advocacy the institutional path of charity, john gonzalez

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  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Augustine of Hippo Some think to justify what

    they do. They give a little in

    charity of the lot they stole

    from the poor; or give apittance to the one, out of

    what they took from the

    many. One mouth eats the

    food of the many. Many are

    stripped so one can dress.God does not want charity to

    be like that. 425 AD

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Every Christian is called to practice this charity, in amanner corresponding to his vocation and accordingto the degree of influence he wields in the plis. This isthe institutional pathwe might also call it thepolitical path

    of charity, no less excellent and

    effective than the kind of charity which encounters theneighbor directly, outside the institutional mediationof the plis. When animated by charity, commitmentto the common good has greater worth than a merelysecular and political stand would have. Caritas in Veritate #6

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocating for Justice Parishes need to promote a

    revived sense of politicalresponsibility callingCatholics to be informed andactive citizens, participatingin the debate over the valuesand vision that guide ourcommunities and nation.Parishes as local institutions

    have special opportunities todevelop leaders, to promotecitizenship, and to provideforums for discussion andaction on public issues.

    - Communities of Salt and Light

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocating for Justice The voices of parishioners need to

    be heard on behalf of vulnerablechildren-born and unborn-onbehalf of those who sufferdiscrimination and injustice, on

    behalf of those without health careor housing, on behalf of our landand water, our communities andneighborhoods.

    Parishioners need to bring our values andvision into the debates about a changingworld and shifting national priorities.Parishes and parishioners are findingdiverse ways to be political without beingpartisan, joining legislative networks,community organizations, and other

    advocacy groups.

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Life and Dignity of the HumanPerson

    Call to Family, Community,and Participation

    Rights and Responsibilities

    Option for the Poor andVulnerable

    The Dignity of Work and theRights of Workers


    Care for Gods Creation

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    On single issue focus

    We can take on with passion specificissues that call on us and organize, incoalition with others, to address that

    issue. However, always remember topromote and defend all our Catholicsocial issues.

    The Gospel message cannot becompromised. It would be great andeasy for us to simply take thosepassages that fit within our comfortable

    lifestyle and ignore the ones thatchallenge us.

    If you believe what you like in thegospels, and reject what you dont like,it is not the gospel you believe, butyourself.

    St. Augustine: Sermons 20,2

    The Christian faith is an integral unity,and thus it is incoherent to isolate some

    particular element to the detriment ofthe whole of Catholic doctrine. Apolitical commitment to a single isolatedaspect of the Churchs social doctrinedoes not exhaust ones responsibilitytowards the common good. Nor can aCatholic think of delegating hisChristian responsibility to others; rather,

    the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives him thistask, so that the truth about man and theworld might be proclaimed and put intoaction. #4

    2002 Doctrinal note Participation ofCatholics in Political Life

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Civil DiscourseO Catholics should try to

    cooperate with all menand women of good will topromote whatever is true,whatever just, whateverholy, whatever lovable (cf.Phil. 4:8). They shouldhold discussions withthem, excel them inprudence and courtesy,and initiate research onsocial and public practices

    which should be improvedin line with the spirit of theGospel. (ApostolicamActuasitatem #14)

    O Ground Rules:

    O Make sure everyone has an opportunityto speak

    O Share your personal experience notsomeone elses.

    O Listen carefully and respectfully. Do notplay the role of know it all, convincer orcorrector. Dialogue is not a Debate.

    O Dont interrupt unless for clarificationor timekeeping

    O Accept that no group or viewpoint has amonopoly on the truth.


    Be more ready to give a favorableinterpretation to anothers statementthan to condemn it.

    O Be cautious about assigning motives toanother person.

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Being a Faithful Citizen

    VOTE (Make a Moral Decision)

    but dont stop there!

    Develop an ongoing relationship with your local,state and federal elected official:

    Visit, Write/email, Call (take copies of ourContacting Your Elected Official handout.

    Join Catholic Legislative Action Alerts:

    USCCB action center:

    and-action/take-action-now/capwiz/ NYSCC Catholic Action Network:

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    What Can Catholics Do?

    Organize Prayer or Faith Sharing Groups related toCatholic social teaching

    Develop or join a Parish advocacy/social justice

    Committee Organize a Parish Voters registration where you offer

    resources from the USCCB or NY State Catholic Conference(NYSCC)

    Promote upcoming advocacy events

    Take part in advocacy campaigns that are sponsored by theUSCCB

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocacy Event

    Catholic Social MinistryGathering Join this excellent opportunity

    for leaders in Catholic socialministry to ConnectLearnPrayAdvocate! Exciting

    plenary presentations,briefings, workshops, andstrategy sessions will addresscurrent topics essential to ourvarious ministries, and better

    prepare you and yourcolleagues for challengesahead.

