applications of solar energy

Post on 10-May-2015






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different types of solar cooker,parabolic solar cooker largest solar steam cooking plant in INDIA at SHIRDI ,parabolic solar cooker stirling engine,steam cooking by parabolic reflectors at MOUNT ABU RAJISTHAN ,INDIA






Solar energy technology comprises of two distinct categories viz., thermal energy conversion and photo conversion . Thermal conversion takes place through direct heating ( solar cooker ,solar water heater etc) .Photo conversion includes photovoltaic's .

(1) Solar cooking(2) Solar water heating(3) Solar electricity – thermal(4) Solar electricity –photo voltaic(5) Solar drying(6) Solar desalination


Box type solar cooker

Panel type solar cooker

Parabolic type solar cooker

Solar cooking


Sunny Day: heats from 130-145°C (265-300°F)Cloudy Day: heats from 95-105°C (200-220°F)Hot enough to pasteurize water (at least 65-70°C for 20 minutes) Hot enough to fully cook meats, breads, grains, vegetables, etc.Kills disease- causing bacteria


A panel type solar cooker is a combination of the box oven and the parabolic oven, using panels to receive the heat and direct it to a separate container where the food is stored inside a pot or other cooking vessel. The inner container is made of glass or plastic and serves to trap the heat inside. Panel cookers are inexpensive to manufacture and are cheap to assemble.  

PARABOLIC SOLAR COOKERThis type of solar cooker is usually based on a concave disc that focuses the sun's rays on the bottom of a pot. This cooker is almost as fast as a conventional oven because the concentrated rays of sun reach very high temperatures.Parabolic (Dish) shaped solar cooker

cooks food within 15 to 60 minutes.Food is cooked in Pressure Cooker, Metal Bowl or in any cooking vessel.We can boil, roast, bake, fry and dry any food.Dish Cooker prepares Lunch and Dinner for 5 to 15 persons.Daily regular usage saves 8 to 10 LPG cylinders per year.


Due to the property of parabolic mirror that all the parallel rays of sunlight when fall on the parabolic surface it reflects the light rays towards the focus Therefore high focus light create high temperature therefore parabolic solar cooker take less time to cook food than box type or panel type solar cooker But it is not easy to maintain the focus at food container therefore parabolic mirror wants to rotate with in every 15min depend on there size

The Saibaba Ashram at Shirdi in Maharashtra commissioned a solar cooking

system in 2009,The system generates 3,600 kg of steam daily and saves nearly 100,000 kg of cooking gas annually. It cost Rs. 1.3 crore. Of this, the central government’s Non-Renewable Energy Ministry provided Rs. 58 lakh as subsidy.This helps the shrine save Rs. 17 lakh a year. The system reduces carbondioxide

emissions by 1.2 tones per day.

largest solar cooker

Here is an amazing example of successful use of cost efficient solar thermal energy on a large scale. In Mount Abu, Rajasthan is situated the world's largest solar cooker Established in 1992, the Brahma Kumar's Department of Renewable Energy is based at the University's Headquarters in Mount Abu. The solar reflectors in the cooker produce steam which used to cook vegetables and rice for up to 18 000 people. The steam can reach temperatures of 650 degrees Celsius at the focal point of the reflector, hot enough to cook food in massive industrial pots of 200 and 400 liters. On days of peak solar radiation the system can apparently cope with 38,500 meals per day . The Brahmakumari's organization has spent $5 million on this project.


A Solar water heater consist of flat plate collector or evacuated tube collector. Atypical collector consist of blackened metal plate absorber containing metal pipes for removal of water and this pipe is covered with insulation box and transparent glass the collector absorb solar radiation and transfer heat to the circulating water storage tank usually lies on above the collector so there is no of pump for water circulation

A 3-4sqm solar collector can provide 200-300 liters of hot water at about 60degC

The solar power tower, also known as 'central tower' power plants or ‘heliostat' power plants or power towers, is a type of solar furnace using a tower to receive the focused sunlight. It uses an array of flat, movable mirrors (called heliostats) to focus the sun's rays upon a collector tower (the target). Concentrated solar thermal is seen as one viable solution for renewable, pollution free energy.

Early designs used these focused rays to heat water, and used the resulting steam to power a turbine. Newer designs using liquid sodium have been demonstrated, and systems using molten salts (40% potassium nitrate, 60% sodium nitrate) as the working fluids are now in operation. These working fluids have high heat capacity, which can be used to store the energy before using it to boil water to drive turbines. These designs also allow power to be generated when the sun is not shining.


Sierra Sun Tower(California,USA)

Greenhouse Gases – 5 MW of clean solar power generation will offset more than 7,000 tons of CO2 each year.

Southern California Homes – Sierra Sun Tower will produce 5 MW of electricity powering up to 4,000 homes.

Steam temperature 440° CSteam pressure 60 bar24,000 mirrors reflecting the power of 20,000 suns5 MW of clean, renewable energy supplied to 4,000 Southern California Edison households through a power purchase agreement


Collectors in southern CA

Because they work best under direct sunlight, parabolic dishes and troughs must be steered throughout the day in the direction of the sun.

Sunlight can be converted directly into electricity using photovoltaic's(PV), or indirectly with concentrated solar power (CSP), which normally focuses the sun's energy to boil water which is then used to provide power. Other technologies also exist, such as Sterling engine dishes which use a Sterling cycle engine to power a generator. Photovoltaic's were initially used to power small and medium-sized applications, from the calculator powered by a single solar cell to off-grid homes powered by a photovoltaic array.


 The Nellis solar power system, completed in December of 2007, is America's largest solar photovoltaic array.         The plant will generate more than 30 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of clean electricity annually and supply approximately 25% of the total power used at the base, where 12,000 people live and work.

         The system covers 140 acres of land at Nellis AFB, 33 acres of which are a capped landfill which has been reused for this "green" energy project.  The array is made from over 72,000 solar panels which track the sun to maximize the solar renewable energy we can receive.

         It will reduce carbon emissions by 24,000 tons annually.


Photovoltaic module installation angle

Photovoltaic module installed inclination should be guaranteed to receive the maximum sunlight exposure, in normal circumstances components and the horizontal direction for the local latitude ± 5 °to 10 °. That is, when the reduction in the summer, when the increase in the winter. If a fixed angle brackets, the use of local latitude tilt angle. For example, the city of Shantou to 23.42 °latitude.


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