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Archetype analysis


In Jung theory there is a term called individuation or self-realization. Individuation is a psychological growing up, the process of balancing all aspects of the self-archetypes which make a person special or unique on their own (Guerin et. al, 2005, p. 204). In Jungs theory of individuation, there are four archetypes that conceptualized by Jung. As cited in Feist-Feist (2008, p.112) they are shadow, persona, anima and animus. Those archetypes are the basic elements of the self which people tends to projected in reality through their attitude and behavior. Thus, this chapter contains an elaborate explanation about the shadow, anima, animus and persona of Bheem and Thor characters as the hero of the story in each folktales.3.1. The Shadow of Bheem and ThorThe shadow according to Feist Feist (2008, p.107) is the archetype of darkness and repression, represents the inferior and less pleasing aspects of personality that people do not wish to acknowledge but attempt to hide from ourselves and others. In other word, this inferior and less pleasing aspects of personality includes the cruel or wicked side of human personality, and bad feelings such as feelings of shame, humiliation, and guilt. Jung stated that the dark contents in the shadow contains an emotional nature which is mostly obsessive or possessive (Botha, 2006, p.11).In the proses of identifying the shadow, it is important to understand how the ego defends itself from making the unconscious shadow content conscious (Inaba, 2006, p.32). According to Botha (2006, p.11), people tend to cope with the shadow side of their personality through repression, denial and projection. Repression as it is said by Freud in Feist Feist (2008, p.35) is the act of someone in which case the shadow of their personality is repressed into the unconscious. The repression of the shadow usually followed by denial action. Denial is explained by Stevens (1982) in Inaba (2006, p. 33), as the flat refusal to accept the existence of ideas or events associated in any way with the content originally repressed. Projection of the shadow usually appears when the emotional nature provokes too much anxiety (Feist Feist, 2008, p.37). As cited in Feist Feist (2008, p.37), Freud (1915) defined the projection as giving off our shadow side to another person that actually belongs to us. These three ways are usually done by people to protect their ideal ego. This notion is related to Jungs idea as cited in Inaba (2006, p.20), according to Campbell (1976) this is grounded in Jungs fundamental belief that it is normal for human beings to repress and not portray their problems and weaknesses to others, since as people develop they create an ideal image of themselves.The repression and denial of the shadow are performed by Bheem as well as Thor. In Mahabharat, there is one episode obviously shows that Bheem is repressing and denying his shadow side. In the episode of Pandavs go into hiding, Pandavas and Draupadi were in disguise. They were spending the thirteenth year under the guise without being detected after twelve year exiled in the forest. This conditions is related to the fateful game of dice episode. Therefore, in this episode Bheem disguised himself as royal chef named Ballav, Yudhishtir disguised himself as Kank, the minister and courtier of King Virat and Draupadi in the guise of a maid by the name of Sairandhri. In this episode, Bheem repressed and denied his shadow side that conquer his consciousness when he saw Draupadi was molested by Keechak. It happened when Bheem, Yudhishtir, King Virat and his court assembled in the royal assembly.In the presence of King Virat and his court, Kank and Ballav who were also present, the drunk Keechak kicked her, causing her to tumble to the floor. Bheem had to make a superhuman effort to control his rage. Yudhishtir cautioned him using coded signs not to do anything hasty and reveal their identity (Bennurwar, 2006, p.66).The evidence above shows that Bheem was very angry to see Keechaks behavior toward Draupadi. His rage which aroused at that time is influenced by his emotional disposition. Botha (2006, p.11) states that any emotions taken to excess is indicating the unconscious shadow influence on the mind. In this case, his possessive disposition toward Draupadi makes Bheem feels like he has big responsibility to protect her. Since, Draupadi is the wife of Pandavs, Bheem feels that Draupadi is the part of his pride. Therefore, Bheem is very angry when he see Draupadi tumbled on the floor kicked by Keechak. In this episode, the repression of his shadow side can be seen when the narrator said that, Bheem had to make a superhuman effort to control his rage. It shows his struggle to repress his anger. Bheem is really angry to see Keechaks action toward Draupadi. He maintains his rage with such a superhuman effort to keep it stay unconscious. In order to keep it unconscious, the repressions are backed up with denial. Bheem denies that his pride is hurt when Draupadi experiences an unpleasing event. Therefore, he acted as if there is no relationship between him and Draupadi. Bheems action here can be said that he creates a false personality upon society. However, he creates a false personality in order to protect the ideal ego at that moment. Moreover, he also cautioned by his brother to not do something reckless that will makes his identity revealed. If his true identity as Bheem revealed, all events that he has been through comes to nothing. The Pandavs and Draupadi has to be exiled in the forest for twelve years again. In here, it can be concluded that at this time his pride is no longer becomes the priority of his life. His disguise becomes his priority during this episode, instead.As well as Bheem, Thor also performs a repression and denial against his shadow. In the Thor goes fishing episode, Thor disguised himself as a young man to deceive Hymer, so that he can get the kettle from Hymer. A day after his arrival in Hymers home, Thor helps Hymer to catch some fish in the sea. He looks very excited to help Hymer, but Hymer disrespect at Thor presences and underestimate his power and ability.Such a puny young fellow can be of no use to me, and if I go as far out to sea as I generally do, and stay as long, you will catch a cold that will be the death of you.

