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  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari



    Alcatel-Lucent Teletas A.. olarak faaliyet gstermekte olduumuztelekomnikasyon sektrnde son teknolojiler zerinde almaktayz. Bu alandaki

    bilgi birikimimizi niversite rencileri ile paylaarak onlarn bitirme projelerinegerek yaamdan uygulama ve aratrma frsatlar yaratarak katkda bulunmakistiyoruz. Bu kapsamda 2009-2010 eitim-retim ylnda son snfa devam edecekolan rencileriniz iin ekte paylalan tez konular erevesinde uygulama frsatlaryaratmaya hazrz.

    Konuyla ilgili gr ve nerilerinizi iletebilmeniz iin irtibat bilgileri;

    Gke Cokun Adil Aydnnsan Kaynaklar IP Teknik Destek Merkezi(216) 579 23 54 (216) 579 22 [email protected] [email protected]


  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Effect of Splitter over ADSL flavors

    Thesis Overview

    This topic includes designing and implementation of a passiveADSL splitter and testing iton a DSL line and testing the ADSL performance with and withoutthe splitter.Similar implementation will also be tested for ADSL2+/VDSL.

    Thesis Domain DSL

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    AL GN [email protected] 0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject CuPON: The Copper Alternative to PON 100 Gb/s DSL Networks

    Thesis Overview

    A new Copper-PON or, more compactlyCuPON multidropping DSL architectureenables DSL bandwidth sharing and increasesdata rates through exploitation of all modes ofcrosstalk, particularly with the use of vectored2dynamic spectrum management. The thesis should includecomparisons of this new architecturewith respect to current DSL systems, PON systems and wirelessalternatives.

    Thesis Domain DSL,

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Emrah [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Dynamic Line &Spectrum Management for DSL Networks

    Thesis Overview

    Dynamic Spectrum Management of Digital SubscriberLines (DSL) has the potential to dramatically increase thecapacity of the aging last-mile copper access network.The thesis should include the potential speed and stability increase inDSL systems by use ofDSM and DLM and should also include live demonstration from a DSLsystem.

    Thesis Domain DSL

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    ELF [email protected] 0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject ATM versus IP/MPLS in 3G Networks

    Thesis Overview

    Wireless technologies and fixed line technologies are importantand compatible communication techniques. In the future wirekesstechnology will be considered to surpass the wirekine technology.3G is among the most important wireless communicationsolutions. Currently it is estimated that more than 300 millionpeople uses this technolgy. NodeB and RNC are two importantbuilding blocks of this technology. They can be connected viaATM or IP/MPLS protocols. In this thesis topic, it is requested tocompare these two solutions .A literature survey about thistechnolgies and research about the trends in the market arerequired .

    Thesis Domain Network,Telecommunication, Wireless, 3G, IP/MPLS, ATM

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Serdar [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Biomimetric Network Protocols

    Thesis Overview

    Communication is a main problem in the modern world. Tthereare many end users but limited amount of communication media.In order to solve this problem there has been many interestingprotocols suggested like: ATM, IP, Frame Relay, GSM, 3G,Wimax etc. In todays world, IP is the dominant protocol which isused in internet. There are many routing algorithms like OSPF,RIP, IS-IS, BGP which tries to figure out the most efficient pathfor the information transmission. Especially in the last 10 yearspeople bacame aware that in the living beings there are incredibletechnologies. Especially our brain is the most complex networkwe have ever seen. The information rate, efficiency andbandwitdh usage is excellent. But which kinds of protocols areused in the brain, which establishes the communication ofdifferent regions in the brain. Each neuron has in average 10.000neighbour neurons. Electrical signals are transmitted betweenneurons in the form of chemical transmission. But how is thecorrect neuron chosen? This thesis will include the search ofmodern biological research on this topic and try to compare themwith the aformentioned network protocols we use. As a resultsome other new protocols will be try to proposed based on thecurrent knowledge of brain researches.

