aici global april 2013


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AICI GLOBAL Styles for All Seasons. AICI GLOBAL is produced quarterly by Association of Image Consultants International, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants. AICI GLOBAL is published to promote the ideas, activities, interests and goals of AICI to its members.



The Association of Image Consultants International | 1

AICI GlobAlRefining not RetiRing:Heading toward retirement in style

style dos and dont’s For winning corporate clients


APRIL 2013

S t y l e S F o r A l l S e A S o n S

corporate image training:ARe YouR PRogRAms fit to PAss the test?


2 | April 2013 magazine



President – Kimberly Law, AICI CIPPresident Elect – Kathryn Lowell, AICI CIPSecretary – Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLCTreasurer – Joanne Rae, AICI CIPVP Certification – Mihaela Ciocan, AICI CIPVP Chapter Relations – Riet M. de Vlieger, AICI CIPVP Conference – Brian Lipstein, AICI FLCVP Conference Elect – Jennifer Howard, AICI FLCVP Education – Christina Ong, AICI CIMVP Communications – Magoe Johnson, AICI CIPVP Fund Development – Imogen Lamport, AICI CIPVP International Relations – Valerie Antoinette Berset-Price, AICI FLCVP Marketing – Zayna Mosam, AICI CIPVP Membership – Jane Seaman, AICI CIPExecutive Director – Molley Lopez, CAE

AICI HEADQUARTERS1255 SW Prairie Trail ParkwayAnkeney, IA 50023Phone:

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Education. Experience. Excellence.

2012 | 2013VIEWPOINT“AICI Is A plACe to meet lIfelong frIends.”

these words from the 2005 AICI ConferenCe

stIll rIng In my eArs.

The theme of the current issue leads our thoughts to struggle from being “Classic” to the other end of being “In-style.” How to strike a balance? Being an image consultant, are we helping people to truly express their unique style perfectly and appropriately? Or are we styling them with our own creativity and a set of known image facts? How do we deal with clients in a way that works globally? “I personally do not believe in style. Because of styles, people are separated. They are not united together because styles became law,” once said ironically by the most recognized stylish Chinese legendary martial artist and movie star, Bruce Lee. Obviously and as admitted by him, he expressed himself naturally (honestly as he described) and therefore made himself an unprecedented legend. He asserted for “natural unnaturalness” or “unnatural naturalness.” The key is then what do people have within themselves as the resources to be transformed or directed for self expression. Is that inner enrichment the job of image professional as well? Join me in saying “no”! Our mission as image experts is far beyond our imagination. “It’s like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all the heavenly glory,” said Bruce Lee. Image consultants manipulate and manage the image of ourselves and others to reach the heavenly glory. 2013 marks the 40th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s death, and I honestly believe that all great artists of life like him and others would love the job of image consulting. For image, like water, though shapeless, is full of potential to be shaped, and when it is properly energized, it moves a train or even a mountain! One’s image perfection may lead to the change of one’s destiny in career, dating, social network, and total life experience. Such changes endure all seasons! “Using no way as a way. Using no limitation as a limitation.” A true image professional is an artist of life!

Dr. Desmond ChanEditor in Chief AICI Global Digital Magazine


The Association of Image Consultants International | 3


pg04feAtUre story

pg06 AppeArAnCe & style


pg22 gloBAl news

pg26 edUCAtIon/leArnIng

pg28 ImpACt InternAtIonAl

pUBlICAtIon CredIts

Issue 2edItor In ChIef

Dr. Desmond Chan

mAnAgIng dIreCtorMagoe Johnson

style dIreCtorThea Wood

BUsIness dIreCtorKaren Brunger

etIQUette + Comportment dIreCtorSangeeta Bahl

trend reportIngChris Loney

CommUnICAtIons dIreCtorDr. Joyce Knudsen

proofreAdersBeth Strange

Bernie Burson

AICI GLOBAL is produced quarterly by Association of Image

Consultants International, a non-profit organization dedicated to

advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition

of image consultants. AICI GLOBAL is published to promote the ideas,

activities, interests and goals of AICI to its members. Responsibility is

not assumed for the opinions of writers or other articles. AICI Global

magazine does not endorse or guarantee the products it advertises.

2013 © The Association of Image Consultants International.

All rights reserved.

No part of this online publication may be duplicated or reproduced

without permission from the publisher. While every effort has been

made to ensure accuracy of the information included in the publication

at the time of printing, the publisher shall not be liable from damages

arising from errors or omissions.



Many image consultants are working 24/7 in their image business, reaching business milestones, and have abundant energy, with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. It’s great to feel invincible, but time brings about a change. The time will come when you will desire to redirect that energy to focus on the aspect of your business that matters most. Have you thought about or have you made plans for when you are ready to slow down in your role as you head toward retirement?

For AICI Emeritus members, it’s not about retiring—it’s about refining! These members have achieved much success and have not retired from their work. But most have eased up.

AICI Global speaks with several Emeritus members to get a close up look at the approaches to consider during this transitional stage in one’s career.


Carla Mathis, AICI CIM Frankie Walters, AICI CIP Gerina Gaffney, AICI CIPDebra Linquist, AICI CIP Donna Cognac, AICI CIP

4 | April 2013 magazine


The Association of Image Consultants International | 5

After running a successful image business for many years, what is one important thing one should consider when thinking about moving toward retirement?

CArlA- Since I don’t plan to retire, this is not an easy question to answer. There are a few steps though.1. Put the maximum into your 401k each year. (If you do plan

to retire, you will have a little nest egg.)2. Limit your credit card debt. (You might need to suddenly

stop working, and you don’t want to be strapped with payments.)

3. Don’t burn your bridges. Maintain professional and personal relationships. (You never know when you will need emotional and physical support.)

4. Keep current. Take classes and workshops. Study fashion in order to avoid looking as though you are in a time warp of ancient fashion history.