Thor was so angry at this insult that he wanted to let his hammer ring on the giant's head, but he wisely kept his temper. (Mabie, 2007, p.118-119).

Thor is angry because of Hymers scornful utterance which completely implies an impolite attitude toward Thor. In the evidence above, Thor was so angry at this insult describes Thors true feeling behind his persona that appears in front of Hymer. It means that those words that said by Hymer instantly triggered Thors rage. The following sentence, he wanted to let his hammer ring on the giant's head is stressing that he is very angry at Hymer. It can be said that his emotional disposition is pushing his shadow side to appear on the surface of his personality. In a sense, Thor obsessive disposition makes Thor wanted to strike Hymers head with his hammer. However, the last sentence in that evidence, but he wisely kept his temper shows that Thor is repressing his anger. Thor is repressing his desire to strike Hymer with his hammer. In here, Thors repression action is followed by denial. Thor denies that he actually feels humiliated and underestimated by every words that Hymer had been said. In other word, the unpleasant aspects of his true personality, being humiliate and underestimate, are not the part of his personality at all.Through the explanation above, it can be seen that the matters which become the shadow side of the hero is the humiliation upon his pride, the underestimation of his great strength and being disrespected. Those feature are the inferior and less pleasing aspects of the hero personality. The hero does not wish to acknowledge them but attempt to hide from others.As the hero figure in each stories, Bheem or Thor are showing their shadow side as the other side of their personality. Both character often shows their shadow side in order to prove their strength and ability. The great power and ability that lie in the heros character defines his heroic identity, but it also enable the hero to perform immoral attitude when his pride is hurt because of the offensive action of the enemy (Botha, 2006, p. 9).

