advocate news january 12, 2012

T H E A D V O C A T E 6:03 4:32 The #1 Judaica source in Rockland 27 Orchard St. 845-352-7792 ROMNEY WINS PRIMARY, PAUL SECOND, HUNTSMAN THIRD A standing room only crowd gathered Wednesday evening at Ramapo Town Hall for the swearing in of Ramapo Town officials, Supervisor Chris. St. Lawrence, and the Town Coun- cil, Brendel Logan, and Daniel Friedman. St. Lawrence received a stand- ing ovation when he pointed out how the Town of Ramapo will not let the xenophobic at- titude some people have had towards it in recent years get in the way of progress. This meeting was only a few weeks before the State of the Town address, but already much about the future of Rama- po was revealed. Law enforce- ment improvements as well as some infrastructure ideas were discussed. St. Lawrence also spoke about the high rankings Ramapo has received, including one of Unit- ed States best places to live, and the safest in New York State. Councilman Daniel Friedman, who was also re-elected last No- vember, was sworn in by Judge David Fried. Friedman spoke about his past accomplish- ments, including the passage of several pieces of legislation he wrote that have cut spending and are saving several hundred thousand dollars a year. cont. Page 4 M. Rubin פרשת שמותTuesday, January 10th proved a very busy day for the Woman’s Care Centre. Clients had a chance to have many questions an- swered and topics explained at the Ob/Gyn workshop. Dr. Joel Al- len, Dr. Debra Kirschner and Nan- cy Solomon, CNM were joined by staff members Bernice Faerber, RN and Cynthia Koslovsky, De- partment Coordinator, in wel- coming both established clients and many new clients. Topics of concern- such as why do we need so many tests, how does a provider decide that a C-Section is needed, what medications can we take during pregnancy, what does high risk really mean were only a few of the questions that were posed by the patients and answered with patience and con- cern. “I always ask my patients- what do you want, how can we make you more comfortable,” said Dr. Joel Allen. “It is important for me to know that each patient under- stands that they are receiving the care they need- individual atten- tion is the goal of all staff in this department,” said Dr. Allen. “Many patients have asked for this work- shop so that they can get that ex- tra time to pose questions and lis- ten to answers that not only they asked, but other clients as well,” concluded Dr. Allen. The work- shop was enjoyed not only by the patients, but the providers were truly happy to spend this quality time with their patients. The workshop was inspirational and informative. Mrs. Shaindel Teitelbaum, Patient Advocate To accommodate the many new patients that have chosen the Woman’s Care Centre for their obstetric and gynecology care, and following the suggestions of many patients, Mon- sey Family Medical Center recently hired a midwife. With over fifteen years of experience, Nancy Solomon comes to the Centre with a Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, scoring a decisive victory for the former Mas- sachusetts governor in his bid for the Republican pres- idential nomination. Texas Rep. Ron Paul finished LOCAL OFFICIALS TAKE OFFICE IN RAMAPO Vol. 27 No. 2 • Rockland’s Independent Jewish Community Newspaper Since 1985 17 Teves - 5772 January 12, 2012 free Ramapo Supervisor Chris St. Lawrence sworn into office Wednesday HEADLINE NEWS FROM THE WOMAN’S CARE CENTRE AT MONSEY FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER cont. Page 3 cont. Page 4 cont. Page 3 A. Moeller ST. LAWRENCE, LOGAN, AND FRIEDMAN SWORN IN PROVIDER AND PATIENT WORKSHOP RATED A HUGE SUCCESS NANCY SOLOMON, CNM JOINS STAFF OF WOMAN’S CARE CENTRE Gov. Mitt Romney

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Page 1: Advocate News January 12, 2012


6:03 4:32

The #1 Judaica source in Rockland27 Orchard St. 845-352-7792


A standing room only crowd gathered Wednesday evening at Ramapo Town Hall for the swearing in of Ramapo Town officials, Supervisor Chris. St. Lawrence, and the Town Coun-cil, Brendel Logan, and Daniel Friedman. St. Lawrence received a stand-ing ovation when he pointed out how the Town of Ramapo will not let the xenophobic at-titude some people have had towards it in recent years get in the way of progress.This meeting was only a few weeks before the State of the Town address, but already much about the future of Rama-

po was revealed. Law enforce-ment improvements as well as some infrastructure ideas were discussed. St. Lawrence also spoke about the high rankings Ramapo has received, including one of Unit-ed States best places to live, and the safest in New York State. Councilman Daniel Friedman, who was also re-elected last No-vember, was sworn in by Judge David Fried. Friedman spoke about his past accomplish-ments, including the passage of several pieces of legislation he wrote that have cut spending and are saving several hundred thousand dollars a year.

cont. Page 4

M. Rubin פרשת שמות

Tuesday, January 10th proved a very busy day for the Woman’s Care Centre. Clients had a chance to have many questions an-swered and topics explained at the Ob/Gyn workshop. Dr. Joel Al-len, Dr. Debra Kirschner and Nan-cy Solomon, CNM were joined by staff members Bernice Faerber, RN and Cynthia Koslovsky, De-partment Coordinator, in wel-coming both established clients and many new clients. Topics of concern- such as why do we need so many tests, how does a provider decide that a C-Section is needed, what medications can we take during pregnancy, what does high risk really mean were only a few of the questions that were posed by the patients and answered with patience and con-cern.

“I always ask my patients- what do you want, how can we make you more comfortable,” said Dr. Joel Allen. “It is important for me to know that each patient under-stands that they are receiving the care they need- individual atten-tion is the goal of all staff in this department,” said Dr. Allen. “Many patients have asked for this work-shop so that they can get that ex-tra time to pose questions and lis-ten to answers that not only they asked, but other clients as well,” concluded Dr. Allen. The work-shop was enjoyed not only by the patients, but the providers were truly happy to spend this quality time with their patients.The workshop was inspirational and informative. Mrs. Shaindel Teitelbaum, Patient Advocate

To accommodate the many new patients that have chosen the Woman’s Care Centre for their obstetric and gynecology care, and following the suggestions

of many patients, Mon-sey Family Medical Center recently hired a midwife. With over fifteen years of experience, Nancy Solomon comes to the Centre with a

Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, scoring a decisive victory for the former Mas-sachusetts governor in his bid for the Republican pres-idential nomination.Texas Rep. Ron Paul finished

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LOCAL OFFICIALS TAKE OFFICE IN RAMAPO Vol. 27 No. 2 • Rockland’s Independent Jewish Community Newspaper Since 1985 • 17 Teves - 5772 January 12, 2012 free

Ramapo Supervisor Chris St. Lawrence sworn into office Wednesday


cont. Page 3

cont. Page 4

cont. Page 3




Gov. Mitt Romney

Page 2: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 2דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

Was the snow season over in October?

READERS RESPOND: [email protected]

WRITE TO USThe Advocate welcomes Letters to the Editor & the Action Desk about relevant topics and issues.

Letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number, although the name may be withheld from publication at the writer’s request.

The Advocate reserves the right to edit for clarity and good taste. To voice your opinion, call: 845-770-1950, Fax: 845-770-1983, or e-mail [email protected]

Rockland Community Development Center Inc.22 Main Street • Monsey, NY 10952

Tel (845) 770-1950 Fax (845) 352-5290E-mail: [email protected]

*******Mendel Hoffman | President & Publisher

A. Moeller *Editor-In ChiefA. Tendler *News Room M. Rubin *ContributorR. Goldblatt *Circulation Manager

**********•THE VOICE OF THIS PAPER DOES NOT REPRESENT ANY GROUP. •THE ADVOCATE IS AN INDEPENDENT ENG-LISH AND YIDDISH NEWSPAPER.•THE ADVOCATE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE KASHRUS OF ANY PRODUCT IN THE NEWSPAPER.• COPYRIGHT 2011 ISSN 1055-9132• All material in this paper is the exclusive property of THE ADVOCATE and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the pub-lisher. The views and opinions expressed by our columnists do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s.• Any article submitted to the newspaper can be edited at the discretion of the publisher.• The newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in an advertisement beyond the cost of space occupied by the error. The ad-vertiser assumes the responsibility for errors in telephone orders.• In-house design: All advertisements de-signed and prepared by The Advocate are the property of the newspaper and cannot be reproduced without consent of the pub-lisher.• The health information articles contained in this publication are for information only and not intended as medical advice. For health care advice and information contact your health care provider.• Editorials related to political endorsements or support are written by an independent committee. They do not represent the views of The Advocate staff. It should not be con-sidered as endorsements or support by this paper.

