2014 edubest bulletin mar - apr

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Edubest English Programme

March - April 2014

Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.      One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.      It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.      Well, we'll soon find that out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses.      On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept.      "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!"      Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.     Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that.

So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.     




Selected Story


General Knowledge


Language Classroom


Guidance to Daily Journal Writing


Selected Students’ Works


Selected Story – The Princess and the Pea

Language Classroom

General Knowledge - April’s Fool Day April Fools' Day is celebrated in different countries around the world on April 1 every year. Sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day, April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely recognised and celebrated as a day when many people play all kinds of jokes and foolishness. The day is marked by the commission of good-humoured or otherwise funny jokes, hoaxes, and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, teachers, neighbours, work associates, and others.

Traditionally, in some countries such as Canada, New Zealand, the UK, Australia, Cyprus, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool" and taunted "April Fool's Day's past and gone, You're the fool for making one." Elsewhere, such as in France, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Ireland, and the U.S., the jokes last all day. In France and Italy, children (and adults, when appropriate) traditionally tack paper fish on each other's back as a trick and shout "april fish!" in their local language ("poisson d'avril!" and "pesce d'aprile!" in French and Italian respectively).

Brain Teasers and Riddles

Q : What crime is punishable when attempted but not when committed?

A : Suicide

Q : If you say my name, I'll no longer exist. What am I?A : Silence

Q : There's a fork in the road to Heaven, where one way leads to Hell. At this fork in the road, two twin brothers live who are exactly alike, except that one always tells the truth and the other one always lies. What single question can you ask one of them to find the way to Heaven?

A : Point to one of the two ways and ask one brother "Would your brother say that this is the way to Hell?" If he answers "Yes" it's the way to Heaven, if he says "No", run the other way.

Guidance to Daily Journal Writing

Students’ Work: Daily Journal

By: Nur Nabilah, 9 years old

By: Chew Yee Shun, 9 years old

Today, all the children felt so happy because tomorrow will be Children’s Day. My mother packed some sweets, chocolates, biscuits and potato chips for the whole class to eat. Everyone had to bring food for the whole class to eat and drink. We were all very excited about the event.

By: Woon Chun Shian, 10 years old

This afternoon, the weather was getting hot, so my brother asked my mother to buy watermelon in the market. My mother accepted his suggestion and went to the market to buy watermelon. When she came back, our maid cut the watermelon and gave my brother and me to eat. It tasted sweet and juicy.

By: Siau Jia Wei, 10 years old

Today I didn’t go to school. I woke up at 8.00 a.m. I went to the market with my mum. My mum bought some fish and vegetables. She bought some potatoes and tomatoes too. Mum also bought a minion T-shirt for me. We went home at 10.00 a.m.

By: Chiang Kai Ni, 11 years old

At 12.00 p.m. my sister and I were very free. We wanted to find something fun to do. Suddenly, my sister suggested counting our “Kidzos” and the one who had the most kidzos would be the winner. I had 80 kidzos and my sister had 72 kidzos. I was the winner. Actually I thought it was strange because we went to earn our kidzos together, how could I have earned more kidzos than my sister?

By: Che Zia Yee, 11 years old

After our tuition class, my father took us to Malacca. When we arrived at Malacca, my father told me that my great grandmother fell down in the toilet because the toilet was very slippery. We went to the hospital to visit her. She had fainted but she could hear us when we were talking. The hospital doctor couldn't save her because she had diabetes mellitus. If the doctor operates on her, the operation will be very dangerous. The doctor said to just leave her there. We were so sad. She is 88 years old.

By: Chew Yee Hao, 10 years old

Today, my mother cooked Japanese curry and I was totally excited about it. When I heard about it, I quickly rushed to the kitchen and watched how she cooked it. It was delicious and smelled awesome. When it was dinner time, I had the first piece. It was incredibly scrumptious and delicious. There were other dishes too for instance, fish tomato chicken and cabbage. I had a great and delightful meal and I wish to have it again in future.

By: Choo Tim Sern, 11 years old

Today, my mother took my brothers and me to the barber shop to have a haircut. While we were waiting for our turn we watched an Indian movie on the television. After our hair cut, we dropped by a stall on our way home to buy some fruits. I was glad to have a neat and short hair style.

By: Tan Ben Jet, 8 years old

My music concert will be on 15th December. I have to play two repertoire and one ensemble piece. I have to sing a song too. So I have to practise every day from now.

By: Avril Long 10 years old

Today, I had a fever. My mother took me to see a doctor. The doctor gave me some medicines. The doctor asked me to drink a lot of water and have a good rest.

By: Lee Cheng Zhen, 11 years old

I had a piano examination. I felt very nervous and excited. While my hands were shaking nervously, my face was smiling excitedly. The examiner was from London. The examination took place in a hotel. The parking lot was very inconvenient because there were many dead ends. After the examination, I felt very relieved. Father bought me 9 hamburgers as a reward.

By: Wai Chen Xuan, 11 years old

I am free now! The examination has ended. I can play computer games, watch movies until 10.00 p.m, and buy comics and many more! I felt very excited because my father had downloaded “Pacific Rim” and “After Earth”. These two movies are my favourites.

