2011 coaching & introduction manual v3.pdf · 1. maximize your sales team’s information...

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2011 Coaching & Introduction Manual Daily Gameplan - Sales & Follow-up Systems



Congratulations and welcome to Daily Gameplan’s Coaching & Introduction Manual. In this manual, we’ll give you step by step instructions on how you can transform a group of average salespeople into a highly talented and productive sales team. Your timeline is 90 days. Daily Gameplan is not a fad, a software program, a training session, or even a sales planner, and it’s not about spending large amounts of money. It’s about the true power and profit potential of a back to basics sales approach that works because it keeps things simple and accountable. We’ve seen dealers and teams grow their sales and gross profits by 15, 20, 25% or even more by utilizing a few basic principles and processes we’ll spell out in detail.

THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SALES PROCESS Through the years, Daily Gameplan has been fortunate enough to work with dozens of top 100 dealerships who put as much emphasis on their processes as they do with their products and people. In this manual we have documented many of the “best practices” these dealerships have put in place. Their results have been staggering.

INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT If you’re using Daily Gameplan as a sales planner or the CRM as a stand-alone program, you know it doesn’t cost much, ($15 per planner, $20 per salesperson for the CRM per month) and it’s at least paying for itself because it’s helping the salespeople that use it to make an extra deal or two each month. If you’re happy with this scenario and are comfortable with the improvements, then don’t waste any more time reviewing the rest of this manual! Pass out the planners, or make sure they have the login and passwords for the CRM. Just don’t expect any major changes with your sales team’s production. That would be insanity, according to the definition.

However, if you want to build your team and your dealership to new levels and pass out larger paychecks (one of them being yours), then take the few extra minutes and use the ideas and processes we’ve put into place and do what it takes to transform your team. This truly can be an opportunity of a lifetime! This is a chance to coach your team to new levels; to make the most of every opportunity (UP); to invest in your people; a chance to do more than just survive a volatile market. This is a chance to build the team you’ve always wanted and to drive your competition crazy at the same time!

**Here are the actual results from one of our most successful clients who were willing to disclose their findings**


PRE-GAMEPLAN POST-GAMEPLAN THE DIFFERENCE Units / Month 360 437 77 (+21%) Gross Per Unit F/B $2,325 $2,544 $219 (+9%) Gross Profit / Year F/B $10,044,000 $13,340,736 $3,296,736 (+33%)




How Many Salespeople? Your Annual Gross Profit Increase

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1. Maximize your sales team’s information gathering process 2. Measure your sales team’s current sales production 3. The three stages of your start-up process – Crawl, then Walk, then Run 4. Ensure you have exactly what you’ll need to get started and to keep it going

The underlying principle of this coaching and Introduction manual is the belief that:


And secondly, that:


If you don’t believe in both of these statements, please stop reading.

Why? The rest of this manual is dedicated to providing you with a new way of thinking, geared towards dramatically improving the production of your sales team. The only way it will work is if you’re 100% committed.

Just remember that your dealership’s success in sales hinges on improving the performance of your salespeople!

INVEST IN WHAT YOU KNOW. In virtually every dealership across the country, you’ll find dealer principals who know, to the penny, what they have invested in their fixed operations, their buildings, showrooms, lots and inventory. The investment value of these fixed items is obvious and measurable. But your sales department, more than any other department, is an investment that can be vastly improved with very little expense. The dealerships who have taken the Daily Gameplan processes to heart as a way to improve their sales team’s production have had profits rise to new heights, all because of the priorities the dealer and managers have put in place. In one particular case discussed further in this manual, the store increased their overall annual sales gross by over $3,200,000.

“The beauty of investing in your sales team is that when you benefit, so does your team.”

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1. Let’s say your sales team has had 250 opportunities (UPS) over the last 30 days to sell 250 separate prospects. These prospects worked with a salesperson, and left your dealership without purchasing.

2. Now, at the start of your next sales meeting, ask your salespeople to collect all their notes of all of their unsold prospects for a follow-up call or email. This needs to include phone numbers and/or email addresses.

3. On average, of 250 prospects, salespeople will only be able to produce re-contact information on 125 (50%) of them. And of those 125, only 83 (33%) will actually be re-contacted.


“If you’ve lost your customer’s information and cannot follow-up, it’s as if your customer’s visit never happened.”


First Step: Get control of your floor, phone, and internet traffic. Train your team to make sure they have all of their prospects in their Daily Gameplan or their CRM before they leave.

Second Step: Ask for customers cell and email address first, then home and work numbers second.

Third step: Train your team to ask every prospect how they’d like to be re-contacted. Email? Text? Home? Work? Ask for the best time to contact them and then follow-up as they’ve requested.


