by: ms. susan m. pojer horace greeley hs...

Post on 09-Sep-2018






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By: Ms. Susan M. Pojer

Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY

T he Dreyfus Case, 1894

Capt. Alfred


Emile Zola


Theodore Herzl



The spiritual and

political renewal of

the Jewish people

in its ancestral

homeland of


Freedom from

Western anti-Semitism.

First Zionist Conference, 1897

Herzl writes Der Judenstaat, or

The Jewish State in 1896.

Met in Basel, Switzerland.

Creates the First Zionist Congress.

Becomes an international Jewish


“Next Year in Jerusalem!”

T he Ottoman Empire in WW1

T he Main Players in WW1

Nicholas II [Rus]

George V [Br]

Pres. Poincare [Fr]

Allied Powers:

Franz Josef [A-H]

Wilhelm II [Ger]

Victor Emmanuel II [It]

Central Powers:

Enver Pasha [Turkey]

T he Middle East in 1914

T. E. Lawrence [1888-1935]

“Lawrence of Arabia,”

The Legend Begins

Hussein-McMahon Letters, 1915

....Britain is prepared

to recognize and

uphold the

independence of the

Arabs in all regions

lying within the

frontiers proposed

by the Sharif of

Mecca.... Hussein ibn Ali,

Sharif of Mecca

Sykes-Picot A greement, 1916

T he Arab Revolt: 1916-1918

T he Allied Advance A gainst the Ottoman Turks

Br. General

Edmund Allenby

T he British & Arab Armies Meet

British Forces


& Faisal’s


British Promise to the Jews: Balfour Declaration, 1917

Sir Arthur James Balfour

Br. Foreign Secretary

His Majesty’s Government

views with favor the

establishment in Palestine

of a national home for the

Jewish people and will use

their best endeavors to

facilitate the achievement

of this object, it being

clearly understood that

nothing shall be done

which may prejudice the

civil and religious rights of

existing non-Jewish

communities in Palestine…

1.5 million: A Portent of Future Horrors to Come!

Turkish Genocide A gainst the Armenians

Districts & Vilayets of Western Armenia in Turkey

1914 1922

Erzerum 215,000 1,500

Van 197,000 500

Kharbert 204,000 35,000

Diarbekir 124,000 3,000

Bitlis 220,000 56,000

Sivas 225,000 16,800

Other Armenian-populated Sites in Turkey

Western Anatolia 371,800 27,000

Cilicia and Northern Syria 309,000 70,000

European Turkey 194,000 163,000

Trapizond District 73,390 15,000

Total: 2,133,190 387,800

Turkish Genocide A gainst the Armenians

Prince Faisal at Versailles, 1918

Arab Disappointment!

T he League of Nations Mandates

“New” Countries & Ruling Families Emerge!

Prince Faisal “ruler” of Trans-Jordan.

Prince Abdullah “ruler” of a newly-created

Iraq [pasted together from three distinct

geographic regions].

The House of Saud put on the throne of the

newly-created Saudi Arabia.

The Pahlavi Family put on the throne of a

new Iran.

Mustafa Kemal leads a military/nationalist

movement in Turkey.

Treaty of Lausanne, 1923

Modern Turkey Is Born.

Mustafa Kemal “Atatürk” (1881-1938)

Ataturk’s Reform Program Capital moved from Constantinople to Ankara.

Secularism Qur’an in Turkish translation.

Adoption of a republican constitution and a

Swiss civil code.

Westernization & nationalism:

Compulsory, secular education.

Banning the fez.

Western [Roman] script.

Western clothing.

Women unveiled & given full citizenship

and the right to vote.

Oil Discovered in Mesopotamia!

First discovered on Masjid-I Suleiman in Persia

in 1908.

Turkish-Petroleum Co. [TPC] founded in 1911

drill for oil in Mosul, Mesopotamia.

Britain signed a secret agreement with the sheikh

of Kuwait who, while outwardly pledging

allegiance to the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul,

promised exclusive oil rights to the British.

Kuwait became a British protectorate in

November, 1914.

In 1927, oil was struck in Kirkuk, Iraq, and the

Iraq Petroleum Co. [IPC] was created.

Oil Becomes the New International

“Coin of the Realm!”

American oil companies

[Texaco & Chevron], gain

oil concessions in Bahrain

in 1929.

In 1933, American oil

companies win an oil

concession in Saudi Arabia.

ARAMCO [Arab-American

Oil Co,] is created in 1939.

Rezah Khan (1877-1944)

an Iranian officer, seized

control of the govt. in 1921.

declared himself SHAH in


created the Pahlavi Dynasty.

ruled from 1925-1941.

initiated some modern


forced to abdicate his

throne by the Allied armies

in 1941.

Reforms in Iran

Secularization seizure of

religious lands.

Adoption of the French civil


Built the Trans-Iranian


Improved education.

T he Middle East Between the Wars

Essential Question:

How did Britain’s actions

in Palestine after 1918 lay

the groundwork for the

on-going conflict between

the Jews and the Arabs in

the Middle East today?

Palestine Was Part of the Ottoman Empire

Jews & Arabs in Palestine, 1920

In 1920, there

was 1 Jew to

every 10 Arabs in


By 1947, the ratio

was 2 Arabs for

every Jew.

The Arabs felt that

they were loosing

control of their


British Mandate in Palestine Created

July, 1922

Jewish Settlements: T he Kibbutz System

First one founded in 1908.

Communal living.

“Make the Desert


1929 Arab Riots


[“Slaughter All the Jews!”]


1919 1,806

1920 8,223

1921 8,294

1922 8,685

1923 8,175

1924 13,892

1925 34,386

1926 13,855

1927 3,034

1928 2,178

1929 5,249

1930 4,944


1931 4,075

1932 12,533

1933 37,337

1934 45,267

1935 66,472

1936 29,595

1937 10,629

1938 14,675

1939 31,195

1940 10,643

1941 4,592

Palestine Arab Revolt: 1936-1939

The Grand Mufti of

Jerusalem, Haj Amin

al-Hussani, with

Adolf Hitler.

An end to Jewish

immigration to Palestine.

An end to the transfer

of lands to Jewish


A new “general



Their Goals:

T he Peel Commission Partition

Plan, 1937

British W hite Paper of 1939

Limited Jewish

immigration to

Palestine to 75,000 over

the next five years.

It ended Jewish land


Independence for

Palestine within 10 years.

It is NOT British policy

that Palestine become a

Jewish state.

T he “Arab Legion” of the

British Army During WW2

T he “Jewish Brigade” of the British Army During WW2

Hitler’s “Final


The Jewish population in each country in 1942.

Nazi Concentration & Extermination Camps

T he Nazi Holocaust

6,000,00 Jews killed

by the Nazis [1/2 in

the concentration


Aliyah Bet : Illegal Jewish Immigration

Aliyah Bet

Illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine.

The Exodus, 1947.

Palestine Population

in 1946

British “Detention” Camps in Cyprus : 1946-1948

Jewish “Freedom Fighters” (or “Terrorists”?)

Irgun Zvai Leumi

[Natl. Military Org.]

Avraham Stern &

The Stern Gang

U. N. Partition Plan of 1947

Israel Becomes a Nation: May 14, 1948

David Ben-Gurion,

1st Prime Minister

Chaim Weizmann,

1st President

War Begins!: May 15, 1948

Arab Refugees, 1948

The Palestinian Diaspora begins!

Armistice Signed, 1949

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