assignment quality

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Quality Assignement Nicmar


Construction Quality Management Reg. No. 214-08-11-50107-2161 ASSIGNMENTNICMAR / CODE OFFICE

1. Course No.-PGCM 222. Course Title.--Construction Quality Management3. Assignment No.-24. Date of Dispatch-5. Last date of receipt.- of Assignment at CODE

Submitted By Sandeep Sudhakar Reg. No. 214-08-11-50107-2161

Abstract:In today's world Quality Management is of utmost importance in ensuring that project deliverables meet certain quality standards so as to ensure that all project outputs are ready/fit for use.It is the management of the processes of the performing organization that determine quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities so that project will satisfy the needs for which it is undertaken. The basic principles for the Quality Management philosophy of doing business are to satisfy the customer, satisfy the supplier, and continuously improve the business processes.In this knowledge paper I would discuss about how quality management came into picture, how it is useful for various projects, why should it be employed, and various activities of quality management (quality planning, quality assurance, quality control).Introduction:One of the most important issues that businesses have focused on in the last 20-30 years has been quality. As markets have become much more competitive - quality has become widely regarded as a key ingredient for success in business.Producing products of the required quality does not happen by accident. There has to be a production process which is properly managed. Ensuring satisfactory quality is a vital part of the production process.A frequently used definition of quality is Delighting the customer by fully meeting their needs and expectations. These may include performance, appearance, availability, delivery, reliability, maintainability, cost effectiveness and price. It is, therefore, imperative that the organization knows what these needs and expectations are. In addition, having identified them, the organization must understand them, and measure its own ability to meet them.Quality starts with market research to establish the true requirements for the product or service and the true needs of the customers. However, for an organization to be really effective, quality must span all functions, all people, all departments and all activities and be a common language for improvement. The cooperation of everyone at every interface is necessary to achieve a total quality organization.What is quality management?Theorists have noted that Quality Management is the process of ensuring that things are done right the first time, without any errors. Hannagan, (2002, p.184) stated that Quality Management is "an intensive, long-term effort to transform all parts of the organization in order to produce the best product and service possible to meet customer needs". With this in mind, restructuring of organizations must be implemented. This can be achieved with Total Quality Management programme/s (TQM), otherwise called Total Quality Control or Total Quality Improvement. Quality Management encompasses the entire organization and is implemented from the top management level, which instils the shift. This requires change - the redesign of the organizational structure, culture, and work habits. This is done through participative management, incorporating internal customers in the process of decision making and planning.Quality in terms of service:Quality in service is defined by Bolton and Drew (1991) as the customers assessment of the overall excellence or superiority of the service. As Parasuraman et al. (1985) claimed that fully understanding of the three characteristics of services which are intangibility, heterogeneity and inseparability is essential to understand the service quality.First is the intangibility. The service quality is different with the product quality. The product or physical goods quality can be measured by the tangible aspects of the product, like the appearance, shape, colour, etc. But the service quality is normally intangible, so it is difficult to get the information on how the customers satisfy about the service.Second is the heterogeneous. The service usually involves a lot of labour content. So the different producers may provide different services to the same customer. Or one producer may provide the different services to different customers. These are all because of the uncertainty of human being. In summary, in this characteristic, the customer may not get the service which the producer actually provides.Third is the inseparability. Service is not like a product which can be made and stored. Services production and assumption are inseparability (Parasuraman et al. 1985, 1996). So this means that when a service is created and offers to the customer, the customer is enjoying the service at the same time, like the massage. This aspect also implies that the service quality can be controlled when the service being offered by producers or customers. For example, haircut is the situation which the service affected by the requirement of the customer.Quality in terms of business:In the competitive world of business, the most successful companies will be more efficient, more responsive, produce and support the better products, and so on. In short, the company which practices the best quality control will be successful. To aid in the process of achieving better quality, the principle of Quality Management was invented. Refined to a dogma of business buzz words, the