diploma in digital marketing shaw academy

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Shaw Academy - OMP - Final Assignment

Marydette Rosselle Catanjal's Certificate

Report Summary

Name : Marydette Rosselle Catanjal (

Your Score : 99 out of 100 (99%)

Correct Answers : 99 Question

Incorrect Answers : 1 Question

Unanswered : 0 Question

Passing Grade (%) : %

Time taken : 39 mins 35 secs

Your Result : Distinction

Email : rcatanjal@gmail.com

Your Answers


Q1 )      Email Marketing is:

A. best used through sending promotions to purchased email lists

B. the process of delivering relevant, engaging and timely marketing messages about your productsand services to a specific group of recipients through email(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. a way of monetizing your database by selling email lists to third party advertisers

D. being used less and less by companies

E. none of the above


Q2 )    What is the biggest reason that people read marketing emails on mobilesaccording to STEEL a recent survey?   

A. Saves time

B. To pass the time

C. Not sure who they are from

D. Screening emails to read on laptop or desktop later

E. Subject line sounds interesting(Your Answer) (Correct)

F. It's a company they like to receive email from


Q3 )     A useful website to monitor email blacklists is:

A. www.blacklists.org

B. www.spamlists.org

C. www.spamhaus.org(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. www.blackhaus.org


Q4 ) Please check the box or boxes that apply to this statement: An email softwareprovider such as Mailchimp or AWeber typically provides the folowing functionality:

A. the ability to create and manage groups of email lists(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. Email reports such as open rates and clicks(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. email unsubscribe management(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. email design templates(Your Answer) (Correct)

E. delivery management(Your Answer) (Correct)

F. the provision of lists of email subscribers you can purchase on demand


Q5 ) True or False: Email Marketing can be commonly known as "Unsolicited BulkEmail"

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. Unsolicited bulk email is better known as spam. Avoid like the plague!


Q6 )  True or False: When engaged in bulk email activity it is optional to provide an emailopt-out.   

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. It is not optional. You must provide an opt out facility otherwise you face thepossibility of bad online reputation and in extreme cases, legal fines.


Q7 ) When building email registration forms through newsletters on your website it isgenerally good practice to

A. ask for as much information as possible on a vistors first interaction with your website.

B. ask for the minimum amount of information on the first instance and gather more information throughsubsequent interactions where more perceived value is provided(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. not ask for their email address until after you have the leads name and phone number

D. none of the above


Q8 )   When sending emails it is good practice to show all the copied parties to the emailas it shows how important your website is. True or False?    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. This is the biggest email sin. It is both unprofessional and illegal to divulge anythird party's email address without their consent.


Q9 )   Marketing emails that use a graphics format are always better than a bulk emailsent in a design that looks like a personal email client such as Outlook. True orFalse    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. It depends on what gets the best click open and click through rates. Often"personal looking" email designs have better results.


Q10 )   True or False: Google Analytics can be used effectively in conjunction with EmailMarketing.    

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False

Explanation:True. Using the ecommerce functionality of Google Analytics in conjunction with specificclick-thru URLs, Google Analytics can be extremely effective to monitor Visits, Revenues,Transactions, Average Values, Conversion Rates and Per Visit Values of an email campaign.


Q11 ) Web analytics is:

A. the measurement of a websites quality score, keyword densities and relevance to optimisemarketing reach

B. the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understandingand optimizing web usage(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. is the analysis of off-site macro web data to determine best on-site web design methodologies


Q12 ) The most popular web analytics provider in the world is?

A. Omniture Site Catalyst

B. Click Tale

C. Quantcast

D. Alexa

E. Yahoo Web Analytics

F. Google Analytics(Your Answer) (Correct)

G. Webtrends


Q13 ) Google Analytics requires website owners to place what on their own website?  

A. Javascript Code(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. Cookies

C. Google Promotional Image

D. Chocolates

Explanation:Javascript code is placed on the website owners web pages in order to track websiteusage and interaction data. Once a visitor accesses the website with the javascript code, Googlethen places a cookie on that visitors machine.


Q14 ) Normally which of the following metrics would have the lowest numerical valuereflected in a Google Analytics account?

A. Hits

B. Unique Visitors(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. Visits

D. Pageviews

Explanation:One unique visitor can have multiple visits and each visit may have multiple pageviews.One pageview can contain many hits (files requested from a web server). Therefore the lowestnumerical value is normally unique visitors.


