aaron murphy's cau experience

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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To live a life filled with challenges and attend school for the first time at the age of twenty.

To live a life filled with challenges, attending school for the first time, and to play catch up at the age of twenty.

Aaron Murphy

Arriving but not there yet!I am at CAU, emotionally and mentally. I am not here physically all the time. Its been a challenge to get here and a challenge to stay. I have not been totally emerged into the college experience. I life off campus and it has totally hindered my first year outlook on college. When you have a goal in life you run after it. You put your ego aside, leave your fantasy world behind you, pray that you will succeed in college, and your life after.

Get up! Time is school!

The first week waking up was a breeze, since my classes start at 11:00 and 12:15 I got to sleep well. The downside to that was I had and still no reliable transportation. I sometimes was late for class and even missed a class because of a fail car pull. I run to class with a thirst of knowledge and a plate of shame to complete the meal. I am so eager to learn but embarrassed that I still carry high school tendencies with myself. Only this time I want to attend class. The more time you waste not being in school, the more opportunities begin to slip under you. I wake up at 5:30 now. It is brutal but I have no choice, its a sacrifice but it will pay off for my opportunity of greatness will surely come.

Classes are my precious children, they require all my time!Six classes at CAU are different than high school. The difference is more freedom, but more responsibility. See in my first week I noticed that my classes are like having children. You have to attend to their needs, all of them are different so they require special care and attention. All of them are equal you cant decide you like one class and skip the next. Treat them equally they all deserve time and effort like caring for children. I soon got into this method of thinking my first week. I wouldnt neglect my classes like I wouldnt neglect my children in the future.

The home is where the Library is!I spend most of my time here. In my first week the library was like a home for me. Still it will forever be my sanctuary. For I did not have my books, I had resources. Not only is it beautiful it is peaceful to concentrate and reflect. Outside of my studies, I thought about the second week and the future of my college experiences. Will it change, will it stay the same, will it get better or will it get even worse I wondered in deep thought.

Counseling why not?Not a bad idea with such afflictions right? With the baggage I carry I need someone with professional guidance to dump my frustration on. Speaking about my first encounters at CAU helped structure my brain. When I began to share my thoughts a sense of relief came over me. Holding problems will fill you up like a balloon until one more issue disguised as a pin and pop you. I learned to release that hot air in a more rational approach.

I will never give up! The road is dark but I will see the light in the end!I knew better than to just throw in the towel. I have more things to accomplish, goals to achieve and knowledge to obtain. I carried my portfolio proudly my first week showing to any professor who knew the entertaining industry. I joined an acting club to refine my talent. I even networked and made friends my first week. When you put positive energy in the universe it will surely shine on you. I am a reflection of my thoughts.

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