Public vYorb, }VI. E. JULL,

Under Secretary for Public "Works. Public V{ orks Ofl1cc, '(

rerth. "Yes tern Austra.lia, 5 l·Eh October, lSDG.

19~4 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, VV.A. [Nov. 6, 1896.


Post Office Contract.

TENDERS will be reeeived at this Office up to noon on Tuesdav, the 17th November, 1896, for

the above Contract. "

They are to he addressed 1,0 "The Hon. the Director of Pub lie Works," and marked outside, " Tender for Bmuswiek Post Office Contract."

Conditions of Contmct, SpceificlLtions, and Dmw­iugs may be seen ,1,t this Offiee, and ,Lt the Court House, Bunlmry, on lLnd after 3rd N ovelllbel'.

The lowest or l1,lly tender will not necessarily be aeeepted.

By order of the Hon. Direetor of Publie VV orks, M. E. JULL,

UncleI' Seeretary for Pub lie vVorks. Public Works Oflice, (

Perth, Western Australia., S 28th Octo her, 1896.

Easte~'n l~aihvay.

Fremantle-Midland .Junction Duplication.

Passenger Overbridges Contract (7 required).

T ENDERS will be reeeived at this Offiee up to noon on Tuesday, the 24th Noyember, 1896, for

the above Contrad.

They ,we to be ,1,ddressecl to "The Hon. the Direetor of Publie Works," and marked outside, " Tender for Fremantle-Midland J llllcLion Duplic<L­tion, Passenger Overbridges Contract."

Conditions of Contmet, Specifieatio1ls, lHlcl Dmw­ings may be seen at this Offiee.

The lowest or ,1,ny tender will not necess,Lrily be accepted.

By order of the Hon. Director of Publie VV orks, M. E. JUI.JL,

Under Secretary for Puhlie vVorks. Public Works Ofllce, }

Perth, Western Australia, ,ith N oVClnher, 1896.

Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply.

Bardoc Water Service Tank Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tueschv, the 1st Deeemhol', 189(3, for

the above Conlmei. "

They are to be ,Lddressed to "'l'he H Oil. the DiJ'eetoJ' of Publie VV orks," and 1l1<Lrkecl outside, "Tender for Coolf;ardie Goldfields "V~Lter Sllpply-­Bardoc Wl1,ter Service '1',1,11};: Coutrad,."

Conditions of COlltmet, Specifielttiolls, lLud Dmw­ings may be seen ltt this Offiee, ,md a,j, the Gold­fields Water Supply Bnmch OflitC'. Coolg,t['(lie.

The lowest 0]' fU1V t(,I1<1el' will not nee<'ss'Hilv 1,,· aceepted.· .

By order of the HOll. Dil'edol' of Public' \Vol'ks,

M. E . .lUI.JL, U ncler Seeretal'Y for Puhli(~ vVorks.

Public Works Ofllce, } Perth, Western Australia,

4th November, 1896.

Perth Rail~ay Station.

Forwarding Goods Shed Contract.

T ENDERS will be reeeivecl at this Offiee up to noon on 'l'uescby, the 24th November, 1896,

for the ,,,bove Contract.

Thev arc to be addressed to "The Hon. the Director of Public vVodes," ,Lml marked outl'ic1e, "Tender for Perth Railwi),,Y Station Forw,Lrc1ing Goods Shed COlltrfLct."

Conditions of COlltl'aet, Spccificatiolls, and Dmw­ings nmy be seen ,Lt this Offiee.

The lowest or ,Lny tender will not lW(;eS8iLrily he aeeepted.

By order of the Hon. Dil'edo]' of Publie "V orIn;, M. E. .lULL,

Under SecrettLl',Y fOl'Puhlie \VOl'kt,:. Public Works omce, }

Perth, West~rn Australia, ·lth November, 1806.

J\!rulle~a ]={,;,ihvay.

Grecnough River Station House Cont.ract.

T ENDERS will be receivt:cl 'Lt this Ofliee up to . noon on Tuesc1av, the 24th Non,mi)('l', 189f:i, for

the above Contrad. .' 'rhey m'e to be 11ddl'eHNt'd 10 "'l'lw HOll. the

Direetol' of Publie vVorks," ,Lwl lIl1Ll'kcd olltsit1o, "'l'c'lldt:l' for Thr[ullew,1, l1"Lilwa,y, (}rct'llollg'h RiYer Station House Contmet." '

Conditions of Contl'aet, Speeifit'atiolls, and Draw­ings may be seen at this Oiliee, awl 1Lt the Court House, Gemlc1ton.

The lowest or any tender will Hot lloecssClrily be aeeepted. '

By order of the Hon. Dircdnr of PnhlieW 01'k8,

NI. K ,lULL, U nc1er Reereta,l',Y 1'0]' Pu hlic\'V ol'ks.

Pu·])lie W 01'k8 Oilice, } Pert.h, \VcstCl'll Austra,lin, November, 1896.

Uncler !~(li7I'-'n1jS' 01licc, JVcs[('rn AttslyaUn, Std November, 111!)Ii.

jljxeelleney the GOVCl'lw!' in liiXl:cutive COlllleil Ims been llleased tn ~tPl']'oYt' of the following'

ftppoilltments, with cffeet from the 1st .Jul.v, 189d ;~-W.R G:3lG!HG.-Romm'1' BUCIL\NAN C,UIPBlcLL to be

Locomotive Superint<m(lcmt. vice vV.:;\Iathcr retired.

vV.R l!,l,3!HG'-CHAf,r,Es HlmKELI.;Y RUBH'l'ON to he Chief Clerk, Undor Sccrctary for I\.",ilwa,ys' Office.

ALPIN P. 'l'HOMSON, UndC'l' S('(:rel<Ll'Y, RltilWltys.



l~ Sa,ll', ~lt GOyernlllcnt StOH'S (JYIltl'illl' 'l'erraeo), 1<'renmlltle ;-

I,1inc' Salt, h1 qua.ntities 110t ]es:-J t11nn 1 tOll, £:-3 per tOll (i;a,g·' in01ndo(1).

(;J'lH10 8nlt, in qmmtities not loss th;m 1. ton, eEl pc]' ton (1'1'1eU of hngo, Gel., not inelll(l"cl).

Applio1ttiollS should he mmle to the underfJignecL

By order of the HOll. the Colonial 'I'l'elLSUl'el', CARVI'ON }?,. PETHER,

Government Storekeeper. Gon:rmnollt StOl.'Olj Dep,trbnent, {

Fremantle, 'V.A., 31st Octol)or, 1896. }

Nov. 6, 1890.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, "\tV.A. 1985


(55 Vie., No. 81, Sections 13'1 and 176.)

i\ ;rESSgS. LIONEIJ SAJ'lISON & SON (Government Auctiolleer~) will sell by Public -It.L Customs Bonded St.ores, FrenHtlltle, on 'l'UCSc1~Ly, the 1st day of De<:ember, 1896, following Gooc1s, ullless the Rents be pa,id on or before the 20th N ovem bel', 1896.

A uctiOll, at the ~Lt 11 a.m., the

By order of the Honourable the Colonial 'freasurel'.

Customs House, }<'rmmmtle, 14th October, 1896.



IS94. June 25

Do. 22 July 17 November 22

Dooember 18 Do. 18



Bnlimba Sultan \Va,roonga 'l'olmpo

Inllanllneita Do.

January l'IIarch April l'Ibrch

12 VVn,roongn H Do. 17 Do. 18 Gnlf of

Mny ,1 Do. ,1

April 22 Do. 22 Do. 22 Do. 22

May 16 Do. H Do. 15 Do. 20

Do. 21 Do. 20 Do. 28

June 11 July :i

Do. 10 August 7

Do. lG Do. 12 Do. 16 Do. 19

SOptOIll bel' 5 October 2 December 16

Do. IS

l'II,ubLlx., Clonclll'l'Y Bnlbrra InnH:Ulinek:t

Do. 'l'eka.po

Do. Bulilllba

Do. vVal'oong'(1 Robond'

Rebondino '

Do. '" J:i,ockton Now Guine," G"bo Konoowa,rra ... G,l,bo Bulimba, 'l\UH3 Konoowarrll, NC1l1esis l'IIelbourne Rockton Port Stephens \Val'oonga


Henty, Cobhall1 cl: Co. Do.

G. H. Adall1s cl: Co .... Btrdit7. Bros.

G. H. Adams cl: Co .... Do.

N n,tiona'! Ba.nk Diamond &, Son l'IIdCillllllie & Co. Geo. Cornish ...

Dimnond & Son NatiolUl,l B,mk G. H. Admno cl: Co.

Do. Do. Do.

I l\'[cKill11l1ie I( Co. , Jmncs B,wk I Union Bank

G. Shenton

.r. H. Monger cl: Co .. '" G. H. AdlLlllS cl: Co ... John Elliott ... Dimnond cl: Son Dalgety & Co.

Do. Do.

W. Kether A. 1'i.'. Keesing

Do. A. G. Hosser , .. A. R Keesing Strelitz Bros. I¥ atson Bros. .r. l'IIcKinllnie

Do. 20 Cintrn, ... I Bn,nk of New South VVales W. Phillips ... Do. ao

1SU6. Ja,nlU,ry

Do. Do.

Do. February



Do. Do. Do.

ISU4. January October

Do. 1895.


Do. April

Do. May June May


o 1G 20

22 3 4


G 11 14,

25 o



23 2

27 17 12 21


'N ollowra, I

Marloo Sultan Bm'coo

]yI::1ori !IGng Bullarra Bond 'J'rnck


Bond Truck Asphodel li'l'Hlll ...

Nemesis 13ulilllb:1 R"ckton

Bond Truck

Barunga Ardendee Gulf of Si:1m ... Glencaln,dh Sultan Rebonding


Geo. Cornish ... J. ,V. Henderson Union Bauk ...

R J. Willshiro H. Sa.ltan & Son Bnnk of Anstmln,sin,

D. & J. Fowler

Geo. Cornish Sadleir & Co. E. S. Ilazal'us

Geo. Shenton R J. Willshire Jas. l'IIcKimmie & Co.

R Strelib

J. & W. Batem,m G. H. Adams & Co ... . Connor & Doherty .. . E. Lcnkeisen ...

Do. J. H. l'IIonger & Co ....

James Lilly & Co.

.A over OiJ'/

A ovor 581 ,\ over 702 B over 5l()

B over 7'22 Do.

B over H3.) C over Lit C over am; C ovor 217

Cover M)3 I Cover ;1)),1.

C ovor 410 Do.

Cover HS Do.

Cover Ghf) Cover ;')56 Cover 57.) Cover G2'1

Cover (H8 C ovcr (i30 Cover (i8;) C oyer 77';3 C ovor 917 Cover !JH2 D over lOG Dover :302 Dover 2,-", D ovor 285 Dover 317 1) ovor 4il7 Dover 711' ]' over :2(;:3 F over 28'. J<" over :lOD F' over Sa,1

F OVCl' 1·16 F over 47;) };' over 48G

};" over 51G E' over GI0 F over (ilS

};' over G2()

F over G38 F over G63 F over G80

A over 5G2 B over 280 B over 39G

B over 871

B over 902 Cover 31G Cover 4,.2 Cover GOS Cover 7S0 Cover 643

Cover 660


CLAY'l'ON 'l'. MASON, Collec:tor of Customs.


" y

" y

" T



1/8 l/a

1 1 1


G 1/8





2 4 2



~ I


5 "",ses Stout 22 hhds. Ale 12 do.

8 cn,ses Pros. Pota­toes

10 cases Beer 17 do.

23 cmtes Bottles 2 C'tses Hops 2 cases Cheese G pkgs. Boots

2,; casos l'Ilc"ts 22 sach Salt 1,; cn,slrs Ale

4, do. 2G do. 25 do.

4 mtses Driod Apples 1 ense Bacon 1 Cn,sk 1 C11S0 P[,por Pat­

terns 1 case Oil Stores '~hhds. Ale

III cases Beer 2;) e,l,ses Meats 10 kegs F'reh in s;11t

1 cask i\icat in s[11t :3 do. 1 cnsk Dripping

20 cases Beer 11 do. 7 do. 7 do.

38 boxes Son,p a cases S. Son,p

40 boxes Soap 1 case Bicycles 1 cn,se Cricket W n,re

1 cn,se Boots 80 drums Oil

1 pkg. Transparen­cies

10 drums Oil 1 cn,se or bng Hams 8 pkgs. So In, Water

Machinery 20 cases Cyn,nide of

Potn,ssium 7 pkgs. Boots

14, cases Lobsters 4 pkgs. Iron Snfes

50 cases Ale 1 ml,se Show Cards

1G cases Pres. Pota,­toes

3 cases Wearing App<'Ll'el

1 case Show Cards 17 hhds. Ale 10 cases Stout

3 do. Beer 1 do. do. D cases Drapery,

Boots, &e. 24 pkgs. Furniture



1895. JYIay 23 April 2:3

Do. 23 July 19

Do. 19 Do. 19 Do. 19 Do. 19 Do. lD Do. 2'1

AUO'llst 27 Sel~telllber n October 8

Do. 8 .Tuno 21

1894. June 25 July :3

Do. :3 :)une HJ

Do. 27 May 2C; June :30

July :3 June 1;)

Du. :\0

Do. 30 Do. 12 Do. 12

July 16 A.ugust 6

Do. 6 July 18

May 11 JUl18 12

August 10 Do. 2n

October 15 Decem bel' 6 October 10

Do. H;

November 7

Do. Do, 2(i

October 5 September 19 December 17

Do. 4,

Do. 20 October In September 8 December 4

Do, ·4 Do. ·t

October 16 Do, 16 Do, 16 Do. 25

December 17 November 27 December 27 October 3

Do. 3 Do. 3

December 10 Do. 27

October 30 November 13

Do. 13 1895.


Reboncling Gulf of Siam .. ,

Do. BonclTruclt

Do, Do. Do.

N airnshire Do.

Mount Tabor ... OsalnL .. . Niola .. . Australind

Do. G,]'bo ...

Huhmba Do.

Inuamincka Gabo Bulimbl1

Do. Kingclom of

S,Lxony Inm],minclm Bnlllwrlt Kingdom of

Saxony Do.

Gabo ... Do,

Port Pirie Annie IU' Donald

Do. 'IYaroonga

G-abo ... Do.

Tekapo New Guinea

13ulimba vVaroonga Gulf of Siam ... Flinders


vVaroonga l{,ockton Saladin Bulil11ba

Do. 'I'Varoonga

Sultan Austra.Iincl Linclus BulllLrl'lL

Do. Do.

Plinders Do. Do.

Gabo .. , Bulil11ba Rockton Peru Helena MelUL. ..

Do. Do.

N,l,irnshirc Peru ... Rockton Charlotte Pad-

bury Do.

January Do. Do. Do.

4 Tekapo 8 Rockton

15 \Varoono-a 15 Do. "


LIST OF GOODS CH A" STORE)-continllcd.


J ames Lilly & Co. J. VV, Henclerson

Do, Geo. Willis

Do. Do. Do, Do. Do.

Dalgety & Co. J. J. lIigham ... E. I"enkeisen .. . Geo. Willis .. .

Do. National Bank

Cover 600 Cover 443

Do. D over 5~1 Dover 55 Dover 59 Dover 60 Dover 50 Dover 51 Dover 116 Dover 368 Dover 'HJ8 D over HI Dover 7-18 Cover 802


lIenty, Cobham &: Co. Do.

McHelm, Bowker & Co. Henty, Coblmm & Co. .L M. Ji'ergnson .r. HlLyclcn J. H. Monger & Co.

lVIcBeltn, Bowker & Co. 1<'. Scrnth J. H. JYlonger & Co ....

Do. Diml10nd &: Son

Do. llIcBean, Bowher &: Co. J. H. Monger &: Co ...

Do. J. M. Ferguson

P. Falk & Co. Do.

1<'. G. E,"ston ... J. H. JYIonger &: Co, ...

F. G. Easton . H. B. Menke ... G. H. Snowball &: Co. C. Anderson ...

Diamond &: Son

A. J. S. Cuzens E. Fleming G. H. Adams &: Co.

Do. J. M. l<'erguson


McBel'tn, Howker &: Co. Do.

J. JYI. l<'erguson A. J. Cuzens ...

Do. E. Benda &: Co, A. G. Rosser ...

Do. Do.

JHcBean, Bowker, & Co. A. G. Rosser ... JYIcBeml, Bowker, & Co.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

G. H. Snowball &: Co. JllcBean, Bowker, & Co.

Do. Do.


Do. Frank Cac1d __ . JlticBean, Bowker, & Co.


A over 558 A over 620 A over 626 A over 511 A over 590 A over 375 A over 608

A over 626 A over 486 A over 608

Do. A over 480

Do. A over 686 A over 837

Do. A over 724

A over 2()0 A over 474

A over 855 13 over 5

B over 322 B over 616 B over 288 B over 328

B over 438

B over 417 B over 531 B over 252 13 over 144 B over 711 B over 592

13 over 731 B over 350 B over H B over 586

Do. 13 over 591 B over 328

Do. Do.

13 over 386 B over 718 B over 551 B over 748 B over 230

Do. Do.

13 over 675 13 over 748 13 over ,W~1 B over 466


Hover 789 B over 836 13 over 864




1 3, '1 tt, 5

3 ~:L, 0,

I 2 :1


11/14 #5




I ·1,

1 "1 "( TT '[ I 2/3

1 'f

1/2 2: 2 2: 1 T T

Id , "

5 1 ,1,/7

1/5 ~ I 6

B/6 \J 1

11 T 'f Y -, 1 1

'l'1 " T 1 T 1 8 9


3 1

1 5


1 14/16

1 2

[Nov. 6, 1896.


1 case Chairs 30 Drums Oil 20 do.

2 plcgs. Boots 2 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. '1 do.

2,* cases Tea ,to cases Meats

'1. m,ses Beer 1 plcg. Boots 1 case Slippers l~-chest 'I'm],

14 k-casks Geneva 1 ochwe GeneYfl, 5 "ases VV ine ,t k-c;'tsks 'Whisky 2 cases 'l'obacco 1 package 'l'ohacco 7 cltses vV ine

1 Cllse l~um 2 cases Liqueurs 2 cltses Brnndy

1 Cl,SC Brandy 21 cases Brandy 13 do. n CRses vVhisky 5 do. 3 do. 2 cases Cigars

2 do. 1 case

2 CfLses Uigars 2 do.

2 do. 1 cltse Cigars 1 {·-cask Whisky 5 ochwes vVine 3 :}-ct1,sks vVine

No. 1, 1 :}-csk. Whisky " 2, 1 i-csk. Brandy 1 ochwe vVine 1 {-cask Whisky '1 octaves vVhisky 1 i-cask Brandy 1 ct1,se 'Tobacco 1 do.

10 cases Geneva 6 do. 2 cases 'l'obacco 2 ct1,ses Still yVine 2 cases Cluunpagne

25 cases 'IYine 2 cases Chalnpagnc

13 do. I do. S do. 3 do. 5 cases Wine 9 m]'ses Brandy 8 do. 5 do. 2 do.

30 do. 15 do. 25 cases Whisky

1 do.

5 do.

1 case Champagne 3 i-casks Wine 2 cases Chal11pt1,gne 1 do.

Nov. 6, 1896.J

Date. Ship.

1895. January 15 Bond Truck

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Fcbrnal'v Do. v

Do. Do. Do.

:iYIarch Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.




Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

May Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D,). Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

June Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

5 29 29 29 29 ,t

11 16 22 22

1 5 7

20 20 20 21 23

27 1


17 26 27 27 27 27 30 30

4. 6 9

11 Vl 13 13 14 14 17 17 17 17 17

18 18 18 22 22 22 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 23 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 20 20 20 21 21 20 23

8 4 4

15 17 20 25

Tekapo Barlll1ga

Do. Do. Do.

Gulf of Lyons Buninyong Telmpo Gabo ... Bulimba Bond Truck A ustralind Buninyong Rockton Golden Gate ...

Do. Tekapo Adelaide




Do. Bond Truck

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Gulf of Siam ... Do. Do.

Bullarra, Bulimba Bond Truck Nemesis

Do. Rebondillg

Do. Do.

Glencaladh Do. Do.

Saladill G lellcaladh

Nemesis Saladin

Do. Glellcaladh

Do. Do. Do.

Rebonding Do. Do. Do. Do.

Rebolldillg Bothwell Castle 'YVaroonga Rebonding

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Konoowarra Port Phillip



LIST OF GOODS C" B." STORE)-contirMted.


Dalgety & Co.

D. Guthrie J. H. :iYronger &: Co ....

Do. Do. Do.

J. &: 'iV. Bateman F. G. Easton .. . G. H. Adams .. . McBeall, Bowker &: Co.

Do. Dalgety &: Co. E. Lenkeisell &: Co ... , 'iV. J. K. 'fh0mas A. G. Rosser ... J_ H. Monger &: Co ....

Do. G. H. Snowball &: Co. J. H. Monger &: Co ....

J. :iYI. Ferguson

Geo. Shenton

E. Stubbs &: Co.

Geo. Sheuton Connor & Doherty Dalg'ety &: Co.

Do. Do. Do.

J. Allpike Do.

Tyler & Menitt Frank Cadd ... D'l,lgety & Co.

Do. Coolgardie Hospital H. :iYI. Scott & Co. E. lVlayhew G. A. Davies ...

Do. E. Lenkeisen & Co

Do. Do.

James Back ... E. Lenkeisen &: Co ... ,

Sheard & Mapson .. , J. R. Buck

Do. Bank of Australasia

Do. Do. Do.

D. Guthrie Dalgety & Co.

Do. Do. Do.

Dalgety & Co. G. H. Snowball & Co. Hanold Bros. J. McKimll1ie 'YVm. Padbury James Back

Do. G. H. Snowball & Co.

Do. McBean, Bowker & Co. G. H. Adams &: Co ... ,

Do. J. R. Monger & Co.

Do. G. H. Adams &: Co .... McBean, Bowker & Co. R. Deakin & Co. James Moylan

Do. J. H. Monger & Co. Tyler & Merritt P. Falk & Co. G. R. Snowball & Co. J. H.lVcIonger & Co ... , D. Guthrie

B over 867

B over 814-B over 928

Do. Do.

B over 929 B over 978 e over 10 e over 39 e over 59 e over 70 e over 100 e over 113 e over 135 e 0'181' 228 e over 229

Do. e over 236 e over 242

e over 290

e over 308

e over 362

e over 383 e over 436 e over 441

Do. Do. Do.

e over 't57 Do.

e over 492 C 0'181' 503 Cover 558 U 0'181' 545 e 0'101' 5,W Cover 550 e 0'101' 552 e 0'181' 559

Do. e over 606

Do. Do.

Cover 603 C 0'101' 607

Cover 615 e over 620

Do. Cover 653

Do. Do. Do.

Cover 628 C 0'101' 625

Do. Do. Do.

e over 625 Cover 657 C 0'101' 611 Cover 610 Cover 598

Do. Do.

Cover 613 Do.

Cover 629 Cover 639

Do. Cover 642 Cover 643 Cover 640 Cover 655 Cover 752 Cover 815



July Do. Do.

1 3 3

Bond Truck Port Phillip Bullarra Rebonding Bullana Rockton Bond Truck '" \ Dalgety & Co.

Cover 831 C over 836 Cover 852 Cover 887 C 0'101' 907 Cover 913 Cover 915

: Nos.

-i, 3,t T

3 T


o T 1

4/10 1 3 r 2 1



1 2,3,5


+-1 5 T


1 2

4:/~ 55

70,7275 89/95

100 1 3

1/2 4


1 2 TT


1 3 1

1,2,4., 7/10

* 1/10 2/3

1/14-16/19 21/29 30/4


1 T 4· 5

7/11 1/5 6/9

1 1/3

20/5 1/2

1 6/8

1 2 4

6, 9

1/5 1

1/2 +




3 cases Cigarettes

1 case Tobacco 1 octave Brandy 2 cases Brandy 5 do.

12 cases Champagne 7 octaves Whisky 1 case 1 do. 1 case 'Whisky 1 case Cigarettes ], case Tohacco 5 cases Whisky 5 do. 1 case Cigars

10 cases 'Whisky 10 do.

3 :)-casks vVine 2 cases Cigars

3 cases Tobacco

1 {--cask Wine

1 case Tobacco

2 cases Cigars 3 octaves Brandy 1 case Tobacco 5 do. 7 do. 1 do.

10 C[l,ses Brandy 15 cases Gin

R cases vVhisky 2 cases Cigars 1 do. G cases Tobacco 5 cases ,Vine 7 cases Brandy 2 cases Cigars 8 cases Brandy 4 do. 5 eases Whisky

20 do. ,1-2 do.

1 case Cigars 7 ~·-casks Whisky

8 cases Brandy o cases 'iVhisky \J do.

25 do. 25 do. 25 do. 10 octavos Whisky 2 cases Tobacco

1.4, octaves Brandy 4 t-casks do. 9 octaves do. :; i-casks do.

46 cases Brandy 2 cases Tobacco 1. cases 'iVine 1 case Tobacco 1 i-cask Rum 1 i-cask 'Wine 5 cases Cigars 5 i-casks 'Wine 4 i-casks Brandy 3 cases Brandy 3 {·-casks Brandy 6 i-casks 'Wine 2 cases Cigars

39 cases Schnapps 3 octaves Whisky 8 cases Whisky 1 case Cigarettes 1 octave Wine 1 i-cask Wine 2 cases Tobacco

30 cases Whisky 5 cases Tobacco 1 of-cask Brandy 2 cases Cigars 1 do.

10 cases Tobacco



1895. July g

Do. 1 Do. 1 Do. ,1 Do. 1, Do. 10 Do. 10 Do. 10 Do. 17 Do. 20 Do. 2:3 Do. 2:3

Aun-ust I Bo. 7 Do. 10 Do. H Do' 21 Do. 22 Do. 2,1

Septem bel' ;) Do. ,) Do. G Do. () Do. iJ Do. 1:1 Do. 2:, Do. 2:3 Do. 2G Do. :W Do. 2() Do. 2(5 Do. 2G Do. 2(; Do. 28 Do. 28 Do. :30 Do. 80

Do. :\0

Do. 80 Do. :10 Do. :30

October 2 Do. 2 Do. 12 Do. 28 Do. 2:3 Do. 2,t Do. 2,1 Do. 2,j. Do. 2·1· Do. 24,

Novclllber i Do. 5 Do. G Do. (; Do. G Do. H Do. 4

Do. 4 Do. 4 Do. 4, Do. 4 Do. Hi Do. Hi Do. 22 Do. 2i'i Do. 29 Do. gO Do. :m Do. :30 Do. 39 Do. :30 Do. 29 Do. 29 Do. 80 Do. 30 Do. 80

December 2 Do. 2 Do. 2 Do. 2 Do. 3 Do. 4


Saladin Innrtlllinckrt

Do. vVa,l'oonga, Konoow,u'l'll, ClOIlCUlTY Bullarm

Do. Nail'llshi1'8 Rehonding Beeswing Innamincka Bond Truck Gabo ... HocktoIl Bond T1'nek Buninyong '"

Do. K0110QWcl,l'1'2t ...

vVal'oongn, Ant,1,l'es Buninyong vVal'oonga Nioh l{onoowarr" Bnlilllba

Do. Hdemt Men"

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Rockton Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do.

G"bo Do.

vVal'oonga Liddcscla,lc

Do. Birksg'ate Fifeshil'c

Do. Do. Do. Do.

AclehLide Bnllinyong Sepi,,, ...

Do. vV,woong" Charlotte PMl-

bury Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

vVollowm Do.

Buninyong Celtic Kin u

Do. '" Do. Do. Do, Do.

Buninyong Celtic King

Do. Do.

Peru ... Do. Do. Do.

Celtic King Buninyong


LIST OF GOODS (" B" STORE)-contimwcl.


Con nor & Doherty H. M. Scott & Co.

Do. P. Falle & Co. H. J\!1. Scott & Co. J. De Bmm ... H. J\!1. Scott & Co.

Do. J. & W. Bateman National Bank J. De B"un .. , J ames B"ck ... J. M. Ferguson it. G. Rosser ... G. Hiscox Dalgety & Co. J\!Iilne & Co .... P. Falk & Co. Jmnes Back .. . J\!Iilne & Co. .. . N atiolHl,1 B"nk A .. G. I-tosser ... :K 8tubbs & Co. E. Lcnkeiscn & Co ... . J. H. Monger & Co .. .. H. M. Seott & Co.

Do. ThEIne &. Co.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

J. Sermon Do.

McBe;"n, Bowker & Co. Do.

StrcIitz Bros.

Do. Do. Do.

James Moybn Do.

R. J. Willshirc Di"mond & Son

Do. Mrs. A. Gntwood Milne & Co.

Do. Do.

Dalgety & Co. : .r. & VV. Balenmn

.Tmnes Baek ... H. J\!T. Scott & Co. Milnc & Co ....

Do. P. li'nJk & Co. i'lJilne & Co.


Do. Do. Do.

'l'yler & J\!Ierritt Do.

G. H. Snowhltll & Co. J,unes Moyhn D. Guthrie Eeid & Pm'kins

Do. Do. Do. Do.

J\!Iilne & Co. W. J\!Teadly James Moylan


Do. J\!Iilnc &; Co.

Do. Do. Do.

J. H. liIonger & Co .... H. J\!1. Scott & Co.

Cover 918 Cover 905


Cover 92G C ovcr 924 C OVGr 979 C ovcr 986

Do, l) ovcr 30 D over 68 Dover 73 Dover 82 Dover 155 Dover 210 Dover 247 Dover 280 Dover 8313 Dover 341 Dover 3Gl Dover 431 Dover 441 Dover'162 Dover 4G6 Dover'198 Dover 575 Dover G3G

Dover GG:2 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Dover 682 Do.

Dover 702 Do.

Dover G90

Do. Do. Do.

Dover 717 Do.

Dover 765 Dover 820

Do. Dover 831 Dover 833

Do. Do.

