06 - 18 august 2012 the canao newsletter

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Official Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Baguio


August is

Membership &

Extensions Month

The Four-Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do.

1. Is it the truth?

2. Is it fair to all concerned?

3. Will it build goodwill and

better friendships?

4. Will it be beneficial to all


OFFICIAL CLUB BULLETIN • Volume LXV Number 06 - 18 August 2012

meets at the Baguio Country Clubevery Saturday at 12:30 pm


12:00 Fellowship 12:30 Call to Order Pres Libby Fernandez Invocation Rtn Gary Lo Ang Pambansang Awit Rotary Hymn 12:40 Entertainment Dir Cora Ocampo 12:50 Intro of VR and G Rtn Joe Ursua 12:55 Finest Moments PP Chris Peralta 1:00 RaffleDraw Rtn Herb Meadows 1:10 Members’ Time 1:15 President’s Time Pres Libby Fernandez 1:20 Intro of CS Dir Atom Mendalla 1:25 ClassificationTalk 1:35 Open Forum 2:00 Response PPRaffyChan 2:15 Pilipinas Kong Mahal (Everyone) Adjournment

PP Benny SungaProgram Coordinator

Restrospector: Rtn Abe EstradaGreeter: Rtn Jun Cardona, Jr

Today’s Programme

President’s Corner 2

CommitteeUpdate 3

Speakers’Profile 3

In Retrospect 4

CommitteeUpdates 5 - 8

Secretary’s Update 10

Inside The Cañao

Classification Talk

Dir. Cora OcampoTopic: Share a Goat Program

The Cañao Newsletter - Volume LXV No. 06 - 18 August 2012 2


Sakuji TanakaPresident Rotary International

Tony BautistaDistrict Governor District 3790

Kenneth SoAssistant Governor Cluster 1-C

Rotary Club of Baguio


Elizabeth Rillera-FernandezPresident

Chris FaelnarVice-President

Gormito “Baby” KaurSecretary

Marilyn BarredoTreasurer

Bennie LaranangAuditor

Uwe KoellerDirector for Club Administration

President Elect

David ReesDirector for The Rotary Foundation

Corazon OcampoDirector of Community Service A

Albert TalcoDirector of Community Service B

Alma Teresa MendallaDirector Membership Development

Evangeline MarananDirector of Public Relations

Mark Kenneth FloresDirector

Florence BayquenImmediate Past President

Lito PangilinanJun Bondoc


Dionisio ClaridadVicenia “Veeh” Balajo


Peace Through ServicePres. Libby Fernandez

President’s Corner

ThishasbeenaverybusyweekfortheClub.Forstarters,ourClubinkeda sisterhood agreement with the Rotary Club of Mabalacat in the morning of Saturday, 11 August, 2012 at Baguio Country Club

At the Club Regular Meeting of that afternoon, PP Mike announcedthatPPTeopwasreadytoacceptvisitorsafterhishospitalization.SosomeRotarianswenttoPPTeop’shomeforanafternoonchat.WewerehappilyreceivedbyPPTeopandAnnAna.Itwasamomentofmanystories,jokes,coffeeandtea.ThankstoPPGerard,PPRaffy,PPAlfred,PPBert,PPMia,Rtn.Joe Ramos, PE Uwe, Dir Atom, Rtn Yam, Rtn Gary, Rtn Philip, EIC Marcel, Rtn.Angie.Itwasjustonerainyafternoonbutwas“theafternoon”notonlyfor PP Teop and his family but for us as well!

12August–Sundayafternoon,membersofRCCLucnabhadaconsultationwithRCB.Thereafter,wehadtheInductionofitsofficers.PPGerard,PPBertandmyself took turns in answering thequeriesof thememberson theirconcernsonwaterandlivelihood.Rtn.BennieLarananggaveabrieftalkoncooperatives.Sheoffered,further,fullsupportandassistancetothemshouldtheydecidetoformacooperativeinthefuture.Rtn.Lilycametoinformtheparents of the Feeding Program for about 50 children in that community

Rtn.Lani,SAAJun,Sec.BabyandPEUwetooktheopportunityandmetwiththeofficersoftheInteractandRotaractinBarangayLucnab.Theyhavelined up several projects to support the RCC and to encourage their co- studentstoactivelyparticipateincommunitybasedactivities.