A Weekly Editorial By:

AS WE GO TO PRESS Publisher's DeskMendel Hoffman


contact the White House between 9am-5pm phone @ 202-456-1414 or fax @ 202-456-2461

every call makes a difference


the ADVOCATE question of the week

• Who participates Voters can cross party lines in an open primary; in a closed primary, voters chose only candidates in their party

• Delegates Candidate gets a proportion based on his/her share of the vote, or, in some states, winner takes all

Registered voters cast ballots at polls for candidates

• Who participates Mainly party activists, but any registered voter can attend; voter turnout is lower than in primaries

• Delegates Selection rules vary from state to state

A multilevel system of meetings that begins at the neighborhood level; can take several weeks

State caucuses and primariesCaucuses and primaries are held to decide which presidential candidates state delegates will support at the national party conventions. The candidate with a majority of the delegates wins his/her partyÕs nomination.

Caucus Primary

Primary and caucus calendar

Source: Federal Election Commission, ÒElections A to ZÓ, The Green PapersGraphic: Judy Treible, Tim Goheen

D.C., Md., Texas, Wis.Idaho (D),Kan. (D),Wyo. (D)

Alaska (R), Colo. (D), Ga., Idaho (R), Mass., N.D. (R), Ohio, Okla., Tenn., Vt., Va., Wyo. (R)

Both parties Dems only Both parties GOP only


Caucus states Primary states


IowaJanuary March April May


N.H.Nev. (D), S.C. (R)S.C. (D)


3 Wash. (R)3

Neb., Ore.,15

Hawaii (D)7Kan. (R)10Maine (D)11Ala., Hawaii (R), Miss., Utah (D)13Ill.20La.24


63 Ind., N.C.,


Ark., Ky.22


Utah (R)26

Calif., Mont., N.J., N.M.,N.D. (D), S.D.



Conn., Del., N.Y., Pa., R.I.


Alaska (D),Wash. (D)


Maine (R),Nev. (R)


Ariz., Mich.


Minn., Colo. (R),Mo.




© 2011 MCT

Governor Andrew Cuomo gave his State of the State vowing to make 2012 the year "we must transform our government to once again become the progressive capital of our nation." He proposed a $1 billion economic development package for Buffalo, which has the third-highest poverty rate in the country, abolishing the state's requirements for fingerprint-ing food stamp recipients, deemed himself the "student's lobbyist," and pitched a slew of environmental and energy improvements. But Cuomo was also mum about transporta-tion, spoke glowingly of legalizing gambling, declined to read his brief remarks on hydraulic fracturing, and announced an ambitious plan to build the world's largest convention center at the Aquaduct Racetrack.

“The State of New York’s public transit is poor,” Transportation Alternatives' executive director Paul White notes in a release responding to the gover-nor's speech.

Page 3: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 3דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

The Advocate is EXPANDING the Action Desk

To voice your opinion!please write, to the

Action Desk at:

editor@ or call Action Desk Hotline @ 845-770-1950

*Job Placement *Interesting & in Demand*Flexible Schedule - f/t or p/t *Potential $70K plus

The New York School of Court Reporting



solid background as a certified nurse midwife. As a career objective, she stat-ed that she wanted to join a practice with supportive obstetric and pediatric consultants and work in an enthusias-tic community. Certainly, the welcome that Nancy Solomon has received and the positive feedback that the depart-ment is hearing from our patients is proof positive that The Woman’s Care Centre and Nancy Solomon are a win-ning combination. “As Department Director, it was very im-portant for me to have a co-worker who shares my philosophy of patient care- that is- what does the patient want? What will make our patient more com-fortable and secure in this very special time in her life,” said Dr. Joel Allen. “I am impressed with not only Nancy’s clini-cal credentials and her reputation, but I am equally impressed with her skill in dealing with all the different situa-tions that our patients present in both obstetrics and gynecology”, continued Dr. Allen. Dr. Debra Kirschner also looks forward to working with Nancy Solo-

mon “and continuing our mission of providing the highest quality care to all our clients,” Dr. Kirschner said.“I am so thrilled to be working in Mon-sey. I know many of the clients that I have already seen at the Centre be-cause I worked in other practices in the County”, said Nancy Solomon. “I was impressed to see how the practice has grown in the last few years. I am sure that the fact that so many services are available under one roof- for instance pediatrics, Behavioral Health and nu-trition counseling is certainly one rea-son that patients choose the Monsey Medical Center. Seeing the undivided personal care each and every patient receives, it is no wonder our client base is growing,” concluded Nancy Solomon. To schedule an appointment with Nan-cy Solomon or any of our providers, or for a private confidential consultation, please call 352-6800 extension 6814. Join your many friends and neighbors who are experiencing true personal care at your own community medical center.

and Coordinator of this event assured all those in attendance that there will be future workshops scheduled not only for the OB/Gyn, but for other de-partments as well. As the readers of the Advocate can see by the picture accompanying this ar-ticle, babysitting was available. Many thanks are due to Suri Levy and Suri Reitzenstein for helping to make this workshop so successful.

NANCY SOLOMON cont. from page1 WORKSHOP cont. from page1

Babysitting was available during the workshop © 2012 MCTSource: Epiq Systems, Inc, RealtyTracGraphic: Judy Treible

Bankruptcies, foreclosures

U.S. bankruptcies

A look at two key markers of financial distress: bankruptcies and foreclosures:

In millions

Top foreclosure statesHighest foreclosure rates for 2011

Top metro area rates Las VegasStockton, Calif.Modesto, Calif.Vallejo-Fairfield, Calif.Riverside-San Bern., Calif.PhoenixMerced, Calif.Reno, Nev.Bakersfield, Calif.





Õ06 Õ07 Õ08 Õ09 Õ10 Õ110

Business Consumer

LETTER TO NEW YORKERS, BY : BUILDING A NEW NEW YORK… WITH YOUGovernor Andrew M. Cuomo delivered his second State of the State address, continuing his

commitment to make government work for the people again. Building on the successes of last year, Governor Cuomo’s bold new agenda includes plans to:

• Create tens of thousands of new jobs across the state by investing state resources to lever-age billions of dollars in private investment through public-private sector partnerships that drive economic growth.

• Reimagining the state government to ensure it gets results for the people while protecting taxpayer dollars.

• Strengthen New York’s legacy as the progressive capital of the nation.

Page 4: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 4דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

LOCAL OFFICIALS cont. from page1ROMNEY cont. from page1

It was also announced that Coun-cilman Friedman will be leading a new groundbreaking $2 Million program in Ramapo that will pur-chase green technology to lower the amount of energy used at town facilities. Friedman announced that all of his cost cutting programs will soon combine to save taxpayers over $1 Million a year, which will reduce property taxes by about 5% for Ramapo homeowners. At Wednesday's meeting, the Town Board approved a proposal by Friedman to purchase a new piece of technology known as Powergy, which utilizes the flow of electricity in the most efficient way possible. Friedman said this will reduce the use of energy in town facilities by 12%, and will save taxpayers an ad-ditional $70,000 a year. "I'm excited to continue moving forward with my cost-cutting agen-da," Friedman told The Advocate.

"My work has already resulted in a great deal of savings, from lower energy bills to reduced fuel use for our fleet because of the hybrid vehicle program I initiated last year." He noted that Ramapo is now one of the only municipali-ties in the nation whose chief executive and chief of police drive cleaner vehicles that help the environment and save taxpayer money. "These are things we can all be proud of, and most importantly, save money for our hard-working families," he said. In his speech, Friedman also discussed his government

consolidation initiative, which would save taxpayers 28%-73% on their fire taxes. He called for the Ra-mapo and Spring Valley boards to "come together" to have a public hearing on the proposal immedi-ately, the first step in the process. "Let's have this hearing, let's pass this plan, and let's start saving tax-payers some real money," Fried-man said to thundering applause. At 25, Daniel Friedman remains the youngest elected official in Rockland County, and one of the youngest in the state. He is also the youngest Orthodox Jew in elected office in America. Referring to his youth and his record, Supervisor St. Lawrence said Friedman was not only "the future of our town," but that he was "the future of our state and even our nation."

second, ahead of former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who came in third. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich trail.Romney’s victory provides a degree of vindication for the campaign's puta-tive frontrunner following a bruising 48 hours for his operation before vot-ing began in New Hampshire. His rivals piled on the former governor of neigh-boring Massachusetts during a Sunday debate on “Meet the Press,” seizing on his record at Bain Capital, and his re-cent comments that he knows what it’s like to fear being given a “pink slip.”Romney rallied supporters shortly af-ter polls closed with a message trained carefully on Obama, mindful of the looming general election matchup should he secure the nomination. "The president has run out of ideas; now he's running out of excuses," Rom-ney told cheering supporters. "And tonight, we're asking the good people of South Carolina to join the citizens of New Hampshire to make 2012 the year that he runs out of time."And, in a pre-emptive shot at GOP competitors who are poised to attack his business record in South Carolina's pending primary, Romney said: "Presi-dent Obama wants to put free enter-prise on trial. In the last few days, we have seen some desperate Republicans join forces with him. This is such a mis-take for our party and for our nation." In his victory speech after winning the New Hampshire primary, Mitt Romney criticizes President Obama and con-trasts his agenda with characteriza-tions of Obama's time in office.The second-place finisher, Paul, ap-peared exuberant in a speech follow-ing Romney's.

