癌症病人術後物理治療 賴忠駿

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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Post-surgical physical therapy

in patients with cancer





General intervention in post surgical


Specific approach in different type of cancer

◦ Breast cancer

◦ Head & Neck cancer

◦ Lung cancer

◦ Gastrointestinal tumor

◦ Neurological tumor

◦ Musculoskeletal tumor

2013/1/2 2

Goal of surgery

Debulking a tumor

Diagnosing a tumor (biopsy)

Removing precancerous lesion

Resecting a tumor

Correction of life-threatening conditions caused by



2013/1/2 3

Post-surgical complication

Cardiopulmonary complications

◦ Restriction of lung capacities

◦ Atelectasis

◦ Airway clearance ↓

◦ Infection

Other complications

◦ Muscle wasting

◦ Deconditioned status

◦ Malnutrition

2013/1/2 4

2013/1/2 5 (Frownfelter D. 2006)

Common rehabilitation themes

post surgical patients Early mobilization

Pulmonary hygiene

Gait training

Training in ADLs

2013/1/2 6

(Malone DJ, editors. Physical therapy in acute care:

A clinician’s guide 2006)

Early mobilization & pulmonary hygiene

Prevention of further immobility-related


◦ Pneumonia

◦ Ileus

◦ Deep vein thrombosis

◦ Loss of lean body mass

Pulmonary hygiene

◦ Splinted coughing

◦ Diaphragmatic & deep breathing exercise

◦ Postural education → prevent post-OP

pulmonary complication

2013/1/2 7

Gait & ADLs training

Specific indication

◦ Status post amputation

◦ Weight bearing restriction

◦ Pain → limiting functional mobility

◦ Fatigue→ impeding mobility

2013/1/2 8

Physical activity post cancer treatment

Beneficial effects of physical activity

◦ Optimize recovery of physical functioning and

quality of life

◦ Manage any chronic and late-appearing effects

of treatment

Fatigue, lymphedema, fat gain, bone loss

◦ Reduce the likelihood of disease recurrence

◦ Reduce the likelihood of developing other chronic


Osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes

2013/1/2 9

(Courneya KS, editors. Physical activity and cancer. 2011)

Breast cancer

Various surgical method

◦ Sentinel node biopsy→ full axillary dissection

◦ Lumpectomy or partial mastectomy

◦ Mastectomy: remove breast tissue

Simple mastectomy

Modified radical mastectomy (MRM)

Skin-sparing mastectomy

Radical mastectomy

2013/1/2 10

Physical sequelae of treatment

Shoulder mobility and strength ↓

◦ Cording

◦ Stiffness in the tissue

◦ Pain

Pain and numbness

◦ Post-surgical pain → complex chronic pain

◦ Post-mastectomy neuritis

◦ 20% at 6 months (Versus et al, 2001);

◦ 25% at 6 months, 29% at 1 year (Karki et al, 2005)

61% Internal rotation

41% Abduction

34% External rotation

33% Flexion

2013/1/2 11

(Joansson et al, 2001)

Physical sequelae of treatment

Peripheral neuropathy

◦ Side-effect of C/T, surgery, spinal cord compression,


◦ Demyelination of the nerve fibers

◦ Impact on mobility, dexterity, pain, hand function

◦ Symptoms

Parasthesias, hyperarsthesias, clumsiness, loss of


Weakness and atrophy of intrinsic and extrinsic muscle

Loss of palmar aches and decrease ROM of hand joints

2013/1/2 12

Physical sequelae of treatment

Scar formation


◦ Obstruction of the lymphatic vessels

◦ Accumulation of lymph fluid In the tissue

Abnormal posture (Karki at al, 2005)

