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Biden: Bring back jobs



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Volume 207 | Number 114 | 40 cents | An independent student newspaper serving Iowa State since 1890. | A 2010-11 ACP Pacemaker Award winner









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University engages community in conference

Vice presidential visit

The ISU Information of Technology Services continues to raise awareness in the education and knowledge directed at helping stu-dents protect themselves behind the computer.

When accessing emails, many members of the ISU community may or may not see the simple harm in fill-ing out a quick survey or a bit of infor-mation from the content received in their inbox.

However, the university has re-cently had numerous attackers send-ing valid-looking emails to students in attempts to obtain personal infor-mation to steal money, credentials and identities.

Wayne Hauber, IT systems ana-lyst, feels that students realize the consequences that can occur and how

By Megan Swindell Daily staff writer

Iowa State will play its own part in the educational process of engaging its participants in discussions on the issues of race and ethnicity in American higher education this year with the 13th annual Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity.

From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday in the Memorial Union, the ISU community and guests are invited to attend a variety of concurrent 50-minute forums on diversity educa-tion and celebration free of charge.

Registration for the event will be open from 8 a.m. until noon with a continental break-fast being served at 8 a.m.

The discussions presented by students, staff and faculty will range from “Can I Touch Your Hair? Lyricism as a space of resistance towards Eurocentric standards of beauty,” which will be from 11 to 11:50 a.m. in the Campanile Room to “But, that isn’t what was shown to me! Inaccurate portrayals of Indigenous peoples in Media and Literature,” which is from 3:10 to 4 p.m., also in the Campanile Room.

The students, faculty mem-bers and staff who host this conference attend the national conference and convey what was shared there in addition to personal stories at ISCORE.

Iowa State’s conference will provide a day full of diversity awareness and enhancement, improving campus as a whole.

This will make information about race and ethnicity issues available for the ISU community.

A full schedule of the confer-ence and forum descriptions can be found on the ISU website.

An ISU professor is trying to bring pandas to Des Moines with his proposed Iowa Giant Pandas Research Park.

Seven years ago, Paul Shao, pro-fessor of architecture, signed a long-term contract with the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China to loan Iowa a pair of giant pandas. He thinks now is the right time to start building his research park.

“The stars in heaven are aligned. This is the most opportune time to build the park” Shao said.

Shao explained he has many ad-vantages to make this successful.

One advantage, he said, is the good relationship Iowa has with the people involved. Shao, who has been a part of the Chinese Cultural Center of America for 20 years now, built the Robert D. Ray Asian Gardens in Des Moines and the pavilion stand-ing in it, which is the only one of its kind in America.

The recent visit of the vice president of China, Xi Jinping, also showed that Iowa’s relationship with China is good.

“Iowa has had a long-standing relationship with the Xi family, and now he is going to be the next presi-

dent of China,” Shao said.Another advantage, he explained,

is Iowa’s excellence in biotechnol-ogy, especially here at Iowa State.

“Chengdu breeds pandas in cap-tivity by artificial insemination be-cause the female panda can only get pregnant one day a year,” Shao said. “But when pandas are bred in captiv-ity, they lose their resistance to the germs out in the wild.”

There are others at Iowa State who contributed proposals to the project.

“Dr. En-Min [Eric] Zhou from

the College of Veterinary Medicine contributed a proposal to find a vac-cine to immunize the pandas against outside germs,” Shao said.

Further, Max Rothschild, distin-guished professor of animal science who is known for his work with the pig genome, contributed a proposal to research the genome of giant pandas.

There was also a team, led by Patrick Schnable, a plant geneticist and professor of agronomy, that pre-

Professor works to bring pandas to Des Moines

Architecture Technology

IT draws attention to email scams

By Erin.Toohey @iowastatedaily.com

Photo courtesy of Paul ShaoPaul Shao, sitting on left, professor of architecture, visits the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China in November 2004. Shao has been working to build a research park for pandas in Des Moines.

EMAILS.p3 >>SHAO.p3 >>

By Morgan.Fleener @iowastatedaily.com

Photo: Huiling Wu/Iowa State DailyVice President Joe Biden looks at a project created by Katie Goebel, senior in mechanical engineering, on Thursday before his speech in Howe Hall. Biden spoke about economic issues and bringing manufacturing jobs back to America.

Campaign warns students to beware

Selfless senior allows Cyclones to shine



GSB fails to focus on major issues

Students work to create sustainable life in Uganda

Vice President Joe Biden focused on American’s innova-tion and the goal to “insource” at his speech at Howe Hall on Thursday.

Biden stepped up to the po-dium just before noon in the Howe Hall Atrium after in-troductions from Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and John Solomon, senior in me-chanical engineering.

“The generation of students at this university are not going to hear much about outsourcing anymore,” Biden said. “I promise you, you’re going to be hearing a word that we didn’t hear in the last 25, 30 years ... ‘insourcing.’”

Biden did not go into specif-ics of President Barack Obama’s proposals to give tax breaks to businesses that keep manufac-turing jobs in America and raise taxes for those that choose to outsource, but discussed the im-portance of manufacturing jobs to the structure of the middle class and bringing those jobs back to U.S. soil.

“Our single greatest advan-tage, the reason [manufactur-ers are] coming home ... every one of [the manufacturers] said America has the most produc-tive, highly skilled, innovative workers and engineers in the world,” Biden said after stat-ing that the work and research done at Iowa State “benefits all of America and has a rippling effect.”

Biden was given a private tour of Howe Hall before giv-ing his speech, which included presentations from four ISU students.

“Exciting is the word I’ve been using a lot,” said Thomas Naert to describe his personal presentation with Biden.

Naert, senior in agriculture engineering, presented work from a senior design project that improves the flow of fluid in ag-

riculture sprayers through manufacturing, which in turn minimizes the amount of chemicals used on crops.

“It was an honorable op-portunity to represent Iowa State,” said Jared Juel, ju-nior in aerospace engineer-ing, ”and demonstrate what we’re doing here.”

Juel gave a presenta-tion on rapid prototyping to the vice president with fellow student Shannon Krogmeier, freshman in ag-riculture engineering.

Katie Goebel, senior in mechanical engineering, presented on industrial technology and the hands-on experience offered to ISU students in the engineering

By Katelynn.McCollough @iowastatedaily.com

Photo: Kelsey Kremer/Iowa State DailyPeople pack the Howe Hall Atrium to listen to Vice President Joe Biden speak on campus. ECONOMY.p3 >>

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General information: The Iowa State Daily is an independent student newspaper established in 1890 and written, edited, and sold by students.

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Memories of Internment When:


Grace Amemiya was a nursing student at the University of California, San Francisco in 1941 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Her education was interrupted when she and her family were detained in intern-ment camps.

Where:Sun Room, Memorial Union

ISU Theatre production of “To Kill a Mocking-bird”When:

7:30 p.m.What:

Atticus Finch, a lawyer who is a widower, tries to raise his two young children to have a code of honorable behavior within the social fabric of a small town in Alabama in the mid-1930s.

Where:Fisher Theater



Beyond Basics: Charcoal Drawing with Sara Merritt When:

12:30 p.m. What:

Learn basic tech-niques for working with vine and com-pressed charcoals, pencils, and Conte, as well as how to combine charcoal with graphite and other media.

Where:Workspace at the Memorial Union

SUB Music: We Are The Willows / The Daredevil Christopher Wright When:

9 p.m.What:

The usual sounds brought to mind at the sight of a cityscape are typi-cally loud, harsh and overbearing. These sounds create a constant, yet ever changing hum

Where:Maintenance Shop, Memorial Union


Beyond Basics: Glazing Workshop with Greg LamontWhen:

12:30 p.m.What:

Explore finishing your pottery with ceramic glazes.

Where:Workspace at the Memorial Union

Argentine Tango Practica with Valerie WilliamsWhen:

4 p.m.What:

This Milonga is a multi-level class with lots of time to enjoy the music and dance.

Where:Workspace at the Memorial Union

Find out what’s going on, and share your event with the rest of campus on our website, at iowastatedaily.com.