"There is no doubt that this whole ef-fort that we are invovled in will not go unnoticed, let me tell you," Paul told enthusiastic supporters in Manchester. Paul said that Romney's win was "clear cut," but called the results a victory for the libertarian movement he's worked to build in recent years, too.The results are poised to drive a kind of gap between Romney, and the rest of the Republican field. New Hampshire’s results indicate that -- still -- no single candidate has been able to coalesce support by posturing themselves as the conservative alternative to the for-mer Massachusetts governor.Romney won Tuesday with a coalition of voters who thought electability and the economy were most important. Just over a third of voters in today’s pri-mary said a candidate’s ability to beat Obama was the top issue in deciding their vote, according to exit poll data. Of those voters, 59 percent went for Romney.Voters who said they were concerned about the economy also sided with Romney, who also won self-described conservatives and even Tea Party vot-ers -- two blocs that had seemed disin-clined to support Romney in last week’s Iowa caucus, in which the former Mas-sachusetts governor scraped by with an 8-vote win. Sixty-one percent of voters said the economy was their top issue. Of them, 42 percent went for Romney.For Romney, tonight’s results were a matter of meeting (if not beating) ex-pectations. He had built this contest into a kind of firewall for his campaign, and worked to fight off complacency among his supporters this week.

Dr. Joel AllenDr. Debra KIrschner

And the entire staff of the Woman’s Care Centre

At the Monsey Family Medical CenterWelcome

Please call 352-6800 extension 6814. for an appointment or a confidential consultation

Nancy Solomon, CNMTo the Department of


Page 5: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 5דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

L e g a l l y S p e a k i n g

The attorney-client relationship can be fruitful and productive or tense and strained. Fortunately, some mandatory procedures and common sense can bring peace of mind to both client and attorney.

Most individuals who seek our legal as-sistance are confronted with a problem-- whether it's an unanticipated lawsuit, a family tragedy, an arrest or a business idea. Few people show up at a law office anxious to part with a fortune.

Price, however, is just one criteria to look for in selecting an attorney. Shopping for quality legal advice is not buying soap and the attorney's rates should be one of a number factors you evaluate in selecting your counsel.

Pursuant to state rules government the legal profession, a written retainer agree-ment is required for any representation in which the fees paid will exceed $3000. A written retainer agreement should clearly state how the lawyer's fee is calculated (whether it is a flat fee or an hourly fee), what the minimum deposit it, when bills are generated, what work you will be billed for and what expenses you will need to cover. The retainer should also clearly state how many days you have to pay your bill and any interest charges for late payments. Most retainer agreements provide that in the event you do not pay your bill, the law firm can cease work on your account.

In the event you and your attorney have a dispute over the bill, the Rockland County Bar Association has a committee to assist with fee disputes.

Quality legal advice can be costly. At the beginning of your engagement of an attor-ney, clearly outline any financial concerns and ask the attorney for guidance on what you can expect your entire case to cost. An honest discussion at the beginning of a representation will save aggravation for

both attorney and client later on. It is im-portant for clients to understand many le-gal matters are far more complex than the client may initially realize. Open communi-cation is the best way to prevent problems.

Lawyers are also supposed to provide cli-ent's with a list of "Client Rights and Re-sponsibilities." This document, drafted by the court system, explains your attorney's obligation, your obligations as a client and other parameters of the attorney-client re-lationship.

In the event you believe an attorney has violated his responsibilities to you, you can file a complaint with the Grievance Com-mittee. While the overwhelming majority of complaints are dismissed and the com-mittee does generally involve itself in fee disputes, you should press forward with a Complaint if you believe your attorney has acted in a fashion contrary to his or her obligation to zealously represent your in-terests.

Contrary to the belief of some, attorneys are not obligated to provide anyone with a free consultation. Though some lawyers will offer a free consultation, never show up at a lawyer's office expecting to get advice free of charge. Always inquire in advance if there will be a fee for your meeting.

You can contact Ryan Karben at [email protected] or


So many courts, such little time!Ryan Scott Karben, Esq.

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Jaffee Appointed to Assembly Committee on Economic Development, Job Creation, Commerce and Industry

Albany, NY – Rockland businesses and work-ers are getting an even stronger advocate in Al-bany now that Assem-blywoman Ellen Jaffee (D-Suffern, Rockland County) has been named to the Assembly Commit-tee on Economic Devel-opment, Job Creation, Industry and Commerce. “I am thrilled at this op-portunity to take the fight of our local busi-nesses to the highest lev-els of state government,” Jaffee said. “Creating jobs and encouraging eco-nomic growth are urgent priorities, and I will use this post to make sure the needs of both our workers and our compa-nies are always heard.”Ron Hicks, President & CEO of the Rockland Economic Development Corporation and board

member of the New York State Economic Development Council, welcomed the news of Jaffee’s appointment. “Assemblywoman Jaffee understands the prob-lems facing small busi-ness in the Hudson Valley and knows what needs to be done in Albany to turn the state economy around and help bring good-paying, private sector jobs to New York,” Hicks said. “Her leader-ship on this important committee will ensure Rockland has a voice in Albany."Jaffee’s new committee has a wide-ranging pur-view over economic mat-ters, including a mission to increase New York’s economic competitive-ness and ensure job cre-ation remains a focus of state government.

This appointment comes on the heels of Jaffee’s earlier efforts to spur job growth in the state, in-cluding her work with As-semblyman William Scar-borough, Chair of the Assembly Small Business Committee, to improve state assistance pro-grams for small business-es and identify impedi-ments to their growth that can be responsibly reduced or removed.Additionally, Jaffee has maintained an ongoing dialogue with Rockland-area Chambers of Com-merce to identify ways the state can better assist local small businesses, and has been an out-spoken advocate for ad-vancing the interests of women-owned business-es, organizing forums on state resources to this end.

The U.S. Mint has produced $1.4 bil-lion in surplus dollar coins that are sitting in Federal Reserve vaults. So Vice President Biden announced Tuesday that the Treasury Depart-ment would stop mass producing the presidential coins."They make hundreds of millions of these coins every year; 40% of them end up being returned to the Federal Reserve because nobody wants them. And here's the worst part: They're still making coins of presidents from the 1800s, mean-ing the United States Mint is about halfway through its planned pro-duction," Biden said at an event to highlight the administration's ef-forts to curb government waste.Pennies also cost almost double to make. The price of the zinc re-quired to mint pennies has been steadily increasing; according to a recent article in the New Yorker, the cost of producing a penny is now 1.7 cents — it costs nearly two pennies to make one. Producing a coin at a higher cost than the value of the coin itself is known as 'nega-tive seigniorage.' This phenome-non has led many to question the continued existence of the penny and suggest it be abolished. Un-derstanding negative seigniorage in economic terms will lead to an opposite conclusion: hundred dol-lar bills should be done away with.Why is the price of zinc going up? Has there been some dramatic shift in the mining industry or a sudden catastrophe? No, because in comparison to many other of the

world's currencies and commodi-ties, the price of zinc has not risen. Instead, it is the falling value of dol-lars themselves that is causing the price to go up. The greater the sup-ply of a good, the less value each individual unit of that good will have. This is known as the law of marginal utility. Applying this law to money leads to the conclusion that when the mint prints more dollars, the value of existing dollars will decrease, and thus it will take more dollars to purchase metals and other goods.The government is able to 'print' money both electronically by ma-nipulating the interest rate and through the physical creation of more dollars and cents. Though it has become more convenient to increase reserves simply by push-ing a button, if people suddenly demanded all their deposits in banks it would be necessary for the government to print a tremendous amount of money (or default and cause a major panic).