◦ Prolonged protraction of the shoulder

◦ Tightness of the pectoral major muscles

2013/1/2 13

Pre-breast surgery

Identification of risk factor for post-OP

◦ Neurological/ musculoskeletal problems

◦ Psychological problems

◦ Respiratory disorders

Specific & relevant information and advice

2013/1/2 14

Post-breast surgery

Progressive shoulder ROM program

◦ All plane of motion

◦ Flexion/ extension/ abduction/ adduction/ rotation

Posture exercise

◦ Pectoralis stretching

◦ Strengthening of posterior shoulder musculature

Lymphedema education

Post surgical education

◦ Avoid splint their arm

◦ Avoid repetitive motions

◦ Avoid heavy lifting the first few weeks

2013/1/2 15

Breast reconstruction

Breast reconstruction

◦ Implants

◦ Transverse rectus abdominus myocutaneous flaps (TRAM)

Post reconstruction

◦ Round shoulders, pectoralis tightness, weakness of

scapular musculature

◦ Pectoralis spasm

◦ Give gentle exercise: avoid posture changes

◦ Rigorous stretching program is not indicated

◦ Mobility and lifting is limited

Maintain health donor and recipient site

2013/1/2 16

Complications after breast


2013/1/2 17

(McNeely ML, 2012)

After breast reconstruction

Acute care role

◦ Teaching proper body mechanisms within this

limitation prescribed

◦ Transfer and bed mobility techniques

◦ Lymphedema precaution

After flap healing

◦ Common consequences

Breast and trunk lymphedema, shoulder adhesive capsulitis,

poor posture, low back pain

◦ PT interventions

Back stability program, shoulder ROM strengthening,

myofascial techniques, joint mobilization, body mechanics


2013/1/2 18

Procedure and Restriction

2013/1/2 19

(Stubblefield MD, editors. Cancer rehabilitation: Principles and practice. 2009)

Exercise after surgery

2013/1/2 20

(Stubblefield MD, editors. Cancer rehabilitation: Principles and practice. 2009)

Exercise after surgery

2013/1/2 21

Delayed vs. immediate exercise

following surgery – seroma incidence

2013/1/2 22

(Shamley DR, 2005)

2013/1/2 23

Delayed vs. immediate exercise

following surgery – drainage volume and

hospital stay

(Shamley DR, 2005)

Head and Neck cancer


◦ Nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oral cavity,

hypopharynx, larynx

Complication after treatment

◦ Dysfunction in mobility, speech

◦ Dysfunction of the eat and swallow ability

◦ Cause emotional and interpersonal distress

2013/1/2 24

Surgery of head & neck cancer


◦ Radical neck dissection

Used for large metastatic tumors and large

palpable nodes

◦ Modified radical neck dissection

Remove SCM and lymph nodes

Preservation of spinal accessory nerves

◦ Selective neck dissection

Remove the mass and any lymph nodes

2013/1/2 25

Common problems

Poor posture

◦ Forward head, round shoulders, neck rotation

due to pain,

◦ Tracheostomy, fear of damaging the surgical site

Alter the venous and lymphatic drainage


Head & neck lymphedema

Exacerbate any shoulder dysfunction

Decrease the ability to clear secretions

2013/1/2 26

Other common problems

Severe skin and soft tissue reaction of the

neck, limited ROM of neck

Decreased jaw ROM

Formation of copious amounts of sputum


Impaired communication


2013/1/2 27

Post surgical care

Acute rehabilitation focus on

◦ Cervical ROM, posture

◦ Shoulder function, scapular kinematics

◦ Cough technique, lymphedema education


◦ Caution: allow for proper wound healing

◦ Shoulder flexion≦90°

◦ Conservative cervical ROM (post op day 6)

2013/1/2 28

General approach

Neck and shoulder exercise

◦ Maintain all neck and shoulder movement

◦ As skin healed: more aggressive exercise

Active jaw exercise

Postural exercise

◦ Pectoralis stretching

◦ Trapezius & rhomboid strengthening

Lymphedema education

2013/1/2 29

General approach

Chest PT

◦ Active cycle breathing techniques

◦ Autogenic drainage

◦ Assistive cough

Progressed functional training

◦ Daily mobilization

◦ Bed exercise

◦ Ambulation, gait correction

◦ Practice steps/ stairs pre-discharge

2013/1/2 30

Effect of deep breathing exercise on


2013/1/2 31

(Genc A, 2008)

