· ainiif;ohn...

ainiif;ohn Tyler, to report to the House the te*- ticrvay taleo to establish them, with their opinion ^thcftia said John Tyler ha» acted in auch njesn«rai te require the interposition of the Con- (ntution!l power of the House.tho Committee to ia»epo»er to send for persons and papers. Mr- Cave Johnson moved to lay the whole suV- Jtonibe table, Yens 101. Nays 119. Mr- Hays or, stating that the subject would be open for debate upon the report of the Committee, jjjovcdtio previous question ; seconded. The min question was ordered.Yeas 122, .Nay* 90 Mr- CjtDKRWoo» moved to reconsider the vote jot the previous question ; negatived without a division. Mr. Granger, at his request, was excused from voting; Yeas HI, Nays 91. Xhs main question was then taken, and the re¬ tention of Air. Botu was rejected; Yeas 33, Sajs 127. The motion to print Mr. Hllmore's report on IDr Exchequer was taken up, and the debate on that subject was continued from yesterday by Mr. PBOTFIT in a " Guard" speech, which had the ef¬ fect of nearly clearing tho House. In the course of it, Mr. MARSHALL explained that he had voted for Mr. Botu's resolution, not because he thought the President guilty, but because an investigation of the natter should be afforded to any gentleman; «ho thought it bis duty to bring forward such a proposition. Mr. Cogtkr cf Ca. also explained that he had voted for it, but believed that the charges cuuld not bftv« been sustained. The House adjourned. In SiNATK, Mr. Bkrrikn from the Judiciary Committee reported back tho bill ' for tlie relief of Gen. Jackson/ with amendments providing fur the refunding of the fine of $ 1,000 and interest 'in consideration of his distinguished military ser¬ vice*/ &c. Mr. Walker, from the same Committee, made a counter report, disagreeing to the proposed gmeudmcnts on the ground that they implied cen¬ sure on Gen. Jackson, &c. The reports were or¬ deren1 printed. The remainder of the day was consumed in the consideration of private bills. Argus. Georgia..The Sonthern mail tfaits morning brings us no returns of the votes for Members of Congrcps worth collecting. Reports give Craw¬ ford majorities in Richmond Co. of 4G-1 ; in Tot- tetsall of 134; in Bryan of 25; in Bibb nearly 250, and in Scriven, McDougald is 10 ahead. Tb<- letter of our Washington correspondent speaks fa¬ vorably of the resul*. DisTRK6Si5o Casualty..Tho Louisville Jour¬ nal states that tho steamboat Macedonia grounded en Goose Island, on her way up to St. Louis, and sent her passengers on shore in the yaw!. On get¬ ting them aboard again, the yawl capsized, and about, twenty persons are supposed to have been lost. A few were saved by holding on to the guards of the boat. Thiaga in Philadelphia. Correspondence of The Tribune. Philadelphia, Jan. 11, 134S-P. M. At a late hour yesterday afternoon, another disturbance of a disgraceful character took place among the weavers ol Moyamensing, in which the dwelling-houses and work- thops of those who continued at their labor, were wantonly sssailed, their property destroyed, and their lives threaten¬ ed! It was rumored last evenibg, that an attempt would be made to burn down a large factory; and several of the master manufacturers called upon the sheriff" to interfere, bnt that officer sttded be had no funds at his disposal for socb a purpose! This morning a large body ef the above men assembled in public meeting: and resolved to ceane all farther violence for the present, determined, if possible, to obtain their ends by peaceable means. In the upper part of the Northern Liberties similar out. rages to those recorded as having been committed by the weavers look pltce last night. The political slorm "goes bravely on" at Harrisburg.. On Monday last the Anti Caucus candidate for Assistant Clerk tn the Senate was elected over the regular Loco-Foco candidate, by a vote of 17 to 141 Tbe greatest excitement prevail1; In the ranks of ' the party,* and tbe Capitol is rep¬ resented to be thronged with strangers. The friends of Bu- cbsnan and Johnson were each assembled in Convention, and a wide Ifr.eof distinction seemed te exist between them. Mr. Gibbons, of the Senate, (a Johnson man) charged Bn- cbanan as lo his" original Federalism," a few days since, Munich Mr. Fraiier(a Buchanan man) asks.'* Whether St. Paul was any worso a Christian because he had once been a Pharisee, nnd persecuted the Church of Christ.'" The Johnson Convention adjourned in the evening, but lue friends of Buchanan still remain iu session. Got. Porter sent into the Senate on Monday, the nomina¬ tion of Anson V. Parsons, Esq. as President Juuge of the Conn of General Sessions. It is believed tbe same will be confirmed; but streng efforts are making In the meantime to abolish the court, by several members of both branches of the legislature-. Floor sold this morning In lots tu $4 per barrel from »lorej, but it could be purchased from wagons at $3 871. Tbe Trustees of the United State* Bank, under deed of assignment of Sept. 4, 1841, yesterday paid a dividend oi Ten per cent on all judgements obtained against the Bnuk prior lo the creation of that trust. The Trustees have col- Istied, it seems, about $1,400,M0 of tbe debts due the Bank, paid in its own notes; and pud out, in current funds, ten percent upon $300,000, ihe amount of rJae judgements ob¬ tained against III Yery generous indeed, ibi*. But little business in stocks at cither board to day. Tha following nre the sales : First Hoard . $2,000 Wilmington Railroad 6., 18vr>8,i>8; $500 City 5s, 3861,92. After Board .$130 Lebigh Mortgage Loan,6-, 42{ ; «1 »bare» Wilmington Railroad §}. Brutus. ISands's Sarsaparilla . The amount of sutlering re* -i*ved by this invaluable preparation is without n parallel uithe history ol" medicine. Thousands have been restored toheabh by its beating and regenerating efficacy, who "fere considered past the reach ot remedial means, as vari¬ ous ceruficniOi heretofore published abundantly prove. It b«irece;vea the entire approbation of many pmetitioners in this nnd other cities, nnd its rnpld growth in lüe estima¬ tion of the public has placed it beyond the reach of detrac« |Kin or the ertorisol competition. Diseases which arise from imparities of the blood or vitiation of the humors generally .such as scrofula or king's evil, rheumatism and incipient CWt, salt rheum attd othei cutaneous diseases, lever sores, »nd internal abscesses, fibulas, chronic catarrh, ulceration ff the throat and nostril-, pnintul affections ot tbe bores, caronio inflammation of the kidneys, female derangement?, CSSMraJdebility and prostration of system, a;e all removed hy its use. For particulars, see advertisements lo this and other c;ty papers. Piepared and sold a' wholesale and retail, and for rxpor. t»t!on, by A. P». Sands Co. No. 273 Broadway , (Granite Rullrlintfs,) corner ol Chambers Street, New York. Also, "Id by A. lt. & D. Sauds. Drugsrisls, No. 7'J and 100 Fu'ton UJ*t; David Sandsk Co. No.' 77 Fast Broadway, comer ft Muket street; and by DrugsUts generally throughout u* United Slates. Price $ I per bottle, six bottle for $5. A Novel lots..Covous CiRtD r r a Shilling.We . W'e been told b.r several who have used Professor Jones's rua*h Caudy U at it really is most capital. Id gives a ble«« Ha relief and often effects a cure. The proprietor odors to ¦mJJ the money unless it proves all rr presented in curing "Wehs, colds, hoarseness, and ail pulmonnrv complaints. ".*d*ise all to ku to the Ameriean Eagle. S2 Chatham- .«ect»Ncw 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn. CP Sixth Ward.. The Democratic Wbig Ward Cwaanttee of the Sixth Ward are requested to meet at No. "-Centre-street on Thursday eveuing, January 12, at 7J 0,dock. _ jit It* ^Eighth Ward.-in accordance with a recom- gy*P°noi uieWh.K Executive Committee, the Chdr- mm vf the leveral Districts are requested to call their Dis- i *, ^*bet on Thursday evening, Jan. 12, at their sev gai ptaces ot meeting, for the purpose of electing their Jr'er*'°rt:>e year, and also to complete their erganiia- m ?.ordrr» JOSEPH N. BARNS, Chairman. «. p Moorr, j ö Stoctexburgh, \ Secreiartes. j-j.» jjD* Attention..A meeting of the Gernsnn r?09cr.>iic Henry Clav Industrial Association will be 00 Thursday evening, the twelfth January, 1813. at 7i M., in the nenry Clay House, corner of Avenue to anet^T1 slrm« where the Germaas io'geoeral are invited A>a~!husiness ot importance wilt be transacted.. border of j.p. TRKSHMAN, President. .,_. . CHARLES BETTON, Vice President .vrraoxT Rchm, Secretary. ju n CnTJ?frcan Institute Lecture..Rev. Dr. stit-i. tK w,il deiner a Lecture belore the Berean In- jj-1') m tbe Biick Church corner of Walker and Eliia- Aj^*^.on Friday Evening,' 14th insu, at 7J o'clock . !r' °ur CoonuT< »t» Institutions and the Evils that »ach »r. r*'1 ^"'K»m the ma'a, a repetition of the so approved Discourse pronounced before the §5,elv fit their late Annirersary, B v order. J * _C. S, STKARNS, Secreurj'. G.n CHEAP FOR CASH. max.-xhe beat Ausrricnn Window Olnsa ia*w Made in thc uniteo stat&s. lion a** assorted sixes. jQJr7 do Monroe do do. ill 3 » iT*d ale by A. SCHANCK, 1 86 Division-süceL MONEY MARKET. Snlc* »t Ihe Stock Exchange. Jan. 11& $1,000 N.Y.Stntc7s, 13431u2i; 50 Mübawk II .s'OU co $l,W Kentucky Sixes.. 76 25 do. &i 17 Manliauan hank. GiV4"» Lone Liana. 4*4 116 do.61}] 15 AnbfcRech.Rß---. 8*4 10 Union Bank.!«i 25 Saw ins ton.sSOj J6j 27 Del t Hud.343 25 do. 17 13 Casum Co. 16 15 Norwich & Wor. ity 30Paterson K. 44 |l5o llariem. 15; 5ecoi* D BOA ED. $1,000 K'ky Sixes.76 $3,000 N. Y.Ts, 1849....UC2J Commercial and .Tloncy Blatter». wednesday P. M. There was a (dir amount of buiinc t done at the Board to-da> with these variation* Delaware improved i ; Au¬ burn and Rochester -.; ILuletn, j; Sionmgtuu, 4 ; Paterson fellofT J; Mohiwk, J-, Camden,£. Thesalesof Suiejslocks were not extensive ; Ken'ucky unproved j percent. Notbing doing in Foreign Exchange. Alabama is worse. we quote Hi a W$. The Committee of the Board to v^noia tlic petition of the expelled members was referred reported unfavorably. The members relvrred to have ierrued a new Board and met to¬ day at the olrke of Fredt/rick Robinson f".r the transaction ot business. t?o we have now two Boards in full operation. it was rumored yesterday that an additional $100,000 ha* bet n discov'red in the defalcation of Nicoll. A Director atsures us lhattbe rumor is untrue. '1 he stock ot the Trust Co. declined considerably today, tbe bestofler being 4u and that only for five shares ; ?.5 the u?k:ng price. We beard of an offer to sell 1000share*Trtiatat£0seller3years. Rumors are correct tbat a large defalcation has been thV.- covered Inoneof the Insurance offices. AMatement,wb:ch we heard ol but could not !»-arn tbe cor¬ rectness of, having appeared in a tt oruingj »urnai, ha« been cor.trndicled by authority in the evening i^r-'is. The ru mur was that .Mr. Walworih, Register In Chancery, was a defaulter to a large amount, having loaned moneys to friends instead ol depositing it in tbe Life and Tiust Co. as it wa» hisdntty io have done ai d that the loans be could not now recover. This story is declared tiyall the evening j>a pers to be entirely without foundation. A nice looking-new $5 note of ike MonmOUlh Bank, with tbe word Fire in Urge n-d letters on tbe face appeared in Wall-<L to-day w hich the Clinton Bank reused to redeem It appears that the worthy gen lernen w!;o ir.nnagr that hopeful ronctrn have made an issue ol notes each marked v, itb a K in re 1 ink in tlx- corner and them Ihey do not pre¬ tend to redeem in tlii- City. Beware", we say nt Monmouthsbioplasters, und above all, beware ol these with a red K in tbe corner. Tbe Seaman's Havings Brink has declared a dividend Of sir per cent. ItlarliCJH. Carefully reported/or The Tribune. \* tOKESDAV, Jan. 11. ASHES.There is still t!ir same inactivity and iflots were forced much lowsr prie-s than th» la«! sale osf important^ must be submitted to. a lot of 12 bbls Tots, 1012,were taken yrpterday at 5 14. This is th<- only transaction we can aear of. Pearls are entirely"without sale and would not bring over 7 00. Tfct exports of Ashes for 1842 were 3l,77<5 Pots j 3879 Pearls. 1841, 21.103 Pots, £W3 Pearls. COTTON.Tbe sales yesterday reached about 1200 bales; to-day between 800 a^d 1009 bales. Tbe market, especially for the lower grades, continues rather in favor of tl.<- buyer and the current ratet are, wc think, a shade low»-r than be¬ fore the Bntannifl arrived. VVe have sales fair Upland, round bales, reported »1 61, and ,'quarr nt 7 ; New Orleans and Alabama, round, ~{ ; square, 71. A l>"w days ago a sale of 77 bales Terus was made at ttj a 7, shott puce. FLOUR AND MEAL.The market still continues very heavy as fjr as regatds prices, but the lower rales whicij holders have lately exhibited a willingness to accept, have produced a slight improvement in tin-demand. We quote Oenesce, 4 50 a 4 5G] ; Michigan and Ohio, 4 50, with n sale of the former at 4 43j; still at this decline ibe iranssctiouj ore not large as it was thought they would be. We hear of little doing in Southern descriptions excepting a lot of 500 bbls Richmond Country at 4 IB*. This was rathera forced sale however. We quote Georgetown and Howard st, 4 37 i a 4 50 ; the latter scarce. The lower grades B-ilimore City, Petersburg, Alexandria, 4 25 a 4 31J ; Brandy wine, 4 62i ; Richmond City, 5 50. In Meal there is but little do¬ ing. Sa>s 50 hhdfc Brandy wine nt 12 75, 90 days ; bbls are worth 2 62j; Jersey, 2 50 a 2 62J. In Rye Flour there .ire only retail sales at 3 25 a S 37} fur common and 3 50 for prime. Buckwheat, 2 75 a 3 00. Exports of Flour, 1842, 32 3 869 bbls ; 1841,311,321. GRAIN.The last of Frcdericksbur£AVlieat,W00bnshe!s, which ha.s been in the market ;<>r some time Mild to-day at 75 a 77 for milling. About looo bushels Inferior Illinois sold, fcr milling, at 80. There is still no supply ol Corn and it is much wanted. Tbe last sale was |57 for Jersey. Rye is in fair supply but distillers, still refuse to meet the views ol holde.s. They offer 60. Holders weuld probably accept C21. Barley is offered at 53 a 51 One of tbe distillers is offering to sell. A sale of 500 bushels Canal Oats was made at 33 ; River are worth 32, and Jersey £8 a 30. Export Corn, 1812, 155,795 bushels ; 1841, 14S,963. HAY.There is but little doing. Wc quote 68 a62}. The stock is noi very iarge. PROVISIONS-Of the new Provisions from NewjOrleans, received a week oe two since,CO bbls Mets Potk sold to-day at 9 00 ; 80 bbls Hams at a mere shade over 6, and 10 bbls Lard ai 7. These are ihe first sales of tr.e season. There is only a moderate demand for barrel Provisions. Sales old Me»» Pork at 8 00, which is a decline ; old Prime, 5 50a 5 62J ; new Mess, 9 50; new Prime, 6 75 ; Mess Beel, 6 50 7 CO ; Prime 3 a 4. A sale of 300 kegs aud 55 barrels Bnlu- morc was made at 7. We have reasan to believe that the 1000 bbls new Lnrd reported yesterday werp sold at 6. The Lard is not expected frr a considerable time. New linn-.s sell at 8. Smoke*! Bcei, ; BeH rounds, 4 and Pickled Hams. 5j. Butt» r we quote 6 a 13, as extremes, and rather dull. Cheese, 4i a 6 for Ohio and Herkinvr. iTT Clinton Holl, «tcc.hli« r 23, IC12.-Tlic Regu lar Nominating Committee, appointed at a meeting ol the "Mercantile Library Association, on Monday evening, lUf 28th till.. i" accordance with Article I Uli. Chap. 2d of the Constitution, respectfully pre.ent the bdlowing candidates lot the support ol the members nt th<- ensuing electi in : For President, LEWIS McMULLKN.with C. V. S. Roosevelt. F«r Vice President, Rictunn BüRLEW.with C. Cartiidg-. Foe Corresponding Secretary, Anthony. H Ai.stv. xs itb Tjadermeu's Bank. Fur Recording Secretary, Wm. M. Parks.with American Exchange Bank. For Treasurer, James A. William» tin.with Aymai ^ Co. For Directorj, Charles M. Wbeallty.with Jasn s l>. Elliman J. T. Lanman, " A. Edwardsk Co. John O. Stevens. " R, II. Sawyer Benjamin Point roy, Jr. " Browning, 11u1' & Co. J.N.Clark, " Towusend, Sayreit Co. H. is. Scndder, " B K.capp Cuthberl C. Gordon, " McCardy.AldricbStfipencei JOHN f. BAKER. Cbainunn. Lewis Skinkce, Sec'rv._ tlSirjll* IT lint gern Enntituir Kjcctnrcsu.The Trns tees have made arrangements for a'course ol Lectures, to be-given on Thursday Even ng of each week, in the Chap¬ el of ibe lusiuutc. Jan. 13.One Lecture by Wm. b. Kinnly, Esq. Subject .' Public Moralitv.' Jan. 19.One Lecture by Rev. K. H. ( iuris. Subject. Copernicus and bis Time>.' Jan- 26.One Lectvr* by Rev. Dr. Betiione. Subject . Opinion ol the Ancients, Feb. 2.. Lrctcres oomoienee at 7i o'clock. Sni'te tickets,is cents each, or;2 for the course (ten Lec- ture*,;) a gentleman and lady, tor tbe course, $^. catds oi Kdinission lor n family.$4 for the course. Stockhphh rscan obtain their tickets on application at the Institute, on or in¬ ter ihe 21th insu G KO. W. B ET TS. (12 Chairman Lecture Committee. [LT < holit-a l.y ceuin. -Tiie next Lecture will be delivered at the Baptist Church in Sixteenth-street, third huilcing east of the Eighth Avenue, o-.i Thursday EvepTng, January IV, at 74 o'clock, by Hoaxed GrbeLEY. Esq. Subjee;.'Human Life.' jI2 2t" ITT The AntiqsitteH cfAiuericn riewed in conucction w.tth the .Tlowatc Record.. * coorseol Lectures on ihi> sut'j>c!, illustraied by drawings ami paintings, will be delivered by Dr. Hawks, atNiblo's Sakcm. Tbe first lecture will be delivered on Thorsday evening, 12th instant, at balf-oast 7o'clock, Tbe course WÜ1 consist of four or five lectures. Tickets mav be ob¬ tained at the beok stores ol Wiley Putnam, 161 Broad- way; SworAs. Stanford 4; Co. 152 Broadway^ Hartlett 4i Welford, -220 Broadwav; Roe Lock wood, 4AA Broadway: Thomas J. Crowiea. 633 Broadway, aud Geo. iVIiiler, 647 Broadway, and at ibe door on ihe nijrht o! ibe lecture. Far the Course,Jto admit a lady and gentleman.. .$3 eo " " " one persoi.2 00 Tiekel for the evening.0 50 jy As is is supposesl by soni- tn.n these lecturt-s are but a repetition of t*e course delivered some years ago. it is deemed necessary to sine that such is not th? ens*. These are new, and directed to the illustration of the Mosaic Hit- lory by lestiuiong gathered from the autiquiucs of this Con¬ tinent _ r _ j ;0 3«.' (LT J. O. O. F. Library Ä^aociatioa..The Third Leciu e will be delivered ai me Society Library rooms (corner ofBroadway an^t L^anaed-s'.reet) on Friday evening, January 13,1843, at 7^ o'clock, by the Rev. E. EL Ch apin. 6f Massach useits. Subject: " Claims of Literature." Ticket* 25 cents, admitting a srentlermn and be had ol tbe Trustvrs, the Librarian [National lLilI) and at th« door on the evening of the Lerturr. N B. Members admitted by presenting their crrtificalcs ofmcmber»hip Tickeisliniitrrf. B.t, , fiew-Yoru, Jan. II, 181J. \> ILSON SMALL, jj2 2t« Cüaimun Lec. Ccm. Institute This Kvt port trom the Maua^. GURDOXJ. LEEDs secretary. N. B. The Lec.ures on Astronomy, illustrated by kus- M il's splendid Planetarium, will he suspended ior Ibis <mor_ TTIWr. O. B. Göldemittij ProTewoTPenman- ship, will dehves a Clinton Hall, oa >_atjri.aj evening, Jan. 14lh. Subject.'Pas Pem. Tickets 2a cents. to be *»b:aincd at Mr. G.'» Wriuug Rooms, ot tbe Libiartau at the Mercantile Library, and at the door on tbe evenmfr JLectur« will cemstnee at 7J o'deck. jl° TT Third Ward..Proceedings of a meeting of tie whig Electors of the Third W'arW, held in pursuance to a I call of the Whig Genera'. Committee, at 201 Wuaja^ton- \ street, on Friday Eremin?. 30th ot Decercbr Ian. The Chairman of the Ward Committee called the meet- ing to order, and moved that ELLIS POTTER take the j the Chair, which was carried. 3Ioved and seconded, that Densinc Dcer and Thos. S. Shepaep, be appointed SecrPt.-.rie?.carried. Tu* call for the meeting Heinz read, it was moved and seconded that the meeting go into ballot for a Ward Com¬ mittee to consist of fifteen persons, and that the Chair ap¬ point two Tellers.carried. '1 te following person? were then elected to the Ward Committee for the ecscinr; year: Denning Doer, Frederick P?LU.W'm. W. While. George Wetscil, S. R. Mabbet, Thomas MtKnijht, Wjiliam B. Marsh, Samuel R Childs Enocn Morgan. Tboroa- C Bar¬ um-, Smith Denning. Thomas F. Pter>. William Renike, J. B. Costa. Philip Peitcb. it was th<m . Rnclvtd. Tharthe Ward Committee have power to fill vacancies that may occur. Mr. Wiiiiara Doxtsjethen r.fferrd two resolutions, and then mover: that these rr so'uiions be laid on the table, and that wken this meeting adjourn, it adjourn to meet on the second Monday of Ja.