In a perfect world, selling vehicles and meeting forecast would be as simple as keeping the funnel filled with prospects and a certain percentage of sales would automatically spit out the other end. However, in the real world, generating sales is a one on one proposition that requires quite a bit of multi-tasking on a salesperson’s part. This multi-tasking is better accomplished with pen and paper simplicity, then sent on to the CRM for more mundane tasks like reports, letters, emails, etc. Daily Gameplan Planners are designed to work hand in hand with virtually every CRM or selling

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software available, including ours. Combining Daily Gameplan with your CRM gives you the best of high tech efficiency and low tech accountability. The Daily Gameplan and the manager’s Coach’s Playbook give you a more useful tool to coach and train your salespeople during one-on-one meetings, which is rarely possible with just software. With Daily Gameplan, gathering customer information is easy and the information is always at your team’s fingertips when they need it. Pass out the planners to your team and get them in the habit of getting all their customer information into their Daily Gameplan, whether that’s a walk in, a phone up, a repeat or internet customer, or an appointment. Then, at the end of each shift, have each salesperson copy their customer information from their Daily Gameplan and turn ‘em into your BDC manager, your Customer Information Manager or directly to you, the sales manager or dealer principal. And, when printing your team’s daily marketing reports or call back sheets, they can always refer back to their original notes in their Daily Gameplan as well. Your Dealership, and your sales team always have all the information they need to follow-up. All of which guarantees that no customers or salespeople slip through the cracks and everyone is on the same page.

This process of high tech efficiency with low tech accountability allows your team to improve their follow-up routines, which in turn will increase their appointments and overall sales.

SALES MANAGERS – SHIFTING YOUR DAILY PRIORITIES? One of the most common, and most overlooked, challenges in the real world is being there to coach, challenge and train ALL of your salespeople and not just the “squeaky wheels”. We’ve all heard the 80/20 rule before, but few people think about it in terms of time management. In terms of your sales team and the amount of time you spend with them, does the 80/20 rule apply? In other words, do you spend 80% of your time with just 20% of your sales team? The reality in most dealerships is usually yes, and here’s the breakdown; half is spent with the top 10% working deals (“A” producers), and the other half with the bottom 10%, handling customer complaints or other heat that “C” producers are known for. What about the other 80% of salespeople; The “B” producers? They make up the largest percentage of salespeople on the team, but typically take up the smallest percentage of a sales manager’s time. This typically happens because “B” producers are not usually the squeaky wheels, which take up the majority of a reactionary sales manager’s time. During your 90 day team transformation challenge, it is up to all sales managers to spend equal amounts of time with all of the sales people, not just the “A” & “C” producers.

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TO INCREASE SALES, YOU NEED TO CONVERT YOUR “B” PRODUCERS INTO “A” TALENT. It’s the law of averages: because there are more “B” producers than either “A” or “C” salespeople, the dealer that focuses on improving “B” salespeople will see a greater results than one that continues to focus the majority of their time on the “A” and “C” producers. The obvious solution here would be to hire more “A” salespeople and shift the percentages in your favor. However, in the real world this is just not practical due to limited resources, competition, and the difficulty in recruiting and relocating outside talent. **Always keep your eyes open for “A” talent, but prioritize your time converting your “B” talent into “A” producers.

The fact is, if you as a sales manager divide your time with a higher percentage of your salespeople, you’ll be able to see increases across the board. Sales manager’s consistent lack of attention and focus on other priorities have contributed to the stagnation of “B” salespeople. Why? Most sales managers aren’t as proactive as they need to be. They tend to live and work in a reactionary state. Because these “B” producers are rarely hot button topics, they are left to fend for themselves. In most dealership sales departments, managers and dealers are too often focused on the other 20%, or the other “priorities” of the day that “B”producers, and their challenges, often slip through the cracks. The result is that many “B” producers have virtually no focus from management, and as a result, never reach their full potential. Contrary to popular belief, research has shown that world-class performers are made, not born. Furthermore, the hard and focused work it takes to reach those heights must also be deliberate. Therefore, in order to improve the performance level of an organization’s “B” producers, they somehow must be made to deliberately practice being like “A” producers. How can you create this deliberate practice in your particular store? The reality is most “B” producers are too caught up surviving from one day to the next to focus on practicing how to improve their performance. They need a leader’s help in order to be able to juggle these two separate issues. Companies that are able to help their “B” producers with the tools they need to deliberately practice the activities that have made their “A” producers successful, have seen a dramatic improvement in performance. The actual dealership described later in this coaching manual highlights how a dealership was able to coach their salespeople, particularly their “B” producers, and in turn, increased their annual profit by $3,296,736 with an annual investment of just $6300 (give or take a few dollars here and there for a couple of dry erase boards) and some good old fashioned sales training & coaching 101. That’s a return on investment of

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50,000% and that’s not a typo. We covered the basics on the first page, but here are all the details, including the ten things they changed to increase their bottom line.