A patient with oropharyngeal cancer

s/p surgery and tracheostomy

2013/1/2 32

Oropharyngeal cancer s/p wide excision,

bilateral modified radical neck dissection and


2013/1/2 33

A patient with left lower gingiva cancer s/p

wide excision and modified redical neck


2013/1/2 34

Remove spinal accessory nerve

Abnormal scapulohumeral rhythm

Musculoskeletal abnormalities

◦ Trapezius atrophy

◦ Shoulder flexion and abduction< 90°

◦ Pain with shoulder flexion and abduction

◦ Scapular wining and downward rotation

◦ Scapular protraction and depression

◦ Subluxation of the humeral head

Levartor scapular, rhomboid strained

Capsular tightness and chronic pain

2013/1/2 35

Remove spinal accessory nerve

2013/1/2 36

(Malone DJ, editors.

Physical therapy in acute

care. 2006)

Remove spinal accessory nerve

Specific approach after SAN remove

◦ Education: supporting the arm during

sitting and standing activities

◦ Positioning

◦ Training rhomboids to assist stability of


2013/1/2 37

Head and Neck reconstruction

Osteocutaneous/ mycutaneous


◦ Pectoralis flap

With SAN damage: loss both post. and ant. stabilization

of shoulders

◦ Fibular flap

Reconstruct the mandible

◦ Radical forearm flap

Replace skin on the face

Reconstruction of the oral pharynx

2013/1/2 38

Intervention after reconstruction Pectoralis flap Fibular flap Radial forearm flap

Acute Postural training

Cervical ROM


4~7 days

•Transfer technique

•Bed mobility

•Pulmonary hygiene

•Avoid weight

bearing through the

donor site during

transfers and ADLs

•Shoulder ROM <90° until drains removed



Wound healing


Scapular retraction

and latissimus

strengthening for

posterior stability

Weight bearing





•Verbal feedback to

avoid compensatory

gait deviation 2013/1/2 39

Progressive resistance training

improve shoulder dysfunction

2013/1/2 40 (Carvalho APV, 2012)

Lung cancer

Two groups of lung cancer

◦ Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, large cell


◦ Small-cell-lung cancer (SCLC)

High growth rate, worse prognosis

Symptoms of lung cancer

◦ Cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheezing

◦ Invasion of the brachial plexus: shoulder pain and


2013/1/2 41

General intervention in lung cancer

Physical therapy intervention

◦ Posture correction

◦ Breathing facilitation technique

◦ Conditioning of the musculature system

◦ If metastatic disease

Gait training, pain control, cognitive rehabilitation

Acute care

◦ Symmetrical movement of the thoracic cage

◦ Splinted coughing

◦ Shoulder ROM

◦ Pacing & energy conservation techniques education

2013/1/2 42

Surgery of lung cancer

Types of surgery (early stage: I~IIIA)

◦ Wedge resection

◦ Segmentectomy

◦ Lobectomy

◦ Bilobectomy

◦ Pneumonectomy

2013/1/2 43

Prior to surgical resection

Selection of the patient

◦ General and pulmonary-specific evaluation

◦ Symptom limited cardiopulmonary exercise test

Independent predictor of surgical complication rate

Pre-surgery exercise training

◦ VO2peak improve

◦ Lower perisurgical complication

◦ Improve postsurgical recovery

2013/1/2 44

(Courneya KS, editors. Physical activity and cancer. 2011)

Pre-surgical exercise training

2013/1/2 45

(Courneya KS, editors. Physical activity and cancer. 2011)

Pre-surgical exercise training

2013/1/2 46

(Jones at al, 2007)

Post-surgical complication

Postoperative morbidity is considerable

◦ Reduction in VO2peak 30% up to 3 years (Bolliger et al, 1996; Nagamatsu et al, 2007)

