- a call for change collection -

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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- A Call For Change Collection -. Our vision is to make people Think Twice about the information they are given in the media. To educate individuals to think freely. . The Problem. Everyone wants to know the truth and help change the world, so what’s stopping them?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


- A Call For Change Collection -

Our vision is to make people Think Twice about the information they are given in the media. To educate individuals to think freely.

The Problem

Everyone wants to know the truth and help change the world, so what’s stopping them?

News outlets and providers often lack;

Factual Information

About AStory


Opinions orDebate

A Positive Call For Change

The Solution

Entice users to research individually & think freely.

Our product will;

Spark A Thirst For


Create Passion & Tenacity

Call To Change Certain Issues

The How

How did we get to where we are today & where do we go from here?

The Idea The Creation The Future

“Be the Change you wish to see in the world”

Mahatma Gandhi

The Product

A collection of posters, entitled; A Call For Change collection.

“The best things in life are for Free”

Proverb – Origin Unknown

The Site

Think Twice Media website, which will be the home to even more inspiring collections in future.

The Big Question

Would it work?

Think Differently Challenge Society Entirely Free Eye Catching

In a word; yes.

Thank You For Your Time.Any Questions?

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