dell: impact of innovation on the it professional; gartner iom summit

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Business Innovation and IT transformation: Impact on the IT Professional Jim Stikeleather Chief Innovation Officer for Dell
  2. 2. Innovation is essential for 21st Century business success The purpose of the 20th century firm: The purpose of the 21st century firm: To minimize transaction costs and achieve scalable efficiency. To accelerate capability building and effectively apply that capability to innovation. Creating new value better & faster New view: Socially- enabled enterprise operating in a digital business ecosystem. IT is essential to enabling firms to evolve and innovate with information driven value creation.
  3. 3. Innovation is the process that takes new ideas and implements them in a way that creates value by solving unmet needs. New ideas + Forward-thinking + Feasible + Viable + Valuable Not a marketing term Not invention Products and services Business models Process models Operations Development Sales & Marketing
  4. 4. With Innovation Plan Without Innovation Plan Business model and process Products&Services New Near to existing NewNear to existing Breakthrough Disruptive change BreakthroughIncremental Sustaining
  5. 5. Forests and trees and bark and pine beetles Mobility, BYOD, etc. => Ubiquity Availability Accessibility Software Defined Data Center Software Defined Infrastructure
  6. 6. Services Tech trends to business scenarios
  7. 7. Services
  8. 8. Impact on Business/Management/Operational Models & IT Engineered Efficiency @ Scale Management Control Standardization Specialization Centralization Expertise Hierarchy Alignment Conformance Predictability Extrinsic Rewards Closed Emergent Efficacy @ Moment Engagement Freedom Diversity Mash-ability Disaggregation Collective Intelligence Community Experimentation Opt-In Serendipity Intrinsic Rewards Open Scale Adaptability Efficiency Innovation Discipline Engagement Delivery Application Transactional Models Production separate from consumption Social/Eco-models Production co-resident with consumption
  9. 9. Cynefin-the relationship between systems and management Complex Unknown unknowns Cause & effect are coherent only in retrospect & do not repeat Emergent practice Pattern management Perspective filters Complex adaptive system Probe-Sense-Respond Complicated Known unknowns Cause & effect are discoverable & separated over time & space Good practice Expert diagnosis More than one possible right answer Analytical & scenario planning Systems thinking Sense-Analyze-Respond Simple Known knowns Cause & effect is obvious, repeatable, & predictable Best practice Standard operating procedure SenseCategorizeRespond Chaotic Unknowables No cause & effect Novel practice Stability-focused intervention Enactment tools Crisis management Act-Sense-Respond Collapse Disorder
  10. 10. Getting there technology does not cause change, it only enables, facilitates and accelerates change that already wants to take place Current state Now key business processes and business lever hierarchy Detailed requirements and usage patterns Organizational capabilities Full understanding of existing economic environment with key metrics Future state 2020? Delivering on a Services Platform On demand co-creation of new value by collaborating consumers and suppliers Transformation Open Innovation, who can add value to mine, who can I add value to theirs? sense making model (data proceeds framework) versus categorization model (framework proceeds data) Forever Digital business ecosystems
  11. 11. Three necessary dimensions of success: Visionary business leader Attitude Pragmatist Interactions & relationships Resources & allocations Outcomes & activities Questions & focus Focus Innovation and what creates value for your customers What you do better than anyone else What you are required to for legal or regulatory reasons Received Wisdom? Tradition? Physics? What to Start, Stop, Do Differently? Technology & Business Models Standardize Simplify Automate Future-ready - What will you give up? - What will you do new? - What will you do differently? - What can others do for you?
  12. 12. The futureAutomateStandardize Simplify The unneeded Mgmt. & Tools Centralize Virtualize Compute, storage, network Tasks & steps Processes Self- serviceIntroduce FederationRefresh & upgrade Modernize Intelligent capacity Data center automation Server consolidation Test and development Computing clouds Policy-based Workloads On-demand Scalability Self-service Self-service Abstraction Abstraction Abstraction Abstraction Abstraction Virtual infrastructure Virtual infrastructure Virtual infrastructure Virtual infrastructure Management Monitoring Compliance Management Monitoring Compliance Management Monitoring Compliance Orchestration (Internal) Orchestration (Internal) Choreography (External) Eliminate IT Transformation Reference Architecture
  13. 13. Future Organic Enterprise enabled by IT: Conceptualize&Decide Observe&Comprehend Orient & Communicate Act in Collaboration Derived from: Trilogy Model Knowledge Creation Process Methusael B. Cebrian College of Education Capitol University, Phillipines Integration of the OODA Loop US AirForce Colonel John Boyd SECI Model Socialization, Externalization, Combination and Internalization Professor Ikujiro Nonaka of Japan Institute of Science &Technology Oinas-Kukkonen Organizational Knowledge Creation and Management Framework Harri Oinas-Kukkonen University of Oulu, Finland Stanford University, USA
  14. 14. Services Translating for customers
  15. 15. Services Our Point of View:
  16. 16. Twitter: @stikeyoda

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