a~i:s~~~~~r~~:~i~~ · whistler ~ well its e ough to kill yoll ly mg here not t we sort of chaps...

It Iverse and tbe of s nall duties and that si II damn nO' s ns cons at m small atJ!: of An 1 bere I baza be assertIOn that the e would be bu.t lIttle runn ng to the post office on thQ Sabbatb If It lid not e a httle tune to Borne other day so here let me spl t h lIt woop wh Ie you go to tbe post officer and I shall save a 1 ttle time and be as mnocent as you In the second place man) of 0 Ir mmlsters drag mtp the pulp t sib Jects polit cal m tbelr tendency and J Istify the pmctlCe on the ground tbat there shou* ever be an agree between reI glOn and politiCS and therefore It IS adm sSlble to treat on pobt cs on tbe Sabbath Wille I admIt the premise I donbt the con elusIOn I premise that our farm aDical mercan \ Ie bank and all other operatIOns should be conducted! lD perfect agree WIth ehglOn a'n 1 when they' so conducted, tl ey are d()rle to the g10ry of God as certamly as any other duty but dQes It follow that these may lawfully, be cond lCteil on the Orie rna) sav per that talkmg and domg a e d f. ferent thlggs They ane phys cally are they morally and el glOusly? If becanse we m ]st do every thmg to the glor) of God It IS r ght to do those on tbo Sabbath then we need no d st uct on of days and may adopt. the doct ne I h('a d advanced once by a no Sabbath man that we should make all days a Sabbath wh ch 18 equ alent to no Sabbath [0 [J ] LITERARY WOMEN NO 2 Letitia Elizabeth LaIldou On the 7th of J me grandmother 8 stlflV yonng fellow for a com It would be d\fficullti o!!tent;atious a professed Idolater The persuadmg the English pnblIc to IdenL fy poetry and liS the same thmg for we cottslder th s mJUlY to be more clp.arly tracea ble to the larger mtellectuallty of Byron s melancholy ravmgs from whICh sprung a host of Imitators of whom MISS Landon was only one But that her poetly was weakenmg to the mtellect wh ch Imbibed a taste for It we do not doubt till It sho Id be remembered that twas not the best or strongest mm s that were her admIrers As the til te and Judgment of the reader matur d With cntlCal d scnnimat on her lackiadaisl cal poetry was sure to he set arde fOI that of II ordel aoo m re en du mg worth for table the strength I chl[rc·hea sustam their native pastors snppose of s xpenny wmdfall In next recess I diS thClr noblest u to evangelIzed 9 ,--'-'--.----- For (he Sabbath Reeo der THE WINTER S l' ADTNG o covered two occupymg OpposIte cornels of the They were not ragged bnt ery roughly at tired and each a sack mer hIS shonlder aud sat With their backs to the stone Side their arms folded and theH caps pnlled well down over their eyes eVidently resolved to weather It t II mornmg I thought they both asleep but as I halted one of them raIsed hiS head and civill asked me If I had such a thlDg a pipe of bacca on me It so hapl ened that I had- two pipes mdeed-a fact that very much gratified the man m the other corner Who rotlsed at heanng bIB mate s vOice I sho lId thought that YOIl m ght have fonnd snugger quarters than these fOI a n ght s I remarked Well you mister It 5 handy fOI BillIngsgate LikeWise for tl e worfs added hiS mate "But why not sleep lD II bed Beds are cbeap enough hereabout Won t run to It mister Come to pICk up no more n a bob lD a dal!! you am t got much change left after you ve bought la bit of grub and a piece of bacca Sides I d sooner sleep here than!ID them there dirty three penny c bs - wonldn t you Whistler Well Its e ough to kill YOll ly mg here Not t we sort of chaps take a LONDON :BRIDGE AT NIGHT heap of kIllm -don t we Whls James Greenwood whose Night n a Wo khouse contrIbuted to the Use IS ev ry h ng the pelson Pull Gaze t< created a good addressed sente?tlOuslv repl ed I deal of excite men some time ago has am t slept ID a bed these two ear and what s more I don t banker f IrDished to the London E e 9 Star arter'it an account of i!. Vl8lt whICh he was And so With Jli b t more bacca and mduced to pay to another klDd of a good nIght I left them 10dglIfg-the resort of the lowest The next recess was vacant In classes of London-the reces-es on the next I found a young man de- cently dressed as far as the uncerta n the pa apet of London BrIdge He I ght revealed 10 a su t of blaek h s was told that men and women regn coat buttoned tight under hiS chID la if slept there and he went to test HIS faee was remarkahly pale hut the tr Ith of the statement He otherWise had It heen daytime no thmg extt\ordulary would have been says noticed m him as he sat on the stone I came on the br dge f: am the city step nursJDg one of hiS feet and Side and Just the chmches were nervously graspIng the mstep of It ch m ng two 0 clock I applOached With one hand wI II the other sup the first ecess It was empty S:lve ported b s head He looked I ke a for a pool of raIn water In wh ch the pe son s adenly overtakeu "Ith an rays from the gas lamps above twm Illness of a sO! t Jnst no v I re\ allmg kled W th mu.ch satisfactIOn I I beg psrdon Sir but yo I appear struck a Cigar 1 ght on the dl y under nnwell part of the gramte seat and once He stalted and looked up With an more set my face toward So Ith vark offended air I am well ello gh more as a pUlllshment for my fool sh thanky he saId It s no affaIr of ness n puttmg fait!' n Mr Pohce yours I Imagtl1c f I m not. man than that I expected to make It 8 every man s affa r to offer the any discovery 1 hest he can to hnothel who seems m But alas In nu nbel two need of It shan t quarrel about It "as my fortune to st mble on a that I presume canse of qnak ng fOf my wage had Sh!UI t Who says we shan t! made t for croucb ng m a Why do y au pick me out to plllctlCe corner nose and f:nees and "Ith on w th y Ir mfernal Method at some rag of a [lark alar p Illed over cant Pia you would I ke to fol her head so that be looked more low me and ontmne JOur sermon? lIke a nasty md ethan anythmg Do f you d3jre h lman wad a womlm She was on And so saymg With a stamp of the seat and eurledl p on the stone the strange young man floor was a man as bould be J ldged to hi feet and str Itted away by an old boot ot full size With a the ram rent m the Side and a a v of adult I was nenrl the Surrey Bile of tbe ana dirty toes that protruded f am bndge by uqs tune and -would havc beneath b m and as shone on by turned to ret:race my steps only that the gas OtherwlR It" ould have was the way the madm:m had taken been difficult to hn e told what crea and he m ght I was pursumg ture It was Its hea bemg hidden m h n With so I went on the woman s lap a d the dal k sha" I a little and presently came fifty live Protestant c1 vDllna. Prcltes't-i rHE SUNDAY IN VENIOE Carleton the welll.nqwn eor respondent of the Boston Jo mal now tdvehng 1ll Europe gives the followmg deSCrIptIOn of thp Sunday 1D Vellice which. may be regarded. as'_·' .... ·8: Illustrative of the state of thmgs 1D te Roman CatholIc conntnes The church bells were rmgmg and I went out at an early hour to how tbe Sunday would be ob;. served Nearly all of the shops were open and men were hard at work faElatiill!; Onr mother s lost he. youthfulueas Her smiles are Just <IS kind -';,Her tones to us soft llB erst Whero .lIould we deafor dnd? They bad all kept AlISamts and lost one day swages durmg week there was to be a But as we tl e trembling tODoue And ma k tlie st60p ng form A sOd ,0 co hlSpers to our hcnrth Ye c nuot keep hor long noO'll and even ng and must be given to chnrches priests were saylll/t mass Here and there a poor old woman was kneehng on the cold marble floor countmg her beads arid here and there also a beggar m tatters who paused III hIB praytng ask for I oflice:s, sold OutSide of the church a ster had piled hIB cabbages lor sale.l while 1D front of It a company of gymnasts theatre-four men and a WIth their faces daubed With yellow pa nt The woman Fdll:eS!!ed lD a shO! t dirty frock was a brass drum one actor blow My thoughts were far a trumpet one scrapmg a VIOlIn men of any kind as I one tnrulllg a craIt k of a organ hr f h ! They were orchestra and company tong 0 at ers ill one and after a clatter of Illstruments !Zant goods h unted on the t ey went throngh a series of tricks rr I!' on a sp mg board for the am,ns(,mcmt of oun thnvmg of the crowd a half dozen bells rmg I w!as one of the hned the polIshed mg all the wh Ie m the belfry above \(' them and a hundred or more priiest:s, With admlflng eyes not a stone s throw d stant fabrICS so temptmgly U1·'n w1 yt;'". mass for the dead half nour s absence of qllligillg I ____ ..... -.,-- ..... : cle k who could find goods I reqUIred only part of the honse '"10",'p.n to he enterta ned w th streams of f!m ones partlOg Bea Itlful faces ahght life the eXCItement ofl pmg plder countenances witll-'--_I I m determ ned to dllve a bargalll looklllg forth from wr nkles and Just percept ble crow 8 feet eVI dences of how human nature nn{)on sc oUBly dIBplays Itself And the dl versIOn It was to hear those different vOICes-one sound ng so sweet and clear that It p od ced more smIles on the f ce of the pohte and oblIg salesman nnd caused the very: goodS to be handled wltn a cheerful ness that was III marked contrast to hiS fellow-clel k whose customer was deplormg high prIces and d sparag 1Dg matenal m tlte querulous shal'P tones tbat set some sens 1I ve nerves on epge 1 And while I lVaIted and made mental cnt c sms to amnse myself an mc dent occ IITed a lIttle out of the common obse \ at on of shop vlsltbrs I A tSI ght small woman pale sad eyed and wear ng faded lace came vlth a new mflux.)f HSltors walk mg m dly and cast ng half ened! glances at the of pretty stuffs l GAMBLING AND THE OlIUROH. n a h na and R:fl 0 b!f R 'l" J mamed to a ]I.1r George 01 cape or whate e It vas hoop kneel ng upon a seat mg o\er and rIDg h m S x folded on the top Af brIght neat matenal on the eountel near w here I stood caught her eye she tremblmgly mqu red the price wI en she was told my sha p eyes saw the b 11 t1'\llsted m the q llverlOg fingers With aii perplexed tron bled al and my oa19 heard the mumured- GO\ ern or of Oape Coast Her f ends surmised much reason we do not th s marnage was unco[lgenia.), that her husband had \ ery affect on but tl e au mise pence would proc re the nnlucky face towards the r1\ er pair the luxury of halter and some deplorably old and thmg of a bed to e on beSides It her shoes a mere ell "0 th tha sum to see and broken leath sort of a crE¥lture the female eno Igh to be AnnIe would need en yards iW III you take It Slle lIfted a pale meek face an 1 anslfered sadly- I cannot I dldn t thmk )t would ar sen from the affectatIOn choly on lie part or ner·hatls was yOllng or old and to ascertam be so f am the relat onslup ex stmg between my encounter herself and the male creatu e h d I vas somewhat be Bp mucb I She was turDing wI en a the reahty of It m \lew soon lea\ ng all he old dl ng p to her I to Iched the fe might ventUle to male With rh y nmbrella where I but as It happen and f lendsblps behllld he company her husband to Cape wI cl she did a tew veeks rna mge Prev ous to her moil'.i .. O'P and embarkatIOn for Cape had commenced a ser es of rlb.,Pl·i,n_ t ve essays pon the female "h,,",,",- te1s of Scott s nmels th s did not I ,e to complete In Jnst two months from of her a Ilval at hCl UCI;\IIH\L.L'ID was found by ber rna d floor of her chamber n the nIes of death The power had 1 f am her and 80 planatIOn of hel unhappy be glVln w th cer tamty small Vial of Prnss c ac d was to be fo md III he hand and It con Jecturea that as she had been suWer Illg fi om a ner vous affeet on of the face S m lar to ne lralgla for which the pOlson had been p esc bed as a remedy that her death had resulted f am ItS ncantlOus nse for that pur pose Flom tbe uncprtamty of know mg the exact fucts of tbe case and the mysterIOus manner of her .leath to",ethcr With the Impress on which the milorm nelancholy of her poems had gIVen the publIc mmd that she was a woman of sorrowful natme and hlsto y there was not lacklllg many to hlllt and to openly declare the r convICt on that she committed SUIC de Mr Hall for many years her Illtlmate friend not heSitate to m regard to her death I that pOIson m some shape- not from the small VIal wlnc!:. It "as 8 1)\ as found In her hand-was ad mmlstered by the :woman who IS known to have beep her pre decessor B It all these conJectwes must reminn conjectures only, and at thiS date It matters very ht·tle as to whICh was coneet We cannot COInCIde wlth s('rtlon of one of her later guessed he Isho Ider wn" and she past her she turned Illstantly disengaged her shawl and me Bloated blear by the same movement exposed the her black ha r bose face of the man The woman s was on her forehead and an old face+- vllnkled an 1 monkey the ugUest I ct e I Ish wh Ie the face of the man was almost youthf 1 b t dlIty and v I lamons lookmg at d s mounted by a crop of red hal Yon 11 catch your death of cold Iy ng out here m the ra n Why don t you find some shelter? You be -- g umbled the young fellow wlth a thleaten ng scow 1 as lie t replaced the wet shawl over hiS head I thought It was the perhce agm But the old woman was made of other Nudgmg the hnlklllg hIS tongue she said al e you go ng after -IU the mOlm g I We ve fr ends to 'VlT:nOllf. af!kiDlg me ala, .fooli!lh woman to talk adVICe and go I find myself It s I sleep Sleepmg a beauty Come- to stand a pen orth of nothmg else to do so I snulIlu,g, and Implored her .orne'wn·ere tor shelter whoj that' tblB woman lDft1\lted an almoat ;rl hIe IUJ Iry dn English \ lIterature, gentleman who like myself. had been Ii su.ppc)rt, lookmg and lIstenIng I d ew neal !lskmg of the clerk- iWhat does the lady \ ant' I Will walt upon her-you attend to those customers below The respeetfill mannel v th "hlOh was <!beyed made ·Ime at once ware that he was the and was a 1 ttle s IPfl8el at "hat fol towed How many ya ds d you want madam? I ]Jer astoDishment "as amuslOAf 'I can t take It SIr I " I am not talkmg abont that WIth a smile J 1St answer my ques tlOn He cnt off more than she falte 109 ly entlOned and whIle he was pac mg It up she founcJ vOice to tell blm that III health had forced her to reh qu sh the work WIth whICh had obtamed a snpport for hp.lrSellf lind two children But glrl-barely gOI g to teach III a week nee cd a dress to make her presenita- bId He made no Ieply the poor httle -t e very last of a and from hiS own portulOn.aie ·ad,ding a g eenback the amoUlnt cou d not see tWCfln the cords bound padel and handed 1 latter 1There tell your stI'¥1ger Wishes her e walked away 11,,","11',. her tearful tbanks an looked as like one 10 a .ur."uu. was a SImple act qUI til done and tha becisuse wonld not be the hst fQr aid pOllwar scheme He wjl;bl:(,oid llI\etb.Cid. hi'! .beuIBvolclDoo. ptcJUl[ug!lte name to b<