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocacy Events Catholics at the Capitol

    Wednesday March 20, 2013 Join with the Cardinal

    Dolan and the Bishops ofNew York State for a day ofworkshops and advocacy

    on issues of graveimportance. Manyparticipants will meet withtheir legislators andeveryone will participate inMass with the Bishops.Lunch will be provided.

    2014 Advocacy Issues

    Support Pregnant Women and Oppose AbortionExpansion

    Preserve Catholic Schools

    Ensure Sufficient Funding for Programs for

    Vulnerable Populations

    Support Humane Treatment for Incarcerated


    Support Equitable Labor Standards for Farmworkers
  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocacy CampaignRespect Life Program

    The Respect Life Programbegins anew each year onRespect Life Sunday, the first

    Sunday in October. The programis highlighted in liturgies andmarked by special events. TheUSCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life

    Activities publishes a programpacket each year to callattention to numerous human lifeissues. These materials areespecially helpful for priests,parish groups and otherorganizations.

    Pocket folder contains Respect Life

    flyers (English and Spanish) and eight

    pamphlet-length articles (perfect for

    bulletins and vestibule pamphlet racks)

    covering major pro-life issues.
  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Poverty USA Campaign Learn: Listen to real stories

    about people living in poverty,learn the facts about povertyin the United States and

    understand the root causes. Act: Join our Action Networkand well send you updates onissues that impact peopleliving in poverty along withopportunities to advocate.

    Connect: network with othersand help build a nationalmovement to end poverty.

    Pray: resources to pray andreflect over these issues.

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocacy Campaign

    Justice for ImmigrantCampaign

    The primary objectives of the JFIcampaign are:

    To educate the public, especially theCatholic community, including

    Catholic public officials, aboutChurch teaching on migration andimmigrants;

    To create political will for positiveimmigration reform;

    To enact legislative and administrativereforms based on the principles

    articulated by the bishops; and To organize Catholic networks to

    assist qualified immigrants obtain thebenefits of the reforms.
  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocacy Campaign

    Catholic Mobilizing Network(CMN) Against the Death Penalty- proclaims the Churchsunconditional pro-life teachingand its application to capitalpunishment and restorative


    What We Do Educate the lay community through

    our programs and materials on theChurchs teachings on the deathpenalty.

    Facilitate respectful and informeddiscourse within the Catholiccommunity and the community at

    large. Encourage informed Catholic

    involvement in the public debate.

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocacy Campaign

    The Catholic Climate Covenant

    The Coalition has also focused itswork on providing a forum toexplore the issues and faithimplications of climate change

    through hosted hearings aroundthe country. It also works toconnect Catholics by staying intouch with state and diocesanleaders who are promotingclimate change activities andpartners with other national

    Catholic organizations to assistthem in connecting the issue ofclimate change within theirinstitutions. The Coalition also promotes participation andpartnerships between Catholic dioceses andCatholic organizations to develop programs atthe local level often by offering small grants.
  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocacy Campaign

    Catholics Confront GlobalPoverty We seek to educate and mobilize

    Catholics in the United States todefend the lives and dignity ofpeople living in povertythroughout the world, and urgeour nation to act in response tothe many faces of poverty.

    Advocate with us to confront theroot causes of povertyworldwidehunger, disease,conflict, and injustice


    disproportionately affect thelives of our impoverished

    brothers and sisters around theglobe.

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Advocacy Resources

    Your Catholic Charities PSMDeveloper on advocacy and specialprojects: John Gonzalez (516) 733-5827

    [email protected]

    Catholic Legislative Action Alerts:

    USCCB action center:

    NYSCC Catholic Action Network:

    Local Community Organizations LI Congregations, Associations and


    Micah/Island Harvest:

    LI Index:

    Legislative resources: Pop Vox:

    Gov Tracks: (communicatingwith Congress):


    DC and Hill media: The Hill:

    Politico: Roll Call:

    National Journal:

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez



    Vehicles of Communication: Letter writing

    Phone calls


    Social networking

    Rule #1: Contact only your lawmakers, let them know you aretheir constituent.

    Rule #2: Keep it short simple andsweet, Be polite (When textingAVOID ALL CAPS) Is it representative of the mail that

    is coming in? Is it something represented in the


    Is it a compelling message?

    Rule #3: Get personal; avoid formletters from advocacy groups

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


    Influencing your legislator

  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez


  • 8/12/2019 Advocacy the Institutional Path of Charity, John Gonzalez