14 August - The City of Baguio invited the Rotary Club of Baguio and other civicorganizationsforitsanniversaryproject-acitywideMedicalMissionsetfor08September2012.Thecityisluckytohavemanycivicgroups,RotaryClubofBaguio,forone,alwaysreadytoserveitscitizenry!

On15Augusttyphoon“Helen”tookragebuttheRotaryClubofSummerCapitalfoundnogroundstocancel its Induction. Neitherdidwefindanyreasonnottobethere.RotarianswhojoinedthecelebrationwerePPLito,PP Bert, PE Uwe, EIC Marcel and myself

16August – Orientationof thehigh school students of PatrioticHighSchool in the morning

At3:00o’clockintheafternoon,anorientationandelectionofofficerswasdoneforInteractOfficersoftheScienceHighstudentsoftheBaguioCityHighandNationalSchool.PresentwereIPPFlo,Rtn.Lani,SAAJun,Rtn.Joey,EIC Marcel and myself

The Rotary Club of Baguio Cluster 1-C District 3790 3

sPeakers’ Profile

Maria Corazon de Guzman - OcampoTopic: Share a Goat Program

1 To increase members by at least 10% per year• Reviewavailableclassificationstobefilled-up• Inform members of unfilled classification &

preferred demographic - email copies of list to members

• Uselistforrecruitmentofprospectivemembers;providepro-formal lettersof invitation foruseof the members to give their prospects

• Comeupwithacondensed,moreinteresting&appealing Fireside Chat program

• Organize 2 Rotary fellowship - orientationfor non-Rotarian friends & associates of RCBmembers

• Thoroughlyreviewmembershipapplications• Comeupwithrecommendationsastoapproval

orrejectionofpotentialmembers• Solicit commitment from members on

recruitment• Periodic reminders to members on recruitment

duringmeetingand/orthroughTheCanao• MemberstoreadtheConstitutionandBy-laws

2 Toachieveatleast95%membershipretention3 Toachieveatleast85%attendancepercentage

• ComeupwithgoodRotaryinformationprogram(inTheCanaoorduringmeetings)

• Mentoring/coaching of new members bydesignated RCB Past President Mentoring will beforthefirst12monthsofthenewRotarian.Develop “curriculum”; ask for status/progressreports

• Make Sunshine Committee very active andeffective

• Fellowshipactivity-jointbirthdaycelebrations• Fellowshipactivity-Rotaryfamily• Out-of-venuemeetingswithfellowshipafter• Encourage new members to get involved in

communityserviceactivities• Conflict resolution procedures orientation

based on bylaws • Clubwithinclubconceptinductionbygroups.

4.Classification• Actively review the existing classification and

hopefully widen the diversity of membership classification.(Choose classifications that canhelp on our various projects)

• Present the unfilled classifications to themembership for possible recruitment

Committee UPdate


Membership Committee’s Stratetic Plans RY 2012-13

Maria Corazon de Guzman - Ocampo, known to


master’s degree of MS Management Engineering and

a bachelor’s degree of BS Industrial Engineering - both


her high school years at Saint Paul College of Ilocos Sur

at Bantay, Ilocos Sur



Before that, she was an Associate Professor at Saint

Louis University and in which she became an adviser of


In her Facebook Profile page, shementioned that

though others describe her as “funny and energetic,”

she is actually a shy dolphin (smiley inserted)



The Cañao Newsletter - Volume LXV No. 06 - 18 August 2012 4

The Meeting That Was11 August 2012Rtn. Philip Marania

in retrosPeCt

Raffle was done by Sec. Baby Kaur and Rtn. Naas Demyttenaere. PP Mia is collecting her winning.