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Page 1: a~i:s~~~~~r~~:~i~~ · Whistler ~ Well Its e ough to kill YOll ly mg here Not t we sort of chaps take a LONDON ... nees and "Ith on w th y Ir mfernal Method at some rag of a ... My

It Iverse ntt,'.o~ and tb!Lti"'c)~dience

tbe of s nall duties and that si II damn nO' s ns cons at m small atJ!: of dlsobcd~ence An 1 bere I baza ~ be assertIOn that the e would be bu.t lIttle runn ng to the post office on thQ Sabbatb If It lid not sa~ e a httle tune to Borne other day so here let me spl t h lIt

woop wh Ie you go to tbe post officer and I shall save a 1 ttle time and be as mnocent as you

In the second place man) of 0 Ir mmlsters drag mtp the pulp t sib Jects polit cal m tbelr tendency and J Istify the pmctlCe on the ground tbat there shou* ever be an agree m~nt between reI glOn and politiCS and therefore It IS adm sSlble to treat on pobt cs on tbe Sabbath Wille I admIt the premise I donbt the con elusIOn I premise that our farm

m~cl aDical mercan \ Ie bank and all other operatIOns should be conducted! lD perfect agree WIth ehglOn a'n 1 when they'

so conducted, tl ey are d()rle to the g10ry of God as certamly as any other duty but dQes It follow that these may lawfully, be cond lCteil on the Sabbath~ Orie rna) sav per ljaps~ that talkmg and domg a e d f. ferent thlggs They ane phys cally

are they morally and el glOusly? If becanse we m ]st do every thmg to the glor) of God It IS r ght to do those ~hmgs on tbo Sabbath then we need no d st uct on of days and may adopt. the doct ne I h('a d advanced once by a no Sabbath man that we should make all days a Sabbath wh ch 18 equ ~ alent to no Sabbath

[0 [J ]

LITERARY WOMEN NO 2 Letitia Elizabeth LaIldou

On the 7th of J me

grandmother 8 stlflV yonng fellow for a com

es't:~blished, It would be d\fficullti o!!tent;atious a professed Idolater The

persuadmg the English pnblIc to IdenL fy poetry and mawklsh~ess liS the same thmg for we cottslder th s mJUlY to be more clp.arly tracea ble to the larger mtellectuallty of Byron s melancholy ravmgs from whICh sprung a host of Imitators of whom MISS Landon was only one But that her poetly was weakenmg to the mtellect wh ch Imbibed a taste for It we do not doubt till It sho Id be remembered that twas not the best or strongest mm s that were her admIrers As the til te and Judgment of the reader matur d With cntlCal d scnnimat on her lackiadaisl cal poetry was sure to he set arde fOI that of II hlghe~ ordel aoo m re en du mg worth

for table the strength I chl[rc·hea sustam their native pastors snppose of s xpenny wmdfall In next recess I diS a~i:s~~~~~r~~:~i~~ thClr noblest

u to evangelIzed IS~~~~~~~!

9 ,--'-'--.-----For (he Sabbath Reeo der



covered two occupymg OpposIte cornels of the They were not ragged bnt ~ ery roughly at tired and each a sack mer hIS shonlder aud sat With their backs to the stone Side their arms folded and theH caps pnlled well down over their eyes eVidently resolved to weather It t II mornmg I thought they ~ere both asleep but as I halted one of them raIsed hiS head and civill asked me If I had such a thlDg a~ a pipe of bacca on me It so hapl ened that I had­two pipes mdeed-a fact that very much gratified the man m the other corner Who rotlsed at heanng bIB mate s vOice

I sho lId b~ve thought that YOIl m ght have fonnd snugger quarters than these fOI a n ght s ~odgmg I remarked

Well you s~e mister It 5 handy fOI BillIngsgate

LikeWise for tl e worfs added hiS mate

"But why not sleep lD II bed ~ Beds are cbeap enough hereabout

Won t run to It mister Come to pICk up no more n a bob lD a dal!! you am t got much change left after you ve bought la bit of grub and a piece of bacca Sides I d sooner sleep here than!ID them there dirty three penny c bs - wonldn t you Whistler ~

Well Its e ough to kill YOll ly mg here

Not t we sort of chaps take a LONDON :BRIDGE AT NIGHT heap of kIllm -don t we Whls

James Greenwood whose Night tler~ n a Wo khouse contrIbuted to the Use IS ev ry h ng the pelson

Pull ~Iall Gaze t< created a good addressed sente?tlOuslv repl ed I deal of excite men some time ago has am t slept ID a bed these two ear

and what s more I don t banker f IrDished to the London E e 9 Star arter'it an account of i!. Vl8lt whICh he was And so With Jli b t more bacca and mduced to pay to another klDd of a good nIght I left them 10dglIfg-the resort of the lowest The next recess was vacant In classes of London-the reces-es on the next I found a young man de-

cently dressed as far as the uncerta n the pa apet of London BrIdge He I ght revealed 10 a su t of blaek h s was told that men and women regn coat buttoned tight under hiS chID la if slept there and he went to test HIS faee was remarkahly pale hut the tr Ith of the statement He otherWise had It heen daytime no

thmg extt\ordulary would have been says noticed m him as he sat on the stone

I came on the br dge f: am the city step nursJDg one of hiS feet and Side and Just a~ the chmches were nervously graspIng the mstep of It ch m ng two 0 clock I applOached With one hand wI II the other sup the first ecess It was empty S:lve ported b s head He looked I ke a for a pool of raIn water In wh ch the pe son s adenly overtakeu "Ith an rays from the gas lamps above twm Illness of a sO! t Jnst no v I re\ allmg kled W th mu.ch satisfactIOn I I beg psrdon Sir but yo I appear struck a Cigar 1 ght on the dl y under nnwell part of the gramte seat and once He stalted and looked up With an more set my face toward So Ith vark offended air ~ I am well ello gh more as a pUlllshment for my fool sh thanky he saId It s no affaIr of ness n puttmg fait!' n Mr Pohce yours I Imagtl1c f I m not. man than that I expected to make It 8 every man s affa r to offer the any discovery 1 hest he can to hnothel who seems m

