algal blooms in the ocean

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  • 7/31/2019 Algal Blooms in the Ocean


    Algal Blooms in the Ocean

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    The ocean, that vast body of water covering 71 percent of the Earth's surface, is divided

    into four major basins: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic Oceans. These large

    basins are interconnected with various shallow seas, such as the Mediterranean Sea, the

    Gulf of Mexico, and the South China Sea. Oceans and seas abound with life, ranging

    from microscopic unicellular (one-celled) organisms to multicellular (many-celled)


    Algae is an important life form in the ocean. Life in the ocean is maintained in balance

    by forces of nature and by predator

    prey relationships, unless some external pressures

    upset the balance. When a balance upset leads to conditions more favorable for the

    reproduction and growth of algae, an explosive increase in the number of algal cell

    density occurs. Such rapid increases in the algae population are called algal blooms.

    During a bloom, a liter of water may contain millions of algae. The most widely

    publicized type of algal bloom is associated with species that produce a toxin (chemical

    substance) harmful to animals that feed on the algae (and hence is known as a harmful

    algal bloom), and/or algae that cause a tint in the water because of thephotosynthetic

    pigments they contain. The latter commonly is known as a "red tide," but different

    pigments can turn the water red, brown, purple, orange, or yellow. Depending on the

    circumstances and the species present, a red tide may or may not be harmful. Although

    not all algal blooms in the ocean produce highly visible effects nor are all blooms

    harmful, they nonetheless affect life in the ocean and on land in both beneficial and

    harmful ways.
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    In February 2002, the massive die-off and decay of algae from a nearshore harmful algal

    bloom (a "red tide") caused a rapid reduction in the water's dissolved oxygen

    concentration, driving tens of thousands of rock lobsters to "walk out of the sea" near

    the coastal town of Elands Bay in South Africa's Western Cape province. The lobsters in

    search of oxygen moved toward the breaking surf, but were stranded when the tide went

    out. Government and military staff attempted to save some of the lobsters, but others

    were collected for food. A similar stranding from a massive red-tide event occurred at

    Elands Bay in 1997.

    Requirements for a Bloom

    Algae require warmth, sunlight, and nutrients to grow and reproduce, so they live in the

    upper 60 to 90 meters (200 to 300 feet) of ocean water. The upper layer of water, the

    epipelagic zone, is rich in oxygen, penetrated by sunlight, and warmer than water at

    lower levels. As algae and other organisms that live in the ocean die, they fall to thebottom of the ocean, where they decay and release the compounds from which they were

    made. Under certain conditions, these nutrients can deplete the oxygen in the water.

    Temperature and salt concentration determine the density of water and how water

    moves (currents). Cold water is denser (heavier) and sinks from the surface

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    (downwelling). Other water moves across to replace it. Eventually, water at the surface

    is replaced by water that has risen, or upwelled, from the bottom to the surface

    somewhere else in the ocean. These upwellings bring nutrient-rich waters to the top.

    This increase in nutrients can trigger algae blooms.

    An increase in nutrients also may be caused by activities of humans, such as runoff from

    animal farms or fertilized croplands and lawns, or atmospheric deposition of sulfur and

    nitrogen compounds or oxides derived from the burning offossil fuel . These nutrients

    lead to blooms in coastal waters to a greater extent than in the open ocean.

    However, some of these nutrients do find their way to the open ocean far from shore,

    and contribute to the formation of blooms in the open ocean. Their movement is aided

    by the wind and by ocean currents. Algae blooms in the open ocean are not usually

    harmful; instead, they provide many benefits, largely deriving from the fact that the

    open ocean is relatively unproductive (low in nutrients).

    Algae and Photosynthesis

    Algae are referred to as plants because, like plants, they produceorganic compounds

    from inorganic compounds (carbon dioxide and water) by capturing and using the

    energy from sunlight. Most algae are eukaryotic , an exception being the blue-greenalgae (cyanobacteria).

    Photosynthesis takes place in organelles called chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells.

    Chloroplasts contain an outer and an inner membrane and pancakeshaped structures

    called thylakoids. Energy is captured from sunlight by pigments (chlorophylls a and b

    and carotenoids) stored in the thylakoids.

    Photosynthesis occurs in two stages commonly referred to as the light reactions (light isrequired) and the dark reactions (no light is directly required). During the light

    reactions, energy captured from sunlight is used to split (dissociate) water molecules.