Dover 885 Dover 898 Dover 92;3 Dover H38 Dover 980

Do. F over 5 F over 12

Do. Do. Do. Do.

l<' over 22 Do.

F over 68 F over 77 F over 117 P over 128

Do. Do. Do. Do.

F over 120 F over 123 F over 135

Do. F over 136 F over 138

Do. Do. Do.

F over 152 F ovcr 170


1 4

1/·1, 5/7

10 7/15 ]/4,

1 1


:2 {5/1l 3/15 ,

'1 ;101 HJ I

T I 1

1/3 ,],/6

!)/10 11/]5 lG/2iJ 27/35

1 2 (5


1/10 ll/:W

:1O 1/l] G/l5

1 J

3/ i5 17/20

2 7/H

9/1;; 17/2:3 :l,3jG :37/cl,1


2, ,1" G 1 :.! :-I T, l' T

1 1(1, 5/8

11/14 15/18 21/,1 21/8


5/0 7/8

14/28 44/53 5l,/8 69/68

5 1,5

[N QV, 6, 1896.


20 cases Whisky 10 do. 20 do.

1 case Cig-ars 28 cases Brandy

,1 octaves vVhisky g do. 1 ,i-cask Brandy 9 octaves 'IVhisky 4 J-c;csks Brandy 1 :I -cask Whisky 1 case 'robacco 2 cases To ]x"cco

gO cases Champagne 1 octaNe Brandy 9 cases 'robacco

Ig octaves Rum 1 case Tobacco 7 J-casks vVhisky 1 J"-cask Rum

l() cases Whisky 1 case Cigars 1 case '1'0 bacco 8 cascs vVhisky 1 case Cigars

85 cases I3mncly 10 Gll,ses vVines

:> ,j-cltsks vVhisky 2 octaves Whisky 2 ,j-casks Whisky 5 octlwes vVhisky

10 do. n ~ -c;tsks vVine 1 octave vVine 1 oct,we Whisky 5 cases Champagne ,J, do. 4 cases Brandy 4 do. '1 do. 7 cases vVhisky

18 do. 5 cases SehlUl,ppS

13 cases Brandy 1 do. :3 cases Cigars

25 cases Brandy 2;') do. 1:3 cases vVino 10 .l-casks Whisky 10 octaves Whisky

1 ,j-cask Wine Jl cases 'l'obacco 10 octaves vVhisky 1 case Cignrottes

25 c"ses Whisky 8 octltves vVhisky 4 ,l·-casks ]:!'um 1 case Cigars 2 ol-casks Whisky

7 octaves vVhisky 7 do. 2 :I-casks Whisky 5 octaves Whisky

25 cases Whisky 10 clo.

B :I-casks 'Wine :3 cases Cigars 1 do. 4.1-casks 'Wine 4 octaves vVine '1 {"-casks Wine 4 octlwes vVine 4 do. 8 oetaves Brandy 1 Cltse Cigars 2 k-casks Wine 2 octaves Wine 8 cases Whisky

15 ;j.-casks vVine 10 octaves Whisky

5 l-casks vVhisky 5 octaves vVhisky

21 cases Wine 2 i-casks Wine

Nov. 6, 1896.J


1895. December

Do. Do. Do. Do. 1)0.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

lSf)lI. Jrmun.ry

Do. ' Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. })o.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Fobruary Do.









Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

G o o G 9 D

10 1:3 13 la 11 1'1 1(;

If; U) ID H) :31 31

3 :i 3 '1

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13

15 1H :31 21 21 21 21 21 21 :31 21 22 22 25 ~;)

2iS 28 2" 2S 28 28 :W 2D :lO :n 7 1


Austmlind Do.

11al1gicrs Do.

Gabo ... Do.

Eockton Innmninckn, ,YfLroonga

Do. Bulimbn

Do. \Val'OonQ.'("L Port Stophons Cintl'1L

Do. Do.

S"hclin Bulimbn.

Fntll1 ... Bnllinyong'

Do. Birksgate I~ockton Tangiel's lfl'a1l1 ...

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Tn,ngil:l'S Bond Truck

l'II,u'loo Glen l-Iuntly ... ];fn!ol'i I(ing'

Do. Do. 1)0.

Do. Do. Do.

GIOll lIllutly ... Do. Do. Do. D().

D". })o.

Jnnaluincl\a, Do. Do. Do.

1Ielbol1l'ne Bond Truck ...

Do. GIt'll Huntly ... Bulimbn, ' lYIaori King ... Tra.nsfcl' £1'0111

Private Bond 1 Tl'ansf: l' from

Private Bond 1 rl\'ansrol' £1'0111

Privn.te Bond 1






o 10 12 18 19 19 20 26

fl'l'ansfel' £1'0111 Bond '1'ransfer from Private Bond

Transfer from Privato Bond

Transfer from Private Bond

rrransfcl' £1'0111

Priva,te Bond 111'a.nsfer £1'0111

Pri mte Fond G>cbo ... Innallljncka Madoo ~(1a.ngiel's

Gulf of Bothnia Do.

Innalllil1Clca Bul1arra


LIST OF GOODS ("E" STORE)-contimcecl.

Owner. ]Y[arks. Descriptiol1.


Milne &; Co .... Do.

Jamos !1:Ioylal1 Do.

.T o11n iYIacmoikel1 Do.

Jj'. 1Vel'fol'd ... P. W. Wellford ,'-. G. Rosser ...

Do. In.nlos Back A. G. ROSSGl' ...

'N. J. RoynoId.s i;Vat30n Bros. J. v'l'. }<'inin81'<'" 8: Co.

Do. Do.

E. Lcnkeisen & Co. .T. & ",\V. BH,tClnan

::Vlillle 8: Co. .. Jmllcs lYIovlan

Do. " Do.

C. Listel' 8: Co. Hunter & Pry

I .hmlCs ;\Ioy l,~n Do. Do, Do. Do.

W. A. Bank E. Stuhbs 8: Co.

Dimnond 8: Son vVn,blon Bros. J. '" IV. Batcman

1)0. 1)0.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

lYIiIllO 8: Co. Do.

li~. 1.011koison & Co .. Do.

T,ylcl' & l\Iel'ritt Do. ])0.

.TrHlll'S lYIoyhn Do. Do. Do.

New South 'Wctlos Bank .T mlles JYloyl>'m

Do. Tyler 8: JYIerritt A. Leevers J mues lYIoylan lYlilnc &; Co.









J ames Moylan .T. H. 1'IIonger 8: Co .... R. J. vVillshire J. H. iYlonger &; Co .... S. Durrn.nt

Do. G. H. Snowball 8: Co. H. J. Preston 8: Co.

F over 185 Do.

F over 190 Do.

J;' over 205 F OV81' 20ll F over 22G

0\'01' 247 ;,' 0; or 2,)0

Do. F over 240 F over 25L1, 1.\' over 262 ]J' over 2GB F OV0r 29"

Do. Do.

re over 3'.2 F over MD

F oyor 3GO F over 366

Do. F ovor 374· F ovor '1,J,2 F ovcr 441 F over 4':10

Do. Do. Do. Do.

F over 448 P over 4;31

F over 4G2 F over ,t,,2 Jj---' over .(JD7

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

F ovor 4!l9 Do.

F over 518 F over 517 It over ;:");")0

Do. Do.

Ii' over 5(;1 Do. Do. Do.

F ovor 5G(; 'B' over 5fH,

Do. ]J' over 59;3 J!' ovor 602 F over 6,t·P, Cover i51

C Ovor 2:30

Cover 2g1


Cover 232


Dover 17

Dover 226

C ovor 16G

F over 040 F ovor 65:3 F over 664 F over (',99 F ovor 708

Do. :F' over 72G F over 755

11/15 19/23

J. 1



o T

2,4 0/10 1/2





1/3,5 I

1/5 6/7

11,13 1 2 1

+ T I T

3/.~, 7 12

13/22 28/32 39/47 48/52 53/02

ll/lO H/18

% o


1 T 1

8/12 14

1/2 2









T 1

1 T 3 4

2/3 1

5 octaves Whisky 5 do. 5 cases vVine

14 do. <to do. 4G ca,ses Wine

1 case Cigars 1 do. 5 cases Whisky 3 cases Brandy 1 case Cigars 2 cases Whisky 2 :}-cctsks Wine 5 :i-casks Whisky 2 i-casks vVine 1 ~-cask 'Whisky II cctses Wine

4.4 casos Whisky 4, {-casks Wine

5 octaves Rum 15 cases 'Wine 6 do.

35 do. 4 {-oasks Wine 1 case Cigars ;) J-casks Wine 2 octavos 'Wine 2 i-casks Brandy 3 cases Brandy

10 cases Whisky 1 case Cigars 1 do.

1 do. cases Whisky

'1 i-cctsks Wine 1 :}-cask Whisky

10 octaves Vi'hisky 5 ~'-casks Whisky 9 octaves Whisky 5 {-casks Whisky

10 octctves Whisky i5 do. 5 do.

30 cases Whisky :3 do.

10 do. do.

25 do. 3 k-casks Wine 2 cctses Wine 5 do. 5 do. 1 case Cigars 5 .l-casks Brandy 1 octave Brandy

30 cases Whisky 2 do. Cigars 1 i-cask Wine a ~-casks Whisky

1 ~'-cask do.

do. Brandy

1 octave do.

1 :}-cask Wine

1 octa,ve Wine

1 i-cask Wine

3 ~-casks Whisky

10 octaves do.

1 case Cigars 1 do. 9 cases Whisky 1 case Cigars 3 cases Gin 4 do. Emu 2 :}-casks Brandy 1 case Cigarettes


LIST OF GOODS CH B" STORE)-contin1~ecl.

Date. Ship. Owner. I llfarks.

1896. I February 25 l'ihg-nat l'iIilne & Co. 00. F over 753

Do. 25 Do. Do. Do. Do. 25 Do. Do. Do. Do. 26 G n1£ of Bothnia E. Lel'lkeisen & Co .. F over 759 Do. 28 Maori King E. V [Ll1zotti 00. F over 785

Do. 28 Sultan Do. 28 Do.

May 14,1895 .Tune (j, IS05

Do. 6,IB95 Do. 11,1895 Do. 11,1895 Do. 27,1895

.T uly 6, 1895 Do. 12,1895 Do. 12,1895 Do. 12, W95 Do. 31,1893

August 7, 189,3 Do. 13,1895 Do. 13,1895 Do. 13,1895 Do. 26,1895 Do. 30, W9il

September 10, lS95 Do. 10, ]S95 Do. 1O,lS95 Do. 16,lS95 Do. 16, 1895 Do. lO, 1895 Do. 19, IS});)

October 2, 1895 Do. 7,1895 Do. 8,1895 Do. 10, 1895 Do. 10,1895 Do. 10,1895 Do. 10,18});) Do. 17,1895 Do. 17,1895 Do. 17, 1895 Do. 2<1., 1895 Do. 29,1895 Do. 30, Ii'll):; Do. 30,1896 Do. 30,1i:l96

November 2,1895 Do. ·t,1805 Do. 8,1895 Do. 11,1895 Do. 13,1895 Do. 13, 1896 Do. 20,1895 Do. 20,1895 Do. 20,1895 Do. 20,1895 Do. 21,1806 Do. 22,1895 Do. 22,18% Do. 2i'l,1895 Do. 28, 18H5 Do. 29,lSH5 Do. 29,1895

December 3, 1895 Do. 3,1895 Do. 3, 18H6 Do. 3,1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. <1-,1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. 4.,1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. 4,1895

H .. M. Scott & Co. 00 F ov('r '778 G. H. A(lmns & Co. 00. .00 i F over 779


vVal'OOilga Austmlind Saladill -VVaroonga

Do. Melbourne Innalnincka Bond Truck

Do. Do. Do.

Alb'l11Y Gabo

Do. Do.

Konoow'1l'ra Melbourne \Varoonga

Do. Do.

Roekton Do. Do.

Gabo Holona Mena Bulimba Rockton Gabo Inl1mninclm

Do. Rockton ,Varoong"

Do. Do.

Adehide vVest Austl'alian Immminclm

Do. Do.

Federal BLllillllmoO' Adelaide ... Bnninyong Fifoshire

Do. IV'troongn

Do. ~

Do. Do.

Bond Truck Innn,mineka

Do. vVollowm

Do. AdelaidE' ...

Do. vVollowm

Do. Do. Do.

Buninyong' Do.

vVaroong'l Do. .Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Roekton ... Do.


HumphrGY No mark L. E. Broome 1'11. over 2'1 1'11. & K. No mark .T. V. Banfield


H. over M.JY1. [in diamond] Do. do.

H. over Alb,"ny ... J. & "IV. Bateman No mark .LS. over F. A.C. ever 1 01' H.C. P.L.C. W. B. F . .Tohn No mark H.K. S.S.VV. over P ....

Do. J.C. .T.P.C. No Illl1rk

Do. A.L. [in diamond] A.L. over C. W.G. S.M. over S.C. K No nunk

Do. Mrs. Ogilvie H.Y.B. & Co. OVCr 3:36 [in difLl11ondJ. .. H.Y.B. 8: Co. ovor 601 [in diamond]. .. l'~o lllHTk

W.S. over '±;) over le. [ill trim1gle] .LD. & S. H.&D .... S.8.Y. & Co. over 319 [in square] H. 8: D. 01' no nmrk Roid &; Pet·kins ... l'iIassil No mark 01' F.B. & Co. [in dimnond] T. & Co., Ltd. [in ditWlOndJ or Tolley L.S. &. S .. .. K.&Co ... . W.H.B. over C .... No mark ...

Do. C. A. V. Butler ... G.D.T. Massi] I::'. W. Heads X.W. over 9·10, ,tnj;JO B.M.B. ... P. & K. over Premn,ntle J. Reid ... C.D. ovcr P. [in diamond] C.G.C. over l'ilcnzies No mark ... MeH. Cbrke Y. over C.B. [in triangle] Petersol1 ... D.H. over W.A .... No mark ...

Do. X. over 247 Smith G.H.P. over S. & Co. [in triangle] ... RP. over ]C. [ill hianglpJ J.B. over 1;'. or lln nmrk

[Nov. 6, 1896,

Nos. Description.

1/15 15 .}-casks Wine 2·t/8 5 :!-casks clo. ;H/8 5 :}-casks Whisky

1 19 cases do. J. 1 case Cigftl's J. 1

7 octaves 'Whisky 00'1


HJ 0 90 cases 'Whisky ,.. T

1 Case 1 .Tal' 1 Case


1 hhcl. Ale 1 C"se

10 bars Steel 1 Package 5 packages Shovels 1 Cask 6 bottles Quicksilver 1 Case 2 Rakes 5 cases 'rreacle 1 Box 1 box Butter 1 paclmge Tent 1 case Boans :) ca,ses Sheep 'l'ong~nes 3 e[1ses l\Iettts :3 kegs Metlts 1. packrLge Springs 1 Case 1 packao'c FU1'niture 1 Plougll Share 1 case JYlilk 1 case Cigars 3 bags 131.'[111

26 cases Brllncly 10 bags On,ts

1 keg Paint 1 Case 1 b"le Clothing 1 Case 2 Cases 1 paclmge IDlIocts 1 Case 1 case CheC'se 5 packa0'0s rrw-ine 1 Casc' " 1 Caso 1 Packl1ge J. '1'rll11k 1 P2,ckagoe I box Playing Cards 1 case Show Cards 1 Case 1 case Cordiltls 1 Box 2 tins V:1l'llish 1 Case 1 case 01' Package 1 Case ] P"clmge 2 ;}-Ci1Sks Whisky 1 Case 2 Cases 1 PaelmO'e 1 Case " 1 Package 1 keg Nuts 01' Nails 1 Case 1 Case 1 'Trunk 1 Case 1 roll Oilcloth 1 Tailor's Board 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Vice

NI. V. 6, 1896.J


December <1, 1895 Do. 4·,1895 Do. ,t, 1895 Do. 4" 189;) Do. 4, 1895 Do. 4,1895 Do. 4, 1895 Do. ,t, 1895 Do. 4, 1895 Do. ,t, 1895 Do. 11,1895 Do. 13, 1805 Do. 13, 1895 Do. 13, 1895 Do. H,1895 Do. 14, 1895 Do. 14, 1895 Do. 1'1,IS()5

Do. H,1895 Do. 21, ISH5 Do. 24, lS95 Do. 30, 1895 Do. 30, ISD5 Do. 31, 1895 Do. 31, 1895 Do. 31, 1895

January 8, 1896 Do. t), 1896 Do. 8, lS96 Do. 8,1t)96 Do. 8, 1896

Do. 8, 1896 Do. D,lti96 Do. 13, 1896 Do. 18, 1896 Do. 18, 1896 Do. 18, 1896 Do. 18, 18D6 Do. 18, 1806 Do. 18, 1806 Do. 20, 18DG Do. 17, lSllS Do. IS, 189G

October 2G, lSD,j ]'obnmry 2·1, 1SD6

Do. 2'1, 189(; Do. 2'1, 1896

Jtl.rl1ual'Y 21, 18D6 Do. 21, lS96 Do. 21, 18D() Do. 21, lS9li Do. 21,lS%

.B'ebruary 2,1, 18Hli Do. 24, lS9G

January 21, 1896 Do. 21, IS06

.B'ebrtltCry 24,1896 Do. 24, lSDo

J'mnuu-y 21, lS96 February 2<]', lSD6

Do. 24, 1896 Janmwy 21,lS96

Do. 21, lSD6 Do. 21,1896

.B'ebruary 2,t, 1896 Jmnmry 21, lS9G

Do. 21, lS96 Do. IS, lSD(;

Do. Do. 22,lSDG

April 29, lS06 February 3, 180(j

January 18, lS0li Do. IS, 1806

November 1, lS05 Deeember 12, lS95 January 2S,lS96 February 2S, 1896

Do. 20,IS06 Do. 2/, IS04

January 21, IS9G Do. 1/, IS05

February 26, IS04,




Boekton Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

A,debide Bulimba ... Rockton ...

Do. Do.

Birksgate Do. Do. Do.

rfangicrs Aclebide Innmnincka 1Vt1"l'oonga

Do. Nemesis ...

Do. Do.

Celtic King Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Tatllgi01';:;

Sultan vVollow!'>,

Do. Do. Do.

Innmuineka Do.

Buninyong 1Varoonga Adelaide 'vVal'oonga Cintnt

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do . Do. Do. Do. Do . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do . Do. Do.


vVaroonga 'llangiel's l~ockton ... Innanlincka

Bulimba Do. Do.

Seuirt Wollowra Birksgate Rockton ... Innamincka Rockton ... Buninyong Saladin ...

Xo Inal'k ... "Y.R.


JYLB. 8: CO. over A. Sydney over D ... . Sydney over S ... . Sydney H. &; Co. over C. .J.\V.B. over Jj', ..

i No llHtrk ... Davidson D. &; S .... X.vV. over O'W, 4R :Fel'gr~SOl1 vV.A. l'l,ecorcl iYLS.C. ]\iI. over 11'. or J.1\1. over F.

. Do. do. !H. &; G. over P. or G.vV.S. OV8r C. rin

climnond] C

P.J.sle]\iI. ]\frs. ;/ohnson 13. &; Co. over P. T.K.

Do. G.S, Do. Do.

P.IY. [in sqn~tre] J.M. (wer ]'renmntle D.S. or no mm'le LH. over 1\1. [in diamond] G.W. oVl'r P. [in diamond] or G.N.

ovOr P. [in diamond] No 11J,t1'1\: ... .l~.H.l,l.

CHLS. O. or li'.1\1cD. J.1;'.O.

Do. H.K0lJlP jHiss 11oekillg' ... Dr. McSchnicler G.H. over G. l{cl'l'iga.n No ]\iIark

Do. A.:i'd. nlon111 1-l0111w8 Bros. H. &; Ji'. over Coolgarclie T. F.lVI.

Do. Do.

r,'T.]){ A.P. over P. D. U(H7 or 6014, ... (i-,P. over P. M.S, Cu, D/l Cook .LP. oYer P. Fi:a-.;h HmTop nI. &; S. over A .... Bickford &; Cargeeg or B. & C. Ed',",1.rds No 111tLl'k

Hencly H" O-won B.'I'.'. i.over diamond], E.M. over F.

[in diamond], &; C. [under diamond] IVebstar .. . H. & S ... . No m~Lrk J.¥. over C.

Do. \Y.T.vV. OV8r P.

Do. B. & Co. over P. T.S. &; S. H. Newton 0.'0 Mr. Pike C. over N.F. No mark W.A.F.C. [in triangle] '1'. G. Palmer M.B. &; Co. S. & H.


1 case Pruits 1 do. I do. I <.:t1,se SalnlOl1 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 paekng0 Twine 1 lxwknge Oildoth 1 Case 1 ef,se nle'tlB 1 {,c~lsk IYhis;,y 1 Caoe 1 P~U"cel Lt paokages Il'011111ongery

20 J -bag's J?lo~u' 5 saeks do, 1 packa.go .,.:'{ ash bo(tl'cl~

2 cases 1 pae:ka,ge DC,'"'' CC'"''

1 (:(1.'3k Flatirons 28 ,Felloes 30 Spokes 16 boxes I31a,ekillu'

:3 Kegs " 8 ca,SGS Sundries 1 Box 1 case Branch 1 keg' Dry Colours 2 paekages rHl1eys 1 Crate

'" BmTow vVheels 4 Cases 1 C;cse 1 bltg' Snltltnns 1 C",se 1 R,g 1 Trunk 1 box LClllons 1 P,trcel 1 case CigCl,]'S 1 pa,ckage Jj'nrnitlu'u

27 packages Billianl Tahle:), &c. 1 case Oil 3 Cas(cs 1 Bao'

1 C",;o 1 box TOYlIG 1 biw: Pm1s 1 ljag' Tapioca 1 Case 1 eask VjlH~gH,l'

11 C<tSOS ::l-Iltrblu 1 cask Bbc 1 case Blacking' 1 c<,sc Olive;; 1 Case 1 11'011 Trunk 1 Case 1 Piano 1 Case 2 cases Ol1,tmonl 1 Case 1 pFLekw)'e Becldin(:' 1 Spring ]\iIattress" 1 Trunk 1 Pm'cel 1 Case

1 Case 1 Cask 2 Imclmgos Furniture 3 cases Ciga.l's 1 case do. 1 hale vVash Boards 1 Case 1 Case 1 case Milk 1 Parcel 1 ease 1\1:ea ts 1 package Effects 1 packa,g8 Brass.,vor\ 1 case Pictures 2 cases Fl'ui~s 1 Case


Unknown Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

JlUllmry 31, Ib9G December 9, ]895 Unknown

Do. Do.

October 9, 1895 Unknown September 30, U193 JYIay 25, 1895 JanlU1ry 17, 189G

Do. 20,189G Do. 13,189G

December 11, 189,5 August 2G, 189,) April 29, 189;)

Do. 29,1895 Unknown December

Do. April January March Unknown

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

JanmLry Do.

Unkno\vn October Unknown


4,1893 '1, 18!!3 8, 189;5

18, 189G 12, 1895

29,189G 20,1890

17, 1895

.I ammry 29, 1896 Do. 2(J, 189G Do. 29,189G Do. 2!!, 189G Do. 2!!,189G Do. 2!!,189G Do. 29,189G

December, 13, 1895 .I mnmry, 29, 1896

Do. 29,18!!G Do. 29, 189G

Unknown Do.

JanmLry Unknown October January Unknown January Unknown

Do. Noyember Unknown

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

JanlU1ry Unknown

Do. Do.

February Do. Do. Do.

January Unknown

Do. December Unknown February Unknown Febl'lmry

Do. Do.

18, 189G

1O,18D5 1H,1896

18, 189G

28, 1895

21, 189G

21, 189G 21, 1896 21, 189G 21. 189G 21, 1896

:31, 1895

21, l89G

21, 1896 20, 189G 20,189G

GOVERNMENT G: AZE'l'TE, 'V.A. [Nov. 6, 18~)6.


Unknown Do. Do.

Fifeshire Do. Do.


Bond Truck Adelaide Unknown Victoria ... Unknown Wollowra Unknown vVollowra Innaminclm \Varoong'aJ Buninyong Celtic King Bulimba Konoowarra vVaroonga Do.

Unknown Bullar1'a

Do. RocktOll ... Bulimba Osak~L Unknown

Do. Osalm Unknown

Do. Buninyong I{onoo\val'ra Innmninclm Unknown vVaroonga vVollowra Unknown InluLlnincka Duninyong Innmninclm

Do. Do. Do. Do.

I-('ockton Inu(unincka

Do. Do.

Unknown Do.

Bnlimba Unknown 13nlimba iYlarloo Unknown Bnlimba Unknown

Do. 1Val'oonga Unknown

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

B,1,1'coo Unknown

Do. Do.

Nemesis ... Do. Do. Do.

Barcoo Unknown Bond Truck Nenlesis Unkn0wn B'-Lrcoo ... Unknown Nemesis ...

Do. Do.


T. Over 345 [in diamond] or P. No In ark

Do. J. & W.B. or T.S. &; S. H.P.P. over triangle inclosing A.C .... G.W. A. & Co. over H.P. [in diamond] 901 Miss Rowhmd Jackson ... A. Hamilton No mark Joseph Rowan No Hunk Clmrles Costray T.O. H.T.W .... O. [in dimllond] J.M. &; Co. over 545 [in dimllond] ('oghall, or Cog'hlan No nULrk J.K. &; Co.

I R. over Melbourne iYIr. Purser

i '1'.O.B. over 1732'1 [in triangle] F.S. over 17323 [in triangle] A.B. over P. .I. Moylan A. [in diamond] No mark K. F. P. Wood No mark

Do. Schramm Edwards No mark VV.B. ovor 202, over F. [in triangle] Annett ... 13our1elle McB.B. &; Co. [in diamond] No ma,rk or '17 Mrs. Smith H. & B. ... E. over no, over 72 [in diamond] C.D. &; Co. No mark L.L.G. L. & T. over F. M.S.C.

Do. No mark iYLS.C. No Ina.l'k J.H. liLK. over Ii'. X.I. No mark

Do. vV.T.vV. over P. [in dimnond] M.M. [in triangle] over Perth No mark or VV.C. No mark or vV.vV. lLH. over SOUl rin triangle] "\V. &; Co. over C.

Do. H.P. No mark ... J.C. & Co. D.W. & Co. No mark or Box

Do. JK over Sydney or no mark ... U.N.O. J.H.M. iYI. & Co. A.C. over C. Palmerston X.Z. over 617 T. [in triangle] O. G.S. liLiH. [in diamond] P.F. over D. Sam Shing F. over 1<'. T. [in diamond]



3 Cases 1 Cllse Cig'arettes 3 cases 'l;obacco 1 case iYlilk 1 do. 1 do. 1 Ca,se 1 package Gra,tes 1 '1'l'unk 1 Parcel 2 Deck Chairs 1 Bag 1 pa,clmge Bedstead 1 Box

30 bags Oa,ts 1 J~itho. Block 1 case Paper 11lox 1 bng Sundries 1 pac!mge EiIects 1 bag Sago 2 Ca,rt Boxes 1 package ]\Iachillel'Y 1 Case 1 Case 6 boxes Butter 1 C'ese 1 Case 1 bundle H, ugs 1 bag Phosplmte 1 Case 1 bao' Saltpetre 1 pkg·. Effects 1130x 1 Crese ;2 Cases 1 C'ese 1 c<tse Effects lllox 2 Cases 1 bell. Daskds 1 pkg. Effects 1 cask Eggs 1 CrLsk 1 C,"se 1 bell. Tubs 1 Case

15 casks Beef () Cmnp Ovens 8 Lids 1 drum Oil

10 pkgs. Fire Irons 21 pkg's. T's and ]'lal1ges 10 lengths Piping 3 cases of Buttor '1 bells. Sashes 1 case Gal v,miscd Iron 1 keg Shot. 1 b'-Lg Axe Handles 1 Case

12 bags Oats 1 Case 3 eases Ginger ,1, pkgs. Bellows :3 Grindstones 1 box Dates 1 do. 1 do. 2 pairs Shafts 2 bells. Cal'l'iag'e Poles 1 bell. Bows 1 keo' Nails 1 S,;'eelgc Block 1 k-bag Flour 4 do. clo. 1 Case 1 C"se 2 cases Tea 1 C"se

12 cases Fruits [) Tea 1 1 box Ginger 3 cases Jal11 1 C"s};: 1 Keg

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 1 ~)93


Date. Ship. I l}Tarks. Description.

December 15, 1895 Rockton ... H.W.&Co. 3 cases Herbs Do. 15, 1895 Do. ... Do. 15 boxes Corn Flour

January 23, 1896 Birksgate X.O.X. or Z.Z. or A. [in diamond] 1 sack OatmefLI Do. 22, 1896 Bulimba G.F. over Cue . .. 1 tin Paint

]'ebruary 11, 1896 Birksgate G. & C. over C .... 20 kegs Carbo Soda Do. 28, 18H6 Do. . .. H. L. Struck over Espemnce Bay 1 Case Do. 11, 1896 Do. S. over C. or J.H. over M. 4 cases Chicken

October 10,1895 Rockton Mr. Sandip or Mr. Ballantyne 1 Case Janu:try 21, 1896 Bulimha J. H. ]\,L over 500 2 boxes Candles Unknown I Unknown O.B. Fremantle 1 Box September 28, 1895 ' Konoowarra No mark 1 pkg. Effects Unknown Unkown Do. 5 bags Phosphate

Do. Do. Do. 1 bale Bedding Do. Do. G.H.S. 1 crate Crockery Do. Do. ... S. 28 [over diamond], G.S. 20 [in di:t- 1 Cmte

mond], Sydney [under diamond] Do. Do. . .. No mark 84 pieces Timber

December 17, 1895 Adelaide ... S.P.B. 1 case Beer January 18, 1896 Bulimha J.H. 2 pkgs. L:tdder October 31, 1895 La Querida P. [in diamond] 1 Case December 11,1895 Bulimba, J.S.

Do. 11, 1895 Do. ... W.S.

