condidates - gist...supplementary examinations / nov/dec 2019/instructions dt. 31.10.2019 to the...

Post on 17-Sep-2020






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Exominations BranchNotification

forB-tech (Rl5) Regulor & Supplementory Exominotions November/December 2O19

---1B.Tech TV Year T Semester(For 2015, ?Ot6 Pegular & ?OL6,2Ot7 Lateral Enfry admitted batches only)

B.Tech III Yeor f Semester(For ?Qt5, ?OL6, ?OI7 Regulor & 2016, 2OL7 , 7OtA Laterol Enf ry admitted botches only)

B.Tech fI Year T Semester(For 2QL5, ?Ot6,2Ot7, ?OLB Regular & 2Ot6,2Ot7,?OtA,2OL9 Laterol Entry admitted batches only)

Condidates oppe,aring for the above exominot;ons commencang from 25-tl-2Ot9(Mondoy) olre informed thot the applicotions will be received as Pe" the timeschedule given below:

Exominotion Registrotion Lost Dote

Without Late Fee 13.11.2019

With Lote Fee of Rs. lOO/- 15.11.2019

With Lote Fee of Rs. 1000/- 18.11.2019

With Lote Fee of Rs. 3000/- ? Lote Fee of Rs. 5000/- 2?.11.?019

Note: (i) Applicotions ore ovoiloble ot the officeof the Principal ond duly filled-in opplicotions should be

honded over in the college office olong with necessory f ee.

(ii) Applicotions for supplementory exominotions should be submitted olong with ottestedphotocopies of morks sheets pertoining to earlier ottempts mode by the student.

(iii) Holl tickets will be issued only to the eligrble condidotes who fulfill the qcodemic requirementsof the University.

(iv) Principols are requesled to verity the eligibility of the registrotion for exominotion in respectof molprqcf i ce/ court csses/ credits.

(v) The Principols ore requested to inform the students thot mere poyment of exominotion fee does

not guorontee eligibility for oppeoring f or examinotions.

(vi) For the studenfs due dote to submit theregistration forms at college exom bronch is one doy

6efore the'lost dote'.

il - 5)-="'Dote: 31 -h}-?Otg Dffit

}lli.?ece.pts/choJ|ansa|ongwithg||necessoryenc|osureshove,''j:m"#University Exominotions Bronch

(i) on 2Q.t1.2Ot9 (Wednesdoy) for Online receipts/Chollons without fine, with Rs.10O/-fine ond Rs.1OO0/- fine only.

(ii) on 23.11.2019 (Soturdoy) for Online receipts/Chollons with Rs.30OO/- and Rs.5000/-fine only.


Exominotion Fee

1. For the whole exominotion For requlor only Rs.7O0-002. For one sub.iect (Iheory / proctical)




3. For two sub.iects (theory / practical / both) Rs.400-004. For three sub.iecfs (theory / practical / 6oth) Rs.500-005. For four sub.iects & obove (theory / procticol / both) Rs.7OO-00

6. Morks Memorondum Rs.10.007. Cost of Application Rs.05-00



Exominotions BranchNotificotion


B.Tech I Year I semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations November/December 2O19 |

(For 2Ot5, 2Ot6, 2017 & 2Ot8 odmitted batches only) |

Candidotes oppearing for the above examinotions commencing from 25th November 2019a?e informed thot the opplications will be received <rs per the time schedule givenbelow:

Exominotion Registrotion Lost Dote

Without Late Fee 13.11.?Ot9

With Lote Fee of Rs. 1OO/- 15.11.20t9

With Lote Fee of Rs. 1OO0/- 18.11.2079

With Lote Fee of Rs. 3OO0/- Lote Fee of Rs. 5OOO/-

Examinotion Fee

1. For one subiect (theory / procticol) Rs.300-002. For two sub.iects (theory / procticol / both) Rs.40O-003. For three sub.iects (theory / procticol / both) Rs.5@-004. For four sub.iects & obove (theory / practical / bolh) Rs.70O-O0

5. Morks Memorandum Rs.1O.0O

6. Cost of Application Rs.05-00

Note: (i) Applicotions ore ovoiloble ot the office of the Principol ond duly filled-in opplicotions should be

honded over in the college office olong with necessary fee.Applicotions f or supplementory exominotions should be submitted olong with ottestedphotocopies of morks sheets pertoining to eorlier ottempts mode by the student,Holltickets will be issued only to the eligible condidotes who fulfill the ocodemic reguirements ofthe University.Principofs orerequested to verify the eligibility of the regisirotion for exominotion in respect ofmalpracf ice/ court coseslcredits.The Principols arerequested to inform the students lhat mere poyment of exominotionfee does

not guorontee eligibilify for oppeoring for exominof ions.