-.uary at 7 o'clock at that place. Mr. J. B. Swain then called for tbe reading of a comma- nicaüon from the Democratic Whig Young Men's Genera Committee.which wa< read. The meeting then At an arfjoarnr:.' meeting of the Whig?rtf the Third Ward tl.e f flirrin of the previous n. eeting presided. Tl e r notations offered by jMr. William Dodge, nfirr be mg- m-r.rnde<t, passed in the following word-: Resohed, Ttal the Third Ward .nvite the other Wards of tbe city to select five delegates, wbomnst not be members ol eilb< r ol the two General Committees, m form a W'h'g nOuventioo. which Convention shall m^-t at the Broadwav Rouse on W' die l«t day ot February next.**. 7 o'clock, P. M. to consider the propriety of a union ol the two General Committees.or to rr:r>rnmeod such other mea¬ sures of organization as may conduce to the interests of the Whig pa'ty. Resolved, That the Chairmnn and Secretaries of ibis meeting commonicate the loregning ritsolutipn to theChair- nien of the respective W ard Commiite«, and request them to call together the Whig Electors of their Ward to consider the same. The following resolution* w«re ndoptrd : Resolved, That the Delegales to the Convention be ap- pointed at this meeting. Resolved, That the following persons be ar pointed os De. legates to the Convention, vir.: William Dodge, James Van Nostraed, Denning Dner. Frederick Prn'i, John Loyd, Rtsolxed. That the Delegate- have power to fill vacancies that may occur. Rrsolred, That tbe proceeding of this meeting, and ibe procre-jif'ts of the meeting held SCili December, be pub¬ lished m ihe Courier and Enquirer, Tribune, Commercial Advertiser, and Aiaencan. Adjourn-.!. ELLIS POTTER, Cbairrr..m. Tnas. S. ShepaBD, j ^cretant-.. jj: TT Old Seventh Ward again in the Firld. Puisuan't«." n call emnnniing (rem the Ward Committee, th- Whig- of ihe Old Seventh assembled in all iliMr pride and glory at theb Head-Quarters, on Tuesday evening, January 10, for the purpose of discussiiig the question ol liK\int' one or two General Committees for the ensuing 3 ear. On moiion, JAMES TAYLOR, Esq . was called to the Chair, and F. M. Taylor artd John Cromwell were ap¬ pointed .Secretaries. On motion of H. A. Carter, Esq., R(so'.T:d, That this meeting are in favor of an Old Men's General Committee. Whereupon, tlii> Resolution drew forth quite an interest¬ ing and exciting debate, which was cirrifd on until quite a late hour, and many of our old and young men did them¬ selves great credit in their affirmative and negative argu¬ ments on this irreal object. And it was carried in the af¬ firmative by a respectable majority; end the following gentlemen were duly elected to the Old Mien's General Ccmmittee for the year 1813: Dr. JAM RR R. WOOD. Dr. A. T. C. rtBRSON, WM. DAVIS GREEN, JOHN N. LEE, E. D. CON KLIN. F. M. Taylor. ? <>r-r, JAMES TAYLOR, John Cromwell, ) J j 12 It Ch airman. - Ml - CNinth Ward.-At a mertin^ol the Democratic Whig Committee of the Ninth Ward held Jan. b>th, 1813, the lollowmg persons were elected Officers lor the ensuing vear:. Chairman.H. Benedict. TYfuii/rrr.D. AUSTIN Mum. Secretaries-John Day and William Louisseufcy. In sccardnnce with a resolution passed at a pub'tc meet¬ ing J.iuuary 4, ttie loltnwing persons were appointed as Dci' unte» Id the Junior Wh:^ General Committee :. Mooov CoMMliros, J. McDonalo, Jonathan Miller, I. Vandkrbup.c, ClIAKLKS SOTTO.N. S. U. BENEDICT, Chairman. W^LLiAMVLotJNsrt.-Rv. j Salaries jl21t* Pansen tier* Arrive*!. In the brig Emeline, for Port Leon.R J Vandewafer and lady, Mr and Miss Sexton, Mr Russell, Mr H A Pattenor» and Mr Cochran. Passenger* Sailed. In the Leader, irom Bosion, for Rio Janeir o.Messrs Ed¬ ward Allen and H W, Perkins. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK, JANUARY 12, 1843. MINIATURE ALMANAC..THIS DAY the 5l*n the m»on |vcll se« Rises 7 26 I Sets 4 52! | Morn. 3 nr. I 15 Latest Dates. London. Dec. 8| Havre.Dee. 7 Liverpool.Dec. 9| N'ew-fOrleans.Dec.3l cleared. Ship Atlantic, Mallet. Liverpool, Taylor k Merrill. Barque Eunomus, Cr»sby, savannah,J Atkins k Co. Brigs Lucy Ann. Snow. New-Orleans, Nesmilb, Lreds k Co; Puritan. Ulnier. New-Orleans, J Elwell ii Cw; Carac- cu-, Whaler, Lagnayra. J MathcwsAt Co. ftclus Regulus, Hawkins, Wilrnin<;inn, NC, E S Powell ; Wm E Bird. Corson, St Augustine. t£F, A B Cooley k Co; Paim. Hall, Cuba. J Underwood; II Wcstcolt, Vance, Nor- Ik, A B Cooley 4: Co. The ship Damascus Bli«s, which cleared 9t'i inst for New Orleans, was taken up for Liverpool immediately afterward. ARRIVED. Packet Ship Ehland, Waite, from Liverpool, Dec 9th with nidze lo C H Marshall, Ooodbue 4: Co. Ship Spring. Johnson, 13 days trom Leghorn, with mdie lo Simuel Biowne. .Ship liuntsville, Matthews, 18 days from New-Or.leans, with more lo E K Collins k Co. Ship Prescott, Lawrence, .Vi days from Messioa, passed. Oibraitar Dec 5, with fruit, kc, to S Bruoine k Co. The V hu< been II) days on the coast. Bark John B Carver, Pendleton, 17 days frsm New-Or¬ leans, with indie to master. Brii: Odeon, Nickerson. Savannah, 4th irst, with cotton, to S W Lewis. Br^g Pioneer, Smiih, 12 days fiom Apalachicola, with cottou. Sehr Ontario, VinalL 24 days from Curacon, with goat- skiits, Ui J B Graves i. Co. Soiir V. locity, McmiKoincry. from Booihbay, with lum- ber, io order. HKLQW-1 ship, 1 b irk, and 2 brigs. Wind light, SW. SAILED. ShipsAsbbnrton, Hotile>on, Liverpool; Carroll of Car¬ lo.lion. Bird Mobile; Sutten, Galway, Charlest-m; Mon¬ treal, Tinlicr. London; Hevtes, Harrison, Hull; Courier, Dui;an. it;ir>ei!les Barques Z Ki^g. Mobile; Oilbrrt, Apalachicola- Krigs Excel, bavannah; Georui^na, do ; Paragon, Apa- lacbicola; Emetine, Key Wes\ and otheis. MEMORANDA. tii :ck Passages..Brig Emptesario, Collins, a regular tra.:ei between Ltavaoa and New-Orleans made her last passage thither in tbe shi.rt space ot 63 hours, and returped to Uirtl port in the «rue lime. The enure voyage from New Orleans, with a full cargo, and back again, was completed in 11 days. The baiqne Pantbea, Moulthrop, wiiicb arrived at New- Haven on Saturday in ihr mitbt <H a dense fog, ha* made uer voyage to Aotlgca. out aj.d home, in 35 days. She car¬ ried out a deck i >au of live stock, with an assorted inboard enr^o, nnd was 10 days in port. DISASTERS. Accounts were received here on Tuesday afternoon from P- ck's Beach, near r!gg Ilaibor, that the brig P»rry, Capt Tlmmp^on, name ashore at that place on Sunday nl^bt dur¬ ing the lor. fbe was from Georgetown, SC, and has a car- go of atx'Ut 700 bales of cotton, and t>elonRs to Dunham 4i Dimon's line of packets. At the last account* she bad not bilged, and should the weather be lasorable, hopes are ra- leaaiueit of getting her rtf. The steamboat Mutual Safety bjs been despatctird to bcr assiuance The whale sh;p L'ma. Luce, of and for Nantucket. 6 mo. out, no oil. put ia;o Rid Janeiro previous to Nov. 12, wilh loss of all her masts; topmar.s kc except the foremast and foreyard. all her whale boats and every thing ofTdeck, all her bolwaiks escept iho-e forward of tbe forerirgi&g,oa" Cape Horn -. the third otEcer, the only person un decs, was washed overboard and lost; would probably be condema- ed. Tbe rrport ot the condemnation of ship Nepsn^et, Row- eU, of Bosion, from Sumatra f«r Cowes, at Mauritius, where she put in Aug. 24. lcakv, is coutirmed by a Cape of Good Hope Snipping List. H*cr cargo would be reshipped tu an¬ other vessel. Tbe barq 'e Wave, arrived at Boston, spoke on tbe 25*.h n!t, 1st 26 oO, Ion 64 31. bng Osage, Watson, oi'Boston,irom Sdvacuah lor Deuiarara, in dKtrens. cargo hard pine lambCT .he was heaving uver his deck load, but wanted no assist- a ace. Captain "C utter, of the ship Valparaiso, reports tb3ton the 4th ult. 1st 46 41, Ion ., passed a barque under jury m*515» steennp .; 12lh, lat 41 02, Ion 32 2u, passed a ^hlp steering ., with loss of mainyard; 14ib, lai 43 24, Ion 32 SO, bad a severe huTicane, wh ch did considera'de damage to sails, kc. which lasted 21 boars, lay to uader bare poles part sf toe time: 15th,lat42 3», Ion 33 39,saw a large snip standing E. about 8 miles on" the weather quarter, with painted ports axd loss of all her spars she had a jib set lor a foreseil, and a lower studding sail for a mainsail.did notappaar to want any assistance, as he kept on ha coarse, wind WN W, with a very heavy »ea running. [These vessels were all bound East, and were apparently timber laden. They were pro¬ bably from the Bntida Nordi American provinces, bouod to England. Tbe ship was totally dismasted, and bad smaa jury masts riggt-d: she appeared to be steering fix the Western Isianos.] CT Spencer announces 10 gentlemen thai his arrange* I meets are no* completed ibr supplying according to pre- I vious intimation, * ri5E Ftra Hat at a pnce f§3 which shall render it emphatically the cheapest as well as lowest priced Gentlemen's Far list ever on sale in this city. It is prepared in the same style which characterises our finest article, and like that article a offered a; a at which it cannot be continued without an unusually rapid sale. The undersigned with all confidence arSrra» it to l»e for the gentleman and economist the mrxt desirable Fur Hat yc; offeree (ogPtf) SP EN CER. 245 Broadway. ET Orlando Fish, Fashionable Hatter. 157 Brnad I way, would inform, the gentiemea of New York that Sis j Fall and Wunec style of Hats is new ready for their inspec- tion and critical judgement. Claiming the distinction ol i having been the first to project and abide by a stricdy j AHaaiCAN style of Hats, instead of sernlely copying the I Fashions of Europe, w-hicb are often nrauited to oar ch- I mate and manners, he rejoices to pensei^e that others bare j seen fit to follow his lead, and'that now the following of I European Fashions in Hats is almost entirely abandoned by the leading minufacturers. He offers a Winter «tyle of Gentleraen's Nutria Hats at $3 50, and warrants them 'equal in material, finish, fashion ami durability to an- Hat sold as low as $4 in the city. But he wishes it distinctly nmierstoon that his best Uats ore not sold at thi* price, but at t-i 50. These he recommends a*«Hjaalto any tut sold iu New-York at $5 nr under, and challenges for them a comparison with any other. Gentlemen visiting oar city are rrspecifullv invited to rail ami examine big new Rock of Winter hats äsd judge of iheir quality. H»- is confident that, whether the cheapest or the best Hat is desire'', the inquirer will sere be satisfied. Try htm. (s20tf)_O. PISH, 1ST Broadway. IT Dover's Nctt » ork-Handj Andy-Com pi_-o» tor Kitty CfRts. Just published Handy Andy, a Tale . it Irish Life, hy Samuel L^v*>r. Esq , author of "Rcrv O'- Mor*. i!i*» Gridiron, Jcc, with twenty-two humorous i'!u.~ trattons by the author. handsomely bound in cloth, rill. i pne<- $l.2\ Also an edition with oil the iilustraiio-is, half cloth bound .pricr $1 .Cn- Likewise a very ehcap edition, with two illustrations. only 50 rents " we willingly give our fist to Sam Lover, and welcome 'Handy Andy' as a glittering pern in the literary e*l«x, equalling anv thine rver produced by üis clever writer. inij-ke, and . verflowing in humor, essentially Uiber man. of which it would be vain to attempt aar sketch.we can only reiterate our recommendation to the readtr to shake bands with the blundering and lalrn'uanle Andy with¬ out turdier delay. Tbcanthoi's illustrations are worthy ol bis text." | Sheffield Ins. " This boy Handy will be the death of u«. What [s ihe police lorce about to allow the attericgof » publication that has already brought u- to the brink of apnpiexv fiflv time.' Grave people, undertakers, sextons and the line, may, per. baps, read with impunity. Such noav Uugh ov«r it. bet let a fei otv with a squeeze of natural fun in him. venture to perusa It. and wr "il lay ten to one it throws him into con¬ vulsions." [Sporting Res-iew. "We teel indebted t* the Publishers, not only lor the hook hut for the heartv laugh we have had over it. Our sides fairly ache from ihe effect, as had a* even the unfortu¬ nate Irumpt-ter's did from over straining, or O'Grady's kicking. Anv one nülkted with the blu-s will find a sove¬ reign remedyin Handy Andy.' [Brooklyn Newa "The nrlie.i, the racit.t and most roticking Irian Story we have e%-kt perused." [ London Jour. Com. Books-llers and New« Ary r.ts are requested to forward their orders to the publisher*., D. APPL&TON A<. CO., 200 Broadwav. D. A. i: Co. also publish '1 he Fir.ones of H-ctor O'Hnl- loran. by W. H Max-vr-,1. with illustrations. Parts 1 to 3 now ready. Price 1 ^ cenU ».ach. " Read Hector O" Hslloran, gentlemen, on*> and all." jl22tis _[Morgan O'Dogherty. XT .Scars' i^Terr .Tgo'nthly Family .Tln^n- arinc, embelh Jtedwilh several hundred eneravinjrs. Price $t h year, or ) /j cnts persingle somber. On Friday next me IStli of Jp jiaaryi will be issued from 122 Nassau street. No. 1 ol the above work, beautifully got up in the most finished sty |P 0r m»rjprn book-making. Please read the following^ editorial notice of the w ork, written by the editor of the N.ew York Youth's Canmet. dated January 2: A. N ^w Monthly Magazine..Mr. Robert Sears, editor of S<-^rs' Bible Biograph v. and other popular works, has lssn ,>,| proposals for publishing a monthly work, ot the tide nf Senrs' New Monthly Family Magazine. S'>mt idea may fj"» formed of the character of the work, by the following extract from the prospectus: " We do not pretend tosend forth a work replete with originality of ideas or style, or as a vehicle for conveying to the peop'e the rich and beautiful specimens, in detail, of modern belles letires: but our primeobjeci is to disseminate useful information, fitted alike to the rapacity of the child and the adult. This is intended rather as a magazine of valuable stores, pathered and enrnered up from sources which, from their magnitude, rarity and costliness, are as sealed fountains of living water, to the great mass ot the readinc community. In it, the choicest contents ol books are presented in a condensed yet perspicuous form, illustra¬ tive of History, Geogrnphy, the r ine Art*. Naturai History, Agriculture and Rural Kconomv, Useful Arts, the Natural Sciences, Biography, Travel«, Botany, k.c , &ie.. agreeably spiced with Poetry and Miscellaneous Reading; all of which; during ihe course of a volume, are illustrated by on irravinu«. several hundred la number, many of which are from original drawings, made cxprcjsly for the. work " From a lone and p*r«onal acquaintance with Mr. Sears, we can xpeak with great confidence ot his ability to conduct such a work. And we enn (t»un: the public, with equal confidence, that the Familv Magazine will l>e entirely iree from the wishy washy trash with which our popular month¬ lies are encumbered ; and which are conveying to the fire¬ sides of many families, die v«ry seeds ol" sensualism and vice, under the attractive name of polite literature! One hundred agents wanted to circulate itu; ab<#vp ia this city. __ jll2lis- TT Wears' Holiday «ifts. for 1»43.-Pub, lished and sold at No». 137 * 122 Nassau street, New York wholesale and rwiail:. I.."THE WONÜERS OF THE W ORLD," coutalnlng about 6«! pases of letter pre»s, and mot e llnin five hundred tSngraviiii;s,elegantly bound in gill. Price <»nly $3 50 per copy For recommendations ol" tnis work, see all the papers published in the I'ni'etl Stai»*s. II."SEARS' BIBLK BIOGRAPHY," 1he mo.t splen¬ didly il.nsirated a^id cheapest work ever issued on the American coiitinent, containing several hundred Engrav¬ ings, entirely new and original, designed nnd rx^culeo t>y the most emtnent artists'ÖI England and America. Cost of preparing ihr w^rk, $5000. Tnis beantirol and important werk coutaiiis upwards otioo pages royal octavo, is printed from new stereotype plates, handsomely bound in tritt and lettered, and retails readily at the low price of |2 50 per voluHie. III..The well known popular work, (in3 vols.) entitled "PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATION*! OF THE BIBLE AND VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND," forming an illus¬ trated Commentary of the Old and New Testament, euch volume containing 200 Scriptural Engravings, and 400 pages of iute'resting letter press descriptions, Svo., substantially bound. Compiled from the Notesof the London Pictorial Bible, which sells in this country lor $20 per copy. Price §l 75 per vol. or J5 lor the seit- IV On the second or third week in Jnnuary, 1843, will be issued No. I of " SEARS' NEW MONTHLY " FAMI¬ LY" MAGAZINE," embellished with several huudred Engravings. Tobe published on the first of every month, in parts from 40 to 50 large imperial octavo pages (double columns,) at 82 per annum, in advance. To be published as above, at the Book Stores, Nos. 137 k 122 Nassaa street, New York City. (CT Agents wanted in town and country. il21 1m* 37 The Hove Totul Abstinence Relief Society will hohl their regi:'ar puohc meeting To-Mor- row (Friday) evening, at the N.Uonal Hall, CaHal street- Several distinguished speakers will address the meeting as well as singing by Lady Hope Society and Engine Comp*, sv No. II. The public in Venera!, moderate drinkers, deal¬ ers .«md hard drinkers in particular, are invited to attend nt 7 s o'e>ck. (ET 1 iie CnnHiEUntial Members are requested to meet at the above place Tc-niormw (Friday) evening ot 6 o'clock, as business Of irarottance will be laid before them. If By or.«er. E- F. COREY, Stc'y. O" .IXurshnll 3K« A. »ocirt>.Meet this evening at 7 o'clock at Coiie.t-ft Hall, No.406 Broadway; Messrs. Barnes, PaUtrvyn, Kdmrj, »I». WoortrufTaml others will aO- dress the meeting. Stngin'g by H'C Ladr .Man,tiall Society, Marshall Glee r.iub.Cook. Murphy and others. The puo- ic rtre respeciluily invited \c attend. It* W. K. HAWLEY, AsstSec'y. IT eSvlrnnia A*Hocini}on.-Tht office of this Association for subsr-ipiion to ii» s.'ock. and the obtainmenl ol information, is at the Evening Poet Bu;i<!ings, Room No. up stairs, and ia open evtry day from 2 till 4 oVIock. d28 tl TT To be Leased, for terms ol 21 ye«rrs, with per¬ petual renewals, The valuable Lot-, contained in the block ol ground, boouded ny me Bowery, the Third Avenue; Stoyvetantst. and Nifith street. The abuse block fronts in part St. Marks Place and Astor Place, and being surrounded by wider streets and ap¬ proached by more* Avenue s than other bloc* ot ground in the citv, and beiag :n the immediate vicinity ot rapid improvements, render the lots highly desirahde for business purposes. The imiued ate erection ol substantial and valuable bohxtings will be rc<;u1r»»d, and auivinc»»s will r>» restricted. Apply to J HOM.V-j MACFARLAN, No. 140 Tenth street East ol Third Avenue. jLM eodis2w MARRIED: In Danvers. Masg., J*nuary 21, Rev. Eliska H. Downing, of Lynn, to Miss Augusta Convert*, of D. An Charleston, S. C, December 23. CapLJaxoes Craton Nichols, of Maine, to Miss Charlotte Glbbs, daughter ol H. J. Slawson. On the 7ih inst, by the Rev. F. L Hawkcs, Mr. Henry P. Norris to Mrs. Adelaide. J. Buckingham, both of this DIED: January 11, Richard Stuyter.son of Jesse and Mary Au- gu-ta Ta.lrot, 2 years. , January In, Anna C , daughter of Frances and Isabella Mann. 9 vears and Ü moaths. January 10. Mrs. C. wife of the late Louis Meyer. January 8, Wiiham P. Crick, 35, a native of the leland ot Barba« 9^. At Waterl'.Tird. N. Y., December 28, Henry, son of Henry and Sarah W. James, in !>i« 7Ji year. At Springwater Valley, Jaaaary 0, Hon. John Grover, in hi* 77th year. At Hartford, Conn., January 7, in brr 33th year. Mrs. Su¬ san, relict ot tbe late Hon. Uriah Tracy.ol Litchfieid. Ct. AtPbiUdelpbia, January 10, Mrs. Eliza Jew«t^ eilest daughter of the hue A. H. Lawrence, ot this city. Lost overboard, off Sandy Hook, on the evening of the 9th inst., from tbe brig Hector, outward bound for SL Jago de Cuba. Henry Shelton. Esq , late ol Boston. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex¬ isting under the firm of E. C. k R. E. Mos* is dis- solvsd by the death of the senior parwer. Toe busmen, wiil in future be continued by the survivor in htsown name REUBEN E. MOSS,506 and 303 Grand-st. New-York.Jan. 12.1843._j!2 3:eod» SLEIOH BELLS.500 dozen Sleigh B^iii, assorted from 000 to No. 10, for sale by ci is WM. H. WIGHT k Co. 100 Joaa«. "jVrOTICE.The Apollo Temperance As _]_ socialion will bold its mtro«Jac'«*ry Sleeting. ia lb* spacious Crown Hill, juaction ot" Bowery ami D;v!> 00 Thursday Evening. January 12, commencing at 7 o'clk. Eu trance No. 7j Bowery. The following individuals are » laic tbetr rcspecuve par-* in the exercise*. SINGING. By tbe Ladv Apollo Association. ORIGINAL ODE.Bv the ApoO« Chorn«. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS.By saiera Dstcfeer. ODE-Bv Mr. Coilins. < AN ADDRESS.By Rev. Mr. Backus ot Brooilyn- OOE.Rt Mr Missing. ORIGINAL ODE.By -die A polio Chorus. ODS.Bv Mr. Collins. ADDRESS.Mr. r*rk»-rof Boston. SINGING.By Mr. M asdng. ORIGINAL CONCLUDING ODE.By Apollo Chorus The public arc respectfaflj invited to a;i« n<;. R BEMAN. President. Chakls» V. Cable. Secretary._It* \\f ELCH'S OLYMPIC CIKCUS-? ? T AT THE PARK THEATRE. Equestrian* Directors... Messrs. RtHKwell V CadwaJlader. Clowi^to the Circle.Messrs. Gosoiu Al Wells. THURSDAY EVENING. Januars- 12- Tbe Mandarins of P^km.Hiram r ranklin on on*- bone, bare back.Pa* ric O arise by Uta» Wellt.Shipwrecked Sai¬ lor Boy by Master K-ncade. Elevated Gymnastics by the whole Troupe.La Bayadere.00 borseback.byMw How nrd.Arera Positions by Mr NalhansauU bispupßä.11 >rsc- maii'hip by Mr. Rogers. I ltermiMon often minute*. Thesecocd p<rt wll commence with hor^emansh p by Mr M'Farlaad.Immense Leaping by Mr Franklin.Horse¬ manship by Master Glenroy. J. J- Nathans on t horses. Hor'»hip by O. R. Stoae. Equestrian Ma querade- TT Boxes 50 cents PtT 25 cents G ALLcar I2| cent.-. Seaü« can be secured at the Box l»rhcc Irom 1" o'ci-xk A M. ot 5 P. M___ ,_ \ ME k IC AN" X\ IS El Vl.Siarb!c~ builu- mc. opposite St Paul's Church..Re-engagement oi Gen. Tarn Thumb, Junior! tbe smallest Dwart ha all crea¬ tion. First week ol the magnificent Moving Di«rama 01 the Departure ot the Israelites! golup at immense ripe rise, with scenic effects, music, processions, *c. Ponugues» Ltndscnpe rear Lisbon The Sea. intnxtuctng a Storm and Shipwreck. Splendid Fairy Grotto. H. Sherman, the Ballmt Siocer.T. G. Booth, the un rivalled Comic Singer. L* Petite Celeste the admired danseusc. Mi.-* Hood, the Vocalist, JtC. Price of Admission, 25 cents.Children under 10 years half-price._j9 \V ANTED.A situation by a respecta- t f bie Protestant man and his wife, W take care of a gentleman's place. The nan understands farming and the care ol horses. Good city references given. Please to ap- rly to T50 Water-street_jt22t* WANTED-A situation by a nice c,irl as Nurse or Seamstress or Chambermaid. Please apply at No. 57 Cbarlton street-_ It* WANTED.A situation for clntiiber- work or general housework by an industrious Ctrl at No. 72 Go d st._X<* VX7" ANTED.A place by an excellent t V plain cook, washer and ironer. Ap\ ly at 51 Attor¬ ney street._J »2 2t* WANTED .Places by an American pirl and an English Cook- 'Apply at 47S Broad¬ way, ba«emenL_j 12 3;* WANTED.A situation ai Cook, by a respectable woman competent for h«r business. Apply at 57 Grand-street. Satisfactory City References given. jl2 it WANTED.A boy about Is years <>! agv, to attend in an oil store. Apply at 76 Front- st. corner Old-slip It*_ WANTED.A young, man to act as clerk in a Dry Goods Stoie. None need apply bui tho-e who can give unexecentionnhle reference. Apply to ji» 2t" O. W. WOODFORD, Ü6 Catharine-?t. ASITUATION WANTED by a respec- table Protestant young woman, to do shamberwoik, and ä pood washer and ironer. She has no objection to do the work af a small family. The best of city reference eiven. Please apply at 277 Se enteenth >treet^ between he Ninth and Tenth avenues._U*_ S~rKAM ENGINE.-A second-hand Steam Engine, ten hone power, with Indler. In com- letc order, lor sale at a great bargai». Enquire of pj 12 1 w * R. AT WATER. 192 Pearl sireet. GREAT 1ND Ü C E M E M T it the Coal Yard, 215 wf si street, corner FVanioin sue«u A superior ailicle of Broken, Egg and <tove size Coal, broken from lumps, and hawisoinely screened at $4 33 per ton, free of cart <ge. Orders received at the Sugar Refinery, 24 Leonard street, and at the Yard, j 12 2w* TYLER ü MATES. REWARD..-Tbc Bubacri- her lost in this Cily on the 1'nh Novem¬ ber hTi"tIns POCKET BOOK; containing$l,9i'0 in money, $1,300 of the Bank of North Americaand $600ol the Bank «1 rhiladelphia.and four checks, amoondoa 10 $6 314, drawn «n«t endorsed by Samuel Bradford Esq , Philadelphia, pay- aide «itlic BaHk of North America, the payment ol whicn nas been stopped-, with many notes, receipts, and other papers of no value to any but the owner. The per«on having found or who will r°turn the paper, will be allowed te keep the monev il contain'd and receive a liberal sum beside. No' questions will tie asked if left at the office of Howard's Hotel, Broadway, at Congress Hall, Philadelphia, or widi the subscriber at LsncaMei, Pn jl23l*_MICHAEL MtLONE. FOR SALE to CLOSE A CONCERN. .The Steamboat JOHN MASON, as »he I >s at the Dry Dork, East River, will be sold al Public Auction, ai the Exchange, on Tuesday, the 7ih day of February next. Terms, one fouith cash al the lime of salt. balance in three, six and nine month* on iniere»t for satis.'nctorv p.iper. Also, at Wdliamsbtirg, on Wednesday the fib of Febru¬ ary, tbe sJer.m'ioat Railways, work shop, ship timber, to¬ gether with several parts of the epgines of the steanipr North America. Terpid, all sums under $100 cash,over $100 at fi months, for satisfactory paper. AI*o, at the city of Albany. »n Tue-day th? 1th day ol April next, two scows, olbce lurni'ure. and several pans 01 tee engines of the steamer North America; and at the city of Troy, on Wednesday 5th April next, a wood scow, office and wharf furniture and fixtures. Terms, under $100 cash, over $100 at 6 months, for satisfactory paper. Also, at private sale, ar the office of the Hudson River Steamboat Ais^iation. 56 Courtland-st, a lot second band steamlioat malirasses, pillows, colnterpains, sheets and pil¬ low cases, <te. As the above naintd property will he sold in order to close a concern, the .'ales will be positive, and without re serve. N. B. AH persons having claims upon the Hudson River Steamboat Association, wiil please present iliem for liqui¬ dation, on or before the I5lh March next, to A. P. Iheir office, 51 Courtlandt-sL ' j!2 istf I~¥d1A RÜBBER liHO_sTiS^MaiJen Lane.Selling oft* at jjrently reduced price?..Gentle¬ men's Overshoes wilb leather soles, the best ai licle manofac- tared.wiil not injure or soil the hoot; prle* tjs to 14s La¬ dies' Overshoes, with straps, a new article, very light; also the Sheet Rubber Overshoes, with leathur and rubber sole*, prices from 8s to 11s. ; Ladies' India Rublnr Gaiters and half Gaiters, wiih leather soles; do Walking Shoes, leather and rubber soles, fti to IPs; do do fur trimmed, leather and rubber soles, to Iis; also,Muses and Children's Overshoes and Walking Shoes, and a complete assortment of common Rubbers and Rubbers I ine<l and furred, .Is to 3s. We invite purchasers to call and examine our Goods previfu, to buy ing, as we will guarantee to s<dl cheaper than Goods of ihe same qual¬ ity can be bought in this city. Remember, Goods from our Factory have always been warranted, jll Iwis* HUTCHINSON RTNYON. L~Al)lE S'"s^PPER SforBalia, PaTties, Weddtocs, i.e. er>ri»i>tinc of while anil Iilark satin, French ninrocr') and kid Ülippers, rua'l'-iu lli'-lal.-1 French style. Also, undressed and French morocco ties ar.d busk¬ ins double soles at 10 shillings per pnir, a »uperior ar'icb-. Together with n complete assortment wf India rubber Over Shoes of all the different styles. Ladies arc requested to call and examine for themselves, at J. B. MILLER'S, Ladies Slioe Store, 142 Canal sireet, jI26teodi»" between Thompson at.d Sullivan sU. IRON SAFE.A'Revolyipg Double Iron S^fe. second hand, for iale low by jTJ tw* R. ATWATER. 152 Pearl-street. S"EAL OiL^lÖÖÖ"galsTwinteFbleached Seal Oil for sale low for cash bv jI2_F. F. EDDY, 21 Old Slip. T~flE PIONtaETTfo Literary and Critical magazine, edited by J. R Lowell and R. Carter, handsomely embellished, f rsale bv BRADBURY SODEN «c CO. J12 127 Nassan-street, New-York. E~COJNOMY IN DREÖS..Sack c5"h7 touts, the style of Overcoats si much iovogu".*ri afferdrd at $3, $12, $14. $:6 and $2ft, from drab, brown, black and blue Heaver and Pilot Cloths, and forsale.rri 1/ made, al 229 Broadway, American Hotel. d!5 istf_WM. T.JENNING*». SPEKM OIL AND CANDLES.Con- standy on band and for sale low» for c^sb by im r F. KDOY. g> Old gto. lENMANSHiP..Daviaon's celebrated Instrucliou. 236 Broad way._ _<f27 lmis* W'ÄTC H E sTJe^elry, Silver Ware, &c~. by JC. LS. S. ROCKWELL, jlO&ai» _No. 9 As tor House. FOR BALLS, PARTIES, &c..Choice patterns of ea'tre new style Brocade Si Ik and Saiia Vesting* lor Dress Vcstsjust received at 225 Broadway. dlSiatf_WM. T. JENNINGS. ENM AN SHIP..Daviion's celebrated instrnction.236 BrrM«lway. d27 ImN* $4.88. »ttl Franklin sirewt. A suj I19Q0. P TO LET.The lower part of a very ^ __pleasant two story House, No. 82 Laight street, near tbe River, cheap to a good tenant who will pay in advance or give security. Inquire at No. 170 or 270 Hudson street, coraer of King._ j 12 4,t* PURSUANT to an order ol George Mil-* ler, Surrogate of ike County of Suffolk, corice isherel by given to alt persons who have claims against Samue- Willens, late ot the town of Brookbaven, in said c/ onty. de cea»ed, 10 exhibit tbe same, with the voucbeis to Piatt Wd- ietts, Hempstead, Queens county, or to Daniel G. Gillett, Patcbogue, Snffolk Counrr, execatou ol the said deceased, at or before the twentieth dav ol July nezL PLATT WILLETS,) D.G.G1LLETT, 'j^2'"1""- Dated tne 3th day of Jaaaary, 1343. jl2 law6a ß AUCTION SAL&b. Josuh Rkhard*. VacCe-ncer. OY BANGS, lUCffARDS & PLATT. .L> Store 196 äm,;»,-.. Liberalcasn advances made on cocs^-or >u for «ocuon ¦Ja. FRI01Y EVENING. AC .Si o'clock at ttw Auct:»o Room. Escusa Hook.*..Au extensive coUccikoc oi old »od nsod- er» Et.glish Ben«».'. Aru mg a*, collection is a fine copy of tb* works of Taci- lus in Eru-hsh, 2v folio; Fox's Book of Martyrs folio; Cham- baud's Dictionary, f. lw; Chambers' D.cLouary ihe Art« aud Sciences 4n Carlye's Works folio; Tattan's Campauaa in tbe lotted Mates it' ; Grotius en War and Peace toTso» Tladal.'s Hworyofthe Ottoman Empire »olio, Ttaosac- doos «f the Roval AcadewvSv tblio; Purchaser's ReUuona of the World; Behbam's !';: >p, awl Moral Essays. Rowley's Sylva Sylvarutn Mio; Robinson's Sioves lor Warming Hot Hcuso, qusr-.o, colored plates Snjeate»*» Account of Termine», quano colored plates Watson's Geo- srrapbical Dictionary lolio; Roman Ritual quarto; Lire« of celebrated Architects qoartr; Pricke's Perspective quarto; LtTCSOfUM Saints old quarto wiib plates; Da'mnple'« M-raeirs 2v quarto. Afitosrs H .< ry of Europe lev; "Comb'f Phrenolog-v; Bancroifs History ot the United States 3 reis; Prescoifj Historv of U>«» Ferdinand and Isabella 3v; Spen¬ cer's Works 5»; Stars' Wonders of the World and Bible Bi¬ ography; Book of the Poets 2v elegant. MONDAY EVENING. Largr Salt ok Nkw Book«..An extensive assortment c-f Miscellaneous Books to be sold by single copteacr In qoan- Alto. 10 cases. S2 reams euch, Ames's Foolscap Paper. mini, by single ream or case. _ v^7DI^pek.rJr.--Ötoro 54 Wü- Uam-stxeet. comer of Pine-atr^*. TUESDAY. Jan. 17.1843. By order ol the Collector o< tbe Port, 308 packages Mer- chandise.havinc remairssl in the Public Store rpwardt Ol nine moot is. For particulars, we the daily papers. Also, 5 bales Whitey brown Cloth*. Also, 2 bales cottou Covers. Also, 2 ca.-es bleached linen daraask Cloths. Also, 1 case do do damask. Also, I bale Huckabuck Toweling. Also, I bale diaper do Also, 5 cases Spots! Cotton. Also, 24 enure cases assorted Hosiery and Glove*. Also, an invoice ol ibrcad Laces, Abo, cases comprising a handsome assortment of new and elegant patients of Londou fancy Cassimeres lor spring tiade. Also, by order of the Collector of the Port, tons Terra Umbra, imported per ship Troy from Lonc'.ou. Also, IM bales black apdwhit« Wadding. _' trIbünfT" Job Printing Ofttte» 160 /«MMu-stveet. All kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as Pamphlkts, Mammoth Show Bills, Catalogues, | Lecture Bills, Checks, Cards*. | Concert Bills, Plain and iNsufcUHCK Pölichs, | Fancy, Bills or, Political Bills. Circulars, circulars, (n«at) itc. Promptly executed at tbe Office of Thr Tribune, No. 160 Nassau-street, (opposite the Park.) _dl.l TUSTREt5EIVED^R0M auction, mjy 500 French embroidered Collars, new style. a small lo t do do Cardinals; a quantity of French Capes, trimmed with Thread Lace; a great variety of worsted Shawls sad Handkerchiefs,nil colors; bast Preach Kid Gloves, 3s 6d per pair; a Urse lot of Feathers at 2s each, usually sold xt Jl each ; a splendid ajMjrtmenl ol Velvet Hat Ribbons, hiigbt colors; ladies* silk Cravats; gentlemen's silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, very cheap ; Canton Flanael, from 6d to Is pvr yard ; j-entlemen's stitched seam Gloves, 6s per pair ; a few 10-4 black figured siik Shawls, very heavy; best Pooghkeepsie Pine, 7d per paper. For sale by Y. G. GIRVAN. ii26 2tls* 200 Bleecker-strret. corner of Morton. THREAD LACES, VELVET, &c. Received from Auction this day, 260 yards rich Brut, sels Point Lace, medium width. 13 pieces heavy tinseled Satin Neck Ribbon. ALSO, 1 piece fine blue black Genoa Velvet. ALSO, M piirsof the very best quality of black ribbed English Silk Hose. ALSO on hand, lately purchased at Auction, a {nod assortment of Silk and Worsted Mills. lOdoien Ladies' While Kid Gloves. 20 pieces plaid Moussallne de Laine, all wool. For sale by EL C. MOORE. n24 -his* 251 BUecker-strret and 640 Broadway. E" c on oWVTn"ITllEM..Exteiulv© assortment «f Rich, fashionable and clegMil goods for winter wear. YYM. T. JENNINGS, No. 229 Broadway American Hotel,offers for the inspection of the publican extensive assortment of seasonable goods, comprising Bea¬ ver and Milled Cloths, for Sortouts, Sacks, Frocks, kc The Sack Overcoats, (so much in vogue,) afforded fourteen dollars, cut and trimmed in first style, will be taun worthy the attention of the econoraisL Cassimeres in a great variety ol styles for Pantaloons. From those who have found any dilliculty in getting suited in this article, a trial is solicited. Rich Brocade Silk and Satin Vestings, (entire nf. w styles) for bails, parties, kc. Merinos, Velvets, plain Sdhs, Matins and Cassimeres, all of which will be made up to order un> der tbe superintendence of as efficient cuttert as «an ba found in Hie country, a; prices lo suit the times lor ready money. d7 i»tf ' A Principle made practicable is a Principle made useful.* NEW-YORK CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, 143 Fulton*., New-York. Tbe UBUersUjrhed, in announcing to their patrons their de¬ termination to adhere strictly to ike prlaciple of casb deal* ing in their business, would take occasion to say that they have become well satisfiud of the practicability and useful* uess of such a plan by the unilbrm success which has at¬ tended its operation In their house from die commencement. The advantages derived by the customer from the adop¬ tion of this system.then by realizing a gain 30 per cent upon credit prices.they conceive perfectly obvious, and therefore need no comment. Of the merits of their house and the facilities with which they are Invested of furnishing a cheap asd rich garment, they will not dilate.fully as¬ sured as they are that this simple fact is too well known their celebrity loo wall established, to require further re¬ mark. And in calling the attention of the gentlemen of the United States, aud New-York in particular, to their assort* mcut of choice goods, they will merely observe that untie* vjating punctuality and dispatch in answering the command* of their friends is as much a part of their system as cash payments._ n30 isjtf J. C. BOOTH k CO. G1 OLDSMITHVNationaf^ T Institute, and Book-Keeping Academy, 2At Broad¬ way, New-York, opposite, the City Holl, (entrance at the deor ot the New-York Muse am ) Mr Goldsmith respect¬ fully informs the citizen! of New-York and its environs, lhat hi* spacious opaitnients for the instruction of Penmanship and Book Keeping, are now open during the day and even¬ ing, lor the reception of pupils and visitors. Mr. Ii. has obtiined the first premium three consecutive years for the best specimens of OfT-band Penmanship, exhi¬ bited at the great Fairs of the American Institute. He also Sledges himselfto impart to all in 10 lesson- of one hour each, tsmuch udmired system ot Mercantile and Epistolary Pen¬ manship, or ;.<.;:;; ,i the me>ney, at the expiration of the les¬ sons. Tbe gentlemen arc taught a hold, free, dashing stylo ol Mercantile Wiiting.«vrllten with the greatest rapidity. The Ladies acquire n bnuutilul style of Epistolary V* riling an liivalojitil*- seroniplisbment In ih* m-i. Gentlemen Irem abroad wishing to give their sons an op- rxirtui.ity of excelling in the Chircgraphic Art, are assnrrd that every effort will be made to render ihHr slay In the c>ty profitable and agreeable. L»dit$ or Gentlemen not wishing lo limit u--ir levons, can always make a favorable arrangement lor ho unlimited attendanc Young OenUemrn qualified bs teachers of tbe nrt, in ail its various branches Terms..For a Course of'Mercantile and Epistolary Writing, Five Dollars, including siationery. Book-Keep- ing, reduced from Fifteen lo Ten Dollars, for an unlimited attendance, payable in advance. Strangers visltinr the city can receive a course of writing If skim in twoor three days. The Lsdjea meet daily from 11 to 1 o'clock. Gea- tietnen at 9 A. M. and 3J, 7 and 3 P. M. Private instruction given- For sale at the Acadrroy, a superior srrjel* of Metallic Pfns. Rtfcrcnctt : Rorzrt B. Morris, Mayor of the City of New-Ywk. Oen. Charlys w. .Sa>oyobo. tiro. Ifall, Ex-Mayor of Brooklyn. Johw Dav i», Governor of Mas*achuselts. Hon. ASBQtt LAWBEXcr,, Boston. j!0 3tis- atches lower than ever..In con- of the reduction of cnties by the l«te tarirf the sur-scriber is selüng his stock ol Gold and Silver Levers, Anchor Escapement-, Lepine, and other Watches of new and splendid patterns, and Jewelry at retail ot a considerable n-duetioi; from former prices, being mach lower than they can be ooogbi for at any other phtca In tbe clly. Geld Weiches »a low as $20 to |25 aach.. wauhes and Jewelry exchanged or booghL All wtichos warranted to keen good time or die money relftrned..» Watches and Clocks repaired in the bent manner, a«d war¬ ranted, at much lass than tbe usual prices. G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jeweiery, oI7ts if Whole-ale and retail, 30 WaJJ-sL, op stairs. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Health is a treasure which cannot be bought: but in many cases how easily its destruction and loss can be pre¬ vented ! How frequently d-es a slight eld, apparently »r no consequence, and causing but I.tile inconvenience in its commencement, when neglected, termfn»te In that dread foe to ire human race, Consumption, which yearly sweeps >o many tliou&ands from »ocUtty I Will you not be warned r Is there no tie to induce you to preserve your health, the greatest blessing yoc can have.' What Is riches compared to health t Reflrct and be peraosded carefully lo preserve this health. Experience proves, and thousands attest, that, without e-xc-puon. James D. Nowdl's PECTORAL HONEY OF LIVERWORT is the bent most ptessairf, safe and speedy remedy ever of¬ fered lor Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Influenaa, Spitting of Blood, aad all affections of the Lungs leading to Coranmp* lion. It uceops^enihely of vegetable ingredients. It facilitates exptÄtoration, moderates mthuirmatory action, pronibtes the healthy luncti«ns of the skin, and invigorates tbos« constitctiom impair eil by protracted hacking coughs. Iis price, two shillings per bottle, places it within the reach of the poor as well as the rich. It may be had of OL- COTT. McKESSON k CO . General Agent* for the Unit¬ ed States, 144 Maiden Lane, and at retail by all the respect¬ able Druggists intbeeity and country. AMES D. NOW ILL, SoU ProprWor d22 Inn, 167 Bowery, N. Tf- w