underlying concept is one of commitment to the ideal of customer satisfaction through continuous improvement.The simplest way to find out quality excellence in business is by consulting staff and customers. Ask if there is anything they can think of that would improve the business or the service it provides or there are specific problems that need to be addressed. The method of consultation can vary. It may be best to use a written survey, especially dealing with large workforces or customers spread over a wide geographical area. Alternatively, a forum could be held with a representative cross section of employees or customers, which would allow development and discussion of any issues arising. Once the business has established that changes are necessary, how do they go about making those changes? Regardless of the way the data was gathered, the issues will have to be analysed and addressed somehow.Quality in terms of customer satisfaction:Customer satisfaction is not an objective statistics but more of a feeling or attitude. If a customer is happy with a product or a service it has hired or purchase they will pay their bills promptly, which greatly improves cash flow-the lifeblood of any organization. Customer satisfaction can be secured through high quality products and services (Getty & Getty, 2003). Edvardsson (1996) reflected that the concept of quality should be approached from the customer's point of view, since it was his/her perception of the outcome that constituted the quality. Customers may have different values and different grounds for assessment and most of the time they may want to acquire the same service quality in different ways. The concept of quality has been the subject of many research studies in variety of service industries, attention and even research towards hospitality industry has been growing. However, these research studies were mostly focused on Australia, Korea, the United States and Europe. Furthermore, today's business environment and the multicultural diversity of international tourists points to the importance of developing a better understanding of the culturally different tourist (Reisinger & Turner, 1999). As mentioned by Camison (1996), poorness or non - existence of customer satisfaction measuring systems could cause the hotel companies to be lacking in market orientation. Attributes of the service and product that add value for the customer and increase his or her satisfaction might be unknown and that gives no guide to the hotel operators for improvement projects.How quality can be measured?I believe that it will take at least four measurements to measure the quality of an organization. One measurement is the outcome. If outcome of an organization is negative then I will perceive the quality as negative also. Outcomes should be evidence-based processes. The second measurement is company health status. If one company is healthier than some other else that is terminal, I feel that they should get more quality than we just for the simple fact of comfortableness to draw out without being a new paradigm. Company status of both, individuals and non-individual, should be compared to peer practices. The third measurement is customer satisfaction. If they are not satisfied then they do not believe that there was quality involved at all. The process and access of organization should be assessed. Last but not least, the fourth measurement is value. Value expresses professionalism to the organization and is very important to both organizations and suppliers. Example: Here I have explained quality of the Hilton hotel. Hilton receives a fair amount of information from the internet for the quality measurement, where the customer supplies much of the needed information when designing their own computers based on their own research of service products.As Hilton exemplifies above, quality has a customer-first orientation. Customer satisfaction is seen as the company's highest priority. The company can only realize success if their customers are satisfied with the quality of the information and product provided. As a total quality management company, Hilton is sensitive to their customer requirements and responds rapidly to them. Ashley Loran, a recent Hilton customer, delivers her testimony of her quality-managed experience with Hilton. Hilton assumed total responsibility for the service error, manufactured a new service and sent it overnight.Quality schemes adopted by the commercial operators:To implement quality successfully commercial operators continuously ensure performance by creating a culture involving all internal and external customers. These customers will have an input in the end result of the product or service and as such the organisation will have satisfied the customers' requirements/concerns. There are various schemes required to improve quality. The main four are that Quality Circles, Benchmarking, Just-in-Time, Statistical Process Control and I have also discussed the rationale behind these systems.Quality Circle:Quality Circles (QC) is approached to control and improve products or processes within organisations, is established by voluntary teams comprising of six to ten individuals from the same area or unit. This method has been said to originate in Japan and involves participative management, allowing the workers regardless of their positions to make valid contributions. The group meets on a regular basis to discuss and decide on solutions to solving problems, which are either implemented by the team or in most cases presented to management for review and then possible