0 causes of disease. 1 夫邪之生也,或生于阴,或生于阳。其生于阳者,...

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Causes of Disease


• 夫邪之生也,或生于阴,或生于阳。其生于阳者,得之风雨寒暑;其生于阴者,得之饮食居处,阴阳喜怒。

• A pathogen may attack the body, causing imbalance and bringing on either a condition of a yin nature that effects the zang internally , or a yang disease on the body surface.

• A yin condition typically arises from improper diet, a lack of regularity in life style, excess sex, or lack of harmonious emotions.

• A yang condition is typically brought on by exposure to rain, wind, cold, or summer heat



Categories of Causes

• Yang type-wind, rain, cold, summer-heat

• Yin type-diet, environment, emotion


• The relativity of etiology

• Search caused based on syndrome differentiation


• 恐伤肾• Great fright impairs the kidney


• Case 1– Male, 40– The patient get impotence for 3 years after

frightened– A bit overweight– T- pale dark tongue body with thin white

coating– P-deep slow


• Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan+ Chuan Mu Tong6, Wu Gong 2 pc

• 20 days cured


• 黄帝曰:夫自古通天者,生之本,本于阴阳。• 天地之间,六合之内,其气九州九窍、五脏十二节,皆通

乎天气。• 其生五,其气三,数犯此者,则邪气伤人,此寿命之本也。• Huang Di said,” From ancient times it has been recogniz

ed that there is an intimate relationship between the activity and life of human beings and their natural environment. The root of all life is yin and yang; this includes everything in the universe, with heaven above and earth below, within the four directions and the nine continents. In the human body there are the nine orifices of ears, eyes, nostrils, mouth, anus, and urethra; the five zang organs of kidney, liver, heart, spleen, and lungs; and the twelve joints of elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, shoulders, and hips, which are all connected with the five earthly transformative energies, also known as the five elemental phases that consist of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water”


Causes due to Yang Qi

• 阳气者,若天与日,失其所,则折寿而不彰。故天运当以日光明。是故阳因而上,卫外者也。

• “the yang qi of the body is like the sun. if the sun loses its brilliance or illuminating effect, all things on earth become inactive. The sun is the ultimate yang. This heavenly energy of the sun, yang qi circulates around the center or core and has the function of protecting the body.”


• 因于湿,首如裹 • “when damp invades the body, the head w

ill feel heavy and distended, as if tightly bandaged.


• Case 1• Male, 24 student• The patient suffers from sleepy and heavy sensation in

head for 3 years• He can’t help sleeping during class and can’t get up on ti

me in the morning. He was taking herbs for invigorate SP, tonifying qi and blood moving herbs, but not effective

• He was in army before studying in university. He used to have bath in creek after morning exercise every day.

• He has back coldness feeling like cold water.• Normal appetite and stools• P-slow• T-thin whit coating


• Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang Modification

• 4 bags cured


• Case 2• Female 38• She has heavy sensation in head, fatigue, oppressed in

epigatrium and chest, poor appetite in recent 4 years.• The symptoms get worse for 6 months that she can’t go t

o work.• When she comes to clinic, she walked with her mother’s

help. She stopped for rest several times when climbing stairs.

• Turbid yellow complexion, thin body shape• T- thin yellow coating• P-soggy thin


• San Ren Tang Modification + Can Sha

• 4 doses: symptoms better, defecation normal– (-) Can Sha


• 湿热不攘,大筋緛短,小筋驰长。緛短为拘,驰长为痿。

• When damp-heat accumulated, the large muscles and tendons will contract, and the small muscles and tendons will become flaccid, resulting in loss of mobility, spasms, and atrophy.


• Case3 – Male, 42– Left side body movement difficulty and severe in

lower limb. He had trauma in head and operation 6 months ago.

– His left lower extremity can’t stretch straight, lack of strength. His body constitution is strong.