DebrA- During my 39 year career, my image business has consisted of supplying color supplies for other consultants, personal consultations, makeup sales, accessory sales, and training for other image consultants.

DonnA- I think it’s important to decide if you wish to keep your “toes” in the business by servicing past clients and any referrals they send to you, or to pass your business and clientele onto another younger consultant whom you admire or have mentored. I know of consultants who have sold their businesses by training a buyer and passing on their client lists, working materials, branding if they have exclusive trademarks, etc.

FrAnkie- Plan to transition from working full time to part-time consulting, then to retirement––transitioning is a healthy way to manage closure on an important stage of your life and prepare for the next.

GerinA- Keep doing what you LOVE to do, refer everything else to a colleague.

in what part of your image business are you still active? What brings you the most satisfaction? Why?

CArlA- Whether teaching image consultants, or working with individuals, I absolutely love transforming lives! First comes identity, then choosing the environment of clothing and accessories that communicate to the world the unique gifts of that person.

DebrA- Training other consultants is my passion. I can fast-forward their experiences by sharing mine with them.

DonnA- I still offer personal color analysis and training one-on-one or in small classes. Color analysis is still very satisfying because it makes a visible and long lasting impact on the client’s appearance and self confidence.

FrAnkie- I work with two diverse programs: honor students with internships at the Center for Creative Economic Wealth (CCEW), University of Oklahoma, and female offenders through Second Chance Act Program (S -CAP). My passion is to “make a difference”––helping students develop and present a professional presence in person, on paper, and online to support a professional job search and being part of Cleveland County S-CAP, which reduced recidivism from 70% to 20%, is most gratifying

GerinA- I still love to shop with clients and create new outfits either from their closets or from purchases. It feels like FUN and it is EASY!

AICI Emeritus Members are associate members with the title of AICI CIP or AICI CIM. They have earned distinction for service to AICI, are a

minimum of 68 years of age and have been a member of AICI for a minimum of 15 years. These members are moving toward retirement, no

longer working full time, and may continue to exercise some business practices.


6 | April 2013 magazine

Fashion magazines, style shows, and advice columns focus so much on dressing for body types and age, that it’s up to image consultants to teach others how important color is as a style choice and sending visual messages.

When a season’s clothing designs don’t feel appropriate or simply don’t work with your client’s body type, turn to a modern color palette for a current and vibrant look.

The Pantone® Fashion Color Report comes out twice a year, for spring/summer colors and fall/winter colors for both men and women. There is one “Color of the Year” that carries through

both seasons, and this year it’s Emerald. This is a great tool for guiding clients through the decision-making process when adding new and complementary colors to their existing wardrobes.

Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®, and her team compile the report, which includes top designers’ takes on the season and the Pantone colors you’ll see in their collections.

AppeArAnCe And style



The Association of Image Consultants International | 7






















8 | April 2013 magazine

AppeArAnCe And style


here Are the top 13 sprIng fAshIon trends of 2013 >>>>


The Association of Image Consultants International | 9

women 1. Monochromatic – By wearing all one color you will look chic!

Don’t be afraid to wear different hues of the selected color. 2. Leather – Any leather works, especially skirts and peplum tops! 3. Oriental inspiration 4. Transparencies – Sheer shirts, see-through bags, bracelets, and

peek-a-boo shoes. 5. Black & white abstracts – Stripes, polka dots, fun prints, anything

goes as long as you stick to the color scheme. 6. Tomboy hair – also known as Bed Head, tousled look. 7. Rectangular brows 8. Faux bang – If you don’t want to cut your hair, create a faux

bang to spice up your look! 9. White highlighter eye – Brighten up your face by using

white eye shadow in the corner of your eyes and white pencil eyeliners.

10. Lustrous lip 11. Fold-over clutch 12. Soft smoky eye – Use colors other than black, such as greens,

browns, or purples. 13. Overblush

men 1. Denim & denim like pieces (i.e. jackets, shirts, shoes) 2. Uniform skin. Tip – Exfoliate once every two weeks for fresh &

healthy skin. 3. Preppy hair or effortless looking hair 4. Updated camouflage – A new spin on the classic military

influence. 5. Dampened hair – Be sure to purchase the correct product, such

as stylish gel that works best for your hair type. 6. Manscaping – Tidier eyebrows, removing unruly hairs, and

no unibrows. Use clear gel to tame. 7. Lacquered and silky shiny suits and pants in neutral colors (i.e.

black, gray, tan) 8. Monochrome layering – You will look polished, and wearing

different shades of the same color is highly recommended. 9. Double-breasted print and pattern suits 10. Pops of color – trenches, sweaters, cardigans in light blue,

ocean blue, orange, red orange, turquoise, mustard, citron. Use color to update a wardrobe staple, such as a suit.

11. Multiple Layering – Layering adds depth, texture, and opportunities for pops of color (i.e., a jacket, V-neck sweater with a polo underneath)

12. Sunglasses or shades 13. Texture – Suede bomber jackets, leather motorcycle jackets,

knitted cardigans

Chris Loney is in the business of wardrobe styling and offers workshops, seminars, and individual services to clients. Read more at

Photo credit:Styling: Chris Loney of StyleInANutshellPhotographer: Photography by TreLynnMakeup: Cavette BufordHair: Brandi NicholeModel: Olga ChernovaModel: Matthew Brown

Photo credit: Styling: Chris Loney of StyleInANutshellPhotographer: Photography by TreLynnMakeup: Cavette BufordHair: Brandi NicholeModel: Olga Chernova (top)Model: Matthew Brown (bottom)


10 | April 2013 magazine

AppeArAnCe And style

How to Dress for MiD-Life MojoBy sUe donnelly, AICI CIp


The Association of Image Consultants International | 11

find YouR tRAdemARk. You are unique, so flaunt it. Maybe it’s your fabulous eyewear, your scarlet lips, your signature pearls or individual fragrance that people recognize. Whatever it is, it ensures you will always stand out from the crowd (for the right reasons).

show A leg. Hemlines that sit around knee level are generally the most flattering. Hide pasty pins in patterned or colored tights. They add the WOW factor to a plain, simple outfit.

focus on the uP. Gravity sucks and we need to fight back. Use upward strokes when applying colour to your cheeks, eyes and eyebrows. A good-fitting bra will do the same for your bustline.

keeP it simPle. Overload on color and accessories and you look like you’re trying too hard. Slim-fitting clothes, beautiful fabrics or unusual design features form the basis for effortless chic.