implementation. If teams are to function well management must give the necessary support and time for teams to meet, as well as finances to facilitate training for team members and the implementation of solutions. Benchmarking:Benchmarking is achieved through comparison with other organizations, mostly those that are similar to the organization in question or best in the field. This comparison is achieved through reviewing the business operations. It is a means of measuring performance, services and or products by collecting and analyzing data, which may be applied to specific areas in an effort to identify what is done differently and how it is accomplished. There are four types of benchmarking.Type FunctionInternal Comparing operations across your businessFunctional Comparison of business activities within the same industryGeneric Comparing business activities not related to a specific industryCompetitive Comparing your activities to other competitorsJust in time:Just in Time is an inventory control system where efficient production processes help reduce inventory levels (Lean Manufacturing). Supplies are received only when needed. This eliminates wastage and storage facilitates and minimizes cost. As such, products have to meet pre-identified quality standards, as stock will not be stored at a warehouse to replace defective products during manufacturing. With this type of system there is the need for management to have defined lines of communication with both staff and suppliers; if not, this result in the failure of having no stock to fall back on at the time needed for processing, which would affect production time and customers by lost of orders. Statistical process control:SPC is used to monitor and measure processes with the aim to improve on consistency of quality for products through statistical analysis. This is carried out by sampling using control charts. The process involves collecting data at different stages of the production process through inspection techniques to track variation.Similarities and differences of the processes:Team improvement quality gives a sense of accomplishment, which enables team members to drive the project. Benchmarking method is simply like quality circle to work from the smallest to the largest organisation can tailor methods to suit its individual needs. Benchmarking and quality circle allow an organisation to continually meet the changes within its environment by recognizing its flaws and improving on them. Benchmarking uses manpower - teams have carried out research that may require them to be out of the office on various occasions. This results in loss of time in labour. Here SPC plays a critical role. SPC received from research and be reported to the relevant persons to avoid discord and misunderstanding which will hinder the process of effective implementation.[task2]Importance of communication and record keeping quality schemes:Communication - is a common management process - planning, organization, command and control thread. Leaders have the plan to communicate with others in organization and organizing the implementation of the plans have been talking to others about how to better distribute power, and design work.Record keeping is an important key role of an organizer and the main aspect is to assist planning and set future learning goals to the learner. Records may contain companys physical information as well as managers observation on the performance. They need to continually reassess to meet changing needs, e.g. personal situations may change and they may need to be considered to assist the employee to complete their training.Example:In Hilton organization co-workers communicate amongst themselves through proper communication. If it is a noisy factory, verbal communication would be ineffective so employees of this organization communicate nonverbally with hand signals, gestures, or facial expressions. Here supervisor is communicating the workers assigned work area, or desired production for the day, verbal communication would work fine, but if vast amounts, or important information needs to be communicated, written communication would be the best choice.Keeping records of lesson plans and scheme of work enables the manager of the Hilton to reflect on how their quality scheme plans are progressing. This form of record has the benefit of allowing the management to critically evaluate the process on an individual basis and the implementing techniques they use to transmit knowledge. It carries the possibility to assist in the development of new tactics and to continuously monitor where/who would benefit from adjustments.Relation between quality and the information given to customer:The relationship of quality and the information given to the customer, relevant information reveals that the choice of standard is an issue customer expectation. Desires, equity and experiences are some of the standards most frequently employed (Woodruffet, 1991). Such an approach has caused confusion and some past research has not specified which standard should be sued for assessing service quality and customer information.According to the researcher quality is the gap between customer information and perceived performance. Therefore, the idea of normative expectation was introduced and the wording of expectation statements was changed from A company should have.. to An excellent company will have.. to capture the new conceptualization. Parasuramen (1991) argued that excellent service is similar to the ideal standard used in the satisfaction literature. However, Tas (1993) identified several