C.L.D. 1477/96. O,.own Lctw Offices,

Pel·th, N ovembe.. 2ncl, 1896.

rI'HE Honoumble the Attorney General, acting' herein under Order of the Governor in Ooun(oil the 12th day of April, 1894, under the pro­visions of Section 74 of "The Oonstitution Act, 1889," has been plelLsed to appoint VV. J. SING to be a Bailiff of the Local Court at Kanowna.

R. B. BURNSIDE, Orown Solicitor.

Appointn1.ents_ (35 Yict., No. 3.)

I~ IS Honour the Ohief Justice has been pleased _l to appoint HAIWIE OAYENDISH HAiVIIW'ON,

of 55 Market Street, Melbourne, in the Oolony of Victoria, Solicitor, a Oommissioner to administer Oaths, and to ta,ke and receive Affidavits, Declara­tions, &c., within the Oolony of Victorilt, to be used in the Supreme Court of IVestern Australia,; nlso to take acknowledgments of Deeds executed by Mar­ried vVomen within the Colony of Victoria

F. A. MOSELEY, Registrar Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Office, Perth, 22nd October, 1896.

H IS Honour the Ohief Justioe has been plensecl to appoint VV ALTERNO LE BRuN BROWN, of

vVilcannia, in the Colony of New South vVales, Solicitor, a Commissioner' to administer Oaths, nnd to take nnd receive Affidavits, Declarations, &c., within the Oolony of New South Wales, to be used in the Supreme Court of vVestern Austmli<t; also to ta,ke acknowledgments of Deeds executed by Married W·omen within the Oolony of New South Wales.

F. A. MOSELEY, Registrar Supreme Oourt.

Supreme Oourt Office, Perth, 26th October, 1896.

10 cases Fruits 1 case Peas

H IS Honour the Chief Justice has been pleased to appoint OHARI,ES CLARK of Kalgoorlie,

in the Oolony of vVestern Australia, Solicitor, a Oom­missioner to a,dminister Oa1 hs, ,tnd to hLke and receive Affidavits, Declarations, &c., within the Colony oEW estern Australia, to be used in the Supreme Court of the said Colony; also to take cLcknowledgments of Deeds executed by Married IV omen within the Colony of Western Australia.

F. A. MOSELEY, Registrar Supreme Oourt.

Supreme Oourt Office, Perth, 28th October, 1896.

I::I IS Honour the Ohief Justice has been pleased ._]_ to appoint THOMAS vVn,KINsoN, of Ka.lgoor­lie, in the Oolony of Western Australia, Solicitor, a Oommissioner to administer Oaths, and to take and receive Affidayits, Declamtiolls, &c., within the Oolonv of W· estern Australia, to be used in the Supre~lle Oourt of the said Oolony; also to take acknowledgments of Deeds executed. by Married 'Women within tIle Oolony of vVestern Australia.

F. A. JYIOSELEY, Registrar Supreme Oourt.

Supreme Oourt Office, Perth, 28th October, 1896.

H IS Honour the Ohief Justice has been pleased to appoint THOMAS JUIES ·WYBURN, of

Melbourne, in the Oolony of Victoria, Solicitor, a OOl11missioner to administer Onths, and to take nnd receive Affidavits, Declarations, &c., within the Oolony of Victoria, to be used in the Supreme Oourt of 'vVestern Australia; also to take acknow ledg­ments of Deeds executed by Married Women within the Oolony of Victoria.

F. A. JYIOSELEY, Registrar Supreme Court.

Supreme Oourt Office, Perth, 28th Oct.ober, 1896.


WYlldham Derby .. . Broome .. . Cossack .. . On slow . Carnal:von Geraldtoll ... Southern Cross York Perth Rottnest I!"'1remantle Buubury K:1.tullnillg J.Jspernllce Bay Km-richtlc .AlhallY ...

\Vyudluun Derhy Broomc ... Cossack. Ollslow ... CarUtlTvon Gel'llldt.on ... Southeru Cross York Perth ... Rottnest FrclUfluUc 1:hlulmry Kn,tanning ES]ICl'ILnCC EfLY KalTid:tle Allmny




East o I

1527 128 5' J 7 181123 ·10 I 17 57 12215 2(1·H) 1117 S 211,:; ll'>57 2·l')~ 113:-19 28H; Il.4.'3G :n 1·1· 119 19 31 5:·{ ] IG 47 :n 57 11552 :)1 5n 115 ;{:i ~l~ :; 115 ,M 8:{ 18 11538 88·j.() 11735 :.;:~ fin 1~1 55 3'J 12 115 5 85 :3 11754·

\15 ~7


'1718 1757 20 ·10 21 4~~ ,::.1. 52 28·j1l :nH 31.5(1 ;-n 57 :31,50 82 ;3 :1:J 18 8:J·!(j :]:).50 0,{·12 :';5 2

128 5 12:3,JO 1221., 117 8 11457 11:339 luan ll!l HJ . UG ·1-7 ,I

11552 115 :13 llS ,1-S 11588 1.17 :15 12155 , 115 5 ' 11754-


28th Oct, do. do.


do. do, do.

do. (la, do. do. do. (10,

:nst Oct. do. do.

do. do. rlo. llo, (10, do,

do. do. do. do. do. do.


METEOROLOGIAL OBSERVATIONS for the week ending 28th of October, 1896.

Barometer corrected and reduotld to sea love and 82 deg. Fah.


'* 29'82 2D·t,7

30'0·1· 80'11 2H'H8 29·m ,;0'081

SO'087 80'02


2H'H7 2[J'[J8


Extreme Readings.

Highest,: Date. I Lowest. j Date.

2$)'92 29'98

;1O'12 :10'23 30'18 :10'20 80'2SG

30'278 30'21

30''jO :30'16 ;JO'.lIl

22nd 20'7,> do. 2B'81

22'1~d do. 29'99 29'00 23rd 29'G2 do. 2D'71 do. 29'855

28th 23rd

28th do. 26th do. do, do.

cl~. 29'859 I 28th 20'77 do.

do. do. (10.

24th 29'66 28th 30·'J·2 do, 29'69

I do. 22nd I

,26th I

Temperature in Shade. i; . Radiation TliGrroomet01'8 I)xposcd. "'~'jyEt. Rainfall.-=

~.;;-~ .::::. rrotal ~.... ~ ~ t;-;ss ' g~ No. of ~.£ ~ ~

~&3~~ ·~·-~:t·--I 58 ~ .§

_____ 10._·...,. rI:i n ..... :~ days "d '"'l Q.

Max. I Q ~ ~ ~ ~. " to ~o ... ~ I :t .3 Cl i eta,te. 0 (i)

fJ.l 90

SG 88 71 H7 80 73

70 (i"t

7D 79 liS 71

77 71

59 58 51 52 ·j·n 05·1.

5·1 • )3 ·18 5·1, 55 5-1

~6 SO

72 71 63 7·j· G.J. G;)

G2 58 m:; liS (11 ();;

9n n·l

9·1 ~)8

75 117

94 78

7,j, {jO

90 HO 72 77

22~'28 2211d

25th 26th 27th do. i

:2Gth do.

22nd do . 27th do.

2·1th 22u(l

i3 69

56 55 -19 .j,( .J.O ·17

51 51 55 ·12 ±8 50

28rcl do.

28th 25th 2ctt.ll 22nd 2-1tll :23rd

Z:ii;h do. do. do. ~()th




66 6" cO

67 66

63 59 6" ., 6-1-6:3 62


55 ,16 5·}

·17 51

53 ,)1 49 ;'"i2 57 50

81 i I

• • • I


74 74

75 72

G6 91 65

l:l8 :15

I ! . . .

147 2Hh 38 2:ith

8 8

23 8

8 13

B H 18 18 12 5'99

Var. Y"r.

S.E. E. S.

N.W. \Tar. Yar,

V~~~" S.W. Var. Y"r. W.


N.W. W.

S.E. W. S.

N.W. S.W, Var.

S:W, S.W. VfLl'. Y~Ll'. Calm Y"r.


0'09 0'08 0'18 O"to

0'32 1'-15

0'62 0'4-1 O'SO

1 :J

2 .j.

2 :3

.')0:08 4,:1 58 4-2'19 '13 .54

0:7S 13 3'98 17 7

n'3S 52 45 ;j'IG 23 27

M:~~! Z~ J~ 102

95 97

;1:i:7711~'6 28'21 162

52 .M-37 ,t2 59 5-1


METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the three days ending 31st of October, 1896.

2D'7i' I 20'85 2$)'81· 2D'87

:Jo:iio ;lO'lO :10'20 30'W ;JO'207

80'01,) 80:2'08 80'04 I 30'1!)

I ... 30'20 '30'27 30'0:J i 30'11 30'12 ':\0'2,1-

ziiih do.

20th :llst 291·.h <10. do, do.

29'70 29'79

29'78 29'81 29'62 2[1-83 29'S9n

29'8·1.8 29'80

:10'07 29'Si 29'87

30th cl0.

80th clo. 31st do. do. do.

31st do. do. do. do. do,

97 78 9:3 71

PO 58 83 5f! 7D 36 85 7D

7:l 68

66 70 57

55 5·J 51 .38

59 5~~ 51 57 61. 53

87 s?

7'~ 71 ,:7 70 tm 68

66 GO G4-61 G7 60

99 !N·

flS B5 81 fH 90 84

81 70 79 68 'l.t) 68

:31st do. do, do. do. do,

76 68

70 t57 53 .If)

52 .55

56 .52 52 56 60 52

31st ;]Oth

29th 31st 29th do.

29, 30 29th

29th 80th (10.

do. 29tl, do.



75 5~)

66 69

65 .58 6:3 59 69 5S


60 51 .)-1

52 53

54 51 50 52 60 50



·!6 63

65 70

72 88 I 66

137 ·IS 139 31st ·1.5

8 8

18 28

8 13

S 18 8

18 10


Ynr. S.K

S. Cahn

E, E.

S.E. K

S.E. S,

Y'1l'. E.

N,E. Y"r,

N, W.

W, W, S, E.

Va.r. S:W.

S;W, s.

Vn.l'. Yar.

S. E.

·1.2'19 ·13 36 82'OSI ·j.1 30

0'7:3 1;3 ... :l'ns 17 8

11'88 52 15 :nG 28 3

]4'82 75 10 SO'63 95 3

lii:i ii:i 95 97 30

... I'" 58 83'77 126 50 28'21 162 4·2

crho Observations arc taken ut 9 fUlL lohe Barometer is al:~1) regi:-;terecl n.t ~~ V.m., the rrI(~nll of thE' two rea.dillg's bein.: here ~ ta.ken,

H. 11: JOSCELYNE, P"O Government Astronomer.

~ ~ If-.

Q o < t:::j ~ Z >;;,<J

'"'" t'!j ~ f--3

Q ~ N ~ H ~ ~

::;;j ---;


I~ f-.J z, o <i


I-' 00 ~ 0;,

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, "'iV.A. 1995

Tenders for Annual Contracts for the Year 1897.

Police Office, Pe)'th, 15th Octobm', 1896.

rllENDERS FOlt POLIOE SERVIOE (endorsed "Tender for ........................... " as the case lllay be) will be received at the Office of the Oommissioner of Police until noon of

FRIDAY, the 4th DEOEMBER, 1896, fro111 persons willing to contract for the performance of the following Services during' the year 1897 :-


At the undermentioned Police Stations during the year 1897 :-

Albany Bamboo Creek BUllbury Bridgetown Beverle), Busseltol1 131'oome Bl'oQ]llehill Broad Arro·w Bulong Bardock Black Flag-

Coolgarclie Cal'l111l'VOH

Cne Derby Dongarl'a DUllChlS

Esperancc Bay Fl'em:tutle Gemldton Gillgill Gl'ccllongh Gullmra-

Guildford Hmnelin Jal'l'ahdale Katanning Kojollup Kftlg'ool'lie KauO\vna llhrble B[tr lVlingenew ]\'[a11ina 1\lenzies llIullew[t

Tenders to sta,te the rate per set, and for removes.

lVIount n[trker 1Vfonnt NIagnct 1\foullt'Vittenoom Northmnpton Nort1utlll Newcastle Norseman Nullagine Onslow Perth Pilbarl'u Pinjftl'l'uh

Rockillghmn Rothsay Hoebonrne Southern Cross 25.lVlilc Victoria Plains Willial11s RiYer ,Vyndham VVagin York Yalgoo

Police Horses to be shod to the satisfaction of the Officer in charge of the District.

rrenders to be endorsed" Tender j01" Shoeing Ho)·ses."

2.-BARLEY or OATS for POLICE, HORSES for 1897.

1'0 he supplied and delivered, as required, at the several Police Stations named, let per bushel of 50lbs.

Proba,ille Probable quantity quantity

required: required: bushels. bnshels.

AlballY 264 Marble Bar 1::\2 Bamboo Creek 132 lVlenzies 200 Bm'dock 132 lVling'enew ... 1;32 Beverley ... 200 lVIullewa 132 Bunbury ... 264 Mount Barker 1:i2 Blteck Plag 132 Mount Magnet 132 Bridgetown 132 lVlount vVittcnoom 132 Broome 132 lVli dhmd Junction 6G Broomehill 66 :i'lIallina 182 Bulong 182 Na,nnine 200 Busselton 132 K orthampton 132 Broad Arrow 132 Northmn 200 Cal'UarVOll 300 NOl'Selllan 132 Coolgardie 500 Newca.stle 1S2 Cue 132 NullllPine

'" 132

Day Thwn 264 Onslow 1:12 Derby 300 I)el'th 1000 Duncbs 132 Pinjarrah 132 Dongal'l'a 200 Pilbllrra 200 Esperance Bay 300 Rockingham 132 Premantle 300 Roebourne ... 500 Geraldton 200 Rothsay 132 Guildford 132 Southern Cross 400 Gingin 132 25-lVIile 132 Greenongh 132 '1'a16'a rraJga ... 66 Gnllewa 1:12 Victoria Plains 200 Hamelin 132 vVagin 122 J anahdale 66 vVilliams River 132 Kata11uing 66 vVyndham 200 Kojonup ... 132 York 330 Kalgoorlie 200 Yalgoo 200 Kanowna ... 200 Lyons and Gascoyne

Junction ... 132

The Barley or Oats to be of first-rate quality, [<nd delivered at the 1'espective StaLions at the ContractOl~s expense on or after the 1st Jantmry, 1897, in such quantities and at such times only at the above-named Stations as may be demanded in writing by the Officer in charge of such Stations, and to be subject to approval on delivery.

The Government does not bind itself to take from the Contractor the whole quantity tendered to be supplied, unless demanded in writing as above.

Tender to be endorsed "Tender f01' Ba·rley 0'1' Oats fO)'

Police Ho)'ses."

3.-HAY for POI,ICE HORSES for 1897.

Good Sown vVheat or Oat Hay, to be supplied and delivered at the several Police Stations named, >et per ton of 2,2,tOlbs.

Probable Probable qu[tutity quantity

required: required: tons. tons.

AlballY 10 Marble Bar 6~'

lhmboo Creek G~' lVlenzies 9* Bardock G'" Mingenew 9 Beverlcy 9 Mnllewa G'" Bunbur'y 10 Mount Barker 6 BlackPlag 6'" Mount Magnet 6* Bridgetown 6 Mount vVittenoom 6*' Broome G'" Midbnd Junction :3 Broomehill ~, :i'lInllina 6~'

Dulong" G'" Nanninc 0"" Busselton '" G Northampton G Broad Arrow 6'" Nortlmm 9 Carmtrvon 12*' Nors01nan 6'~

Coolgardie 24'" Newcastle 6 Cue G* NulhLgine 6" Day Dawn ... 12'" Onslow 6'" Derby 15't:' Perth 45*' Dundas G'" Pinjarrah 6 Dongarra 9 Pilbarra 9* Esperance Bay 12 Rockingham 6 Premantle ... 12 Roebourne 25* Geraldton 9 Rothsc1,y 6* Guildford ... 6 Southern Cross 18* Gillgin 6 25-Mile 6* Greenough G Talga Talga 3* Gullewa 6* Victoria Phlins 9 Hamelin 6 Wagin 6 Jarrahdale 3 vVilliams River 6 Katanning 3 vVyndham 9* Kojonup 6 York 15 Kalgoorlie ... 9" Yltlgoo 9'" Kanowna ... 6" Lyons and Gascoyne

Junction 6* ij, Chaff pressed in bags.

The Hay to be of first-rate qm1,lity, and delive1'ecl at the respective Stati.ons at the Contractor's expense on or after the 1st January, 1897, in such quantities and at such times only at the above-named Stations as may be demanded in writing by the Officer in charge of such Stations, and to be subject to approval on deliver'y.

The Government does not bind itself to take from the Contractor the whole quantity tendered to be supplied, unless demanded in writing as above.

Tender to be endorsed" Tender j01' Hay j01' Police H01'ses."

4.-For the Supply of Bedding to the above Stations and (with the exception of the Perth and Fremantle Stations) the re­moval of the Manure therefrom.

1996 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [N av. 6, 1896.

Tenders for Annual Contracts for the year 1897-contin1Led.

The Government doea not bind itRelf to accept the lowest or any tender for any ofthe above-named services, and reserves to itself the right of accepting a portion of the tender.

The whole of the supplies to be of unexceptionable quality, and subject to approva,l or rejection by officers or persons duly deputed by t.he Government.

No transfer of any Contract will be permitted without the previ01~8 COn8i3nt vf the Government.

Empty bags and packages may be obta,ined by Contractors, or their agents, npon applimttion to the Officers in charge of the Stations for which they luwe Contracts, but the Government will llot be responsible for or undertake tn return empties.

Ecwh Tendel' ml~st ben!' the bonaficle signntnre:J of two responsible nnrl npptoved snret'ies, who will be required to be bound for the due performance of the Contract under >L penalty of about one-fourth of the estimated snm to be paid under ea,ch Contnwt. Parties are requested to be c;Lreful in dmwillg up their Tenders, which should be in strict conformity with this Notice.

SpeciaJ Forms of Tender for Forage may be lUl.c1 on application at the va.rious Police Stations throughout the Colony, and ordinary forms of tender may be obtained as heretofore on a,pplim1tion to the various Resiclent lYIa.gistrates, a,nd ~tt the Pnblic Offices, Perth; a,nd no tender will be enter­tained unless rendered on the prescribed form. It is not necessa,ry to forward (tupl'l;cc/.le tenders; one ten'tler form properly filled up (l,nd witnessed, both a.s reg>Lrds the Contractor and his sureties, will suffice.

General Post Q{fice,

Perth, 18th ScptemveJ', 18&6.

TENDERS (endorsed "'l'enc1cr for [aR the caHC may hel

. Mail") will be rcccivccl 'Lt thi8 Offiec until noon on lYlondav, 23rc1 N ovclllher, for the under­mentioned lYIail Services, for onc, two, or three years, VIZ.

1. Albanll Town .Tettll-ltluil Steamers.

From the Albany 'J'own .Jetty to the Steamers of the Peninsular and. Orient:tl a,ud Orient Steam Navig·ation Companie", and from the said steamers to the sa,id 'I'own .Jetty, when requirod, in a stoa111 launeh.

Full partieulars as to this contraet can be obtained upon application to the Postlll:tster ;"t AU"my.

2. Albany Redl'way Stai'ion and .Jetties.

From the Post Office 1Lt Alb:my to the l'l,a.ilway Station, and from the Hailwa,y St.ttion to the Allmny Post Office; also, for the conveyance of "cl] llmils from the Post Office to the stcnlll hunch lying- nt (a) the Town .Jetty a"nd,,;ce "el"8(1., and (b) the l,a,ncl Company's .Jetty and ";cc/Jets(I,, as often as reqnirC'cl, in n, spring vehicle.

Full parti(jul;ws as to this contract can be obtained upon npl)lication to the Postmaster at AlbmlY.

3. Balingul'- TVanen (Broclmwn's).

From Bnlingllp to vYmTcn (Brockman's) via, Brooklands, Fcrndale, 'rhe .Jullction, Dudonalup, 'fanganernp, and Lower Blackwoocl Briflge, fmd t,ice 'pe1'sa, once n, week, on horsehaek.

3A. Fremantle Post G.tlice-Bwcoilsjiettl,

Between the Fremantle Post Oflice, the H"tilway Sh'ttioll, and the Post Office at Beaconsfie]cl, as often as required; also for the clearallce of the Letter Pillar Receivers at Beacollsfielcl when required, in a spring vehicle,

4. Broome IIill-J(ojon!el'.

From the Post Office at Broome Hill to the Post Office at Kojonnp, via Eticnp. and v'ice vCt·sc" once a week, in a spring vehicle,

5. Bulong-K1unalpi.

From Bulong to Kurnalpi and vice ,'ersa, twice a week, in a spring vehicle.

6. Oanw;'von and Jetty.

From the Post Office, Cnl'l1nrvon, to the .Jetty, mul vice "Jersa, as often as required, in a spring vehicle,

GEO. PHILLIPS, Uommissionel' of Police.

6A. Ooolga.;'clie-Btoacl A1TOW.

From Coolgardie to Bron.d A1'l'oW ,md vice "crsec, 'via Bonnievale, Mt. Burges, Cattle SWi'clllP, vVhite Ii'bg (21 Mile), :cnd Black Jelng·, twiee n wo(,k, in n spring vehicle.

7. Unc-La/:c Da'rlr,t,

Prom the) Post Office a,t Cne to Lab" D,wlot, via Lttwler's, and vice 11CrS«(. oJlce a week, in a spring vehicle.

7A. Alterna,te tenders will "Iso be rcceiyod for the con-veyance of 111fLils, 011('0 rL \veek, in [l, spring vehicle, from the Post Office at Mt, Magnet to Darl6t,. 1),i.t:/~ La\vlel"s .. ana ,vice 'rei'FW.

8. Umnvrook-G01·<lon.

From Cranbrook. via Gordon Bridg·c, Slttb Hut, H,yan's, Boyacup, vYannanup to Yerriminup, return­ing by w;"y of BolGLrnp, ,Ving-gcbellnp, the home­steads of Messrs. A. Moir ,m<1 lIiggins, Kybellup, Booral'ucnp. Noonignp, '1,]1d ;\Iartigallup, once a fort­nig'ht, on horseback.

9. Oanninfl P.O. and Railway 8tet/ion.

Prom the Post Office at the Cml11ing to the Rftil­wny Station, ;'tnclvicc rersa. ehily, on horseback.

10. DC1'by-Fiizyoy Telegraph 8tedion.

From Dorby to Fibroy 'l\,legmph Sbtion up the Fitzl'oy l~ivcr 1.l'i/i an st.ations and ,t' VWfSI), once a month, on hOl'.3ehack.

lOA, Dcrby-Lilmooloora Polire Oamp.

Prom Derby to Lilmooloora Police Camp vi,1Mecla River Stntion, BalmanurgnriL Station, nncl Lennard giver Station, returning by the same route to the lVrecb H.iver Str'ttion, thence 'cia HlLrawell Station to Obogo01ll0 Stn,tion, and thence to DerbyviO Rarn,wcll and Med,,, River Station, once a month, on horseback.

n. ES1Je..-ance ((n(l Jetty.

li'rolll the Post Office at Esperance to the.J etty at Esperance, when required, in a spring vehicle.

llA. Fremantle Post Qfjice-Railwall Stati.on, etc.

Between the Fremnntle Post Office, the Railway Station, and the Town Hall Receiving Office; also between the Fremantle Post Office and Sea .Jetties, and for the clearance of the Letter Receivers, and delivery of newspnpers by English and Intercolonial Mails in Prcm>'tntle, as often as required, in covered vehicles.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT

12. Gemlclton Rdl1Vay Stettion. Between the Geraldton Post Office and Railway

Station, twice a day, 01' oftener if required, in a spring vehicle.

13. Gemltiton Post QUiee Jet/y. From the Post Office at Gemldton to the Jetty, and

viee vel"sa, as often as required, in a spring vehicle.

14. G1cilclf01·cl-Belmont. ]'1'0111 the Post Office at Guildford to Belmont, on

the Perth-Guildford Road, calling at the various homesteads en 1"oute, and vice versa, three times a week, on horseback.

15. GgilcV'o1"cl-Bindoon (lIh. Wells'). From the Post Office at Guildford to Bindoon (:iYIr.

'Wells'), and vice VeI"SCi, viet Chittering and the Upper and II'Iiddle Swan, visiting the various homesteads and letter boxes enrogte, for the purposA of receiving and delivering letters, once a week, in a spring vehicle.

16. Jet1"l"ethdetle-lYlills. From the Post Office, J armhdale, to Nos. 2, 3, n,nd 5

:iYIiIls, n,nd vice ve;'set, twiee a week, on horseback.

17. I(1LnnanetlUng-UlM·ing. From Kunmmn,lling (25 mile ) to Ularinguia Cement

vVorks, Kintoro Group, Carbine, Carnage n,nd Christ­mas :iYIines, Siberia, vVongine SO'"lk, Speakmans and II'Iount Higgins, and vice versa, once ,t week, on horse­back 01' in [L spring vehicle.

18. I( unnccnalling (25-lYlilc)- l'Vectlth of Nections (Dunnesvillc). From K unnanalling (25-Jii[ile) to IVealth of Nations

(Dul1l1esville), and 'vice 'vcrSCLJ once a week) in a spring vehicle.

19. I(atanning-Oronin's.

From Katalll1illg to Cronin'8 ViCi th" homesteltcls of :iYlessrs. Andrews, Hynes, l\Ialey, Hl1ddlotoll, and Carlson, returning via Hm'vey's, Patterson's, Crane's, and Bradbury's to Haddletol1's, thence viet lEggin's, Stewart's, Smith's, Da.y's, and Andrews' to Kn,tml­ning, once a week, on horseback.

20. Kalgooj·lie-]{o;now11et. From the Post Office at Kalgoorlie to the Post

Office at Kanowna, and vice versa, dl1ily, in a spring vehicle.

21. Lockeville-lYletin Roacl. From the Post Office at Lockeville to the II'Ia,in

Road, and vice vel"set, viet HonHls~eads, six times a week, on horseback.

22. L01VeJ" BletC/clOOocl-Det1"l"acl1tl'. From the Post Office at Lower Blackwoocl to the

Post Office at Da1'l'aclup, once n, w(,ek, on horseback.

23. JYlulletGet Post QlJice-Retil'tvety Stettion.

From the Railway Station, lI'IulIewa, to the Post Office, MuIlewa, and 1Jice vel"Set, daily, or oftener if required, in a spring vehicle.

2,:1,. Ml(ZZyie to B,·etesides (OCt/WVC1' River).

From MuIlyie Station viet S. Anderson's homestead, :iYIuccan homestead, Eel Creek (Coppin and Sons), Wal:l'a\vag'ine and Bl'aeside, returning via VVarl'a­wagme, Eel Creek, Muccan, and S. Anderson's to MuIlyie, on horseback, once a month.

25. Ne1Vco,stle Post Office-Reiil1Vety StCition.

Between the Post Office, Newcastle, and the Hail­way Station, as often as required, in lL spring vehicle.

26. Nort7w1nl'ton-Ogilvie's, 0'e.

From the Post Office at Northampton to the home­stead of Mr. T. Drage, and thence to J\:1r. A. J. Ogilvie's, returning to Northampton viet Messrs. Thomas and Linton's, for the present folIo wino- the existing route, and calling at the various homest;,acls, once a fortnight, on horseback.

27. No;·tha1n-NetGcetstle.

From the Post Office, Northam, to the Post Office at Newcastle, and vice vel'Set, vio_ Irishtown, Ba,rdeen, and Bucklands, then vio_ the Chitebin Hoad, iYlugg-a Mug-gin Rock, thence to IVongamine, Nunile, and Newcastle, retul'ning' by the same route, once a week, on horseback.

GAZETTE, \V.A. 1997

28. Northmn-Betdbcctting.

From N ortham to Badbatting, 'vict Slater's, Goo­maIling, the Quelquelling l'l,oad, calling at the home­steads of Messrs. Cm"l"oll, Enright, Martin, D. T. Morrell, J. vVatson, VV. vVatson, jun., J. n'[ol'l'is, H. J. Leedor, J. Eaton, IV. Eaton, and James For,varcls, a,nd vtcc versa, once a ·week. in a spring vehicle. 'l'he mails will be conveyed on horseback between Goomalling and Badbat.ting.

29. Onslow-Bresncchan's (Ashbu,·ton Downs).

From the Post Office n,t Onslow to Ashburton Downs (Rresnalmn's), 'vi" Minderoo, McRae and Hm'per's, H. Highn,m's, Hooley and New's Home­steads, Hardey Junction, and Mount };IOl,timer Gold­fields, bi-monthly, in a spring vehicle.

30. Onslow-Lef,·oy's.

From Onslow to Lefl'oy's viet homesteads FOl'rest, Bm't and Co., Knight and Cnmllling, Woolhouse, Stewart, Cn,m8ron, Cln,rk and 'I'witchin, thence to Onslow viet Loeffiers, II'Iansfield's, lVlcCarthy's and Davis, Twitchin, Cameron and Clark, Stewart's, W 001-house's, Knight and Cumming, and FOl'rest, Rurt and Co., bi-monthly, on horseback.

31. OnSlO1V-F01"tesclte.

From the Post Office at Onslow to the Post Office at Fortescne, viCi Burt Bros. (PeeclamuIla), and vice vel'SCt, viCi Yarralooh"l, Chinginarra, and iYlardie, once a fortnight, in a spring vehicle.

3') Onslow-Ashbltl'lon Roae/s.

From Onslow to the Landing in spring vehicle, thence to .A.shburton Roads by boat, and vice versa, as often as required.

33. Pe,.lh Olwmnce Letter BeceivC'i·s.

'1'0 supply covered vehicles with drivers, when required, for the clCl"lmnco of the Letter Receivers throughout the city.

3·1. Perth [ine! 81!bl1rUS Delivery C01"1·csponclence.

'1'0 sl:pply saddle horses, three times a dn,y, for the delIvery of COl'l'espondencG by Letter Carriers in the suburbs of the city.