BAn the BAggY. Fit is everything.

cReAte A design RhYthm. If you have an oval face, wear an oval-faced watch, oval belt buckle or oval beads. You look amazing – but no one knows why. It’s your secret.

hAve A vARietY of ReAding glAsses. Poor eyesight is God’s present to us as we age, but you can make the most of it by choosing a variety of eyewear. Why stick to just one pair? Dame Edna got it right. Cat’s-eye lenses or those with an upward sweep are dramatic and youthful.

light is YouR fRiend. We lose color as we age, so lighten, rather than darken, hair and use light-reflecting moisturizer to provide some luminosity to the skin.

ditch uglY shoes. If you can’t wear heels, so be it. There is still no excuse for ugly shoes.

stoP PlAYing it sAfe. A wardrobe of black looks heavy and frumpy. Find your fabulous colors and light up your looks. Be curious. Nothing is so ageing as dressing the same way for the next decade. Your clothing should uplift your spirit and bring joy into your heart.

Sue Donnelly, AICI CIP, was the first Fashion Feng Shui practitioner in the UK and one of only three image professionals that are members of AICI fully qualified on both side of the Atlantic. Read more at

o, you’ve reached “a certain age” and suddenly ideas on how to dress have gone out of the window. Fifty might well be the new thirty, but you don’t want to look “young,” you want to look the best you can for your age. Youthful dressing invokes timeless charm, verve, and a dose of nerve and a choice of clothing that keeps you inspired, uplifted, and comfortable in your own skin.S


12 | April 2013 magazine

As image consultants, we can identify clients who might be shopping addicts. Leading expert in over-shopping and “My Year without Clothes Shopping” program creator, Jill Chivers, shares valuable insights on understanding and working with the shopping-addicted client.

There are so many different consumption patterns today that there is no exact formula. The reality is 70% of women think about shopping every single day, yet the vast majority of them aren’t over-shoppers.

Over-shopping can be characterized by the “cone of silence”: when people don’t talk about their shopping habits, don’t share with their partner or those close to them what they’ve bought, and hide their bags in the back of the wardrobe. There is often embarrassment and shame for someone whose shopping habits have spiralled out of control.

Recognize that the shopaholic will have gone to great lengths to hide their addiction and may also not have admitted to anyone that they have a problem. Be aware that it is a potentially very sensitive and tender topic.

AppeArAnCe And style

ADDICTED TO SHOPPING: how to work wIth A shopAholIC ClIentBy Imogen lAmport, AICI CIp


The Association of Image Consultants International | 13


A FeW ClueS to look For When WorkinG With ClientS:1. An excessive wardrobe 2. Someone who is wearing a small fraction of their clothes3. Tags still on clothing4. Multiples of the same garment 5. Buying more than they can afford

Many over-shoppers are emotionally triggered to go shopping from feeling depressed, angry, sad, lonely, or bored. Start by gently asking questions when you find a garment that has obviously never been worn: “Tell me about this” will lead the client to explain why they chose it and what prompted them to shop.

here iS hoW An imAGe ConSultAnt CAn help A Client

overCome their ADDiCtion or At leASt not enAble

them to Continue With their ADDiCtion:Be aware that you’re a trusted advisor. Your advice could trigger them into buying multiples of whatever you have said is perfect for them. Considerations:1. Realize they may need professional help. There are

programs such as to help them take remedial steps as well as a range of books that they can read.

2. Encourage your client to take a break from shopping.3. Engage in a range of non-shopping activities to learn more

about the client, such as color, style, and wardrobing.

Tap into the mileage and magic currently not experienced from their existing wardrobe of unworn garments. Create new and different options that make them feel good, and help to take their attention away from what’s out there that they would previously have been buying, so they don’t feel they’re missing out. Take photos of all these new outfits. If they have 60 – 100 photos to refer to, they’ll start to see that they can feel new and different every day without shopping for more.

People with shopping addictions don’t want to be told that their interest in clothing and style is bad or wrong. Keep the interest going in another way, without just adding more to the wardrobe and credit card bill.

The shopping-addicted client will value you more highly when you help them see there is another way that makes them feel good about their choices rather than bad.

Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP, is founder of Bespoke Image Consulting. She helps individuals improve their image to gain greater success in their personal and professional lives. Her blog INSIDE OUT STYLE has built a large global following of women who seek her down-to-earth advice on what to wear and how to wear it. Read more at





14 | April 2013 magazine

AICI member Shweta Wahi is making her mark in Toronto as a cross-cultural designer inspired by South-Asia for a boho-chic aesthetic. She showed at the Ottawa Fashion Week in 2010, one of only 20 showcases and exhibits over the past five years.

Wahi studied with Evan Biddell of “Project Runway Canada” fame. She’s raised $50,000 (CAD) for charities world-wide. Wahi has a BFA from York University and trained as an image consultant at George Brown College.

Wahi is only 22 years old.

So, what’s next? Wahi plans to expand her label in Dubai and Johannesburg.

“I’m mostly self-taught, so I don’t have a fixed process when I design and sew. I also don’t use patterns, and I don’t work with mood boards and trends,” said Wahi about her design methodology.