But alas In re~ess nu nbel two need of It w~ shan t quarrel about It "as my fortune to st mble on a that I presume canse of qnak ng fOf my wage had Sh!UI t w~ Who says we shan t!

made t for her~, croucb ng m a Why do y au pick me out to plllctlCe corner nose and f:nees and "Ith on w th y Ir mfernal Method at some rag of a [lark alar p Illed over cant ~ Pia you would I ke to fol her head so that be looked more low me and ontmne JOur sermon? lIke a nasty ~ md ethan anythmg Do f you d3jre h lman wad a womlm She was on And so saymg With a stamp of the seat and eurledl p on the stone de'fianC~ the strange young man floor was a man as bould be J ldged l·s~lra[lg to hi feet and str Itted away by an old boot ot full size With a the ram rent m the Side and a a v of adult I was nenrl the Surrey Bile of tbe ana dirty toes that protruded f am bndge by uqs tune and -would havc beneath b m and as shone on by turned to ret:race my steps only that the gas OtherwlR It" ould have was the way the madm:m had taken been difficult to hn e told what crea and he m ght I was pursumg ture It was Its hea bemg hidden m h n With so I went on the woman s lap a d the dal k sha" I a little and presently came

fifty live Protestant c1 vDllna. Prcltes't-i

rHE SUNDAY IN VENIOE Carleton the welll.nqwn eor

respondent of the Boston Jo mal now tdvehng 1ll Europe gives the

followmg deSCrIptIOn of thp Sunday a~!~;~::~/~~ t~ra 1D Vellice which. may be regarded. as'_·' .... ~ ·8: :IS~~~:i'~·,tf:~"'; Illustrative of the state of thmgs 1D te Roman CatholIc conntnes

The church bells were rmgmg and I went out at an early hour to re1~ailis

how tbe Sunday would be ob;. served Nearly all of the shops were open and men were hard at work 1l:!.~Lndlr:oo faElatiill!;

Onr mother s lost he. youthfulueas Her smiles are Just <IS kind

-';,Her tones to us ~re soft llB erst Whero .lIould we deafor dnd?

They bad all kept AlISamts and lost one day swages durmg week there was to be a

But as we not~ tl e trembling tODoue And ma k tlie st60p ng form

A sOd ,0 co hlSpers to our hcnrth Ye c nuot keep hor long

noO'll and even ng and must be given to chnrches priests were saylll/t mass Here and there a poor old woman was kneehng on the cold marble floor countmg her beads arid here and there also a beggar m tatters who paused III hIB praytng ~o ask for I oflice:s, sold OutSide of the church a uu"~-, ster had piled hIB cabbages ~nd ~nr

lor sale.l while 1D front of It a 8tr:ag!~lin company of gymnasts

theatre-four men and a WIth their faces daubed With yellow pa nt The woman

Fdll:eS!!ed lD a shO! t dirty frock was U~.'.'U,I! a brass drum one actor blow

My thoughts were far a trumpet one scrapmg a VIOlIn men of any kind as I one tnrulllg a craItk of a h~nd organ hr f h !

They were orchestra and company tong 0 at ers ill one and after a clatter of Illstruments !Zant ~ry goods h unted on the Ia~~~:)!~~~~U:'ll'OI~el[aclle t ey went throngh a series of tricks

rr I!' on a sp mg board for the am,ns(,mcmt of oun thnvmg of the crowd a half dozen bells rmg

I w!as one of the hned the polIshed A?IlTItler~; mg all the wh Ie m the belfry above

\(' them and a hundred or more priiest:s, With admlflng eyes b!lilutif~ not a stone s throw d stant fabrICS so temptmgly U1·'nw1yt;'". mass for the dead half nour s absence of qllligillg I ____ ..... -.,--.....: cle k who could find goods I reqUIred only part of the honse '"10",'p.n to he enterta ned w th streams of f!m ones '''J,'U!L'~ partlOg

Bea Itlful faces ahght life ~nd the eXCItement ofl pmg plder countenances witll-'--_I

I m determ ned to dllve a bargalll looklllg forth from wr nkles and Just percept ble crow 8 feet eVI dences of how human nature nn{)on sc oUBly dIBplays Itself And the dl versIOn It was to hear those different vOICes-one sound ng so sweet and clear that It p od ced more smIles on the f ce of the pohte and oblIg m~ salesman nnd caused the very: goodS to be handled wltn a cheerful ness that was III marked contrast to hiS fellow-clel k whose customer was deplormg high prIces and d sparag 1Dg matenal m tlte querulous shal'P tones tbat set some sens 1I ve nerves on epge 1

And while I lVaIted and made mental cnt c sms to amnse myself an mc dent occ IITed a lIttle out of the common obse \ at on of shop vlsltbrs I

A tSI ght small woman pale sad eyed and wear ng faded lace came vlth a new mflux.)f HSltors walk mg ~ m dly and cast ng half frrg~t ened! glances at the pU~s of pretty stuffs l

GAMBLING AND THE OlIUROH. n a h na and R:fl 0 b!f R 'l" J

mamed to a ]I.1r George 1\1.~LCle:an. 01 cape or whate e It vas hoop kneel ng upon a seat mg o\er and co~ rIDg h m S x folded on the top

Af brIght neat matenal on the eountel near w here I stood caught her eye she tremblmgly mqu red the price wI en she was told my sha p eyes saw the b 11 t1'\llsted m the q llverlOg fingers With aii perplexed tron bled al and my oa19 heard the mumured­GO\ ern or of Oape Coast

Her f ends surmised much reason we do not th s marnage was unco[lgenia.), that her husband had \ ery affect on but tl e au mise

pence would proc re the nnlucky face towards the r1\ er pair the luxury of halter and some deplorably old and thmg of a bed to e on beSides It her shoes a mere

~ ell "0 th tha ~mall sum to see and broken leath sort of a crE¥lture the female eno Igh to be

AnnIe would need en yards iW III you take It ~

Slle lIfted a pale meek face an 1 anslfered sadly­

I cannot I dldn t thmk )t would ar sen from the affectatIOn choly on lie part or ner·hatls

was yOllng or old and to ascertam be so f am the relat onslup ex stmg between my encounter herself and the male creatu e h d I vas somewhat

be Bp mucb I She was turDing aw~y wI en a

the reahty of It m \lew soon lea\ ng all he old assoc\ati'~ns

dl ng p to her I to Iched the fe might ventUle to male With rhy nmbrella where I but as It happen

and f lendsblps behllld he company her husband to Cape wI cl she did a tew veeks rna mge Prev ous to her moil'.i .. O'P and embarkatIOn for Cape had commenced a ser es of rlb.,Pl·i,n_

t ve essays pon the female "h,,",,",­te1s of Scott s nmels th s did not I ,e to complete

In Jnst two months from of her a Ilval at hCl UCI;\IIH\L.L'ID was found by ber rna d floor of her chamber n the nIes of death The power had pa8~e 1 f am her and 80

planatIOn of hel unhappy be glVln w th cer tamty small Vial of Prnss c ac d was to be fo md III he hand and It con Jecturea that as she had been suWer Illg fi om a ner vous affeet on of the face S m lar to ne lralgla for which the pOlson had been p esc bed as a remedy that her death had resulted f am ItS ncantlOus nse for that pur pose Flom tbe uncprtamty of know mg the exact fucts of tbe case and the mysterIOus manner of her .leath to",ethcr With the Impress on which the milorm nelancholy of her poems had gIVen the publIc mmd that she was a woman of sorrowful natme and hlsto y there was not lacklllg many to hlllt and to openly declare the r convICt on that she committed SUIC de Mr Hall for many years her Illtlmate friend doe~ not heSitate to Ba~ m regard to her death I behev~ that pOIson m some shape­not from the small VIal wlnc!:. It "as 8 1)\ as found In her hand-was ad mmlstered by the Afi:ic~n :woman who IS known to have beep her pre decessor B It all these conJectwes must reminn conjectures only, and at thiS date It matters very ht·tle as to whICh was coneet

We cannot COInCIde wlth s('rtlon of one of her later

guessed he Isho Ider wn" and she past her she turned Illstantly disengaged her shawl and me Bloated blear by the same movement exposed the her black ha r bose face of the man The woman s was on her forehead and an old face+- vllnkled an 1 monkey the ugUest I ct e I Ish wh Ie the face of the man was almost youthf 1 b t dlIty and v I lamons lookmg at d s mounted by a crop of red hal

Yon 11 catch your death of cold Iy ng out here m the ra n Why don t you find some shelter?