Police Blotter: Ames, ISU Police Departments

The information in the log comes from the ISU and City of Ames police departments’ records. All those accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Feb. 26Patrick Eason, 20, 4912 Mortensen Road unit 1023, was arrested and charged with oper-ating while intoxicated at Dotson Drive and Mortensen Road. He was transported to the Story County Justice Center (reported at 3:08 a.m.).A resident reported the theft of cash from an apartment at Schilletter Village (reported at 8:22 p.m.).

Feb. 27Keith Larson, 18, 4407 Wilson Hall, was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated. Robert Bernard, 18, 5435 Wilson Hall, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and pos-session of drug paraphernalia. Alexander Peace-Vosicky, 19, 4411 Wilson Hall, was arrested

and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia in Lot 61. They were all transported to the Story County Justice Center (reported at 12:38 a.m.).A patron reported the theft of a digital camera at Lied Recreation Athletic Center (reported at 3:40 p.m.).A vehicle driven by Yufei Deng struck a parked car at the Memorial Union Ramp (reported at 4:59 p.m.).Officers initiated a drug-related investigation at the Armory (reported at 9:06 p.m.).Ross Westercamp, 1221 Frederiksen Court, reported the theft of bicycle parts in Lot 26 (reported at 9:43 p.m.).

Feb. 28Noah Bergman, 19, 1271 Friley Hall, was arrested and charged

with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, failure to affix a drug tax stamp and possession of drug para-phernalia in Friley Hall. He was transported to the Story County Justice Center (reported at 4:05 a.m.).An officer initiated a drug-related investigation at the Armory (reported at 3:30 p.m.).Vehicles driven by Connor Ringgenberg and Jie Bai were involved in a property damage collision in Lot 21 (reported at 4:34 p.m.).Nicholas Scaduto, 19, 3362 Larch Hall, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, failure to affix a drug tax stamp, manufac-turing a controlled substance, possession of drug parapher-nalia and underage possession of alcohol in Larch Hall. He was

transported to the Story County Justice Center (reported at 6:47 p.m.).Evan Johannsen, 19, 6334 Larch Hall, was arrested and charged with criminal mischief and disorderly conduct (two counts). Charles Cloud, 19, 6334 Larch Hall, and John Barry, 19, 6369 Larch Hall, were arrested and charged with criminal mischief and disorderly conduct in Larch Hall. They were all transported to the Story County Justice Center (reported at 9:57 p.m.).Taylor Wald, 18, 3353 Friley Hall, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and underage pos-session of alcohol at Friley Hall. He was subsequently released on citation (reported at 11:57 p.m.).

Celebrity NewsNotes and events.Justin Bieber gets 18th birthday surprise on ‘Ellen’Our little pop star is all grown up. Justin Bieber turned 18 Thursday, and when he’s not be-ing gifted with a new ride, he’s celebrating by giving back.Bieber’s revealed to fans that his birthday plans included spending time with friends and family, “have a little get together, noth-ing too crazy,” as he told MTV.But the lead-up to his 18th also included a stop by Ellen DeGeneres’ show, where his manager, Scooter Braun, surprised him with a swanky, eco-friendly present.“He does things for the right reasons,” Braun says of Bieber, telling him, “You work really, really hard, and I always yell at you, ‘Don’t get anything flashy, we’re not about that, be humble.’ And I kind of broke my own rule.”And because Bieber loves cars, “We wanted to make sure you were environmentally friendly ... and we decided to get you a car that would make you stand out a bit on the road. So Justin, that’s a Fisker Karma. Usher

and I wanted to do this for you, since you never do anything for yourself.”Ellen’s contribution to Bieber’s birthday gift? A lovely (and practical) windshield sunshade bearing the image of a heart with her face and Justin’s on it, and an Ellen bobble-head for his dashboard.The singer is also aiming to raise money for Charity: Water, a nonprofit that provides clean drinking water in developing nations.

Nicollette Sheridan testifies in killing of her ‘Desperate Housewives’ characterFormer “Desperate Housewives” actress Nicollette Sheridan took the stand to testi-fy Thursday in a courtroom battle with the show’s producer-writer over the TV killing of a character she played for five seasons.Sheridan, 48, is locked in a courtroom battle against Mark Cherry and ABC Entertainment, claiming their decision to kill off

OFFERING HELP: Group advises panel for career expo

Daily Snapshot

Photo: Emily Harmon/Iowa State Daily

Weather | Provided by ISU Meteorology Club

Clouds today with a chance of light precipita-tion early, then becom-ing blustery with partly cloudy skies.

Looking better today with mostly sunny skies. Winds still blustery, though beginning to shift.

Much of the same today, however, we’re now on the eve of a potential warm streak next week.




This day in 1983:On this day in 1983, an unusual warning was is-sued to residents of Lake Tahoe Calif. They were advised not to go cross-country skiing, as they might ski into power lines. The snow depth was an amazing 215 inches.


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Setting the Global Table: Strategies for Feeding and Fueling A Growing World

Monday, March 5 at 7 p.m.Free and open to the publicGreat HallIowa State Memorial UnionAmes

Presented by:

Joe TaetsPresident of Agricultural Services at ADM, ISU alum (’88 agricultural business)

Carl and Marjory Hertz Lecture on Emerging Issues in Agriculture

Tiffany Atilano, Career Services coordinator; Amber Oppelt, junior in graphic design; and Alison Berg, senior in interior design, wait to advise panel speakers at the Design Building for the career expo Thursday.

Edie Britt, her character on the show, was wrongful termination of her employment.Several of Sheridan’s former cast mates — including Eva Longoria, Marcia Cross, James Denton, Felicity Huffman and Neal McDonough — are on the list of witnesses expected to defend Cherry.Sheridan first tried to make sure she is different from the character she played, who she described as “a very colorful character, sassy, overt, auda-cious.”“She has a heart, but people loved to hate her,” Sheridan said. “I think honesty is about the only thing we shared.”Jurors appeared to enjoy several clips of the show, featuring her character seducing a series of men. They laughed several times during the playing of the clips.The actress wiped tears after her lawyer Mark Baute con-cluded his opening statements Wednesday in the Los Angeles trial that is expected to last two weeks.Cherry “lost his temper on the set and smacked Nicollette Sheridan on the side of the head — hard,” Sheridan’s attorney said.It happened after she raised a question about the script Cherry had written for a scene in the seventh episode of season five, he said.Jurors must decide whether Cherry committed battery in the Sept. 24, 2008, rehearsal and if his decision to end her work on

the show was retaliation for her complaints against him.Several months and 11 episodes after she complained, Sheridan was written out of the show, Baute said.

Dan Aykroyd: Bill Murray won’t do ‘Ghostbusters 3’It’s been almost a year since Dan Aykroyd said there would be a “Ghostbusters 3” with or without Bill Murray, and as of now it sounds like Aykroyd can definitely count on doing it “without.”“I’m the cheerleader, but I’m only one voice in the matter,” Aykroyd told the U.K.’s Telegraph. “It’s a surety that Bill Murray will not do the movie; however, there is still interest from the studio.”And yet, “at this point, it’s in suspended animation,” the actor says. “The studio, the director Ivan Reitman and Harold Ramis feel there must be a way to do it, but Bill Murray will not do the movie. He doesn’t want to be involved.”It sounds like Aykroyd gets why, as he continues: “He’s got six kids, houses all over America. He golfs in these tournaments where they pay him to turn up and have a laugh. He’s into this life and living it. I know we’d have a lot of fun, but I can’t be mad at him.“He’s a friend first, a colleague second.”

CNN Wire staff

college.ISU President Steven

Leath felt that the vice presi-dent was “pleased” with what he saw on the private tour.

“I am thrilled that the vice president came to Iowa State University,” Leath said.

Leath said he feels this will raise the profile of Iowa state and help show what the uni-versity is accomplishing.

Innovation was just as prevalent a subject in the near-ly hour long speech.

“It’s impossible to think differently in a country where you can’t speak freely. ... It’s impossible to think differently where orthodoxy remains,” Biden said in describing why the United States continues to remain innovative while other countries do not. “We under-stand that change only comes through challenging.”