Page 6: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 6דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

Police have told community leaders that car firebombings that rattled a Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn were prob-ably an insurance scam, and not a hate crime, the Daily News has learned.Vandals on Nov. 11 torched three cars in Midwood, tried to set a fourth afire and scrawled messages of hate — swastikas, KKK and other obscenities — on a nearby van and benches.The pre-dawn incident led to denuncia-tions from Mayor Bloomberg and other elected officials.To date, there have been no arrests and police have not definitively ruled out any motive.But police sources said investigators now believe the graffiti was probably scrawled in a ruse to make the firebomb-ings look like an act of hate.Another source said investigators are “pretty certain” the cars were torched so someone could collect insurance money.The owner of one of the torched cars did not live in the neighborhood, a commu-nity source briefed on the investigation said.“That’s what tipped off the detectives,” the source said.A fourth source said beer bottles found at the scene appear to have been wiped clean of fingerprints, suggesting the work of someone meticulous, not some-one lashing out in hate.

Beit Shemesh Mayor Rabbi Moshe Abutbul walked out of a Knesset committee meeting addressing the honor of women, on Wednesday morning. The mayor explained to committee members that they have already made up their minds and re-gardless of what he does or says, the committee will be against him.

There were sharp exchanges of words between the mayor and com-mittee chair Likud MK Limor Livnat. The mayor explained he does not feel compelled to apologize for the actions of every person who labels himself chareidi, and this campaign to obtain statements of condemna-tion from all chareidi leaders is ab-surd, no less so than efforts to depict the chareidi community at large in a bad light.Abutbul told Kol Chai Radio that there is no discrimination against women in his city, and yes, there are gender-separated and mixed events in the city, each acting in line with neighborhood norms. The mayor stated that he rejects any and all attempts to compel frum residents to do away with separate seating because it is unreasonable in their eyes, calling upon them to respect the ways of others.






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N.H. resultsHow presidential candidates fared in the N.H. primary:

Barack Obama 82%All write-ins 10%

Mitt RomneyRon PaulJon HuntsmanNewt GingrichRick SantorumRick PerryBuddy RoemerAll write-ins



NOTE: Results as of 11 p.m. ET.Source: AP © 2012 MCT




A brightening pictureThe U.S. jobless rate fell in December to its lowest level since early 2009 as the economy added 200,000 net new jobs. The trend in U.S. employment since the recessionÕs start in December 2007:

Good news: More jobs created in 2011 Bad news: Still a long way to goAnnual net new jobs Net decline in jobs since

December 200720112010

+1.6 million –6.1 million

Number of jobless, December 2011 13 million+940,000

© 2012 MCTSource: U.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsGraphic: Pat Carr




Jobs added or lost,

in thousands

Alternative rate*


Jobs added or lostStandard jobless rate*Persons not in the labor force who want and are available for work and who have looked for a job in the prior 12 months



2008 2009 2010 2011


Page 7: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 7דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

Raising caneCertain food companies, such as Goose Island,

maker of the handcrafted sodas shown here, are replacing high-fructose corn syrup with

cane sugar, which they say has a better taste.

• Cane sugar is sucrose that has been extracted from sugarcane, a type

of grass whose tall, fibrous stalks are rich in sugar

• It is available in a variety of forms, from minimally processed raw sugar

to dark and light brown sugar and refined white sugar, the most highly

processed• Organic cane sugar is from cane

grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers and is minimally

processed, making it the safer – but more expensive – choice

Source: NPR Kitchen Window, Wise Geek, MCT Photo Service

Graphic: Pat Carr© 2012 MCT

A better sweetener?

Healthy Living

PILL MIXUPExcedrin, Gas-X, and NoDoz prod-ucts have been recalled because they may be mixed with one an-other, contain broken tablets, or contain prescription painkillers.Drugmaker Novartis is voluntarily recalling 1,645 lots of the four prod-ucts. All four of the recalled prod-ucts -- as well as nine prescription opiate painkillers including Perco-cet and morphine -- were made at the same plant in Lincoln, Neb.At a news teleconference, Edward Cox, MD, director of the FDA's of-fice of antiviral products, said there was a slight but real risk that pre-scription drugs could end up in the

over-the-counter products."There is a potential risk that it could happen," Cox said. "That is the reason for the consumer-level recall, because there is the poten-tial for a product mix-up there."Packages of each of the brands may contain tablets, caplets, or capsules of other products. Some of the pills may be broken or chipped.All Bufferin products with expira-tion dates of Dec. 20, 2013, or earli-er have been recalled. Brand names include Bufferin Extra Strength Tab-lets, Bufferin Low Dose Tablets, and Bufferin Regular Strength Tablets.All Gas-X Prevention products with expiration dates of Dec. 20, 2013, or earlier have been recalled.The recalled products were distrib-uted throughout the United States, but not internationally.Novartis has suspended operations at its Lincoln plant "to accelerate maintenance and other improve-ment activities at the site.""Mixing of different products in the same bottle could result in con-sumers taking the incorrect prod-uct and receiving a higher or lower strength than intended or receiv-ing an unintended ingredient," No-vartis warns. "This could potentially result in overdose, interaction with other medications a consumer may be taking, or an allergic reaction if the consumer is allergic to the un-intended ingredient."


When makers of acetaminophen for infants said back in May that they were reducing the strength of the medicine so it would be less likely that babies would be acci-dentally given too much, it all made sense. Some infant acetaminophen had as much as 80 milligrams of acetaminophen in a milliliter, while products for older children had less than half that. Children were end-ing up in the emergency room with life-threatening overdoses, prob-ably because parents were using the high-strength medication with the dosage directions for the lower-strength versions. Some children died of liver failure.





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Drink more rather than less and your health may suffer. Especially for women. A study observed the health impacts of drinking excessive sugar-sweetened drinks: soda, flavored water, and non-alco-holic beer.Christina Shay is at the Uni-versity of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. “There have been lots of studies, including this one, that have shown that higher consumption of sugar-

sweetened beverages can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors.” Women who had two or more sugary beverages a day had a four times greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. That’s compared to women who had just one sugary drink a day.The study presented at the American Heart Associations’ Scientific Sessions 2011 was supported by the National Institutes of Health

Page 8: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 8דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב


The American Lung Associa-tion today applauds the Obama Administration for adopting pub-lic health safeguards to reduce mercury and toxic air pollution from power plants. The new Mercury and Air Toxics Stan-dards for Power Plants are long overdue and will reduce the harm from air pollution like mer-cury, lead, arsenic and a host of other pollutants.

“Since toxic air pollution from power plants can make people sick and cut lives short, the new Mercury and Air Toxics Stan-dards are a huge victory for pub-lic health,” said Albert A. Rizzo, MD, National Volunteer Chair of the American Lung Association, and pulmonary and critical care physician in Newark, Delaware. “The Lung Association expects all oil and coal-fired power plants

to act now to protect all Ameri-cans, especially our children, from the health risks imposed by these dangerous air pollutants.”The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards will reduce toxic emissions from coal- and oil-fired power plants that are found in more than 40 U.S. states and are the largest producers of mercury pollution. Air pollu-tion emitted by coal-fired power

plants contains 84 of the 187 hazardous pollutants identified for control by the Clean Air Act. Many of these pollutants, such as, dioxins, arsenic, and lead, can cause cancer and cardio-vascular disease; harm the kid-neys, lungs, and nervous sys-tem; and even kill. The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards will re-duce these pollutants and pre-vent 130,000 childhood asthma attacks and 11,000 premature deaths each year.The 1990 Clean Air Act Amend-ments required the tighter stan-dards on power plants in an ef-fort to reduce toxic emissions in communities across the coun-try. However, big polluters have fought for and won delays for more than 21 years.“Attempts to delay or dismantle the Clean Air Act, or rules like the Mercury and Air Toxics Stan-dards, reward industry polluters and punish those most vulner-able to dirty air,” said Dr. Rizzo. “These new standards mark a huge step forward in clean air protections and will be responsi-ble for saving thousands of lives each year.”