problems regarding this concept. He pointed out that according to the gap model, in certain situations the perceived quality may decline even if the perception exceeded the ideal expectation. He also showed that interpretation of the ideal service customer information performance varied among respondents- a point that threatened validity of the survey outputs.Importance of affective marketing:Affective marketing for business is very important as it aids in the growth and profit for business. There are various ways through which small and medium type business marketing at a very reasonable budget. Advertising is an important part in marketing for business. A short and simple advertisement is much appealing than a lengthy and boring one. Moreover, it will cost much less than the big budget ads created by the reputed brands and also will help in promoting business. At the beginning it is required trying to include some offers in advertisement. This will help you a great deal as people love free and discount offers, and it is a very important strategy in marketing for small business. When one is marketing for business, always keep a cheaper version of product in stock. As many of the customers dont want to pay the price because they consider it to be high. So for these customers, selling product cheaper and in smaller packages is a smart business strategy. Difference in benefits between user and non-user surveys to determine customer needs:Customer needs are the basis thing for a success business. A good way to learn to do something better is to observe in action those who do it very well. The company who know their customers better than anyone else has more chance to success. In order to know your customers first of all is to know what a customer is. There are several tips is identified by user based survey for the benefit:(1)A customer is the most important person in any business. (2)A customer is not dependent on us. (3)A customer is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. (4)A customer does us a favor when he comes in. (5)A customer is an essential part of our business, not an outsider. (6)A customer is not just money in the cash register. (7)A customer deserves the most courteous attention we can give him. (8)Without him we would have to close our doors.Non user surveys provide the profile of average customer; they are the first source of information. These special data are the most common means for segmenting market and for identifying new targets wish to reach with your product or service. There are numerous ways to gather qualitative and quantitative data. Among the most common qualitative research tools are: face to face in-depth interviews, opportunistic interviews, telephone interviews, on-site interviews, and focus group interviews.It is a serious mistake to attempt to launch a survey initiative in an organization benefit which has internal problems or issues that may be counterproductive to the new service culture. The employees represent one of most valuable means for gathering information about customers. They are kinds of sort of frontline radar; an early warning system. And each of them can function as a valuable data collection centre. The employees can be your best secret weapon in the war to win customers. You need show them how to do on-the-spot market research. Other radar stations for gathering customer information are at refund and exchange counters. These are the best opportunities to learn about customers need.Consultation suggestion scheme to encourage under-represented group:Employee involvement scheme:Employee involvement scheme is one of the quality schemes that can help where both management and employees are willing to be open in their attitude and behaviour. It allows employee participation and employee support through mutual agreement. Unless an atmosphere of trust is in the air, the relationship cant be successful. Gennard & Judge (1997) explain that employee involvement schemes can thrive where both management and employees are willing to be open in their attitude and behaviour, operating in a background with no disputes and confrontation; allowing employee participation; employee support gained by agreement not by force. In Consultation employees exchange views and information. However it is still upon management to make the final decisions but management takes into account the views of employees before making the decisions. CIPD (2004) report on agenda for change mentions ITVs EI initiatives. ITVs approach to employee relations is based on engaging with its employees. It achieved this by a combination of methods, such as; collective bargaining, consultation with elected employee representatives and direct engagement with individuals. It is a face-to-face communication scheme that encourages a dialogue between management and employee representatives. It is believed that employees become well informed about company operations and therefore choose to support management initiatives. We can use this option as it will lead to direct participation from employees.Complaints procedures:The purpose of an effective complaints procedure is to ensure all complaints are resolved quickly and efficiently. The credibility of the Investors in a company is paramount and it should be perceived as a benchmark of quality. The information gained from complaints should be used to inform and improve practice within the both the company and the delivery network. It should also be used to influence the executive board of the Investors in People UK in defining and setting organizational strategies.