Looking handsome and cheerful Rtn. Glenn, SAA Jun and PP Gerard - everyone is glad there’s a hint of sunshine that


Pres. Libby, PE Uwe, SAA Jun and Rtn. Lani opened and counted the content of the End Polio Donation Cans.

Rtn. Abe Estrada greeted our very own PP Doming Valencia a warm Birthday Greeting! The Club is grateful for the ice

cream treats.

Atlast,it’sasunnyday!Thefirstaftertwoweeksofheavy downpour

Indeed it was a great day to have our Regular Meetingasweweregreetedbyabig smile fromRtn.Lily Landayan Before the Call to Order was announced by Pres Libby Fernandez, Sec Baby Kaur was busy sellingraffletickets. PEUweKoellerwasourProgramCoordinator and started by having EIC Marcel Badua leadtheInvocation.Alivelysingingofthe“PambansangAwit”andtheRotaryHymnfollowed.

Our Entertainment was provided by Rtn Lani Fabi andSAAJunBondoc,whonarratedthestoryof“Isko.”Weallknowweareinforagoodlaughwhenthestorystarted,questionswereaskedto“Isko”andtheaudienceparticipatedbytryingtoanswerthequestions,mostofusansweredwrongbecausewewerethinkingtoomuchandthinking“green.”

Rtn Joey Bugayong Introduced everyone present and our Guests, 33 Rotarians and 2 guests Finest Moments was done by Dir Atom Mendalla Since it is our Membership Month the basis for the Finest Moments was the sponsors and mentors of each RCB members,which proved to be fruitful,we raised Php6,400.00whichwillbegiventothefloodandtyphoonGenervictims.

OurRafflekingandqueen,Rtn.NaasDemyttenaereand Sec Baby Kaur, the had sold all the numbers The luckiesttablegoestothegroupofPPBennySunga,SAA/PPLitoPangilinan,PPDionyClaridad,Dir./PPBertTalco,Rtn Karl Flores, Rtn Glen Flores, Rtn Gary Lo Ang, Rtn Philip Marania, Rtn Abe Estrada and Rtn Jun Cardona, who won most of the prices

During Members’ Time, PP Mike Pearson askedthe group who wants to visit PP Teop Rondez at his residenceafterthemeeting(afellowshipmeetingwasthenhostedbyPPTeopandjokinglycalledmakeupbyPP Mia Cawed, seconded and cheered by everyone – makeup,makeup,makeup).PPRaffyChanpresented

The Rotary Club of Baguio Cluster 1-C District 3790 5

GHS Mary Aquintey Lang-ayan from the Dept of Education talked about the “K to 12 – Latest in Philippine Educational


Pres. Libby hand over a Certificate of appreciation to GHS Mary Aquintey Lang-ayan and Thelma Dalay-On for sharing

their time to the Club.

three new logo for our club Rtn Lani Fabi reminded theorientationofRotaryandInteractandtheFeedingProgram chaired by Rtn Lily Landayan and PP Veeh Balajo A reminder was also given by PP Doming ValenciaofthepositionortitleaddressedtoaPEandDGE,healsoaskedorclarifiedthereasonsonwhyweneed to change our logo PP Bert Talco also reminded theInductionofotherRotaryClubs.

President Libby during her President’s Time announced the re-scheduling of our Turnover of Donated Books on Taloy Sur Elementary School, ourTreePlantingprogram,RCB’ssupportforourclusterandthemuchanticipatedfellowshipatVillaLaMajaon25August, 2012

OurGuestofHonorandSpeakerwasintroducedbyDir. Mark Flores. Mary Aquintey Lang-ayan from theDepartmentof Education talkedabout the “K to12–LatestinPhilippineEducationalSystem,”anAVPwasusedforbetterunderstandingof theprogram. A responsewasgivenbyRtn.JoeRamossaying“AnelevationofourlearningcurveandfutureforEducation.”AplaqueofappreciationwasalsogiventoourGHS.