© 2011 MCT

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Page 9: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 9דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב


Dr. Esther BekritskyDr. Paul Bloom

Dr. Gerson Gluck


Dr. Arthur LandauDr. Debra GrohmanDr. Eric Goldman

Brian Blitz, PA


OB/GYN:Dr. Joel W. Allen

Dr. Debra KirschnerDr. Karina ZhuravlevaMelissa A. Carco, PA

DENTALDr. Genady Benyaminov

Dr. Leonard KundelDr. Stacey LubetskyDr. Jacklyn Tadros

Dr. Mark RaiderDr. Sarah Hanna

Jana Barkin, Hygienist

SPECIALTY:Dr. Harry Baldinger - PodiatryDr. Stuart Birnbaum - PodiatryDr. David Schwalb - Urology

Dr. Renata Witkowska - AllergyDr. Samuel Wong - Ophthalmol-

ogyDr. Alfred Hellreich - Dermatol-

ogyDr. Philip Fried - Dermatology

Dr. Yoel Kantor - EndocrinologyHanna Raice - Nutrition Counsel-

DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRIC MEDICINEDr. Esther BekritskyDr. Paul BloomDr. Gerson Gluck

ADULT MEDICINEDr. James IsraelDr. Arthur LandauDr. Debra GrohmanDr. Delatre LoloDr. Jamie GiraldoBrian Blitz, PAElana Klein, PAErick Araujo, PA


OB/GYNDr. Joel W. AllenDr. Debra KirschnerMelissa A. Carco, PANancy Solomon, Midwife

DENTALDr. Genady BenyaminovDr. Stacey LubetskyDr. Ramin KashaniDr. Jacklyn TadrosDr. Mark RaiderDr. Sarah HannaDr. David Horowitz

SPECIALTYDr. Harry Baldinger - PodiatryDr. Stuart Birnbaum - PodiatryDr. David Schwalb - UrologyDr. Renata Witkowska - AllergyDr. Samuel Wong - OphthalmologyDr. Carlos Delrosa-OphthalmologyDr. Alfred Hellreich - DermatologyDr. Philip Fried - DermatologyDr. Yoel Kantor - EndocrinologyHanna Raice - Nutrition CounselingAaron Muller, Speech TherapyMelech Karp, Speech Therapy



Family Medical Center40 Robert Pitt Dr.

Monsey, NY 10952

(845) 352-6800

Department of Pediatrics Department of Adult MedicinePERTUSSISSIDS ask the doctor

Department of Internal Medicine


ם לי חו רופא

SIDS is the sudden, unexplained death of an infant younger than one year old. It is the leading cause of death in children between one month and one year of age. Most SIDS deaths happen when babies are between 2 months and 4 months of age. The cause of SIDS is currently unknown; what we do know is ways we can reduce the risk,” said Dr. Joan Facelle, Rockland County Commissioner of Health. Here are ten ways that you and those who care for your baby can reduce the risk of SIDS:1. Always place your baby on his or her back to sleep, for naps and at night. The back sleep position is the safest, and every sleep time counts.2. Place your baby on a firm sleep surface, such as on a safety-approved crib mattress, covered by a fit-ted sheet. Never place your baby to sleep on pillows, quilts, sheepskins, or other soft surfaces.3. Keep soft objects, toys, and loose bedding out of your baby's sleep area. Don't use pillows, blankets, quilts, sheepskins, and pillow-like crib bumpers in your baby's sleep area, and keep any other items away from your baby's face.4. Do not allow smoking around your baby. 5. Keep your baby's sleep area close to, but separate from, where you and others sleep. Your baby should not sleep in a bed or on a couch or armchair with adults or other children, but he or she can sleep in the same room as you. If you bring the baby into bed with you to nurse, put him or her back in a separate sleep area, such as a bassinet, crib, cradle, or a bed-side co-sleeper (infant bed that attaches to an adult bed) when finished.6. Think about using a clean, dry pacifier when plac-ing the infant down to sleep, but don't force the baby to take it. 7. Do not let your baby overheat during sleep. Dress your baby in light sleep clothing, and keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for an adult.8. Avoid products that claim to reduce the risk of SIDS because most have not been tested for effec-tiveness or safety.9. Do not use home monitors to reduce the risk of SIDS. If you have questions about using monitors for other conditions talk to your health care provider.10. Reduce the chance that flat spots will develop on your baby's head: provide "Tummy Time" when your baby is awake and someone is watching; change the direction that your baby lies in the crib from one week to the next; and avoid too much time in car seats, carriers, and bouncers.

call 845-352-6800 to reach the DEPARTMENT OF Pediatrics Dr. Esther Bekritsky, Dr. Paul Bloom, Dr. Gerson Gluck

10 ways to reduce the risk

Two Lakewood infants are in critical condition after contracting Pertussis, Pertussis, also known as Whooping Cough, is caused by a bacterium that lives in the mouth, nose and throat. Symptoms start with a runny nose, mild fever and cough – similar to a cold – but within weeks becomes more severe and progresses to severe spasms of coughing that can interfere with eating, drinking and breathing.The bacteria is spread by direct contact with respiratory droplets, such as through coughing and sneezing, from an infected person or by touching the fluids and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth.Dr. Paul Bloom, a pediatrician at Monsey Family Medical Center Dr. says this very contagious illness is very sever, and he occasion-ally sees patients that not properly immunized with this disease. Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial disease that causes un-controllable, violent coughing. The coughing can make it hard to breathe. A deep "whooping" sound is often heard when the pa-tient tries to take a breath.Pertussis, or whooping cough, is an upper respiratory infection caused by the Bordetella pertussis or Bordetella parapertussis bacteria. It is a serious disease that can cause permanent disabil-ity in infants, and even death.When an infected person sneezes or coughs, tiny droplets con-taining the bacteria move through the air, and the disease is eas-ily spread from person to person.The infection usually lasts 6 weeks.Whooping cough can affect people of any age. Before vaccines were widely available, the disease was most common in infants and young children. Now that most children are immunized before entering school, the higher percentage of cases is seen among adolescents and adults.Initial symptoms, similar to the common cold, usually develop about a week after exposure to the bacteria.Severe episodes of coughing start about 10 to 12 days later. In chil-dren, the coughing often ends with a "whoop" noise. The sound is produced when the patient tries to take a breath. The whoop noise is rare in patients under 6 months of age and in adults.DTaP vaccination, one of the recommended childhood immuni-zations, protects children against pertussis infection. DTaP vac-cine can be safely given to infants. Five DTaP vaccines are recom-mended. They are usually given to children at ages 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15-18 months, and 4-6 years.The Tdap vaccine should be given around age 11 or 12, and every 10 years thereafter.During a pertussis outbreak, unimmunized children under age 7 should not attend school or public gatherings, and should be isolated from anyone known or suspected to be infected. This should last until 14 days after the last reported case.Many health care organizations strongly recommend that adults up to the age of 65 years receive the adult form of the vaccine against pertussis.

FAMILY HEALTH TALKSponsored By Monsey Medical & Dental Center40 Robert Pitt Drive, Monsey, NY 845-352-6800

Page 10: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 10דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

BUS SHELTERSPark & Ride - Rt 59 Pathmark Route 306 & Maple Ave - Bus shelter - MonseyMaple Ave & Phyllis Terr. - Bus shelter - MonseyRoute 306 & Grove St. - Bus Shelter - MonseyOutside RCDC - 22 Main St – Monsey

TAKEOUTSChai Pizza - Rt 59 - MonseyPurple Pear - Rt 59 - MonseyMonsey Barbeque - Rt 59 - MonseyJerusalem Pizza - Rt 59 - MonseyPita Land - Rt 59 & College Rd - MonseyOh Nuts - Rt 59 - MonseyKosher Castle - Rt 59 - MonseyZishes Bakery - Main St - MonseyMonsey Takeout - Main St - MonseyMechels Takeout - Rt 59 - MonseyRuggalach - Rt 59 - MonseySushi Mitzuyan - Saddle Riv Rd. - AirmontDuncan Doughnuts - Rt 59 - Tallman

GROCERIESAllFresh Grocery - Rt 59 - MonseyMonsey Glatt - Rt 59 - MonseyShoppers Haven-Entrance & Exit - MonseyWesley Kosher - Rt 306 - Wesley HillsShopRite/Walmart - Rt 59 - TallmanStop and Shop-New CityMonsey Kosher Plaza