Q15 ) Google Analytics Geographic data provides information on

A. website visitor language only

B. wesite visitor location only

C. website visitor language and visitor location (Your Answer) (Correct)

D. website visitor language, location and building type


Q16 ) Yahoo analytics is the second most widely used analytics provider in the world

A. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. True


Q17 ) Blogging creates what for your website?

A. A place for you to vent about your customers and explain to them what they are doing wrong.

B. A place to generate unique content that helps your SEO presence.(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. The best part of your website to host images.


Q18 ) Data gathered from website users can be used to optimize conversion rates.

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q19 ) Why do we need to gather data?

A. To understand who our buyers are

B. To optimize our marketing efforts

C. All of the Above(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. None of the Above


Q20 ) A/B Testing is the activity of posting two different versions of an advertisement, webpage, or email to a subset of users for the purpose of seeing whether Option A orOption B is better

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q21 ) In traditional Marketing, primary research:

A. is research at your desk

B. is research in the field(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. is research using articles and other published material

Explanation:Primary research is reserach in the field. These can be observations. Lecturer note: Ifyou have ever run through an airport or out shopping to be stopped to fill out a survey that is a formof primary research. Secondary research is at your desk where you can investigate using articlesand statistics to support marketing decisions.


Q22 ) The "inventor" of the World Wide Web was?

A. Bill Gates

B. Steve Jobs

C. Tim Berners Lee(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. Mark Zuckerberg

E. Steve Wozniak

F. Thomas Edison


Q23 ) When comparing online marketing to more traditional marketing methods, which ofthe following statements is correct?  

A. Traditional marketing is typically less expensive, offers greater accountability and ability to tracksuccessful spends.

B. Online marketing is typically less expensive, offers greater accountability and ability to tracksuccessful spends.(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. Online marketing is typically more expensive but offers greater accountability and ability to tracksuccessful spends.


Q24 ) What is the name of a blog where the content is not created by the site owners butinstead by site visitors and users?

A. Top Down Blog

B. User Generated Blog

C. Reverse Blog(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q25 ) In the United Kingdom, what percentage of the online population are buying goodsfor delivery on at least a monthly basis, according to Ofcom?

A. 12%

B. 27%

C. 50%

D. 73%(Your Answer) (Correct)

E. 96%


Q26 ) Today, most internet connections are made through:

A. PCs

B. Laptops

C. Tablets

D. Mobile Devices(Your Answer) (Correct)

E. TVs

F. Cars

G. Wearable Technologies


Q27 ) In June 2013, Facebook reported what percentage of U.S. users are accessingthrough mobile?

A. 39%

B. 59%

C. 79%(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. 99%


Q28 )     How often should you update your blog?

A. Every day

B. Each week

C. Whenever you get around to it.

D. On a regular time interval you set.(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q29 )    Having an inactive blog is better than having no blog at all.   

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q30 ) What is the best thing to do to deal with negative comments on your web page orsocial media?  

A. Delete the comments immediately

B. Insult the person until they go away.

C. Engage with the person respectfully and try find a solution to the complaint.(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. Try find evidence proving their post incorrect and post that in response.


Q31 )  Blogs improve SEO visibility?   

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q32 )   For most third party websites (websites you do not own), it is very difficult to seeany of their html coding. Do you agree?    

A. Yes

B. No(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:With most websites you can view their html code with a browser by right clicking on thepage and choosing "View Page Source". Actual text differs by browser type. Some websites canhide their source code with appropriate programming.


Q33 ) The countries that are currently considered emerging markets in e-commerce aresometimes referred to as....




D. BRICS(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:Brazi, Russia, India, China, South-Africa


Q34 )   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C):    

A. owns the World Wide web

B. is an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of theWeb (Your Answer) (Correct)

C. is an organisation of the top 50 largest websites by monthly traffic who meet on a quarterly basis todrive online revenue and E-commerce growth


Q35 )   What statement do you agree with most?    

A. CSS or Cascading Style sheets helps to declutter websites by putting reusable formatting code intoa separate folder on a websites server.

B. CSS or Cascading Style sheets is a type of html that allows text to apear or disappear on a webpagethrough the use of hyperlinks

C. CSS or Cascading Style sheets is a web editing software package(Your Answer) (Incorrect)


Q36 )   Hosting a website requires the purchase of a host machine to be physically placedin your premises, home or other property where you are located to act as the serverfor your website.    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. You can access virtual hosting through specialist hosting companies meaning theserver is not located at your location.


Q37 )  When designing an e-commerce site we need to take what into account?   