In Hilton hotel complaints are handled by quality projects manager who will then ensure that the complainant receives some form of response. In most cases this will be a written acknowledgement using e-mail or letter, unless the complainants preferred communication method in the telephone. If this is the case then the detail of the conversation will be recorded.The management of the Hilton hotel is required to investigate complaints against organisations that are located in their defined geographic locations, regardless of whether the quality management department has previously been responsible for assessment and review of the organisation concerned.In Accor Group hotels details of the complaint and associated information will then be entered into the Investors in People Enquiry Management System Database. Each complaint will automatically receive a numeric identifier, which should be quoted on all written correspondence, should the complaint require formal investigation.Once the complaint has been received in database, the quality projects manager will check the following information using the National Database of all the organisations that have achieved the Standard:

Whether the hotel in question is recognised as an Investor The recognition or last review date, which may have a bearing upon which version of the Standard the organization, has been assessed against.Role of Self assessment in order to determine organization health:Self-assessment is the process of critically reviewing the quality of ones own performance and provision to assess the other organization. An integrated approach is to conduct an organizational self-assessment with a purpose to assess an organization's readiness and risk for a planned change. The self-assessment utilizes a multi-dimensional approach and incorporates an organizational analysis to assess its supportive organizational climate and cultural analysis to assess the strength of its organizational culture. The assessment method utilizes a mixed methodology using a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques to determine the organization's readiness to change. A risk analysis is determined by the difference between the level and type of planned change initiative and the organization's readiness to change. With the aid of self assessment the level of risk to change provides an insight on the organization's alignment to their strategic, climate, and cultural designs. The significance in providing such insight provides organizational leaders, researchers, consultants, and academia information prior to implementing the change as to its level of readiness and risks if the organization decides to implement the change initiative for different levels of planned changes. The results of this study are intended to provide guidance to assess the others who may develop similar initiatives in the future. This article summarizes aspects of a more comprehensive work concerned with the conditions and attributes of successful organizational change.A plethora of organizational change self assessment technique can help to intervention and strategies have been attempted to align organizations in implementing change initiatives. Organizations have invested into reengineering, total quality management, downsizing, mergers and acquisitions, cultural changes, restructuring, software/technological development and implementation, and other interventions in an attempt to successfully implement change initiatives.Staff consultation for effective implementation:Processes for finding out staff consultation think are particularly valuable when a team / organization is facing change and re-structuring for quality development. Organization doesnt like change, particularly when they have no choice in the matter. The effects of re-structuringcan be huge and lead to low morale, insecurity, and feeling side stepped and undervalued. Ideally, consultation would happen before major change occurs, but sometimes this is not possible. Either way, consulting staff on the effects of change, drawing out their best strategies and ideas for moving forward with the change, and how the organization can best support them is a powerful and motivational process.Staff consultation is committed to putting the following schemes of quality and diversity into practice, in workforce and in the services it offer by: Ensuring policies, services and functions do not have an adverse impact on staff from different quality target groups through systematic quality impact assessments and promoting equality at every opportunity. Improving customer satisfaction by aiming to provide information and services that are equally accessible to all sections of the community, and where all customers can expect to receive the same quality and outcomes of service irrespective of ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, disability, age, religion or belief. Striving to become a model organization and model employer and mainstreaming equality and diversity principles proactively in all that it does. Skilling our workforce to understand and apply quality and diversity in their roles through comprehensive mandatory equality and diversity training. Developing a diverse workforce that is representative of the population of the community that we serve enabling us to develop our ability to understand and reflect the diverse needs of patients and staff and provide a more appropriate and responsive service. Enabling our workforce to feel positive about the organization in which they work by involving them in its continuous review and improvement.Consulting effectively and enabling a wide range of people to be involved in shaping the way that they work. A new system to improve service quality:Service quality is defined as the degree of excellence intended that meets customer requirements (Wyckoff, 1992). However, Carey (2003) points out the service quality, the result of a comparison between the expectations of a customer and the actual service they received. Therefore, understanding gap between the expectation and the received service can be a key source of the service quality.Here we have introduced a new system to improve the service quality which is known as SERVQUAL, a survey instrument that measures service quality. According to Saleh and Ryan (1991), it was initially devised for the assessment of services within the financial sector, and consists of a 22-item, seven-point Likert Scale where all of the issues were directly applicable to a hotel. Implementation:First, to adopt SERVQUAL scheme on the Hilton hotel, quantitative research will be used and the data are from existing the companys record. Not only the quantitative data but also qualitative research will be used to identify the service quality gaps which brought to inconsistency between the guest expectations and the guest perceptions. The staffs of the Hilton can have in-depth and face-to-face interviews. The interviewees will be included the reception GOs, the sport activity GOs, the bar and restaurant GOs and whoever village GOs to identify the gap. This provided the researcher to recognize which department has the most contact with the general manager. Next step is for sampling procedures and in the process the reception desk or the front desk will allow information relate guest complaints. It is because of in many hotels, the front desk has high level of contact with guests and also the reception desk will receive the majority of guest complaints.Conclusion:The quality of service will be a major component of the future hospitality industry continuously. Therefore hotels need to manage the service quality with various theories and methods. As discussed above, this report has applied new scheme and on the hotel to identify the service gaps. Accordingly, if the Hilton hotel uses the service quality, they can reduce gap and provide customer satisfaction. The any efforts from hotels marketing cannot be stand on long term period solely. However, the quality of the interactive service between hotelier and the guest can be possibly long term and this can be why the improving service quality is important to hotel. Both service quality theories and models measurement is a customer satisfaction. Thus to improve a hotel or resorts service quality with customer satisfaction, the whole of departments should link and think about the service quality together so the all of employees and the senior mangers generate continuous improvements.

Bibliography and references:

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