analytics edge for leaders w/ back edge for leaders w/ back page author katie...

Post on 27-Feb-2021






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Digital ly Accessible Analyt ics Training Course


for leadersa dynamic ideas company

Learn from real case studiesWe demonstrate the state of the art of analyticscapabilities to your organization by investigating actualimplemented use cases.

Rely on a proven framework for analytics successWe equip you to translate these proven implementationsto you own day jobs by reinforcing a common accessibleframework.

Present strategies for avoiding common pitfallsWe enable you to identify and mitigate the commonfailure modes encountered by organizations in theimplementation of these techniques.

What learners will get out of the program

We equip you with the skil ls to successfully run and manage an analyticsendeavor. No coding required.

OverviewBusiness is changing. All along the value chain, the standard modes ofoperations are going digital.

What does this mean for your company? Data is becoming your mostvaluable asset. Effectively understanding and using that data is youredge. It could be the difference between success and failure.

You can't look an algorithm in the eye,leaders must know how to inspect and audit algor ithms;

otherwise, you are abdicat ing your responsibi l i ty

Module introduction and conclusion features client leadership orDynamic Ideas experts

Each module is focused on an actual live analytics tool

A common framework of conceptual problem statement definition,translation to analytics, data, models, decisions, and values buildspattern recognition and muscle memory

Common failure modes observed across industries and functions areinterwoven to support learners understand how to implementanalytics tools

All modules conclude with a workbook exercise to guide participantsto scope and design their own analytics product

What your company will get out of the program

The enterprise isprovided aportfolio ofinitiatives rankedby value andfeasibility. Eachinitiative issupported by aparticipant’sworkbook.

Anatomy of a module: How you learn

General managers and senior executivesConsultantsData and technology specialistsFunctional leaders and individual contributors of their teamEntrepreneurs/business owners

Anyone who wants to understand the business applications for analyticscan benefit from this program, whether for a functional area of practice orfor general management. This program is designed for non-technicalprofessionals, however those with technical backgrounds will gain acommon framework for communicating with non-technical colleagues.

Representative roles include

Who Should Attend

Our program and platform are designed to empower your enterprise tosimultaneously generate analytics applications for implementation andto train the workforce. To achieve this objective, we have intentionallydeferred a number of design decisions for the internal sponsoring teamto steer. Examples include case module selection, cohort formationand size, and length of the program. An ideal sponsoring team includesan executive sponsor, an analytics enthusiast embedded in thebusiness, and a learning and development leader.

Once we have the green light to build a platform, we can have yourlearners on-boarded and engaging with the platform within twenty-fourhours.

How We Work With You

Jordan Levine is a partner at Dynamic Ideas, an organizationcommitted to spreading powerful ideas in the areas ofanalytics, operations research, and their applications. Hefocuses his energy on creating digitally accessible trainingand education products that make analytics accessible toleaders.

After serving as a communications officer in the United StatesMarine Corps, Jordan spent seven years at McKinsey &Company. The latter half of his time, he served as the globallearning and development lead for analytics. There, hedesigned a strategy and oversaw a learning team thatengaged ~4,000 McKinsey colleagues per year at theexecutive, manager, and technical talent levels. Keymilestones included the creation of a cohort of 1,000+‘Analytics Translators’ and the development of novelapproaches to on-board and integrate analytics technicaltalent as well as assess their technical competence in abusiness environment. Prior to leading analytics learning, hewas an engagement manager in the operations practice witha focus in supply chain management.

Jordan holds a Masters in Engineering from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Bachelorsof Mathematics from the United States Naval Academy.


P a r t n e r , D y n a m i cI d e a s

L e c t u r e r , M I T

Dimitris Bertsimas is the Boeing Leaders for Global OperationsProfessor of Management, a Professor of Operations Research,and the Associate Dean for the Master of Business Analytics atMIT.

A faculty member since 1988, his research interests includemachine learning optimization and their application and theiroptimization in healthcare, insurance, and transportation.

Bertsimas was a cofounder of Dynamic Ideas, LLC, whichdeveloped portfolio management tools for asset management.In 2002, the assets of Dynamic Ideas were sold to AmericanExpress. He is also the founder of Dynamic Ideas Press, apublisher of scientific books, the cofounder of Benefits Science,a company that designs health care plans for companies, ofSavvi Financial, a company that provides financial advice tocustomers, P2 Analytics, an analytics consulting company, ofReclaim, a personalized health care advice company, ofInterpretable AI, a machine learning company that is bridging thegap between interpretability and performance, and of AlexandriaHealth, a company that is breathing life into clinical decisionsupport tools.

Bertsimas has coauthored more than 250 scientific papers andfive books, including The Analytics Edge (with A. O'Hair and W.Pulleyblank, Dynamic Ideas, 2016) and Machine Learning Undera Modern Optimization Lens (with Jack Dunn). He is the editor inchief of INFORMS Journal on Optimization and formerdepartment editor of Optimization for Management Science andof Operations Research in Financial Engineering. A member ofthe National Academy of Engineering and an INFORMS fellow,he has received numerous research awards, including the JohnVon Neumann award from INFORMS for fundamentalcontribution to operations research and the INFORMS Presidentaward for significant contributions to society both in 2019. He hasalso received recognition for his educational contributions: TheJamieson prize (2013) and the Samuel M. Seegal prize (1999).

Bertsimas holds a BS in electrical engineering and computerscience from the National Technical University of Athens,Greece, as well as an MS in operations research and a PhD inapplied mathematics and operation research from MIT.


B o e i n g L e a d e r s f o rG l o b a l O p e r a t i o n sP r o f e s s o r o fM a n a g e m e n t

A s s o c i a t e D e a n f o rB u s i n e s s A n a l y t i c s

P r o f e s s o r ,O p e r a t i o n sR e s e a r c h

If you, your company, or your colleagues are interested intraining your workforce at-scale in the capabilities andlimitations of data and analytics, please contact us.

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