OTHER MONSEY....Shimon's Barber Shop - Rt 59 MonseyWIC Office - Robert Pitt Dr - MonseyZ-Line Car Wash - MonseyShoe Tova - Atrium Plaza - MonseyMazel Cleaners - Rt 59 - MonseyTuvias - Rt 59 - MonseyMonsey Family Health CenterFront Entrance - 40 Robert Pitt Dr. - MonseyShell Gas Station - Rt 59 - MonseyGetty Gas Station - Rt 59 & Remsen - MonseyAmazing Savings-

SPRING VALLEY:Finkelstein Library - Spring ValleyHolocaust Center - Spring Valley7-11 Kennedy Drive - Spring ValleyEli's Bagels / Pizza - Maple Ave - Spring ValleyCarvel - Eckerson Road & Rt 45 - Spring ValleyShellys Pizza - Maple Ave - Spring Valley

WESLEY HILLS:Bubbas Bagels / Rite Aid - Wesley HillsWesley Kosher - Rt 306 - Wesley HillsShellys Too - Rt 306 - Wesley HillsMobil Gas Station - Rt 306 - Wesley HillsEye Candy - Rt 306 - Wesley HillsContinental Barber Shop - Rt 306 - Wesley HillsThe Grapevine - Rt 306 - Wesley Hills

SUFFERN:ShopRite/Walmart - Rt 59 - TallmanSuffern LibraryTown of Ramapo - Rt 59 - SuffernGood Samaritan Hospital (Chesed Room)Good Samaritan Hospital - Lobby

NEW CITY:County Clerk/Court HouseLegislature Building , Chick PeaceChalla Fairy Bakery, ShopRite & Stop and Shop

Pick up a FREE copy of the ADVOCATEeach week at the follow-ing locations:

40 Robert Pitt Dr. Monsey, NY 10952

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Page 11: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 11דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב





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Page 12: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 12דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

Depression can strike anyone, but people with diabetes, a seri-ous disorder that afflicts an esti-mated 16 million Americans, may be at greater risk. In addition, in-dividuals with depression may be at greater risk for developing dia-betes. Treatment for depression helps people manage symptoms of both diseases, thus improving the quality of their lives.

Several studies suggest that dia-betes doubles the risk of depres-sion compared to those without the disorder. The chances of be-coming depressed increase as diabetes complications worsen. Research shows that depres-sion leads to poorer physical and mental functioning, so a person is less likely to follow a required diet or medication plan. Treating depression with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of these treatments can improve a patient's well-being and ability to manage diabetes.

Causes underlying the associa-tion between depression and dia-betes are unclear. Depression may develop because of stress but also may result from the met-abolic effects of diabetes on the brain. Studies suggest that peo-ple with diabetes who have a his-tory of depression are more likely to develop diabetic complications than those without depression. People who suffer from both di-abetes and depression tend to have higher health care costs in primary care.

Depression is a serious medical condition that affects thoughts, feelings, and the ability to func-tion in everyday life. Depression can occur at any age. One study estimates that 6 percent of 9- to 17-year-olds in the U.S. and al-most 10 percent of American adults, or about 19 million peo-ple age 18 and older, experience some form of depression every year. Although available thera-pies alleviate symptoms in over 80 percent of those treated, less than half of people with depres-

sion get the help they need.

Depression results from abnor-mal functioning of the brain. The causes of depression are current-ly a matter of intense research. An interaction between genetic predisposition and life history ap-pear to determine a person's lev-el of risk. Episodes of depression may then be triggered by stress, difficult life events, side effects of medications, or other envi-ronmental factors. Whatever its origins, depression can limit the energy needed to keep focused on treatment for other disorders, such as diabetes.

Diabetes is a disorder that im-pairs the way the body uses di-gested food for growth and en-ergy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose, a form of sugar that provides the main source of fuel for the body. Af-ter digestion, glucose passes into the bloodstream. Insulin, a hor-mone produced by the pancreas, helps glucose get into cells and converts glucose to energy. With-out insulin, glucose builds up in the blood, and the body loses its main source of fuel.

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pan-creas. This form of diabetes usu-ally strikes children and young adults, who require daily or more frequent insulin injections or us-ing an insulin pump for the rest of their lives. Insulin treatment, however, is not a cure, nor can it reliably prevent the long-term complications of the disease. Al-though scientists do not know what causes the immune system to attack the cells, they believe that both genetic factors and en-vironmental factors are involved.

Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for about 90 percent of diabe-tes cases in the United States, is most common in adults over age 40. Affecting about 6 percent of the U.S. population, this form of diabetes is strongly linked with obesity (more than 80 percent

of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight), inactivity, and a family history of diabetes. With the aging of Americans and the alarming increase in obesity in all ages and ethnic groups, the inci-dence of type 2 diabetes has also been rising nationwide.

Symptoms include fatigue, nau-sea, frequent urination or infec-tions, unusual thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, and slow healing of wounds or sores. Some people have no symptoms at all.

People with diabetes try to keep blood glucose (also called blood sugar) from rising too high or falling too low. When blood glu-cose levels drop too low from some medicines—a condition called hypoglycemia—a person can become nervous, shaky, and confused. Judgment can be im-paired, and if the level is low enough, a person can faint. High levels of blood glucose, called hyperglycemia, cause tissue damage and lead to debilitating complications. Associated with acute long-term complications, the disease can lead to blindness, heart and blood vessel disease, strokes, kidney failure, amputa-tions, and nerve damage.

While there are many different treatments for depression, they must be carefully chosen by a trained professional based on the circumstances of the person and family.

In people who have diabetes and depression, scientists report that psychotherapy and antidepres-sant medications have positive effects on both mood and glyce-mic control.

Remember, depression is a treat-able disorder of the brain. De-pression can be treated in addi-tion to whatever other illnesses a person might have, including diabetes. If you think you may be depressed or know someone who is, don't lose hope. Seek help for depression.


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ם לי חו רופא

Page 13: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 13דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) is-sued the following statement after the December jobs re-port showed better than expected job creation, with the overall amount of

jobs created at 200,000. The unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, the lowest it has been in three years.Rep. Engel also called for passage of jobs legislation to boost the economy and get more Americans back to work. The latest report, combined with the revised September report showing over 200,000 jobs created, followed by two months which combined for another 200,000, means more than 600,000 new jobs created in the last four months. In all, the American econo-my has added over 1.6 million jobs in 2011, the most in five years.Rep. Engel said, “The recent trend towards job growth stands in stark contrast to the near-depression num-bers of the Bush Administration. The economy seems poised to continue moving in the right direction, and it would extremely helpful if Congress could give it a hand with a jobs bill. We need to use the recent job growth as a springboard to a stronger econ-omy. The House Republican Majority refuses to work with Democrats, or the President, on legislation to help create jobs. Instead it is fixated on an

ideological agenda not on helping middle and lower income families. “Too many Americans are out of work, but at least the trend is moving in the right direction. Hopefully, we can continue this momentum into 2012. It could have been even better if not for such unavoidable obstacles such as the Japan earthquake and European financial cri-sis, and avoidable ones such as the debt ceil-ing debacle and credit downgrade. The fact that we are here at the end of the year talking about real gains in job growth is satisfying. “There is still much to be done, and it would be very helpful if Congressional Republicans would work with Democrats and the White House to boost job creation through a bipar-tisan jobs bill. Unfortunately, they show little indication they care to do so.”

Sullivan County residents are offering a reward for the Sefer Torah that was stolen almost two weeks ago.The Landfield Avenue Synagogue is offering a $6,000 reward for the safe return of their Torah.The Sefer Torah was stolen on De-cember 31st after someone broke in through a window. Police said the bur-glar or burglars also went into offices in

the synagogue, but not much else was taken.Members of the Monticello Synagogue were outraged over the theft of the scroll. Last week, those members of the Synagogue rallied to show support and share their outrage.Anyone with information about this inci-dent is asked to call Monticello police at (845) 794-4422



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40 km

40 miles


© 2012 MCTSource: U.S. Bureau of Land Management, ESRI, TeleAtlasGraphic: Los Angeles Times

Areas subject to ban

The Obama administration announced a 20-year ban on new mining claims in designated areas near Grand Canyon.



Colorado River

St. George

Grand Canyon National Park

Monticello: Reward Offered For Return Of Stolen Sefer Torah

White House provided chart showing private payroll job loss and growth

over the last four years.