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Page 1: · ainiif;ohn Tyler, to report to the House thete*-ticrvay taleo to establish them, with their opinion

ainiif;ohn Tyler, to report to the House the te*-

ticrvay taleo to establish them, with their opinion^thcftia said John Tyler ha» acted in auchnjesn«rai te require the interposition of the Con-(ntution!l power of the House.tho Committee to

ia»epo»er to send for persons and papers.Mr- Cave Johnson moved to lay the whole suV-

Jtonibe table, Yens 101. Nays 119.Mr- Hays or, stating that the subject would be

open for debate upon the report of the Committee,jjjovcdtio previous question ; seconded.The min question was ordered.Yeas 122,

.Nay* 90Mr- CjtDKRWoo» moved to reconsider the vote

jot the previous question ; negatived without a

division.Mr. Granger, at his request, was excused from

voting; Yeas HI, Nays 91.Xhs main question was then taken, and the re¬

tention of Air. Botu was rejected; Yeas 33,Sajs 127.The motion to print Mr. Hllmore's report on

IDr Exchequer was taken up, and the debate on

that subject was continued from yesterday by Mr.PBOTFIT in a " Guard" speech, which had the ef¬fect of nearly clearing tho House. In the course

of it,Mr. MARSHALL explained that he had voted for

Mr. Botu's resolution, not because he thought thePresident guilty, but because an investigation ofthe natter should be afforded to any gentleman;«ho thought it bis duty to bring forward such a

proposition.Mr. Cogtkr cf Ca. also explained that he had

voted for it, but believed that the charges cuuldnot bftv« been sustained.The House adjourned.In SiNATK, Mr. Bkrrikn from the Judiciary

Committee reported back tho bill ' for tlie relief ofGen. Jackson/ with amendments providing furthe refunding of the fine of $ 1,000 and interest'in consideration of his distinguished military ser¬

vice*/ &c.Mr. Walker, from the same Committee, made

a counter report, disagreeing to the proposedgmeudmcnts on the ground that they implied cen¬sure on Gen. Jackson, &c. The reports were or¬

deren1 printed.The remainder of the day was consumed in the

consideration of private bills. Argus.