Detoiled timetables will be notif ied in the website under 'Exominotions'.

9- YU,-Evaluation

(r rJ

(i ii)




Dote: 31 -1O-2O19


Onfine receipts/Chollons olong with oll necessory enclosures hove toUniversity Exominotions Bronch

(i) on 20. tl.2Ol9 (Wednesdoy) for Online receipts/Chollons wifhout

e*be submitted ot the

fine, with Rs.100/-fine ond Rs.IOOO/- fine only.

(ii) on 23.17.2019 (Sofurdoy) for Online receipts/Chollons with Rs.3OOO/- and Rs.500O/-fine only.


Exominotions BronchNotificotion

forB.Tech (Rl3) Supplementory Exominotions November/December 2O19

B.Tech TV Year I Semester(For 2Ot3, ?Ot4 P.egular & 2OL4,2OL5 Laterol Entry admitted botches only)

B.Tech TTT Year f Semester(For 2OL3,2014, Regulor & 2OL4,2015, Loterol Entry admitted botches only)

B.Tech fI Yeor f Semester(For ?OL3, ?at4 P.egular & 2Q14,2015 Laterol Entry admitted batches only)

Condidotes oppearing fo? the above examinafions comme,ncing from 25th November 2019a?e informed thot the applications will be received os pe" the time schedule givenbelow:

Exominotion Registrotion Last Dote

Without Late Fee 13. 1 1 .2019

With Lote Fee of Rs. 1OOl- 15.11.2019

With Lote Fee of Rs. 1000/- 18.11.2019

With Lote Fee of Rs. 3OO0/- 20.11.20L9

With Lote Fee of Rs. 5000/- ??.t|.2019

Exominotion Fee

1. For one sub.iect (theory / procticol) Rs.3OO-00

2. For two sub.iects (theory / procticol / 6oth) Rs.4O0-003. For three sub.iects (theory / practical / both) Rs.500-004. For four sub.iects & obove (theory / practical / both) Rs.70O-005. Morks Memorondum Rs.10.0O

6. Cost of Applicotion Rs.05-00

Note; (i) Applicotions ore ovoiloble ot the off ice of the Principol ond duly f illed-in opplicotions should be

honded over in the college office along with necessary fee.(ii) Applicotions for supplementory exominotions should be submitted olong with otiested

photocopies of morks sheets pertaining lo eorlier ottempis made by the student.(iii) Holltickets will be issued only to the eligible condidotes who fulfillthe ocodemic reguirements of

the University.(iv) Principols orerequested to verity the eligibility of the registnotion for exqminotion in respect of

maloractice/ courl coses /credits.(v) The Principols are reguested to inform the students thot mere poyment of exominotion fee does

not guorontee eligibilily for oppeoring for examinotions.(vi) Detoiled timetobles will be notified in the website under'Exominoiions'.

Dote: 31-1o-2ote offirdfl.g.rA:l:TNote: {" {H}H-Onfine receipts/Chollons olong with oll necessory enclosures hove to be submitted ot the

University Exominotions Bronch

(i) on 2O.t1.2O19 (Wednesdoy) for online receipts/challons without fine, with Rs.100/- fineond Rs.IOOO/- fine only.

(ii) on 23.11.2019 (Saturdoy) for online receipts/chollons with Rs.3OOO/- and Rs.5OOO/-

fine only.


Examinqtions Bronch


B.Teph. (RO9\ Supplementary Exominotions, November./December 2019

--1I-' B.Tech TV Year f Semester(For ?OL? Regular admitted botches only)

B.Tech III Yeor I Semester(For 2Ot2 Regular admitfed botches only)

B.Tech If Year I Semester(For ?Ot? Regular odmitted botches only)


Condidotes appeoring for the obove exominations commencing from(Mondovl are informed thot the applicotions will be received os per thegiven below:

Examinotion Registrotion Lost Dote

Without Late Fee 13.11 .2079

With Lote Fee of Rs. 1O0/- 15.11.2079

With Lote Fee of Rs. 1O0O/- 18.11.2019

With Lote Fee of Rs. 3OO0/- Lote Fee of Rs. 5000/-

Exominotion Fee

I For one subiect (theory / procticol) Rs.3O0-002. For two subiects &heorv / procticol / both) Rs.40O-003. For lhree sub.iects (theory / procticol / both) Rs.50O-O0