Committee UPdates

End Polio Now Collection Update for RY 2012- 2013 as of August 11, 2012

• PP Veeh Balajo P 1,423 00• Dir Gigi Maranan P 255 95

KindlyturnoverEndPoliocansstillinyourpossessionorinformtheCommittee(SAA Jun, Sec. Baby and Rtn. Lani) so we can have an accurate inventory based on whatwillbesubmitted/turnedover.




T h e R o t a r y C l u b o f B a g u i o

feed a chi ld now!

Support the Rotary Club of Baguio’s Feeding Program!Withyourhelp,youcanfeedachildformorethan20daysuntiltheybecomenourished.

Fordonations,supportorinquiries,contactPP Veeh Balajo or Rtn Lily Landayan

The Cañao Newsletter - Volume LXV No. 06 - 18 August 2012 6

Committee UPdates

Community ServiceRCC Brgy Lucnab Orientation and Induction12 August 2012

RCB consulted with RCC Taloy of their immediate community needs so that projects joint projects may be directed towards that end. It was a productiveafternoonasRCCshowedtheirgreatinteresttocontinuepartnership with RCB

Community ServiceBrgy Lucnab Interact and Rotaract Joint Meeting12 August 2012

Interact Chair Rtn Lani Fabi handed out the Interact ClubofbarangayLucnabtheInteractHandbookduringthier first Joint meeting for this Rotary year. Thishandbookwillserveasaguideandreference.

Sisterhood ties with RC Mabalacat11 August 2012

RCB and RC Mabalacat have inked a sisterhoodpact which means various projects would be realized together.Theircombinedefforts,talentsandresourceswould be beneficial to all the communities that theyserve

Community ServiceInteract Orientation for Patriotic School16 August 2012

PatrioticHighSchoolstudentswereorientedaboutRotary and of the Interact

During this said orientation, we found out that afewalreadyknowthePolioDisease,whichmeans,thatpolio is a thing of the past and Rotarians are succesful in the End-Polio campaign

The Rotary Club of Baguio Cluster 1-C District 3790 7

Committee UPdatesCommunity ServiceInteract Orientation for BCNHS16 August 2012

The fourthandprobablya recordbreaker, InteractChair Rtn Lani Fabi and SAA Jun Bondoc organized anotherInteractClubatBaguioCityHighNationalHighSchool.Theyoungstudentsareeagertoparticipateanddevote themselves to service

Community ServiceTurnover of Books at Taloy Sur Elementary School17 August 2012

Finallyaftermanypostponements,RCBturnedovertheBooksoftheWorldBookDonationMGprojectofRC Dagupan and RC Portland to Taloy Sur Elementary School. Almost over 120 book were donated for theElementary level

Community ServiceFeeding Program17 August 2012

PP Veeh Balajo together with Rtn Lily, Rtn Cess and Pres Libby handed out food supplements as a part of their Feeding program for Barangay Lucnab

Community ServiceTurnover of Books at BCNHS Lindawan Annex17 August 2012

Another school is blessed by the BooksoftheWorldBook Donation MG project of RC Dagupan and RCPortland,whichwas turned over to BCHNS LindawanAnnex as donation for the High School students. Anupcoming turnover will also be held for College Students at BSU

The Cañao Newsletter - Volume LXV No. 06 - 18 August 2012 8

The Cañao Editorial Staff

PP Gérard AudineauImager for District Affairs

Rtn. Lani FabiSAA Jun Bondoc

Imagers for Community Projects/


Rtn. Peter Wasing Imager for Meetings/


Dir. Mark FloresBusiness Manager

Rtn. Angie VisperasMember

Treas. Marilyn BarredoEditors/Advisers

Rtn. Cecille ApostolAdviser

Rtn. Marcel BaduaLayout/Editor-in-Chief

The Cañao Newsletter is the official club bulletin of

The Rotary Club of Baguio. For questions, suggestions and inquiries, please send us a

message through email at rcbaguio3790@gmail.com or contact us by phone at +63 929 336 3386

