amit ermav , navneet k sharma and anirban pathak · amit ermav 1, navneet k sharma 2 and anirban...

|ni |αi |p, M i = M n=0 B M n |ni = M X n=0 q M C n p n (1 - p) M-n |ni 0 p 1. p 0 p 1 |0,M i = |0i |1,M i = |M i M →∞,p 1 α |α, mi = a m |αi ha m a m i , ` i.e. |B M n | 2 ´ arXiv:0706.0697v1 [quant-ph] 5 Jun 2007

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Page 1: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

Higher order antibunching in intermediate states

Amit Verma1, Navneet K Sharma2 and Anirban Pathak3

Department of Physics, JIIT University, A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307, India.


Since the introduction of binomial state as an intermediate state, di�erent intermediate stateshave been proposed. Di�erent nonclassical e�ects have also been reported in these intermediatestates. But till now higher order antibunching or higher order subpoissonian photon statisticsis predicted only in one type of intermediate state, namely shadowed negative binomial state.Recently we have shown the existence of higher order antibunching in some simple nonlinearoptical processes to establish that higher order antibunching is not a rare phenomenon (J. Phys.B 39 (2006) 1137). To establish our earlier claim further, here we have shown that the higherorder antibunching can be seen in di�erent intermediate states, such as binomial state, reciprocalbinomial state, hypergeometric state, generalized binomial state, negative binomial state andphoton added coherent state. We have studied the possibility of observing the higher ordersubpoissonian photon statistics in di�erent limits of intermediate states. The e�ect of di�erentcontrol parameters have also been studied in this connection and it has been shown that thedepth of nonclassicality can be tuned by controlling various physical parameters.

1 Introduction

An intermediate state is a quantum state which reduces to two or more distinguishably di�erent states(normally, distinguishable in terms of photon number distribution) in di�erent limits. In 1985, such a statewas �rst time introduced by Stoler et al. [1]. To be precise, they introduced Binomial state (BS) as a statewhich is intermediate between the most nonclassical number state |n〉 and the most classical coherent state|α〉. They de�ned BS as

|p,M〉 =∑Mn=0 BMn |n〉 =


√MCnpn(1− p)M−n|n〉 0 ≤ p ≤ 1. (1)

This state4 is called intermediate state as it reduces to number state in the limit p → 0 and p → 1 (as|0,M〉 = |0〉 and |1,M〉 = |M〉) and in the limit of M →∞, p→ 1, where α is a real constant, it reduces toa coherent state with real amplitude. Since the introduction of BS as an intermediate state, it was alwaysbeen of interest to quantum optics, nonlinear optics, atomic physics and molecular physics community.Consequently, di�erent properties of binomial states have been studied [2-7]. In these studies it has beenobserved that the nonclassical phenomena (such as, antibunching, squeezing and higher order squeezing)can be seen in BS. This trend of search for nonclassicality in Binomial state, continued in nineties. In onehand, several versions of generalized BS have been proposed [3-5] and in the other hand, people went beyondbinomial states and proposed several other form of intermediate states (such as, excited binomial state[6], odd excited binomial state [7], hypergeometric state [8], negative hypergeometric state [9], reciprocalbinomial state [10], shadowed state [11], shadowed negative binomial state [12] and photon added coherentstate [13] etc.). The studies in the nineties were mainly limited to theoretical predictions but the recentdevelopments in the experimental techniques made it possible to verify some of those theoretical predictions.For example, we can note that, as early as in 1991 Agarwal and Tara [13] had introduced photon addedcoherent state as

|α,m〉 =a†m|α〉〈ama†m〉

, (2)

[email protected]@[email protected] state is named as binomial state because the photon number distribution associated with this state

`i.e. |BM

n |2´is

simply a binomial distribution.






v1 [



] 5




Page 2: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

(where m is an integer and |α〉 is coherent state) but the experimental generation of the state has happenedonly in recent past when Zavatta, Viciani and Bellini [14] succeed to produce it in 2004. It is easy toobserve that (2) represents an intermediate state, since it reduces to coherent state in the limit m→ 0 andto number state in the limit α → 0. This state can be viewed as a coherent state in which additional mphoton are added. The photon number distribution of all the above mentioned states are di�erent but allthese states belong to a common family of states called intermediate state. It has also been found that mostof these intermediate states show antibunching, squeezing, higher order squeezing, subpoissonian photonstatistics etc. but higher order antibunching has been reported only in shadowed negative binomial state[12]. Inspired by these observations, many schemes to generate intermediate states have been proposed inrecent past [14-17].