35. Perth Delivery of Ne1Vsl'c!11eTs.

'I'o supply two covered vehicles, with drivers, as often as required, for the Delivery of Newspapers in Perth, on n,l"l"ival of the English and Intercolonial Mails.

36. Pingelly-JJloltmmbine.

!3etween Pingolly and :iYlollrambine, on horsebn,ek, chuly, calling at the vl"Irious homesteads en "ogle, to deliver and receive letters l"Illd newspapers.

37. Roebou1"ne-E'01"tesClCe.

From the Post Office a,t RoebOlU'ne to the Post Office at Portescuo, a,nc1 vice versa" viet the Lower Nicol Mines and the Cheritta, Kanatha, and Balmol"<"ll Stations, once a fortnight, in a spring vehicle.

38. Roebou1"ne-Te!bleletnel.

From the Post Office at Roeboul'l1e to Tableland, and vice verSet, via Cooyapooya, lVlillstream, lVIiddle Creek, Tn,mbray Springs, and li-Iount Florence once a fortnight, on horseback. '

39. 801cthe''n O"oss-Parke," s Retnge.

Between the Post Office, Southern Cross and Par­ker's Rl"Inge, once a week, on horseback or by camel.

40. So·t/them el"OSS Post Ofjice-Retiltvall Stettion.

From the Post Office at Southern Cross to Hailway Station, Southern Cross, and vice ve;'set, twice daily, or oftener if roquired, in a spring vehicle.

eLl. SCl"pentine-L01vlands.

From the Post Office at Serpentine to illr. A. R. Richardson's (Lowlands), and vice VM'Set, calling at the various hon:;esteads en route.

42. Se"l'entine Post OjJice-Rccilwety Station.

~L Fl:om the P~st Office at Serpentm8 to the Railway beatlOll, and vtce 1"e),Sc(, four times a week.

43. Vctsse-Lowel" Rlccckwood.

From the Vasse Post Office to Lower Blackwood and vice versa, once a week, on horseback.

1998 GOVERNMENT GAZEttE, VV.A. [Nov. 6, 1896.

'14. Wyndharn-HaWs Cl·eek. Between Wyndham and Hall's Creek, calling one

way at Argyle Downs, Ord River, Flora Valley, and the various Stations en l'onte, once a month, on horseback.

1,5. Wagin-East1vc,1'cl. From the Post Office at "Y'Lgin Eastml,l'dvia

Cowchor's, Cattle Station, Korsloy's, Cronin's, Crad­dock's, and Sptl,l1swick's, and thence to Wagin, visit­ing the settlers en l'Otcte to receive and deliver corre­spondence, once a fortnight, on horseback, to alternate with l)l'esent contr'Lct.

40. Wattoniny-KiLlcl·bel'1'in. From Wattoning to Killerberrin, and vice VCj'sa

once a fortnight, on horseback, calling at the home­steads of Messrs. Glass, Butterly, Lukin, Leeder, and Adams.

4.7. Y01'k-Molmt Cal·olinc. From York to Mount Caroline ViCL Malebelling and

Youndegin, returning to York via Mount Stirling, Caroling', Dangin, and Green Hills, once a week, on horseback.

·t8. YOl·k-Ql,elinton. From York to Quelinton and vice vcrsa, outw,Lrd

via Marley (J. '1'. Parker's), Green Hills Post Office (R. Boyle's), Malebelling (R. Carr's), and returning next day ViCL YaladilJing (Crmvforcl's), ,l,ncl 'l'ipperary, once a week, on horselxtck,

rrhe [LlTival ["nd l1eparture of 1\lctils will be subject t,o instructions from the Postmaster General, and lit1ble to [tlterations at any time during the year.

Every tender must bear the bond fide signatures, duly witnessed, of the tenderer "ud of two respon­sibie persons willing to become bound for the due fulfilment of the Contract, in [t sum not exceeding the gross amount of the Contmct for the whole period over which it extends.

Every tender must be accompttnicd by thc written consent, duly witnessed, of persons proposed as bondsmen, as hereinbefore provided, to execute the bonds as t1foresaicl for the due perfornmnce of the Contract in the event of such tender being accepted.

When mails are conveyed in wheeled vehicles, ~1 free p"ss~1ge must be pro';idec1 for any officer of the Postltl t"ud Telegraph DellfLrtment travelling on duty,

The Government reserves the right of terminating the Contract at any time, by giving three months' notice to the Contractor.

Specia'! forms of Tender, with conditions ltttlwhed, nwy be obtttinec1 on ~"pplication to the various Post­masters, and ltt the General Post Offiee, Perth; ,wd no Tender will be entertained unless rendered on the prescribed form.

The Government does not bind itself to aecept the lowest or any tender.

R. A. SHOLL, Postmaster Genera'! and

General Superintendent of Telegmphs.

Gencml Post Olliec Perth, 6th October, 18.96.

n'lENIJJ<JRS (endorsed" Tender for 1YI<tils") will .1 be received at this Offiee llntilnoon on Sl"hU'cby,

the 7th N ovem bel', for the undermentioned MlLils for one, two, or three yem's, viz. ;--~

CL From Minginew to Field's Find, 'vi(/' Hotlws,ty ltnd plaees en 1'o'lde, once a, week, in n, spring vehicle.

b. From C"rnamah to Fidel's Find, vill,l'1.othes'1v, Ba,rrd SO[1k, FOlTest's Sonk. \Vhite Well, Shearing Shed, Gmllite vVell, Da,I1l]HtW'UL, ltnd Government \Vell, once ~L week, in l1 spring vehicle.

The al'l'ivttl and dep,uture of Mails will be subject to instructions from the Postnmster General, and littble to altemtions ltt ,my time during the year.

Every tender must beltr the bond .ficZe sigm"tures, duly witnessed, of the tenderer and of two respou­sible persons willing to become hound for the l1ue fulfilment of the Contntct, in ,1 sum Hot exceeding

the gross amount of the Contract for the whole period over which it extends.

Every tender must be accompanied by the written consent, duly witnessed, of persons proposed as bondsmen as herein before provided, to execute the bonds as aforesaid for the due performance of the Contract. in the event of such tender being ttccept.ecl.

When Mails "re conveyed in wheeled vehicles, a free paSSltge must be pmiided for any officer of the Post"l and Telegmph Depttrtment tmvelling on duty.

The Government reserves the right of tennilla,ting the Oontract at any time by giving three months notice to the Contractor.

R. A. SHOLL, Postmaster General and

General Superintendent of Telegmphs.

Niagara-Lawlet'S 'l'elegral.h Line Construction.

Cartage and Distribution of Material.

Ciencml Post Office, Perth, 2nrl Novcmbcj', 1896.

SEALED Tellc1er~ will 1)(' received ~"t the Office of the Postmaster Genernl ,wcl Geneml Superin­

tendent of Telegmphs, Perth, ttncl a,t the Post OfficelS t.t Coolgarc1ie, Kt11goorlie, :iVIl~nzies, ltnd Nit1gara, up to noon of Moncby, 16th November, 1806, for COll­veying a,bout 260 t;UlS, lllore or less, of tdegmph con­struction material from Coolg'l1rclie to Ni,tgant, and from thence clistrilmting the lStlllle ill such order along the Telegmph route from Niag'tl'ft to Lawlers as ll1~1y be deemed necessarv bv the Po;;tIllastel' General and General Superintellde~lt of 'l'degn1phs, or super­intending officer ttppointc'cl by him in thttt behalf.

Tenderers to stl1te the time required by them in which to complete the work, which must be done to the s"tisfaetioll of the' Postmaster Geneml and General Superintendent of 'relC'gmphs, or 8lWh other officer ,1S may by him 1,e a,ppointed.

Conditions of Contmet. <LlHl Specifications may he seen [tt this oftiee, and "t tlw 'relegmph Offices at Coolgarc1ie, Kalgoorlie, Mem~ies, ,"nd Ni~Lgam.

Neither the lowest 1101' ,mv tender necess,uilv accepted. .' ,

H. A. SHOLL, Postmaster Geneml and

Geneml Superintendent of Telegmphs.

Uniform Size of Plan Sheets.

Laud Titles Ollice, Perth, 28th Oc/,obe?" 1891i.

D· A'rING from the Jirsl, of Deeember llest, the use of lu"lf-sheet;; (20in. x 27il1.) will ],e <.1iseoll­

tinued, ,wd all subdi visicllml surveys must be plotted upon full sizec1 sheet" (40in. x 27i11,), whieh tL}.C' obtltim"ble at. this Oftiee.

.T, C. H . .TAMES, C0111missioner of 'ritles.

itlinimnm Width of Pdvate Streets, &(l.

Lnnrl T·itles DC1)al'tment, 19th Octobe)" 189(]'

rl"rENTION is <lmwll to the following provisioll eonh1inecl in Section 137 of the Municipal

Im:titutions Act, 1895, :md its marginal note ;--T-Virlth or P)'ivltle Slj·eets.

No person sh,;}1 hereu.fter make or lay oni, <tuy llew street within ,. Municipality, unless the same, being ,. carri<1ge rm.d, be at least thirty­three feet wide, or, llOt being a Garrittge nmc1, he n,t lectst twenty fC'l,t wide, or ttHy alley or court unless of the L"st-lllentioned width. .

Plans infringing this provision will not be reeeived ttt the Offiee of Titles,

.T. C. H . .TAMES, Commissioner of Titles.

Kov-. (), 18~)6.J GOVERNMENT

Nomenclature of Streets.

50 r, Land T'illes Depa?·trnent, ,,:, Pe;·th, 1.9th October, 1895.

THE SH,me N~H11e may not be used for more than 011e Street, Road, Square, &c., &c., &c., within

,my Towllsite.

No Plan infringing this rule, by using <t name ,tlre,tdy rtppropriated, will be received aJ the Office of Titles.

,T. C. H . .TAMES, Commissioner of Titles

"The 'l'nmsfer of Land Act, U)});l."

500 Lanel Titles OIlice, Ii, Perth, 8th Al,ynst, 1896.

,[,HE Public ,1re umtionecl [tg,tinst pa,ying Licensed Surveyors for work in n:speet of lands uncleI'

the Act, until the Phtns ,He passed by this Oflice.

By order, ALFRED E. HURT,

Pc ('~'i"tl'n" of Titles.


T AKE NOTICE tlmt. Eli7."hcth HUl'l1mn the wif" of Solomon Hel'llU,n of Pl'1'th has made' applic'lt iOll to

be reg'istel'ed ::1,S the pl'J)priutol' of a,n cstnte in foe sinlp;e in possession in the followi1lg' p,n'col of Imld situ:tto in the Swan District being

Lot 14 qf' SWWt Lowtion 658 (eonbilling 0 acres 2 roods 11 perehes)

Bounded on the Wed by 2 ch8,ins O-i1f of "link of Pm'ker Street

On the North hy the South boundary of Lot 13 measuring ~ elutins tl4 links

On the East by part of the vVest bouncbry of Lot 10 ami the vVest bounchtry of" Lot I) 111Cltsnring together 2 clmins O-i1f of }1, link

On the south by 2 chains tl4, links of View Street, Plml deposited in Lmlcl 'l'itlus' Office No. l2tl2,

AND FUR'l'HlClc 'l'AKlC NO'l'fCE that all persons other t1mn the "pplicant claillling to lmve "ny estate right title 01' interest in the "bove pa,rcel of l"nd AI<lD HlmEBY I<FJQTJIl~EJ) to lodge in this Office on or before the 2tlth cby of N OVUlllbol' next a cccvcat forbidding the S",111e fro111 being brought under the oper"tion of the Act.

A. Y. GLYDE, Assistant Hegistrar of Titles,

Lmld 'ritles' Office, Perth, 1 2Sth October, lS96. \

John Horgan, Pe'l"th, Apl)licant's SOliC'it01'.

"-iN 'l'ransfer of' I~and Ad, 18H3.

T AKE No'rlCE tlmt Edward 'Willialll Haym,s and John \'Vinthrop Hackett the proprietors of JYIortgl1,ge

No. '<iq," to secu1'O the sum of £7i50 and interest have llmde appl{c;,tion to the COlllmissioner of Titles for a. .B'oreclosure Order "g·a.inst Echmrcl Holl"ncl of Sydney in the Colony of New South WnJes gentleman the registered proprietor "nd th"t by direction of the sll,ic1 Commissionor I he1'ehy offer for sale the follmnng pareels of lmld viz. :--

Albany Sllbllrban Lots 188 189 140 registered Volume XIII. Folia 291 2$)2 2$)3

AND l;'UI<'rHI',I< TAKE NOTICE that on and after the ~Hh da.y of December next I sh"l1 issue to the said Ji'Iortgagees ,1.11

Order for Foreelosure unless in the interval" suffieient sum ha,8 been obbinec1 by the sale of the lmld to satisfy the, pl'incip"l and interest moneys secured "nd all expenses in "nd about such sale and proceedings.

The amount due in respect of principal mld interest and all expenses incurred was on September 15th 1HIJ6 £816 ~is. 10d,

A. Y. GLYDE, Assistant Hegistmr of 'ritles.

Land Titles' Office, P81·th, ( ' N o\'em bel', 189(j, )

f1cf.,yne.:, and i?(ft1i:;'1:>Od, _lU;t:ny, .AppUcunf,;)l Solicitors.


218 96

'V.A. 1999

Transfer of Land Act, 1893.

T AKE NOTICE that Daniel Connor of Newcastle gentleman has nmde application to be registered as

the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land situate in the Swan District being subdivisions 47 50 66 71 and 72 of Swan Location 653 known as the" vYooclYi11e Estf1te" near Perth and more particularly shown on phn deposited in the Office of Titles.

AND FURTHER TAKE NO'l'ICE that all persons other tlmn the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the "bove parcels ofland AI<E HEREBY REQUIR.ED to lodge in this Office on or before the 1,tth day of Nov­ember next " ccweat forbidding the sftme from being brought uncler the operation of the Act.


Land Titles' Office, Perth, '( 15th October, lS$)6. J

Registrar of Titles.

2fiV 'l'ra.nsfer of Land Act, 1893, ~ec. 219.

T AKE NO'],ICE tlmt '1'ho111as Hughes of E"st Beaeons­fielclnc"l" J!'1'cmantle gardener heir-at-law of Thomas

Hug'hes h1te of ]j'renl<1,ntle military pensioner deceased intesbLte has nmde a,pplic<ttion to be registered as the pro­prietor of "11 estate in fee simple in possession in the following' parcel of l"ud situ Me in the Cockburn Sound District being

Cock/H(m S01md Location P 177 ,·egist.n·ed Volume LVI Foliulll 113

AND J<'UR'£HER 'rAKE No'rICE that ,,11 persons oth<3r than :11" a.ppliClwt cbiming' t,) lm,"e }tny estate right title or mtol'esl-, 111 the "bo\'8 l,a,rcel of land ARlC H1CRlCBY HEQun~ED to lodge in this Oilice on or before the 7th day of November next a W,VC(tt fOJ·bidding· the same from being registered acuol'! 1] ngly.

L:tnd l'itlcs' Office, Perth, ( 8th Octoher, lS1)6. j

ALJ!'R1<JD E. BUH1" Registrar of Titles.

ilL L, Moss, F'remcmtie, Soticito1' fO')' the Appticant.

ff'lAKlI£ NO,}'ICE tlmt George Stuhhorfield of Perth JL lluLl'ket gardener and Fl'ances E111111(1, ]'itzgel'ald

:)tubberfield his wife hlLVe made application to be registered as th" proprietors of an esb1te in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land sitml.te in Per(-,h

Purt of Pet/h !:Jubnrban Lot 19 (containing 3 acres 2tl perches).

Hounded on the East by the vVest boundary of Suburbfl.n Lot IS 11l8ClSlll'ing B chain;; :-3~ links

On the No)"th by the South bounc1n1'Y of Suburban Lot 61 and plwt of the South boundary of Suburban Lot 21 11loatS"uring' together i) chains 2 T46 Jinks

On the West by p;wts of the West boundaries of Suburbml Lots 21 and 20 measuring- together '. clmins tlB links

On the SOl/th by 5 chains OS links of the Eastern H"ilway I~esel've

Atso PCL1"t of Perth Sl~bw'ban Lot 20 (containing 3 roods 1 -to perches),

Honncled on the East by part of the vVest boundary of Snburhm Lot 1H me<)'suring 3 cluLins 4G I"" links

On the North by part of the South boundary of Suburb"n Lot 21 measuring 3 chains 1'0 links.

On the West by anoth~r portion of Suburban Lot 20 lueasuring' 1 chain 7 4 T~j links.

On the SOllth by 3 ehains 45 -tu links of the Eastern R."ilway Resc1've

'l'he rtbove land is lllore pm·ticuhrly shown on Plan deposited in the L"nd 'l'itles Office numbered 1506.

AFD FUI<'1'HEI< '£AIn, NOTICE tlmt all persons other thml the applicants claiming to have Rny esta,te right title or intere"t, in the "bove parcels of land AI?E HEI<EBY I<EQumlCj) to lodge in this Office on 01' before the ;, th d"y of December next }, wveat forbidding the same from being hl"ought under the operation of the Act.

A, Y. GLYDE, Assistant Hegistrar of Titles.

Land Titles' Office, Perth, ( 4th November, lS96. J

l'twkej' « PC(1'ke1', Perth, Apl'liwnt,' Solicitors.


52 96 Transfer of Laml Act, 1893.

T AKE NOTICE that Charles JYIiners of Albany wood­carter has made application to be registered as the

proprietor of a,n esta,te in fee simple in possession in the following pa,rcel of land situa,te in Allxmy a,foresaid being

Albanll S1tb1trbctn Lot B 8 (containing ,t a,cres 32 perches) Bounded on the So nth by the North boundary of

Suburba,n Lot B 4 measuring 6 cha,ins in length On the Ec,st by the West boundary of Suburban Lot B 9

Ineasnring 7 chttins in length On the West by the East bounchwy of Suburban Lot 13 7

mea,suring 7 chains in length and On the No;·th by a, line 6 chains in leng·th pa,mllel to the

South bounda,ry AND }'UWl'HER 'rAKE NOTICE th:1t a,ll persons other than

the applic11nt el11iming to hrwe s,ny est11te right title or interest in the 11bove pa,reel of hmd ARE HlHmBY l<EQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 28th November next 11 cetveat forbidding the s:,me from being broug'ht nnder the opemtion of the Act.

ALFRED E. BURT, La,nd Titles' Office, Perth, "( Registmr of 'ritles.

7th October, 1896. j

IIccllnes q' Robinson, Albanll, Solicitors for Applicant.

'l'ransfer of Il1Wtl Act, [893.

T AKE NOTICE thn.t Arth1ll' GeOl'go JYI:u-fieet of Porth clerk n.nd George F'rederick l'ihrfleet of North Fre­

mn.ntle postmaster executors 11nc1 trustees under the will of H'lnu:th :i'lIarfloet decen,sed h:we made application to be registered as the proprietors of tUl eshtte in fee 8i1111)le in possession in the following pm'cel of l:tnd situate in the town of Guildford

SgbdilJision .'3 of' Gnild(onl Town Lot 20 (cont11ining Oft. 11'. :H[';p.) .

Bounded on the fIIo)'th by n, line starting from a point 1 chain 8,1 links East from the North-'West corner of Lot HJ 11ncl running Easterly for 93 links along Swan Street

On the East by other portion of Lot 20 measuring 5 chains to a Public Road

On the SOldh by sa,id Public I{o11d measuring 93 links On the West by Subdivision No. 2 measuring 5 eh11in8 to

SW11n Street AND FUR'rHER 'l.'AKE NOTICE that a,ll persons other thn,n

the appliC11nts cl11iming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcel of l11nd ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 7th day of November next a ccwwt forbidding the same from being bl'ought under the Ol)el'l.tion of the Act.

L:1nd 'l'itles' Office, Perth, "( 7th October, 1896. .l

ALFRED E. BUR'I', Registmr of 'l'itles.

1If. L. 1I1oss, Ihe;nwntlc, Applicants' Solicito)·.

"cl;] rl'ransfel' of Laml Act. 1893, aJu1 'l'lle Real PI'operty Limitations Ad, 1878.

T AKE NOTICE tl;a,t :William Jones.of Perth brieklayer has l1mde applicatIon to be roglst81'ecl as the pro­

prietor of an esbto in fee simple in possession in the fol­lowing p:weel of land sitlmte in Perth aforestticl being-

Pc)'th Town Lot P 7 (cont11ining 31'. 26,'hp.) Bounded as follows :-On the N01·th-ECist by 1 chain 50-,"" links of Wellington

Street. On the 801cth-East by the North-West boundary of Lot

P 8 measuring () chains 10 links. On the Sonth- West by 1 clmin GOy'" links of Goderich

Street. On the N o>·th-West by the South-East boundary of Lot

P 8 measuring 6 ch11ins 91'''0 links. Pl11n deposited 1382. The claim of a,pplicant is by possession uucler tho

Statute of Limitations. AND FURTHER TAKE NO~'ICE that 1111 persons other than

the 11pplic11nt claiming to have 11ny estate right title or interest in the 11bove pa,rcel of laml AI<E HEREBY REQUIRED

GAZETTE, VV.A. [N QV, 6, 1896·

to lodge in this Office on or before the 8th day of J 11nu11ry next a, wveett forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act.

A. Y. GLYDE, Assistant Registmr of Titles.

L11nd Titles' Office, perth,} 31st October, 1896.

John liorgetn, Perth, Appliwni's Solicitoi'.

rrl'ansfel' of Land Act, 1893.

T AKE NO'l'ICE th11t the IF{ est Austmli:Hl Trustee Executor and Agency Company Limited have made

application to be registered Its the proprietors of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following p11rcels of la,nd viz. :--

GeralcUon Town Lots 9 [(nd 10 (containing together 1 11cre 20~ pCl'ehes).

Bounded on the Wes/;lo[(j'(l by 3 ch11ins 68~· links of F'itzgemld Street

On the Nm'th- West by the Sonth-East bOllnd:,ry of Lot 1 measuring 2 chains 60-hi links

On the North-East by the Sonth--West bounda,ry of Lot 11 measuring 3 chains 34. links

On the Sotcth-Ec[st by,. dmins 15tu links of Cha,rles Street

'rhe above land is more particnla,rl,Y showu on Plan de­posited in the L11nd 'ritles OIlice numbered 142'L,

Gemldton T01vn Lot 865 (containing 3 roods and ~ '1 perch). Bouncled on the Nol'ih- West by 1 chnin 50 links of l'ibrine


On the North-EeLst by the SOllth-vVest bonndaries ef Lots 36(1 :md 367 measuring toge01Cl' [) oh:,ins 2-t'., links

On the S01,th-East by 1 chain GO links of Eleanor Street On the Sonth- West by the North-I~ast boundary of Lot

!I\ 364 me11snri11g 5 chnin8 2 lin ks The above I,ot 3Gi) is morc p'trticularly shown on Plan

deposited in the L,tnd 'l'itles Olliee lllllubered 1423.

Pet)·t of Gemlc/ton Town Lot '261 (contn.ining 1 rood). Bounded on the Soglh-Ji)as{ by 1 oh:1,i11 GO-tu links of

l'iI"rine '1'er1'11Ce On the Noi'lh-Eetst by 1 clmin G7 links of the South-'iVeot

boundary of Lot 262 On the Notth- West by 1 chain 60/0 links of the Railway

Reserve On the Sogth- West by 1 chain (;7 links of the North-East

bounclt,ry of Lot 260 The a,bove ]11nd is more particularly shown on Di:tgrlllll

deposited in the Lltnd Titles Ollice numbered 309.

GemlcUon S"bmban Lot DJ (containing 3 acres 26(\i perches). Bounded on the No)'th- West by 3 clmins 5~ links of Chap­

man ROftd On the N01'th-E([st by the South-vVest bounclary of

Submb11n Lot 20 mettsmi11g 10 clmins 27 -{'IT links On the South-East by parts of the North-Bast boundaries

of Sublll'ban Lots 87 a,nd 88 llleasuring together :3 clmins 'li'o links

On the South-West by thc North-East bound:U'y of Sllbnrban Lot 79 mC:Lsuring 10 chains 531''0 links.

The above land is more p,t1'ticuhl'ly shown on PInn deposited in the La,nd Titles Ollice numbered 1426.

Ge1'ccldton 8nb1t,.betn Lot 51 (col1tltining 2 acres :3 roods 811'\, porches).

Bounded on the North-East by 3 clmins of Phelps Ro:td On the S01dh-East by 9 clmins 90 links of a, Public Road On the SOtcth- West hy :3 clmins 1'!o links of Gl'cenongh

Roacl On the No)'th- West by the South-Eltst bonncllLry of

Suburban Lot 50 lllcllsurillg' }) chains 74-t"o links. The above hmcl is more particubrly shown on ],1:1n

deposited in the Lt.ncl Titlcs Oilice numbered 1<125. AND FUH/l'HER TAKE NO'I'ICE th11t all persons other than

the applicants claiming to llfwe 11ny estate right title or interest in the above parcels of bnd ARE HEREBY REQULHED to lodge in this Offiee on or before the 4th day of Decemhcr next a, caveat forbidding the same from being hrought under the opemtiol1 of the Act.

A. Y. GLYDE, Assista,nt Registmr of 'l'itles.

Land Titles' Office, Perth, } 31st October, 1896.

W. P. S(tyer, Perth, A1Jpliwnts' Solicitor.

K QV. 6, 1896.J GOVERNlvlENT GAZETTE, .A. 200i

Patent QUire, PCl'th, 4th September, 1896.

N' JOTICE is hereby given tImt the UlH.lermentioned A pplica,tions for the Gr<1ut of Letters P<1tent.,

[mcl the complete Speeifi('atiolls <11111eXed thereto, h",-e been accepted, "nd are 1101Y open to public: inspeetion ttt this Office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose [tllY of suc:h appli<;[Ltions must 1e[Lve particulars, in writing-, in duplica.te (on Form G.), of his or their objections thereto, within t,,·o cf11endal' mouths from the first appe,crance of this ad vertise1l1eut in the \Vesterll Australitm Govern ment GW:die. A fee of ten shillings and sixpence (10s. 6el.) is payable with slwh notice.

Applieatioll No. l26B.-GEOlWE BARKgS, of Ke r -ferd House, Kerferd AlbeI't P[trk, ne<11' Melbourne, in t.he Colon r Journalist, <1nc1 FRliJDEmCK PIClCCY STEVEKS, of No. 127 vVilli<11l1 :Street, ]}:[e Iboul'ne, [lfor(;said, Auctioneer, "An 1111 prouecl Oombinc,7 Postal ({lid Leite1' Sheef."--Da.tecl 26th August,

AppliCfLtioll N 0.1264.---HEoTwE J orIN HOSKINS and CrH.I1LEs lIBNltY of , in the Colony N cw " jJlachine Spirally 25th August, 189G.

Applic<1tioll N().12(j5.-~-ED"An iUt'l'HUR ARHCIWFT, of "JYlavcroft," N e W(:(\llJ men Newcastle, in t.he C~lonY of New South VV "Im]n·ove1n~nf.c; h~ tlw Tl'I:cycZcs, ][oto)' -D~Ltecl 25th August,

Applit<1tioll No. 12GG.--EDGAI< .ARTHFR ASHCIW],T, of 34 Quee11 Stroot, ill the (If Victori,1, ElectricaJlil!. the Trcatnwnt of C'ompo"I,ncis of Ore.s contwini:ng Zinc." --Da.tod 25th August, 1896.

JYIA LCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registmr of Pa,tents.

Putenf OOic(!) i'el'ih, 18th 8cpiem/)cT, 1896.

1\TOTICE is hereb:' gi'.'en tlmt thoulldel'll1elltionec1 .l'l Applitatiol1s for the Grant of Letters P<1tcut, <1nd t.he completc Specifica.tions annexed thereto, h<1ve beell a.cceptecZ, <111d <11'(; HOW open to puhlie inspection at tllis Office.

A ny person or persons int8nrling 1,0 oppose any of such applic<1tions must lean; prLrticulars, in writing, in duplicaJe (on Form of his or their objections thereto, within two months from the first appen.rance of this ac1vf'l'tisement in the vYestern Austl'a.1ian Government Ga.zeffe. A fee of ten shillings anc1 sixpence (lOs. 6d.) is payahle 'o'iith sneh llotiee.

Application No. ll76. ---'rHOJlIAS CLg~lENTS, of Lttuncestoll, in TlC'csmallia, Superintendent of the Laullcestoll Benevolent ll.svlum, "Al:r Cu.shion False Hone Collar." -D11tec115th June, 1896.

Applic<1t.ioll No. 119.J,.-DANIEL JOHN CROSBY, of Black O<1k F<1rm, Kac1imt, in the Province of South Australia, Farmer, " Improvements in Con­necting Rods (cpplicable to Rea.jJel'.~, ltlow6TS, Pnmps, and oihe1' 11iachiner?J anclAppa.1'aJus 1vhere recip1'ocal motion is employed." - Dat.ed 1st July, 1896.

Application No. 1267. EEENEZER BENTON BEgCHER, Manut<1cturel', anel JACOB PUL VER W RIGHT, Mocha,nic"l Engineer, resid-

ing respectjvely <1t 25 Franklin Street., Westville, anel 46 Avon Street, New Haven, in the County of New lhyen <1lJ(1 Sh1te of Connecticut, one of the U llited States of Americ<1, " Improvements in and relutin[! to llIachines fo/' Ilwkin[! J1fa.tches,"­Da,ted 1st September, 18%.

Application No.1270.-PERCyORJllONDGRIFFITHS, of 'J,54 CollillR Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, InYentor, "An I1;lpTl'ivecl Safety AppaTlJi'l[s for the Doors of Railway Carria[!!!s alld the like Yehides."--Dat.ecl 1st September, 18HG.

Application No. 1271.-Fl'U.NZ JOACHIJlJ ALEX­ANDER of Queen Street, Mel­bourne, in the Colon)' of Victoria, Engineer,

UUt;/ft'Cflt" 'in and connected with the Driving ltL'~CI,~(tl&l~.1Ii of Bicycles and the l'ike llIachines."­Dated 1st September, 1896.