Georgia..The Sonthern mail tfaits morningbrings us no returns of the votes for Members ofCongrcps worth collecting. Reports give Craw¬ford majorities in Richmond Co. of 4G-1 ; in Tot-tetsall of 134; in Bryan of 25; in Bibb nearly250, and in Scriven, McDougald is 10 ahead. Tb<-letter of our Washington correspondent speaks fa¬vorably of the resul*.

DisTRK6Si5o Casualty..Tho Louisville Jour¬nal states that tho steamboat Macedonia groundeden Goose Island, on her way up to St. Louis, andsent her passengers on shore in the yaw!. On get¬ting them aboard again, the yawl capsized, andabout, twenty persons are supposed to have beenlost. A few were saved by holding on to the guardsof the boat.

Thiaga in Philadelphia.Correspondence of The Tribune.

Philadelphia, Jan. 11, 134S-P. M.At a late hour yesterday afternoon, another disturbance

of a disgraceful character took place among the weavers olMoyamensing, in which the dwelling-houses and work-thops of those who continued at their labor, were wantonlysssailed, their property destroyed, and their lives threaten¬ed! It was rumored last evenibg, that an attempt wouldbe made to burn down a large factory; and several of themaster manufacturers called upon the sheriff" to interfere,bnt that officer sttded be had no funds at his disposal forsocb a purpose!This morning a large body ef the above men assembled

in public meeting: and resolved to ceane all farther violencefor the present, determined, if possible, to obtain their endsby peaceable means.In the upper part of the Northern Liberties similar out.

rages to those recorded as having been committed by theweavers look pltce last night.The political slorm "goes bravely on" at Harrisburg..

On Monday last the Anti Caucus candidate for AssistantClerk tn the Senate was elected over the regular Loco-Fococandidate, by a vote of 17 to 141 Tbe greatest excitementprevail1; In the ranks of ' the party,* and tbe Capitol is rep¬resented to be thronged with strangers. The friends of Bu-cbsnan and Johnson were each assembled in Convention,and a wide Ifr.eof distinction seemed te exist between them.Mr. Gibbons, of the Senate, (a Johnson man) charged Bn-cbanan as lo his" original Federalism," a few days since,Munich Mr. Fraiier(a Buchanan man) asks.'* WhetherSt. Paul was any worso a Christian because he had once

been a Pharisee, nnd persecuted the Church of Christ.'"The Johnson Convention adjourned in the evening, but luefriends of Buchanan still remain iu session.Got. Porter sent into the Senate on Monday, the nomina¬

tion of Anson V. Parsons, Esq. as President Juuge of theConn of General Sessions. It is believed tbe same will beconfirmed; but streng efforts are making In the meantimeto abolish the court, by several members of both branchesof the legislature-.Floor sold this morning In lots tu $4 per barrel from

»lorej, but it could be purchased from wagons at $3 871.Tbe Trustees of the United State* Bank, under deed of

assignment of Sept. 4, 1841, yesterday paid a dividend oi

Ten per cent on all judgements obtained against the Bnukprior lo the creation of that trust. The Trustees have col-Istied, it seems, about $1,400,M0 of tbe debts due the Bank,paid in its own notes; and pud out, in current funds, ten

percent upon $300,000, ihe amount of rJae judgements ob¬tained against III Yery generous indeed, ibi*.But little business in stocks at cither board to day. Tha

following nre the sales :

First Hoard .$2,000 Wilmington Railroad 6., 18vr>8,i>8;$500 City 5s, 3861,92.After Board .$130 Lebigh Mortgage Loan,6-, 42{ ; «1

»bare» Wilmington Railroad §}. Brutus.

ISands's Sarsaparilla .The amount of sutlering re*-i*ved by this invaluable preparation is without n paralleluithe history ol" medicine. Thousands have been restoredtoheabh by its beating and regenerating efficacy, who"fere considered past the reach ot remedial means, as vari¬ous ceruficniOi heretofore published abundantly prove. Itb«irece;vea the entire approbation of many pmetitionersin this nnd other cities, nnd its rnpld growth in lüe estima¬tion of the public has placed it beyond the reach of detrac«|Kin or the ertorisol competition. Diseases which arise fromimparities of the blood or vitiation of the humors generally.such as scrofula or king's evil, rheumatism and incipientCWt, salt rheum attd othei cutaneous diseases, lever sores,»nd internal abscesses, fibulas, chronic catarrh, ulcerationff the throat and nostril-, pnintul affections ot tbe bores,caronio inflammation of the kidneys, female derangement?,CSSMraJdebility and prostration of system, a;e all removedhy its use. For particulars, see advertisements lo this andother c;ty papers.Piepared and sold a' wholesale and retail, and for rxpor.t»t!on, by A. P». Sands Co. No. 273 Broadway , (GraniteRullrlintfs,) corner ol Chambers Street, New York. Also,"Id by A. lt. & D. Sauds. Drugsrisls, No. 7'J and 100 Fu'tonUJ*t; David Sandsk Co. No.' 77 Fast Broadway, comerft Muket street; and by DrugsUts generally throughoutu* United Slates. Price $ I per bottle, six bottle for $5.A Novel lots..Covous CiRtD r r a Shilling.We

. W'e been told b.r several who have used Professor Jones'srua*h Caudy U at it really is most capital. Id gives a ble««Ha relief and often effects a cure. The proprietor odors to¦mJJ the money unless it proves all rr presented in curing"Wehs, colds, hoarseness, and ail pulmonnrv complaints.".*d*ise all to ku to the Ameriean Eagle. S2 Chatham-.«ect»Ncw 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn.CP Sixth Ward.. The Democratic Wbig Ward

Cwaanttee of the Sixth Ward are requested to meet at No."-Centre-street on Thursday eveuing, January 12, at 7J0,dock.

_jit It*

^Eighth Ward.-in accordance with a recom-gy*P°noi uieWh.K Executive Committee, the Chdr-mm vf the leveral Districts are requested to call their Dis-i *, ^*bet on Thursday evening, Jan. 12, at their sev

gai ptaces ot meeting, for the purpose of electing theirJr'er*'°rt:>e year, and also to complete their erganiia-m i» ?.ordrr» JOSEPH N. BARNS, Chairman.«.p Moorr, j ö

Stoctexburgh, \ Secreiartes. j-j.»jjD* Attention..A meeting of the Gernsnnr?09cr.>iic Henry Clav Industrial Association will be

00 Thursday evening, the twelfth January, 1813. at 7iM., in the nenry Clay House, corner of Avenue

to anet^T1 slrm« where the Germaas io'geoeral are invitedA>a~!husiness ot importance wilt be transacted..border of j.p. TRKSHMAN, President..,_. .

CHARLES BETTON, Vice President.vrraoxT Rchm, Secretary. ju n

CnTJ?frcan Institute Lecture..Rev. Dr.stit-i. tK w,il deiner a Lecture belore the Berean In-jj-1') m tbe Biick Church corner of Walker and Eliia-Aj^*^.on Friday Evening,' 14th insu, at 7J o'clock .

!r' °ur CoonuT< »t» Institutions and the Evils that»ach »r. r*'1 ^"'K»m the ma'a, a repetition of the so

approved Discourse pronounced before the§5,elv fit their late Annirersary, B v order.J *_C. S, STKARNS, Secreurj'.

G.n CHEAP FOR CASH.max.-xhe beat Ausrricnn Window Olnsaia*w Made in thc uniteo stat&s.lion a** assorted sixes.jQJr7 do Monroe do do.

ill 3 »iT*d ale by A. SCHANCK,1 86 Division-süceL

MONEY MARKET.Snlc* »t Ihe Stock Exchange. Jan. 11&

$1,000 N.Y.Stntc7s, 13431u2i; 50 Mübawk II .s'OU co$l,W Kentucky Sixes.. 76 25 do. &i17 Manliauan hank. GiV4"» Lone Liana. 4*4

116 do.61}] 15 AnbfcRech.Rß---. 8*410 Union Bank.!«i 25 Saw inston.sSOj J6j27 Del t Hud.343 25 do. 1713 Casum Co. 16 15 Norwich & Wor. ity30Paterson K. 44 |l5o llariem. 15;

5ecoi* D BOA ED.

$1,000 K'ky Sixes.76 $3,000 N. Y.Ts, 1849....UC2JCommercial and .Tloncy Blatter».

wednesday P. M.There was a (dir amount of buiinc t done at the Board

to-da> with these variation* Delaware improved i ; Au¬burn and Rochester -.; ILuletn, j; Sionmgtuu, 4 ; PatersonfellofT J; Mohiwk, J-, Camden,£. Thesalesof Suiejslockswere not extensive ; Ken'ucky unproved j percent.Notbing doing in Foreign Exchange.Alabama is worse.we quote Hi a W$.The Committee of the Board to v^noia tlic petition of the

expelled memberswas referred reported unfavorably. Themembers relvrred to have ierrued a new Board and met to¬

day at the olrke of Fredt/rick Robinson f".r the transactionot business. t?o we have now two Boards in full operation.

it was rumored yesterday that an additional $100,000 ha*bet n discov'red in the defalcation of Nicoll. A Directoratsures us lhattbe rumor is untrue. '1 he stock ot the TrustCo. declined considerably today, tbe bestofler being 4uand that only for five shares ; ?.5 the u?k:ng price. Webeard of an offer to sell 1000share*Trtiatat£0seller3years.Rumors are correct tbat a large defalcation has been thV.-covered Inoneof the Insurance offices.AMatement,wb:ch we heard ol but could not !»-arn tbe cor¬

rectness of, having appeared in a tt oruingj »urnai, ha« beencor.trndicled by authority in the evening i^r-'is. The rumur was that .Mr. Walworih, Register In Chancery, was a

defaulter to a large amount, having loaned moneys to b»friends instead ol depositing it in tbe Life and Tiust Co. as

it wa» hisdntty io have done ai d that the loans be could notnow recover. This story is declared tiyall the evening j>apers to be entirely without foundation.A nice looking-new $5 note of ike MonmOUlh Bank, with

tbe word Fire in Urge n-d letters on tbe face appeared inWall-<L to-day w hich the Clinton Bank reused to redeemIt appears that the worthy gen lernen w!;o ir.nnagr thathopeful ronctrn have made an issue ol notes each markedv, itb a K in re 1 ink in tlx- corner and them Ihey do not pre¬tend to redeem in tlii- City. Beware", we say nt

Monmouthsbioplasters, und above all, beware ol these witha red K in tbe corner.Tbe Seaman's Havings Brink has declared a dividend Of

sir per cent.

ItlarliCJH. Carefully reported/or The Tribune.\* tOKESDAV, Jan. 11.

ASHES.There is still t!ir same inactivity and iflotswereforced much lowsr prie-s than th» la«! sale osf important^must be submitted to. a lot of 12 bbls Tots, 1012,weretaken yrpterday at 5 14. This is th<- only transaction wecan aear of. Pearls are entirely"without sale and wouldnot bring over 7 00. Tfct exports of Ashes for 1842 were3l,77<5 Pots j 3879 Pearls. 1841, 21.103 Pots, £W3 Pearls.COTTON.Tbe sales yesterday reached about 1200 bales;

to-day between 800 a^d 1009 bales. Tbe market, especiallyfor the lower grades, continues rather in favor of tl.<- buyerand the current ratet are, wc think, a shade low»-r than be¬fore the Bntannifl arrived. VVe have sales fair Upland,round bales, reported »1 61, and ,'quarr nt 7 ; New Orleansand Alabama, round, ~{ ; square, 71. A l>"w days ago a saleof 77 bales Terus was made at ttj a 7, shott puce.FLOUR AND MEAL.The market still continues very

heavy as fjr as regatds prices, but the lower rales whicijholders have lately exhibited a willingness to accept, haveproduced a slight improvement in tin-demand. We quoteOenesce, 4 50 a 4 5G] ; Michigan and Ohio, 4 50, with n saleof the former at 4 43j; still at this decline ibe iranssctioujore not large as it was thought they would be. We hear oflittle doing in Southern descriptions excepting a lot of 500bbls Richmond Country at 4 IB*. This was rathera forcedsale however. We quote Georgetown and Howard st, 437 i a 4 50 ; the latter scarce. The lower grades B-ilimoreCity, Petersburg, Alexandria, 4 25 a 4 31J ; Brandywine,4 62i ; Richmond City, 5 50. In Meal there is but little do¬ing. Sa>s 50 hhdfc Brandy wine nt 12 75, 90 days ; bbls are

worth 2 62j; Jersey, 2 50 a 2 62J. In Rye Flour there .ire

only retail sales at 3 25 a S 37} fur common and 3 50 forprime. Buckwheat, 2 75 a 3 00. Exports of Flour, 1842,32 3 869 bbls ; 1841,311,321.GRAIN.The last of Frcdericksbur£AVlieat,W00bnshe!s,

which ha.s been in the market ;<>r some time Mild to-day at75 a 77 for milling. About looo bushels Inferior Illinois sold,fcr milling, at 80. There is still no supply ol Corn and it ismuch wanted. Tbe last sale was |57 for Jersey. Rye is in fairsupply but distillers, still refuse to meet the views ol holde.s.They offer 60. Holders weuld probably accept C21. Barleyis offered at 53 a 51 One of tbe distillers is offering to sell.A sale of 500 bushels Canal Oats was made at 33 ; River areworth 32, and Jersey £8 a 30. Export Corn, 1812, 155,795bushels ; 1841, 14S,963.HAY.There is but little doing. Wc quote 68 a62}. The

stock is noi very iarge.PROVISIONS-Of the new Provisions from NewjOrleans,

received a week oe two since,CO bbls Mets Potk sold to-dayat 9 00 ; 80 bbls Hams at a mere shade over 6, and 10 bblsLard ai 7. These are ihe first sales of tr.e season. There is

only a moderate demand for barrel Provisions. Sales oldMe»» Pork at 8 00, which is a decline ; old Prime, 5 50a 5

62J ; new Mess, 9 50; new Prime, 6 75 ; Mess Beel, 6 507 CO ; Prime 3 a 4. A sale of 300 kegs aud 55 barrels Bnlu-morc was made at 7. We have reasan to believe that the1000 bbls new Lnrd reported yesterday werp sold at 6. TheLard is not expected frra considerable time. New linn-.s sellat 8. Smoke*! Bcei, G£ ; BeH rounds, 4 and Pickled Hams.5j. Butt» r we quote 6 a 13, as extremes, and rather dull.Cheese, 4i a 6 for Ohio and Herkinvr.

iTT Clinton Holl, «tcc.hli« r 23, IC12.-Tlic Regular Nominating Committee, appointed at a meeting ol the"Mercantile Library Association, on Monday evening, lUf28th till.. i" accordance with Article I Uli. Chap. 2d of theConstitution, respectfully pre.ent the bdlowing candidateslot the support ol the members nt th<- ensuing electi in :

For President,LEWIS McMULLKN.with C. V. S. Roosevelt.

F«r Vice President,Rictunn BüRLEW.with C. Cartiidg-.

Foe Corresponding Secretary,Anthony. H Ai.stv. xs itb Tjadermeu's Bank.

Fur Recording Secretary,Wm. M. Parks.with American Exchange Bank.

For Treasurer,James A. William» tin.with Aymai ^ Co.