The reason behind the study of nonclassical properties of intermediate states lies in the fact that the mostof the interesting recent developments in quantum optics have arisen through the nonclassical properties ofthe radiation �eld only. For example, antibunching and squeezing, which do not have any classical analogue[18-20], have extensively been studied in last thirty years. But the majority of these studies are focusedon lowest order nonclassical e�ects. Higher order extensions of these nonclassical states have only beenintroduced in recent past [21-24]. Among these higher order nonclassical e�ects, higher order squeezing hasalready been studied in detail [21, 22, 25, 26] but the higher order antibunching (HOA) is not yet studiedrigourously.

The idea of HOA was introduced by Lee in a pioneering paper [23] in 1990, since then it has beenpredicted in two photon coherent state [23], shadowed negative binomial state [12], trio coherent state [27]and in the interaction of intense laser beam with an inversion symmetric third order nonlinear medium [28].From the fact that in �rst 15 years after its introduction, HOA was reported only in some particular cases,HOA appeared to be a very rare phenomenon. But recently we have shown that the HOA is not a rarephenomenon [29] and it can be seen in simple optical processes like six wave mixing process, four wavemixing process and second harmonic generation. To establish that further, here we have shown the existenceof HOA in di�erent intermediate states, namely, binomial state, reciprocal binomial state, photon addedcoherent state, hypergeometric state, Roy-Roy generalized binomial state and negative binomial state.

The present work is motivated by the recent experimental observation of intermediate state [14], theo-retical observation of possibility of observing HOA in some simple optical systems [29] and the fact that theintermediate states, which frequently show di�erent kind of nonclassicality, form a big family of quantumstate. But till now HOA has been predicted only in one member (Shadowed negative binomial state) of sucha big family of quantum states [12]. Motivated by these facts the present work aims to study the possibilityof HOA in all the popularly known intermediate states. The theoretical predictions of the present studycan be experimentally veri�ed with the help of various intermediate state generation schemes and homodyneexperiment, since the criteria for HOA appears in terms of factorial moment, which can be measured by usinghomodyne photon counting experiments [30-33]. In the next section we have brie�y described the criteriaof HOA. In section 3 we have shown that the HOA of any arbitrary order can be seen in BS. In section 4,Roy-Roy generalized binomial state [4] is studied and existence of HOA is predicted. Calculational detailsand methodology have been shown only in algebraically simple cases which are described in section 3 and 4.Section 5 is divided in several subsections and we have followed the same procedure and have studied thepossibilities of observing HOA in di�erent intermediate states namely, reciprocal binomial state, negativebinomial state, hypergeometric states and photon added coherent state. One subsection is dedicated for thediscussion of one particular intermediate state. Finally section 6 is dedicated to conclusions.

2 Criteria of HOA

The criterion of HOA is expressed in terms of higher order factorial moments of number operator. There existseveral criterion for the same which are essentially equivalent. Initially, using the negativity of P function[18], Lee introduced the criterion for HOA as

R(l,m) =









⟩ − 1 < 0, (3)


Page 3: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

where N is the usual number operator,⟨N (i)

⟩= 〈N(N − 1)...(N − i+ 1)〉 is the ith factorial moment of

number operator, 〈〉 denotes the quantum average, l and m are integers satisfying the conditions 1 ≤ m ≤ land the subscript x denotes a particular mode. Ba An [27] choose m = 1 and reduced the criterion of lthorder antibunching to

Ax,l =






− 1 < 0 (4)

or, ⟨N (l+1)x

⟩<⟨N (l)x

⟩〈Nx〉 . (5)

Physically, a state which is antibunched in lth order has to be antibunched in (l− 1)th order. Therefore, wecan further simplify (5) as⟨

N (l+1)x

⟩<⟨N (l)x

⟩〈Nx〉 <

⟨N (l−1)x

⟩〈Nx〉2 <

⟨N (l−2)x

⟩〈Nx〉3 < ... < 〈Nx〉l+1


and obtain the condition for l − th order antibunching as

d(l) =⟨N (l+1)x

⟩− 〈Nx〉l+1

< 0. (7)

This simpli�ed criterion (7) coincides exactly with the physical criterion of HOA introduced by Pathakand Garica [28] and the criterion of Erenso, Vyas and Singh [34], recently Vogel has reported a class ofnonclassicality conditions based on higher order factorial moments [35]. All these criteria essentially lead tosame kind of nonclassicality which belong to the class of strong nonclassicality according to the classi�cationscheme of Arvind et al [36]. Here we can note that d(l) = 0 and d(l) > 0 corresponds to higher ordercoherence and higher order bunching (many photon bunching) respectively. Actually,