You be -- g umbled the young fellow wlth a thleaten ng scow 1 as lie t replaced the wet shawl over hiS head I thought It was the perhce agm

But the old woman was made of other Nudgmg the hnlklllg

hIS tongue she said

al e you go ng after -IU the mOlm g I

We ve fr ends to

'VlT:nOllf. af!kiDlg me ala, .fooli!lh woman to talk

adVICe and go

I find myself It s I sleep Sleepmg

a beauty Come­to stand a pen orth of

nothmg else to do so I snulIlu,g, and Implored her

.orne'wn·ere tor shelter

whoj declare~ that' tblB n~!'~e~~'1 woman lDft1\lted an almoat ;rl pr()dUI(lel~ll.ud hIe IUJ Iry dn English \ lIterature,

gentleman who like myself. had been Ii su.ppc)rt, lookmg and lIstenIng I d ew neal !lskmg of the clerk­

iWhat does the lady \ ant' I Will walt upon her-you attend to those customers below

The respeetfill mannel v th "hlOh

~e was <!beyed made ·Ime at once ware that he was the p~opneto and was a 1 ttle s I Pfl8el at "hat fol

towed How many ya ds d you want

madam? I ]Jer astoDishment "as amuslOAf 'I can t take It SIr I " I am not talkmg abont that

WIth a smile J 1St answer my ques tlOn

He cnt off more than she falte 109 ly entlOned and whIle he was pac mg It up she founcJ vOice to tell blm that III health had forced her to reh qu sh the work WIth whICh had obtamed a snpport for hp.lrSellf lind two fatherles~ children But eld~t glrl-barely gOI g to teach III a week nee cd a dress to make her presenita-bId

He made no Ieply len~ the poor httle -t e very last of a and from hiS own portulOn.aie ·ad,ding a g eenback the amoUlnt cou d not see tWCfln the cords bound padel and handed 1 latter wI~h-

1There tell your stI'¥1ger Wishes her I:'sl~ccess:"

e walked away 11,,","11',.

her tearful tbanks an looked as like one 10 a .ur."uu.

was a SImple act fno~I~~u~~t~~~lffl~~~!!~. qUI til done and

tha sameu~cil~~~i~:b~r~~ no~ced becisuse na~e wonld not be llw~ll the hst fQr aid to~rarc18 pOllwar scheme He wjl;bl:(,oid llI\etb.Cid. hi'! .beuIBvolclDoo. te~prlse \1UO"""~U.",l~ ptcJUl[ug!lte b:;~~:i~:.;r.l~:~~~:i~:~: name to b<

Page 2: a~i:s~~~~~r~~:~i~~ · Whistler ~ Well Its e ough to kill YOll ly mg here Not t we sort of chaps take a LONDON ... nees and "Ith on w th y Ir mfernal Method at some rag of a ... My

the mlDlstry and tho church--those who preach It ma1lilbg It their hobby, an? those who beh1ve them calling nothmg else gospel. J 2d It necessa­rIlJ[ desboys lit mmlStel'S usefulness as man' among U8~ are aware, and perliaps onr best preachers, IDdeed, if the world IS gettIng worse, and there IS no hope r <It untIl Jesus

the varIOUS gralDS, 1855 the Royal and fruits, usual to of England cheenng success Among are produced beyond VICtorIa or the pas~r of the ohufch!'IVas remem-of home consumptlOn Iu the same bered W]1th several kmd tokens, and horses are also fOI ex- .uccessfully on hiS I return home m the cold

Southern of the late evemng, realIzed that a

!ortatlOn The annual of Islt;eCl .. J!:rlg!llud m 1856, ax Ig from $8,000,000 to $12,000, recep new overcoat was warmer thau an old 00 That of which the finest laces he to AfrIca and worn out onll--'that a sacl of S"JI'''IU

COI,Cl-'-'itl phust comes to reig on earth, what are ma e, IS 0 extreme dehcacy 0 e or ecorder er was easier carrIe I d f ~1~nl~~~~:r]Ii h18 geographIcal ex- T th Edit R wlleal In the cutt d

HIS wo~ks on hiS travels th h texturel aud prepaJed wlth great h d As many our people may not an a eavy, careworn heart, and God-!·it 18 so wo~ldly," use laborlDg to brIn smneiS to God ~

a an Immense I sale, th t skill It sells at from $60 to $80 ler hiS name to tefs of have seen recent accounts of a HOME NE a 10m In glQ~e. were n better pIe-

meetmgs are 3d Adventism dlv~ es and sets at if the prayer varlBnce the church f Chnst

pound I SIlk culture IS consldernble, both hemispheres I rematkable of grnce ID NOlth- ~nNNESOTA I paratlon for drIVlDg through the bemg en.couraged by large rewards ern Chma, I :gIve an outlIne of TI r:~"TOY Minn. storms than IDdIlference to hlB need

flOmgovernment WlDdmllls grmd what I have gatUr~d from miSSIon I H<a/tl dp, .... h\t1, If the collec I

the glam for the cottages and coun IN WINTER ary papers and PrIV,te sources The health of the people of Mm-tI:y Villages Prallle scenelY, m all Its native In a small vIllagelcalled Lau Lmg, nesotnls remarkable Smce I came


F,,-HtSr NIEDER L (~lT?: PnUSSl\ l TilE PUBf.IC HIGHWAYS are straIght, Wildness, m all Its dIversified forms, more than two hnnklred miles from here, now most two years SIDce, there

and planted on both Sides With trees, has perpetual charms fOf the lover Pekmg, and about one hundred and sun, and has been but one funeral here, ._;1-'I;~i~5 Feb Bt 1807 J

Wltb many regr ts W\l left Lon don, where we hlld JnJoyed so much, and proceeded to thJ Contment We 'Hnt dnectly to B+s~els; by wa:x of Do\ er Ilnd Oot-endi' 11stance 238 mIles

Impartmg much beauty to the laud of beauty m nature The roillDg forty mIles flom an~mlsslon statlOn, day of that was a soldier brought home to

I h it f th Mid It a Id I th f when the be hurled There have been two scape t :IS 1,300 mlle~ of nul prames wes 0 e Issouq aSSume Ive n 0 Imau y e naDie 0 ways, bUilt and conducted by go, ern a grand~ur of appeamnee fal: eXflell Chn About a year a$o, he became degrees be othel ffinerals m the township These

t t 11 h l ne< th 11 d fl tt n hod b t h cryst~ls are morc thon an "verage tinr the men, connee IDg ate pnnClpal 1" e sma er an a er praules very m c c ncerl1e a OU IS SID ,. U ~ busmess towns The fare on these east of the MISSISSIPPI They bear fulness and tlle IDterests of hlS sonl on the mOlDmg of January 4th, soon to\\ ns east, west, north, and north-

We propose to stud car~ully the countnes through IWh~ch we pass, and the SOCIal con~ltlO~ of the peo pIe-then IDdustrutl occnpatlOns, cuI tuI'e, and amusemen s I We WIll then give a condensed on hne of facts and ImpreSSIOns We ill particularIze where we must, and enerahze where we cau We wll1 gl '6 fuets accurate

roads IS fixed at so Iowa mte as to on all their sUlfaoos the eVidence but as he kne\l¥ notiIllng of the Chns' mantled the dark earth I With whlte! west of thiS, accordmg tn my best IUduce a large amount of travel It" that He who made them was dl twn rehglon, and nad not henrd of and durmg the month fbe snow felt information The prlDClpal object hus 1,700 miles of telegraph wues VIne TheIr wavmg hnes of beauty, the BIble, he could find no remedy m MlDnesota to the depth of 12 to of my comlDg to thIS State 'fas for The countJy IS also mtersected by on every hand, WIth thelf change at for hiS SIDS, nor anythIDg to satisfy 16 IDches, varymg ID dlterent locah Ibetter health But I had neier con­numelOUS canals, WhICh faCilitate th~ at every step, give new IDsplratlOns hiS longmgs In the midst of hIS tIes, nnd durmg the second and fourth celved the vijlue of the clu~ate In transmiSSIOn of Its mmmg product~ to the thIDker, a(!, he pursues hIS de- anxiety, he fas taken dangerously wee1ks of January, lther. were thIS respect - I do not hesitate to and hell' y merchandize I 1 VlOUS way, far from human hablta- ill, and as death drew on apace, hiS two ~ays of very freezi g weather, pronounQe thiS far healthier tHan .any

hs lIlNES employ a quarter of tlOn, With the blua :vault above, and anxiety and fears mcreased WhIle the mercury runnlDg dQ\lwn to 28 de other State or place I have mIllIon of men The YIeld of Iron I~ the green earth a;ound him, as the ID thIS wretched ,condition, he one grees and 32 degrees below zero known Nor do IJudge thug simiph11 annually more than 150,000 tuns only obJects on which hiS eye can day fell asleep, and dleamed that he The rth and 10th of F~bruary w~re froili the chmatlc effects upon aucl of coal mOle than 2,000,000 call rest To traverse such a land, when was dead In hiS disembodied state the coldest of the mont~, and of ~~e own dIseased and eufeebled body,

KI1\G])O~I OF llEL.(H{;~r drons This fact IS worthy of record I clothed WIth ItS summer verdure, and he came upo~ a beautiful City, whes; year, so far, yet from tl:ie 12thto the glvmg vigor, elastICity, strength, and It-IssUJrounded Uy France, Prus- as the capacity ofa country to enncJ decked With ItS floral beauty, draws walls nnd gatbs were all glorIOUS and IGth j a thaw cRmed ofi}most of the durabilIty, not before enJoved m

Sla, Holland, and the North Sea, be- Its people, IS saId to be measured b~ the soul mto a rIcher commuDlon brIght IhJse were guardeil by snow, stil~ a·coatmg o~ Ice, co, ered fifteen years, but from obser~~tIOn at teen 49 deg 27 mlland 51 de~ 21 the qllantlty of Its llon and coal Ii With HIm who made them all pure and .ot1es8 bemgs, who re wlthla hght snow, gives us the best large Why, m any other place of mm north latltud and 2 deg 37 abounds also In peat, lead, zmc cop When tlie frosts of autumn, and the sembled die sun In glory WithIn slelgfmg of the season A few days my acquamtance, If people exposed

Iy and pass on I apl ~'v

mm and"-6 degl 1 m east longl- per, mllrble, n1um, slate, and hme bleak wmds nnd storms of wlDter, were multitudes of SimIlar bemgs ofhlo?h wmds, and occaslOnally brIght themselves as they do here, gomg /lulllu,er tudtl Its super~CI 1 area IS 11,375 ITs M~NUFAcTomEs have been fOI dll!Slpate thiS summer loveliness, they The entire crty appealed to be radl SUll fogo, have admonIShed us to thuily and poorly clad, dunkmg sur­square miles, or I! lIttle less than one ages celebIated for the excellent qual throw the mantle of desolatIOn 0' er ant With IIgbt He could compare It keep wlthm close quarters, though face and' slew' water all the year, ~nd fourth the SIze ote the State of New Ity of theIr fabrICS Its bloadclothsj the whole, and yet can not rob them only to the glory of the sun So the severe storms of last '1\ mter subJeetmg themselves to the extrerttes York The face of the countrv along m findness and evenness of textur:! of theIr mherent beauty The whole lovery was the place, that he deSIred lia\ e not been repeated of w~t, cold, and heat, they would all the coast, ~xtendmg some mlies mto and ITi p~lfectlOn of color and fimoh, ~cene lesolves Itselfmto the grandeur to go m, bu~ the guards plevented 4 ~wl be SICk at once, If they did not all the InterIOr IS low aud flaq the rest surpns~ any othels made m Europe of desolatIOn, the whole land looks him He Rsked the reason of thIS While speakmg of wmter, I am die, wblle here they are rosy, elas-

a vast rolhng plam, With the ex The genume BI usscls carpets are un as If enJoymg n rest after a gal~ day They replIed, t!rat he ~ an Impure agam remmded of, the great need of tIC, and robust, and have a tiger s of a small portIon of the equaled m beauty and durabllItyl of suushme and flowers, ID the soft and smful betg, that pUrIty of bfe our I>OClety here-of our youth j nppetlte But come here, dear reader

