a word of appreciation to headquarters staff

Post on 31-Oct-2016






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A word of appreciation to Headquarters staff Thirteen short months ago, Nov 2, 1973, marked the official dedication of AORN Headquarters in Denver. This beautiful structure with its strong foundation and mortar covered with Colorado moss rock is the bulwark of AORN. It was built with the dreams and dedication of many.

Headquarters has weathered i ts first year well. Similar business edifices have the beauty and grace of this building, but few have the team of "doers" that it houses. This team, an integral part of all of us, i s productive and visible through its consoli- dated efforts. As operating room nurses, we present an image with our daily services in institutions nationwide. As an associa- tion, we project an image through the managers and staff at Hwdquarters.

During the past ten months, I have had an opportunity to visit Headquarters fre- quently. It i s important for me, as your president, to maintain vigilant communica- tion with the mainstream of Association business. Through Headquarters, liaison ac- tivities, educational endeavors, Congress activities, committee meetings, Journal pub- lication, membership data, and the business aspects of our organization ore channeled. The Board of Directors is kept well informed

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and is consulted on all major issues. This is appreciated by all of us because we are full-time-employed nurses who must spend many nonworking hours on Association business. It is essential for the Bourd, scat- tered all over the country, to have a home base. Each year at Congress, there is a partial turnover of officers and directors, and yet we move ahead because of the continuity provided by Headquarters.

It seems most appropriate to laud these cupable individuals. Granted they are salaried employees, but their contribution goes beycmd monetary value. They do not ask for acclaim, and yet they deserve ac- clamation. They do not demand respect, and yet they have earned it. They do not create problems; they solve problems. Their ability to meet the needs of the member- ship and to comply with the directions of the Board of Directors i s unsurpassed.

I shall miss the managers and staff when I leave office in March. I have come to know them well and to love them. I feel enrich4 from the experiences of sharing your hopes and dreams with them. I have witnessed their motivation, their skifls, and their devotion to all of us. And so, on be- half of the membership of AORN, I extend grateful apprecimbn to the executive di- rector, the managers and staff at Head- quarters. Peace and love.

Patricia K Rogers, RN Presiden f

AORN Journal, December 1974, Vol20, N o 6 027

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