Yet, design and sewing are not the only talents a young designer needs these days. “I’ll be involved in research, design, sourcing of fabrics, construction, styling and putting together look books, sourcing models and photographers, styling my own shows, marketing, social media, and sales. It’s pretty much a one-woman show right now, and the work is endless. I’m not a business person – I like to create. So it does quite often get difficult to manage both aspects.”

Wahi isn’t trying to tackle cutthroat markets like New York or Paris. She feels that targeting the smaller markets is a more sensible approach. “If you’re an aspiring designer, I’d say start small but stay ambitious.”

Other advice she imparts for those starting their own design label: “People don’t joke around when they say designing is an endless job, so it needs a lot of determination. Also, it’s always great to get involved in all aspects of the business, but if you can outsource certain tasks to someone you trust, don’t be afraid to take that risk.”

AppeArAnCe And style

Shweta Wahi

Shweta Wahi is an aspiring, Toronto-based designer and image consultant. Sourced from her impressive fashion background in personal styling, she has begun making inroads into image consultancy and intends to expand her label into Dubai and Johannesburg, South Africa. Read more at

By theA wood


FasHion weeK Her wAY: FAShion DeSiGner & AiCi member ShWetA WAhi

mAkeS her mArk in toronto’S FAShion Week


The Association of Image Consultants International | 15


16 | April 2013 magazine

AppeArAnCe And style

mAny ImAge ConsUltAnts AspIre to work wIth lArge, mUltInAtIonAl CorporAtIons. In order to help wIn those ClIents over, It’s ImportAnt to UnderstAnd ApproprIAte AttIre for mAny dIfferent CItIes or regIons. we’ve pUt together A lIst of style “dos And don’ts” thAt wIll help yoU In A vArIety of CItIes AroUnd the world.

There are a number of similarities from city to city, but be sure you understand color preferences, fabrics, regional taboos and other considerations. Those are the details that can make or break the deal.

Chicago, IL (USA)

Phoenix, AZ (USA)

San Francisco, CA (USA)

Tampa, FL (USA)

London (GBR) Dubai (UAE) Mumbai (IND)Mexico City (MEX)

Melbourne (AUS)

Beijing (CHN)Singapore (MAS)


Medium and dark neutrals (olive, taupe, tan, navy, gray)

Dark, conservative colors in the winter and brighter shades for the hot summer

Casual, trendy region = wear trendy colors

Neutrals and deep colors for formal (like banking), more colorful attire for other industries

Dark neutrals: navy, gray, brown (black on bottom half)

Light neutrals and muted colors with lightweight fabrics

White, pastels and blues

Soft colors in spring/summer and dark colors in fall/winter

Dark neutrals for suits, skirts,pants; lightcolored tops (especially for finance/law)

Neutral and dark colors, and even red, yellow/gold or green.

All neutrals for basics; match with analogous colors


Pastels Neons Wear black Be afraid to wear white after Labor Day (warm climate)

Black suits (unless bank/legal client), bright colors

Black and dark colors (temp reach 55° C/131° F)

Bright or loud colors

Bright colors or bold combinations like black and red

Bright or pastel colors

Neons, sparkling silver, all black.

Too bright or colorful


Classic designs like foulard and paisley

Floral or modern prints

Mix modern patterns

Prints are widely accepted, but keep them business-appropriate and in scale

Small prints Prints are widely accepted if subtle in nature

Stripes and checks

Small and discreet

Stripes are universal

Small prints, intricate in oriental designs

Stripes or classic prints (not too colorful)


Extremely bold, trendy prints

Large prints or blocks of prints

Wear patterns that overwhelm you

Wear tropical print shirts with casual pants

Large prints, especially on dresses

Bold or bright prints, religious-related prints

Religious prints

Animal prints or large prints

Avoid florals in formal environments

Word prints, huge logos

Dramatic or gaudy designs


for wiNNiNG CorPorAte






The Association of Image Consultants International | 17

tHese Are tHe DetAiLs tHAt CAN MAKe or

breAK tHe DeAL.

AppeArAnCe And style

Chicago, IL (USA)

Phoenix, AZ (USA)

San Francisco, CA (USA)

Tampa, FL (USA)

London (GBR) Dubai (UAE) Mumbai (IND)Mexico City (MEX)

Melbourne (AUS)

Beijing (CHN)Singapore (MAS)


Solid colors, button-downs, dressy enough for a jacket and skirt

Wear under cotton suit jackets

Pair with denim, knit sweater or jacket for casual smart

Long or short sleeved, sleeveless with a jacket or cardigan

Always wear sleeves unless covered by a jacket

Loosely fitted tops with subtle detailing

Dressy blouse, a crisp button-down shirt, sweaters, basic tunics

Traditional, button-down white shirts with long or short sleeves

Just about all fabrics, except for sheers

Simple styles, long-sleeved; wear printed or embroidered tops under a jacket

Shirt blouse for formal organizations; trendy top with short or long sleeves for less formal


High sheen fabrics

Show cleavage Pair a blouse with a formal suit or show cleavage

Low necklines or blouses exposing the midriff

Visible cleavage

Low necklines, sleeveless, strapless

Halter necks or tight tops

Sleeveless (except in very warm temperatures)

Reveal cleavage or midriff

Sleeveless or short-sleeved tops

Spaghetti-strap, sheer fabrics, or showing cleavage


Knee length or slightly below the knee

Knee length in breathable fabrics with high-heeled sandals/dress shoes

Knee length in casual fabrics with boots, kitten heels

Knee length or slightly above, hose/tights in hotel industry and traditional businesses

Straight, pencil-style skirts that end at the knee

Must be knee length or lower

Knee length, with or without slits

Knee-length with hose/tights

Knee length Knee length, favoring a standard A-line or tapered cut

A-line, pencil-style for formal organizations; trendy styles for less formal organizations


