an analysis of the gec

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  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC


    An Analysis of the GEC-Filipino Implementation in LCU in Metro Manila:

    Towards the Creation of an Evaluation esi!n on Lan!ua!e "lannin! in


    Nina Christina Lazaro-Zamora

    College of Arts and Letters, University of the Philippines

    Mabini St Manggahan, Pasig City, Philippines


    A$thor note

    Nina Christina Lazaro-Zamora, Ph% She fnished her Bachelor o Secondary

    Education major in Filipino and Masters o Arts in Teaching Filipino in the Philippine Normal

    Uniersity! Manila" She graduated #octor o Philosophy in Filipino $%anguage Planning& in

    Uniersity o the Philippines! #iliman" She taught Filipino su'ject in high school and

    currently an Assistant Proessor ( in Mari)ina Polytechnic *ollege+ and a part time lecturer

    in Pamantasan ng %unsod ng Pasig and Uniersity o Asia and the Pacifc" She is actie in

    di,erent organi-ation" She is a .riter o te/t'oo)s in Filipino+ translator and researcher"


  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC



    'his st$dy fo!$sed on eight ()* !olleges and $niversities in Metro Manila 'hese LCUs are+

    PLM, UCC, PLP, PLnP, CPU, UMA, PLMUN at PLMA. 'he parti!ipants for this st$dy /ere

    the st$dents, tea!hers and administrators of the !olleges and $niversities d$ring the first semester of

    s!hool year 01&1-01&& 'he !$rri!$l$m being $sed at present /as the one $sed for analysis 'his

    st$dy also stressed the e2tent of the implementation of CM3 No45 s &556 at CM3 No17 s &558

    in eight !olleges and $niversities d$ring the first semester for s!hool year 01&1-01&& 'his st$dy

    made $se of 9$alitative and 9$antitative methods of resear!h %es!riptive resear!h /as also $sed to

    des!ribe the things related to the topi! 'he steps and methods /ere li:e/ise ill$strated ho/ C;

  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC


    I' &ationale and ()*e#tives of the %tudy

    Lo!al Colleges and Universities (LCU* in Metro Manila gre/ rapidlyB hen!e, the C;

  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC


    made $se of 9$alitative and 9$antitative methods of resear!h %es!riptive resear!h /as also $sed to

    des!ribe the things related to the topi! 'he steps and methods /ere li:e/ise ill$strated ho/ C;

  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC


    /ere similar /ith regard to the implementation of the !$rri!$l$m

    %tren!thenin! Filipino as a Course

    'he strengthening of the @ilipino as a !o$rse in !olleges and $niversities are dependent on

    the !ontent of the !$rri!$l$m 'he !$rri!$l$m m$st be benefi!ial, a!!ording to the ability of the

    st$dents, and the !o$rse syllab$s m$st be properly implemented by the tea!hers and administrators

    'he tea!hers m$st e2ert efforts in bringing life and relevan!e in their tea!hing methods 'his !an be

    applied thro$gh a!tive parti!ipation in seminars, intervie/ and /or:shop to /iden their :no/ledge

    in @ilipino !o$rse and develop tea!hing strategies =n!l$ding the $se of different tea!hing materials

    that /ill help st$dents learned very /ell

    Curri#ulum Monitorin!

    3ne biggest problem of the LCUs is the tea!hing materials be!a$se many tea!hers are still

    not $sing the ne/ te!hnology =n addition, there is a problem in the 9$ality of te2tboo:s being $sed

    in the LCUs 'hese are not helping the st$dents learned sin!e the $sage is very !ommer!ial and not

    effe!tive =t is rooted in their !$lt$re ho/ the st$dents val$e @ilipino in!l$ding the desires of the

    tea!hers /hen it !omes to /hat they are tea!hing 'herefore, the tea!hers and administrators are

    playing important roles /hen it !omes to proper implementation of the !$rri!$l$m

    'he follo/ing re!ommendations /ere derived at+

    Curri#ulum Implementation

    'here sho$ld be a stri!t implementation of the said !$rri!$l$m 'rainings and seminar for

    the administrators and tea!hers sho$ld be given for proper dissemination of the !hanges in the


    %tren!thenin! Filipino as a Course

    Co$rse syllab$s in @ilipino sho$ld $ndergo a :een analysis =t sho$ld be fo!$s in the s:ills

    and !ompeten!ies of the individ$ls Deing a m$ltiling$al !o$ntry all lang$age in the !o$ntry sho$ld

    !ompliment ea!h other More energeti! and !omm$ni!ative approa!hes in tea!hing the @ilipino


    Curri#ulum Monitorin!