We encourage members to write articles. You can share your articles to be uploaded to the Club’s website at www.rcbaguio.org and to be published on the Cañao Weekly Newsletter. We are looking forward to your interesting articles. Happy Writing!

editor’s Corner

TheInductionseasonofRotaryclubsisnotyetover.Therearestillafewremainingclubsandstillacoupletoattendto.IhavebeenwithsomeInductionCeremoniesespecially the clubs in our Cluster. Each, a differenttheme, feeling and letme say, gimmick. ThougheachInduction Ceremony is unique of another, they allhave something in common, their Guest of Honor and Speaker...andthatistheuntiringDistrictGovernor,DGTonyBautista.TogetherwithhersupportiveAnn,Evelyn,one may say that he is truly dedicated to the challenge hisofficehasbestoweduponhim.Withthis,Iwishhimstrengthmeasurabletohisdedication!

Though with his stature, he is a humble man - easily talked to, very approachable and he always wear asmile.NowondermanyRotarians are esteemedwithhim.AttheRCBaguioSummerCapitalInduction,atthemiddle of his speech, DG Tony showed a hint that he was infected to what they called the SAV 2012 (Sagada Acquired Virus 2012,) Immediate Past Asst. DistrictGovernor JoCon reached him a napkin to wipe thissymptom away If you saw it, it was a sweet gesture

From the many of speeches I heared from DG Tony, I am touched with one of the stories, the Mother and Child. There was this mother who was inflicted withpolio One day there was a Medical Mission by one RotaryClub,givingawayanti-poliovaccines.Although

Reinventing Used LinesRtn. Marcel Badua, EIC

the medical mission was far from where they were staying,shecarriedherchildatherbackandtravelledthis longdistancebyfoot.Afterherchildrecievedtheshot, the mother did a contented sigh and said that sheisfinallyateasethatherchildwillnotsufferwhatshe has DG Tony sampled this story as Peace through Service. With the service every Rotarian renders, weprovide the contentment and the peace of mind to everyone the Rotary helps


Ah! The dedication of a Rotarian! Kudos as to Ate Lani and Manong Jun Bondoc for pushing through not only one Interact club but four Interact Clubs! These are the Interact Club of St Louis Pacdal High School, LucnabCommunity, PatrioticHigh School andBCHNS.Throughextendingtheirservicetotheyouth,theyhavegiventheoppurtunityoffosteringthenextgenerationthesenseofgoodleadershipandbetterservice.Makingthe youth aware is good thing I have been with one of theOrientationsand Ihavethenrememberedthe joywhen Iwasa littlebityoung.Thanksand Iwishthemmore strength!

The Rotary Club of Baguio Cluster 1-C District 3790 9

Rtn. Joe Ursua (Obstetrician-Gynecologist/Sonologist)

RA Dr. Mary Bess Ursua (Anesthesiologist/Pediatric Anesthesia)

and Rotakids: Francis Joseph, Randall Josef, Marie Beatrice, Paul Josh

Compliments fromRtn. Quinn Dahilan, RA Roselyn,

Rotakids Quelvin Ross and Queziah Rae

Compliments from

PP Alfred LaygoJemuel LaygoRotaract Past President

Compliments from

Sec. Baby Kaur and Family

Compliments from:

VP Chris & RAPP Yolly Faelnarand Family

Compliments from

Dir./PP Bert TalcoCivil Engineer

Compliments fromDGE LINDA WINTER


Compliments from

Rtn. Lani Fabi & Family

Compliments from

Dir. David V. Rees, RA Yoly& Rotakid Lauren

Compliments from:

Rtn. Peter Wasing & Family



Don Jose De Leon III CenterUpper Session Rd , Baguio City


RCB at the RC Baguio Summer Capital Induction17 August 2012

Supporting the Clubs especially in our Cluster,RCB members attented the Induction Ceremoniesof RC Summer Capital inspite of the heavy rain The ceremoniestookplacedattheUBCentennialBuilding.

rCB on the Go

Visit and Fellowship at PP Teop’s residence11 August 2012

PP Teop’s visit The Club members wishing the best of health for PP Teop who claimed to have a complete “overhaul” and “recharge” for a younger, morehandsomeandespeciallysuperactiveRotarian!