In Mahabharat tales, the immoral attitude of Bheem can be seen through his action in three episodes of Mahabharata tales which employed by the writer. First, in the episode of Bheem slays Bakasur. The tyrant figure who ruled the Ekchakranagari, a giant named Bakasur.Bheem played with the Rakshas for a while and finally lifted him above his head and brought him crashing to the ground. The fight had gone out of the demon. Bheem broke his back and put an end to the life of the Rakshas who had terrorized the innocent for long (Bennurwar, 2006, p.37).The evidence above is showing how Bheem fight and kill Bakasur, the tyrant giant. It is showing Bheems superhuman effort to perish the giant who had terrorized Ekchakranagari. Lifted him above his head shows that Bheem is seriously lift Bakasur up so high on the air. By using his powerful strength, he is able to lift Bakasur above his head, then he slam the giants body down to the ground. Moreover, Bheem broke his back shows Bheems action to ensure that the giant is dead. It is stressing that Bheem is absolutely ruthless toward Bakasur. At the end of the fight between them, Bheem successfully killed Bakasur.Second, another ruthless action that performed by Bheem is when Pandavas go into hiding in Matsya Kingdom. Bheem killed the commander-in-chief of King Virats army named Keechak. In this episode, It was not the soft touch of any beauty as Keechak had imagined but the iron frame of Bheemsen, who sprang like a mighty lion upon a helpless prey. Keechak, though physically strong, was no match for the huge Bheem. The son of Vaayu reduced Draupadis molester to a pulp of human flesh, punching his body totally out of shape. He then threw the mass of human flesh somewhere in the hall, (Bennurwar, 2006, p.66).The third, in the middle of Great Kurukshetra War is where Bheem showed the most immoral and cruelest action.Bheem and Thor shows the negative and positive contents of the shadow.3.2. The Anima of Bhima and ThorAnima, as cited in Guerin (2005, p.20) is the female aspect presented in the male psyche. Anima is employed by the writer to reveal the other side of Bheem and Thor personality.3.3. The Persona of Bhima and Thor3.4. The Heroic identity of Bheem and ThorIn collective unconscious, Jung believed that all human being share similar certain ideas that has roots in the ancestral past of the entire species. The archetypes, as the ideas or contents of collective unconscious, has no specific form but can be seen through some observable sources. Folktales are the means by which archetypes become real and articulate to the conscious mind. In The Mahabharat and The Eddas, the representation of archetypes is shown through the characters, in case of hero archetypes.

There is one character from each stories which is shown as the representation of the hero archetypes. There is Bheem in the epic folktale of Mahabharat and Thor in The Prose Edda. Both of them are mythological character which become the central character as the hero in the story. According to Myss (2003) in Inaba (2006, p.30) to identify a character as hero, it can be seen through his or her attributes of great strength and ability. Moreover, Myss (2003) also explained that, the hero must employ their strength and ability in a good manner without doing any arbitrary action against the weak. Another step to identify the identity of hero archetype can be seen through their quest. Guerin (2005, p.190) said that, during heros quest the hero (savior, deliverer) perform impossible tasks, battle with monsters, solve unanswerable riddles, and overcome insurmountable obstacles in order to save the kingdom.The three episodes of Mahabarat tales that employed by the writer are showing Bheems strength and ability. However, there is only one episode which obviously indicates the heroic action of Bheem during his quest. In the episode where Bheem slays Bakasur, it is shown the heroic action of Bheem through the story. It is told that Bheem liberated a small town named Ekchakranagari by killing a giant named Bakasur who act as tyrant. Bheem killed Bakasur because of its existence brought terrible affliction for the people of Ekchakranagari. The people of Ekchakranagari has to send one man and some food as an offering for him. Then, In order to free this society from its peril, Bheems mother sent Bheem to deliver the food as the offering for the giant. Through the story, the narrator describes how Bheem shows his strength and ability against the tyrant giant.

In this episode, Bheems strength and ability can be seen through Bheems mother statement. Kunti was trying to calm the Brahmin family down. Kuntis statement convinced the Brahmin family that Bheem is able to end the affliction in Ekchakranagari. She said that, My mighty son is not only an expert in wrestling but has also mastered many divine powers. He can easily defeat any demon, howsoever powerful he may be. He will soon free this town from its peril. (Bennurwar, 2006, p.36). The word expert in the evidence above is showing Bheems great ability in wrestling. Moreover, Kunti also said that but has also mastered many divine powers. In other words Bheem is completely strong figure.

The following part of the story that shows the strength and ability of Bheem is, when he involved in a duel against Bakasur. Bheem was attacked by Bakasur when Bheem was eating the food which meant for Bakasur outside of Bakasurs hideout. Bheems behavior made Bakasur angry at that time.