Biden explained that “skep-tics” may miss the innovative nature of the United States.

“The American people are tired of being told they have to lower their expectations, they’re tired of being told that they can’t compete, they’re tired of being told that we’re not going to be the leading economy in the world,” Biden said, his voice growing louder. “They know better ... more in-novation means more jobs.”

Biden explained that he is

not an “optimist” as he’s often described but a “realist” who believes in America’s potential.

“We have the greatest research universities in the world ... it’s the freedom we have to discover, the freedom to pursue ideas,” Biden said, who explained that he chose to come to Iowa State because the quality of the university’s programs.

“The fundamental message I want to leave with you is, be-lieve ... believe in this country,” Biden said in closing.

Biden opened the room to questions, addressing topics from aerospace funding, bio-fuel research and the consci-entious clause.

Rob Schweers, director of the engineering college re-lations, said that nearly 700 tickets were given to the public with three-quarters of them going to students.

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Editor: Katherine Klingseis | news@iowastatedaily.com | 515.294.2003 Friday, March 2, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | NEWS | 3

pared a proposal on research of bamboo.One of the team members listed in Schnable’s proposal was

Lynn Clark, professor of ecology, evolution and organismal biology.

“Since the proposal a few years ago, I don’t really consider my-self part of the project, because I hadn’t heard anything of it for quite a while,” Clark said.

Schnable’s objective was to research bamboo and “generate transgenic bamboo with improved digestibility and nutritional characteristics that could be grown on former agricultural lands within and adjacent to the natural habitat of pandas,” Huiling Wu.

“Bamboo doesn’t have a lot of nutritional value, so the pandas have to eat a lot of it to get enough nutrition to survive,” Clark, an expert in bamboo diversity and evolution, explained.

“To increase the bamboo’s nutritional value, genes must be in-troduced to the bamboo, which is not an easy process at all,” Clark said, “It’s a long-term project, and most people don’t want to in-vest in a long-term project if they don’t get something in return.”

Clark went on to explain that panda bears are expensive. She collaborated with Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo when it was think-ing of getting pandas.

They looked at information from when the Atlanta and San Diego zoos got their pandas. Attendance spiked the first year, but then fell back, convincing the Omaha Zoo not to invest in pandas.

Shao, however, thinks pandas will be a major economic benefit.

“There are no pandas in the Midwest,” Shao said. “This will make these pandas a major tourist attraction, which will benefit Des Moines and create jobs.”

Despite skepticism, Shao is ready to put his energy into the research park.

“I am grateful to give something back to Iowa State University and the state of Iowa for the great opportunity I’ve had here,” Shao said.

to protect themselves when dealing with these issues of suspicious emails.

“It’s a big deal. Some people are pros and do this kind of stuff for a living,” Hauber said. “When making the emails, an attacker can do something as simple as making the images look good. Good artwork is helpful.”

Whether it involves banking, com-puter passwords, destroying a personal computer or stealing money, there are many reasons an attacker may choose to target a large institution such as Iowa State for the large number of people brought together in one environment.

IT Communication and Marketing graduate student Lynn Lundy Evans has worked with IT Services since the first week of February and emphasized the importance of both IT Services and students knowing what is going on with their technology.

“Students are paying for these ser-vices and we need to make sure they are aware of these risks,” Evans said.

Being at a public university, ISU IT Services feels that the security it pro-vides does the best job it can in protect-ing students from email spams.

Andy Weisskopf, senior systems analyst for IT, said that by working at IT Services, he has been able to find pretty

clear signs stating whether a person is at-tempting to send invalid content through the system.

“If the email doesn’t seem right or isn’t expected, don’t click on or open the link,” Weisskopf said. “It’s a matter of be-ing aware of the issues.”

If students are unsure about if they have been the victim of any related issues resulting from email spams, visit the IT News page on Iowa State’s website.

Students also can visit Iowa State’s website to gain more information or stop by Information Services to get an annual checkup on their computer software and equipment to ensure the protection of their technology.


Illustration: Ryan Francois/Iowa State DailyInformation Technology Services has noticed an increase in hackers sending valid-looking emails to students in attempts to obtain personal information to steal money, credentials and identities. IT is warning students to look out for strange emails.



The Iowa Board of Regents approved a mo-tion to close the University of Northern Iowa’s Malcolm Price Laboratory School on Monday after a recommendation from UNI President Benjamin Allen.

The Board voted 8 to 1, and Robert Downer abstained due to legal concerns.

The Malcolm Price Laboratory School at Northern Iowa teaches around 400 students from kindergarten through 12th grade. It has provided extensive learning and teaching op-portunities to UNI education students.

“The financial constraints, combined with

current best-practices and research that sup-port realistic and diverse field experiences for education students, make it necessary to rec-ommend the closing of the school by June 30, 2012,” Allen said on the UNI website.

At the board meeting Monday, Allen ex-plained plans to relocate the K-12 students to the Cedar Fall and Waterloo districts. The UNI students also will be moving to the surrounding schools when they work to fulfill the experience requirements that were traditionally finished at the lab school.

The lab school has been an important part of Northern Iowa’s education program since the mid-1900s and as such, students and com-munity members have expressed great concern

for the change. The board realized that concerns will remain beyond its decision, but it expressed optimism for the future of the UNI education programs.

“We are at a critical point for UNI,” said Board of Regents President Craig Lang. “The board has full confidence in President Allen.”

Similarly, Iowa State has a Child Development Laboratory School within the College of Human Sciences. The difference is that Iowa State’s lab school is for infants, tod-dlers and preschoolers. This is where university students are able to learn valuable skills to help prepare them for a career working with young children.

David Whaley, associate dean for the College

of Human Sciences, said the closing at Northern Iowa will have no effect on the lab school at Iowa State. This is because Iowa State’s lab school is smaller and appropriately funded.

“The Child Development Laboratory School at Iowa State is truly an asset to the university community as well as the general community,” Whaley said. “It is recognized as an integral part of the department of human development and family studies and the College of Human Sciences.”

The Price Lab School is set to close at the end of the current school year in June, and Allen will provide an update for the Board of Regents on how the plans are progressing at the April 26 board meeting.

Board of Regents votes to close UNI lab schoolBy Kiana.Roppe @iowastatedaily.com


ReactionColumnist Ryan Peterson sounds off on the speech, iowastatedaily.com/opinion



Photo galleryView photos from Biden’s visit to the ISU campus, iowastatedaily.com/news

Opinion4 Iowa State Daily

Friday, March 2, 2012Editor: Michael Belding

opinion@iowastatedaily.com iowastatedaily.com/opiniononline

Editor in Chief: Jake Lovetteditor@iowastatedaily.com

Phone: (515) 294.5688

Knight-Brown tackle issues within reach

Two weeks ago, we interviewed both Government of the Student Body presidential and vice-presi-dential candidates, and yesterday we commented on the Swanson-Bartholomew platform. While their platform had many good points to consider, the Knight-Brown platform also presents a strong ticket.

We found Jared Knight and Katie Brown’s goals to be practical, their ex-perience to be an asset and their ideas within GSB’s scope. However, as with the Swanson and Bartholomew platform, there are implications you should consider.

One issue Knight and Brown pressed was their goal to improve the value and experience of Iowa State for students. It’s overreaching, but an issue worth looking at. One policy they’ve worked toward, as an element of student experience, was the en-forcement of the Dead Week policy.

Currently, the policy suggests guidelines rather than enforced poli-cies. Knight and Brown would like to place the Dead Week policy on every syllabus and reword its language to make it mandatory.

This might be beneficial to you, as a student, but is it a problem we need GSB to confront? Depending on your major and course load, the policy may hinder your ability to take final exams during Dead Week rather than during Finals Week. It’s an issue to consider, weigh and measure with other prob-lems that affect the ISU population.

Perhaps one of the greatest assets to the Knight and Brown platform is Knight’s experience. This does not imply a lack of experience on the part of Jake Swanson and David Bartholomew, but Knight has already served on the GSB Cabinet as vice president. We feel this experience gives both him and Brown valuable knowledge of the system.