THE TRUE STORY OF A SALES TEAM THAT TOOK CONTROL OF THEIR OWN DESTINY! BACKGROUND The dealership is one of our clients and a privately held mega dealer with 11 locations in one top twenty city by population. They have asked to remain anonymous due to the confidential nature of the data. Their dealership started off a domestic make franchise selling an average of 360 vehicles new and used per month, based on a twelve month rolling average. They had 35 salespeople. Their transformation was remarkable and the direct result of hard work and the processes and practices they put in place


PRE-GAMEPLAN POST-GAMEPLAN THE DIFFERENCE Units / Month 360 437 77 (+21%) Units / Year 4,320 5,244 924 (+21%) Gross Per Unit $2,325 $2,544 $219 (+9%) Gross Profit / Month $837,000 $1,111,728 $274,728 (+33%) Gross Profit / Year $10,044,000 $13,340,736 $3,296,736 (+33%)

AVERAGE ANNUAL INCREASE PER SALESPERSON $94,192 GROSS PROFIT The Cost of Daily Gameplan Sales Planners - $14.90 per salesperson x 35 salespeople x 12 months. . . . . $6,258

Are these results typical? No! Then, why not? Well the answer is really very simple. Most people, or stores for that matter, need direction to be successful. They don’t typically want to move out of their comfort zone, don’t want to change processes, don’t want to “rock the boat”, even if that means more financial freedom, fewer headaches, and more repeat and referral customers. In this case, though, the dealer principal, the GM, the GSM, and the sales managers all circled their wagons and decided to take their sales team’s production, training, customer follow-up and mentoring seriously. It was a big undertaking. But the fact was, the management was tired of finishing second in the market and knew their team was capable of great success if everyone just dialed it up a notch. Everything was analyzed, measured, monitored, and reinforced. This super store ultimately achieved number one market share and solidified their sales team. They literally transformed their dealership with no major distinction to one that salespeople begged to come to work for.

“Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing, become nothing.” - David Jefferies – Motorcycle Road Race Champion

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THE TEN PROCESSES THAT MADE THE DIFFERENCE FOR THIS DEALERSHIP 1. They aligned their sales team around a simple sales tool and formula to maximize sales

with their current floor traffic. They utilized Daily Gameplan’s sales & follow-up system. Yes, a $15 sales planner!

2. Each sales manager insisted on meeting prospects before they left. The “soft T.O.” approach helped add additional deals just by adding a manager’s experience. This also solidified the relationship and follow-up routine with the prospect.

3. Each salesperson copied their prospects, updates, and customers and turned them into the “customer information manager” daily. This way, there was a consistent person who loaded all the information into their CRM.

4. The team held each salesperson, manager, and dealer principal accountable to the team’s selling philosophy, forecasts, goals, and results. Every person on the team knew what they needed to do to achieve their goals and their portion of the team’s success.

5. They assigned each sales manager “accountability teams” of 5-6 salespeople for their

one-on-one meetings. The managers and their teams were always on the same shift, but any deal could be desked or worked with any manager.

6. Each sales manager held 3 - 15 minute, one-on-one meetings per week with each

member on their team. The goal was to review their forecasts, hot prospects and appointments.

7. Managers installed several “appointment boards”. Adding legitimate and confirmed

appointments became a primary focus to the team.

8. Each salesperson knew the importance of their sales basics and was consistently trained on product knowledge and the prescribed selling process.

9. Managers confirmed each appointment of each prospect, including driving directions to the dealership.

10. At the end of each month, all of the salesperson’s Daily Gameplan planners were turned into the GM/Dealer who reviewed them and made suggestions that would help the salesperson the next month. In short, they INSPECTED what they EXPECTED. They also made last sales meeting of the month focused around the salesperson’s current statistics, improvements they wanted to make, and forecasting for next month, based on those improvements.

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DEALER PRINCIPAL | GENERAL MANAGERS GETTING STARTED & MAKING IT HAPPEN This is your store and it’s more than just a job. Your blood, sweat, tears and your family’s future, and in many cases, your families past, are all tied up in this venture. It’s up to you to make it succeed and to keep it succeeding. If you are great at delegating, then do so with as many of the items spelled out below. If you’re a hands-on person, here’s the step by step items you’ll need to cover.


Take 15-30 minutes privately to review the Salesperson’s Planners & the Coach’s Playbooks (for sales managers). There are explanations on each component on pages 2 & 3 of Planner, as well as each tabbed section. You can also view samples and learning videos at DailyGameplan.com

Topic 2 - Assign “Accountability Teams” for sales managers and salespeople. There should be no more than 5-8 salespeople to any one sales manager. The teams should be on the same schedule as the assigned sales manager.