Narrow or tight skirts

Short skirts; avoid pairing skirts with cowboy boots

Micro mini-skirts

Denim skirts, flip-flop style sandals or strappy sandals

Full or sun-ray pleated skirts

Short skirts or revealing slits

Short or tight skirts

Mini-skirts, fishnet stockings, sandals

Short skirts or maxi-dresses

Mini-skirts or sheer fabrics

Mini-skirts, gathered floral skirts


Classic suit pant style

Pair casual slacks with dressy blouses

Casual fabrics, pair with blazer or sweater

Tailored pants Perfectly tailored trousers

Modest fit, hemmed at the ankle or lower

Modest fit pants or formal slacks

Classic fit Well-tailored, good condition

Full length, relaxed fit. Wear with belt matching shoe color

Tailored or dressy trousers


Wear patterned slacks

Sheer fabrics Wear silk, satin or other “formal” fabrics

Leggings, jeggings or anything “skinny”

Tight pants, especially across the thighs and bottom

Tight-fitting pants

Capri pants and jeans

Shorts Tight or shiny fabrics

Worn-looking fabrics, animal prints

Jeans, leggings, or Capri pants







18 | April 2013 magazine

Chicago, IL (USA)

Phoenix, AZ (USA)

San Francisco, CA (USA)

Tampa, FL (USA)

London (GBR) Dubai (UAE) Mumbai (IND)Mexico City (MEX)

Melbourne (AUS)

Beijing (CHN)Singapore (MAS)


High quality shoes and leather goods

Wear metallics and bold jewelry

Statement jewelry

Umbrellas are a must, especially in the summer

Simple necklaces, tights and pumps/court shoes

Experiment and be fashionable in all jewelry

Studs or small earrings with elegant necklace and/or bracelet

Simple, classic

Simple, smart jewelry, hose/tights expected in formal meetings

Closed-toe shoes with conservative heels in dark colors; add color in scarves

Classic jewelry, closed-toed shoes for formal; peep-toed shoes for less formal


Loud, trendy bags

Juvenile jewelry that teens would wear

Wear ties, unless for a banking client

Anything you can wear to the beach

Avoid very high heels

Religious-related items

Bright or chunky accessories; save costume jewelry for evening

Statement jewelry, bold or shiny pieces

Flip-flops or sandals, busy statement jewelry

High, stiletto shoes or open-toe sandals

Cheap costume jewelry, sandals, stiletto heels

Well-tailored, quality fabrics are highly regarded, avoid denim.

Black hose/tights with white shoes or sandals are discouraged.

Knits tops worn with jackets are popular. Don’t dress up denim with heels, jacket and a scarf.

The Southeast Coast dresses liberally, but visitors should stay more conservative.

Always wear a jacket and avoid showing too much skin.

Most of the body must be covered, so loose fitting/light-weight fabrics are recommended.

Saris are highly respected, suits are rare for women unless being used to show authority.

Heels should be no higher than 3 inches. Business suits are expected; avoid sandals and denim.

Denim is a no-no, but knit tops are appropriate. If the men are wearing suits, keep your arms covered.

Crease-free is key, avoiding anything flashy, tight or revealing.

Pantsuits or skirted suits work well for formal; dress/ blouse and skirt for less formal. Avoid revealing or figure-hugging clothes.

Polished belts and shoes, repair or replace accessories that look worn or are damaged.

Wear dress shirts with blazers and polished, stylized cowboy boots. Leave the cowboy-style shirts at home.

Collared shirts and ties only necessary for banking clients; khakis and loafers are popular.

Dress shirt with smart slacks and belt are the norm. Wear jackets with knit cotton or silk polos with a jacket.

Polish your shoes and belt. Singlets (sleeveless undershirts) are rarely worn unless covering tattoos.

Jackets and long-sleeve shirts buttoned to the collar with ties; avoid wearing jewelry, especially around the neck.

Business casual limited to a button-down shirt tucked into trousers. Avoid slim ties, open-toe shoes and jeans.

Quality cufflinks and watches are important. Avoid sportswear, denim and sandals.

Wear collared shirts; avoid pairing boots with a suit. Ties optional for business casual but no denim or sports shoes.

Younger generations are becoming more relaxed but a jacket is still expected. Avoid jeans and sneakers.

Suit for formal occasions. A shirt and tie for meetings. No jeans, cargo pants, or sneakers.

Visible body piercings

Flip flops (or similar sandals) and cowboy boots with skirts.

Formal wear and black are frowned upon, yet flip-flops are still unacceptable.

Linen, despite the heat, isn’t favored due to creasing. Opt for seersucker instead.

White or neutral shoes with dark tights or hem.

Abide by local modesty standards; the Islamic dress code isn’t compulsory but must be respected.

Tight clothing and shorts. Trendy clothes are only suited for courting media or advertising firms.

Tight clothing and trendy clothes.

Avoid showing tattoos or body piercings.

Avoid all white ensembles which signify death, mourning.

It is hot and humid, so dress smartly, but airy or lightweight fabrics are a plus.

Major metro areas like Chicago have a more formal dress code (suits/ties) than smaller cities. In the winter, bring coats, gloves, scarves and boots to protect your garments from inclement weather.

The Southwest can get very hot in the daytime, so breathable fabrics are key to feeling comfortable.

Some areas experience drastic temperature changes through the day; dress in layers to stay comfortable.

Southern Europe is warmer and therefore more flexible in styles. Open-toe sling-back heels and lighter neutrals and bare, hairless legs are acceptable.

The UAE is based upon the Arab culture. It’s important to remember that when meeting clients in cosmopolitan cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Due to warm weather, business dressing is more casual than many other countries.

While suit and tie are traditional in most business environments, some companies are adopting “Casual Friday” to increase productivity (usually advertising or computing).