"hlch IS rough The low- The Be1gum lace', ID fineness of tex er, mellower moonlIght of evenmg was reqUIred! of all who entered the e~peC\al1y Widely scattered on and witness the dazzlmg brIght sun-along the coast are pr&tected ture anel exqUIsite wOlkmanshlp,:ue There IS a stcrn and rugged beauty, glonou8 CIty ThIS depressed hIm the prallle, m n new country, dogs as they rear their heads on etthe'!

by dikes, whm:e natural embankments the, ery best made The finest sells as the hght fades Into darkne~., as very much '~but they encouraged school famltttes are poor, and WIth SIde of Sol, mornmg and evemncl do not defend them Dikes al,o ex for 8200 :md upwnIds 'Per ell Flem- hill and da~ lay aSide their summer him by sayl g, that by and by he most of our youth the long willter tholr fiery brIght noses pIerCIng the tend along tll-c banks of InelS and loh The manuf:lCture of all gmdes drapery, anit draw on the thick, Bom would be p rmltted to enter, but days and e\emngs are passed umm zemth often, and some·lmes follow-estuRncs L of Imen goods gn es employment to bre folds of wmter costume Staud now he mu t return to the eartb proved, compaled \Vltl\. what they rng hIm all day, often through IJlrWJIIStlect

.s LIMA I IS a Itt e mIlder than In a ml Ion 0 operatives Silk and n some IVI e, t e eye were e B 0 lId receive lDstl1lctIOns "'I qua rauv, <,lome, a so, and behold I.. C ~ 1 I I If II f IDg blgh 0 "d d h 1 h h hI' should be, because we have not d· I tllelchmate of eFJersey Wegl\e cotton fabriCS, 011 clotb, paper lea takes ID the broad landscape on either concernmg tlhs pure hfe, and by fol bOOKS and penodICals for them to beautiful mIracle workmg mIrage, m /,c(lnnect,ion a smgle lllusb abon On the 14th of thor, cutlery, surgIcal and mathema Side, \\ Ith all Its variatIOns of form lOWIng thes~ mstructions he could read, and are not able to buy them summer or wmter, glvmg YOll a vIew November, we rode from BJ ussels m t10al mst! uments, lronmongery, brass Rldmg day after dny over thIS rolhng prepare for entermg the CIty Some We greatly need n Snbbath School all aronnd to a distance of ten, twen­OIU carnage severa! mIles lDtO the bronze,glass wares, clocks, chemicals! land the eye IS constantly dchghted of these glonous bemgs then attend Library, and a c\rcnlatmg hbrary of ty, or thirty miles, brmgIlig very dis- l"'mo:~' COlV!tlY We saw ~hen no sIgns of oIle, etc, are all plOduced In large WIth new scenery, till the soul IS fill ed hIm back to the earth, 1\nd he hl6tollcal, blO~raph\Cal' and otber tant obJect<! n~ar by, and pamtmg !aCCtIIDllla·ted froal Flpwellng slfrubs and plants quantities for exportatIOn cd With grand conceptIOns of the vast- awoke I eadmg matter Even a small second laudscapes of magIc beauty, ~ontam of autumrllooketl as fresh as those of TllE Enuc \TION of the masses ness nnd the grandenr of tie scene As he lax thmkIng about the hand library would be of much lltl1 mg mountams and valleys, hIlls and Jtme, flocks aud herds wete grazmg the people IS defecttve Thlee Add to all thIS, tbe fantastic tncks of dream, he ~ll asleep agam, and It Ity Illlld Tlme!i and plams, rill. ~nd rIvers, golden ill grasS- up to ihell' eyes, and one ,elsltIes-Brussels phent, and the wmds commg out from theIr was repeated m every paltlculm, Too poor' Yes But we hope fields and green carpeted prames, farmer wahs mo;nng heavy clover, hch-ten GymnaslUDls, two N caves for a holiday, With theIr edges and from that hour he began to re- not always to be so We thmk our forests andgr01es, cottages and ham eVidently t e third crop of the sea School., and fifty Preparatory made keen for J our face, by their cover Still, Ithese dreadfulthoughts prospects good, and we ar~opeful lets, all arrayed, com bmed, and blend son This I mIld clmlate m the btgh prOVide ample means for hIgber fnctlOn O\8r a thousand miles of oppressed him, and to relIeve hIS Yet most of us feel tlle hard times ed lD harmoDlons beallty, With more latitudes of I \Yestern and Central catIOn Its benevolent mstItutlOUS rollm¥ surface, and you cannot mmd he told hiS friends of the dream, thIS wmter about as se, erely as at than artistIC skIIl-(tbough SOme Europe, IS due to the warm cllllents ate numerous and well mauaged not fa,ll to feel that tbe scene IS most and of hiS unhappy condItIon, but any tnne ID Minneso~a We bpd times Hews mverted, strange, gro oftheGulfStream Itloamagmficent The people, WIth the exceptIOn of touchmg and penetratmg OIl the they could ao nothmg to comfort thought that a good hllrvestlastwin- tesque, anduDlmagmableare,seer!tr;.. proviololf for rendellng productive some 10,000 or 12,000, are all Catho one hand, you s~e a file of IndIans him He then went to some Catho t th \" I d and remember, that natnre presents andattractnevllstrll!!:lonsthatwollld hes, who are precISe "nd punctual In gallopmg over hill and hollow, and hes, flOm whom he got a vague Idea er'ld

wI bl

oU Improre markets, snch views only through a pure, dny, _ a.1 I of one Jesus, "who dIed t~ save S1ll- won ena e us to renew our wasted

otherwl<e be unilhablted by CIVIlized theIr dC)otlOn- The numbel of ItS follo"fIng In the hne of the leader, ners, but thelI lIves were so Wick- wardrojJe, and replemsh our pockets dCII'e atmosphere, and the reason for hfe theatl es IS thIrty-fonr on the otherJ yon Bee the BneaklDg ed, he knew they could never enter a httle, and to repair, and bnlld, the" onderful health of the people

Tm: POllIATION of BelglUm IS a ITs PUESENT POUTICAL STAT[JS IS wolf, ~teahn~afterIts prey, beforJyou "the beautiful city They told and have more comforts, but Will be eVIdent A C s little more than fhe milhons, made that~fa constltution:il. monarchy It bounds off the graceful deer While him, howeve~, to go to TlCntslD, 01 I h ., l i I where the prtests would mstruct Ir crops were Ig t, lor the last

A OORREOTION up by the mmglmg o£ many nahon was under Roman JUrIsdICtton for se your eyes are followlDg these, ~ new was OUI" t ']\1 f I ... hIm After a weary Joumey of one we season ost 0 us aht~cs The populatIOn of the low veral centUrIes after ItS couquest by recrUit of WInds fill all the air around hundred and forty llilles, 10 a cart, are on "homesteads ' ~hese nrc not To the Editor of the Sabbath Recorder lands, splInglng flOm the ancIent Juhus Coosar It has at sundlY tImes WIth clouds of whlrhne< "SnolV lOur he arrIved one: afternoon last Feb- tranofelahletoadvantage nor are they The last Issue of your paper can­Belglilns and Germans, are called fallen under the dommlOn and prey trans fAtlantlb Professo~ asserts, that urary} ear, m Tlentsm He Immedl mortgageable as securIty, (a blessed talDB a letter purpOi tmg to h:n e been Fle~pngs The p.eople of the high- of Vrauce, Austna, and SpaIn From the locean In a storm 18 much the atel) mCIUlred for the Catholic Chap- tbmg for us,) 80 that, though In un.. WrItten to Thomas PaIDe by Dl I d Ifi h B 1

th f th h grandest h leI, bnt was plO.ldentmlly directed, Flanklm, aftel he had read t"c manu-an s, sprmg)ng rom tee gJans e openmg 0 e tent century to scene on eart t may by some one who dId not knoW'the provements and rIse m .alue ofland, )l

and the anCient Romans, al e called the middle of the eleventh, Its sea be so, but a wmter storm on the difference, to Ithe chapel of tbe Engr I may be worth one or two thousand SClIpt of tbe " Age of Reason" ThIS Walloons These nre much the more board towns were annually plnnder- pralnes must rank at lenst next to It, hsh MethQdlst New Connection As dollars more thIS year than last, yet letter IS undoubtedly a. forgery In skilIfnland refined In the rural diS- ed by the N ormaDs-robbers fi om If norl allowed to take the first rank he entered, ihe nat" e helper, Mr thIS value may be no Illd to me m the ten \ olumes of Franldm't! WrIt­

tncts, each people retsm many of Denmm k, Norway and Sweden Its Such a Bcene. we have Just eDloyed \Vang, was sneaking on the Beat! supplymg t d I mgs before me, thIS epIstle 1S not to " tudes, especl~lly," Blessed are the my presan wants, an theIr own pecuharltles of customs telntOlY has ofteh been made the All 31Ound, the. earth haa taken on pure m heart,lfor they shall see God" may bave to go Without many com- be f"und But the followmg facts and dl'llect8 In the large to\\ nB, the battle ground where the quarrels of Its elean white blanket, as If to seek He stopped ~n astOnishment as he forts, and even temporanly to suffer settle the pouit Frankhn dIed ~'l'."-j I',ench 18 the prevaitmg language other natIons have been deCided In repose for the wlDter, when tM "mds beard wbat seemed to be the ecbo But we expect an early spung, and 17th, 1790 1\1ost of the' Age They are dlstmgm8hed for mdustry the settlement of natIonal boundarIes, flOm the mountams, as If disturbed of the spoth/ss guardIans of the hope for good crops next season, Reason was WrItten m 17940 and