◦ Reduce ventilatory capacity and reserve

◦ Deconditioned

◦ Present concomitant cardiovascular disease

2013/1/2 47

Post-surgical care

Identify any risk factors

◦ Smoking, obesity, age

Review complete blood counts (CBC)

◦ Raised WBC → infection

◦ Reduced RBC → breathlessness

◦ Low platelet count → precaution while

prescribing exercise

2013/1/2 48

Post-surgical intervention

Chest PT

◦ Positioning

◦ Breathing exercise

◦ Chest clearance techniques

◦ Supported cough

Aerobic exercise training and early ambulation

Functional training

Shoulder ROM exercise

Pain control

Breathlessness and relaxation technique

2013/1/2 49

Post-surgical exercise training

2013/1/2 50 (Courneya KS, editors. Physical activity and cancer. 2011)

Post-surgical exercise training

2013/1/2 51

(Jones et al, 2008)

Gastrointestinal tumors

Types of gastrointestinal tumors

◦ Upper GI cancer

Esophagus/ Gastric/ liver/ pancreas

Cancer incidence of upper GI

◦ Lower GI cancer

Small intestine/ colon/ rectum

2013/1/2 52

Common problem of GI cancer

Significant physical impact on the patient

◦ Malnutrition: up to 85% patients

◦ Weight loss, deconditioning and fatigue

◦ Anxiety, reduce independence

◦ Loss of role in family

◦ Change with body image, tube feeding, stoma


2013/1/2 53

Clinical presentation of GI cancers

Upper GI cancers

Lower GI cancers

2013/1/2 54 (Rankin J, editors. Rehabilitation in cancer care 2008.)

Types of surgery

Upper GI cancers

◦ Oesophagectomy

◦ Radical gastric resection

Lower GI cancers (80%)

◦ Local excision

◦ Resection followed by anastomosis

◦ ileostomy

◦ Colotsomy

◦ With stoma formation

2013/1/2 55


Post-surgical complication

Increase pulmonary complication

◦ 50% patients (McCulloch et al, 2003)

◦ Pre-OP: FEV1 reduced 20% predicted value

◦ Upper abdominal/ thoracic surgery

Large decrease in lung volume

◦ Functional residual capacity ↓ 30%

◦ Remain for several days

Impaired mucociliary action →

◦ Small airway closure

◦ Ventilation/perfusion mismatch

◦ Impaired gas exchange

2013/1/2 56

Pre-surgical intervention

↓sputum retention, maximising lung volume

◦ Prophylactic deep-breathing exercise

◦ Supported expectoration techniques

◦ Early mobilization

◦ Adequate functional pain control

◦ Incentive spirometry

2013/1/2 57

Post-surgical intervention

Upper GI cancers

Prevent complication & progressive exercise

◦ Deep-breathing exercise

◦ Supported coughing

◦ Incentive spirometry

◦ Early mobilization

◦ Shoulder exercise

Lower GI cancers

Lower incidence of pulmonary complications

◦ Independent exercises

◦ Encourage gradual return to normal function

2013/1/2 58

Following an oseophagectomy

2013/1/2 59

(Rankin J, editors.

Rehabilitation in cancer care


Exercise Caution

High anastomosis associated with an


◦ Head-down postural drainage

◦ Suction via oropharyngeal/ nasopharyngeal airway

◦ Positive pressure technique

(Aston T et al, multi-professional management of gastrointestinal tumors)

2013/1/2 60

Post-surgical long term exercise

2013/1/2 61

(Courneya KS, editors. Physical activity and cancer. 2011)

Neurological tumors

Brain tumor ◦ Primary: <2 % of all cancers



◦ Secondary: up to 50 % of all intercranial tumors

Primary spinal tumors

◦ Extramedulary tumor

Schwannomas, meningiomas, gliomas

◦ Intramedullary tumor

2013/1/2 62

Characteristics of brain tumor

2013/1/2 63

Signs & symptoms

Complex physical, cognitive, psychosocial


◦ ↑ intercranial pressure

◦ Local tumor invasion

◦ Hydrocephalus

◦ Cerebral ischemia

◦ Non-specific headache

◦ Specific depends on the site and size of lesion

2013/1/2 64

Common problem of brain tumors

2013/1/2 65 (Rankin J, editors. Rehabilitation in cancer care 2008.)