For Directorj,Charles M. Wbeallty.with Jasn s l>. EllimanJ. T. Lanman, " A. Edwardsk Co.John O. Stevens. " R, II. SawyerBenjamin Point roy, Jr. " Browning, 11u1' & Co.J.N.Clark, " Towusend, Sayreit Co.H. is. Scndder, " B K.cappCuthberl C. Gordon, " McCardy.AldricbStfipencei

JOHN f. BAKER. Cbainunn.Lewis Skinkce, Sec'rv._ tlSirjll*IT lintgern Enntituir Kjcctnrcsu.The Trns

tees have made arrangements fora'course ol Lectures, tobe-given on Thursday Even ng ofeach week, in the Chap¬el of ibe lusiuutc.

Jan. 13.One Lecture by Wm. b. Kinnly, Esq. Subject.' Public Moralitv.'Jan. 19.One Lecture by Rev. K. H. ( iuris. Subject.Copernicus and bis Time>.'Jan- 26.One Lectvr* by Rev. Dr. Betiione. Subject

. Opinion ol the Ancients,Feb. 2..Lrctcres oomoienee at 7i o'clock.Sni'te tickets,is cents each, or;2 for the course (ten Lec-

ture*,;) a gentleman and lady, tor tbe course, $^. catds oiKdinission lor n family.$4 for the course. Stockhphh rscanobtain their tickets on application at the Institute, on or in¬

ter ihe 21th insu G KO. W. B ET TS.(12 Chairman Lecture Committee.

[LT < holit-a l.y ceuin. -Tiie next Lecture will bedelivered at the Baptist Church in Sixteenth-street, thirdhuilcing east of the Eighth Avenue, o-.i Thursday EvepTng,January IV, at 74 o'clock, by Hoaxed GrbeLEY. Esq.Subjee;.'Human Life.' jI2 2t"

ITT The AntiqsitteH cfAiuericn riewed inconucction w.tth the .Tlowatc Record.. *coorseol Lectures on ihi> sut'j>c!, illustraied by drawingsami paintings, will be delivered by Dr. Hawks, atNiblo'sSakcm. Tbe first lecture will be delivered on Thorsdayevening, 12th instant, at balf-oast 7o'clock, Tbe courseWÜ1 consist of four or five lectures. Tickets mav be ob¬tained at the beok stores ol Wiley Putnam, 161 Broad-way; SworAs. Stanford 4; Co. 152 Broadway^ Hartlett 4iWelford, -220 Broadwav; Roe Lock wood, 4AA Broadway:Thomas J. Crowiea. 633 Broadway, aud Geo. iVIiiler, 647Broadway, and at ibe door on ihe nijrht o! ibe lecture.Far the Course,Jto admit a lady and gentleman.. .$3 eo

"" " one persoi.2 00Tiekel for the evening.0 50jy As is is supposesl by soni- tn.n these lecturt-s are but

a repetition of t*e course delivered some years ago. it is

deemed necessary to sine that such is not th? ens*. Theseare new, and directed to the illustration of the Mosaic Hit-lory by lestiuiong gathered from the autiquiucs of this Con¬tinent

_r _j ;0 3«.'

(LT J. O. O. F. Library Ä^aociatioa..TheThird Leciu e will be delivered ai me Society Libraryrooms (cornerofBroadway an^t L^anaed-s'.reet) on Fridayevening, January 13,1843, at 7^ o'clock, by the Rev. E. ELCh apin. 6f Massach useits.Subject: " Claims of Literature."Ticket* 25 cents, admitting a srentlermn and be

had ol tbe Trustvrs, the Librarian [National lLilI) and atth« door on the evening of the Lerturr.N B. Members admitted by presenting their crrtificalcs

ofmcmber»hip Tickeisliniitrrf. B.t, ,fiew-Yoru, Jan. II, 181J. \> ILSON SMALL,

jj2 2t«Cüaimun Lec. Ccm.

InstituteThis Kvtport trom the Maua^.GURDOXJ. LEEDs secretary.N. B. The Lec.ures on Astronomy, illustrated by kus-

M il's splendid Planetarium, will he suspended ior Ibis

<mor_TTIWr. O. B. Göldemittij ProTewoTPenman-

ship, will dehves a Clinton Hall, oa >_atjri.ajevening, Jan. 14lh. Subject.'Pas Pem. Tickets 2a be *»b:aincd at Mr. G.'» Wriuug Rooms, ot tbe Libiartauat the Mercantile Library, and at the door on tbe evenmfrJLectur« will cemstnee at 7J o'deck. jl°

TT Third Ward..Proceedings of a meeting of tiewhig Electors of the Third W'arW, held in pursuance to a

I call of the Whig Genera'. Committee, at 201 Wuaja^ton-\ street, on Friday Eremin?. 30th ot Decercbr Ian.

The Chairman of the Ward Committee called the meet-ing to order, and moved that ELLIS POTTER take the

j the Chair, which was carried.3Ioved and seconded, that Densinc Dcer and Thos. S.

Shepaep, be appointed SecrPt.-.rie?.carried.Tu* call for the meeting Heinz read, it was moved and

seconded that the meeting go into ballot for a Ward Com¬mittee to consist of fifteen persons, and that the Chair ap¬point two Tellers.carried.

'1 te following person? were then elected to the WardCommittee for the ecscinr; year:Denning Doer, Frederick P?LU.W'm. W. While. George

Wetscil, S. R. Mabbet, Thomas MtKnijht, Wjiliam B.Marsh, Samuel R Childs Enocn Morgan. Tboroa- C Bar¬um-, Smith Denning. Thomas F. Pter>. William Renike, J.B. Costa. Philip Peitcb.

it was th<m .

Rnclvtd. Tharthe Ward Committee have power to fillvacancies that may occur.Mr. Wiiiiara Doxtsjethen r.fferrd two resolutions, and then

mover: that these rr so'uiions be laid on the table, and thatwken this meeting adjourn, it adjourn to meet on the secondMonday of Ja.-.uary at 7 o'clock at that place.Mr. J. B. Swain then called for tbe reading of a comma-

nicaüon from the Democratic Whig Young Men's GeneraCommittee.which wa< read.The meeting then

At an arfjoarnr:.' meeting of the Whig?rtf the Third Wardtl.e f flirrin of the previous n. eeting presided.Tl e r notations offered by jMr. William Dodge, nfirr be

mg- m-r.rnde<t, passed in the following word-:Resohed, Ttal the Third Ward .nvite the otherWards of

tbe city to select five delegates, wbomnst not be membersol eilb< r ol the two General Committees, m form a W'h'gnOuventioo. which Convention shall m^-t at the BroadwavRouse on W' die l«t day ot February next.**. 7o'clock, P. M. to consider the propriety of a union ol thetwo General Committees.or to rr:r>rnmeod such other mea¬sures of organization as may conduce to the interests of theWhig pa'ty.Resolved, That the Chairmnn and Secretaries of ibis

meeting commonicate the loregning ritsolutipn to theChair-nien of the respective W ard Commiite«, and request themto call together the Whig Electors of their Ward to considerthe same.The following resolution* w«re ndoptrd :

Resolved, That the Delegales to the Convention be ap-pointed at this meeting.

Resolved, That the following persons be ar pointed os De.legates to the Convention, vir.:William Dodge, James Van Nostraed, Denning Dner.Frederick Prn'i, John Loyd,Rtsolxed. That the Delegate- have power to fill vacancies

that may occur.Rrsolred, That tbe proceeding of this meeting, and ibe

procre-jif'ts of the meeting held SCili December, be pub¬lished m ihe Courier and Enquirer, Tribune, CommercialAdvertiser, and Aiaencan.Adjourn-.!. ELLIS POTTER, Cbairrr..m.

Tnas. S. ShepaBD, j ^cretant-.. jj:TT Old Seventh Ward again in the Firld.

Puisuan't«." n call emnnniing (rem the Ward Committee,th- Whig- of ihe Old Seventh assembled in all iliMr prideand glory at theb Head-Quarters, on Tuesday evening,January 10, for the purpose of discussiiig the question olliK\int' one or two General Committees for the ensuing3 ear.On moiion, JAMES TAYLOR, Esq . was called to the

Chair, and F. M. Taylor artd John Cromwell were ap¬

pointed .Secretaries.On motion of H. A. Carter, Esq.,R(so'.T:d, That this meeting are in favor of an Old Men's

General Committee.Whereupon, tlii> Resolution drew forth quite an interest¬

ing and exciting debate, which was cirrifd on until quite a

late hour, and many of our old and young men did them¬selves great credit in their affirmative and negative argu¬ments on this irreal object. And it was carried in the af¬

firmative by a respectable majority; end the followinggentlemen were duly elected to the Old Mien's GeneralCcmmittee for the year 1813:


E. D. CON KLIN.F. M. Taylor. ? <>r-r, JAMES TAYLOR,John Cromwell, ) J j 12 It Ch airman.

- Ml-

CNinth Ward.-At a mertin^ol the DemocraticWhig Committee of the Ninth Ward held Jan. b>th, 1813,the lollowmg persons were elected Officers lor the ensuingvear:.

Chairman.H. Benedict.TYfuii/rrr.D. AUSTIN Mum.Secretaries-John Day and William Louisseufcy.

In sccardnnce with a resolution passed at a pub'tc meet¬ing J.iuuary 4, ttie loltnwing persons were appointed asDci' unte» Id the Junior Wh:^ General Committee :.

Mooov CoMMliros, J. McDonalo,Jonathan Miller, I. Vandkrbup.c,


W^LLiAMVLotJNsrt.-Rv. j Salaries jl21t*Pansen tier* Arrive*!.

In the brig Emeline, for Port Leon.R J Vandewafer andlady, Mr and Miss Sexton, Mr Russell, Mr H A Pattenor»and Mr Cochran.

Passenger* Sailed.In the Leader, irom Bosion, for Rio Janeir o.Messrs Ed¬

ward Allen and H W, Perkins.



the 5l*n the m»on |vcll se«Rises 7 26 I Sets 4 52! | Morn. 3 nr. I 15

Latest Dates.London. Dec. 8| Havre.Dee. 7Liverpool.Dec. 9| N'ew-fOrleans.Dec.3l


Ship Atlantic, Mallet. Liverpool, Taylor k Merrill.Barque Eunomus, Cr»sby, savannah,J Atkins k Co.Brigs Lucy Ann. Snow. New-Orleans, Nesmilb, Lreds k

Co; Puritan. Ulnier. New-Orleans, J Elwell ii Cw; Carac-cu-, Whaler, Lagnayra. J MathcwsAt Co.

ftclus Regulus, Hawkins, Wilrnin<;inn, NC, E S Powell ;Wm E Bird. Corson, St Augustine. t£F, A B Cooley k Co;Paim. Hall, Cuba. J Underwood; II Wcstcolt, Vance, Nor-Ik, A B Cooley 4: Co.The ship Damascus Bli«s, which cleared 9t'i inst for New

Orleans, was taken up for Liverpool immediately afterward.ARRIVED.

Packet Ship Ehland, Waite, from Liverpool, Dec 9thwith nidze lo C H Marshall, Ooodbue 4: Co.Ship Spring. Johnson, 13 days trom Leghorn, with mdie

lo Simuel Biowne..Ship liuntsville, Matthews, 18 days from New-Or.leans,

with more lo E K Collins k Co.Ship Prescott, Lawrence, .Vi days from Messioa, passed.

Oibraitar Dec 5, with fruit, kc, to S Bruoine k Co. The Vhu< been II) dayson the coast.Bark John B Carver, Pendleton, 17 days frsm New-Or¬

leans, with indie to master.Brii: Odeon, Nickerson. Savannah, 4th irst, with cotton,

to S W Lewis.Br^g Pioneer, Smiih, 12 days fiom Apalachicola, with

cottou.Sehr Ontario, VinalL 24 days from Curacon, with goat-

skiits, Ui J B Graves i. Co.Soiir V. locity, McmiKoincry. from Booihbay, with lum-

ber, io order.HKLQW-1 ship, 1 b irk, and 2 brigs. Wind light, SW.

SAILED.ShipsAsbbnrton, Hotile>on, Liverpool; Carroll of Car¬

lo.lion. Bird Mobile; Sutten, Galway, Charlest-m; Mon¬treal, Tinlicr. London; Hevtes, Harrison, Hull; Courier,Dui;an. it;ir>ei!lesBarques Z Ki^g. Mobile; Oilbrrt, Apalachicola-Krigs Excel, bavannah; Georui^na, do ; Paragon, Apa-

lacbicola; Emetine, Key Wes\ and otheis.

MEMORANDA.tii :ck Passages..Brig Emptesario, Collins, a regular

tra.:ei between Ltavaoa and New-Orleans made her lastpassage thither in tbe shi.rt space ot 63 hours, and returpedto Uirtl port in the «rue lime. The enure voyage from NewOrleans, with a full cargo, and back again, was completedin 11 days.The baiqne Pantbea, Moulthrop, wiiicb arrived at New-

Haven on Saturday in ihr mitbt <H a dense fog, ha* madeuer voyage to Aotlgca. out aj.d home, in 35 days. She car¬ried out a deck i >au of live stock, with an assorted inboardenr^o, nnd was 10 days in port.

DISASTERS.Accounts were received here on Tuesday afternoon from

P- ck's Beach, near r!gg Ilaibor, that the brig P»rry, CaptTlmmp^on, name ashore at that place on Sunday nl^bt dur¬ing the lor. fbe was from Georgetown, SC, and has a car-go of atx'Ut 700 bales of cotton, and t>elonRs to Dunham 4iDimon's line of packets. At the last account* she bad notbilged, and should the weather be lasorable, hopes are ra-

leaaiueit of getting her rtf. The steamboat Mutual Safetybjs been despatctird to bcr assiuanceThe whale sh;p L'ma. Luce, of and for Nantucket. 6 mo.

out, no oil. put ia;o Rid Janeiro previous to Nov. 12, wilhloss of all her masts; topmar.s kc except the foremast andforeyard. all her whale boats and every thing ofTdeck, allher bolwaiks escept iho-e forward of tbe forerirgi&g,oa"Cape Horn -. the third otEcer, the only person un decs, was

washed overboard and lost; would probably be condema-ed.Tbe rrport ot the condemnation of ship Nepsn^et, Row-

eU, of Bosion, from Sumatra f«r Cowes, at Mauritius, whereshe put in Aug. 24. lcakv, is coutirmed by a Cape of GoodHope Snipping List. H*cr cargo would be reshipped tu an¬

other vessel.Tbe barq 'e Wave, arrived at Boston, spoke on tbe 25*.h

n!t, 1st 26 oO, Ion 64 31. bng Osage, Watson, oi'Boston,iromSdvacuah lor Deuiarara, in dKtrens. cargo hard pine lambCT.he was heaving uver his deck load, but wanted no assist-aace.

Captain "C utter, ofthe ship Valparaiso, reports tb3ton the4th ult. 1st 46 41, Ion ., passed a barque under jury m*515»steennp .; 12lh, lat 41 02, Ion 32 2u, passed a ^hlp steering., with loss of mainyard; 14ib, lai 43 24, Ion 32 SO, bad a

severe huTicane, wh ch did considera'de damage to sails,kc. which lasted 21 boars, lay to uader bare poles part sftoe time: 15th,lat42 3», Ion 33 39,saw a large snip standingE. about 8 miles on" the weather quarter, with painted portsaxd loss of all her spars she had a jib set lor a foreseil, anda lower studding sail for a mainsail.did notappaar to want

any assistance, as he kept on ha coarse, wind WN W, witha very heavy »ea running. [These vessels were all boundEast, and were apparently timber laden. They were pro¬bably from the Bntida Nordi American provinces, bouod to

England. Tbe ship was totally dismasted, and bad smaajury masts riggt-d: she appeared to be steering fix theWestern Isianos.]

