all the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...grammar heroes! – past tense. was...

All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by: SUNDAY 26 TH APRIL

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Page 1: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by:


Page 2: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

School closure work:

The Past Tense

Do all of your work in your exercise book, write the date and title as normal. Each slide will follow a pattern of an

explanation, activity and answers. It works best if you view it as a slide show as you won’t see the answers too early!


Page 3: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense1.It was2.There was3.I ate4. I played5. I did6. I watched7. I visited8. I spoke9. I bought10. I went

Presentation Notes
Complete in the back of your book with no help, then mark.
Page 4: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

ANSWERS1.It was2.There was3.I ate4. I played5. I did6. I watched7. I visited8. I spoke9. I bought10. I went

1.C’était2.Il y avait3. J’ai mangé4. J’ai joué5. J’ai fait6. J’ai regardé7. J’ai visité8. J’ai parlé9. J’ai acheté10. Je suis allé(e)

Presentation Notes
Complete in the back of your book with no help, then mark.
Page 5: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9
Page 6: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9


…révisé pour mon examen

…joué au volley

…bavardé avec mes copains

…nagé à la piscine

…fait mes devoirs

…mangé un burger

…regardé la télé

…écouté de la musique

…fait du VTT

…bu du café

…dragué un garçon/une fille

1. Try and guess what these are before they appear.2. Translate the past tenses into English.

Page 7: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9


…révisé pour mon examen

…joué au volley

…bavardé avec mes copains

…nagé à la piscine

…fait mes devoirs

…mangé un burger

…regardé la télé

…écouté de la musique

…fait du VTT

…bu du café

…dragué un garçon/une fille

Translate these verbs into English

revised for my exam

watched TV

did my homework

drank some coffee

did mountain biking

listened to music

flirted with a boy/girl

played volleyball

chatted with my friends

swam at the pool

ate a burger

Page 8: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

Make notes in your book!

The Past TenseTo form the past tense in French, you need 3 things:

An auxiliary “have”

•-er verbs become é•_ir verbs become i•-re verbs become u







A Past Participle:


1/ J’ai chanté I sang/have sung

2/ Tu as choisi you chose/have chosen3/ Il a entendu He heard/has heard







A subject pronoun1 2 3

Page 9: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

The Past TenseTask! Put these verbs in the past tense:

1. Je (manger) j’ai mangé2. Je (parler)3. Je (choisir)4. il/elle (regarder)5. ma souer (jouer)6. nous (attendre)7. mon ami et moi (réussir)8. ils/elles (cuisiner)9. mes parents (étudier)10. mes copains (écouter)

Finish the sentences in French. E.g.

j’ai mangé mon petit déjeuner à neuf


1 2 3

Page 10: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

ANSWERSTask! Put these verbs in the past tense:

1. Je (manger) J’ai mangé2. Je (parler) J’ai parlé3. Je (choisir) J’ai choisi4. il/elle (regarder) il/elle a regardé5. ma souer (jouer) ma soeur a joué6. nous (attendre) Nous avons attendu7. mon ami et moi (réussir) Mon ami et moi avons réussi8. ils/elles (cuisiner) ils/elles ont cuisiné9. mes parents (étudier) mes parents ont étudié10. mes copains (écouter) mes copains ont écouté

Page 11: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

Task! Write the text in your exercise book and fill in the gaps with the words in the blue box

Hier, j’ai ______ mes amis en ville parce que c’était samedi. Nous _____ fait les magasins et mon copain Sébastien _____ acheté un nouveau pantalon pour la fête d’anniversaire de son frère. Mes parents ont ________ rester à la maison vu que mon père avait du travail à ________ et ma mère était malade.Après avoir beacucoup ________, nous étions fatigués donc nous avons ______ dans un restaurant qui s’appelle Nando’s. Ça a ________ les yeux de la tête parce que on _____ commandé beaucoup de choses.

coûté a préférérencontré marché

avons faire finia mangé joué

Page 12: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9


Hier, j’ai rencontré mes amis en ville parce que c’était samedi. Nous avons fait les magasins et mon copain Sébastien a acheté un nouveau pantalon pour la fête d’anniversaire de son frère. Mes parents ont préféré rester à la maison vu que mon père avait du travail à faire et ma mère était malade.Après avoir beacucoup marché, nous étions fatigués donc nous avons mangé dans un restaurant qui s’appelle Nando’s. Ça a couté les yeux de la tête parceque on a commandé beaucoup de choses.

coûté a préférérencontré marché

avons faire finia mangé joué

Page 13: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9


Some don’t follow the é, i, u rule and have different endings:avoir =

être =

boire =

dire =

faire =

lire =

vouloir =

(ap)prendre =

venir =

voir =

écrire =





courir =

plaindre =

(per)mettre =



Copy these in your ex book and find out with a dictionary what the verbs mean. For example:

avoir (to have) = eu (had)être (to be) = été (been) is good if you don’t have a dictionary

Page 14: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

1. j’ai vu 2. j’ai reçu3. j’ai pris4. j’ai ouvert5. j’ai lu6. j’ai fait7. j’ai été8. j’ai écrit9. j’ai dû10.j’ai dit11.j’ai découvert12.j’ai bu

a) I tookb) I saidc) I openedd) I saw/have seene) I drankf) I had tog) I discoveredh) I receivedi) I have beenj) I readk) I didl) I wrote

Task! Match up the irregular past participles

Page 15: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

To access the audio file, visit enter the code below:


Task! Listening ExerciseCopy the table below in your exercise book. It should be about 8 lines long (2 lines for each person 1-4)

Try and note down as many details as you can but don’t worry if you miss some.

Page 16: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

A. Listen again whilst looking at the transcript.B. Correct your answers using a dictionary to find out words you don’t understand. Add anything you missed in a different colour.

Page 17: All the work on this powerpoint needs to be completed by...Grammar Heroes! – Past Tense. 1.It was 2.There was 3.I ate 4. I played 5. I did 6. I watched 7. I visited 8. I spoke 9

A trip to the cinema.1) Hier je suis allé au cinema.

2) Nous sommes allés en voiture.

3) J’ai mangé deux hotdogs et trop de popcorn.

4) Le film était penible.

5) Dans le cinema il y avait trop de bruit.

6) Je suis allé avec ma petite amie.

7) Apres, nous sommes allés en ville.

8) J’ai bu trop de coca.

9) J’ai detesté le film.


1) Translate the past tense sentences into English.

2) Use the sentences to help you answer the question below. Aim to write about 50 words;

Parle-moi de la dernière foisque tu es allé au cinéma.

Talk to me about the last time you went to the cinema.