direct marketing of specialty crops by

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Direct Marketing of Specialty Crops by Producers:

A Price-Comparison between Farmers' Markets and Grocery Stores

Paper to be presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics



Jonathan Adam Watson

Undergraduate student

Department of Food and Resource Economics

University of Florida

Phone: 352-222-6076


Dr. Michael Gunderson

Assistant Professor

Department of Food and Resource Economics

University of Florida

Phone: 352-392-1881 ext 301


Copyright © 2010 by Jonathan Adam Watson and Michael Gunderson. All rights reserved. Readers may

make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided this

copyright notice appears on all such copies.

Direct Marketing of Specialty Crops by Producers

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Oftentimes, prices at farmers' markets are much cheaper than those at grocery stores.

However, little is known about the pricing relationship between farmers' markets and nearby

grocery stores. Only by further analyzing this relationship can we gain a better understanding

of these pricing trends. Although this trend is seemingly consistent, further research is

necessary to test this assumption. Through the collection of prices at both locales, farmers'

markets and grocery stores, producers as well as consumers will have access to current prices in

both markets. In recent years, consumers are looking for local produce and are willing to pay

for them as they are faced with increased grocery store prices, while producers are

simultaneously seeking to increase their profit margins. This paper uses data that was collected

over the course of one year while recording pricing trends from farmers' markets and nearby

grocery stores. The survey also records demographic and operational data from individual

producers and or vendors at those farmers' markets within the State of Florida.

It is hypothesized that producers selling at farmers' markets are not receiving a price

premium for their products and the current prices they charge are, on average, significantly less

than those found at a grocery store. Research gives evidence that producers should be

receiving a price premium for their products. It is believed that they are being paid only a

portion of the true market value for their products. As a result of this research, farmers should

have a better understanding of state-wide pricing trends at farmers' markets and grocery stores

which in turn will help them make better, more informed decisions when pricing and marketing

their specialty crops.

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Direct Marketing of Specialty Crops by Producers: A Price-Comparison

between Farmers' Markets and Grocery Stores


In the United States, the role of the farmer’s market has changed greatly, evolving into

shopping centers, grocery stores and supermarkets all adorned with products that are uniform,

ubiquitous and contain UPC's. However the importance of the individual farmer as a lone

businessman selling his or her produce should not be overlooked. Over time, with increased

technology and agricultural practices, many consumers opted to buy foods which were low

cost, highly processed, and convenient. While grocery stores provide the consumer with

convenience and relatively consistent quality food; farmers’ markets provide consumers with

traceability, verbal quality assurance, and sometimes negotiable low-priced locally grown


As of late, there has been renewed interest from health as well as eco-conscious

consumers that are looking to maximize their utility in their food purchases. Consumers are

demanding healthier alternatives. They are willing to pay price premiums for products that

have labels such as organic, safe and local; regardless of the actual benefit associated with the

food which was purchased. Recognizing this trend, government officials and extension workers

strive to promote direct sales and marketing as a vital tool to strengthen economic and social

ties between farmers and consumers. Fortunately, there are many farmers who are increasingly

using direct sales from venues like community farmers’ markets in order to increase their

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income by capturing more of each of the consumer’s dollar spent on fresh produce. The

problem is that producers may not be aware of the marketing potential of their products, and

the costs associated with producing such differentiated harvests. Even, if they are aware of the

factors, do they differentiate these items to capture the value? Finally, how do they tie these

previous issues together and determine the price in which they charge their customers for

these products?

The objective of this paper is to attempt to discover trends in farmers' pricing strategies,

as well as to identify who is a typical producer in the State of Florida, through the collection of

pricing data and by conducting surveys and questionnaires. The survey and questionnaire,

when administered, is anonymous and each respondent is not compensated for his or her

voluntary participation. The vendors' prices are then compared to the price of a comparable

product at nearby grocery stores (up to three) within a five mile radius of the community

farmers' markets' location. The rationale behind choosing a grocery store within this proximity

is to capture the difference in price for a relatively perfect substitutable product within a

specific range; this is essentially the opportunity cost to the consumer.

Ultimately the purpose of this paper is to ensure the future success of farmers’ markets

in the State of Florida as a means to enrich the lives of producers as well the consumers. By

measuring producer activity, we can attempt to provide information to the community that will

achieve this purpose more efficiently.

