amanda selfassessment

BECOMING TECHNOLOGY LITERATE. Amanda Cospito Twitte r Tumblr Scribd ail Reader GMAIL

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Self assessment for Technology and the Future module.


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Amanda Cospito

Twitter Tumblr


Gmail ReaderGMAIL

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Once upon a time,

I entered a module called. “Technologies and the Future”, I knew that technology was an important aspect of life. Technology is growing everyday and advancing into new and better things. The many technologies I use in my everyday life is my cell phone, email, camera, and IPod. Without these things I would be lost.

I believed I was literate in technology and that this module wouldn’t be difficult for me.

Yet to my knowledge

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Technology and the Future

I was all wrong! Actually I wasn't literate compared to most of my

fellow classmates. A lot of people have my-space or face-book accounts. I don't have an account with those social networks. I was always skeptical about the privacy and cautious about random people following me. It honestly freaks me out, so I wasn't so happy signing up for a twitter, tumbler, and Gmail account for this module.

My eyes were open to so many new technologies, that I felt ashamed of not knowing these advances when most of my fellow classmates did.

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What did I learn?

Twitter Tumblr Gmail Reader Google docs Scribs Where, when, and why to use all these


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How did I apply these?

Twitter- I blogged about my everyday life and what my tumblr post url. I saw what was going on with my class and classmates.

Tumblr- I used this to do my homework blogging and to check on other students blogs.

Gmail- I used this to check who was following me. Reader- I used this to copy my all my tweets, follow

Mrs. Teston, and was subscribed to the class. Google Docs- I used this for my white paper. Working

on a collaborating paper with other, we could all work and edit our paper from our own houses.

Scribd- where we posted our white paper wonderful source to shorten your links.

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What did I get out of this module?

I learned so many new technologies and how and where to use them

The most important aspect I got out of this class was that I wasn’t uncomfortable anymore. I felt that I overcame the nervousness of random people following me and the creepy men.

I am now more socially connected with others and actually enjoy it.

To understand technology, you need to understand the materials and tools of the technology.

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From readings:

Moore said, "A useful metaphor of technology in regard to technology literacy is to think of technology as a container.”- You need to understand not just technology but how and when to use technology but do be able to do other functions as well.

Moore said, “To be technology literate one must develop an understanding of the technologies one uses, they must know how they function, how they work and how they interrelate.” – You need to understand fully and not just what the technology is but how they work and connect with one another.

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My tweets on Gmail Reader

I just didn’t learn how to tweet but took it further, I learned how to save all my tweets on Google reader, so I can always go back to them.

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My Blogs!

I learned not only how to blog but how to decorate my page.

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bit. ly

Coolest resource to help you shorten your urls. I used this often to post my blogs on twitter.

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My twitter page, I designed the background and added a picture of me! I started tweeting a lot more, once I got the hang of it.

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What did I get out of this?

I got so many new resources to use for socializing with others

Working with others on projects and using Google docs- love this!

Learning how to be updated in life to these advances, maybe will help me help some one else.

There are so many advances happening, that I didn’t know about.

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Happily ever after,I grew as a person in the social network and technologies that are advancing. I learned so much

about technology and what I can do with technology on the computer. There are so many materials and tools needed to know to understand the technology.

Overall, I feel that I grew so much and that I do enjoy twitter and tumblr. I like seeing what’s going on and connecting with others.

I see now what Mrs. Teston was saying about,” finding someone who is in your profession and maybe enjoying what they posted or it helped you.”

I have disliked, struggled, learned, overcame, and grew in technology in this module. I realized during this module is that even though some technology can be bad due to people abusing it, there is so much useful technology out there that I can use.

I believe that in the beginning I was in between uncritically resistant and passive adoption but now I see myself as Receptive to and can articulate accordance's and constraints. As what Moore said, “To be technology literate one must develop an understanding of the technologies one uses, they must know how they function, how they work and how they interrelate.” I feel and believe that I learned how, where, why, and when to use all the technology I learned in class, not only that but can explain to others how to use them. I helped my boyfriend and explained to my best friend what these different technologies can be used for.

Honestly, I am going to keep my twitter, tumbler, and Gmail account and use them. I think Teston, you got to me and I’m understanding why a lot of people are using it and how it’s not all creepy!- lol