    'he administrator of the !ollege and $niversities sho$ld have a d$ty to monitor the stri!timplimentation of the !$rri!$l$m @ilipino tea!hers sho$ld be vigilant regarding this matter and

    sho$ld be the first one to promote and s$pport the s$bEe!t

  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC



    'he resear!her !ond$!ted one eval$ation design in planning for lang$age in ed$!ation for

    the LCUs based on the synthesis and observed e2perien!es

    A!!ording to La/ton (&5)1*, in !reating a !$rri!$l$m, the most important thing to !onsider

    is !$lt$re be!a$se st$dies, learning, !on!epts are being passed on to the ne2t generation A !$lt$ral

    tension e2ists in the implementation of the !$rri!$l$m be!a$se of !$lt$ral diversities in

    !omm$nities 3ne LCU for e2ample, m$st !onsider the implementation of the !$rri!$l$m in the

    !$lt$ral !onte2t, even if this is set in one lo!ality, there still e2ist another !$lt$re in the same pla!eB

    in the same /ay as, time, /hen /as the !$rri!$l$m implementedB the dire!tion (mission and vision*

    of a lo!al !ollege and $niversity sho$ld li:e/ise be !onsidered, too =n a lo!al !omm$nity, one !ansee the differen!es in attit$de, beliefs and tradition of the residents or the parti!ipants

    No/adays, st$dents in the lo!al !olleges and $niversities are being ta$ght to get Eobs 9$i!:ly

    /hi!h are needed in their !ities, so /hat is ta$ght is not only :no/ledge b$t s:ills as /ell 3ne

    important aspe!t in the implementation of the !$rri!$l$m is the politi!al !onte2t 'he one /ho

    !hooses and implements the !$rri!$l$m has greater infl$en!e in its s$!!essf$l $nderta:ing 'his

    !overs the aim of the implementation, !ontent, method and tea!hing materials for the !$rri!$l$m

    =n the follo/ing diagram, the implementation of the system on planning for lang$age in ed$!ation is

    passing thro$gh several pro!esses to see the strengths and /ea:nesses =f /hat is !overed in

    eval$ation /ill be p$t into !onsideration, one !an $se politi!al and !$lt$ral aspe!t of the instit$tion


    Lo#al Evaluation

    #ultural #ontet





    politi#al #ontet





    Lo#al Implementation

    Lo#al &evision




  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC


    li:e the LCUs =n this st$dy, it only !overed three important !ategories in eval$ating a !$rri!$l$m+

    a!!ording to !ontent, methods of tea!hing, and tea!hing materials =f one has to give /eight in the

    follo/ing, most li:ely, this is the res$lt+


    "LA,,I,G I, EUCATI(,


    Content of the !$rri!$l$m 71F

    Method of tea!hing 71F

    'ea!hing materials 01F

    Total /001

    =n addition to this, are the aims in implementing the !$rri!$l$m ta:en from the mission and

    vision of the LCUsand the !ond$!t of the eval$ation, one !o$ld based the !ategory $sed by an


    'he eval$ation based on !o$rse or !ollege of st$dents are dependent on the belief of Gern$dd

    and %as ?apta (&55&* that eval$ation poli!ies and programs of different regions m$st sho/ this

    val$e to st$dents and to his or her !o$rse 'he method that !an be $sed is the lo!alization /herein

    ea!h !o$rse or !ollege /ith a @ilipino !o$rse m$st !ond$!t a yearly eval$ation regarding the

    importan!e of the !o$rse and its impli!ation in their being professional

    Hho are the parti!ipants in the eval$ationI Hho /ill !ond$!t the eval$ationI Hhat is the

    9$alifi!ation of the eval$atorI 'hese are E$st some of the 9$estions /hen eval$ating and /hen the

    parti!ipants are being dis!$ssed 3ne !an form an ALCU C$rri!$l$m Doard, somebody /ill be the