Application No. 127G.-VVILLIAfiI SIDNEY VVIL­I,IA]IS, of Leeds Street, Doneaster, in the Colony of Vietori~1, Fruit Grower, "An Improved Ap­pliance for imIiLCcli((te/y mixing cmcl sp1'(cying T%tel' and 0)' simila1' liq7cicl Hyd1'0-

September, 1896.

Application No. 1275.--JAcoB PUI,YIeR VVRIGH'l', of 46 Anm Street, New Hr,Yen, in the County of N ew H~1Yen and State of Connecticnt, one of the U niteel St,"tes of America, Mechanical Engineer, " in and relating to l1iachilws fo?' lIucking llicdches."-D'1tecl 2nd Septelll bel', 18%.

AppliC:<1tion No. 1278.-JoHN GLENVILLE MURPHY, Thrining- Engineer, of JYIiclclletown, Count.y of JYIic1cllesex, Sb1te of Conneetic;ut, United States of Ameriea, "Process ancl Appa/'LLius fm' ex­tructillU Gold ./rum 'ils G-res."-D<1ted 4th Sep­tember, 1896.

Applie<1t.iol1 No. 1281.--PETEIt GEORGE BENNET'l', of H<1lifa,x Stred Ea,st, in the City of Ac1elaide and the Proyinee of South Australia, Aerated 'IV <1t8r JYlanufa,eturer, "Improvements in lJ.nd connected with Tapsfol' mixinrl d1ij'eTent Liq1~icls." -D<1tecllOth September, 1896.

A pplictttion No. 1283.-IV ILLIUI AGAR, of King VVilliam Be<1consfi8ld, in the Colony of vVestern Al1str::l.lifL, Eledrical Engipeer, '" A H ycl1'lJulic .1;)1' 'inc1'eccsing and b'ans-milting Pmue1·."-Datecl14th September, 1896.

Applicfl,tion No. 1284.--HENRY AUS,'l'IN, of 49 St, D,wic1's Street, Fitzroy, in the Colony of Victori<1, Gentleman, "Imp)'ovements itn and connectecllcith the :Motors and lViechanism of mechcmiGCllly jJTopellecZ Road Vehicles." ~-Date cl 15th September, 1896.

Application No. 1285.-JoHN MILTON BROWN, of JYIosmt{,n's, n8<11' Sydney, in the Colony of New South vVales, Gentleman, and NUlIIA AUGUSTUS J OUBERT, of Hunter's Hill, ne,1r Sydney afore­sa,ic1, Assignees of GEORGE ALBER'l' AlVIOS, of Syclne.>, afores"id, Inventor, "I1np1'ovements in Appa:ratns fo), pToclncing Ice Crea1n (mcl the lilce." -D,ttec1 15th September, 1896.

Application No. 1286,-GEORGE CHESSELL, of JYIaryborough, in the Colony of Victoria, En­gineer, "Improvements in 8ctlety :lYIining and othe1' Caf!es."-D~l,tec115th September, 1896.

JYl1~LCOLJYI A. C. FRASER, Registrar of Patents,

2002 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 6, 1896.

Patent Office, Pej·th, 2nd OctobM', 1896.

N OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned a,pplications for the Grant of Letters Patent,

and the complete Specificl1otions a,nnexed thereto, have been acccptecl, and are now open to public inspection at this Office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose a,ny of such applications must leave pa,rticulars, in writing, in duplicate (on Form G), of his or their objections thereto, within two ca,lenc1ar months from the first appea,mnce of this '1odvertisement in the Western Austmlian Government Gazette. A fee of ten shillings and sixpence (10s. 6d.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 1268.-JAcoB LOUIS I~oB, of l~undle Street, Adelaide, Mecha,nist; GEORGE HOI{NSBY BAl~LOW, of Rundle Street, Adelaide, Meclmnist, and ADoLPH WILHELl>1 ROBERT DRABSCH, of Main Street, Mannum, farmer, all of the Province of South Austmlia, "I1np1'ovecl Cycle 01' VelocipecZe Driving Ge([1', "-Dated 1st September, 1896,

Applica,tion No. 1272. JOHN HAYSTON JYIl'J:cHELL, mining engineer, and THOl>IAS J OSEPH CAIN, mechanicaJ engineer, both of Gympie, in the Colony of Queensland, "Improve­ments in the driving gem' amd brakes of bicycles, ancl othe)' cycling machines. ".-Dated 1st September. 1896.

Application No. 1277.-WILI~IAl>1 HENIW TREN­GROVID, of 71 Cathec1raJ Sqmtre, Chl'istchul'ch, in the ProvincinJ District of Canterbury, in the colony' of New Zmtland, cycle engineer, "1111-jJ1'oved ]Jiechan·ical Arrange-ment, pa.1·ticula1·ly Cipplicable to the driving lYlechcmis'll1, of Cycles and other ]Jlachines." Da,ted 4th September, 1896.

Application No. 1287.--JoHN GEORGE GOUGH, Inventor, and WILLIA:i'I! EDWARD HARDING, Inventor, both of Young, in tbe colony of New South Wales, "ImZJ1'ovGments in Driving Gea1' for Cycles, CincZ for othe1' plwZJoses."-Dated 15th September, 1896.

Applica,tiol1 No. 1290.-MEPHAN FERGUSON, of " The Olderfieet," 475 Collins Street, Melbourne, in the colony of Victoria" Engineer, " IllIpr01)ecl meCins fo), joining the edges 0/ Bietal Plates or Sheets to each other, principally 1lsefnl in the mam!Jacfure of Pipes."-Da,ted 16th Sep­tem bel', 1896.

Application No. 129L-GEOIWE Sl'ALDING a,nd JOHN S'l'EELE ROBBINS, of Elclomdo Street, Stockton, S,w Joaquim County, Ca,lifol'l1ia, United St:ttes of Americ,t, JYL1onuflLcturers, "Rota1'y Disk Plows."-Dated 17th September, 189G.

Appliclttion No. 1292.-FI~ANCIS I~OwN'l'lmE, of No. 29 Montpelier Retreat, Hobl1l't, in the county of Tasmnnia., Engineer, "An improved Wi1'e Stminer."-Dated 17th September, 1896.

Application No. 1293.-JAIIIES VVOOLFORD, of No. 659, C0ll1111erci,tl Ro,td ElLst, in the county of London, England, Metallurgist, " A process to'1' extmcting Preci01ls .From Refmctm'y Ores by nWCins of Antimony, and fo·), Recovery of the Antimony employecl." - Dlttec1 17th September, 1896.

Applica,tioll No. 1294.-I~EuBEN BROADBEN'l', of Murmy Street, Gaw1er, in the Province of South Australi,t, gentlenlttn. nssignee of VVIL­LIAIII PAYNTER nnc1 GUSTAF FREDERICK PHILIPP LENz, both of Ga,wler, afol'esttid, Engineers, "Ani1nprovecl vVincl lYlotor."-Dctted 17th September, 1896.

Application No. 1295. - WILLIAl>I GEORGE MANNERS and CHAl~LES MANNERS, both of Kanowna, in the Colonv of 1,Vestern Australia, Consulting Engineers,'" An Imp1'ovecl Scttling TCinlI. }01' Bcdtery Sli1iwS wncl Tctilings, cmcl ancllog01ls P?o]]oses."-Dttted 17th September, 1896.

Applic<ttion No. 1296.-VVILLIA:i'lI LINDSAY, of Ann Street, Brisbm18, in the colony of Queens­land, Contractor, "An Enlct)'ging Bit ./01' Well­boring by the Cable 01' Pole System." - Detted 17th September, 1896.

Application No. 1297.-JOS1TIPH CAlIIPBIDLL, of S. Nicolas College, R[tnc1wick, near Sydney, in the Colony of Ne,,, South vVales, Principal of said College, Master of Arts, Sydney University; Fellow of the Geological Society, London; Fellow of the Chell1icnl Society, London, &c.; " Improvements in the Jlfelhod of (//ncl APPClTatllS for Treating Rq(rclcio'l'!J Oold CincZ SiZveT-bca.1·iny 01'CS ancl lVlcdC1·ials."-Dated 17th September, 1896.

Application No. 1298.-JoHN COPE BUT'l'lTIR]'IELD, of 13 Victori[t Street, in the city of vVestminstel', England, F.I.C., F.C.S., lYlebtllurgical Engineer, "Imp1'ovMnents in the Treatment (~j' Blllestone ancl other 8?tlphm'ise!1 01'138." -Dated 17th Sep­tember, 1896.

Application No. 1302. PA'rRICK FRANCIS McCARTHY, of 2G3 Collins Street, JYlelbourne, in the Colony of Victol'ilt, Advertising Agent, "An I11~p1'ovecl Apparaill.s for Advcl'tising."­Dated 23rcl September, 1896.

Application No. 1303.-CAlmlcK PAUL, of Car­rington Avenue, HUl'stville, neax Sydney, in the colony of New South WlLles, Civil Engineer, "Improvements in DivilliJ Apparcdl18, specicLlly applicable for Pearl Pishinfr"--D,tted 23rd Sep­tember, 1896.

Application No. 130G.--JULIUS S'l'OCKHAUSEN, of 105 Fischnerstmsse, Crefdd, in the Kingdom of Prussia" [tl1Cl Gernml1 Empire, SOttp lYIa,nufae­turel', "I1np1'ovementsin the JJiwWII/cu.:hl1'e of Acid Neutrcll Bccsic Gelatinous 80aps."-Datecl 23rd September, 1896.

Application No. 1308. - COUI{nNAY WILLIAlII THoMPsoN, of Perth, in the Colony of 'Westem Australia, Miniug Engineer, "Iml)')'ovements -in Valves CincZ Vc~lve 111echanisms for Engilws ope1'CdecZ by SteCi'ln or otlle'l' eJ3pansibZe Cigent." -Dated 28th September, 1896.

MALCOLM A. C. FRASEJ:'t, Hegistrar of Patents.

Patent QOice, Pel'th, 16th Octobe)', 1896.

NOTICE. is ~1Creby given tlmt the unc1('l'mentioned .L ApphcatlOIls for the gmnt of Letters Ptttellt, and the complete specificntiol1s annexed thereto, have been acceptecl, and are now open to public inspection a,t this office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose ,tny of such applications must lettve pa,rticulars, in writing, in duplicate (on Form G), of his or their objections thereto, within two calencbr months from the first appef10rance of this advertisement in the vVestern Australian Goveru-ment Gazette. A fee of ten shillings and sixpence (1 Os. 6d.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 1025.---J OSEPH HENRY DICRINSON, of 13 JYIonta.gue Pbee, Russell Square, London, England, Superintendent Engineer to the HlLrvey Steel Company of New Jersey, United States of America, "Improvements in Rock 01' Ore Crushing JliCichine1'y c[ncl in the lvlan1!Jac­tU1'e ancl T1'eatment the1·eof." DfLtec1 14th Janua,ry, 1896.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \iV.A. 2003 ~~-~~ --~----------------------------

Application No. 1288.-FRANK nhNDS STONE, of Howick Street, Perth, in the colony of VVestern Australia, communicated by W AL'.rER J AEGER KOEHLER, of Broken Hill, in the Colony of New South vVales, }\tletallurgist, "Improvements in the Tnatment of Zinc and COlJPe1' 01'es ." -Dated 15th September, 1896.

Application No. 1310.-RoBERT TAYLOR, of King VVilliam Street, Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, Inventor, "Imp1'ovements in GoleZ Savinfl and Concentmtinfl lYlachines."­D,tted 29th September, 1896.

Application No, 1313.-DR. El\IIL ,VOHLWILL, of 31 Elbstrasse, Hamburg, Germany, Chemist, "Improvements in the PToeZltct'ion of Chemically PltTe Gold by Elect1'olysis jTom Fine Gold and Alloys 1'ich in Gold." -Dated 29th September, 1896.

Application No. 1314. HENRY LIVINGSTONE SULl\IAN, of Perth, in the Colony of Western Australia, Metallmgist and Analytical Chemist, "Imp1'ovements 'in the Extraction of P1'eci01te l,,[etals jT01n 01'8S by Solvent LiqltieZs." - D,tted 30th September, 1896,

Application No. 1318.-JoHN GRANNES, of 165 Vickery's Chambers, 82 Pitt Street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South VVales, Caterer, " An Improved Huckle, 01' Fastene?', f01' Shoes and Like Foot Weet1·."--Dated 6th October, 1896.

Application No. 1319.-EDwARD DAVIES, Archi­tect, and ARTHUI, HARRIsoN, Clerk, both of 21 King William Street, Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia" "An Im]J1'ovecl Va1'iable D1'iving GeaT f01' Bicycles and Othe1' Velocipedes." Dated 6th October, 1896.

Application No. 1321.-FAWCETT PRES'.r0N & C01\I­P ANY, LIlI1I'l'ED, of 17 York Street, Liverpool, Eng­land, Assignees of ALFI\\ED CHAPl\IAN, of 17 York Street, aforesaid, Engineer, and SAl\IUEL VIC­KESS, of 163 Chatham Street, Liverpool, Eng­land, Engineer, "Imp1'ovements in EVc~p01'ating Appa1'Cil'lIs, specially adapted f01' the Extmction of Salt from B1'ine." -Dated 7th October, 1896.

Application No. 1322.-ALFRED CHAl'l\IAN, of 17 York Street, Liverpool, England, Engineer, "Improvements in Appa1'Cd1~s for Evel;po1'ating B1'ine 01' Othe1' Liq1w1's 01' SoZldions, and Exi1'e~ct­ing the Salts 01' other Solid .LlIlatters the1'ej1·01n."­Dated 7th October, 1896.

Application No. 1323.-ALFRED CHAPlVIAN ltncl HENRY SHIELD, both of 17 York Street, Liver­pool, England, Engineers, " Imp7'ovements in the Tnatment of B1'ac7cish 01' Impm'e liVeders, in 01'(1131'

to fit them f01' D1'inking 01' other P1[1]JOSes."­Datec1 7th October, 1896.

Application No. 1324.-JAlVIES DAVIDSON, of GeOl'ge Street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South VVales, Grain JYlerchant, "An Im]J1'oveel lYlanufactu1'e of Fcdty Matte?' j1'om certain Fatty Animal Tissnes."--Datec1 9th October, 1896.

Application No. 1325.-iYIICHAEL JAl\IES KELLY, Engineer, of 23 Park Street, South Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, "An Impj'oved Com­position for Removing anel P1'eventing Inc1'u8ta­tion and C01'rosion in Steam cmcl Water Boilers cmd Cistems."-Dated 9th October, 1896.


Registrar of Patents,

['((tent O:tiice,

Perth, BOth October, 1896.

NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Applications for the Gl'ant of Letters Patent,

and the complete specifications mmexed thereto, have been accepted, ltnd are now open to public inspection at this Office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such ltpplications lllUSt leltve particulars, in writing, in duplicate (on Forlll G), of his or their objections thereto, within two calendar n1.onths from the first appea,rance of this advertisement in the Western Australian Government Gazette. A fee of ten shillings and sixpence (lOs. 6d.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 996.-CHARLES TUCKFIELD, of Albany, in the Colony of VVestern Australia, Engineer, "A New ecncl Improved Rotwry Engine."-Da,ted13th December, 1895.

Applica,tion No. 10l0.-HENRY HENDERsoN DRYS­DALE, of" Th 8 Rialto," Collins Street, }\tlelbourne, in the Colonv of Victoria, Gentleman, and CRRIS­TOPHER JOB'SON, of Coolgarc1ie, in the Colony of VVestern Australia" Civil Engineer, "An 1111-pl'ovecl Plant 01' Set of Appcwat'us f01' Distilling Fresh Water from NcdltraZ Salt liVate1' 01' Bl·ine." -Dated 31st December, 1895.

ApplicationNo.1021.-JoHNMoNTGollIERY Sl\IART, of No. 34 Queen Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria" Gentleman, communicated by ALFRED THOl\IAS PERKINS, of 2155 Centml Avenue, in the City of Alemeda., County of Alemec1a, State of Cltliforni,t, United States of Americlt, " An App1'oved PTO cess of P1'eserving Ji'Tesh "Fndts, Vegetable P'I'OcZucts, a.nd other Articles and Snbstecnces of Foocl ji'o7n Deccty 'Icithmci the Use of Reji·igc1'Clnts." - Dated 7th January, 1896.

Application No. 1024.-VVILLIAlII FORBES, of Perth, in the Colony of ~W estel'll Australi<t, Eugineel', " Obtnining JJIotive Powe1'!i'om Nat~m'a,z 801cneB, npplicable f01' W01'king JJIining Plant withont the Aid of Steam or Flwl."-Dated 13th January, 1896.

Appli<:lttion No.1043.~-GEOI'GE FREDERICK MAR­CHANT, of No. 11 Caroline Street, Auburn, near M~elboUl'ne, in the Colony of Victoria, Tinsmith, " An ImpToveel Attachment to Box 01' Self-heating I1'ons."-Da,tecl 30th January, 1896.

Application No. 1055.--JOHN EDWARD HARDwICK, of York, in the Colony of Western Australia, Saddler, "Improvements in the Const1'uction of Wed er Bags."--Datedl0th February, 1896.

Application No. 1273.-~THE PFAUDLER VACUUlII FERlVIENTA'l'ION COllIPANY, of Rochester, New York, U nitecl States of America, Assignees of AUGUST HUlHl\IEL, of Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, Brew-master, " An Imp1'ove­ment in the .LlIlanu/actltre of Bee1'."-Dated 2nd September, 1896.

Application No. 1274.-THE P]'AUDLER VACUUlII FERl\IENTA'l'ION COMPANY, of Rochester, New York, U nitec1 States of America, Assignees of AUGus'l' J. METzLER, of Philadelphia, Pennsyl­vania, United States of America, Brew-master, " An Imp1'ovement in the l11CC1wfactul'e of Bee?'." Dated 2nd September, 1896.

Application No. 1327.--Jmm FELIX MARTIN, of Gawler, in the Province of South Australia, " An Imp1'oved Railway T1"nck for the Ca1'1'iage of Wate?' anel 11iinemls."-Datecl 13th October, 1896.


Application No. 1329.-CHARLES DUNSFORD JEN­KINS, M.D., of 130 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, " Im­lJ1'ovemenfs in APP01'OtU8 ./01' Crushing 01' Pnl­'vC1'ising Ores and other Snbstccnces."--Datec113th October, 1896.

Applieation No. 1330.-C0LIN MA'l'HESON BROWNE, of No. 17l Queen Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Importer, " Impl'Ovements in Appol'cdus fo1' Aemtillg ancl Supplying Bec1' and otl181' Li([nicls to Bays (fuel the like." - Da,tecl 13th Oetober, 1896.

Applieation No. 1334.-HENRY ROWLEY, of Perth, in the Colony of vVestel'll Australia, Electro­Mehtllurgical Engineer, " P1'ocess of Elect1'OZylic Generation oj Ohlorine 01' othrJ1' Oases f1'Om Saline Wastejo1' the Treatment ofOl'es."-Datec1 15th Oetober, 1896.

Application No. 1335.--DoNALD BARNS MOltISON, of the Ha.rtlepool Eugine vVorks, I-hrtlepool, in the County of Durham, Engla.nc1, Engineer, "Improvements in Stamping Appa1'Cltns jor Cnlsking 01'es nncl othe)' cmnloyons Stmnving VU1'poses."-Datec1 IGth Oetober, 1896.

MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registrar of Patents.

Notice of Application for Amendment.

I N the lll::ttter of Letters Pa,tent No. 890, cl::tted 29th April, 1896, g-l'::tnted to JiRANK :MENDS STONE for an

Invention for H In1pro'V'enwnts in PneH'maiic and other sin/,ilar Ty,.es" (Commnnicn,ted to the patentee by J oseph :B'lorey, John Anthony Sands, and Philip John vVillimlls).

Notice is hereby g-iven that the above-lUentiolled FHANK iYIENDS S'l'ONE, of Howiek Street, Perth, in the Colony of Western Australi::t, Selicitor :,lld Patent Ag-ent, has ::tppliod for leave to amend the complete specification of his s::tid Invention, ::tlleg-ing- ::ts his ]'eason for so doing' "tlmt the correction in this cOml)lote specific:'Ition is rendered necessary owing- to the misuse of a teclmic::tl term, the term 'tanned' being- only applic::tble where the leather is sub­jected to the ::tction of ::t tmming liquor."

The Amendments pl'oposed ::tl'e::ts follows, viz.-[Bqle1·ence being had to amended Oo1'Y of Specification lodfled in Patent Office, Perth].

Pag-e 2, lines 12, 13, Hi, and 22. After the word" tannecl" insert the words" 01' ell·essed."

P1Lge 3, lines 15 and 10. After the word" tanned" insert the worc1s " 0;' dressed."

P::tge '1, line 2'1.

After the word" tannecl" insert the words, " 01' cZ,·essed."

Page 5, line 5. After the word" tannecl" in8e1't the words" 01' drcssecl,',

Any person or persons intending to oppose the s::tid Application for Amendment must le:we pm'tienlars, in writing (on Form G), of his or their objections thereto within one c::tlellChtr month from the clnte hereof. A fee of ten shillings and sixpence (lOs. Gel.) is p::tynble with such notice.

Dated this 2nd clay of October, 1806.

JYIALCOLlVI A. C. FRASER, Reg-istmr of Patents.

Notiee of AmClHlmeut.

I N the matter of Letters of l~(,gistr;ltien No. 180, elated 17th April, 1880, granted to 'rIm CASSEI. GOLD IDx­

fJ.'RACTING CO]'-IPANY, Ln.·UTED, for ~1n invention of "Inl,pl'01/'e­ments in Obtaining Gold and Silvc,· from 0"e8 and other Oompounds" (Assignees of JOHN STEWAR'l' JYIAcAR'l'HUR,

GAZETTE, vV.A. [Nov. 6, Itl96,

ROBERT WARDROP FORREST, and WII.LIA~I FORREST), ::tnd based on British Letters P::ttent No. 14174, d::ttcd 19th October, 1887.

Notice is hereby given tlmt the complete specification in conneetiol1 with the n,bovc-llwntiol1ed Letters of Registm­tion 1ms been amended as follows being haeZ to the amended Oopy of Ihe Specifiwtinnin the Patcnt o.tJice, Perth J.

:ra,g'u :1, 11no L,). After the words" we eleclare thai," insort the words" IVe

clo not c/a,i1n generally the "se (!t' oolntions of any strength, bnl."

Page :1. 1 ill(' J s. After the words "compo"nc! with a, insert the word

« dilnte." Pn,ge :1, line 20.

After the WOl"ds " tlcscribed,," insert the words note." " and snbject to the "hove

Lea ve to "mend the British the Comptroller Gell1er::tl of lYhrks in his decision of the 2uth of

Any porson or persons intending to oppose the s::tid ::tpplie::ttion for Amendment lllllst le:'Ive particulars, ill writing (on Form G.), of his or their objections thereto, within one calendar month from dnte theroof. Fee of tell shilling's n,nel sixpence (1 Os. (ieL) is p'1yahle with such notice.

D::tted this 30th of Octolwl', lS!)0.

lilALCOLl\I C. :B'RASEH" Hegistmr of l'"tcnts,

Designs and Trade Marks Act, l884.

PrJi;ent Ollice, Perth, 9th Octobcj', 1896.

is hereby notifi"d Hmt I hrLVe recoived the under­mentioned Applim1tions for the R,ogistl':ttion of 't'mde


Any person 01' j 0 oppose ::tuy of such ::tPIJlications must pm'ticnhJ'8 writing", in dnplic:tte (on Form F), of his or their objections thereto, within two months of the first aclverlis('])]cnt of the ::tpplications in the vVestel'l1 Aus"trc-tlial1 Goventmc(d Oazct {c.

A fee of .£1 is p::ty::tble with suoh notice.

ilIALCOhI\l A. C. :B"RASER, Registrar of Designs ::tnd 'rl'[Lde Marks.

Applic::ttion No. 877, ,bled Gth Angnst, A.D" lS86.-'l'm, PNEUlIIATIC TYRE COJ\IPANY, LnIlTED, of 3,1 vVestIancl Row, Dublin, in Ireh,nd, Plleullmtio 'l'yre MfLlluffwtul"el"s, to register in Cl::tss 40, ill of Incli::t l~ubber Pnenmntic 'ryres, ::t Trade :iVI:u-k whieh tho following_ is a re-pl'esent::ttion :-'

'rhis Mm'k was first ::tdvertiscd in the\Vestern Australi::tn GOl"cl'n1nent G"zette of .. th September, iLD., 189n-virle notice ::tt head of Trade ]\!Iark advertisements.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT

Application No. 928, dated 31st August, A.D., 1896.­ROBEll.T HARPER AND CmIPANY, of No. 352 Little Flinders Street, nIelbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, JJIerchants, to register in ClQ,ss 42, in respect of Oatmeal, J·'hl.ked Oatmeal, Arrowroot, Farine, Groats, Grollnd Rice, JYIixtures of In­gredients for making Cakes, Puddings, etc., Meal (a mixture of Oaten lY[eal,md ,Yheaten ;\leal), nIeal (digestive), ThIaize ThIeal, Oats (rolled), Oats (cooked, rolled), Pearl Barley, Pease JY1eal, Rice, Split Poas, Sago, Tapioca, Sago Flour, Tapioca ]'lou1', ,Yheat li1eal, Corn ]'lour, Self-raising Flour, Flour, and Condensed JY1ilk, a 'l'racle JY1ark of which the following is a representation :-

This IvI:1rk was first advcrtisc~,d in the ,Yestern Australian Government Gu.zette of 4,th September, A.D., 1896-vide notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.

Application No. 927, cbted 81st August, A.D., 1896.-­ROBER'l' HARPlm& C03IPANY, of No. 352 Little Flinders Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Merchants, to register in Class 4,2, in respect of ArrowroGt, ColIeo, Coffee and Chicory, French Coffee, Essence of Cojfeo, Chicory, Coco, ... , Da.ndelion ColIee, Dandelion CocO>l., C'll'l"1.ways, Cassi", Cinnmnon, Cloves, Chillies, Coriander, Fm'inG, Ginger, Groats, Ground Rice, Icing Sugar, ]\.face, 1Iixed Spice, JYIixtures of Ingredients for making C'1.kes, Puddings, &c., JYIeal (a mixtur~ of Oaten nle,cl ,cud vYhcfLtenlvle"l), liTeal (digestive), JYlaize Thle:tl, JYInstn.rcl, Nutmogs (whole), Nutmegs (ground), Oats (rolled), Oats (cook\~d, 1',.>][o(1), OatmC>l.l, Fbked Oat­meal, Pearl Barley, Pease JYJeal, Pepp~rs, Pimento or All­spioe, Rico, Split Peas, SagG, '1",piocfL, Sago Flour, 'l\1.pioca Flour, T"rtaric Add, Cromn of '1'fLrtar, Bicarbonnte of Soda, Snltpetre, ,Yhent JYIeal, CmTie Powders, Egg Powder, ".Telly" Jhldding PGwders, '1"l,ble Oils, Yeast and Custard Powdors, Lime .J nice Cordial, Lemon Syrup, Raspberry Syrnp, Raspberry Vinegar, 'rea, Desicc<ttell Cocoanut, Table .Jellies, Honey, CornHour, Self-raising ]'lGnr, Flour, Hops, Condonsed Milk, Comlimonts, mld Salt, ,1. Trade liLlrk, of which the following is a representation:-

This Mark was first advertised in the ,Vestern Australian Gove1'mnent Gazette of 4th September, A.D., 1896-vide notice at head of Trade iYlark advertisements.

GAZETTE, 'V.A. 2005

Application No. 929, dated 31st August, A.D., 1896.­GILLIAT HATFEILD, trading in co-partnership with GILLIAT EDW ARD HATFEILD as '1'ADDY & Co., and as .J ,\lIIES TADDY & Co., of ,~;) JYIinGries, London, England, Manu­facturers, to register in Class 45, in respect of Tobaceo, whether Manufactured 01' Unmmlllfactu1'ed, a Trade Mark. of which the following is a representation:-


This JYIark was first ad vertised in the Western Australian GovM'nmenl Gazette of 4th September, A.D., 1896-vide notice at head of Trade ]}Iark advertisements.

Application No. 926, dated 31st August, 1896.-W. BALCHIN, of No. 2, Fenchurch Building's, London, E.C., to register in Class 4,3, in respect of fermented liquors and Spirits, a Trade Mark, of which the following is a repre­scmhttion :-

This l1HU'k was first advertised in the West Australian Govel'nmenI Gazette of 18th September, 189fi-vicle notice ~t head of Tmcle Mark [tdvertisemellts.

Application No. 935, dnted '1th September, 1896.-HENRY BERRY, HENRY PAWl'ON lYIAY BJeRRY, nnd HOWARD WESLEY BERRY, of Grenfell Street, Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, also of Melbourne, in the Colony of VictGria, General Morc;hants, trading under the name or style of HENRY BERRY & Co., to register in Class 42, in respect of Sa,lt, a 'l'mde Mark, of which the following is a representation :-


'1'his Mark was first advOl:tisecl in the ,Vestern Anstralinn Govet'n1nent Gazette of 18th September, 1896--t'icle notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.

Application No. 936, dated 4th September, 1896.-IIENRY BERRY, HENRY PARTON ~'IAY BERRY and HOWARD WESLEY BERRY, of Grenfell Street, Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, also of JYIelbourne, in the Colony nf "Victoria, General Merchants, tmding under the name or


style of HENRY BEl~RY & Co., to register in Class 42, in respect of all Substances used as food Or as ingredients in food, a Trade Mark, of which the following is a representa­tion :-

p R o 'I'his Mark was first l1dvertisecl in the vVestern .Australian

Govemment Gazette of 18th September, 1896-vicle notice at head of Trrtde Mrtrk rtclvertisements.

AppliC>1tion No. 939, dated 10th September, 1896.-JA~I1lS INGLIS, of Brislmne, in the Colony of Queensland, also of lVIelbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, and of Sydney, in the Colony of Now South ,\Valos, 1'oa, East India, and Goneral Merchants, to register in Class ,t2, in respect of Teas, Coflees, substances usea as foo(1 or as ingredients in food, a Trade Mark, of which t.he following is a ropresentation :-_.