    Thesis Domain Network,Telecommunication, Biomimetry

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Serdar Aslan [email protected] 0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Wireless Position Estimation Algorithms

    Thesis Overview

    Navigation and position estimation is a hot topic in todays world.Also wireless technologies are being widely used in the modernworld. GPS is used for both military and civil applications. But themain problem of GPS is the time delay because this technolgy isbased on the communication with the satellites. Todays, there areother kinds of protocols being developed. For example in 3G

    there are many NodeB stations around the mobile equipment.The mobile equipment continously communicate with the stations(so called NodeBs). Based on this local communication betweenthe mobile equipments and radio stations there has beenproposed various position estimation algorithms. What are thosealgorithms? Currently particle filters is a hot topic which isproposed for position estimation. In this thesis particle filter basedposition estimation algorithms will be proposed.

    Thesis Domain Network,Telecommunication,Signal Processing

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Serdar [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject 3G versus Wimax

    Thesis Overview

    Wireless technogies have been developed in the last 20 years in

    an incredible rate. Currently two modern technologies 3G andWimax is used in the world. Especially Wimax is a newertechnology. What are the details of these technolgies? In thisthesis is also a comparison of these technologies is requested.

    Thesis Domain Network,Telecommunication

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Serdar [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Implementing http digest authentication

    Thesis Overview

    Http digest authentication is one of the authentication mechanismto authenticate a http client. It is intended to extend the basicauthencation mechanism which send the user password in aclear text format. User password is send as encyrpted in digestauthentication. Digest authentication is defined by RFC 2617.

    This project requires implementing a servlet filter which can beplugged to any web application. Servlet filter will encapsulate allthe details of digest authentication and will forward the requeststo the upper levels when user is authenticated.

    Digest authentication filter may have also pluggable modules toaccess the user credentials stored in web applications likeDatabaseProvider, LDAPProvider. They will access database orLDAP respectively when reading user credentials in server side.

    Thesis Domain Information Security, Http protocol

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Vedat [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Application performance monitoring

    Thesis Overview

    Monitoring an application and taking actions proactively is anessence for critical applications.

    In this project, an application monitoring dashboard will beimplemented. It will have 3 main modules.1) Agents : This is the necessary software needs to be installed

    on the server which will be monitored. It will read the serverstatistics and send it to the dashboard application. Dashboardmay run on another server or can be a server in the cloudhosting. It should implement a pluggable mechanism to readthe server statistics. By default, it will contain modules to readserver CPU, memory, disk I/O operations, but users can write

    new modules to read i.e application specific data. Agents willsend the data over http to the data collector.2) Data collector : It will store the data send by agents to a

    database.3) Dashboard application : This is the User Interface of the

    performance monitoring application which can be run on anyserver in a cloud environment. Will be a web application. Itwill read the data stored by the collector, render it as graphsand display in web pages. Users will see the servers statisticsas graphs in the dashboard application.

    Thesis Domain Web2.0, Cloud computing, SaS

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Serhat Tanrikutserhat.tanrikut@alcatel-

    lucent.com0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Implementing a licence management framework

    Thesis Overview

    In this project, a licence management application which willcreate licence keys in encrypted format and utilities which willdecrypt the licence keys will be implemented.

    Licence management application should take licenceinformantion as key-value pairs and generate an encryptedlicense key with using private/public keys.

    Utilities will decrypt the license string and read the key-value pairswith using the public keys.

    Thesis Domain Information Security

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Melih [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject MPLS Label Stack Encoding

    Thesis Overview

    This thesis examines the encoding to be used by an LabelSwitching Router in order to transmit labeled packets on PPPdata links and on LAN data links. The specified encoding mayalso be useful for other data links as well.

    Thesis Domain Wide Area Networks

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Derya [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject An Evaluation of Shortest Path Algorithms on Real Networks

    Thesis OverviewThis thesis examines some of the best known algorithms forsolving the shortest point-to-point path problem, and evaluatestheir performance on real networks

    Thesis Domain Wide Area Networks

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Erhan [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis SubjectPerformance Comparison with IP networksTraffic Engineering with Multi-Protocol Label Switching

    Thesis OverviewThis thesis addresses the problems of traffic engineering andsuggests a solution by using the concept of Multi-Protocol LabelSwitching (MPLS).