CT Spencer announces 10 gentlemen thai his arrange*I meets are no* completed ibr supplying according to pre-I vious intimation, * ri5E Ftra Hat at a pnce f§3which shall render it emphatically the cheapest as well aslowest priced Gentlemen's Far list ever on sale in thiscity. It is prepared in the same style which characterisesour finest article, and like that article a offered a; a atwhich it cannot be continued without an unusually rapidsale. The undersigned with all confidence arSrra» it to l»efor the gentleman and economist the mrxt desirable FurHat yc; offeree (ogPtf) SP EN CER. 245 Broadway.ET Orlando Fish, Fashionable Hatter. 157 Brnad

I way, would inform, the gentiemea of New York that Sis

j Fall and Wunec style of Hats is new ready for their inspec-tion and critical judgement. Claiming the distinction ol

i having been the first to project and abide by a stricdyj AHaaiCAN style of Hats, instead of sernlely copying theI Fashions of Europe, w-hicb are often nrauited to oar ch-I mate and manners, he rejoices to pensei^e that others bare

j seen fit to follow his lead, and'that now the following ofI European Fashions in Hats is almost entirely abandoned bythe leading minufacturers.He offers a Winter «tyle of Gentleraen's Nutria Hats at

$3 50, and warrants them 'equal in material, finish, fashionami durability to an- Hat sold as low as $4 in the city.But he wishes it distinctly nmierstoon that his best Uats orenot sold at thi* price, but at t-i 50. These he recommendsa*«Hjaalto any tut sold iu New-York at $5 nr under, andchallenges for them a comparison with any other.Gentlemen visiting oar city are rrspecifullv invited to

rail ami examine big new Rock of Winter hats äsd judge ofiheir quality. H»- is confident that, whether the cheapest orthe best Hat is desire'', the inquirer will sere be satisfied.Try htm. (s20tf)_O. PISH, 1ST Broadway.IT Dover's Nctt » ork-Handj Andy-Com

pi_-o» tor Kitty CfRts. Just published Handy Andy, a Tale. it Irish Life, hy Samuel L^v*>r. Esq , author of "Rcrv O'-Mor*. i!i*» Gridiron, Jcc, with twenty-two humorous i'!u.~trattons by the author.handsomely bound in cloth, rill.

i pne<- $l.2\Also an edition with oil the iilustraiio-is, half cloth bound

.pricr $1 .Cn-Likewise a very ehcap edition, with two illustrations.

only 50 rents" we willingly give our fist to Sam Lover, and welcome

'Handy Andy' as a glittering pern in the literary e*l«x,equalling anv thine rver produced by üis clever inij-ke, and . verflowing in humor, essentially Uiberman. of which it would be vain to attempt aar sketch.wecan only reiterate our recommendation to the readtr toshake bands with the blundering and lalrn'uanle Andy with¬out turdier delay. Tbcanthoi's illustrations are worthy olbis text." | Sheffield Ins." This boy Handy will be the death of u«. What [s ihe

police lorce about to allow the attericgof » publication thathas already brought u- to the brink of apnpiexv fiflv time.'Grave people, undertakers, sextons and the line, may, per.baps, read with impunity. Such noav Uugh ov«r it. bet leta fei otv with a squeeze of natural fun in him. venture toperusa It. and wr "il lay ten to one it throws him into con¬vulsions." [Sporting Res-iew."We teel indebted t* the Publishers, not only lor the

hook hut for the heartv laugh we have had over it. Oursides fairly ache from ihe effect, as had a* even the unfortu¬nate Irumpt-ter's did from over straining, or O'Grady'skicking. Anv one nülkted with the blu-s will find a sove¬reign remedyin Handy Andy.' [Brooklyn Newa"The nrlie.i, the racit.t and most roticking Irian Storywe have e%-kt perused." [ London Jour. Com.

Books-llers and New« Ary r.ts are requested to forwardtheir orders to the publisher*.,

D. APPL&TON A<. CO., 200 Broadwav.D. A. i: Co. also publish '1 he Fir.ones of H-ctor O'Hnl-

loran. by W. H Max-vr-,1. with illustrations. Parts 1 to 3now ready. Price 1 ^ cenU ».ach." Read Hector O" Hslloran, gentlemen, on*> and all."jl22tis _[Morgan O'Dogherty.XT .Scars' i^Terr .Tgo'nthly Family .Tln^n-arinc, embelh Jtedwilh several hundred eneravinjrs. Price

$t h year, or ) /j cnts persingle somber. On Friday nextme IStli ofJp jiaaryi will be issued from 122 Nassau street.No. 1 ol the above work, beautifully got up in the mostfinished sty |P 0r m»rjprn book-making. Please read thefollowing^ editorial notice of the w ork, written by the editorof the N.ew York Youth's Canmet. dated January 2:

A. N ^w Monthly Magazine..Mr. Robert Sears, editorof S<-^rs' Bible Biograph v. and other popular works, haslssn ,>,| proposals for publishing a monthly work, ot the tidenf Senrs' New Monthly Family Magazine. S'>mt idea mayfj"» formed of the character of the work, by the followingextract from the prospectus:" We do not pretend tosend forth a work replete with

originality of ideas or style, or as a vehicle for conveyingto the peop'e the rich and beautiful specimens, in detail, ofmodern belles letires: but our primeobjeci is to disseminateuseful information, fitted alike to the rapacity of the childand the adult. This is intended rather as a magazine ofvaluable stores, pathered and enrnered up from sourceswhich, from their magnitude, rarity and costliness, are assealed fountains of living water, to the great mass ot thereadinc community. In it, the choicest contents ol booksare presented in a condensed yet perspicuous form, illustra¬tive of History, Geogrnphy, the r ine Art*. Naturai History,Agriculture and Rural Kconomv, Useful Arts, the NaturalSciences, Biography, Travel«, Botany, k.c , &ie.. agreeablyspiced with Poetry and Miscellaneous Reading; all ofwhich; during ihe course of a volume, are illustrated by onirravinu«. several hundred la number, many of which arefrom original drawings, made cxprcjsly for the. work "

From a lone and p*r«onal acquaintance with Mr. Sears,we can xpeak with great confidence ot his ability to conductsuch a work. And we enn (t»un: the public, with equalconfidence, that the Familv Magazine will l>e entirely ireefrom the wishy washy trash with which our popular month¬lies are encumbered ; and which are conveying to the fire¬sides of many families, die v«ry seeds ol" sensualism andvice, under the attractive name of polite literature!One hundred agents wanted to circulate itu; ab<#vp ia this

city._ _jll2lis-

TT Wears' Holiday «ifts. for 1»43.-Pub,lished and sold at No». 137 * 122 Nassau street, New Yorkwholesale and rwiail:.I.."THE WONÜERS OF THE W ORLD," coutalnlngabout 6«! pases of letter pre»s, and mot e llnin five hundred

tSngraviiii;s,elegantly bound in gill. Price <»nly $3 50 percopy For recommendations ol" tnis work, see all the paperspublished in the I'ni'etl Stai»*s.II."SEARS' BIBLK BIOGRAPHY," 1he mo.t splen¬

didly il.nsirated a^id cheapest work ever issued on theAmerican coiitinent, containing several hundred Engrav¬ings, entirely new and original, designed nnd rx^culeo t>ythe most emtnent artists'ÖI England and America. Cost ofpreparing ihr w^rk, $5000. Tnis beantirol and importantwerk coutaiiis upwards otioo pages royal octavo, is printedfrom new stereotype plates, handsomely bound in tritt andlettered, and retails readily at the low price of |2 50 pervoluHie.III..The well known popular work, (in3 vols.) entitled

"PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATION*! OF THE BIBLEAND VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND," forming an illus¬trated Commentary of the Old and New Testament, euchvolume containing 200 Scriptural Engravings, and 400 pagesof iute'resting letter press descriptions, Svo., substantiallybound. Compiled from the Notesof the London PictorialBible, which sells in this country lor $20 per copy. Price§l 75 per vol. or J5 lor the seit-IV On the second or third week in Jnnuary, 1843, will

be issued No. I of " SEARS' NEW MONTHLY " FAMI¬LY" MAGAZINE," embellished with several huudredEngravings. Tobe published on the first of every month,in parts from 40 to 50 large imperial octavo pages (doublecolumns,) at 82 per annum, in advance. To be publishedas above, at the Book Stores, Nos. 137 k 122 Nassaa street,New York City.(CT Agents wanted in town and country. il21 1m*

37 The Hove Totul Abstinence ReliefSociety will hohl their regi:'ar puohc meeting To-Mor-row (Friday) evening, at the N.Uonal Hall, CaHal street-Several distinguished speakers will address the meeting aswell as singing by Lady Hope Society and Engine Comp*,sv No. II. The public in Venera!, moderate drinkers, deal¬ers .«md hard drinkers in particular, are invited to attend nt7 s o'e>ck.(ET 1 iie CnnHiEUntial Members are requested to meet at

the above place Tc-niormw (Friday) evening ot 6 o'clock,as business Of irarottance will be laid before them.If By or.«er. E- F. COREY, Stc'y.O" .IXurshnll 3K« A. »ocirt>.Meet this evening

at 7 o'clock at Coiie.t-ft Hall, No.406 Broadway; Messrs.Barnes, PaUtrvyn, Kdmrj, »I». WoortrufTaml others will aO-dress the meeting. Stngin'g by H'C Ladr .Man,tiall Society,Marshall Glee r.iub.Cook. Murphy and others. The puo-ic rtre respeciluily invited \c attend.

It* W. K. HAWLEY, AsstSec'y.IT eSvlrnnia A*Hocini}on.-Tht office of this

Association for subsr-ipiion to ii» s.'ock. and the obtainmenlol information, is at the Evening Poet Bu;i<!ings, Room No.up stairs, and ia open evtry day from 2 till 4 oVIock. d28 tl

TT To be Leased, for terms ol 21 ye«rrs, with per¬petual renewals,The valuable Lot-, contained in the block ol ground,

boouded ny me Bowery, the Third Avenue; Stoyvetantst.and Nifith street.The abuse block fronts in part St. Marks Place and Astor

Place, and being surrounded by wider streets and ap¬proached by more* Avenue s than other bloc* ot ground in

the citv, and beiag :n the immediate vicinity ot rapidimprovements, render the lots highly desirahde for businesspurposes.The imiued ate erection ol substantial and valuable

bohxtings will be rc<;u1r»»d, and auivinc»»s will r>» restricted.Apply to J HOM.V-j MACFARLAN, No. 140 Tenth street

East ol Third Avenue. jLM eodis2w

MARRIED:In Danvers. Masg., J*nuary 21, Rev. Eliska H. Downing,

of Lynn, to Miss Augusta Convert*, of D.An Charleston, S. C, December 23. CapLJaxoes Craton

Nichols, of Maine, to Miss Charlotte Glbbs, daughter ol H.J. Slawson.On the 7ih inst, by the Rev. F. L Hawkcs, Mr. Henry

P. Norris to Mrs. Adelaide. J. Buckingham, both of this

DIED:January 11, Richard Stuyter.son of Jesse and Mary Au-

gu-ta Ta.lrot, 2 years. ,

January In, Anna C , daughter of Frances and IsabellaMann. 9 vears and Ü moaths.January 10. Mrs. C. wife of the late Louis Meyer.January 8, Wiiham P. Crick, 35, a native of the leland ot

Barba« 9^.At Waterl'.Tird. N. Y., December 28, Henry, son of Henry

and Sarah W. James, in !>i« 7Ji year.At Springwater Valley, Jaaaary 0, Hon. John Grover, in

hi* 77th year.At Hartford, Conn., January 7, in brr 33th year. Mrs. Su¬

san, relict ot tbe late Hon. Uriah Tracy.ol Litchfieid. Ct.

AtPbiUdelpbia, January 10, Mrs. Eliza Jew«t^ eilestdaughter of the hue A. H. Lawrence, ot this city.Lost overboard, off Sandy Hook, on the evening of the

9th inst., from tbe brig Hector, outward bound for SL Jagode Cuba. Henry Shelton. Esq , late ol Boston.

THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex¬isting under the firm of E. C. k R. E. Mos* is dis-

solvsd by the death of the senior parwer. Toe busmen,wiil in future be continued by the survivor in htsown name

REUBEN E. MOSS,506 and 303 Grand-st.New-York.Jan. 12.1843._j!2 3:eod»

SLEIOH BELLS.500 dozen SleighB^iii, assorted from 000 to No. 10, for sale by

ciis WM. H. WIGHT k Co. 100 Joaa«.

"jVrOTICE.The Apollo Temperance As_]_ socialion will bold its mtro«Jac'«*ry Sleeting. ia lb*spacious Crown Hill, juaction ot" Bowery ami D;v!> Thursday Evening. January 12, commencing at 7 o'clk.Eu trance No. 7j Bowery.The following individuals are » laic tbetr rcspecuve

par-* in the exercise*.SINGING. By tbe Ladv Apollo Association.ORIGINAL ODE.Bv the ApoO« Chorn«.INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS.By saiera Dstcfeer.ODE-Bv Mr. Coilins. <

AN ADDRESS.By Rev. Mr. Backus ot Brooilyn-OOE.Rt Mr Missing.ORIGINAL ODE.By -die Apolio Chorus.ODS.Bv Mr. Collins.ADDRESS.Mr. r*rk»-rof Boston.SINGING.By Mr. M asdng.ORIGINAL CONCLUDING ODE.By Apollo ChorusThe public arc respectfaflj invited to a;i« n<;.

R BEMAN. President.Chakls» V. Cable. Secretary._It*\\f ELCH'S OLYMPIC CIKCUS-?? T AT THE PARK THEATRE.

Equestrian* Directors... Messrs. RtHKwell V CadwaJlader.Clowi^to the Circle.Messrs. Gosoiu Al Wells.THURSDAY EVENING. Januars- 12-Tbe Mandarins of P^km.Hiram r ranklin on on*- bone,

bare back.Pa* ric O arise by Uta» Wellt.Shipwrecked Sai¬lor Boy by Master K-ncade. Elevated Gymnastics by thewhole Troupe.La Bayadere.00 borseback.byMw Hownrd.Arera Positions by Mr NalhansauU bispupßä.11 >rsc-

maii'hip by Mr. Rogers.I ltermiMon often minute*.Thesecocd p<rt wll commence with hor^emansh p by

Mr M'Farlaad.Immense Leaping by Mr Franklin.Horse¬manship by Master Glenroy. J. J- Nathans on t horses.Hor'»hip by O. R. Stoae. Equestrian Ma querade-TT Boxes 50 cents PtT 25 cents GALLcar I2| cent.-.

Seaü« can be secured at the Box l»rhcc Irom 1" o'ci-xk A M.ot 5 P. M___ ,_

\ ME k IC AN" X\ IS El Vl.Siarb!c~ builu-mc. opposite St Paul's Church..Re-engagement oi

Gen. Tarn Thumb, Junior! tbe smallest Dwart ha all crea¬

tion. First week ol the magnificent Moving Di«rama 01the Departure ot the Israelites! golup at immense ripe rise,with scenic effects, music, processions, *c. Ponugues»Ltndscnpe rear Lisbon The Sea. intnxtuctng a Stormand Shipwreck. Splendid Fairy Grotto.

H. Sherman, the Ballmt Siocer.T. G. Booth, the un

rivalled Comic Singer. L* Petite Celeste the admireddanseusc. Mi.-* Hood, the Vocalist, JtC.

Price of Admission, 25 cents.Children under 10 yearshalf-price._j9\V ANTED.A situation by a respecta-t f bie Protestant man and his wife, W take care of a

gentleman's place. The nan understands farming and thecare ol horses. Good city references given. Please to ap-rly to T50 Water-street_jt22t*WANTED-A situation by a nice c,irl

as Nurse or Seamstress or Chambermaid. Pleaseapply at No. 57 Cbarlton street-_ It*

WANTED.A situation for clntiiber-work or general housework by an industrious Ctrl

at No. 72 Go d st._X<*VX7"ANTED.A place by an excellentt V plain cook, washer and ironer. Ap\ ly at 51 Attor¬

ney street._J »2 2t*

WANTED .Places by an Americanpirl and an English Cook- 'Apply at 47S Broad¬

way, ba«emenL_j 12 3;*

WANTED.A situation ai Cook, bya respectable woman competent for h«r business.

Apply at 57 Grand-street. Satisfactory City Referencesgiven. jl2 it

WANTED.A boy about Is years <>!agv, to attend in an oil store. Apply at 76 Front-

st. corner Old-slipIt*_

WANTED.A young, man to act asclerk in a Dry Goods Stoie. None need apply bui

tho-e who can give unexecentionnhle reference. Apply toji» 2t" O. W. WOODFORD, Ü6 Catharine-?t.

ASITUATION WANTED by a respec-table Protestant young woman, to do shamberwoik,

and ä pood washer and ironer. She has no objection to dothe work af a small family. The best of city referenceeiven. Please apply at 277 Se enteenth >treet^ betweenhe Ninth and Tenth avenues._U*_S~rKAM ENGINE.-A second-hand

Steam Engine, ten hone power, with Indler. In com-letc order, lor sale at a great bargai». Enquire ofpj 12 1w * R. AT WATER. 192 Pearl sireet.

GREAT 1NDÜC EMEMTit the Coal Yard, 215 wf si street, corner

FVanioin sue«u A superior ailicle of Broken, Egg and<tove size Coal, broken from lumps, and hawisoinelyscreened at $4 33 per ton, free of cart <ge. Orders receivedat the Sugar Refinery, 24 Leonard street, and at the Yard,j 122w* TYLER ü MATES.

REWARD..-Tbc Bubacri-her lost in this Cily on the 1'nh Novem¬

ber hTi"tIns POCKET BOOK; containing$l,9i'0 in money,$1,300 of the Bank of NorthAmericaand $600ol the Bank «1

rhiladelphia.and four checks, amoondoa 10 $6 314, drawn«n«t endorsed by Samuel Bradford Esq , Philadelphia, pay-aide «itlic BaHk of North America, the payment ol whicnnas been stopped-, with many notes, receipts, and otherpapers of no value to any but the owner.The per«on having found or who will r°turn the paper,

will be allowed te keep the monev il contain'd and receivea liberal sum beside. No' questions will tie asked if leftat the office of Howard's Hotel, Broadway, at CongressHall, Philadelphia, or widi the subscriber at LsncaMei, Pnjl23l*_MICHAEL MtLONE.