    Electrons released from this reaction are passed down a series of electron carrier

    molecules, leading to the storage of the energy in the form of ATP (adenosine

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    triphosphate). This is the form in which living organisms store energy to be used

    immediately for carrying out chemical reactions and other activities.

    Oxygen is produced as a byproduct of the light reactions. During the dark reactions

    (Calvin cycle), six molecules of carbon dioxide are used to make sugar (glucose).

    Because algae use carbon dioxide and release oxygen as a product of the light reactions,

    these plants play an important role in maintaining the proper concentrations of carbon

    dioxide and oxygen in the environment, via the carbon cycle and oxygen cycle.

    Algae, like green plants, produce the first organic compounds in the food chain and

    thus are referred to as primary producers. Other organisms cannot use inorganic

    molecules to make the organic compounds that they need for life, and therefore depend

    on algae and other plants as the initial source of organic compounds. These organisms

    either eat algae to obtain organic compounds, or obtain them from the water when they

    are released after the algae die.

    Types of Algae That May Bloom


    Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are one of the oldest known types ofalgae and are believed to have played a major role in the addition of oxygen to the

    Earth's early atmosphere. Some cyanobacteria carry out nitrogen fixation, which is the

    conversion of nitrogen gas into nitrogen compounds that can be used by other primary



    Diatoms are unicellular and have a cell wall composed of silica, a glass-like material,

    which comprises a shell-like structure called a frustule.

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    Coccolithophore blooms are identifiable via space-based remote sensing because their

    external plates of calcium carbonate, called coccoliths, backscatter light from the water

    column to create a bright optical effect. This bloom (the cloudy swirl in lower lefthand

    corner) occurred in summer 2001 in the Celtic Sea off England's southwestern coast.

    When diatoms die, the frustules settle to the bottom of the ocean floor and combine with

    the soil to form diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is used in products such as

    filters for swimming pools, as temperature and sound insulators, and as an abrasive in



    Dinoflagellates have two unequal flagella that help them direct their movement. Many

    of these organisms contain colored pigments that cause the water to appear colored

    when these organisms bloom, leading to the terms "red tide" or "brown tide," for

    example. Some dinoflagellates live in close association with marine animals, such as

    sponges, sea anemones, giant clams, and corals. The golden-brown photosynthetic cells

    found in these animals, called zooxanthellae, actually are dinoflagellates.


    Coccolithophores are cells covered with button-like structures called coccoliths made of

    calcium carbonate. The coccoliths give the ocean a milky white or turquoise appearance

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    during intense blooms. The long-term flux of coccoliths to the ocean floor is the main

    process responsible for the formation of chalk and limestone.

    Coccolithophores and some other algae participate in the sulfur cycle and produce the

    gas dimethyl sulfide. This is the primary way that sulfur is carried between ocean and


    Dimethyl sulfide leaves the surface of the water and reacts with oxygen in the

    atmosphere to form tiny sulfuric acid droplets. These droplets are carried over land and

    fall back to land in the form of precipitation. They also aid in the formation of clouds,

    which partially block the transmission of harmful ultraviolet light that penetrates the

    surface water. Cloud formation also is thought to encourage surface winds that promote

    the movement of surface water, leading to upwellings that bring nutrients to the surface.

    Benefits of Algal Blooms

    Algal blooms provide large concentrations of algae that produce organic compounds

    needed by higher organisms, ranging from oysters, clams, and mussels to human beings.

    For this reason, productivity increases in areas where algal blooms occur. More algae in

    the water means that more carbon dioxide is used from the atmosphere and that more

    oxygen is released into the atmosphere. Oxygen is necessary for many living things,including humans. As noted previously, the production of dimethyl sulfide gas helps

    protect algae from harmful ultraviolet rays so they remain healthy and thus are able to

    continue the cycle of sustaining life on Earth.

    Even in the coldest parts of the ocean, algae provide the primary source of organic

    material to animals at the bottom of the food chain. Organic materials are moved up the

    food chain as higher organisms feed on those lower down the chain. For example, algae

    have been found in Antarctic sea ice. As sea water freezes, algae living in the water arefrozen in the ice, where they later can be released during a thaw. These algae are a vital

    source of food for krill, the shrimp-like organisms eaten by penguins, seals, seabirds,

    and whales.

  • 7/31/2019 Algal Blooms in the Ocean






    Doretha B. Foushee


    Castro, Peter, and Michael E. Huber.Marine Biology, 2nd ed. New York: Wm.

    C.Brown/McGraw-Hill, 1997.