This JIIIark was first advertised in the W cstern Australian Government Gazette of 1Sth Septemb~r, lSDG-vicle notice at head of Trade lVLtrk advertiscments.

Application No. f}W, dated lGth Septembcr, 189G.­'VlliLTAl\I CAl\nU~ON BRO'l'HERS AND COl\IPANY, IlInf['I'ED J of 20 A'Beclcett Street, lVlelbonrne, in the Colony of Victoria, 'l'obacco JIIImntfaetnrers, to reg-ister in Class 4G, in respect of Tobacco, Cigars, r111d Cigarettes, a rrl'~tdo :NIark, of ,vhich the fonowing is '1. representation :-

This Mark was first advertised in tho vVestern Australian Govenwwnt Gazctle of 18th September, 18DG-vi<le notice at head of 'l'rade Mark advertisements.

Application No. (Hl, d"ted lGth September, 1896, WILLIAlII CAThIEIW;-r BIW'l'JlERS A;-rD COJlIPANY, Lun'J:ED, of 20 A'Beckett Strt'et, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, 'robacco JYImmf(tCtnrers, to register in Class 4G, in respect of Tobacco, Cignrs, and Ciglwettes, a 'l'rade Mark, of which the following is 11 representrttion:-

This Mark was first advertised in the 'Western Australian Government Gazette of 18th September, l89G-vicle notice at head of Trade JIIIark advertisements.

GAZETTE, W.A, [Nov. 6, 1896.

Application No. 951, dated 28th September, 1896.­JIIIICHAELIS HALLENSTEIN AND CO:1>IPANY, Limited, whose Registered Office is at Nos. 382 and 384 Lonsclale Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, merchants, to register in class 23, in respect of Thread, and espeeially Satin Lustre Threl1.d, a Trade JI/I,wk, of which the fonowing is a represontation :-

This Ma,rk was first advort.ised in the IVeateI'n Australian Govcj'n1nent Gazetle, of 2nd October, lBil6-vi,ze notice :et head of Trade Mark advertisomcnts.

Applimltion No. 9-tG, d'ltcd :?l st Septemb~r, 18DG.-SuT­~'ON BRO'l'HERS, of Nos. 292 ,1,nd 20·1 Bmu'ke Street, Mel­bourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Bicycle 1'iI(wnfacturers and importers; to register in Chss :?2, in respect of Cycles, a Trade JYIa.rk, of which thc following" is a, reprcsentation :-

'fhis JliIark was first advertised in the vVestcrn Anstralian Govej'nment Gac;ctte of 2nd Octo her, l89G-v;cle notice at head of 'l'rade IVhwk advertisements.

Application No. 9,1,3, c],1,ted 16th September, 189G.-J. KRONHEI:ilIER & Co., of l<'linders Ln,ne, JliIelbourne, Victoria, to register in Class 9, in respect of Pianos, Organs, and Musical Instruments, a 'frnde lYI:al'k, of which the following is a representation :-

'.rhis Mnrk was first advertised in the Western Australian Government Gazette of 2nd October, 1896-vide notice at head of 'frade JliIark advertisements.

Applications Nos. 937 and 938, dated 7th September, 1896. -VVU,LIAl'ir THo~fAs BIGSBY, of Trundley Road, Deptford, Kent, England, manufacturcr, to register in Class 1,

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT

in respect of V"rnishes and J ap"ns, "nd in Class 50, in res­pect of Varnishes for Polishing purposes, a Tmde ~Iark, of which the following is " representation

'1:his lVIa1'k has been 1tsed. by the prop;'iet01' in respect ~l the a;·ticles mentioned since about the 1st .JaMta1'Y, 1873.

This Mark was first advertised in the vVestern Australian Govemment Gazette of 2nd October, l896-vide notice at he"d of 'I'r"de Mm'le advertisements.

Application No. 934, dated 4th September, l896.-HENRY BERRY, HENRY PARTON, iYIAY BEHRY, and HOWARD VVESLEY BERRY, of Grenfell Street, Adelaide, in the Province of South Austmli,,; also of Melbol1rne, Victori", Geneml ~Ierchants (trading 1Ulder the name 01' style of Henry Berry & Co.) to register in Class 47, in respect of Illumin­ating Oils, such as Kerosene, a Trade Mark, of which the following is a representation :-.


This mm'k was first advertised in the Western Austmlian Gov01'n;nent Gazette of 2nd October, l896--vicle notice at head of Trade iYIark advertisements.

GAZETTE, W.A. 2007

Application No. 930, dated 3rd September, 1896.­THE KOKo :iYIARICOPAS Co., LIlIIITED, of 11 Gray's Inn Road, London, England, Manufacturers, to register in Clnss 48, in respect of preparations for the Hail' a,nd Teeth, .Perfumed Soap, and other 'roilet Articles, a Tmde ~Iark, of which the following is a representation

'rhis iYIark was first advertised in the "IVestern Austmlian Government Gazette of 2nd October, 189G-'vicle notice at head of Trade J\ilark "dvertisemcnts.

Application No. 904, dated 21st .J nly, lR96.-THE hIPERIAL JHANUFAC1.'URING C01IPANY, IJInII'rED, ,1. company duly registered under the laws of New South vVales, whose Registered Office is at No. 77 Clarence Streot, Sydney, in the s"id Col?ny, iYIanuf"eturers ,md :iYlerc1mnts, to registor in Class 42, 111 respect of Substances used as Food or Ingre­dients in Food, a Trade iYlark, of which the following is a representation :-

This iYIrtl'k \ms first vertisec1 in theW astern A ustr"lian GoveTnment Gazette of 2nd October, l89G-v;(le notice tl.t he"d of 'l'rade :iYItl.rk advertisoments.

Application No. 876, dated 21st .July, lSD6.-J. &. J. COL­)IAN, of 108 Cannon Street, London, "nd Norwich, Enghl.nd, :iYIanuf;wtul'ors, to register in C],1SS 42, in resp(,ct of :iYIushtrd, " '!'mdt' :iYIark, of which the foUowing' is a representation :-

This :iYIark was first advertised in the Western Australian Gove1'nlnent Gazette of 2nd October, 1896--vi(le notice at head of Trade :iYIark "dvertisements.

2008 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [Nov. 6, 1896. ------------------------------------------------------ -------

Application No. 875, dated COLlIIAN, of 108 Cannon Enghnd, manufacturers, to of JYlustarcl, a Trade iYbl'k, presentation :-

21st July, 1896.-J. &; J. London, and Nor\vlch, in Class 42, in respect

which the following is a re-

'l'his Mark wn,s first. advertised ill the 'Vestern Austmlinn Government Gooetle of 2nd October 189G-vide notice at head of Trade !\;Iark :vl\'('rtiselllPnts.

~+;Applicatioll No. 871, (l:thJrl ~lst July, 1801;.-.). & J. COLlIIAN, of 108 C'mulOll St1'cd, London, and Norwich, England, llIanufndlll'ers. to l't'gisler in Cbss 4.~. in of ::Ylustanl, a Tr,Hie i\I:11'k, of which the followillg' representation :--

11:() '·e~·h.1 f,t r 11l: ">7 .!t."11 )?,,'" Rf P 'f".?}

"SJ.Na:pnunon a:Horro UHV V1IIllV,1 RIIM

anYJ.SfiR :mnd .:l0

s:unJ.XIRUV RV SI NOI.LVU-Vd3:lI.I snI.!.

·301.10N 3>1\1.1

This Mark was first advertised in the 'Western Austmli:'Ln GoVe1'tlment Gazette or 2nd October, 180G-- vide notice at he"d of Tr"de Mm:k aclvextisements.

Applic"tion No. 9:31, elated < September, 1896.-HENRY BI<;m~Y, HENRY PAwro:, .MAY ~md HOWARD 'VESLEY

BERRY. of G1'811leJl in the Province of South < also of in the Colony of

trading und~r the nam8 01'

style HE::;[RY BEmn & to register in Cl"ss 42, in respect of all Subst,mccs used as Food, Or as Ingredients in 1<'ood, Tea, a Trade lVIm'k, of which the following is a

TOP. This JYIa,rk Wl'LS first advertised in the 'Vest ern Australian

Govemment of 115th October, 189G-vide notice at hel'Ld of Trade acl\>ertisoments,

Applicl'Ltion No. 0;}2, (hied ·lih September, 18DG.-HENIH BIcRRY, HENRY PAWl'ON 1IAY and HOWAI~D WES.LEY

13ERRY, of Grenfcll ill the Province of South Australi", n.1so of in the Colony of Victori", General llIel'challts, trarling under the name or style of I-lImRY BlmJLY & Co., to register in Class 4.,7, in respect of Illuminating rmch as Kerosene, " Trade 1'iI[tl'k, of which the following' a representation

TIP TOP. 'I'his Mark was first ndvertisecl in the vvesterll Australian

G01'el'mncnt pf IGth Od-oh,]', lS9ll-'vide notice "t head of Trade aclvertiscUl('llis.

Applieatioll8 Nos. ~H7 itnd IS,)(;,-'rHE CYCLE COJ!l'ONEN'l'S LIlIIl'l'ED, of

2:3rd September, C01lIPANY,

England, J\tlttnu-facturers, to registt'r in 22, respect of Cycles, "Iso in Class 13. in of a Tl'"de Jl:i:al'k, ation :-

]i'itting's made of lYIetal, following is a represent-

This J\Iark was fir~i. :"h'·lt·i,c,l in ill .. \V.-,si't'rll Anstr"lian G01<enL1l1cilt (;(1;;(,0(' of U;th Ol't,dwl', lsfHi~-·1'ide notice at hCiul of rrl'acte l.l;u'k [l,dVUl'tis!'l!H:nt;.;.

Application No, VVIT.1,LnI !-IOLLINS .\NO

,!:ttc.1 2:ln1 September, 1890.-­Norl"I'lNG-HA1\I), Ldl\IrrED,

of Plcasloy Works, J\I:t]] "ji,'hl, SpinnOl's, to in Class :J.I., in Stuffs of IVool, 01' noLi]', a 'J'l'adc following is a l'CIll"C'S('1l1::1

Enghtncl, Cloths and

of which the

This Mm'le WllS first advertised in the vYosterll Austl'ali:m Goremmen t Gazeite of H>th 0,,10])(,1'. IS0Ii--dde notice at hea.1 of Traele lYInl'k aclV81'tisellwnts.

Application No. ()50, (j,ttc(l 2:ll'd Septomher, lS9G.­SCAlmOH.OllGH, NEPllEW <\::;[1) C03fPANY, of Bllell Roydo Jl:lill" H:tlif:tx, Yorkshiro, l~I1g'lanrl, \V Ol'steel Manufacturers, to in Class ;H, ill respect of Scrges, a Trade Mark, of

the following is :L representation:-


'l'he ossonti<tl pm-tieulm's of tho '1'mde Mark are the combination of devices and the words" Oceml Queen;" and any right to the exclusive use of tll(' addpd matter is disclaimed.

'rhi8 J\lIark was first ad vel'tised in the '\'r estern A ustralinn Gorernment Gazette of 16th Octobm·. If'flfl--"ide notice at head of Trade JlIal'k advertisements. -

Applicntion No. 9.:;j·, dttted :30th SeptemLer, 1096.--­VVALTER HENRY JlIARS]) EN, of the Hailway Shltion, Salis­bury, in the Province of South A nstra lia, StfLtionmastor, to registor in ClfLss :30, in resped of ~\rtides of Clothing, a '1'racle Mark. of whieh the follo\ving is a representation :-


s. 'rhe essential pmticularo of the Trade il'IaJ'k are: -

(1) The device; (2) the facsimil .. nf "pplicant's signature: and any rig'ht to the exdusive uSe' of tll<! :\,Ildo,l matter is cliscla.imed. -

'1'his MCLrk W:LS first adnntised in theWestol'll Anstmliall Oove'i'nJllent Gazelle of J I)th Odoher. 1f'flli----rir7e noticf' at head of 'rrade il'Iark Hc[Y(,l'tispmenb.

Application No. ().')ii, d:Lted :1nl OdoheJ', IHD(i.-J. KIWN­HEllVIEll, & Co .. of Flinc1ers Lane, Melbollrne. in the Colony of Yictoria, to register in Class ;l-;;, in respect of Tobaccoes, Cigars. and Cigal'cttps. ,l, Track Mnl'k of whi,:h tlw following is " l'epresentntion :---

'rhis J\lhLrk was first advertised in the "Tastern Australian GOL'c"n'llwni Gazette of lGth October, If'fI()----l'ide notice at heall of il'Iark ach'ertiselllellts.

ApplimLtion No. D3(;, d"tccl :3rd October, IH()6.-.J. KHON­HEIi\nm & Co., of J;'linder" Lane, il'Ielhol1rne, in the Colony of Victoria. to register in Class 45, in respect' of Tobaccoes, Cigars, >1ncl Cigarettes. " '1'radp 1Vfark. of whieh the following is " represent:1tion :---



This M"rk was first advertised in the "Western Australi:l,n Go!'e)')1))/Pnt Gazette, of 16th October. J 89(j-,·icle notice at h0a(1 of 'rra<le Mark advertisements.

GAZETTE, \V.A. 2009

Application 957, dnted :3rd October, H)~)6.-.J. KIWN­HEDlEH & Co., of Flinders- Lane, ],;Ielbourne, in the Colony of Victorilt, to register in Class '15, in respect of Tobaccoes. Cigars, ,wd Cigarettes. [1 T1'11fle l\Tnrk. of which the follow­ing' is :t representation:-

'1'his Mark was first advertised in the vYestel'n Australian GOl'enmlCnt Gazette of 16th Octohor, 189()-vide notice at hemrl of Trade> lVIal'k advertisements.

Application No. 9iiH, dated :3rd October, 189(;.-J. KRON­HEDIER & Co., of Flindcrs Lane, Melbourne, in the Colonv of Victoria, to register in Class 4::5, in respect of 'robaccoe~. Cigm's, and Cigarettes, n Trade JVIm'le, of which tlw following' is a representation : ..

This Mark was first advul'tisecl in the vYesturu A nstralian Govemment Gazette of 16th October. If'00-ride notice at head of 'l'rad0 JVfn.rk :1clverhsemE'uts.

Appliclttion No. (lilO, d"ted 8th October, 1896.--F. 'I'. vYDIBLE & Co., of 87 Clarunce Street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South vYnlcs, to register in Class 50, Sub­section 8, in respect of" _Feeleral" Roller Composition for use on Printing il'Iachines, [1 Trade JVlark, of which t.he following is a representation :--

This Mark was first advertise cl in the 'Western Australian Govel'nment Gazette of 16th October, J896-vide notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.

Application No. }l(it, dated Htll October. 1896.-WYNNE ,t KYD, of Flinelers Street, Melbollrne, in the Colony of


Victoria, to register in Class 42, in respect of Butter, a Trade Mark, of which the following' is a representatiun :-

'rhis l'I1ark was first advertised in the vVesterll Austn1lian Goveymnent Gazette of IGth October, IHOG-vide notice at hCl1d of Trade Mark advertisements.

Application No. 933, dttted 'lth Septcmber, 189G.-HBNRY BERRY, HBN1~Y PA1l!l'ON iVIAY I3mmy, mld HOWAItJ) \VESLBY I3BRRY, of Grenfcll Street, lulcl>tide, ill the Province of South Australia, ,11so of .i\Iplhonrlle, in the Colony of Victoria., General 1VIel'chrLnts, t.rading under the 1Ut1110 01'

style of HENrw BElmy & Co., to ill Class '],2, in respect of nIl Substmlces used "g or as Ingredients in Food, with the exception of S:1it, a Trnde 1'II11l';c, of which tho following' is a representation :--

BLACK HORSE. 'l'his Mark was first advertised in the 'VVestern Austr,"linn

Govenrrnent Gazette of Hith Octohol', li:l!JG-v/(le notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.

Application No. 952, dated 29th Septoltlllcr, m9li.-ANCllEg CUKilIICAL C01IPANY, of Boston, United SLltes of Amorica, and 32 and 33 Snow Hill, LnlJ(lon, l<ingblHl, Manllfnctul'illg' Chemists. to register in Cl:lSS :>, in of :1 l\Ieclical prepr1l':l,tion for human nse, :1, 'rl';1(k of which the following is a reprcsentntion :'~


Digest'i~~'<A';;Pl;~~ratus, S~b·At*tt lnd Ci'I)OI"

Kidneys and Bladder.

'l'his Mark was first advertised in the vVestern Anstmliml Govc?'1wwnt G":Jetie of 30th October, lS9G-vicle notice at hettd of 'l'rnde Mark advertisements.

GAZETTE, \V.A. [Nov. 6, 18~)6.

Al)plication No. 959, elated 5th October, lS9G.-SCAR­BOIWUGH, NEPHEW A~m COmPANY, of Ellen Roydc ]\'lills, Halifax, Yorkshire, England, IVorstod Manufaoturers, to reg'ister in Class 34, ill r"sl)ect of Serges, a Tmde Mark, of which the following is a representation :-

the Trade Mnrk, ,11'0 the " and the applicmrts' fac

the exclusive use of the

'rh is Mark was first advertised in the vVestern Australian G01,c'rnment Gazette of :iOth October, 189G-vicle notice at head of Trade Mark advurti'''lll,mts.

1\l'plicntion ~<). %2, dnj,,(/ 1:,{h October, lSf)G.-llnl'l'­.A_NNrA j~EH,Arl'F;J) \VNrEH, COTlJPANY, of ](nebworth Ave'l1nG, P(~l'th, in the of \VC'Mtpl'll L'--llStl'a,1i<l, to l'egist!·l' in ebss 'L1,. ill respect i\Tifli.'l'll i ,md ,\el'(l,{(,(l'Wn,tol's, N:ttuml and A l'tifiein,1 , inc]ndillg G-ing-cl' Beer, a Trade JHtLl'k, of which the following' is a l'l'prc-s('ubttion

'rhis mark was first ailv«l'tisocl in the vVostern Au,;tr"lia,n (}ove1'H'i)Wnt Ga::,elte of :30Lh October, lRU()-d(7e 110tiC(' at head of 'rrade 1\I"rk advertisements.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT

Application No. 965, dated 17th October, 1896.-vYHYTE & MA-CKAY, of 62 Robertson Street, Glasgow, Scotland, to register in Class 43, in respect of 'Whisky, a Trade Mark, of which the following is a representation :-




'rhis Mark was first advertised in the vYestern Austmlian GOVC1'1Mnent Gazette of 30th October, 1806-vicle notice at head of Tmde Mark advertisements.

Application No. 066, dated 17th October, 1896.-YIVIDI and HAYA'!', of Hutt Street, Perth, in the Colony of 'Western Australia, J\ferchants, to register in Class 4S, in respect of 'I'ooth Powder, a Tmde J\f'"Lrk, of which the following' is a representation :-


This Mark was first advertised in the Westel'll Austmlian Govem1nen[ Gazette of 30th Oct{)ber, 1896-vifle notice at head of Trade Mm'k 'Ldvortisements.

Applications Nos. 970 and 973, dated 22ncl October, J890. -HERBERT EDwARD SmI'l'll and HUIlEHil' GEORGE vYOOD­ROF~'E, of Howick Street, Perth. in the Colony of 'Western Austmlia, Merchants ancl Inc1entors, trading uncleI' the name or style of SillI'l'H and V'VOODROFFID, to register in Class 42, in respect of "ll sub,t"nces used as Food, or "s Ingredients in Food; and in Class '13, in respect of Fermented Spirits and Liquors, a Trade Mark, of which the following is a representation :-

LINBARRIE. This M"rk was first ,),dvertised in the Western Austmliml

GovM'nment Ga,2ette of 30th October, 1896-vicle notice at head of 'I'radc Mark advert,isements.

Applications Nos. 972 and 074, dated 22nd October, 1896. -HERBERT EDWARD S}IITH and HUBERT GEORGE VVOOD­ROFFID, of Howick Street, Perth, in the Colony of Western Australia, nferehants and Indentors, trading under the name or style of S~IITll and WOODROFFE, to l'eg'ister in Class 43, in respect of Fermented Spirits and Liquors; and in Class 42, in respect of all substances used as Food, 01' as Ingredients in Food, a Trade Mark, of which the followinO' is " representation :- '"

vVOODLANDS. This Mark was first advertised in the vV' est ern Australian

Govemment Gazette of 30th October, 1806-vicle notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.

GAZETTE, vV.A. 2011

.Ap11lication No. 071, dated 22nd October, 1806.-HERBERT EmvARD S~IITH and HUBERT GEORGE WOODROFFE, of Howi~k Street, Perth, in the Colony of vVestern Australia, lYIerchants and lndentors, trading under the name or style of S}IITH and '\V'OODROFFE, to register in Class 42, in respect of all substances used as Food or as Ingredients in Food, a Trade iYIark, of which the following is a representation:-


This ]H,u-k was first advertised in the vYesterll Australian Government Gazette of 30th Octo bel', 1896--vicle notice at head of 'I'racIe lYlark "dvcl'tisements.

Appliml,tion No. 975, dated 22nd October, 1896.-J OHN YA'l'ES & Co., LI~II'l'ED, of Edge Tool Works, Aston lYIanor, Birminghmn, Englmld, Edge 'I'ool Makers, to register in Class 1~, in respect of Cutlery and Edge Tools, a Trade Mark, of which the following is a representation :-


This Mark was first advertised in the vYestern Australian Government Gctzetle of 30th Octohcr, 1896-vicle notice at head of Trade lYI"rk advertisements .

. Applic"tion No. 976, dated 2~nd October, 1896.-JOHN Y A'l'ES & Co., LIllIITED, of Edge Tool V'Vorks, Aston JYImlOr, Birmingham, Engbnd, Edge Tool Makers, to register in Ch"LSS 13, in respect of JYI eh)'l Goods nut included in other classes, a 'I'l'ade Mark, of which the following is a represen­t"tion:-

'rhis Mark was fir.ot "d vcrtisecl in the vV' estern A ustralim1 Government Gnzette of :lOth Od-obeI', lS9G-vide notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.

IUunicipalit.r of l{a1gool'li(',

Extraordinary Election.

~l N accordance with Sec. 94 of the M unicijJal Act, 1895, notice is hereby given that an Election

will be held on 16th NOVl'mber, 1896, to fill the vaeancv caused by Councillor J. V1. Finister's resig­nation."

R. D. McKENZIE, Returning Officer.

Kalgoorlie, 1st November, 1896.

York 1hmicipn.Hty.

A. N Extraordinary Electioll will be held on .1i ]I,I[vnday, November 16, 1896, to elect a Councillor fo;' the South 1'1 ard in the place of Councillor J oseph Bower, resigned.


October 29th, 1896.


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GAZETTE, [N OY. G, 1b96.

Bnnbul'Y Municipal Council.


BYE·Er~EC'I'rON will he held ,tt Buutnll'Y, on 1YloudlLY, the 1 Gth (la,\' of N ovel1lbel', 1890, at

deven o'elock in t.he for8noon, for the Eleet.ion of two Councillors for the North ';Yard a,ud OIl\'

Councillor for thc Celltml'\'Vard of the JYLullicip,Llity of BUllbur,Y, to >iupply the Var;1Lll(:leS ('Ruscd by tlw resignations of CouneiJ1ors C. E. Spencer, G. Ha:', ward, and E. Maxtec1.

Candidates for elpc:tioll must give seven dea,r clays' llotiee, in writing', of such their intention to tlw lYLt.nn· or Clerk of the COll11cil.

JAS. H. DIXON, TOWll Clerk.

Bunhury, 26th October, 180(1.

Jaudakot R.o:uls Uoal'd.

A T a meeting of the above Board held at Perth, on the 10th dny of Septemher, 180G, lL resolution

W,LS passed tha,t tlw [ollmving Main R(lad ht· declared ;-

A Road, one chain wide, in continuation of Nicholson Road, extending in a Southerly direction from the junction of Fraser and R,1l1ford Roads to tlw junction of VVartoll ,wd Aconrt ROlLds.

AIRo tha,t the following Minor Roads be declared ;--

(1.) A Road, one dmin wide, the North side starting from the South·East corner of Cockhurn Sound Loeation 898, and extending Enst, passing tLlong the South boundary of Jand[Lkot Agricultuml Area r~ot 172, to Dean l\'oad.



A Road, Ol1e chain wide, sttnting from a point on the vVest side of Prinsep Road, about 1 chain vVe8t from the South. vVest eorner of J ancb,kot Agricultural Area Lot 164, the North side extending 278° 27' 58 chains 1 link through C.P. TH" ,md pRrt of Lot 178 to join Hope Road. A Road, one chain wide, leaving Road No. 234, ga,zettecl5th August, 1886, at a point on its North side, situated 94° 52' 25 chains 58 links from the South-East boundary of C[Lllning Loca,tion· 298, and extending 94° 52' 7 chains 78 links to join Nicholson Road.


Urnnswicl{ Uoads Iloard.

A T a meeting of the above Board, held at Brunswick on the 10th da,y of October, 18H6,

it was resolved to take, for the purpose of opening a new line of communication, a strip of land, Olle chain wide, extending North from Banksia Road at the N orth-vVest corner of Harvey Agricultuml Are,L Lot 188, the East side of s,1ic1 strip pRssing along the East boundary of Harvcy Agricultural Area Lot 187 to its North-East comer, thence West, the North side of s,1id strip passing along the North boundary of s,Lid Agricultnra,l Area Lot 137 to Ha,rvey Road.

WM. READING, Chairman Brunswick Roads Board.

10th October, 1896.

"KOY. 6, 1~96.J GOV:ERNMENT GA:lETTE, 'V.A. 2013

East Berel'Icy Uoads UOlm1.

A rl' a, meetill'" of the ,thove Board, held ,Lt b •

Alltiochillg on the 1st dny of August, 1896, 1t Wtl,S resolved to 'ta,l;;:e, for the purpose of opening ,t new line of l"oJl1muniefttion, ,t strip of hmd, one dmin wide, :starting from the N orth-Eftst corner of Avon LOl"ntion 25, and extending South-South-Easterly, its vVest side passing along the East bounc1,try of g,lid Location 25 to its South-Eftst eorner, thelH.:e onw<1l'ds to the N orth- \lit est eorner of Ayon Locntion 1345, the E,tst side of said strip passing along the vVestern boundarY of sftid Loe,Ltioll 1345 to join the Beyerley-Ba,lly BfLn}' Rmtd.


Eftst Beyerley Roads Board. Septemoer 5th, 1896.

1\ T a :Meeting 01 thl',abu\'l' BO',Lnl, held ,d ..L~ Newcastk on the ;:,1',h (la.I' of S(~}Jtell1bcr, 189l), it WitS resolve<.1 to take. 101' the purpose of opening a Hew line of l:Ollllll t lllicatiou. ,1 strip of hmd, 50 liuks wide, ll'Cwiug Rmul No. :377 (gazette(1 13th April, 1893) at the North-vVest eOl'!lel" of Ayon Loe,1tioll 1697, the East side ('Xh'll<.1illg 1820 1 4/1, ehains, thence 15]0 17' 29 dmins 82 links through Avon Lo(:<ttion H;9i:l. to join the N(~we'"1stle­Goom,tlling Roarl lll'H,r tIll' North (:orlwr of Avon T,ocrttioll li:l37.

D,1ted ,Lt New"iL~tle, 5th Sept"lll!>l'!', 18HG.

JOHN H. PHILT,IPS, Clli1inwm Too<1yay R,oads BO<tnl.

A T CL meeting, hdd Septembe:' 24, .. i~ WCL~ n'~oll:ea . to t,Lkt', for tlw purpose of: o]Jelllllg:t llew hue

of (;OllllllUnie1Ltion, Cl ship of lawl, one dmin wide, to ::;tart from a spot on the 01(1 ]"()CLd "bout half ,t mill' Westwa,rc1 from Loc,1tions 14ctnc15 (N1Lbiy1.lp), thenec' in ,1n Easterl." diredion "lollg a track defLrec1 by the BOftrc1 in 1895, 11C1'OSS blod;;:R'f}' pflssing to the North of Locations 14 a.nc1 5, t.hrough ,1 wire fellee, "long the South bank of Byellup S'Wf1111P following tlll' tmck to join the old rOiLc1 on or IW,Lr wlmt is known ,LS the P,tSS GaiL'.

J. ALLNurr'r.

Clmirnmn Nelson Rmlclf; Bom·d. Bridgetown, September 25, 1896.

Sussex Roads Board.

A 'r CL meeting of the ,Lboye Board held ,Lt Bus,.sd­ton on the 12th cht}" of September, 1896. it

WftS resolved to take, for the purpose of opelling fL new line of eOllllllUniefdion, ,t strip of land, one eh,1in wide, leftving the North side of the nmd from Bnllbury to Busselton (No. 48) fLt (1, point situctte 4 chains 27 links N orth-Ea,sterly from its intersedion with the Enst boundctry of Sllssex LOClttion 69 and extending North-WesterlY, the North-East side of said strip passing throug'h the N orth--West corner of said Loca,tion 69, through I~oe<"1tion 220 to join the Busselton-Ca.pel Bridge Road ll(-mr the South-East corner of Sussex Loefttion 19.


Chairman Sussex Roads Board.

Busselton, 12th September, 189G.

East llcrcrley Roads Board.

/\ '1' 1L wleeting of the above Board, beld on Frichy .. -L~ 2nd of October, 1896, it was reticJlvecl to hLke, for the purpose of opening a new line of e0ll11111Ulica­tion, '" strip of lctnd, one chain wide, st,nting from the South-VVest corner of Location 1218 to the South­East corner of Loe,1tion 1218, thelH.:e to the North­East corner of Location 1218, thenee ftlong South sid!) of Location 1392 to the N ort.h-vV est corner of Location 47/19.

A. BELL, Acting Chail'llmn,

E!1st Beverle.y Roads BmH·d. 2nd Odober, 1896.