4. For four sub.iects & obove (theory / procticol / both) Rs.700-005. Morks Memorondum Rs.1O.O0

6. Cost of Applicotion Rs.05-00

Note: (i) Applicotions ore ovoiloble ot the office of the Principol ond duly f illed-in opplicotions should be

honded over in Ihe college office olong with necessory fee.(ii) Applicotions f or supplementory exominotions should be submifted olong with ottested

photocopies of morks sheets pertaining to earlier attempts mode by the student.(iii) Holl tickets will be issued only to the eligible condidotes who fulf ill the ocodemic requirements of

the University.(iv) Principols arerequested to verity the eligibility of the registrotion for exominotion in respect of

malpractice/ courF cases /credits.(v) The Principols are requested to inform the students thot mere poyment of exominoiion fee does

not guorontee eligibility f or appearing f or examinotions.(vi) Detoiled timetobles will be notif ied in the website under 'Exomin

Dote: 31-10-2019 Direcior qf Evoluotion

Note: 3 (l\-n- :-2.. "&\' -f {*)y'"Onfine rece,pts/Chollons olong with oll necessory enclosures hove to be submitted of theUniversity Exominations Bronch

(i) on ?O.ll.20l9 (Wednesday) for online receipts/chollons without fine, with Rs.l0Ol- fineond Rs.IOOO/- fine only.

(ii) on ?3.71.?Ot9 (Soturdoy) for online recetpts/chollons with Rs.3000/- ond Rs.500O/-

fine only.



25.rr -2019time schedule


EXAMINATIONS BRANCH Prof.C.Sashidhar Director of Evaluation

Lr. No. DE / JNTUA/ ATP/ B.Tech I, II, III & IV years I semester (R15, R13 & R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations / Nov/Dec 2019/Instructions dt. 31.10.2019

To The Principals All colleges offering B.Tech program under JNTU Anantapur


You are requested,

1. To upload internal marks of B.Tech II, III & IV years I semester Regular students (AY 2019-20) to examinations portal ‘JNTUA EMS’ on or before 05:30 PM of 19.11.2019 (Tuesday). Internal marks uploaded after 05:30 PM of 19th November 2019 will not be considered. Hard copy of the same duly signed and stamped by the college principal on each sheet should reach Dr. S Chandra Mohan Reddy, Associate Professor of ECE and Additional Controller of Examinations, University Examinations Branch, Opposite Govt.Polytechnic College, JNTUAnantapur, Ananthapuramu – 515002 (A.P) on or before 23.11.2019 (Saturday)


by registered/speed post. Please superscribe the cover containing the hard copy of internal marks as B.Tech/II-I,III-I,IV-I/IM/R15/Nov/Dec-19 Exams/<College Code>. To conduct laboratory examinations from 18.11.2019 to 23.11.2019 and send the award lists in sealed covers to the address mentioned above on or before 28.11.2019 (Thursday)


without fail by registered/speed post. The cover may be superscribed as B.Tech I-I,II-I,III-I,IV-I/R15/R13/R09/Reg & Supple/Nov/Dec-19/Lab Award Lists/<College Code> You are requested to finalize the attendance particulars of the students for regular examinations and to upload the detained list to the examinations portal ‘JNTUA EMS’ on or before 05:30 PM of 11.11.2019 (Monday)

4. without fail.

To note that schedule for online registration (for R15, R13 & R09 regulations only) is as follows Opens Closes No. of Days Without late fee 31.10.2019 13.11.2019 11 days With Rs.100/- late fee 14.11.2019 15.11.2019 02 days With Rs.1000/- late fee 16.11.2019 18.11.2019 02 days With Rs.3000/- late fee 19.11.2019 20.11.2019 02 days With Rs.5000/- late fee 21.11.2019 22.11.2019 02 days

Schedule for submission of online receipts/challan for verification at Head Quarters 20.11.2019 Wednesday All Districts Without fine, with Rs.100/- fine and Rs.1000/- fine only 23.11.2019 Saturday All Districts With Rs.3000/- fine and Rs.5000/- fine only

5. Students who are writing substitute subjects and additional subjects shall be registered manually with centre being the parent college only.

6. To submit the following at the time of verification along with Online receipts/Challans without which verification process will not undertaken

(a) Detained List signed by the college principal. (b) Condoned List signed by the college principal along with Online receipts/Challan towards condonation fee. (c) College Academic Committee (CAC) resolution approving detained and condonation Lists. (d) ‘Eligible but not registered’ list signed by the college principal. (e) Copy of Clearance Certificate. (f) Copy of UCS Fee Receipts.

7. Deduction by the colleges is permissible as per the proceedings of the Registrar dated 07.04.2018 for Regular and 16.04.2014 for Supple, copies of which are available in under ‘examinations’.

8. To note that hall tickets will be generated only for eligible students who have paid the UCS fee, for whom clearance has been given by the University and whose examinations fee has been received. For these candidates hall tickets will be available in the JNTUA EMS on 21.11.2019 (Thursday)

for download.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Director of Evaluation

Copy to The Controller of Examinations. The Additional Controller of Examinations. File.


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