A. Jewellery

B. Phone type

C. Thumbs(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. All of the above


Q38 )  Responsive Web Design is   

A. Web Designers responding quickly to the needs of a business

B. A design methodology that employs interactive multimedia to create a pleasent user experience

C. Designing websites that respond to the device and associated displays that viewers of your websiteinteract with including smart phones, tablets, laptops, PCs and TVs(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q39 )  Who do you have a higher probability of selling to?   

A. New Prospects

B. Existing Customers(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. There is no difference.


Q40 )   It is legally acceptable to re-use images taken without permission from third partywebsites on your live website provided you do not promote the website throughstandard online marketing methodologies.    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:All images used must be legal through either purchase from the copyright holder or byproducing yourself through photographs or image development.


Q41 )   The best button colour to drive online conversions is    

A. Green

B. Blue

C. Red

D. Orange

E. Purple

F. There is no best colour. It depends on the webiste and the audience and need to be A/Btested.(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q42 )   Flash works on all devices and operating systems.    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:It does not work on Apple IoS and other devices.


Q43 )   Retargeting in online advetising relates to:    

A. Analysing user behaviour

B. Serving ads only to people who have visited your website but did not turn into conversions(YourAnswer) (Correct)

C. Image testing


Q44 )   Most Web Designers understand how to successfully attract and convert onlinecustomers    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:Unfortunately in the vast majority of cases, they do not so you need to look at theirprevious works and question the business outcomes associated with their designs.


Q45 ) Electronic commerce, commonly known as E-commerce or eCommerce, is used todescribe business that is conducted over the Internet.

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q46 ) Which of the following is an example of an e-Commerce platform

A. Facebook

B. Magento(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. Analytics

D. Gmail


Q47 ) The 5 and 5 Rule states, in part, that you should benchmark yourself against your 5biggest competitors so you can take what they do best, emulate it, and doeverything else they may do better.

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q48 ) Which of the following is an example of a payment processing service?

A. Twitter

B. Paypal(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. Amazon

D. Sony


Q49 ) HTML is still the language in which the world wide web is written

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q50 ) Which of the following is important to include on a page targeted towards a userwho we want to convert?

A. Call to Action button

B. The Page is Relevant to the User

C. Clear product images

D. All of the Above(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q51 ) Pay Per Click is a form of Internet Advertising where advertisers

A. pay for every 1,000 impressions served on publisher's website

B. only pays the publisher when an ad is clicked (Your Answer) (Correct)

C. pays on a monthly basis for positioning on a publisher's website


Q52 ) In online Advertising CPM relates to:  

A. the clear pricing model standard

B. the cost of advertising on a publishers website at an agreed rate for every 1,000 page impressionsserved(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. the cost of advertising on a publishers website at an agreed rate for every 1,000,000 pageimpressions served

Explanation:the M relates to the Latin for 1,000


Q53 ) Starting with the lowest cost advertsing method to the highest cost, an onlinemarketer should spend incrementally more in the following order:

A. Cost per Click, Cost per Ad Impression, Cost per Lead, Cost per Acquisition

B. Cost per Lead, Cost per Ad Impression, Cost per Click, Cost per Acquisition

C. Cost per Acquisition, Cost per Ad Impression, Cost per Click, Cost per Qualified Lead

D. Cost per Ad Impression, Cost per Click, Cost per Lead, Cost per Acquisition(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q54 ) In Google Adwords, your quality score is determined by

A. how much you place as a bid for your chosen keyword phrases

B. your ad rank

C. having relevant landing pages, keywords and ads(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. all of the above


Q55 ) Your Ad Rank equals

A. your bid multiplied by your cost per conversion

B. your bid multiplied by your quality score(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. your quality score multipled by your cost per convesion


Q56 ) Google Adwords Keyword Planner can be used to benefit the following:

A. Google Adwords Advertising only

B. Search Engine Optimisation only

C. Google Adwords Advertising and Search Engine Optimisation(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. none of the above


Q57 ) With Google Adwords geographic ad targeting you can only target cities located inthe country where your website is hosted. True or False?

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:You can target cities outside of the country where your website is hosted.


Q58 ) All other things being equal, which of the three following Google adwords keywordmatch types would result in the most ad impressions being served:

A. Phrase

B. Exact

C. Broad(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. none of the above - the match type chosen would not impact on ad impressions served

Explanation:the broad keyword match type is the widest filter allowing ads to appear in the mostvariations of the keywords chosen by the advertiser.