love of amusements The conn consequent npon the hattie of \"ater at thIS encroachment upon their play golden CltYI -" Blessed are the whICh If realIzed lib" 1790 , none of It was wrItten nntII '. pure In heart, for they shan enter ' , WI llng us out try people are d shngtlLshed for won 100, BelglUm, agamst the WIll ohts grounds, eame rushIDg forth m then Agam he hst~ned-" punty of life' of the woods,' when "we II ha \ e no the latter part ofl793 Pame disll;iDlltly I derful conservatjsm As theIr fa people, was annexed to Holland mad fnry aud sweepmg up With ihell _" enter the bty "_" see Goel" In trouble any more ' says, thnt be was mduced to WrIte t1ers dId, so do they TheIr farm By the revolutIOn of' 1830, that con mynad wmgs the clean snow, shook rapt astonlsh£rent he drank m the I E ono !I the former part of hiS work, at the Implements are o~ lude constructlOn nection was severed, a constitutlOn It out m the alf, and made It their precIOUS truth, every word of whICh The people ale econoIDlzmg bettel, time he did, by "the Clrcnmstances

j f1 d was a fulfillment of hiS wonderful d 1 wI h t d F h They dQ not i3VW the modern 1m orme, and Prmee Leopold of Saxe- sport, ~hlle hUll)mg It across the dream For t\\O weeks heremamed an aro ess m debt, by faJ, III thiS lie eXls e m rancem t e latter provements for saung human tOll Ooburg elected Kmg The COllStl- MISSOUrI mto the United States No nt the mlsslOnl learnmg nnd embrac State, than m any other new settle end of 1793," and that It hail been

lud,!!"-I and sweat Thetr women work hlle tutlOn guarantees equalIty before the hVIDg thmg could long £wo thIS mg wIth JOY the truths of the gospel, ment of my lacquamtance These fimshed only SIX bours when he was slaves orjbeasts of burden In the law to e\ ery CItizen, freedom of storm, no eye could look It m the and then returned With Bibles, and a homesteads blnng Insecm'lty, and tlie arrested by order of Robespelrre, ,·menl'S ImmedIate neIghborhood ofBrllssels, opmlOn, of speech, andofmstructlOn, face On It went, sDatchmg away hrart full of love to <il-od, to hIS nn laws of the State exemptl1lg eIghty whICh was In Decembe~ of the year

I"uno~lg h dId t f d 1 b h I tIve VIllage Whenl be alrIved, he ,Ill h r last 'harned A d t h I' t e prou est peop e on earth, an en Ire lee om to all relIgIOUS YOllr ast reat Without glVIDg you gathered hIS frtends and neIghbor. acres, wltwa t eimpro~eDlents they ccor 109 0 t and upon the very fields of Waterloo, sects from allgovcrnment control time to catch another, heedless of and told them about the "new doc~ can con~lD' together With team dates, Franklm died nearly foa.r years we saw rcores of women thleshmg IDtelference It allows the contlI\U YOllr fate It kept pace WIth 1 the trmes, and Ius own wonderful stock, fi rmmg utenSIls,' gram, and before Prune-commenced his" Age grain With flaIls, shovelmg earth, ance of titles of; nobilIty, but allows mU"lC of Its Wild roar and plercmg change of heart Mormng and eve supphes enough for lau extensive of Reason" Thus much for the spreadmg fertilIzers upon the fields, no pohtlCal fights to Inhele in those shnek, the VICtOrIOUS monarch oT all mng, these Iguorant but eager peo farm an a large family, dealers are sake of hIStorICal truth B F {;

d h I U r pIe met to lead the new books and h 1 fi Morch 11th 1867

omg t e coarse an(l heavy work of tIt e! nder tl\~ executIve adrumls the land not organIZed under a State talk about J esns ea th ully restrailled I flom glvmg ~he cattle stables, and canymg, some tratlOB of Leopold, and that of hiS gover.nment, and admItted mto I the In AprIl, thoy sent for a native large or long crcdlts, ~nd most have ---'----~-times for miles, bundles of fuel upon son, Leopold H, the country has en U Dlon The storm that rose In the helper, and later, for colporteurs WIth leatned the \ Qry valuable lessou of OOLLEGE STATISTIOS their heads ThiS was an unexpeet- Joyed gIeat prospenty The annual mght, retlled With returmng d~Ik- a supply of Bibles On theIr armal skl}demal, and, generally, when what ed Sight, and an Item m the descnp expenses of government a~e $31,000,- ness, .leavIng ImpreSSIOns of ItS they found a house for them to oc~ IS deSired or needed cannot be paid

:} bl .• cupy, a bUlldmg fitted up for wor ti tlOn of tlJe fields of W nterloo that ~ e 000 The pubhc debt IS $128,000, su Imlty With all who saw It It ship, and aboi two huudred people 01 at once, we go Without It ThiS had never seen mentIOned It was a 000 Its standIng army numbers IS worth a voyage out oftheUn~ted ready to he the Word After practIce IS hopeful 1Thls habit of condition of lIfe that we had often 100,000 men It seelhed odd enough States to see It No dense foresrl. no proper time h d elnpsed,ihe mISSIOn self. de mal IS worth Its thousands to Imagmed, but never thought of Wlt- to meet gualdsmen at all rmportant mountam range, 111terposed an rob- aries came and orgamzed II self. sup- our commumty, and lihe lesson IS of nesslh

l g, much less of wltnessmg In POInt-, pacIng up and down, as if Jectlon to ItS progress Iu Its mIghty portIng churcr of one hundred and lDestlmable value to tl,l~ State J :Iorty member$ l

a country clalmmg the highest de- wIld beasts were lurkIng m theIr laIrS power It had Its own way Peac~ to From the first of their meetmgs Hoi ria!!s I gree of ClVllIzatlOn and refinement near by It was amusIng to see sol Its ashes, and Its snow-dnfts The as light dawnE1d on then mInds, they Though wantmg In ~aclhtles to pro-

ITs AGRICUlTURE 18 carried to a dlers k~epmg therr constant VigIls 111 walm sun of thiS gemnl clime \VII! expressed an ihtense mterest m the perly entertaIn aud IDStruCt the youth, h~gh degree of peifection This front bf the Royal Palace, as If fear soqn melt a\\ay all traces of Its mad welfare of souls around them Prayer- yet they hin e not be~m wholly un b neficent result IS promoted by the fut tItelr kmg Imght run away career The oldest IDhabltant here meetings were establIshec1 m the VII cared for They were remembered lage and nelghlJorhood, and one of 1

great landed propnetors,,, ho Olvn [noO") hes tl 0 hood tho! neats n ClO .... n never saw the hke before The the mISSIOnaries wntes that "he on Thanksglvmg eve WIth a good sup-most of the soil Th~rr lands are \V C KENYON youngest may never see Its like wept for JOY as he heard, for the -per, and othe! entertamments dis-

becomIng more produc- ---"--- agam But those who saw and felt, first time, thelI earnest pleadmgs for pensed by the ladles of the society Those maccesslble swamps PE \1ll OF DR LIVINGSTONE _ A Will not soon forget Farewell, old God's blessmg ID behalf of their re at the commodIOUS rooms of Bro ~'

nlnete.An huudred years ago de' cable dispatch nnnounces that the fVlend may we t latIOns and frIends ' WAd ~ , never mee agaIn The good cause IS still extendmg Yles, an were very kind the mIlItary skill of Cresar, nnd eelel:l!ated AfrICan traveler and mlS I J BAlLEY m the neIghbOrIng nllages for a dlR ly lemembered ngalD on the e~en1ng

nl-iw • .'l the destructIOn of some of slOnary, the Rev Dr! DaVid Llvmg O~ TIlE BOllD, '80> ruE PUt'" Feb 186" tance of ten or fifteen miles, and the of Christma,s by the same, at the legIOns, have been dram ed, stone, has been killed by the Caffres D eager people flock from these Villages same place, With a bounteous colla-

Mr L t b ECLINING O~ucE.-Rev Gran- to hear th iI f G d 0 $lidu.ed, and cultIvnted They are Ivmgs one Wa! orn at Blan- e worr 0 0 ne old tIon, musIC, and a hternrventertam-h f: d t 're upon th b k f h Cl ville Moody, D D, of the Cmc111natl man, seventYlwo yeals of age who .J among t e rurest an most pro- J , e an sot e yde, , ment conslstm"" of I

Gl Conference, (late Colonel Moody, and attends regul Iy," when asked how b an onglDa poem Innds of Europe AlonO" the near asgo'lf, m 1817 As a youth h Id sr I and paper a d fi 1 '" h d h 1 1 h d BrIgadier General by brevet USe cou allord to come so far, re- , n a ew se ectIOns Ie-

coast, what were formerl t e earne IS Ive I 00 In the cot- 1 d th t if h t d I h d y vas ton mills of !Blantyre, bnt by hard V,) haVIng been proposed ns a can p Ie, ate miSSIOnarIeS conld CI e ,c osmg WIt a IStI,butlOu of stretches of heath downs, a~e now labor he was enabled to pursue, dur- ilid .£' G afforc1 to come 450 lee (140 miles) to preseuts to all the cnildren, and to

-; ate .or overnor of OhlO, has ad- preach t th h h gnrden lands Portions of these mg the Wmter months, hiS studies di" d 1 t 0 em, e oug t to afford to some others from a "ChrIstmas

oe:nn.s, occupymg at present about at Glasgow As he grew up he re L esse a 6t er to several of the pa- go 45 lee to hear them" Tr " Th' h d 1 d Prrs, declImng the honor mentlOned So earnest and devoted are these ee e poem a Its merits,

per cent oftbeentIre conntry so ve to devote himself to the life The followmg IS one of the para- people In the cause of Christ that thipapercontamed\'aluablethoughtll;