Topic 3 – Have each sales manager schedule no less than two, but preferably three “one-on-one” sessions with each salesperson on their team PER WEEK. The calendar is located in their Coach’s Playbook. Their goal at each one-on-one is to find hot prospects and convert them into appointments.

Topic 4 – Assign one manager to add an “appointment board” to your sales meeting area. The board should be complete before your salesperson’s kick off meeting and include Columns for

Date | Customer | Salesperson |Vehicle | Confirmed by|Showed | Sold

Item 6 – Schedule, Layout, and Inspect what you expect from your team. Consistency and accountability is the difference between a mediocre response and a well oiled sales machine.

Topic 5 – Layout Agenda for Sales Team Meeting – Assign the sales manager in charge of salesperson kick off meeting.

Hold a Sales Managers meeting Topic 1 – Explain the Daily Gameplan planners and procedures that you

are putting into place. Make sure everyone understands exactly what you expect from them. Circle your wagons and make sure that every manager is on board.


Manager’s Kick Off Meeting

Manager’s Kick Off Meeting

Manager’s Kick Off Meeting

Each Week

Managers Kick Off Meeting

Managers Kick Off Meeting

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GENERAL SALES MANAGERS | SALES MANAGERS GETTING STARTED & MAKING IT HAPPEN Keeping your team focused, accountable and productive is the biggest priority you have as a sales manager. Spend the time it takes with each of your salespeople and coach them to success.

“People do what you inspect, not what you expect.” – Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.


Take 15-30 minutes privately to review the Salesperson’s Planners & your Coach’s Playbooks. There are explanations on each component on pages 2 & 3 of Planner, as well as each tabbed section. You can also view sample pages and learning videos at www.DailyGameplan.com

Topic 2 – Let your salespeople know which sales manager will be their “accountability and follow-up” manager. There should be no more than 5-8 salespeople to any one sales manager. The team managers and salespeople should be on the same schedule.

Topic 3 – Have each salesperson pre-schedule their one-on-one time with their manager. The goal at each one-on-one is to find hot prospects and convert them into appointments. It’s also the right time to go through your salesperson’s goals and how they are tracking for the month.

Topic 4 – Get your sales team accustomed to using the “appointment board” that should be installed in the sales meeting area. The board should include Columns for

Date | Customer | Salesperson |Vehicle | Confirmed by|Showed | Sold

Topic 6 – Confirm as many appointments from your sales team as possible. Be certain to give driving instructions to all of the prospects.

Topic 5 – Prioritize your day and stay on track with your one-on-ones and your sales team’s appointments.

During your introduction meeting with your salespeople Topic 1 – Explain the Daily Gameplan planners and procedures that you

are putting into place. Cover the components of the planners / or CRM and make sure everyone understands exactly what you expect from them.


Start of Month



Kick Off Meeting

Kick Off Meeting


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SALESPEOPLE | CONSULTANTS | SALES PROFESSIONALS GETTING STARTED & MAKING IT HAPPEN Treat your job as you would your own business, because it is. Make use of your time and prioritize your day. You are paid to sell, so use every tool you have available at your disposal. Learn from the best and stay away from the rest.

“You can only get what you want, if you help enough others get what they want.” - Zig Ziglar

Key Components Date

Getting Started with Daily Gameplan - Take 15-30 minutes privately to review your Daily Gameplan salesperson planner. There are explanations on pages 2 & 3, as well as each tab. You can also view sample pages and learning videos at www.DailyGameplan.com

During your shift - Unsold Prospects are your best opportunities to sell. Show customers your sincere appreciate by sending a hand written thank you card immediately after their first visit to your showroom. Then work diligently to work as many options for them to get them back into your showroom. At the end of your shift - Make it a habit to record all prospect and customer information into your sales planner or Daily Gameplan Online CRM as soon as possible. RECORD EVERYONES INFO BEFORE YOU LEAVE.

Introduce your prospects to your sales manager (T.O. or turnover) before they leave, if possible. Your manager may often make a deal happen when you may have thought there was nothing there. Let them surprise you. It will only add money to your pocket.

When your next month planner arrives, set your activities and sales goals on tab#1. You can also track your progress on the charts on tab 2.

At the end of your month, tally up your sales statistics from tab 1 in your planner and meet with your sales manager for their honest evaluation. Take stock in your reality check located on your planner’s back page.

First thing - When first arriving at the dealership, review all of your unsold prospects in the prospect files of your Daily Gameplan sales planner. Your goal is to find hot prospects that are closest to buying. Meet with your sales manager or partner and find as many options as possible to set as many appointments as possible.


End of Month

Start of Month





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