    Thesis Domain Wide Area Networks

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Kerem [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis SubjectDesign and implementation of a SIP based Presence and InstantMessaging System

    Thesis Overview

    Desing a simple system, where users can be online/offline andsend instant messages to each other. The SUBSCRIBE andNOTIFY messages should be used to publish the presentity tothe watcher and the mesaging is done with MESSAGE requests.You can enhance your design as much as you want.

    Thesis Domain SIP-Programming

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Erinc [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis SubjectDesign and implementation of a SIP based Medical EventMonitoring System.

    Thesis Overview

    The event notification systems can be used in medicine tomonitor patients, their treatments, to alert the doctor in case ofemergency etc. This project aims to create such a mechanismincluding some/all of the above use cases by using SIP protocol.SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY Sip messages can be used for thesubscription and notification of the events. You can enhance thedesign by considering the authentication and authorization issuesto keep the system confidential. You need to use appropriateMedical Logic Modules like Arden Syntax or you can use XMLmessages. The doctor can be alerted by bluetooth enabled

    mobile device, or an incoming call.

    Thesis Domain SIP-Programming-BioMedical

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Ozlem [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Design and implementation of a SIP based Voice Mail System.

    Thesis Overview

    Desing a Voice mail system that routes unattended calls to Voicemail where callers can leave voice messages. The unattendedcalls can be no-answer, busy or dont disturb cases. The calledline shoul be able to call some special number and listen the leftvoice messages.

    Thesis Domain SIP-Voip-Programming

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Volkan [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Implementation and Verification of Services Architecture

    Thesis Overview

    The concept of a service router and how it is different fromtraditional routeDicuss Virtual Private Wire ServicesDescribe the PW Emulation Edge to Edge (PWE3) technologyJustification for Virtual Private Wire ServicesService OverviewService Implementation

    Thesis Domain Network, IP/MPLS, Services Architecture

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    nc nan [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject MPLS Implementation and Verification

    Thesis Overview

    MPLS is a label switching technology combines the trafficengineering capability of ATM with the flexibility and scalability ofIP. MPLS provides the ability to establish connection-orientedpaths over a connectionless IP network, and facilitates amechanism to engineer network traffic patterns independentlyfrom routing tables. MPLS technology offers many servicesincluding Layer 3 VPN,Traffic Engineering, traffic protection andLayer 2 VPN. This thesis explores MPLS concepts and relatedsignaling protocols. This thesis examines in detail the LDP andRSVP protocols and their position in the MPLS topology. Toreinforce the thesis there will be comprehensive lab exercises

    and case studies.

    Thesis Domain Network,Telecommunication, IP/MPLS

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Bar [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Virtual Private LAN Services over IP/MPLS Networks

    Thesis Overview

    Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), architecture for fast packetswitching and routing, provides the designation, routing,forwarding and switching of traffic flows through the network.More specifically, MPLS has mechanisms to manage traffic flowsof various granularities. MPLS is independent of the layer-2 andlayer-3 protocols such as ATM and IP. MPLS provides a meansto map IP addresses to simple, fixed-length labels used bydifferent packet-forwarding and packet-switching technologies.

    VPN Services offer enhanced tunneling mechanisms whichdiffers the customers traffic from internal traffic of current

    network. They are invisible to other customers. There is a lot ofkind of Services with regard to customers needs.

    The goal of this thesis statement would be examining the MPLSstructure, its enhanced features and Service architectures. Toreinforce the thesis there will be comprehensive lab exercisesand case studies.

    Thesis Domain Network,Telecommunication, IP/MPLS

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Ibrahim [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Epipe Service Implementation and Verification

    Thesis Overview

    Characteristics of an ePipe service

    Steps in configuring an ePipe serviceePipe service management tasksOAM tools SDP-Ping, SDP-MTU, and Service Ping

    Thesis Domain Network,Telecommunication, IP/MPLS

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Emre [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject VPRN Implementation and Verification

    Thesis Overview

    Operation and benefits of a VPRN serviceVPRN topologies

    VPRN operation including route distinguishers, route targets,VRF tables, route distributionVPRN configurationOAM tools VPRN ping and trace

    Thesis Domain Network,Telecommunication, IP/MPLS

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Emre [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject QoS in IP/MPLS networks

    Thesis Overview

    The concept of "Quality of Service" and how it is implemented inIP/MPLS networks.Discuss and describe the "Differentiated Services Architecture"(DiffServ) QoS model.