⟩=⟨N (l)


a measure of the probability of observing l photons of the same mode at a particular point in space timecoordinate. Therefore the physical meaning of inequalities (6) is that the probability of detection of singlephoton pulse is greater than that of a two photon in a bunch and that is greater than the probability ofdetection of three photon in a bunch and so on. This is exactly the characteristic that is required in aprobabilistic single photon source used in quantum cryptography. In other words all the probabilistic singlephoton sources used in quantum cryptography should satisfy the criteria (7) of HOA [37].

3 Binomial State

Binomial state is originally de�ned as (1), from which it is straight forward to see that

a|p,M〉 =∑Mn=0

{M !

(n−1)!(M−n)!pn(1− p)M−n

} 12 |n− 1 >



l+1(1− p)M−1−l} 1

2 |l > (assuming n− 1 = l)

= [Mp]12∑M−1l=0


l!(M−1−l)!pl(1− p)M−1−l

} 12 |l >

= [Mp]12 |p,M − 1〉.


Similarly, we can write,

a2|p,M〉 = [M(M − 1)p2]12 |p,M − 2〉

a3|p,M〉 = [M(M − 1)(M − 2)p3]12 |p,M − 3〉



al|p,M〉 = [M(M − 1)....(M − l + 1)pl]12 |p,M − l〉


M !(M−l)!p

l] 1

2 |M − l, p〉.



〈M,p|a†l = 〈M − l, p|[

M !(M − l)!

pl] 1




Page 4: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

and consequently,

〈M,p|n(l)|p,M〉 = 〈M,p|a†lal|p,M〉 =[

M !(M − l)!

pl]. (11)

Now substituting (11) in equation (7) we obtain the condition for lth order antibunching as

d(l) =[

M !(M − l − 1)!


]− [Mp]l+1 < 0 (12)

or,(M − 1)(M − 2)....(M − l) < M l (13)

which is always satis�ed for any M > l and both M and l are positive (since every term in left is < M). AsM is the number of photons present in the �eld and d(l) is a measure of correlation among (l+ 1) photons,therefore M ≥ (l+ 1) or M > l. Consequently, a binomial state always shows HOA and the highest possibleorder of antibunching that can be seen in a binomial state is equal to M − 1, where M is the number ofphoton present in the �eld. From (12) it is straight forward to see that the number state is always higherorder antibunched and in the other extreme limit (when p → 1, M → ∞ and the BS reduces to coherentstate) d(l) = 0, which is consistent with the physical expectation.

4 Generalized Binomial State

We have already mentioned that there are di�erent form of generalized binomial states [3-5]. For the presentstudy we have chosen generalized binomial state introduced by Roy and Roy [4]. They have introduced thegeneralized binomial state (GBS) as

|N,α, β〉 =N∑n=o

√ω(n,N, α, β)|n〉 (14)


ω(n,N, α, β) =N !

(α+ β + 2)N(α+ 1)n(β + 1)N−n

n!(N − n)!(15)

with α, β > −1, n = 0, 1, ...., N , and

(a)0 = 1 (a)n = a(a+ 1)....(a+ n− 1) . (16)

This intermediate state reduces to vacuum state, number state, coherent state, binomial state and negativebinomial state in di�erent limits of α, β and N . In order to obtain an analytic expression of d(l) for thisparticular generalized binomial state we need to prove following useful identity:


a(a+ 1)n = (a)n+1 (17)

Proof: Using (16) we can write

(a+ 1)n = (a+ 1)...(a+ n) =a(a+ 1)...(a+ n)




Therefore,a(a+ 1)n = (a)n+1.

Now it is easy to see that the above identity (17) yields the following useful relations:

(α+ 1)l+1 = (α+ 1)(α+ 2)l (18)

and(α+ β + 2)N = (α+ β + 2)(α+ β + 3)N−1 = (α+ β + 2)(α+ 2 + β + 1)N−1. (19)


Page 5: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

Using (14) and (15) we can obtain

a|N,α, β〉 =∑Nn=0

{N !