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Literature Review

Farmers' markets continue to rise in popularity as consumer demand for obtaining fresh

products directly from the farm increases; as a result, farmers' markets have become an

increasing visible part in the urban-farm linkage (1 Wolf et al 2005). Over the last decade, the

number of farmers’ markets in the United States has increased from 2,746 in 1998 to 4,685 in

2008, an increase of 70.6% (2 AMS 2008). These trends are similar to those found throughout

the State of Florida.

As consumer demand increases for quality products at reasonable prices, so should

producer supply. This demand is based on a series of characteristics or tastes and preferences

of the consumer. According to Wolf, "Characteristics of produce that were found to be very

desirable to extremely desirable and were perceived as an advantage for farmers' market

produce included fresh looking, fresh tasting, high-quality product, and a good value for the

money" (3 Wolf 1997). Consequently, the producer must be quick to recognize and respond to

this consumer demand. In order for this to occur, incentives for producers must be present. As

stated in a recent publication by Swisher, Sterns, and Gove, “Farmers, craftspeople and other

small business owners must be convinced that spending a few hours a week at the market is

worth their time” (4 Swisher et al 2003). The extra time spent, which represents the producers’

opportunity cost, may be the most important reason why a producer would want to sell his or

her product at a local farmer’s market. This opportunity cost should result and be

supplemented by the extra income gained from each consumer dollar. Ultimately the producer

sells not only to make a profit on his or her produce or good, but to make it worth his or her

time in the process.

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According to VanSickle “Growers considering growing produce in an area where a

commercial produce industry has not matured should first consider marketing alternatives

available in local markets. Local markets are easier to access because they can be served by an

individual with a small or large volume of produce” (5 VanSickle 2000). Direct marketing,

especially important for small produce growers, is in part a response to low farm-gate prices

and wholesalers who only wish to deal with large volume producers (6 Eastwood et al. 2004) It

is up to the producer to weigh in on these determining factors before coming to a conclusion on

whether or not this is the best course of action. If so, there are marketing strategies available

to the producer.

However, this research seeks to determine how aware producers are of the various

marketing opportunities that are available to them in order to receive higher price premiums.

Of the various marketing opportunities available to producers is organic production. According

to a recent article from the USDA's Economic Research Service, "many customers at farmers'

markets also appreciate having direct access to farmers that use ecologically sensitive

agricultural techniques—such as organic production methods—on their farms" (7 Kremen et. al.

2003). Although an estimated price premium in the paper was not given, the paper did specify

that 50% of producers surveyed in markets throughout the 20 various States were charging

price premiums for their products which they claim use ecologically sensitive agricultural


Customers are becoming increasingly interested in sustainable agricultural practices.

They are reducing the amount of packaging they require to transport their purchases. Many

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are bringing in reusable canvas bags which substitute for the conventional plastic grocery sack.

Many of the consumers have questions regarding the growing practices the producer uses.

These farmers’ markets are an essential part of the community, one in which producer and

consumer exchange more clear and better information. Essentially, farmers’ markets “allow

individual entrepreneurs and their families to contribute to the economic life of local

communities by providing goods and services that are not readily available through formal,

mass markets, and they bring producers and consumers together to solidify bonds of local

identity and solidarity (8 Lyson, Gillespie, & Hilchey 1995).”

As consumer interest of local farmers' markets increases, so shall the consumer's

willingness to pay for the perceived benefit associated with the products that they purchase at

these locations increase. A recent Indiana survey asked 352 consumers to provide a response

to their likeliness to purchase locally produced products in one the following three categories:

Highly likely to purchase local food products

Neutral or somewhat likely to purchase local food products

Unlikely to purchase local food products

According to the results, "Nearly 60% of the probability distribution is associated with the

category representing a positive likelihood of purchase local food products" while " most of the

remaining distribution (just under 40%) is captured by the category representing neutral or

somewhat likely" (9 Jekanowski et. al. 2000). These results show that a majority of consumers'

surveyed are highly or neutral and somewhat likely to purchase locally produced food products

in the absence of other determining factors such as price.

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Research Approach & Methods

All data from this research paper was collected between the months of December 2008

and December 2009 throughout 25 selected farmers’ markets in 14 counties throughout the

State of Florida (Appendix 1). Most of the farmers’ markets that were selected were retrieved

from a website maintained by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

which lists contact information, county location, and directions. However, some farmers'

markets which were visited do not appear on that website and may appear there at a future

date although it is not known when those farmers' markets will be listed. That website, which

was utilized heavily and was the primary source for the chosen markets, can be found at the

following address:

Although not every farmers’ market found on the list was visited, markets were chosen based

on their strategic position and locale within the state in order to represent the diversity found

among producers and their products.