    Cousteau, Jacques. The Ocean World, 2nd ed. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1993.

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    User Contributions:

    1farah naz

    Mar 9, 2007 @ 7:07 am

    article is good and so much informative Dinoflagellates have two unequal flagella that help

    them direct their movement. Many of these organisms contain colored pigments that causethe water to appear colored when these organisms bloom, leading to the terms "red tide" or"brown tide," for example. Some dinoflagellates live in close association with marineanimals, such as sponges, sea anemones, giant clams, and corals. The golden-brownphotosynthetic cells found in these animals, called zooxanthellae, actually aredinoflagellates.Coccolithophores.

    Coccolithophores are cells covered with button-like structures called coccoliths made of
  • 7/31/2019 Algal Blooms in the Ocean


    calcium carbonate. The coccoliths give the ocean a milky white or turquoise appearanceduring intense blooms. The long-term flux of coccoliths to the ocean floor is the mainprocess responsible for the formation of chalk and limestone.

    Coccolithophores and some other algae participate in the sulfur cycle and produce the gasdimethyl sulfide. This is the primary way that sulfur is carried between ocean and land.

    Dimethyl sulfide leaves the surface of the water and reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere toform tiny sulfuric acid droplets. These droplets are carried over land and fall back to land inthe form of precipitation. They also aid in the formation of clouds, which partially block thetransmission of harmful ultraviolet light that penetrates the surface water. Cloud formationalso is thought to encourage surface winds that promote the movement of surface water,leading to upwellings that bring nutrients to the surface.Benefits of Algal Blooms

    Algal blooms provide large concentrations of algae that produce organic compounds neededby higher organisms, ranging from oysters, clams, and mussels to human beings. For this

    reason, productivity increases in areas where algal blooms occur. More algae in the watermeans that more carbon dioxide is used from the atmosphere and that more oxygen isreleased into the atmosphere. Oxygen is necessary for many living things, includinghumans. As noted previously, the production of dimethyl sulfide gas helps protect algaefrom harmful ultraviolet rays so they remain healthy and thus are able to continue the cycleof sustaining life on Earth.

    Even in the coldest parts of the ocean, algae provide the primary source of organic materialto animals at the bottom of the food chain. Organic materials are moved up the food chainas higher organisms feed on those lower down the chain. For example, algae have beenfound in Antarctic sea ice. As sea water freezes, algae living in the water are frozen in the ice,

    where they later can be released during a thaw. These algae are a vital source of food for

    krill, the shrimp-like organisms eaten by penguins, seals, seabirds, and whales. i relay likeall these informationi need more

    2gary a highland

    Jun 13, 2008 @ 1:13 pmI am interested in learning how we can grow algae at sea to use for bio fuel


    Feb 9, 2009 @ 11:11 am

    I do not like this sentence:"...the production of dimethyl sulfide gas helps protect algae from harmful ultraviolet raysso they remain healthy and thus are able to continue the cycle of sustaining life on Earth."

    - It implies that algae are the only organisms capable of the photosynthesis "sustaining life
  • 7/31/2019 Algal Blooms in the Ocean


    on Earth" .- You do not appear to have considered the major costs to many ecosystems of the acid rainthat is the "tiny sulfuric acid droplets". Agreed, such acidity caused by algae is smallcompared to that produced by human activities, but you have simply implied that it is agood thing only.

    Read more:Algal Blooms in the Ocean - sea, oceans, effects, temperature, important,

    salt, types, plants, source, effect, marine, oxygen, human, Pacific


    In October 1998, U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan testified before Congress on

    acid rain. A longtime champion of the issue, Moynihan stated that "As far back as the

    1960s, fishermen in the Adirondacks began to complain about more than 'the big one

    that got away.' Fish, once abundant in the pristine, remote Adirondack lakes, were not

    just getting harder to catch. They were gone."

    The issue of acid rain emerged in the United States in the mid-1970s. At the time, little

    was known about the magnitude and distribution of acid rain or about its impacts on

    terrestrial (land-based) and aquatic ecosystems . However, many believed that acid

    rain and the air pollutants that caused it posed a threat to forests, aquatic life, crops,

    structures (e.g., buildings), cultural artifacts (e.g., statues and monuments), and human


    Since the 1970s, acid rain has been addressed in the United States through hundreds of

    millions of dollars of research, passage of laws, and implementation of regulatory

    programs. However, Senator Moynihan's 1998 remark is stark testimony to the fact that

    acid rain continues to have a negative effect on natural resources, and addressing the

    problem is an enduring public policy dilemma.