Uererley Roads Board.

A T et meeting of the Board, held September 3rc1, 1896, i.t was resolved to titke, for the purpose

of opening a new line of eOllllllunication, a, strip of bnd one ehain wide, starting from ,L point nea,r Mr. J. L. Thomas's house, Springdell, on Bloek 1062, ltnc1 running ill ,L genoml North-Easterly direet.ion through bloe;bi] ;H" 2], :Lnd TH", joining present vVetter HlLkh Roa(} at the No]'th-E:Lsh'l'll (;orner of Block TH. ,,'.

By ora':r, G. E. H. HOUSE,

Seeret<1ry Beverle,v RmLds Bom·cl. Bey(!rley, September !ktll, I89().

:U oummbille ll.oads BOltn1.

;\ '1' ,L nweti ug of the ,~b()ve Bm1nl: l~t'ld <Lt. Pingelly, 1~ OH the 4t.h day oJ July, 1896, 1t was resolved to hLh~, fur the purpose' of opening ,L new line of colllU1unieation. ft strip of l:tnd, one t.:hain wide, starting hom the South-E,"st eol'ner of Avon LOC,1-tiol1 561 and extending' N orth-Nortb-vVl'sterl.l', pl1SS­ing ,"long the South-vVe~t boundary of A yon Location 1811 (In.t.:' S.O.L. Lb3'b) to its North-vVest eOl'UeJ'.

(Sig1lt'<l ) GEO. HOLYOAKE, Clmirlllctl1,

lVIoHntll1hilH:' RmLll~ Bmu'd. 29th Augu;;t, 1896.

Jlurchison Roads UOltnl.

~'l' ,L llleetinu ' of the ,LOOye Board, held on b

-L September 7th, it wetS resolved tlmt the ROltc1 between l\'Iedm and Warra, vV~trm be declftred ft Minor ROftd, also the Rm"1d between Mt. Auhrey ,tnd 14 miles on :Murgoo-Yuin Road.


H. JYI. iYfOLONEY, ChairnlfLn.

nl'umnrick Roads BoaI'd.

It rr a meeting of the above Bonrd, held fLt -L~ Brunswiek on the 6th day of June, 1896, it WftS resolved to take, for the purpose of opening ct new line of eomlllunieation, et strip of !t"1nd one chctin wide, its E,1St side starting fro111 the Sonth- vVest corner of "Vellington LO(;~Ltioll 50, and extending N orth-N orth­Easterly, passing ,"long the Eftstern boundaries of WeIlington Loc(l,tiollS 249, 468, ,1nd 696 to ,t point situate about one ehain East from the most El1stern corner of U due AgTicultural Area, Lot 49.

WM. READING, Clmirmctn Brunswiek Roads Board.

A ugust 1st, 1896.


Sussex Roads Board.

A T a meeting of the above Board held at Busselton on the 12th day of September, 1896, it was re·

solved to take, for the purpose of opening'lt new line of communication, a strip of hLUc1, half elmin wide, leaving the Bunbury-Busselton road vi,l Capel Bridge (No.49) Gazetted 4th June, 1872, at the North·East corner of Wellington Loctttion 64, and extending North-North-"Westerly, through C.P. :H, WeUington Loctttion 41 vi'( :McCourt Ford, ttnd through Welling·ton Location 52, to the Landing Place tLS surveyed by :Mr. Surveyor Carey in 1866.

E. C. B. LOCKE, Clminnal1 Sussex 1i,oacls Board.

Busselton, 12th September, 1896.

Kelmseott UOluls HOlm}.

A T a Meeting held by the lLbove Board on October 5th, 1896, it WlLS resolved to lLppropriate the

lands a,s described hereunder, for the purpose of opening a new line of c0l111nunica,tion :-

A strip of bnd, one chtLin wide, stlu·ting from the Perth-Albany H,o[Lcl (near Na,rrogin Brook School), proceeding Southerly through blocks Nos. 103, 66, 47, 93; thence Southerly ltllC1 Westcrl,Y through blocks 93, 54,49, 238, ,ill", 1H-, 20H, 225,217,206,207, ,,\\-, 295, -/';'2' ttnd tennimtting a,t P81·th-Bullhury 1i,oac1. near Beenup Bridge.

Bv order of the Board v FREDK. J. SAW,

Secrett'Lr,y. Armadale, October 5, 1896.

Tableland Roads Board.

AT a meeting of the [tbovc BmLnl, held <Lt Mount Florence on the 30th September, 1896, it wa,s

resolved th<Lt the B.o<Ld from Hooley River JUllction RO<Ld, vitl the residence of JYIl'. A: A. Robinson, to the junction of main roa,cl near Riverilla, St<LtiOll Le clecbred a Minor Road.

5th October, 1896.

W. E. ROBINS ON, Clmirman.

"The Roads Act, 1888."

\V" ILLIAM M<Ll'1'iott &, JYL A. vVid:ha,llI, being the owners of hnd OY('l' or itlol1O' which the - b

undermentioned portion of rOlLcl pasi:les, Jmve applied to the Brunswick Roads Board to close tlmt portion of Johllston goad, No. '178, extending ,Vest from the North-East corner of Harvey Agrieultnml Arc,t I.Jot 106 to the N orth-vV est tome!' of HiLrvey Agri­cultuml Arelt :Lot 105.

WM. READING, Clmi1'111<111 Brunswiek Roads BmLl'd.

Brunswick, 4th July, 18%.


W E have applied to the Toocly,l,v ]~o,tds Bmucl for perll1ission to creet a swing gate Heross

the VidorifL PIa,ins l:tmtc1, at tt point m'itl' the Hi-mile post, at the corner of our priv,tte bloek, No. ] 156.

H. & J. A. BU'r'rERLY, Byeen, Tooclyay.

GAZETTE, 'V.A. [Nov. 6, 1896.


The Com.panies Act, 1893. (56 Vie., No. 8).

ATTENTION is hereby dmwn to the following Seetions of the above Act relating to the

ll1tLking of Yearly List of Members, &e. F. A. MOSELEY,

li,egistmr of Companies. Supreme Court,

Perth, 1.5-4-96.

Yea1'ly l;ot of mcmlJe;·s. Imp. Act, 1862, s. 26. 30. Evory company having a c;l,pibl dividcd into 81mre8

shall make once in every year a list of ,tll persons who, on the thirty-first day of :M,trch then noxt preceding, are members of the company; and such list sh,dl contain the names, "ncl addresses, and OCcup'1,tions, if any, of all the members therein montioned, the Humber of slml'os held by each of them, and a snmnmry specifying the following' particulars-

(1,) 'rho amount of the clLpitnJ of the company, ,md the number of slmres into which it is divided:

(2.) The number of sharos t,,1;en from the commencc­ment of the company up to the said thirty first clay of lVIareh :

(3.) 'rho amount of calls llmde 011 pneh 81mre : (4.) The total amount of calls received: (5.) 'l'he totnl nmonnt of cttlls ullp:l,id: (6.) 'I'h8 total "mount of sh:ucs forfpitcd: (7.) The names, :tnd "ddresses, :md occnpations, if

,l,uy, of the 1)OrS011S who have ceased to be members since the t.hil'ty-fil'st day of March noxt preceding tho eompldioll of the bst list, and the nmnber of S1HLl'eS held by e:teh of them on thc smllO thirty-first day of March.

'1'he ahovc list and SnmUl:tl',l' sl"tl1 he eontaillccl in a separate part of thc register and ,;hall he completed within seven days after the snid first-muntioned thirty-first clny of March, :cnd a copy sh,1,ll forthwith be forw:ndoc1 to the l~egistrar. Provided that this sedion shall not apply to a no-liability company.

Penalty on company not /"ccpin g a 1862, s.

"t'cUis1ci'. Imp. Act

81. If :my company h:wing a eapitnl divided into shares make c1efnult in complying with the provisions of the last preceding section, such company s1m11 incur " penalty not excoeding- ],ive Pounds for every (by during which such clefnult continues; mul every director, nian:l,ger, nnd secretary of the company who knowingly :md wilfully fmthorises 01' permits any such default slmll inctlr it like penaJty.

NO'l'E.-A fce of five shillings is ptLyablo on filing the "bove return.


The Companies Act, 189~. (5G Vie., No. S.)

A 'rTEN'rloN is hereby dra,wll to the following Sections of PtHt VIII. of the above Act,

rehttiug to ]Cnrcign Companies. F. A. l\IOSELEY,

li,egistmr of COll1p<Luies. Supreme Court. PerLil,

18th August, 1896

Penalty on Company no!' complying. 20:3. (I.) Any foreig'n company carrying on business

contrary to this part of this Act slmll be liable to a penalty of Twenty pounds for every cl:ty on which it, shall so carry on business; :tnd ftny :tttorncy of such comp"ny, 01' any other person, who ,;1mll on belu1,lf of such compttny wilfully :mc1 knowingly :tssist in the carrying on of such business contrary to this part of this Act, 811>1,11 incur a, penalty of Pive pounds for every d:ty on which he shall so assist.

lE./feet of non-colllp/,innce. (2.) If ,my foreign company s1mll carry on business con­

tmr,Y to this part of this Act the v:tliclity of :tny contracts, denling's, or transactions in rel:ttion to such business shall not he atfeded by this p:trt of this Act, hut such company slmllnot he ell titled to bring or maintain any action, set-off, counter chtim, or leg-al proceeding in respect of 11,ny such contract, clc'aling-, 01' tr:l,llsactioll until it shall have com­plied with this part of this Act.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 2015

The Companies Act, 1893.

Hannan's South Brown Hill Gold Mines, Limited.

N' TOTI, hereby giY.en that thE' ReC!;istel'ed Office. 1 of tIllS COlllplLny IS sltuatp at Bayley Street. Coolgardie, and tha,t E, Dctycnport Clehncl is the Attorney for the Comp'Hl.Y in vVestern Australi11.

Dated this 19th dlLy of October, 1896. PARKER &, PARKER,

Solicitors for the Comp,tll:-.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Boulder Central Extended Gold Mining Com­pany (No-Liability).

N' OTICE is hereby given tlHlt the l1,cgisterec1 Oflice [, of this Compctn}' is situate (Lt H(Lnrmll'S Street, KlLlgoorlie, anc1 that J. J. East is the Attorney for the Compm1Y in IVestern Austmlia.

Dated this 29th da,), of October, 1896.

PARKER &; P ARKBR, Solicitors for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The West Australian Gold Concessions, Limited.

NTO'l'ICE is herehy ~'iYCll that the l1,cgistered OiIiel' .L of this Company is ::;iin,1ie 1tt the A.J'II.P. Buildings, SL Gem'ge's 'rernll'e, Perth. [Lud tlULt Charles Olden is the Attorney for the Comp,wy in vVestern A ustl'alia.

Dated this 19th cby of October, 1896. PARKER &; PAHI{ER,

Solicitors for the COlIllxtny.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Royal Mint South Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

OTICE is hereby give1J tlUtt the Hegisterec1 Oiiiee of this Company is siiwtte <Lt Sema.phore

Chamhers, H,'tlllHtll'S Street, K,1Igoorlie, ancl that GeOl'go Wilsoll Froggart is the Attorney 1'0], the COmpltlly ill IVestern Australi'1.

Dated this 29th d[LY of October, 18H6. PARKER &; P ARRER,

Solicitors fo], the COmp(LllY.

'l'he Companies Act, 1893.

The Kalgoorlie and Mount Sir Samuel Proprietary, Limited.

OTICE is hereby given that the Registered Offiee of this COillrmny is situate at St. Gem'ge's

Terrace, Perth, and tJmt GeOl'ge Em'le Bnker, Charlc's Crossla,lld. and VVoochmrcl are t.JJe Attorneys for the Comp,my in IVestern Australia. .

D,1tec1 this 19th day of October, 1896.

PARKER & PARKER, Solicitors for the Compftny.

OTICE is herehy given that the Registered Offiee of "Sedgwick, Limited," is situfttecl ftt

William Street, Perth. Dated this 31st day of October, 1896.

For Sec1gwick, Limited,

D. SEDGWICK, Director.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Mayflower Gold Mine, Limited.

OTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of this Company is situate 'Lt No, 69

BRrl"ack Street, Perth. Dater1 this 29th dcl,y of O<:tober, 1896.

P AHKER &; PARKER, Solicitors Rnd Attorneys for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Sudden Norseman and Macedonian Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

O'l'IOE is bereby giyen that the Registered Office of this Compfmy is situate in RoLerts

Street, Norseman, and C. G. Belll1ett Leigh is the Attorney for the Company in Western A ustmlia..

D,1ted this 29th da,y of October, 1890.

PARKER &; PARKER, Solicitors for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Lindsay's Consolidated Mines, Limited.

orrICE is herehy given tlmt the Registered Oifice of thi~ Compa,ny is sitlmte at Bayley

Street, Coolg'ccl'(lie, rmd thatE. D,wenport Clelallc1 is the Attoruey for tll(" ConlllCtny in vVc'stern A ustmlift .

Dated this 2Dth c1a,y of Octo be]', 1896.

PARKER &; PARKER, Solicitors for the Compl111Y.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Great Boulder No. 1, Limited.

NOTIOE is hereby given tlmt the Registered Office of this COllllntllY is situate at Howick Street,

Perth, "nel th,et Zebimt Lane is the Attorney for the Oompany in vVesterll A ustmlitL. '

Drttoc1 this 19th cby of October, 1896. PARKER &; PAHKER,

Solicitors for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Re Edwards Norseman Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

OTICE is hereby given thnt the Registered Oifice of the aboye Company is sitlmte at

the Office of Edwarcl De Grave Sells, of Robert Street, N orseml111.

Dated this 27th day of October, 1896. KIDSON et GAWLER,

Solicitors, Perth and Fremantle, Solicitors for the Attorney

of the ftbove Company.

In the matter of " The Oompanies Act, 1893 " (.56' Vict., No. 8).

N' JOTICE is hereby given that, under the provisions 1 of Section 20 of the above Act, a Certifieate of Incorporation, [LS ft Limited Company, has this day been issued to the" Menzies Club, Limited."

Dated this 2nd cla:v of N ovem bel', 1896. F. A. MOSELEY,

Hegistrar of Companies. Supreme Court Office,

Perth, W.A.

2016 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \V.A. [Nov. 6, 1896.

The No. 1 Central Extended Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

NoTICE is hereby given that all Slmrl'''; on whidl . the Twenty-fifth C1t11 of Threepence per Slmre,

clue ,tne1 pltyable on the 14th Odobe]', lS0G, rellULins unpaid are forfeited, ,wel, unless redeemed, win be solcl by 1mction, at the Registered Office of the Com­pltny, St. George's 'I'el'mce, Perth, on 'IVednesday, the 11th ci,ty of November, lS%, at 12 o'clock noon.

W. E. CLIFTON, 1YImmger.

Perth, 20th Odobcr, lS00.

The New Chum South (No-Liability).

NoTICE is hereby giVt'll tIuet [1U Shares 011 whidl the Eleventh Cldl of Twopenee per Slmre, due

'Lml pay,thle on the 15th Octo her, IS06, remetins unpaid a,re forfeited, lLllcl, unless redeemed, will be sold by fcuetiol1, H.t the Regisi;l'rpd Office of the COlll­pa,U?, St. George's 'l'l'rme(', Pl'rth, onvVedllesd,L?, the 11 th day of NOYt'lll hE'r, 1tl0G, ,Lt 12 0' dock noon,

W. K CJ~IF'l'ON, JYLumger.

Pcrth, 2~)th Octob('l', 18%.

The Esperance Brewing and Aerated Water Company (Limited).

NoTICE i" hereby given tl1<1t the Diredor,,; this (by nmch~ CL CaJl (the first) of One Nhi11illg

per Share on all Contrilmting Shares in the above COlllpa,ny, payahle on or bL'fore \V ec1nescll"y, the 11th November, ,Lt thl' Company's Oili<;e, vV('l(l Chambers, St. Geol'g'e's 'I'PlT[tcp, Perth.

Odoher 2Gth, 18%.

A. W. GTJO VEl(" Sc'('reictl",Y.

NI OTICE is hereby. given ilmt the Regi,,;tered .l. Offiee of thE' "Hamum'::; Brown Hill Gold JYIining Comp,Ul,Y, Limiteel," has heell rellloved froll! Hunt ~Street, Coolgardie, to JYr.dhe~()Il'sBnil<linw;, Bayley Street, Coulgn,rdit'.

Datec1 this 20th cby of (ktobel', 18%.

,ALEC. P. lVIA'I'HESON, AHorne,v for the COlllpfmy.

N· T OTICE is hereby gin'll tlutt the Registered .L Office of tlw "Hampton Phtin,,; Esbtte, Limited," has been removed from Hunt Street, Coolgardie, to lVIatheson's Buildings, BrLyley Street, Coolgardie.

Dfttec1 this 20th day of October, IS%.

AIJEC. P. MATHESON, Att()l'lley for the COtl1p,tllY.

Nl OTI~E i,B hereby g!vcll tlmt the;~ Office 01 the" lVIen7,1l's Gold EshLtes, Lnmtec1,

has been remoyec1 frolll Hllnt Stn'et, Coolgardie, to JYIatheson's Bnildings, Bct;de,Y Stred, Coolg:mlie.

Dl1ted this 20th clay of Oehlber, 18%.

A]~EC. P. lVINl'HESON, Atto1"lll'y for the COlllpauy.

N O'l'ICE is herehy given th..d the llegistered . , Office of the "JYIellzieK United Mines,

Limited," luts been rellloved [rulll Hunt Street, Coolgardie, to JYhthl'son'" Buildings, Htty]ey Strl'd, CoolgfLl'Clie.

DlLted this :lUth <bty of Od 0 !Jc'l', J 8%.

ALEC. P. :iVIA 'l'HESON , AttOl'llPY for OH' COlllp,m.\'.

N OTICE is herelw Uivell that the ReO'isterecl '" b h

Office of the" Grt'ltt Fingall Reefs, Limited," has been removed from Hunt Street, Coolgardie, to JYI1ttheson's Buildings, Bn,yley Street, Coolgarclie.

Dated this 20th deL,\" of October, 1896.

A.LEC. P. MA'l'HESON, AHol'llc,I" for the COlllpa.ny.

Ni T°'l'I~E i~ hcreby givell. that the, RefSis.tcre.;! J.. Office of the" NorihFlllga.ll Reefs, LUlllted, h'Ls been rcmoved frolll Hunt Stret't, Coolgardie, to Matheson's Buildings, Bay ky Street, Coolgf1rclie.

Dated this 20th chL} of Oetober, 1896.

ATJEC. P. lVIA'l'HESON, AHornl',v for the Compltuy.


NJOTICE is hereby o-iVt'1l tlmt the Heo'istered 1: ' b b Office of the "IGnn,lIlhla (WelLlth of Nations),

Limited," has been rC'1l1(wl'cl from Hllnt Str(~d, Coolg'ardie, to MatllC'~Oll'S Bui]<liug's, Bn,\"k.v Strl'l't, Coolgardie.

DfLted this :lOth d:LY of 0..1(1)(,1', 1S0I5.

ALEC. P. lVIA'l'HEt:!ON, A Home," [or tlw COlllPltlly.

NoTICE is hereby givell tlmi. the Registered Office of " The Londoll ctndvVestern Austmliall

Iuvestment Comp,w,Y, Limite<1," has been removc(l from Hunt Street, Coolga.nlic', to lVIatlwsoll'S Build­ings, Ba,yley Street, Coolg,mlil"

Dltted this 20th (h,y of OdoiJ,'l', ltlH(i.

AUW. P. lVIA'rHESON, 1\ i i (WIlt'.\' for the Comp<L1IY.

OTICE is herd)} giYt'n th,d, the Hegisterell Offiee of the "vVor!el'" 'rn'asm'l" Limited," Ims

been rell10yecl from H11lli Sllw't. Coolganlie, to lVl<Ltheson's Bui 1c1illg"8, Bay It','' Street, Coolg-m'<lit'.

Dated this 20th <lay of O,·j olwl', 18%.

ALEC. P. l\JA'l'HESON, A Hm'ni'Y fOl' the COllI]Jall,I'.

OTICE is hereby given that the Reg'isterec1 Offiee of the " London ,11](1 vVestem }\.ustralian

Explomtion COlllp,my, J~illlitea," has been relllove(l from Hunt Street, Coolg,1l'die, to 1YI,tthe~on's Build­ings, Bltyley Street. Coolg'Lrclie.

Dated this 20th (let,v of O('i ober, 18~Hi.

AJJEC. P. JYIATHESON, Attorney for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Golden Arrow Mine, Limited,

rrHE situation of the l~egisterec1 Offiee has bel'll ehangec1 to tlw Oflic-l' of thl' undersigned,

B'L}ley Street, Coolgal'clie. DlLted the 6th clay of NUYl'lllber, 18%.

HENNING, ROUNSEVELL, & ISBIS'I'E11., Solicitors for the Comptwy.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Charles Dickens Gold Mining Company (N o-Liability) .

OTICE is hC'J'ehy giYl'll tlmt thl' B.egi~terl'd Office of this COlllpH.ny i" situa,t.e at G0 Barntek

Street, Perth.

Dltiecl this 2ml day of Odober, 18~)(j.

PARKE1~ & PARKlm, Soli"itors ,Lud AHol'ne.\'s for the COlllplmy.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, "\tV.A. 2017

The Companies Act, 1893.

nlHE Registered Office of " The Capitalists :&1ining ..L Syndicate Limited," is situated at, the Office of

the undersigned, Imperial Chambers, Hunt Street, Coolgardie.

Dated the 19th day of October, 1896.


Attorney for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Greenhills Gold Mining Company, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the situation of the

ReO'istered Office is changed to 13 Atlas Chamber~ Bayley Street, Coolgardie.

Dated the 19th day of October, 1896. W. F. SAYER,

Solicitor for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Norseman Prospecting and Promoting Company (No-Liability).

NOTICE is 11e1'eby given that the Registered Oflice 1-' of the above Company is situate at Leigh's Buildings, Roberts Street, Norseman.

Dated 20th Odober, Im)6.

STONE & BUI~T, Perth, Solicitors for Edward James Houghton,

'fhe Attorney for the Compa,ny.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Golden Queen Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the a,bove Company has been removed

to Company's Lease, No. 1559, Coolga,rclie.


Attorney for the Company. Coolgardie, 28th September, 1896.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Re Kanowna-Carbine Gold Mining Company (No Liability).

N OTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the abovenamed Company is situate at

Imperial Chambers, Hunt Street, Coolgardie. KIDSON & GA WLER,

Solicitors, Perth and Fremantle,

Solicitors for the above Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Central Wealth of Nations, Limited.

N OTICE is hereby ~i,'en that the. Power of ...L Attorney to Fredenck Bowes ScoU IS revoked, and that the undersigned, Charles Thomas Rowe, has been appointed Attorney for the Company in his place.

Dated the 19th clay of October, 1896. C. T. ROWE.

The Shaw-Stewart Development Gold Mining Company.

THE follow~ng Shares, ~lpon which. calls have not been paId, ftre forfelted, and WIll be sold by

Auction, at the Company's Office, on Saturday, 14th November, 1896 (unless redeemed on or before that da,y), at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, by Mr. G. Sta,rkey;-Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23,24,25,26,27,28,31, 33, 3~ 35, 36, 37, 3~ 3~ 40.

Company's Office, No. 8 Bayley Chambers, Cool­gm'die.

By order of the Directors, W.RAYNER,


NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the" Hayes Black Reef Gold Mining

Company (No Liability)" is situate at .Seltlapho~e Chambers, Hanna.n's. Street, Kalgoorhe, and IS accessible to the public daily, Saturdays excepted, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Datecl the 30th clay of October, 1896. J AMES & DARBYSHIRE,

St. George's Terrace, Perth, Agents for Pilkington & Hall,

Solicitors for the Company, Kalgoorlie.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Industrial and General Trust, Limited.

NOrfICE is hereby given tha,t the Registered Office of this Company is situate at No. 69 Barrack

Street, Perth.

Dated this 27th clay of February, 1896.

PARKER & PARKER, Solicitors a,nd Attorneys for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Re The Golden Key Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

NOTICE is hereby given that t.he Registered 1- Office of the above Comptmy is situate at Hannan's Street, Kalgoorlie.

KIDSON & GAWLER, Solicitors, Perth and Fremantle.

Solicitors for the Attorney for the above Company.

2018 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \tV.A. [Noy. 6, 1896.

In the matte?' of " The Oompanies Act, 1893" (.56 Vid., No. 8).

NOTICE is herehy given that, under the pro­visions of Section 20 of the l1,bove Act, a Certifi­

cate of Incorporation, ,1,8 a Limited Comp'wy, has this clay heen issued to " Seclgwi<.:k, Limited."

Dated this 31st day of O<.:toher, 1890. F. A. lYIOSELEY,

1~()gistrar of ComrHtnies. Supreme Court Offi(;c,

Perth. W.A.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Hannan's Kalgoorlie Proprietary, Limited.

NOTIqE is hereby givcn that th.e ~cgistercc1 --L Orfice of thc above Company IS sItuate at Messrs. H. J. Saunc1ers' Offices, St. George's '1'erra,cc" Perth.

Dated this 4th cla,y of Novcmhcr, 1896.

STONE & BURT, Perth, Solicitors for H. J. Saunders, Esquire,

the Attorncy for the Compa,ny. --------

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Western Australian Lighterage, Stevedor-ing and Transport Company, Limited.

THE Registered Offiee of the ahove-named C0111-pmlJ is situated at the Office of lYIessrs. R. M.

W,1lker [1!lc1 Gra,y, Henry Street, Fremantle, and is accessible to the puhli<.: daily between the hours of 10 '1.m. and 3 p.m. (Sa,turdays, Sunc1ays, and Public Holida,ys excepted).

Dated this 26th clay of Octohcr, 1896.

lYI. 1,. MOSS,

High Street, FremtLntle,

Solicitor for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

African Gold Recovet·y Company, Limited.

N ornCE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the above Company is situate at our

Offices, 93 Howid: Street, Perth. Dated this 29th day of Odoher, 1896.

SrrONE &. BUR'1" Perth,

Solicitors anc1 Attorneys for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Gascoyne (Murchison) Goldfields Exploring Company, Limited.

I • h b NT OTICE is herebv (riven that the Reo-isterec1 --L Office of the <1,bove Company is situate n,t Winchester House, Marine Terrace, Geralc1ton, <,nd that C. lVIitchdl is the Attol'l1ey for the COl1lpa,ny.

Dated this 29th day uf Oetober, 1896.

STONE & BURT, Perth, Agents fol'W. CI'11'].;:e Hall, Geraldton,

Soli<.:ito1' for the Company. ----~---------

Three Colonies Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

NOTICE is being given tlutt tL third Call of Gel. 1 per Slw,]'e lueS heen this cl,1,Y made hy Direc­tors, payable at Victoria Clmmbers, Adelaide, on or before 7th November next.

N. P. GUNNERSON, Seereta,ry.

N OTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office 1 of the "Bell's Life Publishing Company, Limited," is removed to St. GeOl'ge's Court, St. George's rre1'racc, Perth, [mc1 is aecessible to the pnblio c1ailv, between the 11011rs of 10 't,m. ';md :) v.m.

D"ted the 30th day of O<.:toher, 1896.

.JAlYIES &. DARBYSHIRE, St. Terrace, Perth,

Solieiiol's for the Comp[my.

OTICE is bcreby giyen that the l~egistcl'ec1 Office of the" U llion .J [tek Gold Milling COlll­

pany (No-Ili,"hility)" is situate at 5 rrcmple C011rt, Bayley Coolgardie, a,nd is aeoessible to i h1' public chily, betweell tilt' llOlll'S of 10 a.m. ,me! ;:; p.m.

Dated the 30th da,y of 189G.

JAJYIES ,\.' DAlmYSHI1~E, St. rrvlT,tee, Perth,

for J;'. S. ILunrEY, Solicitor fo1' the Coolgal'rli('.

orrICE is herehy given that the Rcgistc'l'\'<l 011iee of the" P;tkdm Golel ~NIines,Limited,"

situate [Lt \VPld Clmmbers, St.. Geo]'ge's Tenil('p, Perth, anel is ace(;ssih]c to the puhlic (bily, Sahll'­days excepted, between the hours of 10 a.m. <L11(1 3 p.m.

Dated the :301h of Odober, 18%.

JA1\UDS 8: UARBYSHIH.E, St. Terrace, Pert.h,

Soli('itors [Ol' the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Great Boulder Junction Reefs, Limited.

OTICE is hereby given that the Offi<.:e or Pl,u,e of Busil1l'SS of j 11\, il h('yO COlllpml,Y in vVesh'I'n

Australia is now situate <Lt ()(;tf1,gOll Ohalll hers, HUllt Street, Coolg:udie.

Dated 2211c1 clay o[ 189G.

NORBEH,'r KElDNAN, Coolgi1,nlie,

Soli(;itOl' [ol'Everslcy rrhonm;J, :F..isq., '1'he Attol'ney for the 11bove Comp<tll.Y

in vVestel'n Am;tmlin~.

The Richmond Gem Gold Mining Company (N 0-Liability).


OTICE is herehy given tlmt all Shares (num-hered from 1 to 50,000 inelusive) upon whieb

the first Machinery Cnll of Onr shilling per SlliLl't, and the first Orchnal''y 0,,11 of Threepence per Slmn: remain unpaid are forfeited, and will be ;Jold hy puhlie auet.ion in the Vestibule of Goldfield:; Stock Exchange (Coolgardie Clmmbers), Coolganli(\ Oll

Monc1~1Y, 16th November, 1896, at 12'30 p.Jll.

By order of the Board,


Office of Company- Seeretn,l'Y, Atlas Ch,11l1bers,

Bayley Street., Coolgardie, 5th November, 1896.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, "V.A. 2019

In the matter of "The COlllpwnies Act, 18.93" (66 Vict., No. 8).

OTICE is hereby given that, under the pro-visions of Sedion 20 of the above Ad, a Cer­

tifioate of Incorporation, as a Limited Company, has this chy been issued to "The United Club, Limi tec1."