Much of Australian business is Business Casual. Check the company web site and see how employees pictured are clothed.

The Chinese associate green with Spring, red with Summer, white with Autumn and black with Winter- wear appropriately. Research Chinese symbols of good fortune for positive consideration.

Check out the organization to find out if they are formal or not, and dress appropriately.

Contributor Debra Lindquist, AICI

CIPKim Nunez Jill Siefert

Cheryl Lampard

Gail Morgan Shweta Wahi Tina KakkadMonica


Imogen Lamport, AICI

CIPCarolina Tan

Li Kin Pang, AICI CIP













The Association of Image Consultants International | 19


You may have heard the saying “solve your client’s headache and you will be the star!” But what is the cause of the headache, and what do corporate image consultants need to do to get hired and solve the problem?

is it quAlitY, PRice, oR how good YouR weBsite looks?

In my case, it was none of these. As it turned out, it was the lack of a standardized certification system that kept me from delivering image and etiquette training to potentially 20,000 corporate employees.

One young corporate executive said it succinctly:

“hoW CAn We hire or reloCAte employeeS in DiFFerent pArtS oF the WorlD iF We CAn’t meASure the reSultS oF the trAininG in A StAnDArDizeD WAy?”

the solution

I began a worldwide search for some of the most established image consultants in the industry. We talked at length about my business problem. Little did I realize that we were stumbling upon the crux of a much wider problem of why image training remained a “nice to have” instead of a “must have” for many corporations worldwide. It is not that CEOs and HR managers don’t appreciate image and etiquette, but

they need a uniform measurement tool to evaluate the learning outcomes before they can justify the mobilization of wide-scale training.

This group of image consultants soon came together as a team and embarked on building exactly such a tool to help bring corporate image training to the mainstream. They formed a non-profit, the Institute of Image Training and Testing International – called IITTI and pronounced “ET” – and, based on consensus, went on to define a series of standardized exam certification levels for the consumption of corporate employers, employees and interviewees worldwide.

This certification exam system allows soft skills to be measured in a standardized way.

This new standard allows me to go back to my clients and confidently recommend a roster of image consultants who can deliver training based on this standard. Since employees are tested by an unbiased, independent examination organization (i.e., by IITTI), this guarantees a minimum level of quality.

For image consultants, it represents a whole new market potential, as the corporate world begins to identify this standard as a level of quality assurance, and a way to demonstrate accountability to their shareholders, similar to ISO international standards.

Preliminary field testings are underway in different countries. For more details about IITTI, please visit

corporate iMAGe trAiNiNG:Are yoUr progrAms fIt to pAss the test?By pAtrICk ChUn

Patrick Chun works as the CEO of Greenwood Canada, a new media education company that delivers a “blended learning” program of software and classroom instructions to international markets. Read more at


20 | April 2013 magazine


your WebSite hAS AlreADy introDuCeD itSelF beFore A SinGle SentenCe hAS been reAD.

Does Your website’s iMAGe MAtCH Your brAND? iF the AnSWer iS no, it neeDS An imAGe mAkeover.

stYLe Your website for iMPACt By sUsAn hesselgrAve


The Association of Image Consultants International | 21

Here Are 5 AreAs to Assess:1. A piCture iS Worth more.Pictures are the first thing people will look at. Beyond their attraction power, pictures make text more believable. Research has determined that the presence of a photograph “consistently produced a truth bias” for statements that were unfamiliar to the research participants. Bottom line, people will believe more strongly what your website says if there is a picture along with the text. And caption it! If the eye is there… capitalize on the attention. It’s worth saying again: Pictures are the first thing people will look at. A caption is your statement necklace, framed in a lovely décolletage. They are already looking, so it’s a great place to say something important while you’ve got their undivided attention.

2. CAn We move eASily? We’ve all been there: “This dress looks great, but I can’t sit down.” Easy, intuitive navigation through your website will guarantee that your potential client is focused on your content and not on difficulties such as broken links, confusing menus, or dead-end pages.

3. WhAt kinD oF event? WhAt ShoulD i WeAr?If you are throwing a party, your invitation helps your guests know what would be appropriate to wear (tea party on the lawn, girls’ night at the bowling alley). Think of each webpage on your site as a different “event,” and you will want your website visitor to know what they should expect and do when they are there.

Do you want them to sign up for your newsletter? Contact you for a consultation? Direct them to another webpage on your site? Pick one goal per webpage. When you present more than one action path on a page, you end up paralyzing your visitor from taking any action at all.

Why is layout a nonverbal aspect of your website? The layout of these key action items on your website is critical to their success. If your email sign-up box is buried at the bottom your page, your visitor may never see it. A good web designer is your best resource for guidance on this.

4. too mAny ACCeSSorieS?Err on the side of simplicity. Where would you rather shop? A store with crammed racks stuffed so tight you can’t even see what’s there, or an open space with sufficient visual breathing room among the offered choices? White space on your page is essential to making your visitor feel at ease. Use this same principle with your sidebar content and your choice of widgets, badges, etc.

5. ApproAChAbilityYou want people to like your website. Instantly. So they need a big smile from you right away. How do they get that? By having a site that loads fast. A slow load time is like approaching the cosmetics counter and having the clerk ignore you. A slow, unwieldy site translates to a lack of caring about your potential client’s investment of time. (In a recent use study, 30% of web visitors abandoned a poorly performing website and went to a competitive site.) Google hates slow-loading websites too, and downgrades them in their search engine results. If you have an outdated website using large images and messy code, give it a closet clean-out. And in doing so, remember that all websites should now be optimized to be viewed on mobile devices.

Susan Hesselgave owns Radiance Image Consulting, serving the Puget Sound region of Washington state. She is a member of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of AICI. Susan specializes in the wardrobe and image needs of women over 40. She can be reached at [email protected].