    %ire!tor /ho /ill be in !harge of the !ommittee and the staff, this /ill in!l$de the

    professorsJinstr$!tors, st$dent !o$n!il representative, non-tea!hing staff and Doard of 'r$stees or


    'he 9$alifi!ation of the eval$ator m$st have training in eval$ating a program or !$rri!$l$m

    and has a profo$nd $nderstanding of the management of the plan of lo!al !$rri!$l$m 'he follo/ing

    are the responsibilities of an eval$ator+

    (&* Ma:e a plan and eval$ation

    (0* Set the lo!al, national and international standard in implementing the !$rri!$l$m

    (* 3rganize the !$rri!$l$m

    (7* Ma:e re!ommendation in revising !$rri!$l$m

    (4* Cooperate /ith the monitoring and provide feedba!: in implementing the !$rri!$l$m

    (6* Cond$!t !orrelation st$dy of !$rri!$l$m in the lo!al tas: of the !ity and the ind$stry


  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC


    'he respondents in the !ond$!t of the eval$ation are as follo/s+ (&* st$dents, (0* tea!hers,

    (* administrator, (7* ind$stry se!tor, and (4* parents


    "LA,,I,G I, EUCATI(,

    'he !ond$!t of the eval$ation of a !$rri!$l$m is a !ontin$ing pro!ess 'he resear!her agreed

    /ith the @ive Kear C$rri!$l$m Cy!le of Chapel ;ill Carrboro City S!hools be!a$se a!!ording to

    its C$rri!$l$m Management Plan that it is better to !ond$!t the eval$ation every five years 'a:e a

    !loser loo: in the diagram belo/ ho/ the pro!ess in the implementation and eval$ation of

    !$rri!$l$m is ta:ing pla!e



    Se!ond Kear + =nitial =mplemenation

    ( Doard Approval*

    'hird Kear + @$ll =mplementation



    Si2th Kear + =mplementation of the revised !$rri!$l$mbased on the re!ommendation of the !ommitte

    @ifth Kear + =dentify the NeedsJ Hea:nesses andStrengthJ Choosing the 'ea!hing Materials

    Lo#al &evision

    @irst Kear + Planning and %e!ision Ma:ing (@irst=mplementation* Lo#al


    @orth Kear + .evie/ (=nternal J

  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC


    'he !ond$!t of eval$ation of !$rri!$l$m is holisti! =ts parameters are !ontent, methods and

    tea!hing materials to see the strengths and /ea:nesses in the implementation of the !$rri!$l$m

    ;ere are the g$ide 9$estions for the said parameters+

    GUIE 2UE%TI(,%


    /' =s the !$rri!$l$m in @ilipino gives /ay to the professional development of every


    3' =s the theory and lessons in @ilipino !an be applied in the ind$stry and professional

    aspe!t of the st$dentsI

    MET.( (F TEAC.I,G

    /' %oes the lesson in @ilipino is easily learned by the st$dentsI


    /' =s the tea!hing in @ilipino !an be based on te!hnology or !an $se te!hnology as a

    instr$ment to transfer learningI



    'he follo/ing s!ale !an be $se in the eval$ation, also the s!ale that the resear!her $sed in

    this st$dy

    4 Al/ays

    7- 3ften

    - Sometimes

    0- Never

    &- None


    =n de!iding /hether the implementation of the !$rri!$l$m is appropriate or notI S$!!essf$l

    or notI 'he follo/ing letters !an be $sed as a grade indi!ator+

    "-for passedF-for failed

    'he eval$ator /ill identify if the eval$ation is for the /hole instit$tion, for ea!h !ollegeJ

    s!hool or the !$rri!$l$m and the s$bEe!t itself


    "LA,,I,G I, EUCATI(,

    =n !olle!ting data for eval$ation p$rposes, different methods !an be $sed li:e intervie/,

    9$estionnaires, $nified test for the st$dents, do!$ment !olle!tion and analysis, @?% @o!$s ?ro$p

    %is!$ssion and observation in the !lass


  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC




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  • 7/26/2019 An Analysis of the GEC


    Society o the Philippines








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