} 12 |n− 1〉







} 12 |l〉

, (20)

where n = l − 1 has been used. Now we can apply (18) and (19) on (20) to obtain

a|N,α, β〉 ={N(α+1)(α+β+2)

} 12 ∑N−1




} 12 |l〉


} 12 ∑N−1


√ω(n,N − 1, α+ 1, β)|n〉,


where dummy variable l is replaced by n. Therefore,

〈N,α, β|a†a|N,α, β〉 = N(α+1)(α+β+2)

〈N,α, β|a†2a2|N,α, β〉 = N(N−1)(α+1)(α+2)(α+β+2)(α+β+3)



〈N,α, β|a†lal|N,α, β〉 = [N(N−1).....(N−l+1)][(α+1)(α+2).....(α+l)](α+β+2)(α+β+3).....(α+β+l+1)

= N !(α+l)!(α+β+1)!(N−l)!α!(α+β+l+1)!


dGBS(l) = N !(α+l+1)!(α+β+1)!(N−l−1)!α!(α+β+l+2)! −



= [N(N−1).....(N−l)][(α+1)(α+2).....(α+l+1)](α+β+2)(α+β+3).....(α+β+l+2) −


}l+1 (22)

The physical condition N ≥ l + 1 ensures that all the terms in d(l) are positive. The expression of d(l) isquite complex and it depends on various parameters (e.g. α, β and N). Fig 1 shows that for particularvalues of these parameters HOA is possible. As it is expected from the earlier works on the properties ofHOA [28], the depth of nonclassicality is more in case of dGBS(9) than in dGBS(8). This is consistent withearlier observation. A systematic study reveals that the probability of observing HOA increases with theincrease of α but it decreases (i.e the probability of higher order bunching increases) with the increase of β.This can be seen clearly in Fig2 and Fig3. Further it is observed (from Fig1 and Fig2) that for lower valuesof α the probability of bunching increases with the increase of N but for a comparatively large values of α(larger compare to β) the probability of HOA increases with the increase in N [see Fig 2] but the situationis just opposite in the case of β (as it is seen from Fig3).

Figure 1: Higher order antibunching can be seen in Generalized binomial state. Existence of 8th and 9thorder antibunching (for α = 2 and β = 1)and variation of depth of nonclassicality with N has been shown.

While studying di�erent limiting cases of Roy and Roy generalized binomial state, we have observed thatbinomial state and number state always show HOA and d(l) = 0 for coherent state. This is consistent withthe physical expectation and the conclusions of the last section.


Page 6: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

Figure 2: Variation of dGBS(2) with α and N for β=1.

Figure 3: Variation of dGBS(2) with β and N for α=10.

5 Other Intermediate States

As it is mentioned in the earlier sections, there exist several di�erent intermediate states. For the systematicstudy of possibility of observing HOA in intermediate states, we have studied all the well known intermediatestates. Since the procedure followed for the study of di�erent states are similar, mathematical detail has notbeen shown in the subsections below. But from the expression of d(l) and the corresponding plots it wouldbe easy to see that the HOA can be observed in all the intermediate states studied below.

5.1 Reciprocal binomial state

Reciprocal binomial state (RBS) can be de�ned as [10]

|φ〉 =1N




eik(θ−π/2)|k〉 (23)

where N is a normalization constant. Using antinormal ordering and procedure adapted in section 3, we canobtain;

dRBS(l) =l+1∑i=0

(−1)i (l+1)!2

(l+1−i)!2i!(N+(l+1−i )!

N ! −N l+1

= π csc(π(l+N))(l+1)!2Gamma(l+1−N)

M !(Gamma(2+l)Gamma(−N))2−N l+1


Where Gamma denotes the Gamma function. The possibility of observing HOA in reciprocal binomialstate can be clearly seen from the Figure 4. But it is interesting to note that the nature of singularity andzeroes present in the simpli�ed expression of dRBS(l) as expressed in the last line of (24) can provide ussome important information. For example, the underlying mathematical structure of the criterion of HOAand that of reciprocal binomial state demands that l and N be integers but if both of them are integerthen dRBS(l) has a singularity as the csc[π(l +N)] term present in the numerator blows up. But this local


Page 7: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

singularity can be circumvented by assuming l → integer and N → integer. In this situation (i.e. when land N tends to integer value) 〈N (l)〉 is �nite and consequently d(l) is also �nite. This is the reason that thesingular nature of the simpli�ed expression of dRBS(l) is not re�ected in the Figure 4. In the analysis of thedRBS(l) it is also interesting to observe that Gamma(−N) = ∞ for N = integer, and in an approximatedsituation when l → integer and M = integer, the csc[π(l +N)] term in the numerator is no more singularand as a result〈N (l)〉 = 0 and dRBS = −N (l+1). In this situation one can observe HOA for arbitrarily largevalues of l and N . Thus physically, it is expected that in reciprocal binomial state higher order antibunchingof any arbitrary order will be seen and HOA will not be destroyed with the increase of N , as it happens (forsome particular values of α and β) in the case of generalized binomial state (see Figure 1).