Intracranial neurosurgical

procedure Low-grade tumor

◦ May surgical intervention until symptoms appear

◦ May elective surgery to ↓ “ticking time bomb”

High-grade tumor

◦ Rapidly deteriorating symptoms→ emergency


Types of surgery

◦ Craniostomy

◦ Craniectomy (decompression)

◦ Cranioplasty (3~6 months after craniectomy)

2013/1/2 66

Intervention post brain surgery

Primary aims

◦ Maintain or improve mobility/ function

◦ Improve strength and ROM

◦ Prevent contracture and deformities

◦ Optimise safety

Treatment technique

◦ Progressive exercise program

◦ Balance training

◦ Gait re-education

◦ Transfer practice and assistive device education

2013/1/2 67

Early rehabilitation post surgery

2013/1/2 68

(Bartolo M, 2012)

Primary spinal tumor

Low grade tumors

◦ Intervention mimics the patients of spinal injury

High grade tumor

◦ Deteriorate rapidly

◦ Need immediate intervention

Malignant spinal cord compression

◦ Compression of spinal cord or cauda equina

◦ Need urgent investigation and immediate


2013/1/2 69

Relative risk for MSCC

Metastatic compression lesion

◦ 70% thoracic spine

◦ 20% lumbar spine

◦ 10% cervical region

2013/1/2 70

(Rankin J editors. Rehabilitation in cancer care. 2008)

Spinal neurosurgical procedure

Aim of surgery

◦ Decompression of the spinal cord

◦ Excision of tumor bulk

Types of surgery

◦ Disectomy

◦ Laminectomy

◦ Microdisectomy

◦ Foraminotomy

2013/1/2 71

Passive intervention after surgery

Immobilize phase

◦ Appropriate handling and positioning

◦ Prevent prolonged bed rest complication

Improve respiratory function

Prevent circulatory complication

Stokings, passive movements, calf massage

Pumping exercise

2013/1/2 72

Active intervention after surgery

When spinal condition is stable

◦ Clinical signs & symptoms relieved

◦ Head up to 45°without increase in symptoms

◦ Transfer and mobility with equipment

◦ Problem solving approach

Washing, dressing, bathing

Coping with compensation strategy

Assistive device prescription

2013/1/2 73

Physical intervention for MSCC patient

2013/1/2 74 (Rankin J editors. Rehabilitation in cancer care. 2008)

Musculoskeletal tumor

Types of musculoskeletal tumors

◦ Primary bone tumor



◦ Bone metastasis

Types of surgery

◦ Amputation

◦ Limb salvage surgery

Resection of tumor without replacement

Endoprosthetic replacement (75% of the patients)


Autografts or allografts

2013/1/2 75

Pre- and post-surgical management


◦ Mobilize with PWB or NWB depending on extent

bone destruction

◦ Maintenance of ROM and strength


◦ Restore muscle strength, ROM

◦ Balance exercise, gait re-education

◦ Full weight-bearing (tolerate weight bearing) with

prosthesis keep knee extension

2013/1/2 76

General protocols of osteosarcoma

Presurgical phase Acute

postsurgical phase


postsurgical phase


subsurgical phase

0~2 weeks 2~6 weeks >6 weeks

• Correct

limitations or

improve current


• Identify needs

from other


• Identify realistic


treatment goals

• Minimal

assistance to


independence in



• Maximum

protection of

affected joint/


• Begin to wean off

assistive device

• Restore full range

of motion

• Progressive

resistance training

• Progressive gait


• Restoration of

joint stability and


• Advancing

strength and



• Incoporating


functional training

2013/1/2 77

(Punzalan M, 2009)

Physical therapy after LE surgery

2013/1/2 78

(Punzalan M, 2009)

POD 1~3 Days to 1 month

Distal Femur Proximal Tibia

Falling risk

Bed exercise

Ambulation with tolerated weight bearing

knee locked at 0° with brace

ROM exercise begin after

Post-op 1 week,

progress to 90° slowly.