By: Choo Tim Sern, 11 years old

Today, my mother took my brothers and me to the barber shop to have a haircut. While we were waiting for our turn we watched an Indian movie on the television. After our hair cut, we dropped by a stall on our way home to buy some fruits. I was glad to have a neat and short hair style.

By: Chen Yoong Khoi, 11 years old

I felt so happy today because I can celebrate Children’s Day again at my tuition centre. I was so happy to see that so many people brought so much food. My teacher also cooked spaghetti.

By: Ng Yi Xing, 11 years old

Today, my mother took me out to do some shopping for the New Year. Firstly, we visited a few shoe shops. After that, we bought some new clothes. Finally, we bought some decorations for the house. \

By: Tan Ling Ying, 11 years old

I went to Ikea Furniture Centre to buy my mother’s wardrobe. My mother chose white colour. I like that wardrobe but I have already. My mother bought the wardrobe because her old wardrobe was damaged. On Wednesday, the wardrobe will be delivered to our house. I can’t wait to see the new wardrobe.

By: William Chaw, 11 years old

I followed my mother to a fruit stall nearby our house. There were many fruits at the stall including apples, bananas, papayas, coconuts, durians and honey dews. The fruits were fresh but cheap. The fruit stall owner is a kind man. His kindness had attracted many customers. We bought a few apples and durians. I felt delighted because we got to buy some fruits.

By: Tan Ben How, 11 years old

In the mall, we were brought to a booth called `1001 Inventions'. There are a lot of Muslim inventions. We also watched a ten-minute movie. After that the attendant gave us a paper and there were some questions in the paper. Then, we were brought to a place to find the answers. There are also some games to play. I played some games too.

By: Lee Dann Fung, 11 years old

My brother and I helped my mother to make almond chips. I like to eat almond chips. We need to put almond and flour into the bowl. After that, we had to mix the dough and put itin the oven to bake.

By: Patrick Ng, 11 years old

Today, my family and I went home to pack our belongings in our new house. So far, we have packed a few books because we have only two boxes. When we went to our new house it looked so beautiful. The walls were colourful and the lights shone brightly. I love my new house.

By: Nur Izzah, 12 years old

Today, my family and I went to KLIA Kuala Lumpur International Airport because my father had an assignment in Penang. My father’s flight was scheduled at 3.45p.m. My sister and little brother felt very sad because my father will be there for three weeks. I hoped that my father will take care of himself over there.

By: Che Cin Yee, 12 years old

My sister’s class made sandwiches at Bacaria too. Their sandwich flavours were egg, mayo, tuna and sardine. The sandwiches were delicious. I prefer egg mayo to tuna.

By: Yee Kar Wai, 12 years old

Hooray!!!! I got 7A’s in my UPSR Examination. I felt very surprised because I didn’t believe it. Every pupil gave me a big clap. My mother and father were proud of me. My father bought an i-phone 5 for me as a present. I was as happy as a lark.

By: Woon Cheng Ho, 12 years old

This afternoon, my father bought me a Samsung Tab 3 for me because my exam results were very good. It was very large and its screen is smooth. I thanked my father and promised to take care of it.

Students’ Work: Composition

By: Tan Ben Jet, 8 years old

Title: A Day at the Park (Descriptive Composition)

It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning. Mr. Cheong took his children, Cheong and Eugene, to a park. They were eager to go there because they knew it would be fun. When they reached the park, they saw many people exercising and reading. Some were enjoying the scenery.

The children went to the pond and saw beautiful swans swimming around gracefully. The swans fascinated them. They bought some breadcrumbs and fed the swans. After that, Mr. Cheong took them to the nursery.

They saw many colourful flowers. There were orchids, lilies, hibiscus, sunflowers, morning glories and roses. Many people were taking photographs of the beautiful flowers. The children decided to purchase some flowers.

After spending many hours at the park the children were hungry and thirsty. Mr. Cheong took them to a nearby fast food restaurant. They bought hamburgers and soft drinks. They gobbled down their food ravenously because they were very hungry. After they had eaten, they went home feeling exhausted but happy. It was an enjoyable day. Mr. Cheong hoped that the children were happy and he would take them to the park again.

By: Cheang Eugene, 9 years old

Title : A Day at The Park (Descriptive Composition)

It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning. Mr. Cheang took his children, Cheong and Eugene to a park. They were eager to go there because they knew it would be fun to spend the day there. When they reached the park, they saw many people there. Some people were exercising, while some were reading and enjoying the scenery.

By: Foo Ai Shen, 11 years old

Title : When She Was A Kid (Narrative Composition)

I was told this story by my English teacher. I heard the story during our English lesson with my friends. My first thought before she told us the story was that she was going to tell us a horror story. But she was telling a story of when she was young.

Many years back, when Miss Lee was an eleven years old kid, she was drawing in her room and she felt bored. As it was a sunny afternoon at about 3.00 p.m., an idea came suddenly came to her mind and she decided that wanted to do something really fun, interesting and adventurous.