The Cañao Newsletter - Volume LXV No. 06 - 18 August 2012 10

Baby’s Script18 August 2012Sec. Baby Kaur

seCretary’s UPdate

Happy Birthday!Rtn Glen Flores – 22 Aug

Rtn Karl Flores – 23 Aug

Happy Anniversary!PPRaffyChan-RAPPJosie–19Aug

Happy Induction Anniversary DGELindaWinter–21Aug-16years

For The RecordGuest/s present during the 11 Aug Meeting:

Thelma Dalay-On guest with our GHS

We missed you last 11 Aug Meeting:

Rtn Mariver Agayas, Rtn Jody Alabanza, Rtn Cess Apostol, Rtn Jun Bahul (mu), Dir Marilyn Barredo (mu), IPPFloBayquen(mu), Rtn Michel Crausaz (ol),Rtn.IkeDulnoan, VP Chris Faelnar, PP Ben Ladilad, Rtn Bennie Laranang, Dir Gigi Maranan, Rtn Herb Meadows, PP RogerNaz(exc), Dir Cora Ocampo, PP Angeling Palma (exc), Rtn. PamPerkins (ol), PP Teop Rondez (exc), PP Helmut Schlaaf (ol), Rtn Jen Soriano, Rtn Joe Ursua, Rtn Dhory Vicencio (mu),Rtn.PeterWasing,DGELindaWinter(mu)&PPJohnnyZarate(exc)

The Week in Review11 Aug - Visit to Itogon Teachers Training

by PP Gerard Audineau, SAA Jun Bondoc, Rtn NaasDemyttenaere,&RtnLaniFabi

11 Aug - Sisterhood Ties Signing with RC Mabalacat headed by Pres Libby Fernandez, IPP Flo Bayquen,Dir.MarkFlores,Sec.BabyKaur,&DGELindaWinter

12 Aug - Lucnab RCC Induction of Officers headedbyCommunityServiceProjectBDir./PPBertTalco,attendedbyPPGerardAudineau,SAA Jun Bondoc, Pres Libby Fernandez, Rtn Lani Fabi, Sec Baby Kaur, PE Uwe Koeller, Rtn Lily Landayan, Rtn Bennie Laranang, 29 RCC Members,3Interacts&9Rotaracts

12 Aug - Meeting with Rotaract & Interact Clubs of Lucnab headed by Interact chair Rtn Lani Fabi, PP

Gerard Audineau, SAA Jun Bondoc, Pres Libby Fernandez,SecBabyKaur,PEUweKoeller&Dir/PP Bert Talco

15 Aug - RCB Summer Capital Induction attendedbyEICEmBadua,Pres.LibbyFernandez, PE Uwe Koeller, PP Lito Pangilinan, Dir./PPBertTalco

16 Aug - Orientation of Interact Club of Patriotic School by Rtn Lani Fabi, SAA Jun Bondoc, EIC Marcel Badua, Pres Libby Fernandez

16 Aug - Orientation & Election of officers of Interact Club of Baguio City High School by Rtn Lani Fabi, SAA Jun Bondoc, EIC Marcel Badua,Pres.LibbyFernandez,IPPFloBayquen,Rtn Joey Bugayong

Reminders• Committeemeetings&activities–Committee/

Sub-committee Chairs, please text or emaildetails tome -what,when&who attended–these will be used for the Canao, for the grid of participationandforthecollationofthemonthlyreports

• AttendanceMake-ups – please text or send tomy email address: gormitobaby@yahoo com ph kindlyobservethe14daywindow(i.e.14daysbeforeandafterthemeeting)

