and puppy dogs! a flash mob by the choir of grace singing...

Post on 05-Nov-2019






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Pretty Girls at the Picnic!

River Head, Attie French &

Claire Kent.

Elsie Owen & Angela Johnson.

And Puppy Dogs!

Karen Kudia feeds Brodie & Baron a hot dog for lunch.

Tenors Tyrus Clutter & Carolyn Smith.

Sopranos Victoria Baird & Sharyn Pliska.

A Flash Mob by the Choir of Grace singing Shalom Chaverim!

Basses Roy Rolle & Josh Head.

Bass Chef Dave Rubin.

Acolyte FunFest ~ May 9th

at The Cathedral Church of St. Luke Twenty members of Grace Episcopal Church attended the Diocesan Acolyte Festival. Eight of Grace’s acolytes rededicated themselves to God’s Service in a beautiful Holy Eucharist Service which included the Grand Procession of Acolytes at the Cathedral in Orlando.

Alexis & Michael Ashley Hayden & Sydney Irwin

Gail VanDeusen

Abby & Emily Ayres

James Rubin

Acolyte FunFest Continued at Wet ‘n Wild Theme Park, Orlando

The Ashley Family Alexis, Tonya, Ryan & Michael

Abby Ayres,

James Rubin,

Gail VanDeusen

& Emily Ayres

The Johnson Family Alex, Scott, Samantha & Angela

Sydney, Hayden & Jackson Irwin

Janie & Dave Rubin, Verger

Acolyte Festival 2015 ~ by Alexis Ashley

Grace Episcopal Church took a trip to the Central Diocese Cathedral in

Orlando. The big acolyte march was really cool! All the different

churches from around Florida in one big Cathedral. After the service, all

the churches took a 15 minute drive to Wet ‘N Wild. It is the coolest

water park I've seen! My favorite ride was when I raced against my

brother and dad on the water slide. I’m glad I went on this trip because

now I would not want to miss it.

ECW Spring, Summer & Fall Events ~ by Joan Canzoneri

The ECW May Garden Party was held at the lakeside home of Ann Anderson. The food was delicious and the weather was comfortable with

a slight breeze, making it a wonderful day for all!

ECW ladies were asked to join the Young Women's Bible Study group for dinner and panel discussion about such issues as: Working Moms,

Raising our Children as Churchgoers, etc. on June 29th.

The ECW Social Event kicking off the Fall Season will be held at the "Egg and I" restaurant in the Churchill Square on 17 th Street. The

luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, August 13th at 11:30 a.m.

Regular ECW meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at noon in the Parish House with a covered dish lunch and guest speakers.

The information on scheduled guests or events is found in the announcements section of the Sunday bulletins. There will not be a meeting in


ECW wants everyone to know that the Fall Bazaar date has been set for October 23rd - 25th, to coincide with the FAFO (Fine Arts For Ocala)

weekend held downtown. Sorting and pricing of goods for the bazaar has already begun, so please bring gently pre-owned treasures, clean

clothing, art, antiques, books and other items for sale to the ECW storeroom in the office building. New, vintage, costume and antique

jewelry may also be given directly to office staff to place in the safe during office hours.

A large group attended this year’s Garden Party to enjoy a beautiful day by the lake at Ann Anderson’s home.

Susan Wester, Bobby Berryman, Mary Garrepy, Pat Sukalski, & Pat Livsey.

Joan Canzoneri, Elaine Sarbeck, Joan Kerti, Mary Baines & Karen Kudia.

Deborah Pratt, Connie Holleman, Martha Jane Singeltary, Carol Ann Wickline,

Nancy Bryson, & Gail VanDeusen.

Young Women’s Prayer Group Hosts “Wise Women” Panel ~ by Elaine Heitman

Drawing from the Grace Episcopal Church ECW’s greater years of experience, the YWPG invited ECW members to join them for a Q&A

forum in which they were asked to share views on Christian marriage and parenting. Seven ECW members (ages 68 to 85) joined the

YWPG (ages 24 to 42) for dinner and a sharing session. Questions ranging from “What is your interpretation of the Ephesians 5:22 Bible

verse ‘Wives, submit to your own husbands’?” to “What do we do about unwanted advice from our parents?” were discussed. ECW

participants were asked to list one thing their families did together that made them a stronger family (family vacations, fishing, eating dinner

together, establishing traditions). YWPG members wanted to know, “What can we do as young women to further the mission of the church?”

Discussion was rousing and conversation never faltered as the women shared their feelings and vowed to get together more often to share

their views.