    Sources and Forms of Acid Rain

    Rain, snow, sleet, and other forms of precipitation are naturally slightly acidic because

    of chemical reactions with carbon dioxide and other naturally occurring substances in
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    the atmosphere. But this natural acidity can be increased by human-induced air

    pollution. Acid deposition or "acid rain" occurs when emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2 )

    and oxides of nitrogen (NO x) in the atmosphere react with water, oxygen, and oxidants

    to form mild solutions of sulfuric acid or nitric acid. Sunlight increases the rate of most

    of these reactions. These compounds fall to Earth and are deposited in either wet form

    (e.g., rain, snow, sleet, and hail), known as wet deposition, or dry form (e.g., particles,

    gases, and vapor), known as dry deposition. Cloud or fog deposition, a form of wet

    deposition, occurs at high elevations and in coastal areas.

    In the United States, nearly two-thirds of annual SO 2 emissions and just over one-fifth

    of NO xemissions are produced by electric utility plants that burn fossil fuels .

    Transportation sources (e.g., cars, trucks, and other vehicles) account for more than half

    of NO xemissions. Ammonia emissions derive largely from livestock waste and fertilized

    soil. Industrial combustion

    A sign in Nova Scotia, Canada proclaims the potential effect of acid rain on a local river and its

    salmon runs. Acidified waters can be harmful or even deadly to salmon populations.

    and industrial processes are the other major categories of emission sources. Acid rain is a

    regional problem because prevailing winds can transport SO 2 and NO xemissions over hundreds

    of kilometers, sometimes crossing state, national, and international borders.

    Wet Deposition.

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  • 7/31/2019 Algal Blooms in the Ocean


    Buffering capacity depends on the thickness and composition of the soil as well as the

    type of bedrock beneath the forest floor.

    Lakes and streams become acidic ( pH decreases) when the water itself and its

    surrounding soil cannot neutralize the acidity in the rain. Differences in soil buffering

    capacity are an important reason that some areas receiving acid rain show damage,

    whereas other areas receiving about the same amount of acid rain do not appear to be


    Several regions in the United States contain many of the surface waters sensitive to

    acidification. They include the Adirondacks and Catskill Mountains in New York State,

    the mid-Appalachian highlands, the upper Midwest, and mountainous areas of the

    western United States. In areas such as the northeastern United States, where soil

    buffering capacity is low, some lakes have a pH value of less than 5. With a pH of 4.2,

    Little Echo Pond in Franklin, New York was one of the most acidic lakes reported as of


    Ecosystem Impacts.

    Acid rain is not the sole cause of low pH in lakes and streams. There are many natural

    sources of acidity that can drive down pH to low levels (as low as 4) even in the absenceof acid rain: for example, organic acid inputs or mineral veins in underlying geologic

    materials. Similarly, natural sources of buffering capacity such as limestone bedrock can

    push pH to as high as 8. Notwithstanding these natural influences in specific locations,

    lakes and streams generally have pH values from 6 to 8. Hence, reductions in pH due to

    human-induced acid rain create an imbalance in the chemistry and ultimately the entire

    ecosystem of a lake or stream.

    Acid rain causes a cascade of effects that harm or kill individual fish, reduce fishpopulations, completely eliminate fish species from a waterbody, and decrease

    biodiversity. As acid rain flows through soils in a watershed, aluminum and other

    metals are released from soils into the lakes and streams located in that watershed.

    Thus, as a lake or stream becomes more acidic (has lower pH), aluminum levels

    increase. Both low pH and increased aluminum levels are directly toxic to fish. In
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    addition, low pH and increased aluminum levels cause chronic stress that may not kill

    individual fish but may make fish less able to compete for food and habitat.

    The impact of declining pH varies because not all aquatic organisms can tolerate the

    same amount of acid. For example, frogs are better able than trout to tolerate somewhat

    acidified water. Generally, the young of most species are more sensitive to

    environmental conditions than adults.

    As pH levels decline, acid-sensitive species may attempt to migrate to better habitat, or,

    if blocked from migration, will likely die. At pH 5 and below, most fish species

    disappear, and ecosystem-level processes are affected. Some acid lakes and streams

    contain no fish.

    Acidified lakes and streams can be treated with agricultural lime in an attempt to counteract the

    acidity. Such temporary and localized measures are not as effective as emissions reductions in

    addressing the long-term and geographically widespread ecological impacts of acid rain.

