5 ways women use social media to their advantage

Post on 18-Nov-2014



Social Media



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Presentation at Mozilla Philippines Community's Social Media Series Women in Social Media.


5 Ways Women Use Social Media to their Advantage


@vanilla_ph#MozillaPH #womoz

Lace LlanoraCo-Founder and Managing Director

Vanilla Digital. Inc.t: @lacellanora

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

Started my first personal blogInvolved in special interest online communities

Graduated at De LaSalle University Manila BS Commerce, Marketing Management

Held positions as Marketing Communications Officer, Product Manager and IT Operations Manager.

Started 3 more blogs on Fashion, Personal Finance and Parenting.

Focused on online community and social media management.

Hello, Nice to meet you!




www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

Co-founder, Managing Director – Vanilla Digital

Mother to 3-year old Ashton, a breastfeeding advocate, and empower moms through my blog Mommylace.com.

Hello, Nice to meet you!


Social media is relating to human society, the interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society. The word media means a medium of cultivation, conveyance, or expression.

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#MozillaPH #womoz

Social Media Platforms

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#MozillaPH #womoz

Any woman can use social media to develop her career by showcasing her experience, connections, and industry contributions beyond a one-page resume.

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

1. Successful Women use Social Media to Build their Personal Brand

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#MozillaPH #womoz

TIP:Make the most of LinkedIn by adding links to your website, blog, Twitter username, etc. Make it easy for people to find you.

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

TIP:Your Twitter bio is your elevator pitch. Refine it until you get it right.

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TIP: Take advantage of the work field on your Facebook profile

Your mission:

Write down what makes you special and what you want to communicate to the world.

Deliver fresh content - When you establish your online profiles, always keep it updated.

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#MozillaPH #womoz

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

2. Use Social Media to share your Story (but Avoid Airing Dirty Laundry)Stories connect people and gets them interested and engaged.

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#MozillaPH #womoz

Women have the power to choose intelligently what story they want to put out to the world.

Your mission:

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#MozillaPH #womoz

• Take advantage of Facebook lists to share only the right stories to the right people

• Give birth to that blog you’ve been thinking about

• Review your social media activities: do you have bad habits you need to break?

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

3. Great Women use Social Media to Listen

What makes a woman stand out in the social sphere is her ability to listen with the intention of understanding.

What LISTENING can do for you:

Teach you something you didn’t know about and increase your expertise.

Improve the quality of your replies (because you understood what they’re saying and have also built up knowledge through listening too).

Enhance your online reputation.

Create and nurture relationships.

People start LISTENING to you.

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

Your mission:

Organize your social media feeds and try these social media listening tools.

A web app that specializes in social search and analytics.

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#MozillaPH #womoz

A website and mobile app that uses social media analytics to rank its users according to online social influence.

The leading social media dashboard, helps you enhance your social media management.

An innovative Social Media CRM designed to help you influence the influencers.

Is a social analytics megatool that digs through Twitter data.

Measures and optimizes your social media marketing by providing powerful, easy-to-use analytics and recommendations.

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#MozillaPH #womoz

4. Women are using Social Media to Build Meaningful Connections

Great content + Other People – Marketing Messages = Growth

- Social media Examiner

Today, women don’t need to get out of the door or out of their office to meet new people. With social media, you can do this 24/7.

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

Your mission:

Who do you want to connect with?

Look people digitally in the eye

Create friend advocates

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#MozillaPH #womoz

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

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5. Women use social media to find Opportunities

“I liked and friended every publisher, writer, editor, and wannabe that I could find on Twitter and Facebook. In the process of following them, I dedicated myself to studying and learning all that I could from their statuses.”

- Jamie Richardson

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Use social media to

connect with the powers that


Use social media to build an audience

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

Your mission:

Use social media to find opportunities to learn

Use social media to find opportunities to work

Use social media to find opportunities to help

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

5 Ways Women Use Social Media to their Advantage

1. Create your personal brand2. Share your story3. Listen4. Build meaningful connections5. Find opportunities

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

Lace Llanoralace@vanilladigital.ph

+63 942 8297235

www.facebook.com/vanillaphwww.vanilladigital.ph @vanilla_ph

#MozillaPH #womoz

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