Not all students weigh experience the same, but all students can appre-ciate the Knight and Brown idea of creating an online rating system for ISU professors. Knight and Brown have proposed that GSB create an ISU database containing student evaluations, done online, concerning all the professors on campus.

We believe this would allow stu-dents to make smarter decisions with more information available to them. The scope of this project, like all the recommendations from the Knight and Brown platform, are within the scope of GSB.

The Knight and Brown ticket has experience, but we were concerned that it lacked detail. They had key initiatives, and as a whole we found them more practical but less exten-sive than Swanson and Bartholomew. These are all issues that students should take time to consider, con-tact the candidates and develop an opinion. GSB is your government; make your voices heard Monday and Tuesday.

Editorial BoardJake Lovett, editor in chief

Michael Belding, opinion editor Ryan Peterson, assistant opinion editor

Craig Long, daily columnistClaire Vriezen, daily columnist

Barry Snell, daily columnistMichael Glawe, daily columnist

Feedback policy:The Daily encourages discussion but does not

guarantee its publication. We reserve the right to edit or reject any letter

or online feedback.Send your letters to letters@iowastatedaily.

com. Letters must include the name(s), phone number(s), majors and/or group affiliation(s) and year in school of the author(s). Phone numbers

and addresses will not be published.Online feedback may be used if first name and

last name, major and year in school are included in the post. Feedback posted online is eligible

for print in the Iowa State Daily.

Editorial Student government

GSB addresses minor issues

I have heard plenty of colorful phrases to describe members of the Government of the

Student Body. All of these can be summed up in the following sentence: “GSB is just a group of power-hungry, would-be petty politicians and resume-padding sociopaths who stroke their own egos by making themselves feel important and not giving a damn about their fellow students.”

That’s the clean version. And perhaps a bit unfair. But if even one part of this stereotype is remotely true, then we are very fortunate to have GSB in place to contain the efforts of these individuals.

The purpose of GSB is to nul-lify the actions of empire-builders who could be a threat to the common welfare and individual rights within the Ames and ISU community. GSB is a system to maintain order. Yet this same system hinders GSB from ef-fectively tackling issues such as rising tuition, student housing and Campustown. We see evidence of this in GSB’s own constitution, its legislation, the “background” services GSB provides and GSB’s seemingly inability to affect posi-tive lasting change for the student body.

According to GSB’s website,

GSB patterns itself “just like the United States Government” with executive, legislative and judicial branches. Members of GSB might have great plans and ideas, but these are inhibited by a system of checks and balances found in GSB’s constitution. Not to men-tion that the democratic process requires much argument and persuasion, which often fails to reach a consensus.

Nearly all of GSB’s legisla-tion has nothing to do with the lofty ideals described in my last column. GSB legislation, for the most part, consists of two things: funding organizations with student activity fees and what I call “restructuring.” GSB often re-structures itself by the election of senators, the appointment of com-mittee members and changing its bylaws. In 2011, about 168 pieces of legislation were considered in GSB.

These break down as follows: 96 bills dealt with funding — or about 57 percent — 58 dealt with restructuring — or about 35 per-cent — and around 14 dealt with miscellaneous issues — about 8 percent. Miscellaneous issues include topics like lighting in Campustown, congratulating the Cyclones or welcoming new ISU President Steven Leath. Given all

of these things, most GSB mem-bers are too busy to address many important problems confronting students.

GSB spends a little more than a third of its time in meetings restructuring itself. Most of the focus is on the appointment and election of new members. The annual elections are part of this process. But there is, however, a high turnover rate within GSB outside the regular elections. And the number of bills can be misleading as to the exact number of changes made. Some bills dealt with the appointment of two or more people. Furthermore, in 2011, GSB changed chapters 1-17 of its bylaws, with chapters one through four being changed twice. With this kind of turnover in both rules and members, GSB does not have the means to effectively represent the student body.

GSB is also too busy funding organizations with student activ-ity fees. GSB received almost $1.7 million in revenue for the 2011 fiscal year and just more than $1.9 million for the 2012 fiscal year. Now, I know that not all of the money gets spent from one year to the next, so GSB can easily have almost $2 million.

This is a small amount when compared to Iowa State’s budget. Yet it’s enough to keep GSB mem-bers occupied while making them feel important. Unfortunately for student organizations, this means petitioning GSB for money — if you’ve ever had to go through this tedious process, I feel for you.

Yet despite these criticisms, GSB does passively fund ser-

vices that often remain out of the spotlight, like partially funding the Daily and CyRide. This is why students get both for free — because they’ve already paid with student fees.

Finally, even more systems are in place to keep GSB limited in power and answerable to the university. Just like with every student organization on cam-pus, GSB must comply with the Student Organization Recognition Policy.

Violating any aspect of this policy might be grounds for GSB being put on probation. If the violation is not fixed, GSB could become unrecognized by the university. This almost happened back in 2008.

GSB had to add a referendum question to the GSB elections to change its constitution to meet the Student Organization Recognition Policy requirements. I’ve always wondered what would have happened if that referendum had been voted down.

GSB is relatively powerless to address the issues that really matter to students: rising tuition, housing conditions, Campustown and so on. GSB is too busy funding organizations and restructuring itself. And that’s how it’s supposed to work. For those who think differently or are angered by this reality, I offer in my next column a special treat: a five-step plan to dissolve GSB.

If there is one person who absolutely terri-fies me in the current competition for the GOP nomination, it’s Rick Santorum.

Not only are his political views contrary to nearly every personal value I hold, but also more than any other GOP candidate, Santorum seems set on making America as close to a theocracy as he can manage.

On Sunday, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos interviewed Santorum and during the con-versation, he claimed, “I don’t believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute. The idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country.” Santorum went on to comment, “The First Amendment means the free exercise of reli-gion, and that means bringing people and their faith into the public square.” He was speaking about his reaction to a speech given by John F. Kennedy leading up to the 1960 election where JFK dealt with the role of his religion and its influence on his politics.

Now, Kennedy was the first, and thus far, only Catholic president to serve in office. He faced a great deal of opposition and anti-Catholic sentiment from those who thought he would become a puppet of the Roman Catholic Church or that his beliefs would influence his policy decisions.

Kennedy had to assure the public, and espe-cially congregations of concerned Protestants, that his Catholicism would not affect his ability as president.

Today, we are seeing the exact opposite sentiment from presidential candidates. Any president who does not claim to be a God-

fearing American and who won’t bring some sort of biblical perspective to the office of the president is looked upon negatively. President Barack Obama has been criticized endlessly for being overly secular in his views, rather than infusing the presidency with more conserva-tive Christian values.

JFK said it well, noting, “I am not the Catholic candidate for president. I am the Democratic Party’s candidate for president, who happens also to be a Catholic. I do not speak for my church on public matters, and the church does not speak for me.” He went on to say that “whatever issue may come before me as president — on birth control, divorce, censorship, gambling and any other subject — I will make my decision in accordance with these views, in accordance with what my con-science tells me to be the national interest, and without regard to outside religious pressures or dictates.”

There is no denying that religion and faith play an important role of the lives of many Americans. Additionally, nothing should serve to hinder individuals from holding their per-sonal beliefs or having the freedom of religion that allows them to practice such ideologies. Santorum is correct in saying that the First Amendment guarantees Americans the free

exercise of religion and certainly allows them to bring their faith into the public square. But when the specifics of faith start to inform and direct policy-making decisions, we encounter problems.

Santorum stated, “Religion is to be freed from the dictates of government. But ... the government is not to be free of the influence of faith and people of faith.” When beliefs and faith begin to influence government, when the church becomes entangled with the actions of the state and the nation, we start toward a theocracy.

The United States is not a homogenous Christian nation — nor were we intended to be one. The only mention of religion in the Constitution comes from Article Six, prohib-iting a religious test as qualification for any public office and the protection given by the First Amendment. In more recent years, there have been numerous court rulings reinforcing the idea that religious ideas should not be a part of governmental policy.

For the president in particular, I expect a commander in chief who will make decisions with regards to national interest and consider their private religion to be just that — private. I don’t expect any president to be silent about their beliefs, but when their Christianity informs their actions more than their secular role in office, we begin down a dangerous path of religious favoritism and foisting theology upon those that don’t share the same views.