He rushed forward and delivered a mighty kick on Bheems back. It did not have any effect on Bheem. Bakasur now started raining blow after blow upon Bheem, who held Bakasur down firmly with his left hand and continued eating with his right hand. After completely finishing the food, Bheem finally got up. He had decided it was time to finish the Rakshas as well (Bennurwar, 2006, p.37).

The evidence above is the part of the story that prove Bheems strength and ability. Bheems ability can be seen through his action. He is able to hold Bakasur hand firmly with his left hand when Bakasur started to hit Bheem. Whereas, he uses his right hand to eat. It can be said that Bheem does multitasking. According to Delbridge (2001, p.3), multitasking is accomplishing multiple goals in the same general time period either simultaneously or by engaging in frequent switches between individual tasks. The word firmly in who held Bakasur down firmly with his left hand and continued eating with his right hand is emphasizing his strength. Furthermore, Bheem used his left hand to hold Bakasur blows, in common case the left hand is usually more passive and powerless rather than the right hand. Bheems strength is more obviously seen when the narrator said that It did not have any effect on Bheem. The word it refers to Bakasurs mighty kick that directed on Bheems back. It shows the endurance of Bheems body. Through that passage, it can be seen that Bheem has a great endurance in his body, he also has great ability by holding all of Bakasurs raid with his left hand and make it comes to nothing.

Bheems strength and ability become more obviously seen when Bheem fought back Bakasur. The narrator also said that Bheem played with the Rakshas for a while and finally lifted him above his head and brought him crashing to the ground (Bennurwar, 2006, p.37). This evidence is showing Bheems superhuman effort to perish the giant. Finally lifted him above his head, it means that Bheem is completely lift Bakasur up so high on the air. That phrase is reflecting Bheems superhuman power. By using his powerful strength, he is able to lift Bakasur above his head before he slam the giants body down to the ground. At the end of the fight between them, Bheem successfully killed Bakasur. The fight had gone out of the demon. Bheem broke his back and put an end to the life of the Rakshas who had terrorized the innocent for long (Bennurwar, 2006, p.37). Due to the death of Bakasur in the hands of Bheem, it does not only mean that Bheem has proved his strength and ability, but he also has been liberated the people of Ekchakranagari. The manner in which the hero uses his physical power is a reflection of the spirit of the hero, and it represents an authentic acts of heroism (Myss, 2003 cited in Inaba, 2006, p.30). At this point, it can be said that Bheem has transcended his humanity. He employ his physical power, strength and ability to help the society around him.

As the hero has fulfilled his quest, he has to return to the place he came from with something which will recover for the lack he experienced in the world before his quest (Botha, 2006, p.20). After Bheem killed the giant, Bheem return to Ekchakranagari. On his way back to the town, he brought Bakasurs body placed in the cart.

He then put his corpse in the cart and reaching the villages outskirts, placed Bakasurs body at the gates. Bheem quietly entered the house and narrated everything to his mother and brothers and the worried Brahmin family before going off to sleep (Bennurwar, 2006, p.37).

The evidence above says that, when Bheem arrived at the gates of Ekchakranagari, he laid down Bakasurs corpse. It means that he refuse to acknowledge what he had done in front of the society. He only give feedback by telling everything about his journey to his mother, brothers and the Brahmin family. Bheems action here is in line with Myss statement which noted before the hero must employ their strength and ability in a good manner without doing any arbitrary action against the weak. Here, it can be concluded that Bheem has done a heroic action.Similar to Bheem, each episode in the Eddas in which Thors quest is told, it always shows the great strength and ability of him. However, the most heroic action of Thor shown through one episodes of the Eddas that employed by the writer. In the episode Thor goes fishing, it is telling about the quest of Thor to get a marvelous kettle from a giant named Hymer. Though it was not an easy job to be done, ger believed that Thor will be able to overcome the obstacle. In this story, the strength and ability of Thor is shown when he helps Hymer to catch some fish in the sea.

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