Figure 4: Variation of dRBS(8) and dRBS(9) with photon number N

5.2 Negative Binomial State

Following Barnett [38] we can de�ne Negative Binomial state (NBS) as

|η,M〉 =∞∑


Cn(η,M)|n〉 (25)

where Cn(η,M) =[(


)ηM+1(1− η)n−M

]1/2, 0 ≤ η ≤ 1 and M is a non-negative integer. This

intermediate state interpolates between number state and geometric state. Following the mathematicaltechniques adopted in the earlier sections we obtain

dNBS(l) = η−l(

(l +M + 1)! 2F1 (−l − 1,−l − 1;−l −M − 1; η)M !

− (M + 1)l+1



where 2F1(a, b; c; z) is a conventional hypergeometric function. Variation of d(l) with various parameterssuch as η, l andM have been studied and are shown in Figure 5- Figure6. From these �gures one can observethat the state is not always antibunched, rather the plot of dNBS(8) has a very sharp rise near η ≈ .15 andM ≈ 10. From Figure 5 we can observe that the possibility of higher order bunching get destroyed with theincrease of M or η. The second feature has clearly been shown in Figure 6, where we can see that dNBS(8)become positive for a small region for M = 10 but for a bigger region (η ≈ .3 to η = 1) it remains negativeand thus shows the existence of HOA. The broad features remain same for the other orders (other values ofl) of antibunching.

In the limit N → 0 the negative binomial state reduces to geometric state (GS). In this limit dNBS(l)reduces to

dGS(l) =1


((1− η)l+1η(l + 1)!− 1

). (27)

It is interesting to observe that the above expression has a singularity at η = 0 and dGS(l)→ −∞ in the limitη → 0. Consequently one negative values of dGS can be seen at very very small values η but this is not thesignatures of HOA, rather this is the signature of the existence of a strong singularity in the neighborhood.This can further justi�ed by the fact that for any �nite value of l there does not exist any real root, (whose


Page 8: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

Figure 5: Variation of dNBS(8) with η and M

Figure 6: Variation of dNBS(8) with η for M = 10

value is close to zero or which is negligibly small compared to 1) of dGS(l) = 0. Thus there is no oscillationbetween bunching and antibunching. We further observe that dGS(l)→ −1 in the limit η → 1 and for l ≥ 3there exists only one physically acceptable real root of dGS(l) = 0. By physically acceptable real root wemean that it lies in [0, 1]. Before this value of η (or before the physically acceptable real root) the stateshows higher order super poissonian photon statistics but immediately after the root it becomes negativeand thus shows HOA or higher order subpoissonian photon statistics. As we increase l the real root shiftsin right side of the real axis (i.e towards η = 1). It can be clearly seen in the Figure 7. From this �gure itcan be easily seen that it satis�es all the physical properties of HOA derived in [28].

5.3 Photon added coherent state

Photon added coherent state (2) or PACS, which was introduced by Agarwal and Tara [13] can be de�nedas

|α,m〉 =exp(− |α|


2 )√Lm(−|α|2)m!



(m+ n)!n!

|n+m〉 (28)

where Lm(x) is Lauguere polynomial of mth order. Rigorous operator algebra yields

dPACS(l) =exp(−α2)α2l+2((l+m+1)!)2 PFQ({1,2+l+m,2+l+m};{2+l,2+l,m+1};α2)

(m!(l+1)!)2 1F1(−m;1;−α2)


exp(−α2)(−m+m 1F1(1+m;1;α2)+(1+m)α21F1(2+m;2;α2))




where, PFQ is the generalized Hypergeometric function. The analytic expression for dPACS(l) is quitecomplicated and it is di�cult to conclude anything regarding its photon statistics directly from (29) butwe have investigated the variation of dPACS with α, l and m and could not �nd any region which does notshow HOA. Therefore, HOA can be seen in this particular intermediate state. This fact is manifested in Fig8 and Fig 9. From these �gures it is easy to observe that depth of nonclassicality increases monotonically


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Figure 7: Variation of dGS(8), dGS(9) and dGS(10) with respect to η.