New research suggests that low levels of vitamin D and depression may go hand in hand.The new study included about 12,600 peo-ple aged 20 to 90. Researchers measured the vitamin D in their blood and assessed symptoms of depression.People with the lowest levels of vitamin D were more likely to report symptoms of de-pression, compared to people with higher blood levels of vitamin D. This relationship was strongest among people with a history of depression.In recent years, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a host of conditions, includ-ing osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and autoimmune diseas-es such as multiple sclerosis.The Institute of Medicine recently raised its recommendations for vitamin D. The insti-tute recommends that people aged 1 to 70 take 600 international units (IUs) of vitamin D per day, and people older than 71 should aim for 800 IUs.Exactly how vitamin D and depression may be linked is unclear. Vitamin D deficiency may result in depression, or depression may increase risk for low vitamin D levels.For example, depressed people may spend more time indoors, and are less likely to eat a healthy diet and take care of themselves, all of which could affect vi-tamin D levels. On the other hand, there are vitamin D receptors everywhere in the

body, including the brain. These receptors need vitamin D to do their job.The new findings “add depression to the spectrum of medical illnesses associ-ated with low vitamin D, and people with depression probably should consider a blood test to see if their vitamin D is low and whether supplements may be need-ed,” says researcher E. Sherwood Brown, MD, PhD, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.Other studies on the link between low vita-min D and depression have yielded mixed results, but most have pointed toward a connection. The new study is among the largest to date, and shows that the two may indeed be linked.

Some foods like fish and fortified dairy products are rich in vitamin D. These D-rich foods are few and far between, which is why many people recommend supple-ments of vitamin D.

Whether low vitamin D is causing depres-sion or if loading up on vitamin D can help a person feel better is not known, he says: “I would check patients who are show-ing signs of depression and if they are deficient in vitamin D, it makes sense to supplement.”

Sweet peasTasty, versatile and good for you, fresh English or garden peas are generally available spring through fall.

• Green peas are a good source of vitamin K, important for healthy bones• They also provide dietary fiber, iron, B vitamins, vitamin C and protein, all needed for strong, energetic bodies

• Fresh-from-the-farm garden peas are delicious raw, tossed in a salad• Mint served with boiled peas gives them a fresh, spring-like taste

• Garden peas are also good in risottos and pasta dishes or when pureed or made into soups

Source: World’s Healthiest Foods, MCT Photo Service Graphic: Pat Carr © 2010 MCT

A pod full of nutrients

A passel of uses

Healthy Living

Page 14: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 14דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

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סטס טי דענ ן ע י ו פר ן ו א ער מענ

Legislation Bars Companies that Invest in Iran’s Energy Industry from Doing Business with New York State

Earth is 70 percent water, yet one out of every 8 people does not have access to clean water for drinking.

© 2010 MCT

Source: World Health Organization

Graphic: Anna Eisenberg

Quenching the world’s thirstHealth Matters

By 2015,the WorldHealthOrganizationand UNICEFplan to reduceby half the current number of people without accessto clean drinking water

*Access daily for each person to at least 20 liters (5 gal.) of water safe for drinking and for sanitation uses from an improved source and within .6 mi. (1 k) of a person’s home

Future plans










Households with access to an improved water supply* (2000 or later)

41 to 80 percentLess than 40 percent

No data for areas not shaded

More than 80 percent

6.8 billion

Worldwide population

People without adequate sanitation

2.6 billion

ALBANY – Senator Da-vid Carlucci (D-Rock-land/Orange) today voted to hold the Ira-nian regime account-able by voting to pass the Iran Divestment Act

of 2012 out of the New York State Senate. The bill (S.5917A), which was co-sponsored by Senator Carlucci, will bar entities that invest in Iran’s energy indus-try from receiving state contracts here in New York. The Office of General Services (OGS) would be required to develop a list of entities that in-vest in the Iranian en-

ergy sector, including people, corporations and other organizations with investments of more than $20 million in the Iranian energy sector. Those on the

list would be excluded from bidding on gov-ernment con-tracts. The bill would also require lo-cal government c o n t r a c t o r s to certify that they are not in-vesting in the Iranian energy sector in order

to receive local gov-ernment contracts.

Senator Carlucci told the Advocate that this legislation will allow New Yorkers to speak with their wallets and say that we will not tolerate the extremist actions by the Iranian regime. “Through the power of the purse, we can starve this hostile regime which abuses its own citizens and threat-ens the United States and its allies in the Mid-dle East.”

Back in 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law the federal Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountabil-ity, and Divestment Act of 2010, which allows state and local govern-ments to divest assets and prohibit the invest-ment of state or local assets in certain compa-nies that either invests or provide credit to the Iranian energy sector. The bill also requires in-dividuals or entities to certify they are not on the list when they sub-mit bids to state and lo-cal agencies. Individuals or companies on the list that are the sole source of certain commodities or services can renew or enter into contracts on a case-by-case basis. The divestment would apply to companies engaged in oil or natu-ral gas development in Iran, as well any com-pany found to be direct-ly involved in nuclear power.



Page 15: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 15דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

Pomona, NY - The Rockland County Department of Health announces that January is Ra-don Action Month, a time to learn about radon and its risks, and get your home tested. Radon is a naturally occurring, colorless, odorless, radioac-tive gas that can build up in your home, get into the air you breathe and can cause cancer in you and your loved ones. Radon usually comes from the surrounding rocks and soil under your home’s foundation and can enter through cracks and openings on the lowest level of your home.“Radon exposure is estimat-ed to cause over 20,000 lung cancer deaths in the U.S each year. It is the second cause of lung cancer in the United States, and the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. The good news is that this can be reduced by

easy, inexpensive home test-ing and repair,” said Dr. Joan Facelle, Rockland County Commissioner of Health. “People don’t know if there is radon in their home because you cannot see, smell or taste it. Everyone should know their risk and have their home test-ed. Testing for radon is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk. It is especial-ly important if you live in a high-risk area or if you are planning to build or buy a home,” said Christine Wagner, Healthy Neighborhood Program Coor-dinator. The Healthy Neighborhood Program, part of the Rockland County Department of Health, provides free radon testing at your home for low to moderate-income families and seniors. Although there is no cost for testing, a brief home safety survey is required. Testing is

as simple as leaving the kit in a specified area for a set num-ber of days. The number of test kits available is in limited supply. Results are generally available in one to two weeks. If your home does have elevat-ed levels of radon, a qualified radon mitigation contractor can make repairs to solve the prob-lem and protect your family. To schedule a free radon test, while supplies last, contact Christine Wagner at (845) 364-3292 or Shari Stopler at (845) 364-3290. Residents can also get radon test kits from the New York State Department of Health, for a fee of $8.50. To learn more about radon and radon testing, call (800) 458-1158 or visit To see if you live in a high-risk area, visit



CALL Aaron 845.770.1950 or e-mail:

[email protected]


Reactor at Indian Point shut down

Rugelach Recall in Monsey

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. -- A reactor at the Indian Point power plant in Westchester County has been shut down so a pump that was leaking slightly radioactive water could be re-paired.The owner of the plant, Entergy Nuclear and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said the wa-

ter was contained within the pump and that it doesn't pose a threat to anyone.Entergy officials said the pump's leak was in-creasing earlier this week and reached a point where repairs were needed.No word yet on how long the reactor will be down for.

Bloch’s Best Inc doing business as Laromme of Monsey, NY is recalling Laromme brand Vanilla Rugelach in 14 oz. round containers because it may contain undeclared eggs. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity eggs run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.Laromme brand Vanilla Rugelach was distrib-uted in retail stores throughout Massachusetts, Maryland, and New Jersey.The product comes in a 14 oz. round clear plas-tic container with UPC 87062500954-8. A total of 10 cases, with 18 containers each, were dis-tributed between November 2, 2011 and De-cember 22, 2011.To date, one report of illness

has been reported.The recall was initiated after it was discovered that product containing egg was distributed in packaging that did not reveal the presence of egg. Subsequent investigation indicates the problem was caused by a change in the label design used by the supplier.

The product label has been corrected to prop-erly identify all ingredients, including any al-lergens, for future production of this product. Stores which received the product have been instructed to remove it from their shelves.


Looking southThe snowy owl has been spotted out of its typical migration range, apparently searching for food.

