-ar regular present tense verbs –ar, -er, -ir to talk about things you do (present) conjugate by...

Post on 11-Apr-2015






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Interrogative Words: Spanish words that introduce a question. Some questions are formed by putting a conjugated verb after the question word.

Adónde (to where)  ¿Cómo está el chico? Cómo (how) (how is the boy?) Cuándo (when) Cuál(es) (which/ones) ¿ Cuánto cuesta? Cuanto (how much) (how much is it?) Cuántos (as) (how many) Dónde (where) Por qué (why) Don’t forget to include the Qué (what) inverted question

marks quié nes (who) at the beginning of the sentence.


Regular present tense verbs –ar , -er, -ir to talk about things you do (present) conjugate by dropping the –ar, -er, -ir endings and add the appropiate endings.

-er -ir-o - amos-as -ais-a -an

-o -emos-es -éis-e -en

-o -imos-es -ís-e -en

For Example: I eat rice. Use the verb “comer” (to eat). Yo comer drop, add O , yo como arroz.

Voy VamosVas VaisVa Van

The verb

IR (to go)

* Forms of “IR”are usually followed by the preposition a.

Nosotros vamos a estudiar.

Adjetivos-Adjectives(they follow the noun) Spanish adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Adjectives that have a masculine singular form ending in –O have four forms.For ex:

Bonito BonitaBonitos Bonitas

Sing. Plu.

Masc. Fem.Adjectives that have a masculine singular ending in a consonant or in –e have only two forms. A singular And plural. They do not change for gender.





To make plural: add –s if it ends in a vowel, -es if it ends in a consonant.

The Verb TENER (to have,posession) H.A.T. It is an irregular verb and stem changer.

(yo) tengo tenemos(nos./as) El chico tiene quince (tu) tienes tenéis (vos./as) años. (the boy is fifteen (el,ella,ud.it) tienen tienen (ellos,ellas,uds.) years old.)(to be) SER vs ESTAR (tobe) Both verbs are irregular in the present tense.

Soy SomosEres SoisEs Son

Estoy Estamos Estás EstáisEstá Están

Ella es alta. El chico está bien.



Stem Changing verbs. Many verbs in spanish are irregular and have stem changes. These have to be memorized. They do not stem change outside of the boot.

Pienso Pensamos

Piensas Pensáis

Piensa Piensan

Almuerzo Almorzamos

Almuerzas Almorzáis

Almuerza Almuerzan

Pensar (to think) e>ie Almorzar (to eat lunch) o>ue

Caer (to fall)

Hacer (to make to do)

Poner (to put,to place)

Salir (to go out,to leave)

Traer (to bring)

Yo tú

caigo caes

hago haces

pongo pones

salgo sales

traigo traes

Conocer(to know,to meet)

Dar(to give) Saber(to know)

Ver (to see)

Yo tú





Irregular “yo”verbs change in 1st person singular. They must be memorized.

Decir(to say)

venir(to come)

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