hazel was so obtuse she thought a watched pot of water never boils

OBTUSE (ob tuse) – block-headed, slow in comprehension Unit 8 1 1. Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils. 2. The OBTUSENESS of some people is due to their unwillingness to accept new

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OBTUSE (ob tuse ) – block-headed, slow in comprehension Unit 8 1. Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils. 2. The OBTUSENESS of some people is due to their unwillingness to accept new ideas. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

OBTUSE (ob tuse) – block-headed, slow in comprehension Unit 8 1

1. Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils.

2. The OBTUSENESS of some people is due to their unwillingness to accept new ideas.

Page 2: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

SCRUTINIZE (SKROOT uh nyze) – To look over very closely 2

1. Newspaper proof readers SCRUTINIZE an entire newspaper each day.

2. Each soldier’s uniform is SCRUTINIZED by his commanding officer.

Page 3: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

CONGENIAL (kun JEAN ee ul) – Pleasant, social 3

1. Dr. Singleton was very CONGENIAL, always a smile and a kind word for her patients, and candies for the children.

2. Miss New York was voted Miss CONGENIALITY in the Miss America pageant.

Page 4: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

FJORD (fyord) – a narrow sea inlet 4

1. Norway and New Zealand are two countries noted for having the most scenic FJORDS in the world.

Page 5: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

ASPIRE (ass PIRE) – A goal one hopes to achieve 5

1. Ezekiel ASPIRED to be the valedictorian of his class at graduation and studied hard to reach that goal.

2. The counselor told Jim’s parents that his problem in school was he didn’t ASPIRE for anything. He had no goals or career direction.

Page 6: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

MARTYR (MAHR tur) – One who sacrifices for her cause 6

1. Heather was a MARTYR to his job; he worked seven days a week and rarely took a day off.

Page 7: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

CITADEL (SIT uh dul) – a fortress overlooking a city 7

1. Mischa was a CITADEL of strength, always there for you no matter what.

2. There are many CITADELS in Spain; they are among the attractions most visited by tourists.

Page 8: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

DOLDRUMS (DOHL drums) – A period of inactivity 8

1. Every since Jackie’s dog died, he just mopes around the house, day after day in the DOLDRUMS.

Page 9: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

CONSENSUS (kun SEN sus) – General agreement 9

1. The CONSENSUS of the faculty was that no more chili dogs were to be served at the school lunch.

2. A CONSENSUS is more than a majority, it means most everyone agrees.

Page 10: Hazel was so OBTUSE she thought a watched pot of water never boils

BLATHER (BLAH thur) – To talk nonsensically 10

1. Children have great imaginations, and often BLATHER about ghosts that supposedly enter their rooms and either scare them or play with them.