A CONSTITUTIONAl COl'l>ENTIONhas been voted by the Senate of New: York, and there IS some hope that the Assembly Will concnr The prOVides for the electlOn of 137 dele­gates, and no delegates at large, and gives colored men the fight to vote

are annually brought under remllller~ I of aChmISSlOnary, hopmg that Afnca graphs when told they ought to des' troy the pieces were well delIvered, the I J or IDa would be the scene of hIS h ntIve cu tIvatIon Tous the people labors Mit t d d "I t ell' Idols, seventeen familIes mUSIC entertamlDg, and the Illnmm- _('JOlmANDER5 OF DISTDWTS under

bl f I I er s u ymg me Icme and b ht th d d ,--,' are no y ulfiliing the command, "to theology, he offered hiS services In roug elr go s an pIctures, and ated" offermgs of friendship," taste- the M~ltary ReconstructIOn -Bill

subdue th rth" Ab "ft I 1838 t th L d Mi' pOSitIOn In every tbIng p~rtammg to thetr Idoln- fihll db r. dl h"~ h ' c ea out II y five ,0 e on on 88lOnary So- still content my- trous WO\"8hI~ and publicly burnt y arrange y lrIeD y an..." pen- ave b en named to the PreSident, per cent of the whole country IS un- Cletyl and was accepted ~ He reached glOrIOUS privilege of them m the plesence of the people I dant from the branchmg cedar, pre- by General Grant, as follows Scho-lwitb'Dllt der cultivation, 18 per cent ID mea- I the shores of MIlca In tbe Summer Gospel of Chmt--:.. Ahout ten~iIes from Lau Lmg, a ,Benteda beautiful Bight; and the whole field, '!SIckles, Shendan, and Thomas are:re·poltOOt"to d d'" of 1840 For sixteen years (I840~6) 1 my fellow ti fi Itb hi d d h" f (lw:s, an 1/ per eel nt ID forests he labored at vanous stations In 'co'unt#! -01 z~n8 or wea y IIllIn, n. 8 ~nterest for the, consl ere as t e lll'1!t 0 the kind, The ii'fth will be eIther Hancock or "OULttiljjcllilllli':

my I and ber InStitutl0DS convenlloq -0 hIS n,lghbol'1!, IDvltes In so new a place, was regarded IS a Ord beiioiIlirS':~'~i~liy.c:t:'1<


Page 3: a~i:s~~~~~r~~:~i~~ · Whistler ~ Well Its e ough to kill YOll ly mg here Not t we sort of chaps take a LONDON ... nees and "Ith on w th y Ir mfernal Method at some rag of a ... My

THE SABBA ~4, ~867

Monday of last the dlSsollltion of the 39t,l'i!C!oril~re~i8,

a~d rye add eleven fourteenths for barley multlply the pnce per bushel by t'.\ 0 and one twenty fourth and "or oats by th er an 1 one ~ghth

ANOTflER FEIUAIf UPRlsum 10 Ire land s reported by the Atlant c

to add Cable On Tuesday March ntb an th€r'D'I'odeedlin,~s of attack was m~e on DlOgheda bar

racks WblCh as repulsed by tbe earnestness and Wisdom of the m I talY and po ce statlOned 10 tbe

body whICh Ilas .dIscharged the barracks A n mber of the assail la gestdut es and responslblhtles 10 ants were kll1~ and wounded A a generally harmon ons and accepta few of the go Ilrnment party were ble manner wounded An ther attack was made

The new Congress held b lef ses by tbe Femans pon Castle Martyr sons each day of last wc~ and wt11 but It was un~ ccessfnl They are

repo ted to hav tom up the ralls be probably adjourn ill the course of tween COik an Dnblm and to have two or three ~eeks tho Honse caused the 8U penSIOn of !all iVay has voted 10 favor of~~Jonrn ng ove commUDlcat!On between the two from Monday of tb s week t II the e t es They have thus far respected

the pe sons and property of prtvate day of May next TI ere seems ndlVlduals and seem to be nnder

to be some reluctance to ente ng m hta y d sClplme upon new wo k wh Ie SIX of the ----"'-_O-__ ~

loyal State~ema n unrep~esented In the S&te the Standmg Com

mlttees were annpunced be ng ncar Iy the same as dur I g tho last ses

TI\ 0 or three ReconstructlOn and as many Const tnt onal

Amendmonts were proposed A

Ln;c I LA' Ill' lHI,soURI-The c t zens of Johnson Co mty Mo re cen Iy formed a Vlg lance Commit tee made p of men of all pol t cal part es for the purpose or ndd ng that and adJo n ng countIes of law less men One or two desperadoes of the old bnshwhacker class have al eady been shot and two or th ee others dl ven f om tbe St te A no tono s gambler Who IS known to lia ve kllled two men was arrested at Wa rensb lrg and a£te be ng tned by the Johnson County VIgilance Comm ttep was hung to a t ee ill SIght of the rallroad depot at War rensbn g and h s bodv vas allowed to hang several days as a '.\ arn ng to all men of h s chLl acte

resolut on was passed that the J ud cary Comm ttee be forth With ap po nted and tbat the mvesttgat on of the charges agamst tbe P es dent as left unfinIshed by the Oomm ttee of last Cong es. be cont nned by the present one A Jomt lesolut on was lilt oduced m,akmg t uulawful to hong Spl "ltUOl-lS or JIlalt I quo s uto the Capitol fo sale A resolut on of thanks to Geo Peabody vas adopt

J OSIlt; SOI; Il seu 0 B shol of ed A b 11 "as nt oduced by Sena the Method st Ch lrch III the U mted tOl W Ison as supplement a y to

States d ed at Nashv lie Tenn what l~ known as the M I ta y Gov fe ern nent b 11 It Simply presc bes

the deta Is of reconst uct on by means of popular convent on. Le glslatlOn IS to b!j effected unde m 1 tdry superv s on w th1the qual fica t on of an oath of loyalty and dele gates ale to be cho en on tl e baSIS of th apport onment of membe s of Congre s The con ent ons thus elected m st fo m ne v const tut ofs o remo leI old ones and subm t them to the ~eople Congress w 11 take cogn zance of the r rat IiC:lt Oil and sho Id thev accord w th the M I tary b 11 lately passed the States shall be admitted as tbere n prov ded The ppwers of the con manClmg Gene al llt any State mlLy be t ansfe"l ed to the actmg Governor thereof on safe eond tlOn. and w th the consent of the former

In the House Schu)ler Oolfax was (II os en Speaker Ed wa d McPhe son Clerk Gen L pp dcott Doorkeepe Col K ng Postmaster lH Ordway

I.S.,rgetiIlt at Aru. and Dr Boynton jUt Kelly mtrod C'ed a

b 11 SImilar to the one mtrod eed 10

the Senate by M WIlson ",h cl requ es tbat a reg strat on of aU the ,oters n the Southe n States shall be made by Sept 1 unde d reet gn of the m I tary commanders and no one shall vote ~ ho IS not


SUMMARY or N:EW I:i 'I- lllan nam.ed wlUmm II Orne

was com cted for the second t me of a son n the Cr m nal Court of East Cambr dge lHass March 1st Wh Ie st 11m the dock he deelal ed h s m nocence of the cr me and stabbed hImself w th a Jack kn fe so seve ely as to leave but I ttle p obab hty of I s eco e y He- had sened s x years 10 the p ISOpS tOl fo mer of. fences

The VI gm a and Tennessee '\ al ley has J st been s ted WI h the heav est freshet that has oecu "led n the memo y of the oldest nhab tant The wI ole valley from Lynehbu g to Ohattanooga has been swept by swol len streams It ramed mcessantly for three days f om the 2d nst wh eh w th the melting snow flOm tbe mounta n< 0\ erfio ved all the streams

t\. grand presentat on scbeme h eh was go ng along 8 iV mm ngly

"as b oken up by the New 1: ork po I e last week by the ar est of the manage s and clerks th rty three young men and twenty n ne yo 109 vomen A n mber of letters were

fonnd on the prem ses addressed to A A Kelly and melos ng money fo sbares n hlS Ch cago lottery

Mr B adfo d B ttOD of North Ash b III bam Mass met v tb a te rille ace dent on.the Gth of Ma eb vb Ie ",atch ng the ope at on of a

large c reular sa ~ t broke and flew nto seve al p cces one of wh ch

"tr ok Mr Band nJured h m so ser ously that he S 1 v ved but a fe '" ho rs

A d spatch from 'Wash ngton dat eel Ma ch 10th says The Ho se wo Id hke to a lJo n at once bnt not later than the m dlile of May The Senate p efers to stay he e for a

hile and then go 0 er to tbe m ddle of October or even December The membcr'8fl)f t~e House are one b} one g vmg W:l to tl e Senate plan

It s repo te that a panther made ts appearanc nea Br cksburg N J a few days ago aud attempted to car}' off acid but be ng closely p raned drop cd It and made b s es cape It IS S posed that the leoont hea y snows ave cut off ts ord nary suppl es wh ~ accounts for Its ap pearance so jar a h man dwell ng

The Falllli er i\ e s relates a cn e of reJ venat 0 III tbe marnage m Little Comptd last week of an old gentleman of 0 '.\ nters to a buxom Widow of 4" It was the tblrd mar

t th d b t 'rm"e of the b degroom and the sec aC(lOf,ULDlg 0 e gra e o~ un mg ond of the br e H s last w fe had

cents per squar e yard apd 3" per b ddt th d h ad valorem on dless goods G heeb dea ee mon s an er per yard and 3" per cent -ad us an one

on cloth ng leady made 50 A I ttle boy who was ~ alkmg on p\lnnd and 40 per cent ad the track of the III no s Central 5b cents pe pouDd and ,,0 Railroad a fe days s nce and d s ad ,alorem ate Imposed covered abo on In lin ahead as

we:bbing:B, belt nO' etc The du fast as he cou d m the d rect on of carpets alo" ,,0 per cent ad an approachm t am and by wav ng

valorem on Aubusson on Brussels h s handkeIC lef sncceeded 10 stop per square yard and 35 per P ng It J nst 10 t me to pI event a sen

ad valorem and on other kinds ous aC(lldent m proportlOn The custo house officers m New

1: or_ have se zed another letter con ta mng abou $3000 wort! of d a monds belon ng to the same man whose a am nd letter was se zed some days Sl ee Hopmg to get the hItter by paymg the duty he mfol m ed aga nst h mself and told the t me tbe letter wa~ expected to ar Ive