    Effects on Forests and Soils

    Acid rain has been implicated in forest and soil degradation in many areas of the easternUnited States, particularly high elevation forests of the Appalachian Mountains from

    Maine to Georgia. Acid rain does not usually kill trees directly. Instead, it weakens trees

    by damaging their foliage, limiting the nutrients available to them, or exposing them

    to toxic substances slowly released from the soil. Quite often, injury or death is a result

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    of acid rain in combination with other environmental stressors, such as insects, disease,

    drought, or very cold weather.

    Chemicals in watershed soils that provide buffering capacity (such as calcium and

    magnesium) are also important nutrients for many species of trees. As forest soils

    receive year after year of acid rain, these chemicals are washed away, depriving trees

    and other plants of essential soil nutrients. At the same time, acid rain causes the release

    of dissolved aluminum into the soil water, which can be toxic to trees and plants. The

    chemicals that provide buffering capacity take many decades to replenish through

    gradual natural processes, such as theweathering of limestone bedrock.

    Trees also can be damaged by acid rain even if the soil is well buffered. Mountainous

    forests often are exposed to greater amounts of acidity because they tend to be

    surrounded by acidic clouds and fog. Essential nutrients in foliage are stripped away

    when leaves and needles are frequently bathed in acid fog, causing discoloration and

    increasing the potential for damage by other environmental factors, especially cold


    Effects on Human Health and Human Environments

    The pollutants that cause acid rain also damage human health. These gases interact inthe atmosphere to form fine sulfate and nitrate particles that can be inhaled deep into

    the lungs. Scientific studies show relationships between elevated levels of fine particles

    and increased illness and premature death from heart disease and lung disorders, such

    as bronchitis. In addition, nitrogen oxides react in the atmosphere to formozone ,

    increasing risks associated with lung inflammation, such as asthma.

    Sulfates and nitrates in the atmosphere also contribute to reductions in visibility.

    Sulfate particles account for 50 to 70 percent of decreased visibility in eastern U.S.national parks, such as the Shenandoah and the Great Smoky Mountains. In the western

    United States, nitrates and carbon also play roles, but sulfates have been implicated as

    an important source of visibility impairment in some national parks, such as the Grand


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    Wet and dry acid deposition contribute to the corrosion of metals (such as bronze) and

    the deterioration of paint and stone (such as marble and limestone). These effects

    seriously reduce the value to society of buildings, bridges, cultural objects (such as

    statues, monuments, and tombstones), and automobiles.

    1990 Clean Air Act Amendments: Title IV

    In 1990, the U.S. Congress took action intended to address acid rain issues, passing the

    Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) (42 U.S.C. 7651). The purpose of the Acid Rain

    Program (Title IV of the 1990 amendments) was to address the adverse effects of acid

    rain by reducing annual emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxides (NO x)

    the main air pollutants that cause the problemsfrom stationary power generation


    Implemented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency starting in 1995, the

    program consists of two major components. The SO 2 emission reduction program

    employs a two-phase cap-and-trade approach to reduce total annual SO 2 emissions by

    10 million tons below 1980 levels by 2010 (roughly a 40-percent reduction in total

    emissions). When the SO 2 emission reduction is fully implemented in approximately

    2010, electric utility emissions will be capped at 8.95 million tons per year (representing

    approximately a 50-percent reduction in emissions from this sector).

    The NO xemission reduction program aims to reduce annual NOxemissions from coal-

    fired electric utility boilers by 2 million tons below what they would have been without

    Title IV. The NO xcomponent of the program does not include a cap on NOxemissions

    or any emissions trading provisions.

    Emissions Trading.

    In establishing the Acid Rain Program, Congress chose to utilize an innovative

    environmental management approach known as capand-trade, or emissions trading, to

    reduce SO 2 emissions. Emissions trading is a departure from more traditional

    "command and control" regulatory approaches in which the government commands

    industry to install particular control technologies at specific plants in order to reduce

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  • 7/31/2019 Algal Blooms in the Ocean


    required emission levels, resulting in early achievement of human health and

    environmental benefits. In 2001, SO 2 emissions from power generation were more than

    6.7 million tons below 1980 levels.

    Emissions of NO xhave been reduced by 1.5 million tons from 1990 levels (about 3

    million tons lower than projected growth). Because the NOxcomponent of the program

    includes no cap, there is no guarantee that NO xemissions will stay at these low levels;

    without a cap, emissions may increase as power generation increases.