At the outset, a survey instrument was designed in two separate sections beginning with

a survey and questionnaire which was followed by collecting prices for each individual product

(Appendix 2). Each product was converted to a per pound basis for uniform comparison.

Beginning in the winter growing season, data was collected mostly during the weekend from

various farmers within a more limited range around the home base of operations in Gainesville.

Many of the farmers’ markets selected during this time period were found within this range in

the North Central Florida region. The producers approached at each farmers’ market were

approached at pre-selected farmers’ market, based solely on their willingness to participate in

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the survey. The producers were asked a series of questions regarding their involvement in

farmers’ markets from the production side and their opinions and attitudes towards farmers’

markets in general. Some examples of the questions that were asked were as follows:

How many years have you participated in farmers’ markets?

Have you noticed an overall increase of a customer base for farmers’ markets?

Are your prices influenced by local grocery stores’ pricing?

Do you know the current grocery store pricing for the items that you are selling?

Do you shop at grocery stores?

The survey also includes an assemblage of products with similar characteristics. In questioning

the producer the survey instrument seeks to discover how many years has the individual been

offering the product or service at a farmers market. It also seeks to discover how much each

product, as a percentage, contributes to the producers’ gross annual sales. For example one

genre, Horticultural Crops, includes products such as cut flowers, citrus fruits and field

vegetables. The final few questions of the questionnaire and survey involved demographic

information which included age, gender and race.

The second half of the survey instrument did not involve directly asking producers to

answer questions; however the prices of the products that they were selling were collected.

For each product that the producer was selling, the price and unit measurement was recorded.

This data is then compared with the price and measurement for the same good or equivalent

product, at nearby grocery stores within a five mile radius. Data collection ended during the

second week of July, after which all of the recorded information was entered into a

spreadsheet and the study results were computed.

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Survey Demographics & Business Characteristics

Upon completing research and data collection, the results paint a picture of a typical

Floridian farmer found throughout community farmers’ market in the state. After all data was

collected, a total of 52 vendors contributed information to and helped form the basis for this

research paper. On average, these participating vendors have been selling at farmers’ markets

for 14.99 years and have approximately 37.53 acres of land that they can use for production, of

which they actively utilize a relatively efficient 80.8% of that land or 30.33 acres. Of the land

being used for the production and sale of products in farmers’ markets, producers on average

owned 67.7% of that land while approximately 10.38% of production land was rented. The

remaining 21.9% of land could not be accurately accounted for as some respondents were only

employees working for a producer and could not give specific information on the subject. The

typical producer who was surveyed was male, White, and between the ages of 48 and 58 years,

as shown in Charts 1, 2 & 3 respectively. When asked whether they feel they are full time or

part time farmers, sixteen of these producers replied that they consider themselves to be full-

time farmers while twelve producers replied that they are in fact part-time producers. It is

quite likely that most producers that consider themselves part-time or hobby farmers rely on

farmers’ markets as an additional source of income. Also, these part-time or hobby farmers

could be classified as retired individuals.

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Chart 1.Producer Gender

Chart 2.Ethnicity



Producer Gender

Male Female




0% 4%





Native American


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Chart 3.Age of Respondents

Financially, producers in the State of Florida state that citrus accounts for the largest

portion of the total annual gross sales for production with 19% on average followed by field

vegetables and greenhouse vegetables with 16% and 11% respectively (Chart 4). Other notable

types of produce which, on average comprised a significant portion of total annual gross sales

for operations, were greenhouse vegetables, deciduous fruit, and small fruit with 11%, 10% and

10% respectively. Categories such as woody landscape plants and cut flowers encompassed the

smallest portion of total annual gross sales for operations with 2% and 5% respectively.






0-25 26-36 37-47 48-58 59-69 70 & up









Age of Respondents

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Chart 4.Percent of Total Annual Gross Sales for Operations

When analyzing the most common areas of production by producer participation, the prevailing

crops sold at farmers’ markets are field vegetables, followed by deciduous fruits (trees which

bear fruit before shedding at the end of the growing season), and small fruit with 35, 21, and 20

participants respectively (Chart 5). Other significant crops sold by participating vendors include

citrus fruit, other fruit and culinary or medicinal herbs with 15, 12 and 10 participants

respectively. Products categorized as greenhouse vegetables, flowers and bedding, cut flowers

and woody landscape plants comprised the categories with the fewest participating vendors

as they contained 6,5,3 and 1 participants respectively.