Santorum should scare Americans

By Claire.Vriezen @iowastatedaily.com

Claire Vriezen is a junior in biochemistry and genetics from Rochester, Minn.

File photo: David Babayev/Iowa State DailyThe Government of the Student Body convenes for a meeting. GSB struggles with high turnover rates, spending a little more than a third of its time in meetings restructuring itself, and it is restricted in its ability to address issues that really matter to students.

Editor’s note:This column is part two of a three-part series in which the author examines the Government of the Student Body’s shortcomings, true purposes and solutions to its problems.

Stelios Vasilis Perdios is a graduate student in history from Ames, Iowa.

By Stelios.Vasilis.Perdios@iowastatedaily.com

2012 Shivvers Memorial Lecture

Environmental PollutionClimate Changeand Our Health

Sandra Steingraber is a biologist as well as a cancer survivor. She is the author of several books, including Living Down-Stream: An

Ecologist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and The Environment and Having Faith: An Ecologist’s Journey to Motherhood, a memoir

of her pregnancy with her daughter and an investigation of fetal toxicology. Her latest book is Raising Elijah: Protecting Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis. She speaks as both a scientist and

a mother about the joys of bringing up her son while searching for ways to shield him- and all children- in a world facing climate

change and increased environmental pollution. Steingraber was recently honored with the Heinz Award, given for significant achievements benefitting the environment. She is scholar-in-

residence in the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences at Ithaca College.

Sandra Steingraber

This lecture has been presented at ISU since 1969 in memory of John Shivvers, who farmed near Knoxville. The lectures focus on ways in which agriculture can sustain

rather than destroy natural resources. This lecture is open to the public.

Sunday, March 4th- 7pmSun Room, Memorial Union

Sponsored by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, UNI Center for Energy and Environmental Education, and the ISU Committee on Lectures (funded by GSB)

Memories of Internment

ISCORE Keynote Speaker on Race and Ethnicity

Grace AmemiyaGrace Amemiya was a nursing student at the University of California, San Francisco, in 1941 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Her

education was interrupted when she and her family, along with 120,000 other Americans of Japanese heritage, were detained in internment camps.

Grace Amemiya will talk about her personal experiences as a former internee. She is an Ames resident who often speaks on the impact of

internment and has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning News.

Friday, March 2, 2012 • 12:45 pmSun Room • Memorial Union

For the full schedule of events and registration information, visit www.iscore.iastate.edu/Sponsored by ISCORE, and Committee on Lectures (funded by GSB)

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E. of Culvers

ISU Daily 11 years

Friday, March 02, 2012Editors: Meg Grissom

cystainability@iowastatedaily.com iowastatedaily.com/cystainabilityonline

5Iowa State Daily

Sean Lundy, junior in global re-source systems and nutrition and wellness, remembers the sight of small children with bloated stom-achs and stunted growth living in tiny, crowded mud huts. They had cuts on their arms that wouldn’t heal proper-ly, most likely from damaged immune systems. This is not uncommon for a country where 20 percent of children younger than 5 are severely to mod-erately underweight and 38 percent

of children younger than 5 are se-verely to moderately stunted, causing 14-year-olds to be the height and size of a healthy 7-year-old.

Every summer, several stu-dents from Iowa State travel across the globe to Uganda. Although the African country is just smaller than Oregon, it is home to approximately 24.2 million people, 88 percent of which is rural. It is in the rural areas of Uganda that ISU students, such as Lundy, find themselves. Five-and-a-half week service-learning trips allow students hands-on experience in five

different development projects with Ugandan school children.

Work with irrigation aims to ease the burden on children who have to walk 100 meters a day to get water. Through agroforestry, they work with the young students to plant trees as wind breaks around the school, mak-ing for better planting terrain and subsequently more aesthetically pleasing surroundings. Other proj-ects include work with poultry and beekeeping.

Lundy was one of the students to work with the health and sanitation

project. Focusing mainly on the large issue involved with girls’ menstrua-tions, the group set to work creating a reusable napkin. The following year, a new group of students took over the project, using and adapting the origi-nal plans.

From here, the opportunities con-tinue. As a global resource systems student, Lundy returned to Uganda for an internship, this time working under VEDCO, a Ugandan non-gov-ernmental organization, and its part-ner, the Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods.

Here, he continued his work to better the lives of Ugandan children by working with fellow ISU student Brian Castro to take anthropometric measurements such as height, weight and mid-upper-arm circumference as well as socioeconomic statistics. Their aim was to assess the effec-tiveness of a school feeding program and advise on vitamins that should be added to meals. Lundy hopes to return next year and continue his re-search toward decreasing malnutri-tion and helping sustain the lives of children in rural Uganda.


Students sustaining lives in rural UgandaBy Moriah.Morgan @iowastatedaily.com

Photos courtesy of Moriah MorganSean Lundy, junior in global resource systems and nutrition and wellness, has traveled to rural Uganda to work with a health and sanitation project that aims to improve life for Ugandans.

For the second time, Iowa State has entered into RecycleMania. RecycleMania is an interna-tional competition, ranking universities in the United States and Canada on nine different recycling catego-ries. Iowa State’s affiliation with the competition is on behalf of the GreenHouse Group, a student organiza-tion that works with the Department of Residence to encourage recycling efforts.

Matthew Gaul, secretary of the GreenHouse Group, said RecycleMania participa-tion was adopted as a way to “promote our recycling pro-grams on campus.”

There are two divisions in RecycleMania: the bench-mark and the competition divisions. Iowa State is par-ticipating in the benchmark division this year. This divi-sion allows universities to work at their own pace and informally compare their scores with other benchmark universities, as well as with the competition division. This division also allows the universities to limit partici-pation to only the residence halls and dining centers. Iowa State has chosen to be restricted to the residence halls.

No awards or titles can be

won, but membership to the benchmark division provides the GreenHouse Group and ISU students with a refer-ence point for what more can be done in the future. In order for Iowa State to measure up to the rigor of the competi-tion division, Gaul believes the university would have to implement a campus-wide recycling program to get staff as well as other on-campus facilities involved.

The GreenHouse Group also encourages hall or floor competitions to increase participation. Gaul explained that the overall goal of this year’s run in RecycleMania is to increase the amount of recycled materials and de-crease wasted materials.

The preseason trial began Jan. 2 to allow time for the universities to get acclimated to the amount of recycling that is needed weekly in or-

der to rank well. The actual competition started Feb. 5 and ends April 6.

Recycling chairpersons from the various residence halls will report how many bags of each recyclable or nonrecyclable material are brought out to a recycling and trash site weekly. Materials are measured on a standard-ized volume-to-weight con-version for each material.

To get involved, students should recycle all recyclable materials into the proper bins in their residence halls. Students also can strive to cut down waste material.

To follow Iowa State’s statistics in the competi-tion, visit the GreenHouse Group’s Facebook page. Residence hall statistics are posted every Wednesday or Thursday. To learn more about RecycleMania, visit re-cyclemaniacs.org.

If students were asked to think about sustainable ag-riculture, how many would think to include wineries?

Trent Preszler, chief execu-tive officer of Bedell Cellars, recently visited Iowa State and talked to students about his winery, which he explained in practice and operation was as green as the vineyards themselves.

Bedell Cellars is located in Long Island, N.Y., home to 3,000 acres of grapes gown in an ocean-moderated climate. The region is home to some of the oldest farms in America. But what makes Bedell Cellars sustainable?

Forever in Farming, a hun-dred-year lease, protects the vineyards in Long Island from being developed into nonagri-cultural land.

“We know that there’s at least 3,000 acres of grapes in Long Island that for 100 more years can be nothing else ex-cept farms,” he said.

Bedell Cellars is also home for 30 to 50 species such as clovers, legumes, insects and bluebirds.

On top of sustaining agri-culture and biodiversity, Bedell Cellars composts its vineyard waste, using stems and skins from grapes as organic fertil-izer. To reduce waste, the vine-yard manufactures natural corks for its bottles. Extracted from the bark of an oak tree subspecies, the material is 100 percent renewable.