– P- soggy rapid– T- red tongue body with thick greasy yellow coating


• Ba Miao Wan

• Cang Zhu 10 Huang Bai 10 Yi Yi Ren12• Bi Xie 10 Chuan Mu Tong 10 Chuan Niu Xi 12• Du Huo 8 Che Qian Zi 9


• After 9 bags, the tongue coating gets better and the left lower extremity gets more flexable.

• + Ji Xue Teng 15

• After 40 bags ,the patient can walk properly.


• 高梁之变,足生大丁,受如持虚。 • Consuming large amounts of rich , greasy

food can induce gangrene, larger lesions with pus.


• 故阳气者,一日而主外。平旦人气生,日中而阳气隆,日西而阳气已虚,气门乃闭。

• The yang qi moves like the sun. as the sun begins to rise at dawn, the yang qi begins to move to the outer body, and the pores open. The peak of the yang qi is at noon, and when the yang qi is most active it is advisable to relax and stay quiet so that the yang qi does not escape.


• 是故暮而收拒,无扰筋骨,无见雾露,反此三时,形乃困薄。

• As the sun sets, the yang qi moves inward and the pores begin to close. At this time it is harmful to engage in strenuous physical activity or expose oneself to cold, damp , mist, or fog. If one violates the natural order of the yang qi as it rises, peaks, and sets, the body will gradually be weakened by pathogenic factors and be subject to disease and degeneration.


• 岐伯曰:阴者,藏精而起亟也,阳者,卫外而为固也。• Qi bo added to the discussion:” yin is the essence of the

organs and the fountain of the qi .yang protects the exterior of the body against pathogens and makes the muscles function.

• 阴不胜其阳,则脉流薄疾,并乃狂。阳不胜其阴,则五脏气争,九窍不通。

• When the yin fails to contain the yang ,the flow in the channels will become rapid, causing the yang qi to become excessive and reckless. If the yang qi is deficient and unable to counterbalance the yin, communication between the internal organs will be disrupted, and the nine orifices will cease to dysfunction .

Causes due to Yin Yang Imbalance


• 是以春伤于风,邪气留连,乃为洞泄。• If during spring one is affected by wind that is not expelle

d, it will attack the spleen ,causing diarrhea, indigestion, and food retention.

• 夏伤于暑,秋为痎疟。 • If during the summer one is invaded by summer heat, m

alaria may occur in the autumn.

Seasonal Causes


• 秋伤于湿,上逆而咳,发为痿厥。 • During the autumn, if one is affected by dampne

ss and the damp accumulates in the lung, it will cause wei jue, cold limbs with flaccidity, cough ,and emaciation of the body and limbs.

• 冬伤于寒,春必温病。 • Cold invading in winter will incubate and manifes

t as febrile disease in spring, because everything rises at that time of year.


• 四时之气,更伤五脏。• The seasonal changes can cause damage

to the organs if one is not careful and strong.


• 阴之所生,本在五味;阴之五宫,伤在五味。 The source and preservation of the yin come from the five flavors of food in the diet ,but improper use of the five flavors my also injure the five zang organs.

Cause from Five flavors


• 是故味过于酸,肝气以津,脾气乃绝。 Too much sour taste may cause overactivity of the liver and underactivity of the spleen.

• 味过于咸,大骨气劳,短肌,心气抑。 Too much salty taste can weaken the bones and cause contracture and atrophy of the muscles ,as well as stagnate the heart qi.


• 味过于甘,心气喘满,色黑,肾气不衡。 Too much sweet taste can disturb the heart qi. Causing it to become restless and congested, as well as cause imbalance of kidney energy, which turns the face black.

• 味过于苦,脾气不濡,胃气乃厚。 Too much bitter taste disrupts the spleen’s ability to transform and transport food, and causes the stomach to digest ineffectively and become distended.

• 味过于辛,筋脉沮弛,精神乃央。 Too much pungent taste, the muscles and tendons may become scattered



Therefore, one should be mindful of what one consumes to insure proper growth, reproduction, and development of bones ,tendons , ligament, channels, and collaterals. This will help generate the smooth flow of qi and blood , enabling one to live to a ripe age.

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