Percent of Total Annual Gross Sales for Operations

Culinary or Medicinal

Cut Flowers

Flowers and Bedding

Fruits, Citrus

Fruits, Deciduous

Fruits, Other

Fruits, Small

Vegetables, Field

Vegetables, Greenhouse

Woody Landscape Plants

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Chart 5.Participating Vendor Areas of Production

It is important to note that while citrus fruits account for the largest percentage of gross

annual sales, they do not account for the largest or even most common genre of crop. This may

be due to the fact that producers must have higher margins on citrus in order to recuperate the

sunk costs in regards to growing citrus, as the trees require many years before they are capable

of producing fruit.


Many of the crops which producers are selling at farmers' markets have significant price

discrepancies when compared to a similar basket of goods sold at nearby grocery stores. Crops

sold at farmers' markets covered a wide spectrum of items ranging from multiple varieties of

apples to zucchini. When compared to the per pound price of goods sold at a grocery store,










3 5







Participating Vendor Areas of Production

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comparable goods at a farmers' market averaged $1.81 while those sold at retail averaged

$3.81. The data suggests that on average, grocery store prices are 153% higher than those

found at a farmers' market. This difference represents a $2.00 per pound savings to the

consumer; however it also represents a potential windfall loss to producers who do not

recognize the marketing potential of their products.

Some varieties and categories of crops sold at farmers' markets when compared to

grocery store show extreme differences in average prices (Chart 6). For example, fresh culinary

of medical crops such as basil, thyme, and rosemary have average retail grocery store price of

$24.23 per pound while the price of comparable fresh herbs at the farmers' market costs $4.51

per pound. This suggests that on average grocery store prices for culinary or medicinal herbs

are 451% higher than those at a local farmers' market. It is important to note that consumers

rarely buy these types of products in large amounts, therefore they do not represent a large

portion of consumers total expenditures on food.

Chart 6. Product Category Comparison

Product Category Comparison Average $/lb.

Farmers' Market Grocery Store Difference

Culinary of Medicinal

$4.51 $24.23 -$19.72

Fruit, Citrus

$1.09 $1.35 -$0.26

Fruit, Decidious

$1.93 $1.75 $0.18

Fruit, Other

$1.21 $1.73 -$0.52

Fruit, Small

$2.20 $2.20 $0.00

Vegetables, Field

$1.39 $2.09 -$0.70

Vegetables, Greenhouse

$2.22 $3.56 -$1.34

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One area of total food expenditures in which health and eco-conscious consumers do

spend a significantly is on various field vegetables. From the data collected, crops such as

tomatoes, squash and beans have an average retail grocery store price of $2.09 per pound

while similar produce at the farmers' market costs an average of $1.39 per pound. This

corresponds to a savings of one-third on total expenditures for fresh field vegetables.

There are products which do not yield a cost savings to the consumer. Deciduous fruit

bearing trees such as apples, pears and peaches had an average price per pound of $1.93 while

equivalent products at nearby retail grocery stores cost $1.75. It is not the intention of this

paper to explain in detail why this might be, however possible reasons for these higher prices

could be contribute to higher fixed costs, longer maturation periods, and a relatively lower

comparative advantage. One interesting caveat of this research showed that small fruits such

as blueberries, blackberries and strawberries, which are chief crops in the State of Florida, at

farmers' markets are competitively and exactly priced the same as those in grocery stores. The

average price for these small fruits is around $2.20 per pound suggesting that producers are

aware of the marketing potential of these crops.

The overall average price differences were separated in 15 market region which

showcase their own unique products but also average cost structures endemic to that

particular region (Appendix 3). The majority of these markets regions exhibited the same

below average price trend found in the overall averages with a few exceptions. Upon analyzing

the data, an interesting trend emerged in regards to the differences in price of the various

market regions and their respective population size. The trend suggests that market regions

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which larger populations tend to have smaller differences in the average price difference

between farmers' markets and grocery store. The largest market regions by population were

those found near Miami in Dade County as well as Jacksonville in Duval County (pop. in excess

of 400,000) with average differences of $0.30 and $0.60 respectively. This suggests that

producers and vendors in these market regions may have better information in regards to the

appropriate price level of their products. In contrast to the larger market regions by

population, smaller market regions like St. Augustine in St. John's County and Lake City in

Columbia as well as Trenton in Gilchrist County (pop. less than 20,000) exhibited larger

differences in the average price per pound with $3.66, $1.88 and $0.77 respectively.