Heather Hetzel (front), second row: Andrea Owen, Annette Holland, Jackie Blasucci, Bobby Berryman, Rosie Roberts, Tonya Ashley, back row: Kristen

Rose, Gail VanDeusen, Sarah Hart, Elaine Heitman, Ann Anderson, Alex Johnson, Betsy Schatt & Kim Goolsby.

Sarah Hart, Annette Holland, Betsy Schatt, Bobby Berryman & Rosie Roberts.

Ann Anderson, Gail VanDeusen, Bobby Berryman, Elaine Heitman, Rosie Roberts & Annette Holland.

Ann Anderson & Tonya Ashley Gail VanDeusen, Tonya Ashley, Andrea

Owen, Alex Johnson & Betsy Schatt.

Foyer Groups to Begin Again in September

Two of the last Foyers Groups of the Spring pictured here met for dinner at the homes of

the Hetzels (right) and the Heitmans (below). Groups were also hosted by the Walkers and

the Brickeys. Foyer Groups will restart in September, so watch the Sunday bulletins for

dates and places. To join a Foyer Group, contact Karen Kudia, at (352) 369 - 6155 or Groups of 6 to 8 people meet monthly in members homes for a

meal, fun and fellowship. Requirements for joining: a desire to get to know your fellow

parishioners in a relaxed informal group. There is no limit to the number of groups we can

form. Hosts may choose to prepare the entire meal, request covered dishes be brought or

order a pizza for delivery. The more folks who join in, the more fun we’ll have. There is

no age limit. Your house too small to seat 6? That’s OK, we can eat outdoors or at a park

or restaurant if you prefer. Join the fun and get to know the members of your Grace


Enjoying a covered dish dinner at the Heitman’s home are Drick Heitman, Ron Livsey, Dave Rubin, Doug Remy, Carolyn Ayres, Pat Livsey, Janie Rubin, Karen Kudia, Connie Holleman, Elaine Sarbeck Judy Remy & Elaine Heitman.

Many Opportunities Await

The Flower Guild reports that we have many Sundays from now until Advent open for you to make a gift of flowers to the Glory of God for

your blessings, thanksgivings or memorials. The flowers in this photo were given in loving memory of a beloved mother. Does your family

have a loved one to remember, a wedding anniversary or birthday approaching, or thanksgiving for the birth of a child, restored health or

answered prayers? Contact the church office for an opportunity to make that memorial, blessing or thanksgiving a gift to the Glory of God at

Grace Episcopal Church.

Dave Rubin, Joyce Peoples, Carolyn Ayres, Ron Livsey, Susie Hetzel, Karen Kudia, Elaine

Sarbeck, Connie Holleman, Pat Livsey, Jim Peoples & Brad Hetzel enjoy a picnic cookout

on the Hetzel’s patio.

Grace Episcopal Church’s 110th Anniversary at the Present Location ~ by Janie Rubin

On June 14th, the congregation of Grace Episcopal Church celebrated the 110th Anniversary at our present location. The church had originally

been located closer to downtown and moved by horses and wagons in 1905 and reassembled by carpenters and craftsmen. This move included

the black iron fence. The nave of the church was much smaller in those days, seating only about 80

people. The first church service was held in June, 1905, 110 years ago. To celebrate this piece

of our church’s history, a communion service was held using the 1892 Book of Common

Prayer Communion Service and the same Bible used at Grace at that time for the reading of

the Gospel. Many parishioners wore period clothing, all ladies wore head coverings, and

only men served at the altar as clergy, acolytes and chalice ministers and as lay readers

and ushers. Ribbons were placed on the pillars inside the church to mark where the

original walls had been in 1905.

In preparation for this commemorative service, the team of Eleanor Simons, Tyrus

Clutter and Morgan Kraan created a “History Wall” in the parish office building.

We now have a small museum display of historic photographs, documents, and a

glass covered book case crafted by Mr. Kraan to hold original hand written church records, a

hymnal and vestry meeting minutes from another era. Following the commemorative service, church

members toured the newly created History Wall and attended a coffee hour in the Parish House where more

historical photographs were on display.

Church members, many in period dress, attended the historic service where ribbons marked the

original church size above them. Tyrus Clutter arranged historic photographs and documents along the History Wall inside

the Church Office Building.

Morgan Kraan installed the display case to house historic books and documents on the History Wall.

Grace’s History Wall is filled with the stories and photographs, records and mementoes of our past, now to be enjoyed by future generations.

Grace Church History: Out of the Vault and Onto the Walls

“In order to see where we are and to see where we are going, we need to see where we came from. Looking at the History Wall makes me

feel incredibly grateful because I see what the members of Grace, who came before me, have sacrificed and given prior to this point in


Fr. Jonathan French +

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