“After a layer of the bark is extracted, not only will the tree regenerate — this process em-ploys over 2 million cork bark

farmers in Portugal,” Preszler said.

In terms of social sustain-ability, Bedell Cellars uses hu-man labor to plant the vines. The bottles are made from postconsumer recycled glass and paper, and the label art-work is from local commis-sioned artists.

Bedell Cellars is also work-ing on certifying its wine as a sustainable project.

“It wasn’t good enough to just feel good that we’ve been growing grapes sustainably for 30 years,” Preszler says. “We also need to be able to prove to people in a serious way that


Wineries go eco-friendly

they’re certified as sustainable and put a little sticker on our label and tell people that this what we’re doing and this is why they should care.”

For students interested, the following stores provide sustainably grown wine: Wheatsfield Cooperative, 413 Northwestern Ave., and Prairie Moon Winery, 3801 W. 190th St.

By Elisse.Lorenc @iowastatedaily.com

Photo: Taylor Hilsabeck/Iowa State DailyBedell Cellars, a winery in Long Island, N.Y., whose CEO is ISU graduate Trent Preszler, uses sustainable practices in harvesting its vineyards.

Green colleges competeRecycleMania

By Rebecca.Chamberlin @iowastatedaily.com

Sports6 Iowa State Daily

Friday, March 2, 2012Editor: Jeremiah Davis

sports@iowastatedaily.com | 515.294.2003@isdsportsiowastatedaily.com/sportsonline

Women’s basketballOnline:



SpOrtS JargOn:



A runner that juts out to a sudden lead at the beginning of a race to set the pace for the rest of the team, pushing it for a better time.


Maddy Becker set the pace for the 800-meter race run-ning as the designated rabbit.

Selfless ISU senior shinesBy Caitlyn.Diimig @iowastatedaily.com

For most seniors, the thought of having a freshman take away their hard-earned playing time would be maddening.

Chassidy Cole has a different mindset.

“I feel like if someone is better than me or that they’re capable of contributing to the team more than I can, then go for it,” Cole said before the Oklahoma game on Feb. 18.

Freshman Nikki Moody came to Iowa State from Euless, Texas, this fall and has quickly become one of the best players this season.

Moody shares the guard posi-tion with Cole and senior Lauren Mansfield. There isn’t always a need for three guards, so someone has to get less playing time

That person was Cole.Iowa State needs scorers, and

Moody and Mansfield are hot be-yond the arc. Mansfield has scored 41 3-pointers and Moody 38, the second- and third-most on the team.

Not getting as much playing time may have fueled Cole to step up her game, but it wasn’t due to jealousy.

“I am behind her a 110 percent,” Cole said of Moody. “That’s my team-mate and she’s capable of doing what-ever she puts her mind to.”

Cole can’t shoot 3s like Moody and Mansfield can, but she’s got a knack for a big part of any game: defense.

”I don’t score much on offense, but if I can contribute on defense and get some assists, I think that’s going to help our team a lot,” Cole said.

Cole dished out a career-high 11 assists against Kansas on Feb. 15. Cole also has fewer turnovers than Mansfield and Moody, with a 1.6 average.

“I look up to Chas defensive wise,” Moody said. “She’s our lockdown defender and I know that when she

graduates and when she leaves, some-body else needs to step up.”

For the two teammates, it isn’t about who is the best guard, it is about being teammates and improving together.

“She wanted me to play well and I wanted her to play well,” Moody said. “We knew we could win together.”

Moody said she frequently asks Cole for tips on how to improve her defensive game.

As the season has worn down, Cole has seen more minutes on the court.

In the first home conference game against Baylor on Jan. 7, Cole played just 22 minutes. At her last home game Wednesday, Cole played 38 minutes — the most playing time out of any player for Iowa State or Kansas State.

The 38 minutes were played against a tough guard, KSU junior Brittany Chambers, who averages 14.8 points per game. That night, Cole held Chambers to just four points.

Junior Anna Prins remembers Cole stepping up at the home game against Oklahoma on Feb. 18.

“Chas was really huddling every-one together in the game and keeping us calm when things were getting re-ally riled up,” Prins said at news con-ference following that game. “She was just saying, ‘Ladies we’re not losing this game.’”

Iowa State beat Oklahoma 77-71.Prins said Cole has become more

comfortable with her leadership role.“She’s come out of her shell a lot

in that senior leadership position,” Prins said. “I’m really proud to say that I play under her.”

Cole played her final home game on senior night Wednesday. The Cyclones won 57-33 against Kansas State.

Cole concluded her final night in Hilton Coliseum giving her senior speech to thousands.

Although she teared up halfway through her speech, her voice did not quiver as she read the final line: “Once a Cyclone, always a Cyclone.”

Photo: Nicole Wiegand/Iowa State DailySenior guard Chassidy Cole wipes a tear while addressing the crowd at Hilton Coliseum following the game against Kansas State on Wednesday. The Cyclones defeated the Wildcats 57-33 on senior night. Cole played 38 minutes against Kansas State, the most for any player on the floor.

Track and field

Cyclones split up in last-chance meets

By Dylan.Montz @iowastatedaily.com

The ISU men’s track and field team will have one more opportunity to qualify ath-letes for the NCAA Indoor Championships as Iowa State hosts its own Last Chance NCAA Qualifier at Lied Recreation Athletic Center this weekend.

However, not all of the men who are trying to qualify for nationals will run in Ames on Saturday, said ISU coach Corey Ihmels.

“We may send three or four of the men to another meet,” Ihmels said. “We are trying to figure out who is going where to qualify [in what race], so it is kind of a cluster right now.”

One Cyclone who will be trying to qualify for nationals over the weekend will be se-nior Rico Loy. Last weekend, Loy claimed the Big 12 title in the mile run with a time of 4:06.33.

Loy won the event in the final steps, pass-ing Thomas Farrell of Oklahoma State on the inside of lane one to take the crown. Loy said

he will try to go to Notre Dame or Washington to com-pete in the mile run.

Sophomore Alex Dillenbeck and junior Mohamed Hrezi are also likely to compete in the mile.

“We really want to try to get into a fast heat,” Loy said. “The problem is that this year, everyone is so fast in the mile. You usually get bumped down into the second or third heat, which isn’t as good, so we are trying to decide if you should go somewhere.”

Ihmels said, given the right situation, the men have a good shot to qualify for national competition in the mile.

“In that event, you’ve got to run pretty fast and I think if we get into a race that’s going to go under four minutes for a mile — and have a chance to be in a race like that — we’ve got a shot,” Ihmels said.

The Last Chance NCAA Qualifier in Ames will take place at Lied Recreation Athletic Center on Saturday and run throughout the day.

File photo: Rebekka Brown/Iowa State DailyMembers of the ISU men’s track and field team run in the Bill Bergan Invitational on Jan. 29.

Runners get ‘last chance’ at qualifiers this weekend

As March rounds the corner into the outdoor track season, athletes will per-form a “last chance” effort this weekend for goals on the indoor track.

ISU athletes will compete in the Last Chance NCAA Qualifier meet this week-end at Lied Recreation Athletic Center. Here, runners will try to hit qualifying times in order to place positions on the team so they can travel during the outdoor season, as well as make a national qualifying spot for next weekend.

“You get there physically, but it’s also a mental game,” said assistant coach Travis Hartke.

One runner that will be competing for a national spot next week is Ejiro Okoro. Okoro will be racing in the 800-meter run. However, getting there is easier said than done.

“She went out in .57 [seconds] in the [distance med-ley relay] and she came back pretty well and ran a 2:07,” Hartke said. “If she goes out a little bit slower, it’s doable. I think she has the capability to run a 2:05.”

During the first 400 meters of the race, the Cyclones will put in a rabbit — someone who keeps a fast, steady pace for the first half of the event — but then the last 400 meters will be up to Okoro.

Also competing in this weekend’s qualifier is mid-dis-tance runner Emily Meese. Meese will be racing against the clock to lock in a position in order to travel with the team during the outdoor season.