Q59 ) Remarketing on the Google Display Network:

A. means running an ad campaign on the Google Display network after a Pay per Click ad campaignhas failed to deliver intended results

B. enables visitors to your website will see your ads on other websites in the google displaynetwork(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. relates to neither of the above


Q60 )           In Google Adwords, frequency capping relates to:

A. limiting the number of times an individual will see my ad through the use of cookies(Your Answer)(Correct)

B. limiting the geographic territories my ad will be seen through the use of cookies

C. limiting the device types that will see my ad through the use of cookies

D. none of the above

E. all of the above


Q61 )      Which of the following are the main components of online affiliate marketing?

A. Merchants, Publishers, Networks and Customers(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. Developers, Designers, Merchants and Customers

C. Retailers, Consumers, Analysts and Introducers

D. None of the above

Explanation:Merchants are also known as retailers or advertisers. Publishers are also known as theaffiliate. Affiliate networks provide a platform where affiliates and merchants can work togetherthrough the network payment intermediary and obviously every merchant’s aim is to acquirecustomers.


Q62 )     True or false: It is impossible to engage in online affiliate marketing without usingan affiliate network intermediary.

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. Many very successful online businesses attract many active affiliates throughbusiness development without engaging with an affiliate network intermediary.


Q63 )     The lowest risk commercial model for merchants to offer and work with affiliatesis:


B. CPA(Your Answer) (Correct)



Explanation:While Cost per Lead (CPL) arrangements are used, the most common and least riskcommercial arrangement for merchants is Cost per Acquisition (CPA) sometimes referred to as costper sale.


Q64 ) True or false: Affiliate Marketing is similar to Pay per Click Advertising in that it isvery quick to set up.

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False: A pay per click campaign can be set up in minutes while an affiliate programmecan take months to implement.


Q65 ) Which of the following are generally responsible for offering affiliate trackingsoftware either directly or indirectly through an affiliate network:

A. Merchants(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. Customers

C. Publishers

D. None of the above


Q66 )   True or false: Affiliate Tracking Software implementation can only be developedin-house or through an affiliate network provider.    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False: There are also affiliate tracking software as a service providers.


Q67 ) True or false: Search engine marketing can also be exploited through affiliates.

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False

Explanation:True. Specialist search affiliates can also be employed on a CPA, CPL, CPC and CPMbasis.


Q68 )   True or false: The Google Display network is a completely separate onlinemarketing channel that does not provide any benefit to online affiliate marketing.    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. In the context of remarketing, the Google display network can support onlineaffiliate marketing in a very beneficial way.


Q69 )   When looking for a good affiliate manager, which skillsets are most applicable?

A. Sales ability, SEO expertise, Web analytics and customer service

B. Business Development, account management, negotiation and online social channel expertise(YourAnswer) (Correct)

C. Neither of the above


Q70 )   A good affiliate manager should not be rigid in negotiation and should allowaffiliates adapt both commission structures and online customer acquisitionmethodologies employed.    

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False

Explanation:True. A good affiliate manager should be flexible and adapt commercials and supportmethods to each individual affiliate that has the potential to deliver business.


Q71 ) SEO stands for:

A. Search Engine Origination

B. Search Engine Organisation

C. Search Engine Obstruction

D. Search Engine Optimisation(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q72 )   Search engine optimisation requires:    

A. A large advertising budget

B. Good affiliate tracking software

C. Image editing software

D. Good knowledge of HTML(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:SEO requires good knowledge of html in order to engage in on-site optimisation.


Q73 )   On a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) visitors are more likely to click on:    

A. An “organic” search result(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. A “paid for” search result

C. A “not for profit” search result

D. None of the above


Q74 )   True or False. From a SEO perspective, it makes sense to link to third party websites as this act alone creates more authority to your web site.    

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. From a SEO perspective you want high authority relevant sites linking to yourwebsite.


Q75 ) True or false: As part of SEO planning, the responsible party should engage inanalysis that considers the business goals, competitors, optimum keywords andcustomer journeys on your website.

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q76 )   On-site optimisation should include    

A. Flash, image maps and html frames

B. Invisible links, auto refreshing and white text

C. Hyperlinks, text formatting and image alt tags(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. All of the above


Q77 )   True or false: How you name your domain, web pages, web folders and imagescan have a positive impact on SEO.    

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q78 ) Good quality useful content can help your SEO efforts:

A. Not at all

B. A little

C. Somewhat

D. Greatly(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:Modern SEO is all about crafting content so compelling that other people want topromote it by linking to it or sharing it, which increases your trust and authority and helps the pagesyou want to rank well for certain keywords


Q79 ) Ideally, to enhance a website’s SEO, content on your website should be:

A. Reused from other websites

B. Unique and Useful(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. Only accessible by registered or paid customers

D. All of the above

Explanation:Content should be unique as much as is possible, that is also relevant and useful to awide audience.


