climate justice launch events

Post on 15-Jan-2015



News & Politics



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Our Climate Justice campaign launched with twelve special events across England and Wales - thousands joined together to take action for climate justice. Please add YOUR voice at


Our Climate Justice campaign launched this March – with twelve special events across England and Wales

Thousands of campaigners and church leaders, school children and students, politicians and parishes joined together to take action for climate justice

“Governments alone won't achieve a climate change agreement. It needs you, civil society, people of faith

and not of faith, all of us”

Ed Miliband, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

Young activists from St Peter and Paul’s parish, Northfields, add their support to the campaign

Bishop of Hallam John Rawsthorne, chair of CAFOD, signs a campaign card and urges all of us to become "ambassadors for climate justice"

Solidarity walk to St Anne’s Cathedral, Leeds, led by CAFOD director Chris Bain and Cambodian partners

Khim Sarin and Lay Sophea,

"In the end it’s about what we do. Faith and belief inspire people, but it’s

about turning that into practical action”

Hilary Benn, Environment Minister

Honorary Alderman David Wilde, Sheriff of York, joins CAFOD partner Lay Sophea from Cambodia for a special mass at St Wilfrid’s Church, York

Primary school children present their work on the Call of Creation as part of the offertory procession

at a special mass in York

Young people in Plymouth write messages to the government calling for a

fair climate change deal

Schoolchildren enjoy a day of environmental activities to launch the campaign in Shrewsbury

Members of religious orders study, pray and speak out for climate justice at

their Lent day of reflection

“Our climate is in our hands - but it is also in yours. The UK government must be a leader on climate change"

Khim Sarin and Lay Sophea, environmental experts and CAFOD partners

Watch the video and take action online

Send photos of your actions to

Photos: Simon Rawles, George Coppock, Adrian White, CAFOD staff

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