Upcoming Events & Activities 17 Aug - Board Meeting

TurnoverofbookstoTaloyElementarySchool Date&Time:TobeAnnounced

18 Aug - RC DOWNTOWN SESSION INDUCTION Baguio Country Club, 6:00 pm,Formal/Black&White

19 Aug - Tree Planting at the Busol Water Shed

25 Aug - Rotary Orientaion & 1st Quarter Fellowship VillaLaMaja,7:00pm

31 Aug - Women’s Outreach Mission LourdesExtensionMultipurposeHall,am only


Next Week Program Participants August 25Invocation RAEntertainment VP/Dir.ChrisFaelnarIntro of VR and G Rtn Cecille ApostolFinest Moment DGSC Gérard AudineauRaffleDraw RAIntro of GHS Sec Baby KaurResponse/Reactors PP Mia CawedProgram Coordinator PNUweKoellerRestrospector Rtn.Ricardo“Jun”BondocGreeter Rtn Herb Meadows

The Rotary Club of Baguio Cluster 1-C District 3790 11

Compliments fromGemma Picpican


www.usana. com Contact:

Pres. Flo Bayquen Rtn. Jun Bahul Rtn. Joe Ursua

RAPP Yolly Faelnar

37 Vegetable Booths withAmple Parking Area


Well-Lit “Bagsakan ” Area

Puguis Realty Traders’ Center, Inc.a Palma CompanyMA 072, Palmaville, Puguis, La Trinidad, BenguetTelephone (074) 422 5549

Compliments from:Dir. Maria Corazon D. Ocampo



Rotary CARESfor our country, for our world, for it’s people.

PP Veeh Balajo, Spouse Wylie and Family

The Law Firm of Rondez & PartnersTeopisto A Rondez

Renato S Rondez Joel Dizon2ndFloorJesnorBuildingCR.Carino-OtekStreets,


Compliments from

PP Ben & RAPP Cely Ladilad

Compliments from

Pres. Libby Rillera-Fernandezand Family

NibaliwVidal,San Fabian, Pangasinan Tel.No.:(+6375)511-2023www sierravistabeachresort com

JosephO.BayquenSales ManagerMobile+63(917)882-6864jobayquen@arthaland.net

Compliments from:

Mr. Eduardo and Pie Gaspar

Heiner L. MaulbeckerManaging Director

The Manor at Camp John Hay Baguio

Compliments from:BAY-SPORTS Manufacturing Inc.

PEZABaguioHigh Quality Toys

Compliments from

PP Gérard & RA Terry AudineauCivil Engineer

RI District Grant Sub-Committee Chair

The Cañao Newsletter - Volume LXV No. 06 - 18 August 2012 12

Hexacom EnterprizesJonalyn Laurian

jpnairual_061982@yahoo comTel.No:442-0918


Baguio CitySales & Marketing Office

Unit 222-C Skyline Terrace SM City BaguioLuneta Hill Baguio City Philippines

6374 423 9020

Administration OfficeUnit 7D Unit 7D West Burnham Blace16 Kisad Road cor Chanum St

Baguio City Philippines6374 444 2607

Olongapo CitySales & Marketing Office

2F Centropolis, Rizal AvenueWWest Tapinac, Olongapo City Philippines

6347 603 1340

Security Bank Building Abanao St. cor. Chugum St. Baguio City

Tel.: +6374 442-8053 Telefax: +6374 442-2671

Email: bmbaguio@securitybank.com.ph




Greetings to the Rotary Club of BaguioFrom Hedcor, Inc.

PP Mike and RAPP Mina Pearson

23 Chuntug Street, Baguio City 2600, Philippines

http://bayquenrealty.com/(074) 444-9800 / 443-4116 / 0917-508-0005


TSB Bazaar48-50 Magsaysay Ave Baguio CityTelNos:619-1312;619-2911


JC 105 Solis Bldg , Pico, La Trinidad, BenguetTelefax:422-2328/309-2328E-mailtrinibank@yahoo.com

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