    Thesis Domain Network, IP/MPLS

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Tevfik [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject DNS usage in SIP network

    Thesis Overview

    Determine benefits/losts of usage DNS in SIP network.. Can DNSentries be used to solve SIP URIs? Can real DNS be used in SIPnetwork worldwide? Or need a private DNS in SIP network?Analzye different SIP network topologies and use DNS in thosenetworks.

    Thesis Domain SIP Networks

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Ayhan [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

    Murat [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject QoS Management for VoIP Networks

    Thesis Overview

    Network QoS refers to the ability of the network to handle the

    traffic such that it meets the service needs of certain

    applications. This requires fundamental traffic handling

    mechanisms in the network, the ability to identify traffic that is

    entitled to these mechanisms and the ability to control these

    mechanisms. Different applications have different requirements

    regarding the handling of their traffic in the network.

    Applications generate traffic at varying rates and generally

    require that the network be able to carry traffic at the rate at

    which they generate it. In addition, applications are more or less

    tolerant of traffic delays in the network and of variation in traffic

    delay. Certain applications can tolerate some degree of trafficloss while others cannot.. In this work QoS management of

    VoIP networks will be analyzed.

    Thesis DomainQuality of Service (QoS), Session Initiation Protocol (SIP),VOIP,IP Telephony

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Erol [email protected]

    0 216 579 20 00

    Berkin [email protected] 0 216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Security software for NFC enabled phones

    Thesis Overview

    Near-Field Communication (NFC) is a short range, contactlesstechnology used for communication between devices that are veryclose to each other. Products have built in NFC simplify the way in

    which these devices interact and in turn help users get and shareinformation much easier, and even allow for faster payments in asecure way.

    This thesis will study the capabilities of the NFC mobile phones, howsecure NFC technology is in real and how secure it can be made. A listof requirements needs to be compiled and research how theserequirements can be implemented. A Java application should beimplemented provides security for NFC as demostration of research.

    Thesis Domain Information Security, NFC, Java ME

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Ali Ozan [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Mobile Wallet with NFC Technology

    Thesis Overview

    The mobile phone is being used in new areas everyday. Mobile walletor e-wallet one of them. You can use your mobile phone instead of yourcreadit card or money. There is such of different mobile wallet

    applications offered by different parties.

    The purpose of this thesis is to built a demo solution that manages thelife cycle of the mobile wallet applications using nfc technology onmobile phones. Combination this solution with existing infrastructureand allowing multiple mobile wallets should be cared. Solution mustconsist of specification of the functionalities and interfaces,implemented server side and clients that used demo and test theapplication.

    Thesis Domain Web Services, NFC, Java ME,Mobile Wallet

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Ali Ozan [email protected]

    0216 579 20 00

  • 7/31/2019 Alcatel TR Tez Konulari


    Thesis Proposal

    Thesis Subject Having shopping-information via NFC Technology

    Thesis Overview

    When you need information, you use search multiple sites on internet.For example you are on shopping mall and you need to know userratings or comments about the movie or book you see on the shelf. To

    do that you need to open your mobile browser and search forinformation and maybe you need to surf lots of web sites to have yourinformation. Or this book may be much more cheaper on another shopalso it has gift offer. Dont you want to be informed ?

    The purpose of this thesis is to built shooping asistant for customers.Consumers can have all useful information from different areas (pricecomparison, comments, ratings) , different services about the product inone screen. Even if the shop let you to see its stock information.Electronic Product Code (EPC) should be researched and implementedin this solution.

    Thesis Domain Web Services, NFC, Java ME, EPC

    Thesis Consultants

    Name Surname E-Mail Adress Phone Number

    Ali Ozan Lali_ozan.cil@alcatel-

    0216 579 20 00