Dated this 29th day of Ootober, 1896.


Supreme Court Offioe, Perth, ""V.A.

Registner of Companies.

In the matter cd' " 'Phe Compawies Act, 18Y!J" (/56 Viet., No. 8).

o'rICE is hereby given tlmt, under the provisions of Seotion 20 of the [),hove Ad, a. Certifien.te of

Incorporation, as a No-Liability Company, has this clay heen isslled to "Thc lYIimdlCster Gold Mining Sym1ieate eN o-Liability)."

Dated this 29th dll)' of October, 1896.


Supreme Court Oflke, Perth, 'rV.A.

I~cgistntr of Companies.

In the matter of "The Compainies Ad, 18g3 " (56 Yiel., No. 8).

OTICE is lWl'ehy givcn, tbat under the proyisiolls of SeoLioll 20 of the above ,1, Cpl'tiilz:[tte

of Incorporatioll, as a Limited OOllllmu)', h:18 this clay heen issned to "The ESPl'l'H.llee Bukhering' Oompany, Limited." .

De1,ted this 2Dth day of October, 1896.


Supreme Court Office, Perth, W.A.

Regi~trllT of Oompanies.

In the matte?' of" The COlnZJa.nies Ad, 18.93" (56 Vict., No. 8).

OTICE is hereby g·jven that, uncleI' the pro-visions of Bedioll 20 of the above Act, a

Certifieate of Ineol'poration, as [1, Limited Oompany, Ims this clew been issued to "'rhe vVilliamson Electrical El{gilleering Oompany, Limited."

Dated this 29th clay of October, 1896.


Supreme Court Offil'e, perth, W.A.

Registrar of Oompanies.

The Companies Act, 1893.

BUl'banks Consolidated Syndicate (No-Liability).

Oontributing Shares in the above Company upon which the first Call of Two Pounds per

Share, clue 30th is not ]XLid will be for­feited u,lld sold by public :11lction 011 20th November if the Call be not previously paid.

By order of the Direetors, B. lYI. VERNON,

Secretary, 5, Courier Buildings.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Great Boulder .Junction Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

OTICE is hereby given tha.t the Registered Office of the above Company is situate at the

offiee of John Fairfax Conigrave, No. 6 Eagle Chmnbers, Hay Street, Perth.

KIDSON &; GAWLER, Solicitors, Perth and Fremantle,

Solicitors for the Attorney for the above Oompa.ny.

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Menzies-Niagara Brewing Company, Limited.

T O'I'ICE is hereby g'iven that the situation of the Registered Off{ce


or the allow-named Company IS changed to the office of the ulJ(lersignecl, 32 HO"I'{ickStreet, Perth. Hours of attendance from 10 till 3 Tuesdays anc1 Fridrtys.

Dated this 80th October, 18%.

WM. OFIAS. BYASS, Secretary to the said Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Hannan's Eureka North Gold Mining Syndi­cate (No-Liability).

OTICE is herehy given that 1,he Registered Otli('e of this OomprLll,Y is sitUlete in Boulder

Chambers, lVIarit:tmL Street, Kalgoorlie, :cnd that the Otli(;e will he cwcessible to the puhlie between the hours of 10 '1,.m. and 12'30 ]1.111., and 2'30 p.m. and 4 p.111. on all week clays except Saturch1,)', when t.he hours will be from. 10 a.m. to noon.

Dated this fifth day of November, 1896. PA1~KER &; PARKER,

Agents for Hare & Joc1l'ell, Solicitors for the Company.

The Companies Act, 1893.

THE Registered Office of ":i'l1enzies Olub, Limited," is situated at Shenton Street, IYlenzies.

Dated the 4th chey of Noyember, 1896. PENNY &; BRAY,

Solicitors for the Company.

I\J OTICE is hero1?), given that the;~ .J Office of the "FIll gall Reefs Extended, Llll1lted, has been removed from Hunt Street, Coolgarc1ie, to lYIatheson's Buildings, Bayley Street, Coolgardie.

D<ttec1 this 20th clay of Oetober, 1896. ALEO. P. MATHESON,

Attorney for the Oompany.

The Companies Act, 1893.

THE Registered Offiee of "The Kalgoorlie Lime Kiln Golc1lVIining Company (No-Litlbility)" is

situated at the Offioe of the undersigned, St. George's Terrace, Perth.

D<1tec1 the 2nd day of September, 1896. W. F. SAYER,

Solicitor for the Company.

2020 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [N av. 6, 1896. ----------------------------

The Companies Act, 1893.

The Golden Arrow Mine, Limited.

is herehy ginm tlmt the Power of Attol'lwy from the Comp:tlly to .TfL1l1CS P:dloll

Ims been 1'evoke<1, :tIlt1 tlmt .A.ll(ll'ew Haniot Henning' and Homee Vel'llOn Roullsevcll have been lLppointed Attol'lleys for the Company in his place.

Dated the Gth cby of N ovem bel', 1891).

W. P. SAYER" Solicitor for the Attorneys.

Struck Oil Gold Mining Company (N o-Liability).

11RANSPER Books in tllo :Lhove Compa.ny will _ continue to be dosed until Sn.tllrcby, 28tb

November, 189G, being the ch!'y till whe'n the meeting of 3rcl November IHL~ been ,Lcljolll'l1e:1, ·1 p.lll.

g. 'l'HONlPSON, Seel'etary.

Coolgarclie, 3rc1 November, 189G.

N O'rICJ~ is hcreby given ilmt .the _ Registered 1 Offiee of .. 'The Greenhills Gold ]YIilling' Com­pany, Limited," has heen tnmilferred frorn 13 }\tlas Cl1[1mbe1'8, Ba,vlev Street, Coo]ga,l'die, to No. 8 Cool­gal'die Cl1l1mb~rs~ Bayley Street;, Coolgarc1ie.

Dl1ted the 3rd day of November, 189G. W. H. DODD,

Secret:cry pro tem.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Re Union Stores, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given th;1t the Registered Office of the :1bove Company is situate at High

Street, Fremantle, :md tlmt the hours of the oHice are from 10 o'clock till 12 o'eloe];: in the forenoon, and from 2 o'clock till 4 o'elock in the H,fternOoll, except on 'Vec1nesc1a,,vs, when the hours ,l,re from 10 o'clock till 12 o'eloek.

KIDSON & GAWLER Solieitors, Perth & Premantle,

Solieitors for the above Company.

N OTICE is hereby given tImt the Registered Office of the lllldennelltionetl COll1piLllies h,u;

been tr:msferrec1 from Imperi,L] C]liLlllbers, -Hunt Street, Coolgarc1ie, to 8 C()()lgaj'(b~ Ch,Lmher8, Cool­garclie

The New Southern C1'<)88 Explorers' Syndi<'ltte, Limited.

The Capit:Llists' ]YIilling Syndicate, I~illlited. The Beaeonsfielcl Chambers Permanent Investment

Comp:my, Limited. The Leviathan QlULrtr. Crushing Company, I~illlited.

Dated the 3rcl day of NOVl'Hlber, 18DG.

C. E. STOKES, Attorney for the said COll1p:wies.

The Companies Act, 1893.

Hocking & Company, Limited.

N OTICE is hereby given that the Registered . Office of "Hocking & Company, Limited," is situate at KaIgoorlie Town Lot No. n, Hannan's Street, Kalgoorlie.

Dated the 231'd day of Oetober, 189G.

JENKINS & ABBO'rT, Solicitors,

Agents for Chm'les Clark, Solicitor for the Company.

Re David Allderson, deceased.

to an Ad of the Imperial Parliament ,11]([ in the 2211(1 and 231':1 years

"f the of Present ]\ibjesty, Chapie'J, intitnl<'(l "An Act to further ,unellc1 the Llbw Property all/I to relie\'<' Trnsteps" (adopted hy I~oeal Ordinance, 31 Vie., No. 8): Notice is hereby given that all cltLims or demands upon or against the esi::1te of DaNiel Andersoll, of Coolg',mlie, in the Colony of vVestern Australia (-who lliecle1t Coolganlie ctfol'esaid, on tll<) 25th d[LV of November, 1894, :md Letters of Aclministmtiol{ of whose eshLtp and effects were duly gra,ntec1 by the Supreme C()urt to '1'he ,Vest Ans~ tnLlill,n Trustee, Exc'(~\d:or, ,Lnll Agency CompcLny, I~imited, of St. Georgo's 'rel'l'aee, Perth, in the sa,id Colony), are hereby reqnil'ecl to scncl, in writing, par­tiCUlc-tl'S of their cbim::i :m<1 clelll,tmls to the SecreteLry of the saicl COlllp,tny, on or bof()l'o the 22ncl day of November next: AmI noLiee is h(~reby also given tha,t, at the expiration of the hLst mentioned cl,1te, the saia Secretary of tho slLi(l COl\1p;wy will distribute the assets of the said Dlwi,l Am1el'son amongst the parti('s entitled thereto, having n';.i:1.]'(1 only to the claims and demands of whi"h ]1(' sh;11] then have Imd notice, and the said of tlw sa,id Compl1u,v willllot be lilLble for the of tlw s:tid David Andel'soJ1, dece:Lsed, or a.ny pa.rt thereof so distributed, to a.ny person of whose c1.1im the Secret[1r'y of the said Compa.ny has not lmcl notice ,Lt the time of such distribution.

Daterl the 20th c1n,y of Odoher, J896.


Howick Stn'et, Perth,

Solicitors for thc said \Vest Austmli:l,l1

Trustee, I~xeeutor, a,ncl Agency

Compe1llY, I~imit('d.

I:lURSUANT to an Act of the Impel'ialP,uliament made and p[Lssecl in the 22ncl and 23rd years

of the reign of Her presellt Majesty, Chapter 35, intituled "An Act to further amend the Law of Property lcnd to relieve 'l'l'ustees" (adopteel by lIGea,] Ordin:111ce, 31 Vid., No. 8): Notice is hereby given that an creditors and other persons hewing any claims or dem:Lllds upon or a.g:1inst the estate of Jmnes VVaikins, late of Day Dawn, Hotelkeep("r (proba,te of whose will was gmllted by the Supreme COl1rt of vVesterll Austra1i<1 to ]ybril1 \Vatkins, his wiclow, the executrix named lwd lLppointec1 in the sa,id will on the 21111 cby of June, 189G), a,re hereby required to selld in writing particulars of their claims or demands to me, the undersigned, as solicitor to t.he s:1icl executrix, on or before the 20th day of N ove1l1-bel', 189G: is hereby also giyen~that at, the expiration of the last-mentioned date the JYIaria 'Vatkins will proceed to distrihute the assets of the said. Jmnml vVatkins, deceased, amongst the pm·ties entitled thereto, h:wing reg:l.l'cl only to the claims and demands of which she has then had notice: And the said Thhria Watkins will not be lilLble for the assets of the said Jmnes vVatkins, deceased, or allY pm-t t.hereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim the sa,id Maria 'Vatkins has llot had notice at the time of such distribution.

Dated t.his 7th day of October, 1896.

],'KLIX C. COWL I;],

Austin Street, Cne,

Solicitor for the Executrix.

Nov. 6, 1896.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \V.A. 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------

Re Aubrey Woodward Newman, deceased.

PURSUANT to an Act of the Imperi,Ll Parlia.­ment., made aml passed in the 22ncl and 23rd

years of the reign of Her present :iYIajesty, Ohapter 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve 'l'rustees" (adopted by Local Ordinance. 31 Vict.., No. 8) : Notice is hereby given that all cla.ims or demands upon or against the estate of Aubrey 1iVoodwarcl Ne\Vllla.n. of Perth, in the Oolonyof l,Vestern Australia (whl; died at Oue, in the Oolony of vVestern Australia, on the 24th day of ~Iay, 1896, and letters of administration of whose estate a,nd effects were duly granted by the Supreme Oourt to the vVest Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency 001l1Pf1l1Y, Limited, of St. George's Terrace, Perth, in the said Oolony) are hereby required to send, in writing, particuhLl'S of their claims and demands to the Secretn.n of the Oompany on or before the 22ncl dn.y of No~-ell1ber next. And notice is hereby also given t.ha.t at the expim­tion of the last mentioned date the said Secretary of the said Oompa,ny will distribute the fl,Ssets of' the said Au brey VV ood ward N ewmfm amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims or demands of which he shall then lmve liD d notice, and the said Secretary of the said OompfHly will not be liable for the assets of the said Allbrev vVoodward Newlllan, deceased, or any part thereof so distributed, to iLny person of whose claim the said Secretary of the said Oompany 1ms not had notice at the time of such distributioll.

Dated the 20th cla.y of October, 1896. STONE & BUH,'l',

Howick Street, Perth, Solicitors for the said vVest AustraJian 'l'rustee,

Executor, and Agency Oompany, Limiteel.

ne WaIter ltobert :Fitzg'erald j}loore, deceased,

PURSU ANT to ~tll Act of the Imperial Parliament made and passed ill the twenty-second and

twenty-third yeLtrs of the reign of Her ~Iajesty, Ohapter 35, intitl1led " An Act tu further amend the Law of Property tmd to relieve 'l'rl1stees" (tLdopted by Loca,l Ordinance, 31 Vict., No. 8): N otil:l: is hereby given tlmt aJl creditors a.nd other per;)ons having ,my claims or dellltmds upon or agLLinst thc esta,te 'of \'Valter HubcrtFitzgemld l\1oore, who died at Ooolgttrdie on thc thirty-first an.y of .Tuly, 1806, intestate, ,md letters of adllliuistmtioll of '\\'hOR'

estate were gmntec1 by the Supreme Oourt 011 the nineteenth {by of A.ugust, 18%, to Robed F01'1>e8 ~Ioore, of Ooolwudie, Mining Engineer (the hcwful brother of the Sltid (leceased), lLre hereby required to send, in writing, lmrticllhers ,,1' their cbims imd denmnds to me, the undersigned, ctS Soli{;itol' to the !>aid administ.r~tor. on or before the 16th chty of November, 1896, And noti{;e is hereby also given that at the expiration of the last-mentioned chtte, the said Robed Forbes Moo1'e will proceed to distribute the ~tssets of the said VValter Hobert Fitzgemld JHoOl'e, c1ecea,sec1, amongst the pltrties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then ha,ve had notice; and the said Robert Forbes lVIoore will not be liable for the assets of the said vValter Robert Fitzgel'H-ld lYloore, or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim the said Robert FOl'hes lVIoore has not had notice at the time of such distribution.

Dated the 16th day of October, 1896.

]'RANOIS S. HARNEY, Ooolgardie,

Solicitor to the Administrator.

Re George 'l'homas Blackwood, deceased.

PURSUANT to an Act of the Imperi,tl Parlia­ment made ltnd passed in the 22nd and 23rd

years of the reign of Her present Majesty, Ohapter 35, intituled " An Act to further alllend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees" (adopted by Local Ordinance, 31 Vict., No. 8): Notice is hereby given that all claims or demands upon or against the estate of George Thomas Blackwooc1, of Ooolgardie, in the Oolony of Western Australi,l, (who died at Ooolgardie aforesaid on the 9th da.y of February, 1896, and leLters of administnttion of whose estate and effects were duly gmnted by the Supreme Oourt to the VVest Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency Oompany, Limiteel, of St. GeOl'ge's Terrace, Perth, ill the said Oolony) are hereby required to send, in writing, particulars of their chLims and demands to the Secrehery of the said Oompany on or before the 22nd dav of November next. Aud notice is herebv also given that at the expiration of the last mentione~1 elate the said Secretary of the s,tid Oompany will distribute the assets of the Sltid GeOl'ge Thomas Blaclnvood amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regltrc1 only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had notiee, and the said Secretary of the sltid Oompmly will not be liable for the assets of the said GeOl'ge Tholl1lts Bhtckwoocl, deceased, or ltuy part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim the said Secreta,ry of the s~tid OOmpll,ny luts not had notice at the time of such distribution.

Dated the 20th day of October, 1896. S'rONE & BUH/l',

Howick Street, Perth, Solicitors for the said vVest Austmlian Trustee,

Executor, and Agency CompmlY, Limited.

Re lllAJtLlN .FLINl)J~LL, late of Fremantle, widow, deceased.

Pu HSU .AN'r to an At;t of the Imperial Parliament nmde and passed in the 22nd and 23rd years of

the roign of He]' present WI~tjesty, Ohapter 35, intituled "An Act to further ,emend the Ilaw of Property and to relieve Trustees" (tLc1optecl by Lot;al Ordinance, :)1 Vie., No. 8): Notice is hereby given tlmt [Lll pen;olls and other creditors having an,\' ehtillls or c1ellmnds upon or [tgainst the esta.te of ~Iltriml Plindell, late of Pl'cmttntle, in the OolollY of VVetiterll Australi,t, willow (who died a,t Pt'ellutl~tle. ou H18 IGth day of Sel'tel~lber 189G, and probate of whose will wa.s duly granted by the Supreme Court to GeOl'ge Shenstone Flilldell, of J!'rem,tntle, ttforesftid, clerk, one of the executors therein lHtmec1) are hereby required to selld in, in writing, particulars of thcir claims and delmtnds to t he said GeOl'ge Shenstone Flindell 011 or before the 7th dav of December, 1896: And notice is also hereby given that a,t the expiration of the last mentioned day the said GeOJ'ge Shellstone Flillc1ell ,,,ill proceed to dis­tribute the assets of the said Marian Flinc1ell, decetl,sed, amongst the p<uties entitled thereto, haying regard only to the daims or demands of which he shall then have had notice; an(l the said GeOl'ge Shenstone Plindell will not be liable for the assets of the said Mal'ian ]'linc1ell, deceased, or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim the said George Shenstone Flinc1ell has not had notice at the time of the distribution.

Dated the 2nd day of N ove111ber, 1896. IvI. L. MOSS,

High Street, Fremantle, Solicitor for the said George Shenstone Flinc1ell.

2022 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [N QV. 6, 1896.


late 'l'erracc, (leceasc(l.

PUl1,SU ANT to an Aet of the Imperiltl Pltrliltl11ent nmde ,md passed in the 22nc1 fmd 23rd years

?f ~;he reign of Her present Majesty, Clmptei:' 35, llltltulcd "An Act to further amend the La,w of Property and to relieve Trustees" (adopted by L.occtlOrdinltnce, 3l Vict., No. 8): Notice is hereby glv.en th,.t lt11 persons and other creditors Imving ltny 01lt1ms 01' demands upon 01' agfLinst the estate of Johalllllth Bmdsha,w, lfde of South rrel'moe,Fre­mantle, in the Colony of vVestel'll Austmlia, (who died at South Termce, Fre1mmtle, on the 16th day of July, 18~)(), tLm1 probtLte of the will WttS dU{y granted by the Supreme Court to vVillia,1ll Rie1mrd Ptttrick Marmion, of Fremantle, gentleman, the Executor therein named) a,re hereby required to send in, in writing, partiwhl's of their dILilllS nnc1 demands to the sltid vVilbm I\.iehard P"tri(~k 1\L1l'lnion, ettl'e of the undersigned, on or before the 30th (hy of Novelll­bel', 189? Andl10tice is also hereby given that at the explmtion of the hLst mentioned cby the sltiel vVilliltlll l\.iduud Patl'ick JYhrmion will proceed to distribute the assets of the s,Lid Johalllllth Bmcblmw c1eceased, tLmongst thc parties entitled thereto, havin(;' regard only to the ehlims :)1' c1ellmnels o[ which they slmll then have h"c1 notlce; a,ncl the Slticl vVilli~lm H,ielmrd Plltriek Mannioll will not be lillble [01' the assets O[ the said Johmnmh Bmdsha;\\', clec:()ttsec1, or any pl1l't thereof so distribut.ed, to [1ny person O[ whose ehLim the Sf1icl vVilliam Ridmrd Ptltriek lYI,ll'mion has not Imcl notiee at the time o[ the cli 8-


Dllted the 12th clay o[ Oetober, 1896. KIDSON GAWLEH,

]'rema,n tIe,

Solic:itors [or the slLid vVillimn Rielmrcl Putrid, JYltLrmioll.

fm'))w1'ly of. A~lbnl'n) in the Province 0/ S07dh Aus­tHelia, bllt laie of 8unthcl'II 01'08S, in the Oolonv of Western Australia, Agricultm'ist, clecease(l, intestate.

PURSUANrr t.o an Aet of the Imperiltl Pltl'lia­mont, ma,de ,mc1 passed in the 22nd and 28rc1

?'elu:s ?f the reign of Her present JYI,"jesty, 85, llltltulecl "An Ad, to further mnenc1 the L,LW O[ Property a,nd to relieve Trustees" (adopteel by Loml Orclinanee, 31 Vie., No. 8): N oti(:e is hereby ",iven thltt all eltLims or dem,wds UpOll or aglLinst tl{e (':'st,de of the above - nl1111ed '\villilllil PI1Ltten c1eeeasecl il;testtLte, in the Colony o[ vVestern Austmli,t (wh~ dwd at Southern Cross on the 2Hth day of .J uue, 1895, and Letters of Administmtioll of whose estate lLnd effeets were duly granted by the Supreme Court to the VVest Australilln rrrllstee. Exe(;utor, lLm1 Agency Comptmy, Limited, o[ 8t. Geol'ge's Terraee, Perth), are hereby required to send, in writilJO', partic:uhLrs O[ their elaims ,Llld demands to U7e Secretary O[ the stlicl Compa,ny, on or before the 14,th (11ty O[ Novelll.ber, 1896: AmI llotiee is hereby ,dso given that at the expiration of the Ittst mentioned date the SlLid COlnpmlY, hy its Seeretarv will dis­tribute the assets o[ the said Willii1~1~ Plattell, deeeased, ~Lmongst the pftrtics entitled. thereto, havino'

regard only to the elltims ,md dcnH1nds of whieh he shall then have haelnotice. And the said Com­pany will not be litLble [or the assets O[ the s,tid vVillittm Pla,t.lell, c1eee(tse(l, (J]' lLll)' part. the1'<"o1' so

distributed, to any person of whose elaim the said Company has not hac1 notice at the time O[ such distribution.

Dated the 15th (by O[ Oetober, 1896.

STONE & Howiek Perth,

Solicitors [or the said West Australi[tn Trustee, Executor, tLud Agenc:y

Compauy Limiteel.

Re ANN decease!l.

PURSUAN'I' to ,tu Ad O[ the Imperiltl Parliament, nmde and p,lssec1 ill the 22n<1 and 23rc1 Veltl'::;

?f .the l'eig']] of Her present 1\1[Ljesty, Clmpte~' 35, ll:.tltuled "An Aet to i'l1rthl'r lLlllellc1 the Llt\\' (If Property lwd to. relieve rrnt~tl'l'::; " (ac1opted by IJo"ltl Orclnmnee, 31 VId. No. 8): Notiee is hereby O'ivell thllt [.11 persolls ltnd other col'eclitors lut vi~ (j'''' ,111 Y

elaims Ol' denmnds upon or ,lgllillSt the c~t,lte ~1 A ll~l Allllerson, late of Chitturing' Brook, in the COlOllY of vVestern Austmlitt (who ail,a lLt, ChittcrinO' BI:llok aforesaid on the 27t b (by of April, 18HLj" ,md Letter,; O[ AdministnLtiotl, C/im tes/((J)lcJI/O anne:l'O, of wh08\~ esttlte and effeets were by the Supreme Court ~o Robert Al1l1ersotJ, of Chittel'ing Brook ,"for~sf1ld), ttre h~r('by.requil'c<1 10 send, in writing', plLrtIeulttrs o[ thmr dums lme! ,knlltllc1s to the Robert Anc1erson, ,Lt the oflit·(, O[ the undersigned, on or before the lith of Det:elllber, 1896 : And notice is here!?y abo gi veil tl1,1t ,Lt the !;xpimtion of the last-mentlOnea date the sa,id Rohel'i Allclen,;oll will proc;eec1 to c1istribute tlle assl'is of tile said Ann Alll~erson amongst the' 1'[11'ti,'" entitlucl thereto, ImvJl1g regard onlv (,1) illl' ehims tLUll llell1ttnds of whic:h he shall lut\~l' then lUH1 llutiee; lt11(l the sai\l l?'obert Anelerson will not he lin\,l" for the assets of the ~ai~ Ann Ander1l011, c1eeeasec1, or llll)' part thereof so chstnbutec1, to lLny person of whose d,Lilll the ,mill l1,obel't Anc1el'son luts not hall llotiee "t the time of the distribution.

D"tec1 the 3rc1 ellty O[ November, 1896.

GEORGE LIDAKID, 35 Barraek Street, Perth,

Solic:itor fo]' the Aclmillistmtor.

PURSU A~T to an Aet 01' the Imperial PlLrlimllellt, pttssec1 11l the 22nc1 ,111d 2:3rd vem's of the rei 0'11

of Her present l\hjesty, Clmpter ~35, intitulec1 " Xn Ae~ to further l~;nC'nd the LfLW of Property and to relwve Trustees (ltdoph~L1 lw Loc[Ll OrdimUl\", 81 Viet., No. 8): Noticoe is hel'el)y given that all persons having'. any daim 01' (le111,Lnd agaim;] the esta,te of JYl1dmd DoclLl, JtLle O[ D~L1ll1;tlw}'all, in t·he Colony of VVestel'll Austmlia, £[11'mer, de~ease,l, lLre heruby required to seml, in writing, partieulal's thereof to rrhomas J oseph Docltl, of Dandarau'an the aclministmtor of the Sl1ic1 esttLte, on or before" th~ 5t 11 dll.\' of December, 1896: Aml notico is herehv also give~1 .tlmt tLHer the expimtion of the said elate, the ;L(~mnnstrator above-mentioned will proceed to clis­tl'l bute the assets of the slLid esta,te ha;villO' l'eo"tl'< 1

1 .J .• ' t') h(

on y to rhe dmms mlC1 demands of whieh he shall then h,:ve had; anel the saiel 'l'homas J oseph Dodd WIll not be liable for the assets of the said clece;tsed, or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose elaim or c1enlltncl the said 'rhomas Joseph Doclc1 slmll not then have had notiee.

DlLted clay O[ November, 1896.


Solicitors [or the Administmtor, St. GeOl'ge's Terrace, Perth.



Re John Alfre{l Guilbel't, late of Norseman, in the Colony of Westel'll Australia, IUiner, deceased,

PURSUANT to an Act of the Imperial Pm'lia­ment, made and pttssecl in the 22nc1 and 23rd

years of the reign of Her present JYlajesty, Chapter 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees" (adoptecl by Local Ordinance, 31 Vie., No. 8): Notice is hereby given that ttll persons and other creditors having (Lny claims or demands upon or aga,inst the estate of J 01111 Alfred Guilbert, late of Norseman, in the Colony of Western Australia, mmer (who clied at Norseman on the 21st clay of April, 1890, anc11etters of administration of whose estate and effects were duly granted bv the Supreme Court to Richard Benj,imin J ohn~, of N orsenllLn, ,tS the dnly ltppointec1 lLttorney of J olm Guilbert, of GlLlvler, in the Province of South Aus­tralia, the flLther of the decea,sed, bea,ring chtte the 23rc1 dlLY of August, 1896) tHe hereby required to send m, III writing, plLrticllhLrS of their chLims and denllLnds to the said Riclmrd Benj",min J ohns, care of the undersigned, on or before the 30th clay of November, 1896. And notice IS also hereby gwen that at the expiration of the hLst-lllentionec1 cby the said Richard Bcnjamin Johns will procced to distri­bute the lLssets of the slLic1 J ollll Alfred Guilbert, deCeltSed, amongst the parties entitled thereto, lmving reo',nd onlv to the chLims or dmmmc1s of which he

b .' sh",11 then have Imd notice. And the sttid 11.icharcl Benjmnin J ohm will not be 1i'Lble for the ,tssets of dle saic1 John Alfrecl Guilbert, dececLsec1, or <tny plLrt thereof so distributed, to ctHy person of whose daim the slLid Riclmrcl Benj mnin J 01ms 1ms not 1utc1 notice [Lt the time of distribution.

D<ttec1 the 22nd day of Odober, 18D6.

KIDSON & GAWLE]~, Fremantle,

Solicitors for the sltid Richttrc1 Benj'.lllin J01ms.

The Bankruptcy Act, 1892.

Beceiving 01'Cler.

D,.tcd this 5th cl",y of November, 1896.

H. VI AINSCOT, Oflieial H.ecciver in Bankruptcy.



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The Bankruptcy Act, 1892.

Receivinq On1e1·.

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Dated this 5th day of November, 1896.

Dobtor's Nmue.

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H. WAINSCOT, Offici'11 Receiver in Bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Act, 1892.


Ditte of Petition.

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Dt1tecl thi8 5th day of Noycmber, 18H6.

H. WAINSCO'r, Official Receiver in Bnnkruptcy.

GAZETTE, W.A. [N OV. 6, 1896.

The Bankruptcy Act, 1871.



In the matter of Dora Wilson, of Wallkaway, Hotelkeeper,

a Bankrnpt.

T HE Bankruptcy of Dora Wilson having been closed, as shown by the Order published in the Gctzettc on

the )lOth d~"y of April, 1893, and the creditors of the said Bankrupt having, at a meeting' held at Gemldton on the 5th day of March, 1894., passed a special resolution, as shown by the minutes of the proceedings had at such meeting, duly signed by the Chail'l1U1n thereof, to the effect that, in their opinion, hor bltnkruptcy has arisen from circumstances for which the said bankrupt cannot justly be helcll'esponsible, and thttt they desired that lm Order of Dis­charge should be gmnted to the saicl Bmlkrnpt, and the sltid B~Ll1krupt cloth hereby ltpply to the Court for an Order of Discharge.

Dated this 17th day of October, 1896.


Solicitor, Geraldton,

Agent for George Leake, of Perth, Bankrupt's Solicitor.

Let this application be heard on the 16th clltyof Nov­ember, 1896, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.

Dated this 19th (by of October, 1896.



SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Sn/)scription win be at the rate of bs.

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By Authority: l{rcHAlw PE'ruEI<, Gov(>rnment Printer, Perth.

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