Q80 ) True or false: Buying paid links is a method that can greatly enhance your SEOsuccess.

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)

Explanation:False. You should not link to spam sites – these can negatively affect your ranking. Inaddition, paid links can be deemed as manipulating the system by Google.


Q81 ) Social media is

A. an online marketing theory that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to actto benefit society at large

B. interaction among people in which they create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtualcommunities and networks(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. neither of the above


Q82 ) With over 1 billion users, Facebook is good for:

A. reaching new customers, engaging with existing customers and establishing an accessible webpresence even for companies without established websites(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. not needing time investment in that you do not need to be quick to respond to customer questionsand complaints

C. not needing time investment in that you do not need to maintain attractive, relevant and up-to-datecontent to keep followers and entice shares

D. none of the above


Q83 ) When you choose the Facebook web address for your Facebook Business page,you should be careful with the choice of your page name as it can be difficult tochange your page name at a later time. Do you agree with this statement ordisagree? 

A. Agree(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. Disagree


Q84 ) To find all of the approved Facebook brand assets to add to your website orpromotional materials, along with the guidelines for using them, go to:

A. www.facebook.com/business

B. www.facebookbrand.com(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. www.facebook.com/help

D. none of the above


Q85 ) With over 230 million users, Twitter is good in that:

A. you do not need to be quick to respond to customer questions and complaints

B. it is the easiest social network to get up and running and talking to influencers and customers fast;and it is good for showing the personality of your brand without the need for "marketing speak" (YourAnswer) (Correct)

C. you do not need to be overly concerned abou tone and content


Q86 ) On Twitter a retweet is: 

A. is any tweet that includes the use of another user’s username (“@username”) within the body of thetweet

B. is to post or forward another user’s tweet (Your Answer) (Correct)

C. neither of the above


Q87 ) Which of the following social channels gives business owners the best opportunitiesto populate real estate on the right hand side of a Google search results page?

A. Facebook

B. Twitter

C. Tumblr

D. Pinterest

E. Instagram

F. Google+(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q88 ) A strategy serves as the path forward for any online business by mapping out apathway to success.

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q89 ) "Hootsuite" is

A. a social media management tool that helps online marketers manage all of their social media in oneplace(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. a social advertising platform provided by Owl technologies

C. free to access all functionality

D. none of the above


Q90 ) Good Online Reputation Management would include:

A. posting to review sites to promote your product or service, censoring customer complaints andcommon sense use of "dummy" accounts on third party websites

B. focusing on excellent product / services, monitoring what customers are saying about you on socialmedia, providing excellent customer service and online PR(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. undermining the credibility of negative reviewers and associated posts


Q91 )          "Mention" is an online social media software as a service that

A. enables posting of social messages across multiple social websites

B. is a way to stay informed about what is being said about your brand and track this over time(YourAnswer) (Correct)

C. is a Social Media industry specialist application to stay abreast of current news and trends

D. is none of the above


Q92 ) When you are having successes in Digital Marketing you need to view yourself asmarketing guru? 

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q93 ) Which of the following are positive habits we should follow as digital marketers.Check all that apply:

A. Try to engage at approximately the same time, in the same environment each day(Your Answer)(Correct)

B. Ensure your communication with the outside world is minimal during this time(Your Answer)(Correct)

C. Rise Earlier or Manage this Later if needs be (Your Answer) (Correct)

D. Working Frenetically


Q94 ) Keeping a journal of your path through each marketing campaign you run can be ahelpful tool?

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q95 ) When setting a marketing strategy it's important to? Check all that apply

A. Create business plan(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. Create financial forecasts(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. Dedicate time to your new venture(Your Answer) (Correct)

D. Work out inherent risks(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q96 ) Setting out milestones and time frames for any campaign is an important step forprofessional digital marketers.

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False


Q97 ) A marketing strategy is a document that includes:

A. KPI's, who's responsible for what, a buying guide for purchasing goods

B. KPI's, timeframes for project components, a budget and costings(Your Answer) (Correct)

C. Data analysis, costs, and a hiring plan

D. Your business vision, personal philosophy, HTML and mission statement


Q98 ) Its always best to bank profits before the close of a campaign.

A. True

B. False(Your Answer) (Correct)


Q99 ) If our campaigns are either massively underperforming or overperforming we needto:

A. analyze why and learn from it(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. have a party

C. replicate the same approach for our next campaign



Digital marketing as a field, is an area expected to grow in the next 5-10 years?

A. True(Your Answer) (Correct)

B. False

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