There are market regions, such as those found in Starke in Bradford County and

Tallahassee in Leon County, which exhibited farmers’ market prices that were above the retail

grocery store price with an average price difference of $0.58 and $0.09 respectively. These

price differences may or may not be significantly higher than that of the State average, but

what is interesting is that they may also indicate a certain level of producer marketing

knowledge in those particular regions.

Summary & Implications

In conclusion, the results of this study should provide some insight into marketing and

pricing strategies by producers at farmers’ markets when compared to grocery stores in the

vicinity. A literary review provides evidence which shows that farmers' markets are becoming

increasingly popular throughout the United States. Previous research also suggests that direct

marketing and farmers' markets are an excellent distribution channel for small-scale producers

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as well as producers who are receiving low farm-gate prices. However, the producer must be

convinced that the opportunity cost of selling their local product at farmers' markets is worth

their while. The producer must recognize consumers' willingness to pay for the benefit they

perceive in the producer's local specialty crops. Fortunately, research suggests that the

majority of consumers are either highly likely, somewhat likely or neutral to purchasing local


The data from this research paper, collected from 52 respondents in 25 markets

throughout 14 counties in the State of Florida, confirms the hypothesis that on average,

producers at farmers' markets are not receiving a price premium for their specialty crop

products. The "typical" producer is a white male between the ages of 48-58 years and operates

on a relatively small parcel of land. The survey results show that the average state-wide

difference in the price of a similar basket of goods at a farmers' market versus a grocery store is

approximately $2.00 per pound. This suggests prices, on average, are 153% higher at grocery

stores. This presents significant savings to consumers however it also implies that producers

are undervaluing their products. Products such as medicinal herbs and field vegetables

represent potential categories where producers may greatly underestimate the value of their

produce. Conversely, deciduous fruit bearing trees represent a category where producers may

or may not be receiving a price premium as direct marketing price is above the grocery retail


Of the 15 market regions, those regions with larger populations typically have smaller

differences in average prices than market regions with smaller populations. This may or may

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not be related to producer knowledge and information. Further studies will be necessary in

order to understand this relationship. There are market regions where on average producers

may be receiving a price premium for their products, however further research will be required

to understand these regional pricing relationships. The most significant crops by total annual

gross sales are citrus fruit followed by culinary and medicinal herbs, other and small fruits;

however the majority of participating producers at direct market outlets in the state are selling

field vegetables, deciduous and other fruits.

As consumers increasingly demand fresh local produce, farmers' markets will continually

play an integral role at supplying these products. The data within this paper has been written

with the intention of providing producers as well as consumer with better pricing information in

regards to fresh and local produce. This paper ultimately seeks to ensure the future success

and growth of farmers' markets through the disclosure of such information. Producers will

undoubtedly enter into direct marketing enticed by higher overall farm-gate prices. This in turn

will provide consumers with the products they desire, better product information, greater

variety and selection as well as alternatives to higher priced grocery store products.

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Appendix 1. Selected Farmers' Markets Locations

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Appendix 2. Survey Instrument Farmers markets across the state of Florida have been increasing in popularity over the past two years. Very little information is available regarding the price relationship between farmers markets and nearby grocery stores. Further investigation of this relationship is necessary and could yield vital information to support further understanding of pricing trends among these two sources.


Please indicate your response with a check in the appropriate box.

1. Do you participate in farmers markets? No


If yes to question 1, how many years have you participated in farmers markets? years

2. If yes to question 1, please tell us about the land used in your operation that contributes to the production of what you sell at the farmers market.

What is the total number of acres in your operation? .......................................... acres

What is the total number of acres actively used for production? .......................... acres

What percent of land in production is owned? ................................................................ %

What percent of land in production is rented? ............................................................... %

3. Using the list below, tell us how many years you have been offering the product or service at a

farmers market, and the percent of total annual gross sales for your operation.

Number of


Percent of Total Annual Gross


Horticultural Crops

Culinary or Medicinal Herbs %

Cut Flowers %

Flowers and Bedding Plants %

Fruits, Citrus %

Fruits, Deciduous %

Fruits, Other Tropical %

If no to question 2, please do not complete the rest

of the survey and turn it in as is.