Miss Lee loved reading English storybooks and she was a great and big fan of Enid Blyton’s and Nancy Drew’s stories. She enjoyed reading about adventures, mysteries and horror stories. Being the only child, she liked to create her own stories and was often praised by her teachers and friends for her creativity and interesting adventures.

Miss Lee got a bag and prepared an umbrella, a water bottle, a notepad and a pencil before she went out on her trip. She grabbed the house key and started her adventure. She walked to the field right in front of the house. It was a very quiet neighbourhood.

She arrived at the field and found a shady tree and took out her notepad. She began to look around and observe her neighbours.

The children went to the pond and saw some beautiful swans swimming. The swans fascinated them. They bought some bread crumbs and fed the swans. After that, Mr. Cheang took the children to the nursery. They saw many colourful flowers. There are roses and sunflowers. Many people were taking photographs of the beautiful flowers. The children decided to purchase some flowers for their mother.

After spending many hours at the park, the children were hungry and thirsty. Mr. Cheang took them to a nearby fast food restaurant. He bought them hamburgers and soft drinks.

They gobbled down their food ravenously as they were very hungry. After they had eaten, they went home feeling exhausted but happy. It was an enjoyable day. The children hoped that their father would take them to the park again.

“Wow! That is so cool” said Ivan which was filled with enthusiasm. “Well it was nothing. Getting good results is what I do best!” Replied Joshua boastfully. “That’s good for you. I wished I were like you. Oh yeah! Can you please show us how to play with your toy car?” added Jack. “Well, it would be a pleasure showing both of you” answered Joshua eagerly.

Eager to show off the toy car’s capability for high speed, Joshua gave his friends clear demonstration. The miniature car zoomed along the pavement, racing down the kern and onto the main road. In a haste to retrieve back his brand new toy car Joshua dashed across the road without considering his own personal safety.

From a distance, the children’s school bus was fast approaching and Ivan and Jack saw the school bus zooming towards Joshua. They shouted to warn Joshua of the impending danger but it was too late. The bus driver was travelling

By: Chen Yoong Khoi, 11 years old

Title : When She Was A Kid (Narrative Composition)

My English teacher told me this story last Saturday. I heard the story with my friends in the Edubest centre. My first thought was that the story was going to be very scary.

Two decades ago, when Ms Lee was a 12 years old small kid, she was lying in her old and comfy sofa in her house and she felt so bored. It was a sunny afternoon about 3.00 p.m. and an idea came to her mind when she saw a magnifier and wanted to do something adventurous.

Ms Lee loved reading English storybooks. She was a big fan of Enid Blyton’s and Nancy Drew’s stories. She enjoyed reading about horror adventures, mysteries and ghost stories. Being the youngest one, she liked to create her own stories and was often praised by her teacher and friends for her creativity and adventures.

Ms Lee got a bag and prepared an umbrella a bottle of water and a notepad with a pencil. She grabbed the house key and started her adventure. She walked to the field that was full of red ants in front of her house. It was a quiet neighbourhood.

She arrived at the field of her destination and found a shady tree and took out her notepad. She checked her surrounding and sat down. After she sat down, she felt like there was an ant in her pants. So she found another place. Then, she began to look around and observed the neighbours through their windows. Through the windows, she could clearly see and predict their behaviours and actions. She wrote it all down in the notepad and she felt like a very busy detective. By: Ian Lau, 12 years old

Title : Do Not Play on The Road (Creative Composition)

It was a beautiful early afternoon. The sweet scent of flowers were in the air. The sun was at its height but the harsh heat was soothed by a blanket of fluffy white clouds across the sky. It was a refreshing, beautiful day.

As usual, at exactly eleven in the morning, Joshua bade goodbye to his beloved parents and went to the nearby pick up point to wait for the school bus. There, he met his two fellow schoolmates, Ivan and Jack. They would wait at the spot for their school bus, which usually arrived at approximately eleven thirty in the morning. Joshua was enthusiastic to see his friends there. He took out his brand new limited edition model toy car and showed it proudly to his friends. It was a gift from his father for getting good results in his studies.

1. Please redeem your coupons if your work (daily journal or composition) is published in each month’s Edubest Bulletin.

2. Do you like writing and wish to have your writing published in this bulletin? You can submit any of your works (stories / poems and others). You will be rewarded 3 coupons if your work is published in the bulletin. (Limited to Edubest English Programme’s students only).

“Wow! That is so cool” said Ivan which was filled with enthusiasm. “Well it was nothing. Getting good results is what I do best!” Replied Joshua boastfully. “That’s good for you. I wished I were like you. Oh yeah! Can you please show us how to play with your toy car?” added Jack. “Well, it would be a pleasure showing both of you” answered Joshua eagerly.

Eager to show off the toy car’s capability for high speed, Joshua gave his friends clear demonstration. The miniature car zoomed along the pavement, racing down the kern and onto the main road. In a haste to retrieve back his brand new toy car Joshua dashed across the road without considering his own personal safety.

From a distance, the children’s school bus was fast approaching and Ivan and Jack saw the school bus zooming towards Joshua. They shouted to warn Joshua of the impending danger but it was too late. The bus driver was travelling

@ Pusat Tuisyen Didikan Genius

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