22 | April 2013 magazine

gloBAl news

AtlAntA chAPteR’s BoARd RetReAt served kentUCky styleBy ChrIs fUlkerson

What do you get When you combine six Women Who do not knoW each other, all traveling to a remote part of kentucky, taking on the responsibility of deciding What 45 members of their chapter Would be interested in learning and attending? you get results!

As the President of the Atlanta Chapter, I had the privilege of spending three days and two nights in September with a dedicated group of board members. These ladies included: Shauna Heathman – Past President, Elizabeth Rouprich – VP Membership, Marika Henley – VP Communications/Marketing, Beth Bores – Secretary, and Donna Whitmire – VP Programs/Education. The only board member unable to attend was Catherine Horgan – Treasurer.

When I first suggested gathering at Nolin Lake, everyone was excited and receptive. Besides planning our year, it was a way to connect and really understand each other’s businesses, challenges and successes. It wasn’t until the week before we were to meet that the question surfaced. “Where are we going again?” I think they might have had a “Honey Boo Boo” moment questioning where they were really traveling. Nolin Lake is located in Leitchfield, Kentucky, but that still didn’t give these ladies a clear picture of where we were going. The trust begins!


The Association of Image Consultants International | 23

Our beautiful cabin had a stunning view of the lake. It was the large screened-in porch that called our name and drew us outside. So what if we needed blankets to stay warm – the fresh lake air cleared our minds to imagine the possibilities of what our chapter could accomplish in the future.

What did we accomplish and what do RESULTS look like? To some, results could be deciding what we want to accomplish by serving on the board, personally and professionally. Another result could be the exciting and informative “Lunch and Learn” sessions we have planned for the chapter. Chapter member Lynn Marks, AICI CIM, conducted a teleconference presentation on the role of vision and leadership in producing great results. We were assigned buddies to call, discussed our web site, tossed around ideas for education days and shared stories and laughter all along the way.

To me, the real results come from the bonds we made. After all the planning was accomplished, we grabbed a cooler full of drinks and snacks and went on a sunset cruise on a pontoon boat. The water seemed to be a good spot for photo opportunities. After a cruise back to the marina, the ladies were introduced to some real Kentucky cuisine – Mamaw’s Sweet Potato Pudding and Cheese Pudding. We also had grilled ribs and once again we were “fat and happy,” as they say in Kentucky. The weekend just got better with a fire at the fire pit and plenty of ghost stories.

On Sunday morning we had an unforgettable wrap-up session. It was then that each of us discovered the real and unique strengths that we bring to the board. During this time of sharing, we discovered who is insightful, innovative, kind, dependable, authentic, fun, organized and generous – just to name a few. These are the real results – knowing that the Atlanta Chapter has a strong board of women who are beautiful inside and out, each possessing qualities that will result in a year of growth not only for themselves but for the chapter they serve.

Mission was accomplished by planning our year, but “the proof is in the pudding,” as they say. Atlanta Chapter = Results. We wish our entire AICI Family a successful and results-filled year!

Chris Fulkerson, AICI CIP, FFS, is the current president of AICI Atlanta Chapter and founder of the VIP Studio – Visual Impact & Presence, which provides seminars for corporations, businesses and associations in the area of visual, verbal and non-verbal communication. Read more at

Read About the Atlanta Chapter at


24 | April 2013 magazine

gloBAl news

MeMbers iN tHe news

sarah Hathorn, AICI, CIP, CPBS, is featured in the latest issue of U.S. News and World Report in the article, Room at the Top: Position Yourself for a Move to Management. Read more here:

alice sydow will be appearing as an Image Consultant on Resale Royalty. The show will premiere on April 29th. Tune in to watch Alice in action! Read more here:Style Press Release

Zayna mosam, AICI CIP, was quoted in Men’s Health News Online February Newsletter. Read more here:

suna Kabadayi is working with TV channels in Turkey and will be part of TV show starting in March 2013. AICI will be mentioned during show to viewing audience. More details to come at!/pages/AICI-Global/508201525886519

AICI Guadalajara and AICI Mexico Chapter Board Members at AICI Guadalajara Chapter’s Educational Day

It is with great sadness that AICI has learned of the death of Charter member, evana maggiore, AICI CIP. In 1999, Evana established the world’s first Fashion Feng Shui® Facilitator Professional Training Program. This holistic approach to personal development was embraced by the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), which presented Evana with their prestigious “IMMIE Award” (Image Makers’ Merit of Industry Excellence) in the category of Innovation as well as the Feng Shui community. Evana served on AICI’s International Board and held various roles in AICI organization. Read more about Evana Maggiore evana maggoire


The Association of Image Consultants International | 25

edUCAtIon | leArnIng

aici teleclasses noW in SpAniSh!AiCi has expanded its reach and is now hosting teleclasses in Spanish with moderator hilda barajas.One of the many benefits of being an AICI member is attending our FREE monthly teleclasses. These classes are designed to give easy access to the most up-to-date and impacting information in order to enhance business growth and development. We offer a wide variety of topics and hope that you will join us! All teleclasses are recorded for you listening pleasure.

hilDA bArAjAS iS FounDer oF bAzhi Style AnD liFe CoAChinG.

She helps individuals and company employees transform their image both internally and externally for them to look and feel their best. She believes in connectivity of mind and body. Hilda believes that when there is a clear picture in mind and you focus on it, your brain explores ways to confirm this new belief and you will get even more than you thought.