• Get whiter as they get older; females remain darker; distinct golden eyes• Excellent hearing; eyesight aids in hunting• Diural, stays active and huntsboth day and night

Cool owl




Carnivore4.2-4.8 ft.(1.3-1.5 m)3.5-6.5 lb.(1.6-3 kg)20-28 in.(52-71 cm)

Owls spotted farther south




Source: National Geographic, Cornell University Graphic: Melina Yingling © 2012 MCT

Summer breeding rangeWinter nonbreeding range

Size compared to 6 ft. (1.8 m) man

Page 16: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 16דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב


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Page 17: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 17דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

As with any other industry, manufac-turers try to fool the public and find ways to charge more for their prod-uct, even though it may be inferior to a competitors. The bottom line is "profit margin". So it's no different in the mattress industry. We will dis-cuss a few gimmicks which are used by different manufacturers without mentioning any names. Anyone familiar with the products out there, will know exactly who we are talking about. One of the most expensive mat-tresses out there is selling for over $2000.00 for a twin size set. Is this mattress gold plated? What can cost so much? They say it contains thou-sands of springs. Are these the size you find in ball point pens? Even then, how do they substantiate the price? The truth is, you're paying for their fancy exclusive showrooms and expensive advertising. You can buy a similar off brand name mat-tress for more than half the price. Its sad to see that these price goug-ers are succeeding in ripping off the consumers. Psychologically, people rationalize that if the price is high, it must be good.Another mattress is made of mem-ory foam. True, the foam costs more than standard foam, but its still foam! Why the thousand dol-lar and up prices? And to boot, the mattress is not attractive and looks cheap. Again, you can buy a better looking and more durable mattress for a fraction of the cost from an off brand company. Why pay for their advertising costs? Manufacturers cash in on gimmicks. Names of mattresses can impress consumers too. How many compa-nies have used the term "pedic" or even claim that their mattresses are orthopedic approved? What does orthopedic mean? Does it mean that if you sleep on this mattress you wont wake up with a back ache even though you've had chronic back is-sues for years? As far as we know,

medical doctors are not on staff at manufacturers plants to test the mattresses and approve them. Like we said before, all manufactur-ers buy their raw materials from the same places, so why the big price difference between the national brands and the off brands?"Hand made" some companies claim. Why? Because they're too cheap to buy automated equipment. Must the consumer pay the differ-ence for unwarranted higher labor costs? By the way, the process in which a mattress is put together is mostly done by manual labor and not machines. The only machines used are quilters, and sewing ma-chines. Most spring units are made with automated machines. Why do showrooms have so many different styles to choose from? To confuse you! Why do they adver-tise styles at such low prices? Be-cause its usually a bait and switch game. They get you into the store by offering a name brand mattress at a low price, and when you see what they're offering, its a poor qual-ity mattress, so they switch you to another higher priced style. It will be either another name brand or a cheaper off brand style.Our advice; Shop at a trusted per-sonable retailer who really cares about his customer, and not the profit he is going to make. Shop where they're not trying to confuse you or take advantage.More insights on mattresses in com-ing issues...Ron & Lynn Goldblatt are the own-ers of RG Bedding & Accessories in Monsey. Serving the greater Rock-land & Bergen counties for the past 25 years. RG Bedding prides itself on honesty & education, as well as quality and value. A smart consum-er will appreciate that. Ron was a mattress plant engineer for many years and is highly knowledgeable in mattress quality and production.

Mattress Matters 


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Tuesday, January 31st 8:30pm – 9:45pm

Fair Expectations: Shifting Standards as Children Mature

Interactive instructional session presented by Eliezer Vilinsky,

followed by open questions and discussion


Denmark takes over presidencyEach January and July, a new EU presidency begins.

Presidency schedule

© 2012 MCTSource: European Council, Graphic: Melina Yingling

• Deal with economic crisis and rising unemployment; restore growth and ensure a sustainable economy• Help draft a new fiscal responsibility pact; shape economic decisions that benefit citizens and businesses• Promote equal opportunities for everybody while combating poverty• Encourage growth in the EU, with emphasis on green jobs and measures to boost eco-friendly technology




Priorities of Danish presidency


NOTE: Presidency is triple-shared for periods of 1.5 years with one of three countries assuming “leading role” during each half-year








Page 18: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 18דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

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Page 19: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 19דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב

• 1. Clean your concrete or masonry drive-way on a regular basis. How often really depends on how much use the driveway gets and how much road traffic and other pollutants you have in your area. A pressure washer is the best tool for the job. You can hire a professional pressure washing com-pany to do the job and if your driveway has a lot of stains or other discoloration, this may be the best option since they’ll have special prod-ucts for stain removal.

• 2. Have sealer reapplied. Again, how often is depen-dent on how much use or wear and tear your drive-way gets but every three to five years is a good rule of thumb. Never hire crews that go door to door offering to seal your driveway. This is a common scam used to con you out of some of your hard earned cash.

• 3. Remove spills and stains right away. Clean up spills as soon as they occur. You can soak up excess oil with almost anything you have on hand that is absorbent includ-ing kitty litter, sawdust or cornmeal. Clean stains with soap and water or a commercial product intended specifically for concrete and masonry driveways.

• 4. Avoid deicing products. The use of chemical deicing products on a cement or masonry driveway can literally eat away your driveway. They can also damage grass and other vegetation. Use sand on icy spots to avoid slipping and simply sweep it up in the spring.

• 5. Don’t use your driveway to change your oil. If you’re like a lot of people you may do at least some maintenance on your own

vehicle but whenever you change the oil there’s a high risk that it may spill onto the driveway. If you have no other option, use a large drip pan available at an automotive store. They’re intended for just that pur-pose.

• 6. Don’t use sharp objects on the driveway. If you live in an area where snow and ice are

a fact of life, you’ll need to shovel your driveway. Avoid snow shovels with metal blades that might scratch or chip the surface. Also don’t use a metal ice chipper to remove ice.

•7. Keep weeds and tree roots from encroach-ing on your driveway. Plants can work their way into hairline cracks and make the cracks larger and tree roots can cause concrete and masonry to heave, completely ruining your

•8. Repair cracks when you first notice them. Cracks in concrete and masonry occur natu-rally due to shifting and

settlement of the ground beneath. Freezing and thawing of ice and snow can widen the cracks as can weeds and grass that take hold. Repair cracks while they are still small to help prevent further damage.

• 9. Resurface your driveway if the damage is serious. If your concrete driveway is suffer-ing from too many cracks or obvious patch jobs it may be time to have it resurfaced. This is essentially adding an entire new top layer to your driveway so it looks like new.

• 10. A brick or stone paver driveway may need professional repair. If your drive-way is constructed of brick or stone pavers and it has sunken or broken areas, the dam-age will need to be removed and the base rebuilt. It will take a professional masonry contractor to make a perfectly matched and seamless repair.

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How to Care for a Fireplace

and Keep it SafeIn order to enjoy a fireplace for a long time, proper maintenance and care has to be performed regu-larly. Uncared for fireplaces can be very hazard-ous and can ignite quickly and potentially destroy a home. This article will explain some precautions and cares that can be taken to make sure that you have a "healthy" fireplace.

One step that can be taken to make your fireplace and chimney safer is a chimney cover. This will keep most debris and things like leaves and pieces of trees out of your chimney. Things like this can ig-nite very easily and cause many problems, includ-ing a chimney fire. A cover can also keep pesky animals out also.

Another tip is to keep a consistent draft in your chimney and fireplace. The easier the air and smoke flows, the better. The best way of keeping a good draft of air is to keep a window open in your house while using your fireplace. The air from the window will quickly be taken up the chimney and keep up a good flow of air to carry the smoke out-side.

The most obvious way to keep your fireplace and chimney in top shape is to hire a professional chim-ney sweeper. Don't try doing it yourself! This will only make your life more difficult and being up on a roof is very dangerous. Leave this job to those who are trained to do it. Typically, one should have their chimney cleaned at least one time per year, if the fireplace is used regularly. Having the chimney cleaned will help the fireplace to work more effec-tively and will also prevent chimney fires. Chimney fires are very dangerous and spread throughout a home without warning.

Burning the right type of wood in your fireplace is also very important. Dry wood burns best, and is also best for your fireplace and chimney. Wet wood is what causes a lot of buildup in the chimney and also produces more smoke, which could be harm-ful. Take the time to get dry wood to burn.

Follow these instructions and your fireplace will be much safer and effective. A fireplace is something that is to be enjoyed and not worried about so take the little bit amount of time it takes and care for it.

Page 20: Advocate News January 12, 2012

THE ADVOCATE January 12, 2012 20דער אדוואקאט שמות תשע״ב