    Because of the reduction in SO 2 emissions, acidity of rainfall in the eastern United

    States has dropped by up to 25 percent. As a consequence, some sensitive lakes and

    streams in New England are showing signs of recovery. Further, sulfate concentrations

    in the air have decreased, leading to improved air quality and associated benefits to

    public health, such as fewer irritations or aggravations to respiratory conditions (e.g.,

    asthma and chronic bronchitis). Finally, visibility has improved in some parts of the

    eastern United States, including areas with scenic vistas, such as Acadia National Park

    in coastal Maine.

    Although the Clean Air Act has had positive effects, emissions and acid deposition

    remain high compared to background conditions. The rate and extent of ecosystem

    recovery from acid deposition are directly related to the timing and degree of emissions

    reductions. Research suggests that deeper emissions cuts will lead to greater and faster

    recovery from acid deposition in the northeastern United States.





    Richard Haeuber

  • 7/31/2019 Algal Blooms in the Ocean


    Dehayes, Donald et al. "Acid Rain Impacts on Calcium Nutrition and Forest Health."

    Bioscience 49 (October 1999):789800.

    Driscoll, Charles T. et al.Acid Rain Revisited: Advances in Scientific Understanding

    Since the Passage of the 1970 and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.Hanover, NH:

    Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, 2001. Available online at


    Driscoll, Charles T. et al. "Acidic Deposition in the Northeastern U.S.: Sources

    andInputs, Ecosystem Effects, and Management Strategies."Bioscience 51, no. 3 (March


    Driscoll, Charles T. et al. "The Response of Lake Water in the Adirondack Region of NewYork State to Changes in Acid Deposition."Environmental Science and Policy 1


    Ellerman, A. Denny et al.Markets for Clean Air: The U.S. Acid Rain Program.New

    York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

    Kosobud, Richard F., ed.Emissions Trading: Environmental Policy's New Approach.

    NewYork: John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

    Likens, Gene E., Charles T. Driscoll, and D. C. Buso. 1996. "Long-Term Effects ofAcid

    Rain: Response and Recovery of a Forest Ecosystem."Science 272 (12 Apr. 1996):244


    Lovett, Gary. "Atmospheric Deposition of Nutrients and Pollutants in North America:

    An Ecological Perspective."Ecological Applications 4, no. 4 (1994):629650.

    Stoddard, John L. et al. "Regional Trends in Aquatic Recovery from Acidification

    inNorth America and Europe."Nature 401 (7 Oct. 1999):575578.

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air Markets Division.EPA Acid Rain

    Program2001 Progress Report. EPA-430-R-02-009. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
  • 7/31/2019 Algal Blooms in the Ocean


    Environmental Protection Agency. Available online at


    Internet Resources

    Clean Air Markets. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


    National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program.


    National Atmospheric Deposition Program. .

    Nilles, Mark A.Atmospheric Deposition Program of the U.S. Geological Survey.U.S.

    Geological Survey. .


    The buildings and monuments of Washington, D.C. use many types of stone. Marble and

    limestone structures are the most likely to show damage caused by acid precipitation

    and urban pollution. They are vulnerable to accelerated deterioration because they are

    composed primarily of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate), which dissolves readily

    in weak acid.

    The United States Capitol building shows evidence of stone deterioration. For example,

    preferential dissolution of calcite (where the silicate mineral inclusions remain) has

    caused pockmarks in marble columns and balustrades and their square bases. Although

    stone deterioration has many causes, both natural and human-induced, it is almost

    certain that some deterioration can be attributed to acid rain.

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    User Contributions:



    Sep 24, 2006 @ 7:19 pm

    Clearly we can help by carpooling, walking, taking less trips, bicycling--anything to reduce

    our time in cars. If possible, buy a car that does not emit so many pollutants.



    Dec 6, 2006 @ 1:13 pm

    The buildings and monuments of Washington, D.C. use many types of stone. Marble and

    limestone structures are the most likely to show damage caused by acid precipitation and urban

    pollution. They are vulnerable to accelerated deterioration because they are composed primarily

    of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate), which dissolves readily in weak acid.

    The United States Capitol building shows evidence of stone deterioration. For example,

    preferential dissolution of calcite (where the silicate mineral inclusions remain) has caused

    pockmarks in marble columns and balustrades and their square bases. Although stone

    deterioration has many causes, both natural and human-induced, it is almost certain that some

    deterioration can be attributed to acid rain.

    Read more:Acid Rain - building, river, effects, important, largest, types, plants, source, effect,

    oxygen, human