15 pitfalls to avoid to get your site off on the right foot

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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http://howtomakemyblog.com/ Kenneth Cossin, who is a regular contributor to HowToMakeMyBlog and a Professor of Internet Marketing at Full Sail University in Florida, asked me if I wanted to present a blogging related webinar to his students. Kenneth suggested blogging mistakes as the topic in order to help beginners avoid the common pitfalls and help get them start off on the right foot. “Sure, no problem. Let’s get started”, was my response. The result is this presentation. I hope you enjoy it!


Pitfalls To Avoid To Get Your Site Off On The Right Foot

@MarkoSaric - howtomakemyblog.com

Don’t have

Unrealistic expectations

Don’t believe the

“get rich quick” stories

You must manage your own

expectations not to be disappointed


big !!

but be realistic

Don’t be impatient

Your first post will


But it is a learning lesson !

Use it to

learn and improve

It is a marathon, not a sprint

Don’t get stuck in the

planning phase

Just do it

Get feedback from real people


“No battle plan survives

contact with the enemy”

Have a professional


Figure out a cool brand and domain name for your site

Invest in a

modern design

Do not

not have a strategy

Figure out why

you’re doing what you are doing

Define objectives and targets

Then keep these

in mind at all times

Make sure your site doesn’t

lack focus

Know your niche

Know your audience

Clearly state

what your site is offering

Encourage users to take action

Include CTA’s in the sidebar in the content

Try to avoid inactivity

Try to avoid inconsistency

Work from

a content calendar

Set a

publication rate

and stick to it

Keep It Simple Stupid

Create for the web Clickable headlines



Bullet points


Avoid typos and spelling mistakes

broken links low quality imagery

Second opinion helps you improve


Build it and they will

NOT come

Spend 50% time creating

50% marketing

Don’t rely on Google for traffic

Build your

own audience

Install analytics

Analyse the data




react to what it is telling you

Don’t be busy on Twitter

Work smart

not hard

Focus your efforts on 20% of tasks that

bring 80% of results



be too


It’s all fun and games

after all

Enjoy the ride

@MarkoSaric howtomakemyblog.com

Happy blogging!

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