A I nen we~d ng taok place at the house of George Bened ct, Esq of Rome N Y on the evenmg et the 18th of Febrdllry the twent eth anm versary of th~ part es most concern ed L nen PEesent. fi om unmen t on"bles ~own to mght-cap. abonnded m great profnslOn

A 'Vaslmgton d 5patch to the T,.,bune says that the Gove nment has Wlthm a few day~ begun to pay express cha ges both ",ays on seven tenth notes sent there for convers on nto bonds ThIS brought the notes

forward WIth a lUsh aVeJag ng flOOl $6 000 000 to $8 000 000 a day

A d spat~h of the same date says ilru,loy'-2 bU!heIs and -1 pounds or 2 1"4 The ohe mill on Jomt resolut OIl for

the benefit ofl the poor people ID tho South will pa~s the House to morrow

10 estimat ng the value of

~i~~~~~~~~E~lCr~~1i:D~!f''Ii~li~~h~~bc;;ein~t:alB that has been stat

A ra I way aCCident recently occur red betweenl Keaslow and RalBau Russla ten were kdled and thnty wounded

.~:"tIQ:selv'~R e~ add to the price of one tWlll-thiirds of Itself, for corn

London contamB Dlneteen thou twenty two and a antI seven ID

of the foot aJ e RlChmond They

alllle!Zl'o man In Han

sand miles of gas plpe

mentions a in~mber of Dr Hunt

$100000 D vlmty

1l.2':jSSlZ at I s last Coop lec:ttlI'e. showed tbe fult I

concermng the 'oIvc.onf tl at of Sl ec al

S x or se en I ves vere lo,t by the fallmg of a wan of a b lrned b 1 ld ng m Wash ngton on Fr da~ n ght l\Iarcl 8 h

An Ir shman employed n a paper m 11 at Amherst Mass found S100 co pon bond m the ags a fe v days S nee

A man m Nap01eon A k drank a gallon of r m ada} r cen I} fo a ",ager and as he fin "hea tl e rnm so he fin shed himself

Abont fi V e thousand people 10 Ala bama are repo ted to be '.\ holly desh tute of food

About one wllhon barrels of I me are manufactu ed at Rockland Me e\cry year

Several large lion clads on the Amencan model arc to be b 1 It 10

France for the -5apaDese P eSIdent Lmcoln 8 oldest son 18

about to enter upon the pract ce of the law at OhICago

An lDtoxICated man m MadIson N J was slffocated to death lD a mndhole recently

Blackstone ~Iassachusetts has elected a colored constable named Geo B Jones

Allee Poultnoy Todd 100 yeats of age dled n Ph!IadelphlB the otber day

There IS a hopeful prospectm most of the New Jersey peach orchards



In Ando cr N Y Feb lBt 1867 of whoop ng co h ED Tn EUGEN A WiUl'h e of Pe y .nd S A Pot e aged ~ man hs .nd 15 day.

In We ton 10'" Feb 28th 1867 LEST&R D ,on of Jam, 0 .nd Alin' ,ne Vanhorn aged 1 non

Fu and explic dine on for cuI l lL cgven DOU llev




l -OR



lOR ~E(jR lLG/.4

Sodb} D Ug~lBBCV r he e

Page 4: a~i:s~~~~~r~~:~i~~ · Whistler ~ Well Its e ough to kill YOll ly mg here Not t we sort of chaps take a LONDON ... nees and "Ith on w th y Ir mfernal Method at some rag of a ... My


spencer and nch POlllt Her hair was dressed

str:aiglht back from her face slIghtly fri:gzeilW,or waved and w th charm ng di!!re:~al~d of the present horrId style

behmd A plam gIlt net the onl,! ornaments

entire dress In fact raliltiess taste and pecuharly

wIth her chaste and '!'.,,,,.n, beauty

ed and several of the member.s went to the table ~o spect Mt Kavanagh a a gnature

WALLED LAKE The greatest wonder III the State

of Iowa and perhaps any other State IS what they call WaUed Lake In

Wr ghll county twelve mdes from


that 8 law eX!sts m Ger I nr"VA'n! dnnkmg on Sunday;

dl'V~Dle serVICe It: runs thns I Dersum drmkmg III an ale house

Om'Vi(le on Sunda), or other legally depart wIthout

tOI!ov.in~ a e her dlmenslOns feet breadth of hull 40

_U',"~UI'l1 over al1 64 feet 6 mch of lower hold to gum d

feet bet veen decks 10 feet

the DUDuque and PaCIfic Ha Iway and abo1it one hundred aud fifty miles west of Dubuque City The water IS from twotothree feeth gher than the earth s sUl'face In most places the wall s ten feet h gh WIdth at the bottom fifteeen feet at the top five Another fact 18 the s ze of the stone used III Its construct on the whole 8 of stone varymg m Weight f om three tona down to on~ hundred pounds I There is an abundance of stone In Wnght county but sur roundmg the lake to the extent of 0en:IP!c)ved five or ten m les there are none No one can form an Idea as to the means employed to b ng them to the ~ot or who constructed It Aro rnd the

WHAT A SPIDER EATtS In order to test what a sp de

could do In the way of eat ng we arose about daybreak one fine morn ng to supply hIS fine web w th a fiy

At first ho we eT the splde d d not come from hlB ret eilt so we peeped among the leaves and the e d sea vered that an ear w g had been caught and was be ng fastened on The sp de left the earwIg rolled up the

prilsltrate;i fly at once returned to h s first ThIS was half past 5 A. :U

~pr:tp", h At 7 A 1\1 the ear been demo! shed and the

restmg a wh Ie and p 0 oylng a qu et nap came

OWn.,T,,)T the! fly vh ch he had fin A lU A I ttle after !l

we h m w th a daddy long legs ~as eaten by noon At 1 0 clock a blow fly as greed Iy se zed and t en mmed ately whIle apparently nb N orBe for hiS prevIOus ndlllg;ence he commenced on the

blo v ~y Dd ng the day towa d the evenmg a g~eat many green fi eo or what is I op~rly te ned m dges had heen caught In the weh of these we counted l.20 ~ll dead and fast p IS oners m the sr1der s net Soon after

~rk prov dlld w th a lantern we nt '0 examme whether the spider

as snlfeIlnglfrom md gest on or in

any yther Wa) f om I s p evlOUS meals Instetd however of be r,g thus ~ffecteil he was employed n roHIllg up to ether the varIOUS I ttle g een m dge~ wh ch he then took to hIS retreat alljd ate Tb s process ~e repeated oaq'y ng up the lots III I t­tic de~achments till the web was eat en Tali: ng the relat ve s ze of tjIe sp del'I' and of the c eatures It ate and al?PlYIn~t.h s to a man It wo lid be sOl;newha as folio vs I

At lIayb e a small all gator I{ S

eaten at 7 III a lamb at 9 A J'di a fun g ctreleopard at 1 0 clock a shee and dunng the n ght 120 larks Th,s e bel eve wo Id bl a very uu al10wance for a man dur ng the twenty four homs and should we filjd one g fted w th such all ap pet te and such a d gest on we can lead I comprehend ho v he m ght sp n fi ve m les of eb Without k lhng h mse f p 0 ded he possessed the neces a y machme y

QIl En MEllBER OF P ARIlAlIE!;T -In the House of Commons In London on th Gth Feb Mr Kavanagh the

ember for Wenold Co Ire land avmg neIther hands no feet was b ought to the table III a wheel ed ch lr to be S I{orn The honorable memb r after takIng the oath s gn ed th parliamentary roll by placmg th~ ~ betlVeen the ends of hIS arms He ap earea to write WIth gr eat fiu ency After sIgnmg hIS name he was the usnal form mtroduced to the S eaker to whom he bowed and then y ph1cmg hIS arms III brass socket

entue lake IS a belt of woodland half a mIle m w dth composed of oak w th th s except on the country IS roll ng Bra r e The trees theretore must have been placed there at the t me o,hbuild ng the wal1 In the sprIng of 1856 the e was a great storm and the ce on the lake broke the \\ all n several places and the fa me s n that v c n ty were obi ged to repa the damages to p eveut m undatlOn The lake 6ecuples a gro nd s rface of 1 900 ac e depth of waten as g eat as t venty fi e feet The water s elea and cold so I sandy ahd loamy It s s ngular if,1at no one has been able to asce i\ n where tl e water comes f om and where t goes to yet t al ways rema ns clea and fresh

A man dIed of cbolera at a hotel n Par B d Illg the lat", B tat on of

the dISease the I ropr etor of the hotel entered an act on aga nst hiS executo for two thousand francs as damages for the mJury h s establ sh ment had susta ned owmg to the contag ous chalacter of the malady The court dehvered Judgmeut or derlDg the payment of the Oldmary b II for expenses but only al10wmg 800 fr for the lDJury done to the esta bhshment by the fact of the death

A woman III C nc nnat who d ei!j ecently and left behmd ber S <>o~ 1 gold had been a s bJect of char t1

A lady I 0 pa nted her face ask ed Parso s how he tJ ought she look ed I ~an t tell madame he sa d

c cept yo first ncover you face Dencorl Alf ed Wh te of West

Brookfiel8 Uass celebra~ed the xt th In e ary of I s n a

ccentl) lIen y Sha v of St Lou s has

u en tha c ty 190 ae es of land for ~ publ c pa k and J 0 acres fo botan cal garden

TenneSsee I as thirteen cotton fac to es u 101 e at on g ng cmploy nent to 0 e 900 operat cs

At a battue U A st al a tl 0 saudlk:lnga oos were sla ghtered III onc d[l,~

In theJ,fj st fo ty two days of the present year forty four persons com m tted su c de n New Orleans

The PIlle n Western Texas are no v cng ged n plant ng corn

In N e York State there a e 3a fam I es Ith 12 ch Id cn each



p~ S L

Dundnff D B Kenyon Hebon Geo W S rnn Ven ngo-J lIDes R Iri h

RG Lo t Creek-Wm Kenned Ne Mll on-J F Run 0 p

J M STILLMAN TEACHER OF la.,I:."''';''-J' .... • S bgmg:"Cnlt va on of the Voice, Piano

lIn monv and }[usieol Composition at ALFRED l.l1>'IVERSITY N Y

AlEo Agent for J L Bedell. Supenor PIANO FORTES and fo MELODEONS nnd CABINET ORGANS