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Fruits, Small %

Vegetables, Field %

Vegetables, Greenhouse %

Woody Landscape Plants %

Other (describe) __________________________ %

3. (Continued)

Forage and Field Crops

Grain Crops %

Hay %

Pasture %

Peanuts %

Silage %

Tobacco %

Other (describe) _________________________ %


Cattle %

Dairy Products %

Goats %

Horses %

Poultry %

Rabbits %

Sheep %

Number of


Percent of Annual Gross


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Swine %

Other (describe) _________________________ %

Services Provided to Other Farmers

Farrier (blacksmith) %

Custom Tractor (mow, disk, bale) %

Seeding and Spreading Services %

Land Clearing %

Other (describe) _________________________ %

Other Enterprises

Agri/Eco/Heritage Tourism %

Aquaculture %

Beekeeping %

Christmas Trees %

Hunting Leases %

Timber and Associated Products (Pine Straw) %

Value-Added Products (Cheese, Jams, Salsa) %

4. How many years have you practiced any of the following production strategies? If none, please

indicate with ‘0’ years.

Certified organic production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Follow organic regulations but not certified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Follow organic principles, but with some conventional inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conventional production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Other production (describe) _________________________________ . . . . . . . . . .






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5. Have you noticed an overall increase of a customer base for farmers markets? No


If yes to question 4, do you believe this is influenced by current grocery store prices? No

Yes 6. Grocery stores do not typically stock local produce. Do you believe this contributes to a

broader customer base for farmers markets? No Yes

If yes to question 5, has a customer told you they pay patronage to farmers markets to support local farmers? No Yes Please explain: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

7. What benefits do believe farmers markets offer? (please check all that apply)

Offer local produce Quality assurance Knowledge of the item that is being sold Personal attention to a unique shopping experience

8. Are your prices influenced by local grocery stores’ pricing? No

Yes If yes, to what extent/percentage?: _______________________________________________


At what rate do you increase or decrease your prices with respect to local grocery prices?____


9. Do you know the current grocery price today for the items you are selling? No

Yes If yes, how do you monitor or how do you know these prices?: __________________________


10. Do you believe your prices are typically less expensive or more expensive than what a

customer would find in a grocery store in the surrounding area? Less expensive

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More expensive

Regardless of your answer to question 10, what is the reasoning behind your pricing, whether

your items are more or less expensive?



11. Do you have any sort of an informal/formal contract or agreement with grocery stores as to

how you go about your pricing? No


If yes, please elaborate: ________________________________________________________


12. How do growing seasons affect produce availability and pricing? ________________________



13. Do you notice that your customer base responds in a positive or negative way towards your

prices? Positive


Please elaborate: _____________________________________________________________



14. Do you shop at grocery stores? No Yes Which grocery stores do you pay patronage to; and why?_______________________________


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If yes to question 14, what portion of the food your household consumes is purchased at a

grocery store? ___________________________________________________________________

15. Does the majority of the produce your family consumes come from what you grow or do you

purchase it at a grocery store? Grow the produce myself

Purchase produce from a grocery store


Age: ______________

Gender: Male / Female

Do you consider yourself a full time or part time/hobby farmer? Full time / Part time/hobby

Appendix 3. Market Regions

Market Regions City County Population

Ft. Myers Lee 65,394

Gainesville Alachua 114,375

High Springs Alachua 3,863

Jacksonville Duval 807,815

Lake City Columbia 9,953

Miami Dade 413,201

Okeechobee Okeechobee 5,784

St. Augustine St. John's 12,284

Starke Bradford 5,593

Tallahassee Leon 171,922

Tampa Hillsborough 340,882

Trenton Gilchrist 1,722

Vero Beach Indian River 16,939

Webster Sumter 805

Williston Levy 2,297

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1. Wolf, M. M., Spittler, A., & Ahern, J. (2005). A Profile of Farmers’ Market Consumers and

the Perceived. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 36, 193-201.

2. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service. (2008, September

22). Number of Operating Farmers' Markets. Retrieved July 5, 2009, from



3. Wolf, M. M. (1997). A Target Consumer Profile and Positioning for Promotion of. Journal

of Food Distribution Research, 11-17.

4. Swisher, Marilyn E., Jennifer Gove, and James Stearns. Starting a Farmers' Market

[Electronic Resource]. Gainesville, Fla.>: University of Florida Cooperative Extension

Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, EDIS, 2003.

5. VanSickle, John J. Marketing Strategies for Vegetable Growers . Gainesville, Fla.>:

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