2007 winsar meeting

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2007 WInSAR Meeting. UNAVCO WInSAR Report 2007 December 11, 2007. 2007 WInSAR Meeting. UNAVCO Staff Contributing to InSAR Support Chuck Meertens- Facility Director/Interim UNAVCO President Fran Boler- Data Group Manager, WInSAR operations management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



2007 WInSAR Meeting



December 11, 2007


2007 WInSAR Meeting

UNAVCO Staff Contributing to InSAR Support

Chuck Meertens- Facility Director/Interim UNAVCO President

Fran Boler- Data Group Manager, WInSAR operations management

Dave Phillips- GeoEarthScope Project Manager

Stuart Wier- Software development: ingestion/database/website

Susanna Gross- Archivist: ordering, data management, ingestion

Jaime Magliocca- Administrative Assistant – members, communications

Rick Guritz (ASF staff) – Operations subcontractor to GeoEarthScope

Contact us: winsar@unavco.org


2007 WInSAR Meeting

What is UNAVCO’s Role in WInSAR?• Assistance with organizing meetings and teleconferences• Proposal submission• Posting information to the website• Processing mechanics for approved Institutional Members and

new users– (obtaining signed agreements, mallists, logins, access)

• Data Ordering• Downloading and data management• Ingestion• Adding to capabilities for the database, ingestion, search and



2007 WInSAR Meeting

WInSAR Proposal 2008-2010• $100K from NASA/NSF per year

• Expected $50K from USGS per year

• Archivist (3 years, 0.25)

• Software Developer (2 years, 0.5)

• Remaining funds: data purchase, scientist travel to conference

Data Purchase






2007 WInSAR Meeting

Holdings Summary

Ingested into UNAVCO WInSAR Node Searchable Catalog• ERS: 5,750 scenes (increase of 1,990 from December 2006)• Envisat: 468 scenes (increase of 120 from December 2006)• ~1,800 ALOS data pool at ASF


Non-Ingested Scenes (all added in 2007)• 78 ALOS• 26 Envisat Wide Swath• 10 Radarsat



2007 WInSAR Meeting

Ordering Progress ESA• ERS

– Backlog has been ordered, most delivered.

– New orders submitted monthly

– Delivery is usually quick

– ftp pickup from ESA

• Envisat– Ordering slowed in 2007 due to billing and CAT-1 quota issues

– Billing resolved and quota restriction lifted verbally

– Test order in progress (“being quoted”)

– About 450 scenes in queue to be ordered


Ordering Plans ESA

• Continue ERS ordering – Users place requests through UNAVCO

ERS request page:• http://winsar.unavco.org/ordering/search.php

• Continue Envisat ordering – Users place requests by assembling your

Eoli shopcart• e-mail to winsar@unavco.org• Order status posted to


2007 WInSAR Meeting


Ordering Plans ALOS• Users place requests by assembling your

selection as a CSV file– https://auig.eoc.jaxa.jp/auigs/en/top/index.html

• Guest login

– e-mail to winsar@unavco.org

• UNAVCO submits the order to ASF– Order status page to be developed

• Users sign ASF agreements • Data searchable through UNAVCO• Data available through ASF (and UNAVCO?)

2007 WInSAR Meeting

Ordering Plans RADARSAT• TBD


2007 WInSAR Meeting

GeoEarthScope and WInSAR

• Lots of data ordered from ASF for GeoEarthScope Targets– ASF ERS data


• ESA orders for GeoEarthScope Targets– Envisat tasking and orders

– ERS tasking and orders

– http://geoes-insar.unavco.org/dataorders.php

• Once ingested, data available to investigators through “Minicat” process


2007 WInSAR Meeting

2007 Tasks Accomplished• WInSAR proposal submitted• On track with ESA billing, orders• ~2200 ERS/Envisat ordered, received, ingested• All available 2006 and 2007 funds used or committed for data

orders, WInSAR scientist travel• Improvements to the UNAVCO WInSAR Catalog/Ingestion

– Start/end frame for Envisat long strips into catalog

– Improved frame assignments Envisat/ERS

– Ingestion of ASF WInSAR ALOS datapool at ASF into searchable catalog (need to develop a method to keep updated)

• Conducted a survey of software/systems/data usage in the community to guide future directions


2007 WInSAR Meeting

2007 Tasks Accomplished (cont’d)• Improvements to the UNAVCO WInSAR Website

– Start/end frame and start/end time displayed as well as filesize


2007 WInSAR Meeting

2007 Tasks Accomplished (cont’d)

• Improvements to the UNAVCO WInSAR Website– ALOS datapool at ASF searchable

(need to develop a method to keep updated)

– NEW Google Earth KML available with search results

– Envisat orders status page

– Pages with links to related data, documents, publications, additional software – lots of additional information

Mission selection includes ALOS


2007 WInSAR Meeting

What software do you use for SAR and InSAR processing (ROI_PAC, GammaRS, Vexcel, AtlantisScientific, others)?

ROI_PAC is "king" with GAMMA a strong second. DORIS is common.

List all formats that you are comfortable using (e.g. STF, CEOS, Envisat).

Most users report familiarity with CEOS and the platform L0 formats.

Can you handle data as either swath or frame? Which do you prefer and why?

Most users can handle both; frames are typically preferred for ease of use and some users only have used frames; but some software can only read ENVISAT swaths (Vexcel, Diapsaon).

What InSAR processing methods do you use (Repeat-Pass InSAR (pairs), Differential InSAR (triplets), Permanent Scatterers InSAR (stacks), others)?

Most users use repeat pass; many use permanent scatterer processing.

What is the typical size of your study areas (square kilometers) and where are your regions of interest?

10's of sq. km to 10,000's of sq. km.

What SAR platforms have you worked with (ERS, JERS, RSAT, ENVISAT, ALOS)?

ERS is most common, followed by ENVISAT, then RSAT then ALOS and JERS (comment: ALOS is the future!)

What data providers are you familiar with (ESA, CSA, JAXA, NASA)? Please identify the processing facilities if they are known.

Most users familiar with ESA as a provider, followed by others.

What computer architectures are you using at your host organization for processing SAR, and InSAR data (Linux, Windows, Windows NT, MacOS, Solaris, HP-UX, Irix, others)?

Most users use Linux, followed by Mac, Windows and Solaris in similar numbers.

Have you written any data manipulation or preprocessing software or other utilities that you would be willing to share with other users?

Most users have not developed scripts; most of those that have report they are specialized to their particular workflow.

Survey Results


2007 WInSAR Meeting

2008 Plans• Proceed with ordering/ingestion• Expand ingestion capability



– Envisat Wide Swath

• Website Improvements– Order page for Envisat frames to replace (or

alternative) to user submitted EOLI shopcart

• Re-enable WInSAR node syncing capability– Data

– Catalog

• Other - Direction from SC/EC


2007 WInSAR Meeting


Registration is Open

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