Knee locked at 0° with

brace for 1 month

No ROM exercise!!

2013/1/2 79

Distal Femur Proximal Tibia

Brace Using for

1 year with

no restriction of

knee motion

Using for 6 months with

90° restriction, then,

6-12 months with no




6 months, depends on strength




3 month: 140° Post-op 6 month: 90° then, progress slowly

to 120° in 3months.



1.SLR exercise with knee locked at 0° 2. Functional Electric Stimulation for


Post-OP to 6 months

2013/1/2 80

Post-OP quadriceps setting

2013/1/2 81

Post-OP hip abduction/adduction

2013/1/2 82

Post-OP / OPD follow-up

4-phase straight-leg-raising

平躺抬腿 側躺抬腿



2013/1/2 83

OPD follow-up

Active knee flexion

Passive knee extension

2013/1/2 84

OPD follow-up

承重訓練 穩定訓練

2013/1/2 85


Physical therapy in pre-/ post- surgical

cancer patients

◦ Early intervention and monitoring can ameliorate

the negative effects

◦ Prevention and restoration of impairments and

functional limitation

◦ Familiar with treatment strategies and side

effects to provide quality, appropriate


2013/1/2 86


Packel L. Oncological diseases and disorders. In Malone DJ,

Lindsay KLB. Physical therapy in acute care: A clinician’s guide.

Thorofare, NJ: Slack; 2006, 503-544.

Rankin J, Robb K, Murtagh N, Cooper J and Lewis S, editors.

Rehabilitation in cancer care. Chichester UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.

Courneya KS, Friedenreich CM, editors. Physical activity and cancer.

Heidelberg: Springer, 2011.

Stubblefield MD, O’Dell MW, editors. Cancer rehabilitation:

Principles and practice. New York: Demos Medical. 2009

Frownfelter D, Dean E. Cardiovascular and pulmonary physical

therapy: evidence and practice. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby/Elsevier. 2006.

Raven RW, editors. A practical guide to rehabilitation oncology.

Carnforth, Lancs, UK; Park Ridge, N.J., USA: Parthenon Pub. Group.


2013/1/2 87


McNeely ML, Binkley JM, Pusic AL, Campbell KL, Gabram S, Soballe PW. A

Prospective Model of Care for Breast Cancer Rehabilitation: Postoperative

and Postreconstructive Issues. Cancer 2012;118:2226-36.

Shamley DR, Barker K, Simonite V, Beardshaw A. Delayed versus immediate

exercises following surgery for breast cancer: A systematic review. Breast

Cancer Res Treat 2005;90:263-71.

Genc A, Ikiz AO, Guneri EA, Gumerli A. Effect of deep breathing exercises on

oxygenation after major head and neck surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.


Garvalho APV, Vital FMR, Soares BGO. Exercise interventions for shoulder

dysfunction in patients treated for head and neck cancers. Cochrane

Database Syst Rev 2012;18:CD008693.

Bartolo M, Zucchella C, Pace A, Lanzatta G, Vecchione C, BartoloM, et al.

Early rehabilitation after surgery improves functional outcome in inpatients

with brain tumours. J Neurooncol 2012;107:537-44.

Punzalan M, Hyden G. The role of physical therapy and occupational therapy

in the rehabilitation of pediatric and adolescent patietns with osteosarcoma.

Cancer Treat Res 2009;152:367-84.

2013/1/2 88

Thanks for your listening!!

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