FOR SALE to CLOSE A CONCERN..The Steamboat JOHN MASON, as »he I >s at the

Dry Dork, East River, will be sold al Public Auction, aithe Exchange, on Tuesday, the 7ih day of February next.Terms, one fouith cash al the lime of salt. balance in three,six and nine month* on iniere»t for satis.'nctorv p.iper.

Also, at Wdliamsbtirg, on Wednesday the fib of Febru¬ary, tbe sJer.m'ioat Railways, work shop, ship timber, to¬gether with several parts of the epgines of the steaniprNorth America. Terpid, all sums under $100 cash,over $100at fi months, for satisfactory paper.

AI*o, at the city of Albany. »n Tue-day th? 1th day olApril next, two scows, olbce lurni'ure. and several pans 01tee engines of the steamer North America; and at the cityof Troy, on Wednesday 5th April next, a wood scow, officeand wharf furniture and fixtures. Terms, under $100 cash,over $100 at 6 months, for satisfactory paper.

Also, at private sale, ar the office of the Hudson RiverSteamboat Ais^iation. 56 Courtland-st, a lot second bandsteamlioat malirasses, pillows, colnterpains, sheets and pil¬low cases, <te.As the above naintd property will he sold in order to

close a concern, the .'ales will be positive, and without reserve.

N. B. AH persons having claims upon the Hudson RiverSteamboat Association, wiil please present iliem for liqui¬dation, on or before the I5lh March next, to A. P. Fosios.atIheir office, 51 Courtlandt-sL


j!2 istf

I~¥d1A RÜBBER liHO_sTiS^MaiJenLane.Selling oft* at jjrently reduced price?..Gentle¬

men's Overshoes wilb leather soles, the best ai licle manofac-tared.wiil not injure or soil the hoot; prle* tjs to 14s La¬dies' Overshoes, with straps, a new article, very light; alsothe Sheet Rubber Overshoes, with leathur and rubber sole*,prices from 8s to 11s. ;

Ladies' India Rublnr Gaiters and half Gaiters, wiihleather soles; do Walking Shoes, leather and rubber soles,fti to IPs; do do fur trimmed, leather and rubber soles, 6» toIis; also,Muses and Children's Overshoes and WalkingShoes, and a complete assortment of common Rubbers andRubbers I ine<l and furred, .Is to 3s. We invite purchasersto call and examine our Goods previfu, to buy ing, as wewill guarantee to s<dl cheaper than Goods of ihe same qual¬ity can be bought in this city. Remember, Goods from ourFactory have always been warranted,jll Iwis* HUTCHINSON RTNYON.

L~Al)lES'"s^PPER SforBalia, PaTties,Weddtocs, i.e. er>ri»i>tinc of while anil Iilark satin,

French ninrocr') and kid Ülippers, rua'l'-iu lli'-lal.-1 Frenchstyle. Also, undressed and French morocco ties ar.d busk¬ins double soles at 10 shillings per pnir, a »uperior ar'icb-.Together with n complete assortment wf India rubber OverShoes of all the different styles. Ladies arc requested tocall and examine for themselves, at

J. B. MILLER'S, Ladies Slioe Store,142 Canal sireet,

jI26teodi»" between Thompson at.d Sullivan sU.

IRON SAFE.A'Revolyipg Double IronS^fe. second hand, for iale low by

jTJtw* R. ATWATER. 152 Pearl-street.

S"EAL OiL^lÖÖÖ"galsTwinteFbleachedSeal Oil for sale low for cash bv

jI2_F. F. EDDY, 21 Old Slip.

T~flE PIONtaETTfoLiterary and Critical magazine, edited by J. R

Lowell and R. Carter, handsomely embellished, f rsale bvBRADBURY SODEN «c CO.J12 127 Nassan-street, New-York.

E~COJNOMY IN DREÖS..Sack c5"h7touts, the style of Overcoats si much iovogu".*ri

afferdrd at $3, $12, $14. $:6 and $2ft, from drab, brown,black and blue Heaver and Pilot Cloths, and forsale.rri 1/made, al 229 Broadway, American Hotel.d!5 istf_WM. T.JENNING*».

SPEKM OIL AND CANDLES.Con-standy on band and for sale low» for c^sb by

jß im r F. KDOY. g> Old gto.lENMANSHiP..Daviaon's celebratedInstrucliou. 236 Broadway._ _<f27 lmis*

W'ÄTCHE sTJe^elry, Silver Ware, & JC. LS. S. ROCKWELL,

jlO&ai» _No. 9 As tor House.

FOR BALLS, PARTIES, &c..Choicepatterns of ea'tre new style Brocade Si Ik and Saiia

Vesting* lor Dress Vcstsjust received at 225 Broadway.dlSiatf_WM. T. JENNINGS.

ENMAN SHIP..Daviion's celebratedinstrnction.236 BrrM«lway. d27 ImN*

$4.88. »ttlFranklin sirewt. A suj


PTO LET.The lower part of a very

^ __pleasant two story House, No. 82 Laight street, neartbe River, cheap to a good tenant who will pay in advanceor give security. Inquire at No. 170 or 270 Hudson street,coraer of King._ j 12 4,t*

PURSUANT to an order ol George Mil-*ler, Surrogate of ike County of Suffolk, corice isherel

by given to alt persons who have claims against Samue-Willens, late ot the town of Brookbaven, in said c/ onty. decea»ed, 10 exhibit tbe same, with the voucbeis to Piatt Wd-ietts, Hempstead, Queens county, or to Daniel G. Gillett,Patcbogue, Snffolk Counrr, execatou ol the said deceased,at or before the twentieth dav ol July nezL


Dated tne 3th day of Jaaaary, 1343. jl2 law6a


AUCTION SAL&b.Josuh Rkhard*. VacCe-ncer.

OY BANGS, lUCffARDS & PLATT..L> Store 196 äm,;»,-..

Liberalcasn advances made on cocs^-or >u for «ocuon¦Ja.

FRI01Y EVENING.AC .Si o'clock at ttw Auct:»o Room.

Escusa Hook.*..Au extensive coUccikoc oi old »od nsod-er» Et.glish Ben«».'.Aru mg a*, collection is a fine copy of tb* works of Taci-

lus in Eru-hsh, 2v folio; Fox's Book of Martyrs folio; Cham-baud's Dictionary, f. lw; Chambers' D.cLouary .« ihe Art«aud Sciences 4n Carlye's Works folio; Tattan's Campauaain tbe lotted Mates it' ; Grotius en War and Peace toTso»Tladal.'s Hworyofthe Ottoman Empire »olio, Ttaosac-doos «f the Roval AcadewvSv tblio; Purchaser's ReUuonaof the World; Behbam's !';: >p, awl Moral Essays.Rowley's Sylva Sylvarutn Mio; Robinson's Sioves lorWarming Hot Hcuso, qusr-.o, colored plates Snjeate»*»Account of Termine», quano colored plates Watson's Geo-srrapbical Dictionary lolio; Roman Ritual quarto; Lire« ofcelebrated Architects qoartr; Pricke's Perspective quarto;LtTCSOfUM Saints old quarto wiib plates; Da'mnple'«M-raeirs 2v quarto. Afitosrs H .< ry of Europe lev; "Comb'fPhrenolog-v; Bancroifs History ot the United States 3 reis;Prescoifj Historv of U>«» Ferdinand and Isabella 3v; Spen¬cer's Works 5»; Stars' Wonders of the World and Bible Bi¬ography; Book of the Poets 2v elegant.

MONDAY EVENING.Largr Salt ok Nkw Book«..An extensive assortment c-f

Miscellaneous Books to be sold by single copteacr In qoan-

Alto. 10 cases. S2 reams euch, Ames's Foolscap, by single ream or case.


v^7DI^pek.rJr.--Ötoro 54 Wü-Uam-stxeet. comer of Pine-atr^*.

TUESDAY. Jan. 17.1843.By order ol the Collector o< tbe Port, 308 packages Mer-

chandise.havinc remairssl in the Public Store rpwardt Olnine moot is. For particulars, we the daily papers.

Also, 5 bales Whitey brown Cloth*.Also, 2 bales cottou Covers.Also, 2 ca.-es bleached linen daraask Cloths.Also, 1 case do do damask.Also, I bale Huckabuck Toweling.Also, I bale diaper doAlso, 5 cases Spots! Cotton.Also, 24 enure cases assorted Hosiery and Glove*.Also, an invoice ol ibrcad Laces,Abo, cases comprising a handsome assortment of new

and elegant patients of Londou fancy Cassimeres lor springtiade.Also, by order of the Collector of the Port, 3« tons Terra

Umbra, imported per ship Troy from Lonc'.ou.Also, IM bales black apdwhit« Wadding. _'

trIbünfT"Job Printing Ofttte»

160 /«MMu-stveet.All kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as

Pamphlkts, Mammoth Show Bills,Catalogues, | Lecture Bills,Checks, Cards*. | Concert Bills, Plain andiNsufcUHCK Pölichs, | Fancy,Bills or, Political Bills.Circulars, circulars, (n«at) itc.

Promptly executed at tbe Office of Thr Tribune, No. 160Nassau-street, (opposite the Park.) _dl.lTUSTREt5EIVED^R0M auction,mjy 500 French embroidered Collars, new style. a small lo tdo do Cardinals; a quantity of French Capes, trimmed withThread Lace; a great variety of worsted Shawls sadHandkerchiefs,nil colors; bast Preach Kid Gloves, 3s 6dper pair; a Urse lot of Feathers at 2s each, usually sold xt

Jl each ; a splendid ajMjrtmenl ol Velvet Hat Ribbons,hiigbt colors; ladies* silk Cravats; gentlemen's silk PocketHandkerchiefs, very cheap ; Canton Flanael, from 6d to Ispvr yard ; j-entlemen's stitched seam Gloves, 6s per pair ; afew 10-4 black figured siik Shawls, very heavy; best

Pooghkeepsie Pine, 7d per paper.For saleby Y. G. GIRVAN.ii26 2tls* 200 Bleecker-strret. corner of Morton.

THREAD LACES, VELVET, &c.Received from Auction this day, 260 yards rich Brut,

sels Point Lace, medium width.13 pieces heavy tinseled Satin Neck Ribbon.

ALSO,1 piece fine blue black Genoa Velvet.

ALSO,M piirsof the very best quality of black ribbed English

Silk Hose.ALSO

on hand, lately purchased at Auction, a {nod assortmentof Silk and Worsted Mills.lOdoien Ladies' While Kid Gloves.20 pieces plaid Moussallne de Laine, all wool.For sale by EL C. MOORE.n24 -his* 251 BUecker-strret and 640 Broadway.

E"conoWVTn"ITllEM..Exteiulv©assortment «f Rich, fashionable and clegMil goods forwinter wear. YYM. T. JENNINGS, No. 229 BroadwayAmerican Hotel,offers for the inspection of the publicanextensive assortment of seasonable goods, comprising Bea¬ver and Milled Cloths, for Sortouts, Sacks, Frocks, kcThe Sack Overcoats, (so much in vogue,) afforded

fourteen dollars, cut and trimmed in first style, will be taunworthy the attention of the econoraisLCassimeres in a great variety ol styles for Pantaloons.From those who have found any dilliculty in getting suited

in this article, a trial is solicited.Rich Brocade Silk and Satin Vestings, (entire nf. w styles)

for bails, parties, kc. Merinos, Velvets, plain Sdhs, Matinsand Cassimeres, all of which will be made up to order un>der tbe superintendence of as efficient cuttert as «an bafound in Hie country, a; prices lo suit the times lor readymoney. d7 i»tf' A Principle made practicable is a Principle made useful.*


Tbe UBUersUjrhed, in announcing to their patrons their de¬termination to adhere strictly to ike prlaciple of casb deal*ing in their business, would take occasion to say that theyhave become well satisfiud of the practicability and useful*uess of such a plan by the unilbrm success which has at¬

tended its operation In their house from die commencement.The advantages derived by the customer from the adop¬

tion of this system.then by realizing a gain o» 30 per cent

upon credit prices.they conceive perfectly obvious, andtherefore need no comment. Of the merits of their houseand the facilities with which they are Invested of furnishinga cheap asd rich garment, they will not dilate.fully as¬

sured as they are that this simple fact is too well knowntheir celebrity loo wall established, to require further re¬

mark. And in calling the attention of the gentlemen of theUnited States, aud New-York in particular, to their assort*mcut of choice goods, they will merely observe that untie*vjating punctuality and dispatch in answering the command*of their friends is as much a part of their system as cashpayments._ n30 isjtf J. C. BOOTH k CO.

G1 OLDSMITHVNationaf^T Institute, and Book-Keeping Academy, 2At Broad¬way, New-York, opposite, the City Holl, (entrance at thedeor ot the New-York Museam ) Mr Goldsmith respect¬fully informs the citizen! of New-York and its environs, lhathi* spacious opaitnients for the instruction of Penmanshipand Book Keeping, are now open during the day and even¬ing, lor the reception of pupils and visitors.Mr. Ii. has obtiined the first premium three consecutive

years for the best specimens of OfT-band Penmanship, exhi¬bited at the great Fairs of the American Institute. He also

Sledges himselfto impart to all in 10 lesson- ofone hour each,tsmuch udmired system ot Mercantile and Epistolary Pen¬

manship, or ;.<.;:;; ,i the me>ney, at the expiration of the les¬sons. Tbe gentlemen arc taught a hold, free, dashing stylool Mercantile Wiiting.«vrllten with the greatest rapidity.The Ladies acquire n bnuutilul style of Epistolary V* rilingan liivalojitil*- seroniplisbment In ih* m-i.

Gentlemen Irem abroad wishing to give their sons an op-rxirtui.ity of excelling in the Chircgraphic Art, are assnrrdthat every effort will be made to render ihHr slay In thec>ty profitable and agreeable. L»dit$ or Gentlemen notwishing lo limit u--ir levons, can always make a favorablearrangement lor ho unlimited attendancYoung OenUemrn qualified bs teachers of tbe nrt, in ail

its various branchesTerms..For a Course of'Mercantile and Epistolary

Writing, Five Dollars, including siationery. Book-Keep-ing, reduced from Fifteen lo Ten Dollars, for an unlimitedattendance, payable in advance. Strangers visltinr thecity can receive a course of writing Ifskim in twoor threedays. The Lsdjea meet daily from 11 to 1 o'clock. Gea-tietnen at 9 A. M. and 3J, 7 and 3 P. M. Private instructiongiven-For sale at the Acadrroy, a superior srrjel* of Metallic

Pfns. Rtfcrcnctt :

Rorzrt B. Morris, Mayor of the City ofNew-Ywk.Oen. Charlys w. .Sa>oyobo.tiro. Ifall, Ex-Mayor of Brooklyn.Johw Dav i», Governor of Mas*achuselts.Hon. ASBQtt LAWBEXcr,, Boston. j!0 3tis-

atches lower than ever..In of the reduction of cnties by the l«te

tarirf the sur-scriber is selüng his stock ol Gold and SilverLevers, Anchor Escapement-, Lepine, and other Watchesof new and splendid patterns, and Jewelry at retail ot aconsiderable n-duetioi; from former prices, being machlower than they can be ooogbi for at any other phtca Intbe clly. Geld Weiches »a low as $20 to |25 aach..wauhes and Jewelry exchanged or booghL All wtichoswarranted to keen good time or die money relftrned..»Watches and Clocks repaired in the bent manner, a«d war¬ranted, at much lass than tbe usual prices.G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jeweiery,

oI7ts if Whole-ale and retail, 30 WaJJ-sL, op stairs.

TO ALLWHOM IT MAY CONCERN.Health is a treasure which cannot be bought: but in

many cases how easily its destruction and loss can be pre¬vented ! How frequently d-es a slight eld, apparently »rno consequence, and causing but I.tile inconvenience in itscommencement, when neglected, termfn»te In that dreadfoe to ire human race, Consumption, which yearly sweeps>o many tliou&ands from »ocUtty I Will you not be warned rIs there no tie to induce you to preserve your health, thegreatest blessing yoc can have.' What Is riches comparedto health t Reflrct and be peraosded carefully lo preservethis health. Experience proves, and thousands attest, that,without e-xc-puon. James D. Nowdl's

PECTORAL HONEY OF LIVERWORTis the bent most ptessairf, safe and speedy remedy ever of¬fered lor Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Influenaa, Spitting ofBlood, aad all affections of the Lungs leading to Coranmp*lion. It uceops^enihely of vegetable ingredients. Itfacilitates exptÄtoration, moderates mthuirmatory action,pronibtes the healthy luncti«ns of the skin, and invigoratestbos« constitctiom impaireil by protracted hacking coughs.Iis price, two shillings per bottle, places it within the reachof the poor as well as the rich. It may be had of OL-COTT. McKESSON k CO . General Agent* for the Unit¬ed States, 144 Maiden Lane, and at retail by all the respect¬able Druggists intbeeity and country.

AMES D. NOW ILL, SoU ProprWord22 Inn, 167 Bowery, N. Tf-