“I didn’t hit the time I wanted to hit for Big 12s and I un-fortunately got left at home,” Meese said. “I’m just trying to get my time down and see where I’m at.”

Once this weekend is over, preparation for nationals and the outdoor track season begin. But with a lapse of time in between, runners will have to stay fit and focused.

“We’ll try to get better in the next couple weeks, work out hard and stay motivated with school and all that kind of stuff, because we kind of have a lull in between indoor and outdoor [seasons],” Meese said.

Coach Corey Ihmels reflected on the meet in terms of how that will play and affect this weekend at the qualifiers.

“Going to the conference meet and doing the way we did on both sides, I thought we did a great job where we had people who really stepped up,” Ihmels said.

After this weekend, select runners will head to Boise, Idaho, for the NCAA Indoor Championships while others begin preparation for the outdoor track season.

By Stephen.Koenigsfeld @iowastatedaily.com

Cyclones set to take on top-ranked Bears:Iowa State will face No. 1 Baylor in its regular-season finale in Waco, Texas, iowastatedaily.com/sportsonline

Chassidy Cole puts team before herself



Some runners may travel to Notre Dame to compete


Cyclone women hope for qualify for national indoor competition


AP sources: No deadline for deal on playoffsBy Ronald Blum The Associated Press

NEW YORK — The Braves are remembered for one of base-ball’s epic collapses. Too bad for Atlanta the playoffs weren’t expanded a year earlier.

Negotiators for baseball play-ers and owners are working toward an agreement to increase the postseason field to 10 teams this season. They had hoped to reach a deal by Thursday, but both sides said talks could continue if they needed additional time to deal with the details of adding a second wild-card team in each league.

The sides spoke on condi-tion of anonymity to The Associated Press because the talks have not been public.

If there had been additional wild-card teams last season, the Braves would have made the playoffs in the NL, while the Boston Red Sox would have qualified in the AL.

Instead, each missed the post-season by a game.

The Associated Press


Vikings get new stadium plan, tough sell aheadBy Patrick Condon The Associated Press

ST. PAUL, Minn. — It has taken the Minnesota Vikings nearly a decade to get this far in their quest for a new stadium.

There is a lot more work to be done.

Gov. Mark Dayton and Vikings owners Mark and Zygi Wilf unveiled plans Thursday for a new, $975 million stadium that would be built nearly on top of the Metrodome site in downtown Minneapolis. The deal, assembled behind closed doors in recent weeks, was a key step toward getting a plan in front of state lawmak-ers and other civic leaders for approval.

Still, the plan is far from be-coming reality.

“Every single politician is now going to have to make a tough decision,” said Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak.

The Associated Press

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Editor: Jeremiah Davis | sports@iowastatedaily.com | 515.294.2003 Friday, March 2, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | SPORTS | 7

Iowa State eyes No. 3 Big 12 seed against Baylor

Scott Christopherson doesn’t often talk himself up. After a good performance, you’ll hear him compliment his teammates and coaches before he ever says a good word about himself.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the senior guard was focused more on the Big 12 tournament implica-tions of Saturday’s matchup with No. 9 Baylor than about senior night.

“It’s a huge game in that it’s determinant of the three-seed of the Big 12 tournament. It’s a chance for us to get another quality win on our resume,” Christopherson said. “I think right now that’s more consum-ing my mind than the senior night being my last game. I don’t exactly know if that will change over the next day or two, but I’m hopeful that it won’t because whether it’s my last game or not, I just want to win the game.”

He and fellow senior Chris Allen will be honored in Hilton Coliseum prior to the tipoff of their game against the Bears, who are riding a three-game win streak.

For Allen, though he hasn’t spent the majority of his col-lege career in Ames, he has certainly seen a lot while play-ing college basketball. He said

it doesn’t matter where he cel-ebrates senior night, but rather that he’s learned a lot along the way.

“Home is where you make it, so I feel like I’m comfortable having senior night where I’m at,” Allen said. “Looking back at [my career], I’ve had some up times, some down times, it was a roller coaster, but it was all worth it.

“[I’ve learned that] the more I work, the better off I am, because it keeps me in a better place.”

For their teammates, the final time Christopherson and Allen take the court at Hilton will be memorable. Despite the postseason implications at stake, the players want to send the seniors out the right way.

Forward Royce White, who’s led the Cyclones this season in nearly every catego-ry, said the seniors have played and will play two of the biggest roles on the team.

“[They’ll play] as big a role as anyone; they’re as impor-tant to this team as anything we do,” White said. “We’re go-ing to need them to be big, and I’m sure they will be down the stretch.”

As Christopherson said, a win against Baylor on Saturday would give Iowa State the No. 3 seed in the Big 12 tournament,

preventing them from facing Kansas State for a third time and allowing more time for the team to prepare.

The last time out, the Cyclones faced their most lopsided defeat on the sea-son, losing in Waco, Texas, to the Bears 79-65. In the wake of that defeat, coach Fred Hoiberg — who, it was an-nounced Thursday, will be inducted into the National Federation of State High School Associations Hall of Fame — said his team simply

played too “soft” and would have to change that around for the final regular-season contest.

“That was about as disap-pointed as I’ve been in our guys,” Hoiberg said of the first Baylor matchup. “They were way too comfortable. We only had a one-day prep for them, which with their length, with the system they play, it’s prob-ably the worst team you could have to have only one day to prepare for.

“I’m excited about the op-

portunity to play this game again, and I know our players are too.”

For the Baylor game and beyond, Hoiberg too men-tioned seniors Christopherson and Allen as guys the team will rely on.

He mentioned Allen’s experience in March, hav-ing played in two Final Fours with Michigan State, and also mentioned Christopherson’s increased level of play during the second half of the Big 12 season. He remembered his

senior night and hopes the two being honored Saturday get as much out of it as he did.

“It’s going to be a fun night for them,” Hoiberg said. “I still remember my senior night. I didn’t play very well, but it was a great night to have one last chance to play in front of those great fans.

“So my message to them is going to be ‘Enjoy it. Go out and have fun with it. And go out there and try to send off with a great performance and get a win.’”

By Jeremiah.Davis @iowastatedaily.com

Men’s basketball

Photo: Jake Lovett/Iowa State DailyISU guard Chris Allen passes the ball into the post during the second half of Iowa State’s 65-61 win against Kansas State on Feb. 25. Allen and fellow senior Scott Christopherson will be honored at senior night before Saturday’s tipoff against Baylor.


Cyclones prepared to show improvement at Big 12

File photo: Jordan Maurice/Iowa State DailyRedshirt freshman Luke Goettl pins down his opponent Jan. 9. Goettl will face Oklahoma State’s Josh Kindig in the opening round of the Big 12 Championships on Saturday.

By Alex.Halsted @iowastatedaily.com

Since the beginning of the season, the ISU wrestling team has had its eyes set on March.

With a young team, ISU coach Kevin Jackson has preached all season that the experience built in dual meets would culminate in March when the season matters most.

After three weeks of work in the wrestling room at Lied Recreation Athletic Center, the Cyclones will finally put their season’s work to test in the Big 12 Championships on Saturday in Columbia, Mo.

“[The break] gave us some time to recover, it gave us some time to rest and it gave us some time to just focus on our train-ing and make sure guys are fresh mind and body[-wise],” Jackson said.

No. 10 Iowa State (4-13, 0-6 Big 12) will take on wres-tlers from No. 4 Oklahoma State (17-1, 6-0), No. 13 Missouri (14-5, 3-3) and No. 15 Oklahoma (13-5, 3-3) when the Big 12 schools meet in the Hearnes Center.

In the opening round of the tournament Saturday, redshirt

f r e s h m a n Luke Goettl will have an opportunity to avenge his two losses to O k l a h o m a State’s Josh Kindig.

Earlier this season, af-ter two losses to Oklahoma’s Kendric Maple, Goettl upset the then-No. 1 wrestler at 141 pounds in overtime on his third attempt. Goettl said he’s confident he can do the same against Kindig and has a sim-ple plan.