with the increase of m and l. The variation of depth of nonclassicality with α has a deep for a smallvalue of α (see Fig 8. and Fig. 9). Although dPACS is always negative, initially its magnitude (dPACS(l)without the negative sign) increases, then decreases and then become a monotonically increasing function.Actually for the smaller values of α, an e�ective contribution from the combination of all the hypergeometricfunctions appears and dominates but as soon as α increases a bit, the exp(−α2) term starts dominatingand as a consequence depth of nonclassicality increases monotonically. Here we would also like to notethat in contrast to the photon added coherent state, d(l) is always positive for the analogous state |α,−m〉,introduced by Sivakumar [39]. Thus |α,−m〉 always shows higher order superpoisonian photon statistics.Further, we would like to note that photon added coherent state which, is intermediate between coherentand fock state has already been experimentally generated in 2004 [14]. Therefore, it is technically feasibleto observe higher order antibunching for an intermediate state.

Figure 8: Variation of dPACS(4) with α and m

5.4 Hypergeometric state

Following [8] hypergeometric state (HS) can be de�ned as

|L,M, η〉 =M∑n=0

HMn (η, L)|n〉 (30)


Page 10: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

Figure 9: Variation of 10dPACS(3) and dPACS(4) with α for m = 15, the solid line denotes dPACS(3) andthe dashed line denotes dPACS(4) to keep show the variation in the same scale dPACS(3) is multiplied by10. The plot shows that depth of nonclassicality of dPACS(4) is always greater than that of dPACS(3) whichis consistent with the properties of HOA

where the probability η is a real parameter satisfying 0 < η < 1. L is a real number satisfying

L ≥ max{Mη−1, M(1− η)−1

}, (31)

HMn (η, L) =


)(L (1− η)M − n

)] 12(


)− 12

, (32)

and (αn

)=α(α− 1)...(α− n+ 1)



)≡ 1. (33)

Here α is not necessarily an integer. Using the techniques adopted in the earlier sections and a bit of operatoralgebra we can obtain a closed form analytic expression for d(l) as

dHS(l) = − (Mη)l+1 +(L− l − 1)!M !(Lη)!

L!(M − l − 1)!(Lη − 1− l)!(34)

From Fig. 10 it is clear that HOA can be observed in hypergeometric state. It is also observed that thedepth of nonclassicality increases with the increase in η and M . Hypergeometric state reduces to binomialstate, coherent state, number state and vacuum state in di�erent limits of M, L and η. It has been veri�edthat if we impose those limits on dHS then we obtain corresponding photon statistics.

6 Conclusions

In essence all the intermediate states studied in the present paper show HOA i.e. higher order subpoissonianphoton statistics. But it neither mean that all the intermediate states are higher order antibunched (forexample |α,−m〉 is always higher order bunched) nor an intermediate state which shows HOA will show itfor all possible values of the control parameters (for example negative binomial state and generalized binomialstate shows both higher order bunching and higher order antibunching for various parametric values). Thuswe can conclude that, as far as HOA is concerned there does not exist any common characteristics among thedi�erent intermediate states but most of them show HOA. Further, we have seen from (Figure1-Figure10)that the depth of nonclassicality of a higher order antibunched state varies with di�erent control parameters(e.g. α, N ,m etc.). These parameters represent some physical quantity and their value may be controlled andconsequently by controlling these parameters we can control the depth of nonclassicality. Photon statistics(factorial moment) of an intermediate state can be obtained experimentally by using homodyne detection(photon counting) technique. These facts along with the recent success in experimental production ofintermediate state open up the possibility of experimental observation of HOA in intermediate state. Thusthe present work strongly establishes the fact that HOA is not a rare phenomenon.

The prescription followed in the present work is easy and straight forward and it can be used to studythe possibilities of observing higher order antibunching in other intermediate states (such as negative hyper


Page 11: Amit ermaV , Navneet K Sharma and Anirban Pathak · Amit ermaV 1, Navneet K Sharma 2 and Anirban Pathak 3 Department of Physics, JIIT Universit,y A-10, Sectror-62, Noida, UP-201307,

Figure 10: Variation of dHS(8) with η and M , when lowest allowed values of L have been chosen at everypoint.

geometric state, excited binomial state and odd excited binomial state) and other physical systems. Thusit opens up the possibility of studying higher order nonclassical e�ects from a new perspective. This isalso important from the application point of view because any probabilistic single photon source used forquantum cryptography has to satisfy the condition for higher order antibunching.

Acknowledgement: AP thanks to DST, India for partial �nancial support through the project grantSR\FTP\PS-13\2004.


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