In a holistic way, this is an invaluable part of your self-development and self-esteem to discover who you really are and how you express yourself, your individuality and your personality. Each person is unique and unrepeatable. Read more at CHECK OUT THE TELECLASS AND CEU APPROVED PROGRAMS THAT ARE COMING UP


26 | April 2013 magazine

to Get APProVeD

1. Identify a need for the training. Check the Core Competencies:• Technical Image Consulting• Professional Preparation and Development• Business Management

2. Identify learning outcomes. What will the learner be able to do as a result of this program?

3. Determine delivery method:• Classroom• Teleclass• Webinar• Online• Personal study

Here Are 20 stePs oN How to be AN AiCi Ceu ProViDer. for DetAiLeD iNforMAtioN AND ALL forMs, PLeAse Go to AiCi Ceu ProViDer iNforMAtioN.



The Association of Image Consultants International | 27

4. Identify main content areas. This will give you a framework for your specific training plan.

5. Develop a training plan. Include:• Learning outcomes• Content• Instructional strategies• Learner demonstrations• Resources required• Schedule• Location

6. Develop training materials:• PowerPoint slides• Handouts• Audio-Visual aids

7. Develop the Participant Training Evaluation Form.

8. Deliver the training to at least five people in the same delivery method prior to submitting an application.

9. Decide to submit application to have training program AICI CEU-approved. You may have your training approved for CEUs as a whole, or you may choose to have sections CEUd. Once it has been approved for AICI CEUs, a participant must attend the entire CEUd portion in order to earn AICI CEUs. One hour of learning contact = .1 CEU.

10. Contact the AICI CEU Chair, Karen Brunger or Dr. Elizabeth Weinstein if you have questions.

11. Complete all application requirements and submit to the AICI CEU Administrator, Dr. Elizabeth Weinstein:

• Application• Training Plan• Biography• Three testimonials• Technology required to participate• A sample of marketing materials outlining how

participants earn AICI CEUs• Statement of Proprietary Interest• Participant Training Evaluation• Sample of materials: handout, PowerPoints, etc.

12. When your program is approved for AICI CEUs, AICI Headquarters will invoice you. You will pay an Initial Application Fee and a pro-rated CEU Program Annual Fee. Your program will be listed on AICI’s website, and upcoming dates listed in the Education Calendar. There is an Annual Renewal Fee, and every three years your program needs to be re-approved.

At tHe trAiNiNG

13. Give the AICI CEU speech at the beginning of the program. Review the learner outcomes with participants.

14. Ensure all learner outcomes are fulfilled, and all requirements for AICI CEUs are met.

15. Collect Participant Evaluations. Evaluation forms may be collected at the end of the program, or submitted electronically.

16. Offer follow-up support to the participants.

After tHe trAiNiNG

17. Complete the AICI CEU Training Delivery Report and participant names and contact information in Excel.

18. Complete the Trainer Self-Evaluation form.

19. Send all documents to Dr. Elizabeth Weinstein, AICI CEU Administrator:

• Report and Participant list• Participant Evaluations• Trainer Self-Evaluation

20. Have a discussion with the AICI CEU Administrator. An informal discussion may follow for reinforcement and improvement.


28 | April 2013 magazine

ImpACt InternAtIonAl

MAY is GLobAL CiViLitY AwAreNess MoNtHCHAMPioN CiViLitY witH CAMPuses, CorPorAtioNs AND CoMMuNities

By CIndy Ann peterson

Communication and civility are the lifeblood of every relationship. Communicating more effectively and respecting other people’s opinions is more than just getting along with our clients. We want to build and nurture strong relationships. One way to do this is by the continuous practice of these skills to make ourselves better communicators of civility.

AICI has taken great steps to share the civility message around the world, and we thank the AICI members of the “Civility Counts Project” for their dedication. AICI graciously donated seed money to start Image Impact International, an independent non-profit whose mission is to champion ability, civility, and possibility with campuses, corporations, and communities. The transition of the AICI Civility Counts Project to Image Impact International means exciting opportunities.

Our Civility Council and Civility Youniversity™ training for our signature philanthropic project, Campus 2 Corporate 2 Community are just some of the exciting ways to champion civility within Image Impact International. We invite AICI members to participate in our global philanthropic community. Find out more at our philanthropic program at the AICI conference. Inspiration, innovation, and impact will enable us to continue the civility mission that began with AICI.

Contact Cindy Ann Peterson at [email protected] TODAY to get involved! Read about Image Impact at

As business professionals, we

have the amazing ability to help

others to achieve their goals and

their dreams. the key to this

success is understanding our

personal soft skills when working

with clients. Communicating with

care and charisma leads to a

better understanding of our role

in society and empowers us to

lead with civility and kindness.


The Association of Image Consultants International | 29

CoNGress MouLiNs november 2012dAte: from frIdAy, novemBer 16th to sUndAy, novemBer 18thplACe: nAtIonAl Center of the sCene CostUme In moUlIns

“We were very pleased to

welcome more participants than

last year, and we would like

to highlight the presence of a

japanese member who came

from Singapore as well as

two participants from Switzerland

and another one from romania.”reAD more here:


30 | April 2013 magazine

Between Us

>resuLts froM surVeY oN fACebooK usAGe A majority of members who took the AICI Global January online survey used Facebook to promote their business.

>The AICI International Board of Directors presented the AICI voting members with the proposed Member Category & Benefits Package and accompanying AICI Bylaws changes in November 2012 and the proposed AICI Bylaws was unanimously passed.

Please click here to listen to the details of the proposed AICI Bylaws

>The AICI International Board is very happy to announce the launch of the new Chapter in South Africa, named AICI Johannesburg Chapter!

Like AiCi on FACebook


The Association of Image Consultants International | 31

2013 AiCi ANNuAL CoNfereNCe

may 16 - 19, 2013reNAissANCe GLeNDALe HoteL AND sPA

9495 w. CoYotes bouLeVArD, GLeNDALe, ArizoNA 85305 usA

Save $100 when you register online for full conference before April 4, 2013.

See the At-A-Glance Conference Schedule and a full listing of programs and events

AiCi PresiDeNt, KiMberLY LAw weLCoMes You to CoNfereNCe!