“Don’t sit back and wait, go take what’s mine,” Goettl said. “You don’t get given wins, you have to go take it. That’s what coach says every day, so I’m go-ing to go take it.”

The three-week layoff for the Cyclones also has allowed redshirt senior Jerome Ward (197) and redshirt junior Chris Spangler (174) to get healthy. Jackson said both are ready to wrestle.

“They’re as healthy as they have been all year,” Jackson said. “I’m really happy with what I’ve seen with those guys over the last three weeks. I

think they’re at their best right now.”

For redshirt senior Andrew Sorenson, the three weeks off have been impor-tant. Sorenson, who is ranked fourth in the country at 165 pounds, said the young team has remained focused.

“The three weeks have been nice because we’ve had a lot of time to recover and talk and get these guys ready for Big 12s,” Sorenson said. “Usually around this time of the season, some guys start getting burnt out, but guys are excited to still be in the room and they’re still coming to work.”

While stressing that the final month would be the true way to judge his team since the beginning of the season, Jackson believes he has seen improvement. Now, the team will face its biggest test yet.

“I’ve seen the improve-ment, I see the energy level and I see the intensity, which has grown and gotten better throughout the year,” Jackson said. “But I see it in the room right now — I’ll have to see on Saturday if that is true.”

The first matches will be-gin at 11 a.m. Saturday.

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Virgo: Get artsy.

Daily Horoscope : by Nancy Black

Today’s Birthday (03/02/12). A quick pace moves you through this next year, with community projects flourishing and financial decisions to make. Donate skills and talents rather than money. A new home or relocation could develop after June; choose lower payments. Enjoy domesticity.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Mercury enters your sign today, bringing communication confidence. The next two days are good for making changes at home. Stick to the core message. Replenish reserves.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Listen and learn. Your concentration’s especially keen. You’re earning admiration from someone you respect. Keep a low profile this evening to recharge.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Choose to learn skills by which you can profit. Social networking opens doors. Brevity is the heart of elegance. Do what works. Keep your word. Watch the bottom line.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Someone’s paying attention; accept their love fully. Balance studies with socializing. Your words have power today, so use your charm for good.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Education looks good on you, and you can’t get enough. You can find a great opportunity. You’re an intellectual warrior in the fun zone. Go ahead and make plans.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- You’ve got great ideas for home improvement, with action and intellect lined up around creativity and romance. Light candles and have a dinner party. Get artsy.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Show respect and gain love. Your charm captivates. Put it in writing, and send it out. Keep the deadlines, play by the rules,and new bonus opportunities arise.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Your self-discipline is impressive. You’re getting more attractive and others are taking notice. How will you use your charm? Think long term.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- You’re being pushed to take action. Meditation clears up the doubts and makes it easier to make a decision. Don’t discuss personal matters yet.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Go over the instructions again. There’s a tendency to want to do it all at once, which could be challenging. Let other people help.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is an 8 -- Figure out new ways of making money, and get into the action without delay. Find a quiet space where it’s easier to concentrate. Get some rest.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Words of love flow with extra ease today. Say it with flowers, maybe, to add color to the poem. Share music that speaks your heart with your muse.

Word of the Day:mammonism \MAM-uh-niz-uhm\ , noun:

1. The greedy pursuit of riches.

Example:Claiming mutual “affection and confidence” with his collaborating reader whom he expects to agree, Dickens also indicts the false religion of Mammonism.

The chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethylzantihine

Since its introduction in February 1935, more than two hundred million Monopoly board games have been sold worldwide

The smallest man ever was Gul Mohammed (1957-1997) of India, who measured 1 feet, 10 inches

Hydrogen gas is the least dense substance in the world, at 0.08988g/cc

In Belgium, there is a museum just for strawberries

The Simpsons is the longest running prime-time animated series on television history

Random Facts:



Across1 Stands7 Load in a basket11 Label14 Busts15 Potent introduction?16 Nabokov novel17 Source of mints, at times19 With “on” and 59-Across, a hint to the theme hidden in three places in this puzzle20 7-Across destination, eventually21 New York City’s __ River22 Chowderhead23 They often accompany stretches25 “I Loves You, Porgy” and others

26 House on TV, e.g.30 Poker star Hansen31 River from the Cantabrian Mountains32 Invasion leaders of the ‘60s39 It prohibits illegal search and seizure41 The recent past42 Huit + trois43 __-Aztecan languages44 Buyer, in legal usage46 Love49 Roundup need52 Zoom53 Sub54 Once and again59 See 19-Across60 Subject of a 1922 archaeological discovery62 Santa __ winds

63 One who often doesn’t pick up?64 Some chickens65 Craving66 Show closers, perhaps67 Balmoral attraction

DownDown1 Start of a tots’ song2 1922 physics Nobelist3 “__, old chap!”4 Taj Mahal topper5 Developmental stage6 Prescott-to-Tempe dir.7 Smith attendee8 Round up9 Hissy fit10 Went underground11 Attraction near U.S. 39512 Go with the flow

13 Jenga and jacks18 Remote letters22 Broom alternative24 Prefix with -pod25 Pair26 Challenge27 Clarinet cousin28 French vineyards29 Agony30 Blues and others33 It’s cut and dried34 Morph ending35 Emmy-winning Arthur36 Provided temporarily37 Auto designer Ferrari38 Prank ending40 Head of Québec45 Lepidopterous opponent of Godzilla46 Orderly grouping47 “Tell It to My Heart” singer Taylor48 Expanse with crests49 Reveal50 Most Syrians51 Cain was the first53 Dance with flowing gestures55 Distance56 “__ a man with seven wives”57 Forearm exercise58 Start of Massachusetts’s motto60 Medicine amt.61 “Original, crispy or grilled?” co.

Complete the grid soeach row, column and3-by-3 box (in boldborders) containsevery digit, 1 to 9. Forstrategies on how tosolve Sudoku, visitwww.sudoku.org.uk


Level: 1 23 4

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Friday, March 2, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | GAMES | 9






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Joe Wheelock, Evan Moore or Kyle Teske? Who has the best hand of the night at Cafe Mood, you ask? Isn’t it obvious?


Midwest maidens, Jamie Larson, Megan Merrill & Belinda Graham shake their thang at Outlaws.

Looking a bit like Kate Moss but even more handsome, is Troy Chebhar and his lustrous locks at Cafe Mood.

The strong and silent looking Zachary Bark and Bradley Cleveland play darts at Welch Avenue with their cheerier counterparts, Brandon Schlueter and Grant Awes.

Natalie Aubrecht & Carmen Humke are “A-OK’ with the Daily at Welch Avenue Station.

Jackson Stanley, Josh Woodvine, Amber Pfantz and Kris Keeran give a pose worthy of the Nightlife page!

Malt-beverage in hand, Alyssa Keith & Jessica Cozzollino say, “Cheers to the freakin’ weekend!” at Outlaws.

David Asche & Jared Leeper getting a little leg action from their moderately-flexible lovers, Angela Rust & Nicole Dudley at Paddy’s!

Making a sexy sandwich of Marcio Zaccaron are his beauti-ful lady friends, Chantal and Mychele at Paddy’s!

“Jessica Rabbit” - Corner Pocket - Jay Grobe“Royce White” - London Underground - Joseph Shannon

“Each Other” - Corner Pocket - Brittany Richard and Leslie Umbaugh

“Mr. Rogers” - Welch Avenue Station - Jamie Hertz

Having drinks at Cafe Mood before getting physical, PHYSICAL, are Hannah Newkirk, Erica Timmons, Tyler Curry, Brittany Bogler, and Lindsey Sheets.

Human spiders, James Buering, Tyler Holst & Alex Tucker catch ladies by forming a man-net in the hallway of Welch Avenue Station.

“The Photographer” - Main Street - Dustin Neff and Melissa Lanphere-Grossman

Marshall Mathers “Eminem” - Main Street - Sami Stevenson

At Cafe Mood Justin Oik & Daniel Bienear show off their “womanizer pose” but actually end up looking more like backup dancers. Maybe next time, boys!

Who do you find youself strangely attracted to?

10 | ADVERTISMENT | Iowa State Daily | Friday, March 2, 2012

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