direct marketing 2.0

Post on 24-May-2015






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Direct MarketingTrends, best practices & a sandbox of examples

Direct Marketing 2.0Trends, best practices & a sandbox of examples

"Many a small thing has been made large by the

right kind of advertising."

Mark Twain

Direct Marketing = Spam

Direct Marketing = Credit Card offers

Direct Marketing = Blind Spot

Direct Marketing = Spam

Direct Marketing = Credit Card offers

Direct Marketing = Blind Spot

Direct Marketing = Advertising handshake

Direct Marketing = Personal delivery of your story

Direct Marketing = Dynamic & long-term


People are the same.

The environment has changed.

People are the same.

The environment has changed.

IndependentIntegrated V/S

Integrate the Call-to-action or lead through towards the digital campaign that drives long-term dialogue rather than following a sender -> recipient process

Box to CIOs and COOs. The copy says, ”What makes you special?”

A welcoming hand under the lid.

The copy says, “To get a head start,

place your hand here”.

The hand was printed with a heat sensitive color. After touching it, a unique web address appeared.

The receiver was forwarded to a special web page, featuring all of IBM‟s intellectual capital. Every report, every pod cast, every business strategy was pre-selected, based on the receiver‟s line of business. Everything a new client needs to start thinking innovation – together with IBM.

PersonalizedCustomized V/S

Just personalizing the DM using the recipient‟s name is no longer enough to ensure effective opens. Customize your information for core customers by integrating information already available (digital,

database) in the communication.

This is a customized enrollment package (direct mailer) sent out by Cheshire Academy, The enrollment package was customized for each applicant and included 11 cards that highlight particular aspects of the Cheshire


All of the elements for this direct mail piece had to function individually but come together to tell the total story of the school. A customized variable data card was positioned at the top of the stack, making the

prospective student feel welcomed and known immediately.

BroadcastBuild Relationships V/S

Every year Stella Artois organizes the World Draught Masters: A worldwide championship to reward the person who taps the perfect Stella Artois. They went out on the streets with a mobile bar and tap to let people have a go. They couldn't, however, afford to have people spill our reassuringly expensive beer. Since tapping the perfect Stella Artois consists of 9

specific steps, practice is required. Things like cleaning the glass, holding it at a 45° angle, avoiding the last drip of beer coming out of the tap, make this quite a challenge. They saw that all those 9 steps could actually be demonstrated using the Wii controls.

One controller acts as a glass, the other as the tap

and later, the knife to take out the excess foam. They recorded the tapping process with multiple „error‟ levels such as holding your glass to straight would result in a beer with too much foam. Their mobile bars they fitted with flat screens, a computer and a set of Wii controls.

The parameter for success shouldn‟t be opens but should measure success based on the number of shares on Facebook, number of enquiries (based on the Call to Action) and most importantly, does your

brand have a relationship with this customer as a result of the DM?

Essentials of creating effective direct marketing


1. Affect the way people feel about your brand

Highlight the

objective and

the desired


response in your


2. The 3-second rule: Judge a book by its cover

You have to

intrigue the

recipient in 3

seconds. Only

then will the

recipient open

your Direct Mail.

3. Creating a Direct Mail is about interaction architecture

Ask yourself, what kind of

interaction do you want

to inspire with the DM?• Play

• Solve

• Witness

• Master

• Create

4. Design for a longer digital shelf life

• Inspire sharing

• Enable sharing (through QR codes,

photo-tagging on Facebook etc.)

• Follow-up in the digital space

5. Map segments and patterns in your database

Play with the information in the

database to build micro-stories that

inspire the next piece of direct mail

Created by Mansi Trivedi@media_reveries

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